Showing Posts For Illogical.6218:

Level 80 Scroll?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Illogical.6218


aaah yes, cuz having level 80 profession and not knowing how to use it is really usefull

[BUG] Help Scholar Blix Clear Tunnel

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Illogical.6218


The Assault Shelter Event Is Bugged
Scholar Blix And His Golems Wont Leave Penitent

[merged] BUG On Swift Wings Achievement

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Illogical.6218


No matter how I do it… I just cannot complete it

[BUG] Concordia Incident

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Illogical.6218


The Tendrils @ the “Secure Goldenlight Hallow” are invunerable..

Upgrading Mats

in Crafting

Posted by: Illogical.6218


thanks for the reply, but its not the answer to my question :P and I’d like to know the average (so not for example.. 5-12)

Upgrading Mats

in Crafting

Posted by: Illogical.6218


How many mats do you get for upgrading your common crafting mats?
So lets say I want to upgrade Linen to Silk.. how many Silk will I get on average from the MF.

Leveling an alt is so much more tedious now

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Illogical.6218


yeh because owning a level 80 alt without knowing how to play it is really useful

Precursor Prices...Up, Up and Away!

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Illogical.6218


If you were looking at it the right way, you wouldn’t be whining on the forums.
Chaos Gun went up 1 gold in the last week.
You have to look at the Buy Listings.
That’s the price people are willing to pay for an Item.
I could buy out all chaos guns in the TP and sell 1 for 9000 Gold.
Does that give the weapon 9000 gold value in the market? of course not.

Wrong boss @ Gauntlet

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Illogical.6218


I want my 30 tickets back

Quickest to use Queen's gauntlet tickets?

in Festival of the Four Winds

Posted by: Illogical.6218


I used warrior gs dps 6-6-0-2-0 fighting Halmi with 5 gambits

Wrong boss @ Gauntlet

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Illogical.6218


happened 6 times now
I picked the tier 1 number 1 boss (Halmi) with 4 gambits
And I got Liadri as fight with 4 gambits

Please Fix
And I want my 30 Gauntlet Tickets Back….

Mobs in Pavillion Drop (Almost) No Loot

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Illogical.6218


People fail to see the fact that getting Gold Reward (killing all 6 within 8 minutes) gives a decent reward.
8 Champ Bags and chance of getting exotics

It is very good content with decent rewards, which makes it a fun thing to do.
If you are looking for most efficient way to make gold, then don’t bother.
But if you are looking for content that challanges you not to only use skill #1, but also to think and content that gives decent rewards… then the Crown Pavilion is the place to be.

sPvP solo arena

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Illogical.6218


The solo arena is supposed to be balanced in leaderboard ranking and PvP rank

I just got stomped by a dragon finisher and I’m only rank 23.

Right now there is no real balance in player spvp quality and experience

Best EU server to play on in wvw

in WvW

Posted by: Illogical.6218


Try EU server Utopia
Max 10 minute queues
Full presence 24 / 7
Best WvW guilds in the game

AR bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Illogical.6218


Happened in Fractal 24
I died in a fractal because I had the wrong trinkets on… (the ones without AR)
While being death… I switched my trinkets to the right ones for total of 35 AR
I respawned and died again… to the Agony
I checked my stats and it said I had 10 AR (from my weapon) even tho I had 25 AR in my trinkets

Somehow it bugged…

Ascended Weapon Names

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Illogical.6218


I’ve transmuted my Genesis skin to an ascended Chorben’s Warhammer.
The name of the weapon used to be Genesis (ascended)
But now it’s called Chorben’s Warbanner…. with a Genesis skin…

Same goes for every other transmuted weapons..

Working as intended or a bug?

(edited by Illogical.6218)

Shadow Behemoth bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Illogical.6218


We’ve done the pre-event
Then 13 portals spawned which we are supposed to destroy
But we cannot attack them

Also.. the Champion Fleshreavers do not drop champion bags

I’m in Gunnar’s Hold

(edited by Illogical.6218)

Detha Stuck (AC p2)

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Illogical.6218


Had a mob Graveler kill Detha.. and the event started…

But I don’t think it’s supposed to work like this
Please fix

Detha Stuck (AC p2)

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Illogical.6218


AC path 2
Trap defence event started.. but nothing happened
Detha didn’t move… mobs didn’t spawn…

Possible cause… Detha ran off to a fight between a graveler and 2 oozes… maybe it bugged the event…

Server transfer question

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Illogical.6218


Everything transfers with you
Only the guild related stuff (influence/ guild bank items) are server related

ori/wood farm map

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Illogical.6218


yh I’ve tried that one, but it contains wrong nodes and incomplete maps

ori/wood farm map

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Illogical.6218


Is there still an up-to-date website with locations of orichalcum/ancientwood etc. etc. in Orr/Southsun/FGS?

No credit capping tower/keep

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Illogical.6218


It happens quite often that I don’t get exp/karma for capping a tower or a keep
It used to be maybe once a day
But today it has happened 5 times already… 4 towers and 1 keep… all in EB


Proposal: Limit WvW to EBG during slow hours

in WvW

Posted by: Illogical.6218


1. day and night is different for everyone…
there are only EU and USA servers… what about the rest of the world…
what about the EU players that play in USA servers and visa versa
you cannot force people to move to a server where there is a ‘daytime concept’

2. ^also leads to the fact that some servers got way more people playing wvw in nighttime than EB can handle… means you are forcing people not to play WvW.

3. Probably most important one…
WvW isn’t about winning the match-up
It is about enjoying the concept, the fights, taking towers/keeps
Do you really think countless of people log-in everyday just because they want to win a match-up? no…

Gift of exploration replacement

in Crafting

Posted by: Illogical.6218


i think a better option would be to let gifts of exploration be used in more recipies, ie a cape thats a map of tyria,

but that will never happen because anet like to create new things to grind while the rest of the game becomes obsolete and is never fixed

tbh i think they are driving inflation up to increase the gem to gold conversion rate so that just buying them outright will be more affordable to more people the current cost of a legendary is approximately $525 (2500 gold from gems) and falling

What makes you think you need 2500 gold to craft a legendary?
You can easily craft 2 with that

Kessex Hills' Skill Point - Ol' Stinky

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Illogical.6218


bugged in piken square

farming doubts question

in Crafting

Posted by: Illogical.6218


and this should be in the event section, not the crafting section

farming doubts question

in Crafting

Posted by: Illogical.6218


yes… not completing events is against the rules…. x.x

no, ofc not

Queensdale champs

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Illogical.6218


I’ve seen people talking about farming champs in queensdale for leveling alts/karma
But there never seems to be any champ trains on my server

Are there any specific servers where these trains are at ? (EU Servers).

15/11 PS/SFR/RS [EU Premier League Round 5]

in Match-ups

Posted by: Illogical.6218


Good to see only 1 SFR forum warrior/troll
Guess we really hurt his feelings in week 1 by beating ’em fair ’n square

Good luck to SFR and RS this week
Hoping to get some good fights :-)

Crafting to 80 is out of hand.

in Crafting

Posted by: Illogical.6218


Ooh boohoo, you lost your luxery position of cheap leveling

Gaming black lion

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Illogical.6218


1/6 attemps gives you an exotic
1/1000 attempts with rares give you a precursor
31 silver per rare

you go from 930 to 596 gold on average.
but thats the average, a great many will fall outside that, and some precursors arent even worth 596 gold. if its for profit you also have to assume a bltc fee of 10% which means you need to charge 662 just toddddd1w break even.

so yeah overall, still not profitable for the average joe.

This calculation is only correct if you destroy whatever comes out of the MF except precursors

the calculation of 930 is if you dont use the exotics, the calculation of 596 is assuming you get a 2 gold exotic every 6 attempts with rares, so its assuming you sell the two gold item . Its an estimation, rares dont always cost 31 silver, your odds arent always 1 out of 6, sometimes you get exotics cheaper than 2 gold some times more expensive. but it gives you a real picture based on average values.

The only problem you seem to miss is the fact that your numbers (the odds) aren’t correct

8/11 PS/JS/Kodash [EU Premier League Round 4]

in Match-ups

Posted by: Illogical.6218


Hope JS (the french ppl) enjoyed their national holiday

1/11 PS/ER/BB [EU Premier League Round 3]

in Match-ups

Posted by: Illogical.6218


Had some great fights on Elona Border this morning!

Thanks BB & ER

25/10 PS/RS/AR [EU Premier League Round 2]

in Match-ups

Posted by: Illogical.6218


Goodluck AR and RS!
Hoping to get some good fights this week

(edited by Illogical.6218)

18/10 PS/SFR/VZ [EU Premier League Round 1]

in Match-ups

Posted by: Illogical.6218


Fact is also that SFR is an easy target this match-up, which is why they get targeted most
Reason why most of Piken’s caps are on SFR side?
Cuz Vizunah know how to defend a tower/keep, they have dedicated scouts standing behind doors with trebs at all times

For the last months SFR had the same, dedicated scouts on a treb behind each gate.
But you know were those scouts are now? Yup fighting the queue boss!
Kinda sad if u think about it, people beeing scouting for months for the server only to be stuck in a queue, GG AP

I hope for SFR’s sake that it gets better soon so people can stop the forum nonsense and actually start playing the game again :-)

18/10 PS/SFR/VZ [EU Premier League Round 1]

in Match-ups

Posted by: Illogical.6218


All these posts and you ALL fail to talk about the actual matchup.

Necrosis had a 15man raid in PS BL yesterday evening.It always the worst BL in the evenings so we thought to go there and reinforce it a bit.I have to say the following :

1)Vizunah Square..Your players have tremendous will and fortitude sitting there almost 4 hours straight,calling out inc and most importantly kill 80% of our dollyaks.We never managed to upgrade Cliffside and we lost it more than 4 times.When you managed to get it you actualy sieged it up and broke our fortified garrison in a matter minutes while it took us hours to defend our northern towers.Thats respect to you..shows you are more than an endless sea of lootbags,though i got to ask those people doing all these “missions” you get paid for it? xD…just j/k..good job none the less.

On a side note the battle of the garrison was a 3 way..we had VS north and SFR south gate..i could call it doubleteaming like all the trolls of SFR in this thread..instead i will say it was good strategy.We were hardpressed all day in our Borderland from both sides by both servers.We see it we cry in /map we deal with it..end of story..i suggest you do the same.

2)SFR..gotta say kuddos to [iddq] you showed us that guilds are not dead on SFR and that you can take on most of the enemy servers force…we couldn’t engage you head on the northern camp we were 12 at the time and lots of friendlies running everywhere so we decided to spread and hit and run.Imo you had really good movement.

I was easy to call you a troll, but that’s not you problem, your real problem it’s ignorance about the game, so it will be far better to understand the game instead of coming here and insult other people.

With 3 sides its normal that 2 sides attack one, WATT IT’S NOT NORMAL IT’S THAT PIKEN ALLWAYS ATTACK SFR. Between us and VS it’s always like this, there so many stories that prove this. And btw as far as I know the situation as changed a bit in EB, and I think in all maps. Some on posted here that PS flipped Durios 6 times; It’s a perfect ridicule number for a match near the end.

To the people that are saying that VS destroyed SFR, look for a comment for someone that matters from VS side saying that, I only see some losers making a party with second place, SFR only play to win, win its be in the first place. This is round 1 match one, please don’t underestimate us.

No1 underestimates SFR
Everyone knows #1 and #2 will be vizunah and sfr
Fact is that all the SFR ppl are claiming their loss on some sort of conspiracy theory in which piken and vizunah have an alliance double teaming sfr
Fact is also that SFR is an easy target this match-up, which is why they get targeted most
Reason why most of Piken’s caps are on SFR side?
Cuz Vizunah know how to defend a tower/keep, they have dedicated scouts standing behind doors with trebs at all times
We try, non stop… It’s just impossible sometimes, props to vizunah

So stop the double teaming crap and get your act together so you can atleast be 2nd in the league after 6 more weeks

18/10 PS/SFR/VZ [EU Premier League Round 1]

in Match-ups

Posted by: Illogical.6218


SFR such bad losers

If we had some sort of alliance…
SFR would be at 50k points right now, ticking 100 all the time

18/10 PS/SFR/VZ [EU Premier League Round 1]

in Match-ups

Posted by: Illogical.6218


Hands down SFR commanders / blobs and are actualy better then VS and Piken, not tryng to start a fight, but sfr blobs were wiping vz and piken blobs twice bigger, at the same time vz was getting farmed in they borderland north camp. One SFR commander defended sfr garri while getting attack by both vs and piken at the same time. Despite SFR getting double teamed SFR is still keeping it together and arent that far behind in points (lets not deny it, its been admitted that SFR is getting double teamed).

If we were double teaming SFR, then SFR would be ticking 0 – 150 all the time

Legendary Weapon Titles per weapon

in Suggestions

Posted by: Illogical.6218


Legendaries are show off weapons..
So there is no need for a show off title

Karma hoarding - wanted warning about change

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Illogical.6218


Ehhh… until there are numbers, I wouldnt whine.
The amount consumed increased, and now no longer benefits from boosts.

Ok, so they want us to use karma boosts for events in the game and actually playing. Nothing wrong with that.

Even still, karma is pretty useless. Why do you guys care?
Only things people might find use in are:

Obsidian shards
Orrian boxes
Temple sets

I cant see much more of a use.

There are numbers, 50% increasement
and you need aprox 1 mil karma / legendary
I ran out of karma after making a few

Karma hoarding - wanted warning about change

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Illogical.6218


I’m guessing you missed the part where they also increased the amount they give?

yes, but 50% increasement is nowhere near the 95% boost people were able to get

Cliffside Fractal Hammer Disappearance

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Illogical.6218


Cultist Hammer disappeared after using ‘Tome of Wrath’ or ‘Tome of Courage’.
Should be a known bug.. please fix :-)

Bugs in Citadel of Flame 21/6

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Illogical.6218


Had a couple of bugs today in CoF path 1, which of some that have been around for ages

1. People can’t enter dungeon… whole team gets the pop-up to join the team, but no one can… clicked join the team, nothing happened
2. invulnerability, if we fight mobs against a wall, the mob becomes invulnerable for some people, making it imposible to kill
3. People get stuck in walls after a portal
4. The Breach the Sanguine Vault part where 1 person has to go through the gate while the other 4 have to stay at a dome… sometimes I have to walk in n out that dome spot 5 times to make it work… really annoying

That’s all bugs I’ve seen last 60 minutes

Why do I miss so often?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Illogical.6218


You keep missing because other people are blinding you

1 million karma

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Illogical.6218


You’ll need 1m+ karma for a legendary weapon
Might aswell save your karma for that… or future updates

Very simple solution to the AC problem...

in WvW

Posted by: Illogical.6218


There is no problem.

My guardian with over 2k toughness was taking 1.2k hits from superior arrow carts with protection up…. They essentially make attacking a tower with rams impossible.

They’ve already decreased the AC damage on siege
Making sure your group survives is a matter of teamwork like spammin waterfields and blasting ‘em for groupheals
There is always a possibility to take a tower or AC’s with catapults and ballistas

Can't upgrade to Azurite Orbs?

in Crafting

Posted by: Illogical.6218


Why is it not possible to upgrade my Azurite Crystals to Azurite Orbs?

Just an anti zerg suggestion

in WvW

Posted by: Illogical.6218


Yes!! Instead of having 3 outmanned maps 70% of the time, you will now have 5+ outmanned maps!!
Great idea :-)

Crafting trough Lvls - after jan 28th?

in Crafting

Posted by: Illogical.6218


You still get 10 levels for crafting 1 skill 1-400