My characters think I’m crazy.
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My characters think I’m crazy.
Yeah, it’s a nice improvement. Makes cooking less of a chore that’s for sure.
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I noticed it earlier when I tapped a Rich Silver vein, just went and confirmed on a couple Rich Iron. It was 10 strikes, now it’s 8.
I did a lot of Rich Mithril, Platinum, and Iron mining on multiple characters and I can’t remember ever getting less than 10 strikes until I hit that Rich Silver node today and noticed the same thing the OP did. I felt like my character had stopped mining too soon. It used to always be 3, 3, 3, and then 1 more strike before the node showed as depleted. Extras were after that 10 strike pattern when they occurred.
If it had been a matter of the WvW bonus, why wouldn’t I have noticed getting 8 strikes on Fridays and Saturdays before the bonus percentage had accumulated enough to start getting 10 strikes that often? Cause I was certainly out there farming on Fridays and Saturdays as well as the rest of the week.
If I had to guess this is either a bug or they are trying to trim the fat a little from Rich Iron farming. Jumping around the maps hitting the static Rich Iron nodes can add up quickly. Setting it to 8 strikes, down from 10, would potentially reduce the haul by 20%, right? Some of the Rich nodes are static positions regardless of server, so the collecting pattern would still be possible with the zones converting to the megaserver system, unlike Ori nodes which are going to change spawn locations depending on which instance of the map you get into which will slow down Ori gathering a bit.
For example, today I had to memorize 2 or 3 Ori node layouts in Malchor’s as I rotated through my alts and ended up on different copies of the Malchor’s Leap map, but if I was Static Rich Iron hunting then those Rich Iron nodes would still be in their same usual spots, megaserver or not. Reducing them from 10 strikes to 8 would slow down that operation about the same way having to find all the Ori nodes on multiple copies of the same map will slow down Ori gathering.
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Air themed Norn Elementalist.
Head: Storm Eye
Shoulders: Masquerade Mantle
Chest: Soul of Koda
Gloves: Arms of Koda
Legs: Apostle Leggings
Feet: Exalted Boots
Colors: Icing, Gray, and Sky for the gems in the gloves.
Scepter skin: Scepter of the Highborn
Still deciding on the other weapon skins.
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Student interested in joining.
NA region.
I have 10 80s, every class plus an extra Warrior and Necro. All dressed in Exotics with the occasional trinket I still need to upgrade and maybe an underwater weapon here and there. I’ve done all Story modes at least once except for SE and CoE. Other than that I’ve only done a couple Exp paths in AC. Haven’t set foot in a Fractal.
Started joining through the LFG tool but I keep running into groups that repeatedly drop members (even before we begin people just join and drop, join and drop) and groups that disband if there’s a single wipe, even in Story mode.
Would like to learn with people that aren’t going to ditch that easily and actually communicate.
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We also haven’t heard everything that’s coming in the update either. Maybe the Armory you desire is still to be revealed?
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The whole point of April Fool’s Day is that the tricks are to be pulled off on that one day. I’ve never heard of any company starting their April Fool’s trick in March and saying “Gotcha!” on April 1st.
You don’t show up to work on March 31st and tell your co-workers that you have cancer only to say “April Fool’s!!!” the next morning. You have to get them with the entire trick on April 1st. Anyone doing otherwise is doing it wrong. People know to be on guard on that one day, they don’t want to have to be on guard for weeks leading up to it.
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Yes. Dyes you already have will become account bound. That’s why the duplicates will be essentially refunded as unidentified dyes in your inventory.
Your characters will no longer have individual dye listings. Just the account wide dye selector. You will not be going back to the basic dyes and having to start over. You keep your current dyes and they become account wide.
Cleared up now?
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Ten 80s. Harvest runs. Champ train on Engineer. Whatever events that pop up such as Temples, etc.
Don’t like the PUG scene and I never found a dedicated crew to run dungeons with. Haven’t set foot in a Fractal.
Used to do WvW a lot but got burned out during Season 1. Haven’t really gone in since.
Basically Ultimate Casual Mode these days.
I’ve never seen a Precursor drop. I don’t have any clovers. Have no ambition to try to get a Legendary. None of my characters are wearing Ascended armor.
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Step 1: add craftable pre-cursors or pre-cursor scavenger hunt
Step 2: put one of the parts needed in the Nageling giant’s loot table
Step 3: “Is the giant up yet?” “Everyone keeps asking that! Be patient!”
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Hopefully I got the image right. One of each gender of each race. Still leveling the female Charr. Gearing the 80s is a never ending process. If I get ambitious I’ll try for one of each armor type for each race.
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I don’t think I necessarily miss the trinity, but instead I miss a more relaxed gamer environment. The “go go go” mentality started creeping up in WoW PUGs years ago and it has only gotten worse across the entire gamer community. I’m not interested in speed runs or meta builds. It’s like I’m back in the Diablo 2 days.
Guess I’m just getting old. Maybe if I was still in my 20s I’d be trying to go as fast as I could too. Women reading this will probably snicker.
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Let’s put it this way, on more than one occasion I’ve been in danger of not having enough to use a Waypoint. In game I spend constantly, IRL I cut back on expenses as much as I can and save. I guess I’m roleplaying?
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Weekly Tarnished Coast Dolyak Parade
Hey all! It’s almost that time of the week again!Can’t wait! Pretty much every alt has been carrying Dollie tonic’s since our first match in July. Yet, I haven’t been lucky enough to join in the fun. How about make this span multiple BL’s at once?
Had low turnout since the season began. Probably best to keep it to one BL unless we know for sure that lots of people want to participate.
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I’ve played every class to 80 at least once. The ones I have fun on in WvW or at least use in WvW a lot: Guardian (survival), Mesmer (zerker), Elementalist (cleric), Necromancer (condition/fear).
Ones I’ve tried but just felt really clunky on: Thief, Engineer.
Ones I’m indifferent about and will play when I’m in the mood: Warrior, Ranger.
I am slowly but surely hammering out the builds I enjoy on each, just a matter of settling on a setup and getting the gear arranged. Got the Guardian and Warrior where I like them I think, working on the Thief in an attempt to like the class. Don’t let other people tell you how to play it. Figure out the build that you personally enjoy. That’s my advice anyway.
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Let’s get this straight, TC only cares about one thing: good fights and good times. Wait, that’s two things. Oh and toast and cookies and dolyaks. The list goes on and on really, but let’s move on.
Sorry we couldn’t put up more of a fight for Garrison last night/this morning on TCBL. Some of us were pulling all-nighters to try and hold the line but we just didn’t have the numbers for a real drawn out, bloody, old-fashioned TC zombie apocalypse.
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I’m so deep in queue I was in a Scarlet attack in the Frostgorge overflow.
I can see my house from heeeeere…
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Things I like:
1) Marjory Delaqua returns.
Awww yeah.
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And there was rejoicing throughout the land…until we got to the fight again and realized no one else saw this post.
I was just hiding behind walls and rezzing people after he finished demonstrating the worst case of dandruff ever.
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I’m disappointed that some of the things from last year didn’t come around again. I didn’t finish upgrading the book back piece to the fiery version on all of my characters, figured I might be able to do that when the event came back around. Now the stuff I’ve been holding onto since the Christmas event starts to look like trash in my bank as I doubt it’ll be used again.
At least Tassi is involved this year.
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Another week to try out new builds I guess. Next up, my Bow/Rifle Warrior. Code Name: Gingerbread Man
As in, I run and you catch me and eat me.
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Thanks for posting this. I have a tendency to ignore the summoned weapons with my Ele so it’s nice to know I need to adjust so I’m not slacking on the dps in a timed fight.
Just a matter of everyone getting on the same page and guides like this thread helps with that goal.
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I hope there’s plenty of nice people using it. The mean people will be mad at me for not being a dungeon expert. /sniffles
My characters think I’m crazy.
Good tips above.
Tried with a pick-up group of 5 earlier tonight and we were unsuccessful though we got painfully close on one attempt.
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Rolled my ninth not long ago. Went with a second Necro. After learning the profession on the first one I’m having much more fun leveling the second. I have a good feel for weapon skill synergy and which utilities to invest in first. First Necro is a condition damage oriented fearmonger, this second one will go a different route.
I’m saving up for a 10th slot so I can have one of each gender of each race. Probably go with another Warrior for number 10, Charr Female.
I’d love to have one of each armor class for each race since I like the cultural armor sets but not sure I’m going to shoot for that many characters.
One thing I can’t break out of is my choices of Priory, Vigil, or Whispers. I join the Priory with all of my light armor characters, Vigil for heavy, Whispers for medium. I get to that point in the story and think, “This time I’m going to join the Vigil with this Necro” but I go with the Priory again. I don’t know why it matters to me since I haven’t even bought any of the faction armor sets or weapons. I just feel like casters should be in the Priory and rogue types should be with Whispers. :/
My characters think I’m crazy.
1. Contested waypoints outside of WvW. It wouldn’t be that bad if we could secure them for hours at a time but as it is right now five minutes after we do the event to uncontest them they’re contested again. More of an annoyance than anything. You call out in map chat with a link to the nearest waypoint for an event that people are already reluctant to help on and that nearest waypoint is contested. A bit on the counter-productive side.
2. Veterans out in the open world that call in reinforcements. Especially those near skill points and vistas. Saw someone just today raging about a Veteran Acolyte in Cursed Shore. That isn’t the kind of encounter where people laugh about it while running back from the nearest waypoint, that’s a “think I’ll log out for a bit and watch tv or something” kind of encounter.
3. Can’t really think of a third thing that has to do with the game itself. I guess I’d love to see some randomness added to the maps in WvW but that’s far easier said than done.
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SWTOR seems to be middle of the road, but to be honest the limitations they apply on your account is a little ridiculous to me. Especially as someone who was a paying subscriber up to that point. I can now not even access half of my quick bars. >.< Nevermind all the races, etc. I have no idea if they changed this from last year, but it just totally ruined any chance of me ever playing it again.
Yeah they realized it was too restrictive and changed it back so you have access to your bars again. When I logged in after F2P went live and saw I only had two bars I logged out immediately. Went back a few weeks later and all the quickbars were back.
SWTOR’s failings broke my heart. I had a lot of fun playing it when it first came out and was lucky enough to find a nice group to do the Operation content with, met them by pure chance one night when they needed a replacement for one of their regulars and I became one of their regulars after that. The bad decisions made concerning that game were mind boggling. So many species in the SW setting and all we got was a bunch of different colored humanoids.
I tried DDO but my D&D days are behind me. I can’t get into it anymore, no attention span. I don’t want to have to think that much about mapping out my character’s eventual build with feats, etc. where spending points in the wrong thing could wind up causing me to have to reroll and start again. I don’t like the limited number of casts per day stuff. I grew up on that kind of system but after experiencing the mindless joy of key mashing I don’t want to go back to choosing between Magic Missile or Burning Hands.
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It’s grown on me. It was a lot harder to get around before they reduced the Risen.
I spend most of my time in Malchor’s. I do a big circle around the zone harvesting nodes and helping with Dwayna and Lyssa when someone is working on them.
And I find myself helping with Grenth a lot in Cursed Shore cause some people have very little patience and instead of clearly explaining the fight to everyone who just showed up, they instead toss insults and rage quit when the event fails. I like to stick it out and keep reminding people of the fight mechanics until we succeed. Once the whiners leave we usually get it.
If I was going to form a themed guild I would make a guild dedicated to helping with events on the Orr maps. Helping with the invasion points and Balthazar, helping with the other temples, uncontesting contested waypoints when able, etc. Members could just represent their other guilds when elsewhere and when they feel like chain running events in Orr they could come on down and flip over to the Orr guild.
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It’s not a problem – my 8 foot Norn Guardian looks better in day-glo orange, pink and green anyhow. Blinds the opposition in WvW for the easy kill!
I don’t think the enemy can see your armor colors. They see you in the color of your team, red blue or green. Could be wrong on that though.
As for Abyss I’ve had 1 drop. Got it in one of the Shiverpeak areas.
Got 1 Celestial from the 10-pack of dyes bought with Laurels.
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Kind of like ‘Inception’. It would be funny to see if there was another game inside the 8bit world. Further and further down the rabbit hole.
I agree, great idea to bring back the retro past!
Make the game within a game text-based.
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I’m 35 and this thread is making me feel like it.
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Grenth uncontested on Tarnished Coast as of 4:30 server time.
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Just popped in because I was surprised to see such a close game!? Did TC get some new players? Just wondering how you went from being tier 2/3 to being a tier 1 contender!
People are checking out the changes since the patch.
A lot of people gave up on WvW until there was an update on the Culling issue. They’d prefer to see the zerg that runs them over. Now they can, so they’re back.
Numbers might dwindle again after people realize it’s even more of a zerg vs. door environment than before. Hopefully not, been plenty of bone-crushing battles for Keeps since the patch. Entertaining enough to keep people around perhaps.
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Ridiculous fights in TCBL last night with lots of three way battles going on in Bay. Haven’t had this much fun in WvW in weeks. While many parts of the “WvW patch” (which contained more PVE content than WvW) were disappointing or lacking, the end of culling made it all well worth it.
Yeah we were having a blast. We’d punch a hole in Bay with a Garrison Treb and before we could get there FA would pour into the breach. Then while FA is flipping Bay, KN would go down and flip Briar within seconds of each other. Back and forth.
Some of the responses when people see that sea of red names stomping towards them now is comedy gold. “Holy sh…!!!” “There’s so many.” “I haven’t been stomped that hard since my mother-in-law moved out.”
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“Outmanned bonus to increase World XP, receive no armor damage on death, and increase experience.”
sounds great.
What good are xp’s to level 80s?
More skill points for more superior siege upgrading.
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Guess I’ll save some silver on Gate-a-pults and outmanned repairs. Woot!
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- All Orr events now execute flawlessly. No more escort groups hanging up, all Temple events running as intended, all invasion points working properly.
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The dyes are the only things I have any interest in from the Laurel vendor too. Every 5 Laurels, time for dyes. I’ve gotten as many as 5 rares out of the 10. Got a Celestial. There have been a couple batches where I didn’t get a single rare, but the times where I get multiple rares balances it out.
Random is random.
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The Temple has been claimed for the good people of Tarnished Coast…and guests.
2:30 server time.
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This is the happy thread! All responses to any perceived slights should be handled like this:
1. Oh wow, I never looked at it that way!
2. Congratulations! That’s awesome!
3. I will have to politely agree to disagree.
So we’re not supposed to go Dorner on our enemies?
What? Too soon?
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Well I wanted one of each class, rolled one male of each race and then three females for the last three classes cause I didn’t want duplicate males as I thought that would be boring. Even with the customization, it still would have been two male norns or two male sylvari, etc. Needed some feminine charm mixed in.
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For those beyond the queue, we salute you.
#guitar solo#
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Why can’t you leave TC to the RPers? It already has an ‘unofficial’ purpose and has been swarmed by WvW bandwagons, pick something else.
No, TC is not a WvW bandwagon server. We got a few guilds that came over to try and help fill our coverage gaps but we aren’t dominating and on our way to Tier 1 or anything like that. We got where we are in WvW because our players are gluttons for punishment and keep coming back for more carnage regardless of who we are up against. If it wasn’t for the upcoming standings reset, TC would most likely end up slipping down to Tier 3 again. We can’t compete with the Uber Servers sporting 24/7 coverage.
TC tried to flip the Orr Temples daily even before this patch. It’s a fine choice for guesting for that purpose but note that we are still working on the new Grenth as far as I know. We’ll keep trying until we get him. It’s a moral imperative.
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A lot of us are still downloading.
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Definitely like the Orr attention. I’ve grown to enjoy Orr, with Malchor’s being my favorite of the three areas. Course part of that is because on the Coast we still have people showing up for the Temple events which is nice.
Guardian Spirit Weapons taking damage and no more siege in the WvW jumping puzzles were the other notes that stood out to me.
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I’m interested to see the Laurels and I hope they didn’t jack up the prices on the stuff we can buy with them to the point that I have to do dailies for a month before being able to purchase anything.
I don’t play a D/D Ele but I’m afraid in their attempts to nerf their survivability my Supporty Staff Ele will suffer indirectly.
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Remember, wherever you go…there you are.
Tier 2, Tier 3, Tier Whatever. TC will make sure whichever tier we are in is the Tarnishiest and Coastly tier of them all.
Accept no substitute.
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Please come at us in masses, this is getting dull.
You’ll be in a boredom induced coma by Tuesday.
Two weeks ago was the last time Tier 2 will have an entertaining week for the foreseeable future.
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No, the Benny Hill theme suits SOR and their Golem rushes much better.
Here’s TC coming out of our spawn location:
And here we come heading for Pang camp:
Yeah, it’s gonna be one of those nights. “Marty, you have to come with me…back to 1985!”
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Let’s go Coast! Reset Day. Get out of your computer chairs and do a push-up or two, go to the bathroom, get some snacks, tell your mom to tape the final episodes of Fringe, give yourself some reassuring words in the mirror (you are a special person and people like you), and let’s put on our red shoes and dance the blues.
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