I must not be understanding something then.
I’m saying for lower population servers, the lurking crafters artificially inflate the reported player hours and would have an effect on the conclusions being drawn from the data. Get rid of the crafting stations and you can be more confident that the player hours reflect the people who are actually participating.
For higher population servers, these people would not skew the results very much as they would represent a much lower percentage of active players.
Hard to believe, but I’ve been on my own borderlands at times where the guys at the crafting stations outnumbered the active players. I play enough, that I can recognise the active players from the crafters.
Nothing sucks more than trying to rally a defense and realizing the player pool is a bunch of crafters.
I agree – removal of crafting stations would help. I dont see it much – but tbh I don’t even see the point of them being there.
But that said. you would also have to remove JP’s . map finishing, poking a reward giver that does not work— tab out and read forum for an answer on why no tournament skins. – and even gathering.
Its all something players might do there… And I would like it to be- removed. -
You just described war… Bribes, politics, spying, scheming, There’s no honor in war!
War is war, it’s not a football game!So WvW being war essentially, how is it being a mockery?
However I don’t believe groups/nations in war regularly “forfeit” a war ahead of time, like we see in WvW.
Sure nations do. quite often. Small nations have -and still look at an opposing force of several hundred thousand and back at a small outdated militia and say. "- please be merciful. We have no chance to do anything to stop you.. "
When you have countries with less population, then its opponent has in a city- That leaves those cases. – And servers as they are now; is just like that-
Highly agree that Outnumbered needs an overhaul.
OP_ has aprox. what is needed
I do like the notion from Jaytee about added bonus based on being general underdog situation. But Mostly it needs – actual player – equalization -. There far -far greater options being more players than most mere extra stats can give.
First off- home map should gain the greater benefit.. So that being outnumbered in the home map gets a higher boost.
It also needs to be scaled a bit. say you are outnumbered 1/3 or 1/5 or 1/10- various stages so that a few stands just a bit of a chance against the many.
Supply carry (3/5/10): Extra subs can’t be moved to other map.
Longer Righteous (1 min/3/5)
Boost to nearby Lords-Vets Health: Say 10%/30%/50% if an outnumbered player is near.
Actual Player stat increase: Say 3%/5%/10% more health to players.
Wall and gate health: Could be that while outnumbered the workers repairing actively does so while being attacked- and get a health boost.- just means its defend last a bit longer. (walls and gates are flimsy enough as is) (and btw in general should have more health)
Keep Lords noting the outnumbered factor. and rally extra NPC guards to defend.
Stages could be.
Stage 1: +1 “guardian” type Vet. giving passive buffs and hard to kill.
Stage 2: Guard vet +1 Stealth hunter; a Vet Ranger that can detect stealth in Keep inner side and marks that location on map and sends pet to attack it.
Stage 3: Guard +Stealth hunter +1 poison caster that can actually stand by the lord an hits enemy with aoe damage -
At highest outnumbered stage and if no supply camp is yours,- on HOME map: spawn a NPC Havoc team at home base that charges away and takes a camp and holds that for 10 minutes with Righteous. Sort of like the breakout Champ.- just automated and based on giving players a chance of gaining sups again.
(edited by Gearbox.2748)
One thing to remember is that the majority of players – play in the evening- But! Evenings means a lot of different things. Just take US V.s EU "main time— well US covers some 7? hours worth of timezones. – EU servers includes Siberia- that’s 12 hours worth of timezones..
Naturally you have most around Central European time, but there are a broader range.
So. you can actually browse around a bit for time frame/servers that fit you play style(large serg/small groups) and time frame. Players do have a tendency to migrate towards servers with similar times players.
Smaller servers will naturally always have smaller zergs. and lately – thankfully.- more commanders have started to understand the value of small roaming teams doing other objectives.
We Vabbians maintain small roamer teams. Sometimes we hook up with the main force. But there is always some small roamer groups going around.- Its all community based. those that keep coming in and join action away from main zergs. end up knowing each other. and does better taskforce teamwork.
Your old UW is actually also doing better now with that also- Seen some good little taskforce teams around.
Base problem is how the game provides personal gain- it might be tacticaly wise to have a squad defend a tower- but there is more personal gain from taking one-
+For the most casual – it is easier to just join a zerg rather then hone your skills in small teams.
On Big servers- there are so many players around that you can’t really find a spot to do small teams in-
NO- absolutely not. Megakittenup already kittened up my pve game. Please don’t kill my newly found wvw game.
The only reason I’m doing wvw is that it is – a community -. I know the other players I team up with- this is the ONLY thing left for my server. Everything has become a mass of random players. PVE is just a bunch of random green text blob. . . Everything is zerged out of proportions..
I want small servers. few players. “zerg” no bigger than 30 players at tops in the same location.
World bosses. Strucktures in wvw etc. have no capacity for the high numbers. They become pointless farm objects with no resistance when you fill up so many players in the same places-
In wvw it all comes down to – massive 100 player stupid zerg smash up against the other 100 player zergs. and the team with the worst computers loose in fps.
Wold bosses – timers had a purpose.- now they are dead in less then 2 minutes.
As for the Guild hopping. same crap!. then big guilds just becomes the same roaming massive 100+ player zergs that farm everything. going for the easy gold.
Key point missing.: Serious lack of usable data in the combat log.
In just about any game with a combat log; you have a fairly size-able data to go back and read after a fight.
Information gained there helps players when they are killed by x. or y was ineffective against a monster..
Usually in fight you do not have time to figure out exactly what happened, and here in gw2 you mostly can’t even get usable data after to improve on or figure out a mechanism.
Why are the these blobbers demanding that the lower tiered servers get merged? They’re not playing on or against them.
“Hey you! You’re not playing the way I want you to! ANet, destroy them!”
They are threatened and alarmed by good framerates and skills that aren’t on autoattack.
Their very way of life is threatened by people doing something else – be glad they don’t invade our servers and blob on our behalf.
Does anybody else, when they see videos from those servers, hear the South Park mob sound in their head?
That’s not even the point.
There’s 2 many severs with no one to fill.
Look at vabbi before season 2, it had a score of 700 points. That meant their Zerg is 5 people.
Hey! I object to that.. our Zerg is often 10! I’ve even seen one of 20.-
But yes it’s a new thing- Megakittenup means man of us PvE’ers have started doing serious wvw time – At least this way we feel like the old Actual server. Still meet old friends- and have the nice quiet servers we had before the MS.
Point is: – we – do – not – want – full – servers -
Some level of balance on numbers would be nice- sure, Meeting those massive DE severs with 50+ in a zerg was not very fun. – and that remains a problem. the “outnumbered” just doesn’t mean anything vs high numbers.
Outnumbered does not mean carry extra supply- we mostly still need to run for extra supply when we take a keep.- Only so many supply available in a small group.
NPC- and structures are simply not designed to last more then a few seconds against that big a zerg.
People play on bottom tier servers, because they want to. I’ve played in T3 and i’ve played in T9 and i have to say i much prefer the latter one.
I would love to hear why…
Naturaly I can’t say anything on Lavra’s behalf.
But I can explain why I like being on small servers. and that was for pve and current for wvw:
I matter…
If there is few players- my contribution factor increases. . Our Zergs in wvw is usual around 10 players- not 100.
Its much more small skirmishes. where small unit teamwork matters and personal skill matters. When in a large zerg its all. a bunch of green text fighting another bunch of green text. i a massive cluster of effects-
It’s about large scale stacking versus. dynamic fights.
I do solo roam sometimes. and I do sometimes meet and engage solo or small groups like that.- and I do run the same wvw build and gear as I do in pve.- But it is suicidal most of the time.
And yes- perma stealth thieves will kill me almost instant and Ill have no counter. If I’m lucky they wont kill me outright and if so they will try a few times – then leave.
Being on small servers means sometimes there are few players online- and that does give a chance of smaller teams or solo roamers to make a difference.
1: To play with the 5 or so friends/connections I made before the Megakittenup.
Sort of still trying to hold on to that feeling of playing with them and the fun we use to have in PvE.- it just gets harder each day-
2: Doing the daily routine- for achievements… cause ehm..habit? i guess.
3: After a year- and being forced out of PVE by the Megakittenup. Iv’e sort of started feeling wvw was actually fun- flawed by stupid things like perma invis. and lack of serious defenses, but sort of fun—-
But yeah…. it getting harder and harder to really think about it as something I care about logging into.
While annoying- I would not say it is OP.- and as others have stated. the wvw problem in those cases are tied to how defenses works.- they almost don’t- if real world castles where build like wvw- no one would have spend the effort building them-
Is that line of sights- wall structures give little defense. No Arrowslits that favor defenders, Battlements hardly exists- and are certainly not designed for defense. Most of the time you can’t hit what is out there due to line of sight – while attacks can hit you.-
And then there is the personal lack of value for a defender- attacking and taking a keep gives you loot and loads of nice stuff- defending – only means potential player lootbags. and overall strategy wins.
I wouldn’t change the viel part. But would suggest that a defensive structure- actually gives defenses..^^
+1. would also mean less issues with recruiters across servers.. The Megakittenup still has recruiter going out there. and we are all from different servers.
Slight typo below. fixed it for you.
Some of the issues i’m talking about are:
- Megaservers not working. Period!.
We engis are pretty chill overall. It’s been known around our forums for awhile that we’re one of the most satisfied professions.
With exception of the Hobo back-/clipping issues on back pieces/shield etc.
Yey! Thumbs up from me Karina.
Love it when anyone tries to bring data to the world. Almost any kind of data sample can give many interesting things to study. and your sis impressive.
Woa 6% drop rate.. that amazingly good..
Considering the absurd work /cost in cloth it takes to make a cloth armor- its well worth it to do fractals I see.
Expect lots of annoying jumping. . Getting the actual valuable lore from 3rd source internet Guru.
Expect mats materials, that are already way to pricey, to get much higher priced for a few week,-. stopping your crafting.
Very messy inventory— you seriously need to place them in an appropriate system.
Also. You are short on Dragonite.
:) Well written post Blood Red Had me smiling-
And a lot of really good points.
One thing iv’e noticed is that some of the newer designs does have mechanics involved that mean no stacking.
Marionette open world. Likely the best Open world boss design so far. mechanics means auto split in 5 lanes. and again split in platform: and even more.. the mini champs mechanics on platforms meant no stacking. – So it is possible to make interesting working wb without boring zerging.
Some fractals: like the icebrood thing where one has to pour molten metal on it .
- thing is. developers just have to make the encounters be more active. . multiple activity that needs to be handled..
And less – if you didn’t dodge that exact emote- you are dead.- or you have to have a Guard, Mesmer etc to use that exact power-
I like that they have tried underwater combat. and its the best try I have seen.
There are issues:
Lack of skills that work under water Utility – choice in Elite
The aqua Breather..- Just remove it. it does not work. can’t get crafted at high level. Can’t get better than green 80. Karma-bought= Karma sucks. – 7th rune needed. -sucks when it costs 15g
Necro minions -vanish if you run through water for just a few seconds.
A few to many weapon powers – do the push your self back ability…. more than needed.
The strange ( not fish-not bird )issue. of – if you swim in surface= no abilities at all.
But due to weapons abilities and monsters knockback, you end up in that section.
But I don’t want it removed. just fixed.
Considering that story-wise we are bound to fight Bubbles at some point- or at least it’s minions.- we will need a good underwater combat system.
This will include being inside subs, underwater turrets of some kind.- Likely more Largos- (and sadly more krait- one of the most annoying enemy)
So. devs. fix it-
“great”——— 50min drum talk……
Here is an idea… stop kittening making the annoying instruments! and get pack to fixing the game.-
Would love to be able to upgrade my Asc gears to legendary for stats change options.
BUT: since the current legendary are ugly as hell I will assume legendary armor would be equally gaudy..
It must be able to handle skinning to better looking gear without loosing that stat change option.
I absolutely agree with you Artsy.
Back before megakittened – you could do event chains, champs and WB’s that needed a small unit – great for that little 2-4 man game you might want as RL friends meet up to play.
And you could end up with some great discussions on how to trait to overcome the obstacle.
Now I can only recommend that you express level to get passed the new kittenty system for leveling and get to enter dungeons.
Actually a very large part of the game is soloable. or small unit able. that you think is group/zerg needed.
Naturaly in the open world it is now much harder to find any champions to go 1 on 1 against. as the Megakittenup have left the realm as a zerg farming land.
But at least before that I would go find champs to solo.
Wb’s; many of them could be done with just a few. 2-4 is usually a good number
Dungeons. several are soloable- and Im having a great time now duo’ing storymode dungeons with my RL friend who plays very little.
But yes. far better scaling options would be great.
EG Dungeons. being able to set a slider as you enter from 1-5- as challange level. you pick. Play as 1 and want harder content- scroll up to set as more players while just being 1. adjust loot accordingly.
Even better- to be able to do the same in the open world.. can’t be done I suppose. but really miss the old lan based rpg’s
rather they could offer us the expansion … it would be better for that good, armors skins of 50 Euros …
From a commercial standpoint you are correct. Why create good content while there are people you can persuade people to spend it on other stuff.
For the short term (3 years?) that’s great. Fairly easy income, but for the quality of the game is does not do any good.
Biggest problem is that is negatively effects the game for everybody and most of the buyers in fact think they are supporting the game. Then after two years they start complaining the game is going in the wrong direction. No kittenpo sherlock.
Hmm some rather good points there. Definitely worth thinking about.
I don’t have the financial info on it, but lets make a guesstimate.
Making a New MMO costs (X) . (you can reduce some cost if you have a previous game with developed lore and such to attach it to. (x) )
Since it is an MMO and not an offline game- some monthly cost is involved. (Y)
Making an expansion will cost far less than X as mechanics are developed etc. but it still needs to be substantial, or players will not feel its an expansion, rather than say; new content- as fractals, dungeons etc)
For the arguments sake lets call it (Z)
So GW2 is X-x and without monthly subscription meaning Y needs to be handled in another way. That is done by Micro-transactions.
Will a new expansion cost extra money-? yes likely that seems to be the consensus business model. and would need to be there to pay for the Z.
Does it take time to develop Z? yes quite a lot.. as you say a few years.
Since it is an MMO and no offline. I assume they need those transactions to run while they develop an expansion instead of subscription.
It also means that we have a bit of choice as to what our money is used for.- . negative part is as you say- resources are spend there instead of developing Z.
My experience from other MMO have been that new expansions come- and a large amount of players again rush through it. (max level or end content) – in a matter of weeks…— again far faster than you can develop for.
It creates a negative spiral. where you can never develop fast enough.-
So instead you create features and smaller content to keep player base active. (its cost efficient) and GW2 did that. plenty of new stuff comes all the time.. (not all good, but heck)
Do I want expansion.. hell yes.!. I want a new race and new maps etc. Higher max level.- No! absolutely not. its ruined a lot of other games.
But from a financial solid foundation , as a developer you have to try to get players to spend as much time as possible in the X before Z. and even jump through hoops to get old players to re-try old content so that new players feel that the game is active—
and before you start- no- Mega servers etc is not the way to do it… Do I have a solution.-…. No…..
I’ll have to think through the Micro Vs Subscription and yes your point is excellent on- when are we feeding the machine that works against an expansion. at what point is it better for devs to get kitten s in gear.
rather they could offer us the expansion … it would be better for that good, armors skins of 50 Euros …
:) well to be fair; the cost of developing a quaggan hat versus a good actual expansion…. well….
Naturally a game as this with no monthly will have to make a lot of very small items for players to buy to function economical.
As a large group of players rush through whatever content to get to max- and then complain of lack of content- catering to that group of players is pointless.
You can’t develop as fast,- as the most end-game players reach end game.
every tier of the craftings have a unique skin look. and several extra skins can be found in karma shops for crafting.
Many minor races have their own craftable skins. all from Grawl Godforged to Hyllack Sunbeads.
Just because players are sheep and only focus on the same skins- it does not mean that the skins are not available.
One of my mesmers wear attached. very distinct only available with crafting.
Well I can’t see a complete log of purchases.
But all my shoppings has been with real money.
Have bought:
3x tools
3 extra character slots.
several bank slots.
1 bag slot
craft mats bank expansion
quite a few Karma/crafting boosters.
some keys.
Quaggan hat.
Aprox: 10Euro pr month for 15 months
Would have bought 1-2 more skins but missed the window.
it is currently unlikely that I will buy anything now as the game is.
Things I would buy:
Unlimited tools. spread to all characters. – I use tools for convenience. but with 8 characters the cost is to much for all to have them. and the point of convenience becomes nullified if I have to go to a bank- place them and pick them up on another- 8 times a day+ The account bound thing on them is useless. I do not play serially my characters
Bag slots- if again it was for all characters not one.
Cloth nodes in home instance.!!!! cloth price is still ridiculous.
Mini pets: IF they didn’t go away every-time you zoned – etc- if they had a minuscule effect. say +1 vitality- didn’t fill up my bags
In my dreams I would also buy:
A fix so engi Hobo pack/shield does not clip the backpieces.
not- having to be on megaservers.
removal of the underwater breathers as a gear.- so normal helm is the function
crack assassin team; hunting down gold spammers/gold farmers/auction house flippers.
Movement speed increase to 25 on all characters without having get 15g pr rune/use a utility slot to get this, depending on profession.
You should Pick the Megaserver – oh wait- like you have a choice
well. I would rather have them start fixing engi hobopack issues..
Already have issues on kits- blade back-shield-
Bladeback sticking out of hoboback- shield removing all of it-
It feel incredible stupid having backpieces removed visual each time you do anything.
capes would just add to that confusion if the first part is not fixed before.
Besides.. Not really a cape person- they get stuck in airplane engines as you fly past them.
No! absolutely not.
There is nothing as annoying as a constant pop up of “Annoyingkid.1337”
Go to the arenas.- its the kitten purpose of them. I already want to use a flamethrower on all the zergs and crowds jumping around the Trading posts and banks…Really don’t want duals going on also.Again, what people are asking for is a system where dueling is auto-disable as a default. It would have 2 options
1. Deny all dueling request
2. Allow dueling requestOption 1 is default. It would be the case that unless you manually have your setting set to option 2, all dueling request send to you will be denied from the requester’s end, i.e., you won’t even see the message. I don’t see a problem with that
About the argument that: well, they would just whisper me and pester me to duel!!!: ‘HEY wha’ts up coward, turn your dueling option ON"
People could do that to you NOW: “hey coward, go to pvp arena and 1 on 1 me”
In either case you could just block the guy.
Allowing the option above doesn’t change the behavior as it is already established. What it does is it allowed people who like to duel with PVE gears. It could help test out the effectiveness of one’s build and also help to train each other for WvW situations!!
Implementing options to ignore dual requests will certainly help.
Personal whispers- and chat: while it certainly is possible for players to do that now- and yes they would get blocked.- as is now: they have less reason for it. but I assure you from previous experience. if its common in the roaming world- or worse near cities. the increase in such notions is exponential.
If I’m still on the map chat from doing wvw. (usualy go to a personalized chat window without map in pve) I have the usual – racist- sexist – gold spams- to block. I don’t really need reasons to block more.
Dueling in Pve gear—-that is what you already do now in pvp/wvw/team pvp since patch.- just select the gear and traits you usually use. and go pvp.
You don’t have to capture points to dual. just enter a map. with your friend and go dual..
No reason to waste resources building something that is already there-
As for landscape: understandable that you would like to have more interesting places to dual.
I however would like to – not -have the same interesting places covered with players dueling, as that removes my immersion of the game.
No! absolutely not.
There is nothing as annoying as a constant pop up of “Annoyingkid.1337” wants to dual you- do you accept?."…(clicking no) —-2 secs later “Annoyingkid.1337” wants to dual you- do you accept?."…——- OK now I block the kid.
3 secs later “Anotherannoyingkid.1337” wants to dual you- do you accept?." NO FFS!
- Chat going: Dual? dual? dual??!!! come on —- its FUn!!!!!1337——
Whispers: Why wont you dual.- its Funn!!!!11!
Go to the arenas.- its the kitten purpose of them. I already want to use a flamethrower on all the zergs and crowds jumping around the Trading posts and banks…Really don’t want duals going on also.
Think of it as a Heisenberg principle- Until you arrive at the map- you don’t yet know if the cat is dead or not.- you could of cause wait a bit and see if it smells worse but that is not the point.
Y’all forgot swimming – how would mounts do that?
Y’all keep questioning and coming up with more issues as to why it is hard to put mounts in a game that does not have them already. That is probably why it hasn’t been done and won’t be done.
Seahorses… feck- Squid-mounts- would absolutely buy a squid mount. Tiny steam driven subs—
if we can change weapons and abilities based on water/land- clearly a mount can change.
Lanfear, doing Golem and Fire Elemental solo or with 2-3 players was mighty fun… And I was doing it on Piken, so no population problems there. Just had to stay up late… It was worth it, going to miss it. :/
Thats exactly the kind of fun I miss.- Us low pop servers had fun back then on small WB’s in small units. True- no chance of fighting a 3hwurm ever etc and had to guest to do Marionette on an OF, but daily running the wb’s with 2-10 players was great- or soloing some champs in the open… lovely challenges.
Now its one big QD- train- all of it.- boring.
:) Would not even have to make much new animations.
i would be happy to ride a tiny Asura as a xl size Charr. ^^
Healing build- does sort of exist- But! you properly should not go all in. Many players tends to only think of anything as -All into one thing!.
What you should look into is Supportive traits and powers for a strucktured or firm team.
I mostly play with the same 3- 4 players. .They are 1 condi necro- 1 zerker mesmer, 1 zerker ranger, and 1 dps guard..
and I’m a Ele 6/0/0/4/4 mostly staff user.— this is a dps staff spec- with my 4’s in supportive powers.- defensive mostly. .
Most of the time I just do my damage as best I can- BUT. even with good dodge etc sometimes one of us will go low health or get to many condi. based on what WB. temple, or dungeon we do.
So using a stone wall to stop an enemy from charging a team player. Adding a waterfield in the right place- blind. add weakness . etc are all active powers that when used at the right time.-
My + healing is almost irrelevant. I could go full + healing but its a less good idea than just becoming a better timer. and have a better team play with the others.
My team knows my abilities, and if they are in a situation where they run out of healing/dodges etc- they move towards me to gain my support.
Take a temple like Grenth. event. (well before Megaflop) you could go in as a small team 5-7 and do it- and you need atleast 1 players to take care of the main NPC- cause if he dies – fail.
So My job is to be around that guy. check up on him—— I still do dps. BUT my main job in this case is to also use my main heals on him.- I don’t need a lot of + heal. but I need to have a focused attention.. I might change weapon sets or utility skills.- but its still mostly about knowing your cooldowns and powers and maintaining control of the situation.
And it works…. Just stop thinking in min-max – and more into versatility.
Depends on what you go and do in pve. – There is a very big world out there and certainly not all of it is found by just doing quests.
If you like to go exploring and finding little corners not well traveled- then it’s amazingly big..
8 characters to 80 – over 1 year gaming for some 8-12 hours a day. and I still find things I had not found before.
Not to mention that things change, as time goes on. Maps change. dialog changes.. and Im sure much more will come in next living world updates.-
One thing I really like is that not all changes are mentioned in patch notes.
Even background dialog between Npc’s sometimes gets a little twist.
I started to find that I really needed to figure out the mind set of the players stating they liked Megaservers.- A coping mechanism I guess.
So I went to the WB and looked at chat. and after a few stated they liked it I asked them some questions. like what they did before Megaservers. etc.
Queensdale Train.
And looking back at the chat I can see now that the player type that likes Megaservers are indeed the QD runners.
Its the same chat:
“Train?, whats next, sexist joke, old meme, copy text from current show, when does x spawn, racist joke, repeat joke from last 10 min ago, No loot? ress please- help!”
I’ve come to the conclusion that,- for some players,- the Megaflop indeed is an improvement.—- The QD train now goes on a larger train—-
The same – far to many players pr. champ- farm system.
The same – players that don’t actually want to learn to dodge or learn how the boss works.
- just a social chat network where you can spam whatever repetitive “funny” things you have to say- while slowly farming some stuff. -without challenge or attempt to experience the world -.
PVE- WB- turned into one giant QD-Train….. brilliant………
A-net: now catering to the lowest common denominator.
You know- you can just -choose-- not to have zerker gear. It might be less efficient but the majority of the content is still doable without stacking and zerker gear etc.- It’s just often slower.
Why do you want other people to stop wearing a specific set of gear? Why can’t they use the builds they like and are comfortable with?
ehm. I don’t… “want other people … etc” .— that was the point of the post.
you can just choose not to wear zerker.
You know- you can just -choose-- not to have zerker gear. It might be less efficient but the majority of the content is still doable without stacking and zerker gear etc.- It’s just often slower.
I would love to see other stats have a higher value. Would love to see stacking being a bad idea.
But players will use quite a lot of effort—- to find the least effort costing way of doing anything.- and then repeat ad infinitum.
There already is very special issues, where you just cant survive on stacking +zerker – High end fractals.-
Likely here devs thought- ahhh now they have to get toughness and someone use the ridiculous elem heal others, but not them selves—— .
And what does players do?- stack + zerker. but add Warrior with hammer/skelk venom and Fumble bosses- Cause this way is faster.
devs would have to completely rethink the entire system to make it work.
And the first thing to do—- completely split up pvp/pve…. cause no system has ever been able to make balance work using same system for both.
The value of coins in any system real or fictive have only shortly been related to the metal value of coinage.
Besides. how do you know the amount -weight of said gold you have harvested. I mean sure. it look s like a huge chunk when you harvest- I mean big enough to be visible on a map—— now thats big-.-
Perhaps as you pick-axe through the node. (and it should be in a vein) you find that most of that node is Quarts- (realistic) or other impurities or that the InterestGnomes takes its cut before you do,.-
It might be that Unicorns make a dump in pile shaped cones around the world and – you just -think- that – that- is gold.
Personally, I hope tags remain in PvE.
When you see a tagged player you know they’re experienced, and know what they’re doing.
Actually it does not mean they are experienced. It means they used 100g on a blue thing over their head.- nothing more -nothing less.
It could be a great leader, with the wisdom of ages, and a commanding voice…. ehm- typing- . Excellent knowledge of an encounter and the patience to handle the usual verbal abuse you face if you fail. (or just have a different plan then others)
Or it could mean that the player is unable to communicate in English to an English group. . Has it on while doing a solo JP. they could have less than 1500 Achi points.
Never seen the event before – or know how to activate it…..
aka.. it means nothing in it self.
You have 24 hours to finish 5 dailies. For ones like daily reviver, you need to find areas with dead npcs that other people dont realize exist. also, none of the PVE achievements are that difficult to complete.
Not all have 24 hours to play in every day ^^- most actually have a lot less playtime each day..
But yes it is possible to get them done. Just have to be a lot more inventive.
Let other players die, and then revive them. Play a thief. and run a bunch of monsters through another players aoe fields. and then go invisible….. let the monsters kills the noobie and ress him after.. yey… mega servers! ?
I simply love it. The reason I became interested in GW2 is I wanted to play an mmo where you could simply run around and run into stuff to do. It was disappointing running around and seeing none of the group events and stuff they had set up not being done. Well now that is a thing of the past from what I have seen. Now I am always running into groups doing stuff and meeting new people.
In my opinion the megaserver is a big win for GW2. How do you feel about it ?
If this topic has already been discussed, apologies. I haven’t posted on the forums in awhile.
Yes . you will always run into groups doing stuff… its kitten hard not to. Sadly this gives you no challenges and everything dies real fast. often so fast you cant get the kills needed to complete stuff.
Indeed you will always meet new people… and you will continue meeting new people. – and never meet the first ones you met-again.. Its a bit like going into a real world city. – Sure lot of people… and you could stop someone on the street and start chatting….. but you will not make friends as in that 5 million city no one comes to the same place again.
You could walk around in that city shouting one-liners, old memes and other stuff. – and many others do the same…. – I want all those to shut up..- cause even If I do hear a person shouting something I like in that busy street- I’ll never meet the person again.
How do I feel about it?—- I feel like the majority of the 2k posters….. Its kittening awful
Don’t know if its just that there’s more folks around in general, or specific to the mega-servers. But to me it seems like they have brought back the bots. While finding a spot to do stuff on my own now I run into others that just kill stuff, they don’t respond to whispers asking if they want to participate in the event or not. If I had to guess they are just bots from the way the move from fight to fight. Before the mega-servers when I met others we would often chat a bit, tag along together for an event or two before parting ways again.
Some are bots: But there could be other reasons.
I have turned off whispers to avoid gold spam in pve.
I have turned of map chat to avoid the megaserver map chat.
They could be speaking a completely different language from yours. no comprehension of what you said.
They could be ignoring you as- stopping to chat means again having to wait for all the players around to stop being there—(in vain) so you can complete your heart.
I used to be a friendly player and didn’t mind giving advice or helping out- ressing-
Now—— I want the other players to die.
Socialize? whats the point- you will never see them again- It’s not like you have a server community to meet up with.-
So: holidays are over. Devs should be back reading…. and still no reply.
Mega servers continue to spoil wb events and even normal map finishing as you end with far to many players trying to grab whatever heart event part that need to be done to do it.. It’s become an unfriendly fight against each other to complete hearts and events.
I don’t want to ress other players anymore- they are an enemy now against my goal of completing hearts and events.- and its time not doing dps on wb = less chance of loot.
Grats on that A-net— complete opposite of what your game launched as.
Crashing far more than before… seems sound gets bugged up whith that many players on wb’s
Daily ressing: Usually you could jump to a place with lots of Npc’s to ress now there are almost never any dead ones…. and you end with fighting other players to get to them. I had to waypoint to 5 different maps to find some npc’s to ress. and eventualy just ran from one place to another in same map hoping some npc would die..
Just remove the stupid Mega kittenup.!
Divide tasks among you…
One player controls keyboard- with closed eyes.
Another the mouse and ear plugs.-
Only one of you learn the powers. and none of you read anything . have a macro that types out “help ress please” when you are 10 meters from a wp in a boss fight.
- that way together you are ONE! Gw2 player