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Nearby future plans for GW2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Idanaeris.5723


Hello there dear fellow GW2 players & staff!

As with any game, I keep hearing (or well, mostly reading, to be more literal) both good and bad things about GW2, but neither of them seem satisfying or reliable as they rely mostly on speculation…

As a former player of nearly 8 months, with some good money invested into the game and at present a returning user with several new IRL friends on board I’m interested to know a more formal answer concerning the game that I love – how is it faring lately? What is its estimated overall player base?

Does the company plan to continue to invest in it and make it work for several more years to come or will all this effort and money have to be in vain aside from the experience the game has provided in the upcoming year? I haven’t personally played GW1 but I know many people who still “mourn” over it. Was the transition to GW2 unannounced and sudden?

Sometimes it would be a good idea to get some feedback on how well the game is faring, because in the eventuality that it is going down, I’m sure there are players out there who love it enough to not let that happen.

I also asked these questions in hopes to eliminate speculative and inaccurate content that have reached my ears.

I wish all of you a wonderful day!

- Spectral

What is the classic Warrior Build nowadays?

in Warrior

Posted by: Idanaeris.5723


Hello there everybody.

I’m a returning user and to start fresh I made a new warrior. I used to be Ele before so I have no experience with Warriors. I’ve read quite a bit on the forums… and asked around in my guild a bit too… but now I would like to address a more public question to the Forums also.

What is considered the “classical” widespread… and most reliable build… a Warrior can rely on nowadays?

Lots of people have advised me to choose based on playstyle, but frankly I like most of the Warrior weapons so I can’t really choose (I guess that overall favorites would be swords, axes, warhorn, gs)… and have decided to ask more experienced players on what it would be more effective afterwards especially in terms of combinations. After a lot of reading and opinions it also seems that the full Zerker set is also the way to go… So what are your opinions about the weapons. sigils, runes, build..

I noticed I’m still way too used to playing ranged from past years.. and I find it hard to close the gap between me and what I’m attacking etc. if this also comes in handy as useful information. Thoughts?

Ele - support or damage dealer?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Idanaeris.5723


PVE- DPS, eles are one of the best dps classes in game.
Zerk, scholar runes/ruby orbs
traits, there are many builds, you have to be more specific of your play style.

I keep bumping into the term “playing style”. How many types are there?

I actually am sort of a mixture of all of them as long as they are the Staff skills; I always swap between all of the elements since I was told that was a “good thing” (as I’ve gotten well accustomed to the Staff skills) and so I got used to that “style”. Does this count or do I have to be preferring 1 element in particular? In that case, it would probably be Fire – Earth. I prefer both equally to some extent, but Water is good for healing my party partner.

What equipment sets to choose and why?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Idanaeris.5723


I noticed there are several equipment sets in the TP (and probably in other places as well) and I was wondering which ones do you use and why.

As well as, I am kind of wondering what is each set’s circumstantial benefit? Like… All I know so far is that Berserker’s is best for Damage Dealing if you go for full fire trait… But why is Sentinel set so expensive and what trait does it go with well?

I also know there are equipment sets you could purchase from NPCs with Karma (but I don’t know where the NPCs are and what the sets are like yet…) and I also know you can craft your own stuff if you have the Tailoring craft… but I am not sure which ones you could craft since I am barely level 250.

Thanks in advance.

Ele - support or damage dealer?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Idanaeris.5723


What’s in your personal opinion best out of the two for:

1. PvE – Dungeons. (Or do you people call it Fractals here? – I’m still learning.)

2. PvP / WvW

Since I am asking for your personal opinion I am aware that there are many varieties and in the end it’s what I’ll choose in accordance to my favorite playing style, but since I still consider myself sort-of new to the game, I am wondering what do YOU fellow Eles enjoy most and what equipment sets AND traits you chose for yourself and in which situations and of course why you prefer to do it like that.

Just looking for input from elder Eles. xD Thanks in advance.

Looking for a Guild in Far Shiverpeaks :)

in Looking for...

Posted by: Idanaeris.5723


Hello there. As the title already states, I am looking for an active guild in said server that is medium to large sized (80-100+ members) and engaged in various end game activities, PvP, WvW and PvE related. I prefer a little bit of each, but if you have 1 main focus that is also okay. I would like English to be the main or only language in chat.

I am sort of new to the game, as I’ve started on the 11th of October, but I am almost level 80 (Elementalist profession) and I’ve accustomed pretty quick with the game. World completion is almost at half, I have Aritificing and Tailoring as crafts, leveling them up as I go.

I find myself pretty quick to learn new things as I have a generous history with MMORPGs, so I would appreciate it if the guild had the virtue of helping newcomers that are willing to learn and be a part of their guild.

I am willing to apply through your guild site if that’s how you like to run things.

If you would like to request more information from me, please contact me in-game. My character is called Nocturnal Demon. I am online usually every day unless I have projects at college.

Thanks in advance.

So why are you a Human?

in Human

Posted by: Idanaeris.5723


Personally, I normally choose a human in MMORPGs and make it a mage out of two reasons. First, I’ve always been a Lina Inverse fan as since childhood. And second, I just like the feeling of us, as humans, having the potential to do magic, even if in a fictional setting. To me, making a fantasy character and then giving it elemental powers kind of takes the fun away from it, psychologically. I’m aware that might just be a thing of mine haha.

Labyrinthine Horror buged?

in Blood and Madness

Posted by: Idanaeris.5723


As far as I know, the Mad King will show up on the 31st of October – 1st of November.

Skeletal Lich - Impossible or Bugged?

in Blood and Madness

Posted by: Idanaeris.5723


The more people are in the map, the more strong he becomes. Some people will do less damage to him than others, so unless 100% of everyone focuses max force on him while being strong enough to compensate his increased strength due to the number, I can imagine that situation happening. xD

Stupid new Mad kings chest

in Blood and Madness

Posted by: Idanaeris.5723


Maybe they should just be advised by us players to tell us about their changes in the future.

Tired of Achievement Hunting

in Blood and Madness

Posted by: Idanaeris.5723


I agree that they need to implement some innovation within the game. Applying the same old trick over and over will make it result into a problem, not a bonus meant to keep or attract other players.

200.000 chattering = 740g to NPC

in Blood and Madness

Posted by: Idanaeris.5723


I want one of the dev’s that decided on this rubbish to go and actually farm them up. If they aren’t willing to do it and it’s their own creation, they shouldn’t expect their players to be willing to do it either.

I agree with this. I think that those who create things should primarily, first of all, put themselves in the place of the person enjoying or exploring their creation and imagine accurately the feelings it would generate before throwing it in our precious little game.

Skin limited to PvP or PvE only

in Suggestions

Posted by: Idanaeris.5723


It’s why sailors and maids have separate uniforms and it might be weird seeing your maid clean your house in a sailor outfit or having a marine on a ship dressed as a maid. Might be an interesting fetish for some, but not everybody will like it.

Help with Guild Roster & Managing Guilds

in Suggestions

Posted by: Idanaeris.5723


I strongly support this, at the VERY least the last log in time ought to be placed there. It’s something really basic for guild management in my opinion. And since the game made it generous enough so one could be a part of more than just one guild, the option of the guilds being displayed sound also equally necessary. The rest might require more complicated coding and time to create and implement without causing many bugs, but gradually they should work on the guild system and not let such a wonderful social aspect of games of this genre go to waste unappreciated.

mouse look without holding right button

in Suggestions

Posted by: Idanaeris.5723


So far this thread has successfully made me chuckle.

Farming grind: orichalcum and ancients

in Crafting

Posted by: Idanaeris.5723


Google -> gw2nodes -> enjoy.

Still a grind. When T7 mats became the higher level T6 mats availability should have been increased. I said in another post that I felt like gouging my eyes out after farming to 500 artificer and I’ve still got weaponsmith and huntsman to go.

Everything in games are a grind. Otherwise what’s the point of playing? Do you want to log-in one day and have all your ori’s available in your inventory?

Or do you actually want to go out and work for your items?

I completely agree with this. Time and effort make it more valuable when accomplished.

It’s nice to see that there are quite a lot of people who support this. ^^ Makes me happy for some reasokitten

some people are just lazy and want to be spoonfed…..

If its a “grind” to you, you can either accept the rewards are not for you or you can pay a premium to the people who feel like putting in the time AND want to sell them.

Or you can put in the effort.

But plenty of people ARE getting to the rewards they want so don’t expect the system to bend for you.

(edited by Idanaeris.5723)

Legendary Weapon designs

in Crafting

Posted by: Idanaeris.5723


Legendaries can now switch stats…
Why not enable a mechanism that also allows them to switch skins? Allow all legendaries to be able to look like any exotic weapon. Perhaps even a set selection of exotic weapons only. Anyone wanting to flaunt their legendary can keep the original look. I honestly do not think this would cause a loss of money for Anet and I feel that it would provide the correct solution for a problem many people have. The resources required for legendaries merit this ability.

I think switching skins would be a bad idea. It would make the cool ones be less amazing in my opinion, making them not to special to the eye. And it would probably even cause some confusion at first. One needs to attach the value of something to a “face”. If the face is everywhere around you, then there’s nothing special to that face anymore.

A type of gathering I miss

in Crafting

Posted by: Idanaeris.5723


Personally, I also agree with the fact that I would like WoW gameplay elements to stay the f out of GW2 regardless of how much innovation that would take. I would rather that the GW2 team in charge of this maybe create an alternative to this to ease it for players who just… like it easier? But not without a poll beforehand, to check if the majority actually want this. Sadly however, from my experience with MMORPGs, what the majority wants is not ALWAYS good for the sales long-term. From what I’ve noticed, people that have been with the MMORPG genre for a long time (and could be comfortable referred to as Veterans of the genre) and are the likeliest to stick to games of such kind longer, always seek out new things from MMORPGs even if it’s not to facilitate things as much as possible.
Personally I don’t mind some professions being harder than others, because it simply makes the crafting result be more valuable, or more prestigious alongside being more challenging for people who don’t really like the easy way in their gaming path. In other words, a profession might be different and slower in its kin, but it provides variety. Variety is essential because we don’t all seek the same from the game.