Showing Posts For GlowSticks.9734:
Agreed on that to an extend. Thanks for the support on this topic.
It’s just a jumping puzzle place where people can kill if they want. You have memories of it not being dead. Bring them back and socialize with people.
Alright well my suggestion on this has probably been mentioned before. Won’t make this to long to read.
Basically all I’m asking is for your rank to be shared with your respected server, not the enemy. For it can cause unfair advantages. People generally like to focus kill a higher rank person. I mean I don’t personally care, but where I’m getting at is.. Shouldn’t your server know your rank, instead of the enemy?
Wvw ranks need more attention. Maybe an icon display by your name to represent your rank. someone came up with a great idea for this with a format he made. It was a great idea.
In general speaking though WVW needs more attention as anyone knows. It’s fine how it is, but add more to it.
Edit: Yes wvw ranks don’t mean anything. Especially the higher you are, the more karma train you do. So people say, well I agree to an extent. But whatever, it’s just a rank right? But would be interesting to know!
I as well get this error…
Demand better zoom out. (One tick would be lovely)
Maybe keep wvw how it is… But seriously was the camera just recently changed within the past 2 months? I’ve returned(And its not a settings issue) And I feel… More zoomed in,more 3d effect on other characters around mine. I hate it. F**ks with my eyes man…
I got a guild member thats been trying to get friends on TC for a couple week so good luck. My advice is to move to JQ and release your rang on TC in WvW.
Ok, Release my Rang?
Alright, I guess I’ll have her go to another server for now. One that I may be going to.
Mystic forge is a higher % then it actually being dropped…
so yea.
Wrong game for that m8
I’m trying to get a close friend of mine on my server… (TC)
Does the whole wait for a 2-3 pacific time still work since mega servers were released?
(It worked for me when I was transferring…Also open/closing the server list multiple times did it, but this was before Mega Servers.)
Just wondering… And no I’m not transferring.
Thanks in advance. Simple, yes or no is fine…
Edit: Well I might be changing servers soon… Just wondering if this is still possible.
Because the people that just auto attack (1, 1, 1, 1,) Don’t show up, it takes to much brain power for them. etc
Megaservers suck, thanks for ruining farming.
I’ve yet to see one benefit of them.
There is plenty of end game kitten to do. Good luck finding a game with better. Quit returning and kittening, the game is clearly not for you.
Missing a POI, been gone for a month.
Can’t seem to find it.
I’m on TC server if anyone cares to help me with it, account on the left.
Don’t have patience for responses so, Thanks in advance. 1G for your troubles o.o
A Legendary is supposed to feel… Legendary.
Deal with it. I’m @ 4.2k hours I’ve gotten 7 from the forge, and 1 from a drop. All of which were not bad, think “The Bard” was the cheapest one I’ve found.
Six months have passed, but still no option to log in as invisible. I believe they had this option in Beta, is it that hard to put it back?
I’d like my status to be invisible when I re-log back into the game…
Vouch this indeed necessary, and it shouldn’t be hard… Oh wait, Anet can’t make a half way decent Trading Post, never mind.
Been TC entire season…
Finished META 2-3 days into the tournament.
Still no chest.
Lower Tier server rage o.o
yo where’s my chest rewards foo.
Well they need to be good at something ( Aka Annoy people ) So… why remove them?
Good for taping keeps, and such.
My 2ndary favorite class is thief right now, don’t know what it is about it… but I like it. I don’t do any of that abuse stealth/annoy people though. Front Line thief in zerg Ftw
Got my chest after relog
Doesn’t matter. They are sending them out in a small portion.
I didn’t get mine either, just be patient and you will get it eventually.
Well I am a PUG when it comes to dungeons, I fear entering them due to peoples reaction. Sometimes I out-play whoever is in it 75%+ of the time, but still fear the mistakes that I can make and the outcome of peoples responses towards them. Usually I enter a dungeon saying: “Yea don’t know much about this….” Not confident enough to see my real performance since I don’t dungeon often lol. I mean I completed my Fractal Backpiece… Isn’t Fractals harder? :P
I’ll agree with this. Tough to come by… expensive for most… Looks amazing… Why not 2 hours?
Congrats JQ
If anyone thought TC was going to win the last week.. must be insane. I’m a TC server person. There was no way TC can beat JQ’s coverage. :P
Weekend Hype – Then quit
Was a Pretty boring Swiss tournament due to the 2v1 deal…. But seriously, it was necessary. I’m a SOR original… Oh boy do I miss old SOR days…. I was one of the last ones who came to TC from the huge fall of SOR, didn’t want to go… But I wanted bags
Zerker gear for the people who first start playing, and say: “Omg most damage on this, I must get!!!”
In all seriousness… It’s fine how it is. Game is not orientated around one stat combination. QQ or uninstall.
I would only only use a faster click macro for like… Clicking items.. Who wants to sit through and click 250 exotic lucks _
( I’m max MF now, so I don’t need to worry about that anymore.. ) I have carpel tunnel.. I don’t want to sit through the clicking… Create an option to “Click All / Use All” … if you right click… please thanks
These events suck. Time to move on Back to other duties.
The only thing i looked forward to in this “new” (reused) patch was the Farm place, But we did it again…. Nothing(literately NOTHING!) drops loot, the only loot that drops is tickets, or tokens, (very few of em) And its all wrapped in a “event” and the end reward of 30+min work is: Hold on to your seats!!!! 2Champ bags and a green item….
Just wow… You even need to PAY gold/Silver to get the event to start….
Seriously What in the ****… At least make it worth while…?
I really needed some gold, Back to my old ways it is, Time to abandon the patch and play as i always did, Zerg farm EotM…
Very disappointing, Never really had much problems with patches b4 , but this… I… I’m … I don’t even know…
I understand its to keep stuff balanced (Cough T6 mats last year*Cough*) But NOTHING at all?!
Vouch this 100%.
Also heading to EOTM as well. ^^
Don’t let this post die! Remake if removed!
You don’t have to pay to start boss blitz. You pay to hasten it’s starting.
This is true, but not everyone has all the time in the world to play. Who the hell wants to wait?
Well make sure to complete the LS achievements in the next few days before it’s empty.
Worst patch ever. Completely pointless. Only for achievements.
You can block them then look them up on your block list, then you’ll have their name.
Bump this. This needs to happen. If not something very similar.
I was told by wvw pro that they do. He spoke to me about it on mumble. Something about your own condition damage effecting condition damage on siege. Also your Raw Power effecting the power of it, but not by much.
He mains a Guardian a LOT, rank 1k+ Wvw… Then he switches to his engineer, and noticed a substantial difference in condition damage done with siege.
NN any of that.
Mango Pies Ftw
No, rangers are overpowered… Just sit back and watch:
That Ballista kill @ 24:00.
(edited by GlowSticks.9734)
25k Badges need spending, please help.
I like my food. Shoo
I wouldn’t mind bloodlust getting taken out, I don’t care to stomp my foes. Though I know a lot of people enjoy that so ignore me. o.o
Gold Recruit \o/
I know someone who is Diamond or max rank. .
I R Special
Loot bags.
I think BG drops the best loot for me.
It’s cute that WvW players dump on PvE players.
WvW is not a skilled playfield. It’s about mob mentality at best. The side that makes the blob do the most wins. EotM is about using that format to make the most out of the available rewards. WvWers are watered down PvE players any day of the week.
sPvP players are laughing at you guys making the distinction. Anet is laughing at the sPvP players who represent 1 percent of their paycheck.
Who wins?
lol @ WvW not a skilled play field.
Try taking on 50 man blob with a 15 coordinated guild group. works well.
+1 to outnumbered buff needs to be improved.
Not OP, but improved please.
25k badge need some spending!
Yes, please o.o
Favorite commanders for TC are as follows for me:
Lt Beren
Mi Jiang
But loved running with Tempest Wolfs a lot.
Sadly they are on SOS now, broken apart I believe.
Zorh / Indo
- I X I T I C I
Is this hours put into wvw?
Time based on how long the season has been going?
Any defined/specific answer for this?
Hello! I have a bunch of people that want to switch server mid season. Are they receiving the rewards of their starter server? Or the one they transfer to?
Look on the bright side, or leave.
Yeah there’s a ton of ugly legendary weapons. What were they thinking with half of them.
Nice idea, I like it.
Where exactly would this be displayed? And do people not on your server see these displayed? Options for turning them on/off?
Also when in doubt, and too lazy to find out where the train is. Head to the boar.
Haven’t done this train for quite sometime… months… But a lot of lazy people at the boar. Contribute to the boar walk by talking with the guy in the house/tavern. Also walking with Emi, and that other guy. Clear boars on the way so that the champion boar even spawns…… I’ll be there at times, well a lot of the times. No one activates the quest to begin with, rofl. All lazy up on the hill. DO SOME WORK
*unless you are an elementalist.
Doesn’t emotes work?
Like /Dance
or something….
Yeah weapon swap fixes it. It would be nice if they just fixed it themselves. (o.o)/