Showing Posts For Gordok.2146:

Help I'm stuck in a PvP Match!

in PvP

Posted by: Gordok.2146


Gordok.2146 Stuck

New SPvP Daily Achivements

in PvP

Posted by: Gordok.2146


I care about this because I sometimes get free APs from these new dailies, incidentally, while I PvP. I also care about them because I think that in general principle the company should not remove new, optional, additional rewards.

I removed the rest of your answer to make your reply one worth answering instead of just another troll. Since you dont like to read entire posts I’ll answer just this part. The people asking for change agree that people who only pvp should have more ways to gain ap. That is why most of them are asking for a cap on ap rewarded per day instead of changing what the choices are. This change would not effect you if you are a pvp only player who does’nt care about ap boards. In fact it would open the door for more rewards to be available to those that only pvp.

I wish you good day Mr. Troll as I give you enough credit to assume you understand the answers that have been given and any future posts by you will be the same as the ones in your post history.

All is Vain

(edited by Gordok.2146)

New SPvP Daily Achivements

in PvP

Posted by: Gordok.2146


1 totally agree, see lots of people complaining they can no longer enjoy the game, defending their playstyle.
2 totally agree again, only the ignorant would think changes made to a game would only affect a very small group of people, considering everyone who updates the game would be downloading the same files.
3. Anet has already answered, they did so on the update that gave the points. guess some people missed reading that. or couldn’t understand..

so go ahead, throw more insults at people who have a different opinion, says much about those who do.
only reason this thread is so long because it has already been said, around 10 people keep bumping it everyday.

you can call me whatever you wish, im sure I will lose sleep over it, being called names by someone I didn’t know existed until today.

The remark regarding the ignorant did include you but not the second part of that line with the assumption you are replying to a thread you have not read through. My apologies for that as I can see why that would be assumed.

Also you may be incorrect about Anet answering this through action as in case you did not know they made a change similar all though not as impact full as this to dailies once before and retracted it saying that they agreed at that time that it did not fit with their vision of dailies. So perhaps their vision has changed and they will lose a lot more players than they realize or it has’nt. If it has then you would of course be correct in your assumption. I tell you this even though I imagine it is in this thread somewhere all ready so that you will not be ignorant in the future.

The rest was all ready explained in my previous answer, again even though it is in this thread numerous times all ready, so you wont have to be ignorant as to why these people care about dailies in the way that they do. I see you dodged my questions nicely though as I think once you were educated as to not only the reasons all ready stated but how simple the proof of these reasons is answering them other than to apologize would be too difficult.

All is Vain

(edited by Gordok.2146)

New SPvP Daily Achivements

in PvP

Posted by: Gordok.2146


Who says I’m not affected by it?

Someone doesn’t become a ‘troll’ just because they disagree with you.

No they become a troll by ignoring 95% of what is in a post, quoting something out of context and then repeating the same response back to get a rise out of someone even after the response has been answered countless times. I’ve made up my mind you’re not ignorant you sir are just a troll. I suggest the rest of us ignores it until it goes away from this point forward.

All is Vain

(edited by Gordok.2146)

New SPvP Daily Achivements

in PvP

Posted by: Gordok.2146


for me (and this is just my opinion) there are some who tire of seeing, its only about completing objectives, when imo many feel this is a blatant lie. Yes there may be a few that do it for completion, but it seems the majority do it to compete, then come on here saying they don’t. when their own post indicate how many times they are reviewing the boards to see who is at what rank, where they are on the board, who is near their score.
When you log in, it shows how many points you have, if you checked the boards more than once to see where others are compared to yours, its not about completion, but about competition. Which is repeatedly said doesn’t exist for the majority posting here. If people would be truthful about their intentions, maybe there wouldn’t be so much strife from the opposition.

And then how would you explain us doing it for months when there was’nt even laurels for “reward”? When no one but us knew what we were doing? When monthlies gave 50 copper and 10 coins for “reward”? I dont know a single person who has/had their name on this board(I’m sure there are some but not many) that cares if it’s there or not. In fact if it ment having the old daily system back I bet the majority of them would beg for the board to be gone. It would’nt change how any one of us would play the game. The only thing changing how we would like to play the game is Anet.

You know why most of the people on the board dont care about it? It’s because the type of people who would do them because they cared about it for different reasons pursued ap in a different manner and then lost it when these were changed. Ie the HOM exploit or when salvaging did’nt have a cap.

The only three reasons you see posts like this grow so long are:

1- Trolls forcing them to defend something they should’nt have to defend.(How they enjoy gaming)
2- The ignorant(some of which are too dumb to acknowledge the fact that other people are capable of enjoying things in a different way than them and for different reasons than they accuse them of)
3-Because Anet has’nt answered the very simple question of how much time do they consider a fair number for someone to play in a day, 2 hours or 10 hours.

All is Vain

(edited by Gordok.2146)

"Lost in the leaderboard" (contains whining)

in PvP

Posted by: Gordok.2146


The largest difference between the people at the top of the board and those at the bottom in my opinion is knowing when to disengage. Given your response to the dont die comment I think you still dont fully understand this vital part of conquest. The only time contesting a point is the correct choice is when you can hold it for longer than it would take that point to give the other team 5 points plus your time to return to the fight.

I’ve seen alot of people suggest playing a thief and this is probably the reason why as they are the best class at quickly winning a 1-1, moving between the points while your team zergs and most importantly disengaging when dying means giving the other team a leg up. This is what most lower mmr teams lack. If my team did’nt allready have a thief I would change to mine regularly and this was at higher mmr levels.( I played a duo s/d theif, very good at taking points and moving around the map. Also very good at spiking at mid and not being rally fodder).

Engineer is also good at this allthough they dont generally speaking have the same spike ability. Another good way to help a low mmr team is by being a beast mid bunker player since the zerg will generally go there and if you can turn the tide and have 1 other player who understands map mechanics you’ll win more than you’ll lose.

I understand these are easier said than done things but the first step is understanding what dying really means to the score as most new players I see think they are helping their team when they contest a point vrs 2 players for 20 seconds when in reality they are not. They would be better off helping their team win what ever fight is closest and then coming back when there is’nt a fight they can not win at the point they just left.

Hope that helps as for me when I realized this vital fact what I was able to bring to my team greatly increased.

New SPvP Daily Achivements

in PvP

Posted by: Gordok.2146


But that’s the thing – a meaningless leaderboard like the AP one will always be dominated by people who just put in a ton of hours. This change simply separates the ones who really like to waste time on pointless grinding from those who only liked to do it somewhat.

The problem is the leaderboard itself. Achievements should be something people do as a personal accomplishment, this competitiveness is what encourages all of this obsessive behavior.

Arenanet is not responsible for the inability of some people to make wise decisions about what is and is not important in life – or even in “gaming life”. But they should recognize that some gamers cannot manage their time and not encourage excessive gameplay with a leaderboard that only measures grinding.

Anyone with a high amount of ap did it for personal accomplishment and because of how they play games, not for any leader board. The ones that did it just for the sake of having higher ap than others did the salvage method instead as it was easier and lost out when they capped it. The ap hunters instead did monthlies when they only rewarded 50 Copper and 10 coins and long before laurels existed. Mostly it was done because they enjoy checking boxes, it brings them pleasure. They dont judge people who dont play like this but you sure seem to enjoy judging them for something you dont understand.

They have posted several suggestions that would cater to all but the minority who do care about leader boards and have stayed for the most part respectful. All they have been asking is if Anet considers a day to be 10 hours of gaming or 2 hours of gaming, a very fair question imo as it helps define their agenda.

You on the other hand are ignorant beyond belief or a very active troll, not sure which. All I know is your comments are not constructive and are thinly veiled insults in a thread that you supposedly care nothing about.

All is Vain

(edited by Gordok.2146)

New SPvP Daily Achivements

in PvP

Posted by: Gordok.2146


And to people who still struggle to do all dailies atm but are feeling bad with it. My advice. Just quit. You will get over it with time and you will find other goals. If doing all dailies right now feels like a giant chore, it is not worth it. Just cut the cord and leave. There are many great games to try out which does not require you to play each day for 8h to not loose “stuff”.

+1, in 8 minutes the first day I didn’t get a daily will have passed and at this point it doesn’t even feel like a shame. If we were to get a response we would’ve had one by now, so I don’t see it happening. Not worth it anymore imo. It’s a shame cause I don’t think alot of people realise what a good achievement system can bring to a game and how many completionists there are in gaming today. We may be a minority in GW2 now, but frankly that’s because of all the bumps in the road we’ve seen before this one. This was the final bump in the road for me. And unless something drastically changes with the direction of the game, I don’t see myself coming back.

I wish all of you that still want to fight this battle good luck.

There were a lot more of us than a lot of people realize. Case in point anyone anywhere near the top of the the “leader boards” were only there because they did ap’s because they enjoyed it not because of some stupid board. We did all the dailies long before laurels, we did the monthlies when they only rewarded 10 coins and 50 copper and we played all aspects of the game. Those that cared about ap only used salvage to achieve high numbers and left the rest mostly alone since it was easier. I know one person who went from 13kap to 3k ap when they capped that.

Myself I was in and out of the top 10 when they added the boards depending on the time I had available to do what ever living story stuff compared to the others, or atleast so I was told. I hardly noticed at first when dailies/living story achievements became all I was ever doing as it was a gradual change. That started to reduce my enjoyment of the game and made the feather that would break the camels back that much lighter. I left a number of weeks ago now for various reasons and to be honest I’m not sure how I would of reacted to this change. I think likely I would of quit over it, as leaving those boxes unchecked which I would of had to do, would of made this game something that frustrated me instead of providing relaxing fun.

To my fellow ap hunters ignore the trolls and those that claim to not care about ap while posting several times in a ap thread.(We all know the real reasons that they continue to do so even if they dont understand why we play games how we do)

The only way to keep the majority of parties happy which has been suggested multiple times is just cap how much can be gained from dailies. I would personally add more pvp and wvw ones to give more choices to better cater to those types of players and then just cap how much total ap they give. I dont personally ever see this happening myself but then GW2 turned into something other than the game I thought I bought a long time ago, it just took me awhile to realize it.

All is Vain.

[merged] The Skyhammer Thread

in PvP

Posted by: Gordok.2146


How can they not understand what a kick in the teeth seeing Skyhammer is for any honest player? All of us that played tourney’s while cheaters exploited Skyhammer to gain what took us a year in a little over a month? A team that cared about the honest players would of removed skyhammer from all play until they had a fix and punished the exploiters. This team kept the map in rotation letting the exploiters have their cake and eat it too.

I quit before the changes to rewards and personally I dont see any reason to come back when the team developing the game I thought I would love makes decisions like this. How am I supposed to trust that they will ever make changes with the honest pvp’r in mind?

All is Vain.

(edited by Gordok.2146)

10/25: SoR/BG/TC (Gold League Round 2)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Gordok.2146


Tanking a score on a week that is going to be a loss coupled with forum propaganda worked for BG against JQ before the league started, why would’nt SOR try the same thing. So far that “strat” has given BG 2 wins.

10/18: JQ/SoR/BG (Gold League Round 1)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Gordok.2146


2-1 happens all the time, two servers trying to spawn camp while flipping the lone paper tower and ignoring each other for 20 hours though is something else. Especially when they are getting wiped over and over because they are not the superior force but still come back holding hands, heck bg even waited for sor’s longer run back to our spawn to push each time. This also happened across all borderlands and eb at the same time. So congrats on the propaganda and to the SOR, BG alliance. Atleast we know who takes it in that alliance for future reference.

So troll this post how ever you want so that you can convince yourself otherwise but you made a joke out of your selves that will allways be remembered by all watching this season how ever it turns out. JQ did’nt choose the schedule but your two servers chose how you wanted to react to it. GG JQ and way to keep fighting regardless as allways.

10/18: JQ/SoR/BG (Gold League Round 1)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Gordok.2146


So that now that BG and SOR have shown that they have zero honor or sportsmanship what’s first place really mean? GG E-Games lol right. I was fine with the 2-1 at start because it was pretty balanced overall after the weekend, this is certainly a completely different thing. Either way we’ve been in tougher places before during our time in T-1 since release.

(edited by Gordok.2146)

Hope wearing thin

in PvP

Posted by: Gordok.2146


A quote from colin where he “insults” us then turns around and says he has nothing for us yet again.

" Don’t make the mistake that ArenaNet is ignoring its PvP and WvW community, as that would be dumb and an Asura will take advantage of your mental weakness. “We want Guild Wars 2 to be the game people go to when they think of PvP,” Johanson said.

For PvP, while there’s nothing super-exciting on the horizon, the crew was happy with the additions made over the past year, including custom arenas and the big tournament that is taking place here at PAX. Looking forward, the team sees that many PvPers are desiring short- and medium-term goals, and the team will be working on giving them ways to achieve just that."

Been a year and rewards are useless(except for making dyes), matchmaking is broken beyond belief and pvp is dying a quicker death each and everyday. I wont even bother getting into the harder to fix things. That quote honestly just makes me angry and I was one of those who had hope before that. I’d say the only thing dumb I did was believe things would change for the better.


Why do people want to win the event?

in Clockwork Chaos

Posted by: Gordok.2146


When kill scarlet was the daily 12 of us got together and broke into 4 groups of 3 and ran around doing all the twisted events that were not near an aether( to avoid scaling due to proximity) and an amazing thing happened, we killed scarlet. I’m sorry but I have no sympathy for people who blame the commanders who pin up for easier farming for their failure, or lack of people. The events scale making it ridiculously easy to finish the event if people stop blaming farmers for everything long enough to do so.

(edited by Gordok.2146)

TC's Cursed Shore being choked by Ember farm.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gordok.2146


Half the people in this thread should be ashamed of themselves. Whining at first because they don’t like something. Then plotting to do something just as bad as those they are claiming are the bad people abusing something, then rejoicing when they think it’s going to get nerfed removing something a lot of people were obviously enjoying.

Your attitudes suck, they really do. Whether you feel justified about something or not, you take something that bothers you and seek to make those you perceive as the enemy feel your pain and get elated over it.

I find you worse than any farmer “exploiting” a change to the game. You take a valid concern and blow it into something so large where the only answer is to make others suffer and nerf it to the ground instead of seeking to find a common ground where everyone can enjoy the game in the style they want to.

If you’re willing to throw common decency to the wind just to get your way, I have no sympathy for you and I think you need to re-examine just who are the bad people here.

edit Just for clarification – I haven’t taken part in any champ farming so this is not me defending anything other than human decency.

I have taken part in the farming just recently. I could’nt agree more with every word you posted. They were not spending 8 hours a day trying to complete that event before the changes so the only thing that has changed is now they have 50 people in one place that they can purposefully egg on and try to upset. Some of the people say things on the farm side of the fence out of anger that is wrong but the “saviors” are so very far from being innocent in it aswell. The only reason I can see that they do this is that they truly enjoy trolling. I just wish they would be honest in that fact instead of all these “excuses” for what they are doing.

If I stand infront of a bunch of people who are different at me and then try my best to upset them I would have no right to blame them for handing my butt to me afterwards imo. On a constructive note chains like what used to be run in straights is the only real fix. A chain with small downtime, fun to run and rewarding. Trolls cant wreck it and it is more rewarding doing it in groups and with more people. 2 hours vrs 8 minutes, it is’nt that hard to see why people would rather fail it.

AR achievements make me want to stop playing

in Sky Pirates of Tyria

Posted by: Gordok.2146


You should all abstract yourselves from the situation and look at it conceptually. Anet has given you an optional task and time limit to complete a thing. If you do, then you get 5-15 arbitrary points added to your score.

Players with the disposition of “do not do time-restricted skill-based achievements in the future” have somehow come to the conclusion that they should be given achievement points and have to do as little as possible to earn them. If that doesn’t sound preposterous then look up the word achievement. These time-restricted, skill-based achievements are actually the only honest achievements we have. They are the only ones that say “How good are you at the game? How fast can you adapt to a new challenge? You have two weeks to prove it.” And if a player can manage to do it as designed, that is an achievement.

They are not for content tourists. They are there for the extra challenge. Time limits add pressure. Skill demonstrates personal level of game mastery. Time limited skill challenges are executing a certain level of game mastery under pressure. If someone can’t do it, then they just weren’t good enough. And that is ok, in games as is in life, no one is expected to be able to achieve everything. If a person puts that on themselves, then they are setting unrealistic goals. Maybe they will get better and be able to manage the next one that comes around.

I would agree with all of that if 1- what anet says to do for personal space was’nt wrong or 2 even dodging every single circle completely also does’nt work. Only way to get this one atm is to do the log out thing.

Personal space IS bugged

in Sky Pirates of Tyria

Posted by: Gordok.2146


Personal Space: what needs to be done?

in Sky Pirates of Tyria

Posted by: Gordok.2146


Have done the perm invis through the barrage phase ( no Achievement). had tried logging out and in on same char ( no achievement) About to start another run in a few min and try logging onto a different char will update. Would be really help full if Anet could at least tell us what the hell we’re supposed to do instead of people who screw it up getting by some bug because the story they’re saying right now is confirmed multiple times to be incorrect.

Lol was so happy it worked forgot to post. The above method works every time. What we did afterwards for other people is all 5 fought through to past the 3rd barrage. Then depending on how good your kiters are have 2-3 people log out and back in onto a new character. Kite the bosses until they make it back into the boss room to finish the fight. Not sure if it matters but the people who log in and out also did not get hit by any circles to finish the fight off.

Personal Space: what needs to be done?

in Sky Pirates of Tyria

Posted by: Gordok.2146


Have done the perm invis through the barrage phase ( no Achievement). had tried logging out and in on same char ( no achievement) About to start another run in a few min and try logging onto a different char will update. Would be really help full if Anet could at least tell us what the hell we’re supposed to do instead of people who screw it up getting by some bug because the story they’re saying right now is confirmed multiple times to be incorrect.

Crab Toss Daily Champion bug...

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Gordok.2146


Still bugged and like last time zero dev reply. Just be glad this bugged/laggy daily bash your head against the wall achievement will be gone in two days.

Petition to change pvp daily

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gordok.2146


If you read the post it is’nt about getting the daily done, it’s about wanting to keep up on the ap without having to spend 2+ hours sometimes on just the pvp daily. Or having to log with it unfinished. Also if you played tpvp in its current form or again read my post what you describe is allready happening anyhow.

Maybe they should give ap for people who reply while actually reading the content of the post.

Petition to change pvp daily

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gordok.2146


Alot of us have jobs, families ect but would still like to keep up on the daily AP. Making it matches won as someone doing random joins does not measure skill as much as it measures luck in who you are paired with.

If you do average by the stats it will take 6 matches to get 2 wins so well over an hour played. If you get lucky it takes under 20 minutes. Example of my night tonight.

Game 1: 2 people leave in the first 30 seconds we lose 500-246
Game2: The other team has 1 leaver and 2 afks we win 500-37
Game3: Good game but we lose 500-483
Game4: Another good game we lose 503-491
Game5: We’re winning 140-20 and then we have 3 players leave for what ever reason and lose 500-213
Game6: Loss 502-487
Game7: lose 500-149
Game8: Win 500-341

Making it matches played instead of matches won will not effect who plays or how they are played, It’ll just effect how long you may have to grind away at it for the two wins. After which you need 3 more unique maps still so another 30 minutes and you hav’nt even got to guild missions(weekly) or the pve daily ect. Alot of us have jobs, families ect but would still like to keep up on the daily AP. Making it matches won as someone doing random joins does not measure skill as much as it measures luck in who you are paired with.

Is it me or GW2 feel like a chore [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gordok.2146


Tpvp should of been matches played not matches won.

Hobby Dungeon Explorer

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Gordok.2146


It’s 1 point per path run. The reason it appears buggy is because some paths for some dungeons dont count towards it. There is a post on this forum somewhere where people experimented and posted the results.


in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Gordok.2146


Did it today again(It’s been awhile since I’ve tried and had’nt failed in the past). Very experienced group with perfect spark running was impossible with 4 guards and 1 engineer. I wanted to see if Anets any party can do it line was holding up. She would tick up a sliver each time as we just did’nt have quite enough dps.

So we gave up, switched to some alts and beat her np with 1 gc staff ele/1gc bomb eng/1gc shout war/1knights shout war/1 mes with shatter build. So yes very doable we did it legit no tricks with 3 spark runs(ele get getting main attack blocked so took a little longer) but no I dont believe this is doable with any group mix anymore.

Fractals - When will we get the fixes?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Gordok.2146


Obligatory 'best name I've seen' thread...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gordok.2146


I’m a friggin tree. On a sylvari.

CoF path 2 - kiting bit

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Gordok.2146


If you’re thinking kiting is the only answer then you’re allready in trouble. I never kite and the odd time I pug what I say to convince them to try killing is that kiting you will die, killing you may die. Why would’nt you want to try and kill, if it goes south just start kiting no harm no foul.

Also have never not even once failed killing, I just ask them to attack what I target and it all goes smooth. Have done it as the only guard in a dps group, have also killed with 4 guards and an engineer.

Just try it you may be surprised. My advice, keep them grouped(there are tricks to this if you dont have alot of cc but this is not a tutorial thread) and ignore the trash, they die from aoe all on their own.

Arah path 1 at last boss any bugs still?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Gordok.2146


Did 4 man way just to be safe and it worked.

Arah path 1 at last boss any bugs still?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Gordok.2146


Question is in the title, helping some friends get their dm and wondering the current state of path one arah last boss bugs

Broken events in Arah Explorable Dungeon

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Gordok.2146


Randall really needs to be fixed. I did path 4 today and these were the outcomes:

- On the first run, we purposely let Randall die before we engaged Lupi. However this seems to glitch Lupi as he wouldn’t turn hostile. We had to restart.
- On the second run, Randall fed 3 grubs to Lupi, making the fight harder than it needed to be.

yes beware on having randall dead before the instance we had that happen to us aswell. Stupid thing is I melee lupey anyhow so probably did’nt need to try that.

Intended requirement for fractal achievement

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Gordok.2146


It is’nt bugged, what happens to most is they get the tree path and it roots them which wrecks the achievement.

Skill or Magic Find?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gordok.2146


Magic find anywhere near any 5 man instance is the problem, not the legendary imo.

DC in fractals. no way to get back in

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Gordok.2146


Did anyone here complaining play this game before fractals came out. If you did, did you forget there was plenty to do before they added that. Heres the thing. They added some stuff without fully testing it. News flash, every software company in the world, IN THE WORLD does this. Now you can play something that 90%, not 50, 90% finished that needs some polish if you want, nobodies forcing you to play this. Remember all that game that was there before fractals that i mentioned earlier. Go do that if the bugs are a “show stopper” to you.

Its great, you get a preview of something before its done. You people need a perception shift. Serisouly do you go out and buy the latest operating system the second it comes out. If you do you are seriously the biggest, most idiotic person in the world or your into sadomasochism. But hey whatever works for you. Dont be an early adopter of software if your one of those idiotic perfectionist. Software is never perfect day one of release. Words to live by. Welcome to the real world. Should have taken the “blue pill” if you wanted to stay in the matirx.

Me personally, thought it was great, I got a preview of whats to come. If I want to play it I can. Of course I run the chance of disconnecting (which i have, about as fun as jamming needles into my eyes) and lossing my progress. But now when they finish it, I wont be a total noob and can get through the stuff at a decent pace. I personally wont consider it finished till they get a looking for group feature along with it. But the end of january thing is a step in the right direction.

Try reading the thread first and you’ll understand why people are frustrated. It’s one thing to have the problem we all risk every time we play it and it’s completely different when they say they have a fix and lied about it. Not to mention the information coming about 10 days apart each time. So yea I’ll believe the end of January when I see it because if they really had a tested fix ready it would be in game already. No one enjoys being lied to, then ignored, then lied to, then ignored.

DC in fractals. no way to get back in

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Gordok.2146


If they really had a fix ready don’t you think they would of already patched it in? It’s just another lie.

DC in fractals. no way to get back in

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Gordok.2146


I’ll believe it when I see it. This is not the first time they said they were going to add a fix in a patch. They just decided to choose a patch further away this time thinking this thread will go away.

Pugging: Guards Perspective

in Guardian

Posted by: Gordok.2146


so i’ve pugged 99% of my level in FoTM and most of my encounters with them are smooth. smooth as in no one is talking and the flow of the events are like placed like falling dominoes. everything falls together. but i encounter a few bumps while im pugging.

1.) i notice when the group becomes heavy, people start blaming people or people "DC"s.
2.) i notice when i deliberately use wall of reflection when the only target is a melee boss to size up the guardian team mate that i have, he starts to look afk and disconnect from a map.

but there are good parts

1.) some people are patient and encourages the group to do well and try again
2.) if map is impossible, all goes out well and consider it a day.
3.) patient and relaxed people don’t mind the deaths.

i size up my pugs. i try to gauge the vibe. as i said, i use wall of reflection on a melee boss. or not use the skills on harpies that i fall everytime. or use 2 spirit weapons sword and hammer at the same time. i purposely die (but there are unavoidable circumstances when i get ganked or stand on a multiple stacked aoe and appear to my partymates that i get 1 shotted and prolly wearing a mf armor (while i really wear Rurik’s armor))

How about you? How do you deal with your pugs? How was your experience with them?

Sounds to me like you’re one of the bad parts of a pug. Purposefully trolling the group you joined to get a reaction would get you added to my ignore list for future reference. Being new and willing to learn would get advice and perhaps future groups with my static when we are missing one.

Most of the people that have pugged with us from time to time though have all been very positive and honest if new to something. Only two things get my goat and that is trolling and mf gear, two things I have been fortunate enough to not have to deal with a lot and when I have my group is strong enough to make up for it even though we should’nt have to.

DC in fractals. no way to get back in

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Gordok.2146


We’re due another working on it message in 4 days. Are we not grate full? I dont know about you but if I was designing an online game I would all ways ask myself what happend if the player dc’s or their computer locks up before releasing something.

DC in fractals. no way to get back in

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Gordok.2146


Bumping back to the first page. Having your friend dc in fotm on jade on daily then not feel like doing anything else is becoming close to the end for me. Especially when it was cliffside and the ice one we went through on that run.

DC in fractals. no way to get back in

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Gordok.2146


11 days between non updates, 27 days since first non response. Sorry but lost faith long ago will believe it when I see a fix. We’re working on it just is’nt good enough anymore, not when you keep messing with everything else in fractals but this.

I play dungeons almost exclusively other than having to farm for things and have loved every second of it except when I invest an hour or 2 if we get cliffside only to have my comp lock up (something that only seems to happen in fotm) and not even get a chance to not gain a ring that’s usuable again.

For me and a lot of people I know this is slowly killing our reason to log on and you making cliffside a living hell just makes it that much worse. Side note from release to just this patch ( if it indeed works) to figure out how not to have the npc die and break arah path 1 is what I think we have to look forward to in fotm.

That’s about all I have to say about this. Had to retype it a dozen times though in an attempt to not cross any lines because this bs really makes me angry when games like this are supposed to be to unwind and have some fun.

DC in fractals. no way to get back in

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Gordok.2146


Love the logic. You have a bug that destroys groups, requirements that segregate the community and instead of working on these you keep removing anything that speeds up what you hope is a dc free run. Loving getting kicked in the nuts every time I see a patch note about fotm.

Are’nt we grate full?

DC in fractals. no way to get back in

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Gordok.2146


It’s not ready yet. We’re still working on the fix for this issue.

I so called it. We have a fix ready for next patch was so much bs. I think I can speak for most people here when I say it’s not the wait that gets us angry it’s the lies that do.

DC in fractals. no way to get back in

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Gordok.2146


Next patch when? I dont know about the rest of you but if I truly had a fix for something so game breaking for so many on a major new piece of content I would hot fix it the minute after I knew it worked. That or I might think the word soon lasted nearly 2 weeks so now lets bs them with the phrase next patch. Just saying……

(edited by Gordok.2146)

DC in fractals. no way to get back in

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Gordok.2146


Bumping because not only still messed up, still ZERO response other than soon.

DC in fractals. no way to get back in

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Gordok.2146



1.within a short period after this or that time, event, etc.: We shall know soon after he calls.
before long; in the near future; at an early date: Let’s leave soon.
promptly or quickly: He came as soon as he could.
readily or willingly: I would as soon walk as ride.
early in a period of time; before the time specified is much advanced: soon at night; soon in the evening.

Any of that sound like over a week and still no response?

Looking for guild JQ

in Guilds

Posted by: Gordok.2146


I do pvp but spend most of my time pve. I have around 2700 AP and am looking for a guild that enjoys running dungeons and is on the larger side member wise.

Willing to pay for an arah path 1 success 12 gold

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Gordok.2146


Run was a success. Dungeon master achieved. A good night.

Willing to pay for an arah path 1 success 12 gold

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Gordok.2146


group in progress.

Willing to pay for an arah path 1 success 12 gold

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Gordok.2146


Downloading new build. Server does’nt matter for dungeons. Other than EU which I’m not. But JQ if it matters to someone.

Willing to pay for an arah path 1 success 12 gold

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Gordok.2146


Only need this for master and getting a group that is’nt full of never done befores and quit after first tries has been difficult with my schedule. Online right now.