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My character is level 80. That leaves no reason I can see for glancing to happen if weaken isn’t in the picture.
The only other reason for glancing listed in the wiki is fighting higher level characters. That shouldn’t be happening against players in WvW?
I’m seeing this a lot in WvW. The log reports glances but my character isn’t weakened?
After hours of hair-pulling frustration, I finished the jumping puzzle Not So Secret. I went there to get the diving goggles achievement, but that’s pretty much impossible so I’ve decided not waste any more of my time on this broken crap.
Here’s the problem:
-Jumping is unreliable. Sometimes the jumps work and sometimes my character just falls straight down.
-Landing is ridiculously unreliable. My character’s feet slip off EVERYTHING FOR NO kitten REASON.
And about this particular jumping puzzle: it sucks. Fall and you’re either dead or lost all of your progress. Aggro mobs respawn within moments of killing them. My character was stuck in combat for no reason, and that further screws up jump distance.
My guardian was using the Shelter ability against a half dozen attackers. The ability blocked one attack, but allowed the rest through. The ability wasn’t interrupted. The attackers weren’t using unblockable attacks.
Like the blast gyro being useless, apparently the purge gyro doesn’t do a kitten thing to remove conditions.
Sounds like that needs to change. What a screwed up design.
Dunno. Steal dazes my character no matter what I do.
Thieves are dazing my character while he has stability. Anybody know how this is happening?
I just tested this against a player about 900 units away. The dart hit, but the gyro didn’t launch or do anything else.
I’ve been posting bug reports of the dome and other blocks not working in WvW. And it’s not because of unblockable attacks. So far, Anet has done nothing.
I’ve been seeing this where attacks are not landing in the ranges they should, and I’m seeing attacks landing from far outside the range they should.
For example, my engineer character was just now hit with a thief’s scorpion wire from 2000 units away. My character was firing the elite mortar with a range of 1500, and it wasn’t hitting, but the thief’s scorpion wire did.
Unblockable isn’t the cause of this bug, because attacks are coming through that can’t be affected by the unblockable modifier. If I were to guess, it looks like the server is getting out of sync and sending attacks through that the shield should stop.
When my character is attacked by a handful or more enemy players, this ability fails to block all the attacks that it should.
In large scale battles, this ability fails to work as it should. It blocks some projectiles, but others pass through just fine, as well as enemy players.
This pretty much sums up combat in WvW. Is this really what you designers had in mind for WvW? Why is my character CONSTANTLY stunned, dazed, and downed? Here’s a hint: that’s not fun. It’s also not what I want in return for my hard-earned money.
My character was using a mortar in WvW at the bay. Enemy players run up. My character is stuck in the mortar taking damage from them and can’t get out until downed.
Way too much burst damage and mobility. Seriously, does anyone at Arenanet test their stuff? My characters are taking 30k damage between backstab and cloak and dagger. This needs to be fixed yesterday, but here we are and nothing’s being done.
The outnumbered buff needs a buff. Right now, it’s too weak to incentivize anything.
Really tired of thieves’ stealth mechanic, too. They’re far, far too overpowered in WvW. Time to tone down this ridiculous design.
I haven’t leveled a character up and run the WvW maps in awhile, but I’m finding upleveling to be an absolute joke. What is the point of upleveling when it doesn’t put the character on remotely even footing with enemy players? Is it just to have warm bodies to be targets on the maps?
I remember this feature being emphasized when I paid for Guild Wars 2, but it does not work as advertised. The upleveled character has an elevated HP pool, but does a tenth of the damage needed to survive on a WvW map.
If my character isn’t falling through the geometry, he’s getting stuck on it for no reason. If he’s not getting stuck on the geometry, the camera is going behind other objects so I can’t see what I’m doing. I refuse to waste any more of my time on this.
This design is so lopsided that it’s a joke. It looks like it didn’t get tested or something. So, yeah it needs to be fixed instead of giving one side all the I Win buttons.
I hope that Orr would get cleaned up. The zone is plain annoying, with parts that are a jumbled rat maze packed with trash mobs that aren’t worth fighting. The rest of the zone is open, but packed with trash mobs that aren’t worth fighting. Overall, it’s a lousy place to hang around.
I’m still seeing over half my characters’ HP lost in single shots from thieves and some warriors. It doesn’t matter if I load on toughness, or not. I really can’t believe WvW was designed to be this bad on purpose?
The ranger ability Path of Scars has problems:
Against players, the projectile will sometimes fly off in random directions, and not hit the target. I received an “out of range” message a couple times with this, but the target was in range.
Against elevated targets, it just doesn’t work.
Unplayable is an understatement.
See title. My mid level characters in WvW still get one-shotted. Not much point in WvW with this garbage. Or is the intended effect to kitten off everyone not 80 so they don’t bother with WvW until max level?
I think there is something wrong with the Risen mobs. On top of doing stupid amounts of damage, ignoring friendly NPCs to attack the player, etc., they will sprint for no apparent reason. No buff shows, they just move at 200% or so, making them impossible to keep off the player.
Thieves – broken with the stealth problems allowing easy kills
Mesmers – have some bug issues right now with their skills also allowing easy kills
OP: your observations are correct. This has been a problem since beta and reported, although it seems to have made no difference. This is also one of the main reasons I really don’t like the combat design for GW2. Do you remember when Conan went to visit the warmasters of the East, and they trained him in the fighting style only known as “the circle-strafe”? Yeah, neither do I.
Only two viable ones I found are jewelcraft and cooking, and that is really only for the XP gains. Cooking drops are broken in some cases, like vanilla and chili peppers. It’s just like most other MMO’s where crafting is a bit half-baked with materials being more valuable than finished products, etc etc.
What happened to QA here? Were the quest chains setup and then character designs shuffled around to the point where we are now, with broken difficulty everywhere? It looks like there was the dropping of a very large ball somewhere in the design work, as players are now beta testing the resulting mess. I’m not particularly happy with said mess either.
The game has a really bad habit of rapidly spawning mobs on top of players already in combat. This results in repair bills. This setup is a really, really bad idea.
Sub 80 WvW really needs to be fixed. They royally screwed low level players with the implemention of boosting…that doesn’t really do much. You can still die in 1-2 seconds against a single level 80 player. You will get a lot of glossing about how it’s not that bad, the problem is: yeah, it’s horrible. Arenanet sold WvW under the premise of not screwing low level players, as seen in other MMO’s, and then turned around and did the same thing.
I’m not getting enough chocolate and butter now. Not even close. I don’t care if it’s implemented as chocolate golems and giant champion cow bosses, but I need more of these materials.
Really getting frustrated with vanilla/butter/chocolate drop rates
in Crafting
Posted by: Heatsink.5794
I need vanilla, and I scour metrica to only get 5 beans? And Caledon forest is no better.
I need butter/chocolate now, which used to drop like crazy. And then the drop rates get nerfed, right when I need butter & chocolate. Butter is used in all kinds of recipes. There is no reason to limit it that I can think of. On a related note, do bandits have a patent on butter? Are churns exotic and mystical technology the general populace can’t seem to figure out?
I’ve found that my characters that are not 80 are at a gigantic disadvantage in WvW. The game was actually fun before the level disparity become noticeable. If I happen upon a high level player, the supposed boost to even out the level difference doesn’t actually do anything, and the combat lasts a whole two seconds if I’m lucky. That’s not an exaggeration either; 12k to 15k hits roll in from a single player. I’m not particularly interested in being entertainment for other players with high level characters. If the current situation does not improve, please start paying me for providing entertainment value for someone else.
I got stuck inside a keep gate today in WvW. How to reproduce:
Get knocked out where a gate normally is, after said gate has been broken.
When the gate is rebuilt, and another players revives the knocked out player, the revived player will be inside the gate and not able to get out.Can you get the name of the keep and a screenshot of which gate? Thanks!
It was cragtop keep I think, or the equivalent keep just east of the garrison keep.
I got stuck inside a keep gate today in WvW. How to reproduce:
Get knocked out where a gate normally is, after said gate has been broken.
When the gate is rebuilt, and another players revives the knocked out player, the revived player will be inside the gate and not able to get out.
Any updates on the subject? It is something of a game breaking problem.