Showing Posts For Iridi.8473:

Demo: Winds of Disenchantment not visible

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Iridi.8473


It has to do with “Effect LOD”. Disabling it will make more effects render, but in WvW it destroys your frame rate because this game is badly optimized. For reference, I have a gtx 1080, 32gb ram, and i7-6700k and turning everything on low with effect lod disabled i get 15 fps. I see the bubbles, but its miserable.

Necromancer is the worst class hands down. Wake up Anet.

Cannot see Winds of Disenchantment

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Iridi.8473


I’ve not been able to see this skill’s graphical animation in WvW. I’ve got all my settings on max but still cannot see it. Likewise a ton of people in my guild cannot see it but others can and we all have varying settings but its inconsistent. What is the issue?

Necromancer is the worst class hands down. Wake up Anet.

Scourge is a Hot Mess

in Necromancer

Posted by: Iridi.8473


“Support? A barrier that degenerates fast is equal to a low ticking regen boon.”

No, it’s vastly superior to an extent that having to actually explain it to you is baffling.

You use it when you predict incoming damage. If you have any amount of skill, this means that it is VASTLY better than regen ever could be, because it will always have its utmost impact, and massively increase EHP.

No, because of condi damage. Rofl, its so funny how so completely wrong you are. I’ll sit back and laugh while you predict how much condi damage you take before you die since your barriers are gone.

L2F2. Barrier is pretty much n instant heal in combat, you see a spike, you barrier. Its not rocket science.

Yea gl with that. Let me know how it goes when you’re constantly dying to condis. L2NotPlayPvE

Necromancer is the worst class hands down. Wake up Anet.

I love the scourge

in Necromancer

Posted by: Iridi.8473


F2 is so ridiculously powerful as a condi clear. If you have troubles with condi as scourge its a l2p issue. The real challenge is lack of stability.

You’re joking, right? 2 condis converted? That’ll do…. oh yea, absolutely nothing in wvw.

Necromancer is the worst class hands down. Wake up Anet.

Scourge is a Hot Mess

in Necromancer

Posted by: Iridi.8473


“Support? A barrier that degenerates fast is equal to a low ticking regen boon.”

No, it’s vastly superior to an extent that having to actually explain it to you is baffling.

You use it when you predict incoming damage. If you have any amount of skill, this means that it is VASTLY better than regen ever could be, because it will always have its utmost impact, and massively increase EHP.

No, because of condi damage. Rofl, its so funny how so completely wrong you are. I’ll sit back and laugh while you predict how much condi damage you take before you die since your barriers are gone.

Necromancer is the worst class hands down. Wake up Anet.

Barriers decay way too fast

in Necromancer

Posted by: Iridi.8473


I don’t agree. Considering how much access to barrier we have, and their cooldowns, its not in a terrible place.

I think we should see how it plays out over a few weeks before deciding its too fast.

Wrong. Its “access” is crap. 2k, 5k, 4.3k, 1.4k are the barrier numbers from the skills that grant barriers.

*Baseline, without Healing Power
*Which still are respectable and useful numbers

Keep telling yourself that. Im sure your mediocre barrier healing power support burn torment corrupt boon scourge will have massive impact in WvW and PvP.

Keep telling yourself that. I’m sure it is a good excuse.

Not an excuse. Just facts that its crap. Has 0 synergy with anything else necro has. But you can go run your barriers that last for 6 seconds. Like i said, im sure it will have massive impact when the condis are killing you after your barriers expire.

Necromancer is the worst class hands down. Wake up Anet.

Barriers decay way too fast

in Necromancer

Posted by: Iridi.8473


I don’t agree. Considering how much access to barrier we have, and their cooldowns, its not in a terrible place.

I think we should see how it plays out over a few weeks before deciding its too fast.

Wrong. Its “access” is crap. 2k, 5k, 4.3k, 1.4k are the barrier numbers from the skills that grant barriers.

*Baseline, without Healing Power
*Which still are respectable and useful numbers

Keep telling yourself that. Im sure your mediocre barrier healing power support burn torment corrupt boon scourge will have massive impact in WvW and PvP.

Necromancer is the worst class hands down. Wake up Anet.

Barriers decay way too fast

in Necromancer

Posted by: Iridi.8473


I don’t agree. Considering how much access to barrier we have, and their cooldowns, its not in a terrible place.

I think we should see how it plays out over a few weeks before deciding its too fast.

Wrong. Its “access” is crap. 2k, 5k, 4.3k, 1.4k are the barrier numbers from the skills that grant barriers. Not only are none of those numbers high (being that back lines will rip you apart), they decay in ~6 seconds? If it was the full amount for 6 seconds, maybe. But it literally decays so its actually pretty bad. Likewise, its a pretty useless feature in pve.

Necromancer is the worst class hands down. Wake up Anet.

I love the scourge

in Necromancer

Posted by: Iridi.8473


Scourge suffers greatly from lack of sustain. Barriers are a mediocre replacement for shroud, especially because of the massive decay rate and not having a big barrier either. Likewise, we have no more stability. You’re almost required to take Trail of Anguish for the stun break. And honestly, I think i still prefer Consume Conditions over Sand Flare because we dont have enough condi clears if we dont take it. This might not matter much for the majority of pvers, but this is pretty big in pvp. It will be hard to make scourge decent in WvW/PvP since they can basically just get dove on or sniped without much effort due to lack of basic survivability which oh yea every other class has. Classic anet kitten design.

Necromancer is the worst class hands down. Wake up Anet.

Revert this patch

in Necromancer

Posted by: Iridi.8473


Mark my words, scourge will be a terrible specialization.

Necromancer is the worst class hands down. Wake up Anet.

Necro Balance Patch Review

in Necromancer

Posted by: Iridi.8473


So a few people are not impressed with the current balance patch and I wasn’t too happy either. But I think its good to look at this with a more critical eye without our attachments and emotions getting in the way.

No, you’re wrong. No emotions involved. Just pure facts. Necro was worst class in terms of self-survivability with 0 blocks, 0 invulnerabilties, 0 gap creaters, 2 gap closers, little to no stability, little to no swiftness. And now they nerfed it even more. Any “buffs” you think they did, well they’re not good buffs. Theorycrafting is just theorycrafting.

Necromancer is the worst class hands down. Wake up Anet.

Hello? Devs? Do you play this game?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Iridi.8473


Do you guys understand how to balance this game at all? You continue to buff other classes. like the guardian which is the strongest class in the game, but continue to nerf the necromancer into the dirt? Why dont you just come out and say you dont care about the necro. Why do you lie in your patches saying “shroud is too strong”. That’s a blatant lie.

If all you’re focused on is PvE, then you’re alienating a large majority of your population. And even so, you’re still screwing over the PvE population with this patch by nerfing shroud into the dirt. ITS NOT EVEN VIABLE ANYMORE. Any part time necromancer player would understand this, yet ANET devs who for who knows how long have been patching, fail to understand this.

Necromancer is the worst class hands down. Wake up Anet.

Vital Persistence nerf

in Necromancer

Posted by: Iridi.8473


Honestly I like the change. Firstly for classes that are limited by a resource (in this case LF) traits that make resource managing easier will always drown out all other options.

Secondly having the vitality buffer from the trait opens up our amulet options. Berserker necro might be a thing. Also toughness amulets like rabid and demolisher might be worth playing with.

Its your opinion, and i respect that. But you’re so wrong it hurts. Saying the earth is flat may sound nice but it is still wrong.

Bottom line is, they basically killed shroud with these nerfs. Having a vitality trait does NOTHING to support anything else we have. Toughness was potentially worth playing before, but this doesnt matter. A necro who cant support his shroud at anytime ever is dead weight. If you think opposite, go into PvP or WvW and test it. Watch how steamrolled you will get.

No shroud cd reduction. No passive ms buff while in shroud. Shroud decays faster. No alternatives. Why even go into shroud now????

Necromancer is the worst class hands down. Wake up Anet.

You! Yes you! Do you want to be TRASH?!

in Necromancer

Posted by: Iridi.8473


This post made me laugh. Unfortunately, that’s the gist of necro. A joke of a class.

Necromancer is the worst class hands down. Wake up Anet.

Necromancer Potential

in Necromancer

Posted by: Iridi.8473


I watched a few gameplay videos of it and I’m not impressed. It doesn’t play a thing like the Necromancer and sure doesn’t look like it would satisfy the same itch. That’s just me, though.

“Satisfied with necromancer” rofl.

Necromancer is the worst class hands down. Wake up Anet.

Modification to life force gain

in Necromancer

Posted by: Iridi.8473


Necromancer has many excellent tools to get around blocks. Warhorn 4, Soul Marks, NCSY, unblockable Corrupt Boon. If there is a problem with Necromancer, it is not enemy blocks.

Funny you say that because its like you didnt finish reading my post. If an attack is blocked OR ABSORBED, you get 0 lf back. So while you conveniently brought up boon corrupts, lets look at focus skill “Spinal Shivers”. Unfortunately, if this skill is blocked/absorbed, you dont convert boons. You dont even gain LF for the skill so that’s a different topic.

And then there’s staff skill 5: Reaper’s Mark. Its a 30s cd and gives back 3% LF which for me is going to be 591 LF. That’s not even enough LF to enter back into shroud. Sure, its unblockable, but that doesnt mean it cant be absorbed. So if the enemy absorbs the damage, guess what? You get no life force. Same with Staff 4. Same with staff 3. Same with staff 2. Its based on whether you do damage or not.

Necromancer is the worst class hands down. Wake up Anet.

Modification to life force gain

in Necromancer

Posted by: Iridi.8473


So, after getting face rolled in 1v1s by condi warriors and bunker guards i realized the issue might not be the ridiculous amounts of blocks/heals/invincibility they have, but the fact that our attacks generate 0 lf from hitting them while they block or are invincible.

So my idea is basically to modify life force gain of skills in pvp such that even if the damage is blocked/absorbed, you still get the life force back from it as if it had done the damage.

This could make 1v1ing as a necro more viable and even make straight power necro viable because right now, if you’re up against one of the classes with tons of healing/damage mitigation, say a condi warrior, if you have really low life force, you’re basically dead because 1) you cant run away since we have no way to create a gap, 2) you cant fight back during his invincibility stage so you basically have to kite and try to stay alive (which the warrior is better at), and 3) once your life force is gone, you cant gain it back until his phase is over by which time you’re almost dead and loaded with conditions. And without stability, if you get interrupted trying to condi clear or heal, its basically over.

So i think giving us the LF for dmg that is absorbed might be a good way to make the necro more viable and versatile because atm, if you’re not being protected like the president, you’re dead and no other class has this level of babysitting required.

Necromancer is the worst class hands down. Wake up Anet.

Why is the Necro so bad

in Necromancer

Posted by: Iridi.8473


well if theyre that much of a problem don’t 1v1 them then. pls don’t complain about the 72sec cd invuln.

You’re kidding, right? You’re justifying one skill based on its cd? And again, you ignore the fact that im talking about the entire class kit, not just 1 skill. Your comments are meaningless.

Likewise, “dont 1v1 them then” is an extremely ignorant answer. You’re missing the entire point of my thread. Based on your logic, necros shouldnt 1v1 anybody then, but that’s not something we have control over.

Necromancer is the worst class hands down. Wake up Anet.

(edited by Iridi.8473)

Why is the Necro so bad

in Necromancer

Posted by: Iridi.8473


lol if youre losing to guardian blocks bring unblockables… maintain weakness, dodge pull. win.

Ok, and how do you plan on getting on point to cap it vs a guard? If an infinitely open space with no objective other than to kill the opponent, you’re correct. But in a limited area, with an objective that needs to be defended/taken, the guardian overwhelmingly out classes the necro. You can dodge the pull. You can keep up weakness. It doesnt matter. You need to get onto the point. And it just doesnt happen with the guard traps.

Also, its not just blocks. Its the blocks, invulns, and burst heals. You cant bring unblockables vs an invuln.

Necromancer is the worst class hands down. Wake up Anet.

Why is the Necro so bad

in Necromancer

Posted by: Iridi.8473


Necro’s not bad, it’s just limited by it’s design.

The theory behind the design make the necromancer outstanding in the game with an unlimited amount of survivability through life siphon and life force generation and powerfull support via “curses” (soft conditions). Theoretically the necromancer rip off the strenght and life out of it’s enemy for a tyrannic and unyelding gameplay. The necromancer doesn’t need to dodge, he is the core of the battlefield, gaining strenght from the suffering of the surrounding allies and foes.

In game it’s not quite right but the design is everything so it seem that we have to deal with it.

So what you’re saying is they made the necro trash by design? And being limited by design is equivalent to being bad. Because when a limited hero goes up against a idk, a non-limited hero?, then we just insta lose? “Our intent is for the necro to be used in raids/groups”. Okay, then why are we so trash at it? Why do we practically 0 raid support? Why does something as simple as our warhorn 4 not give party quickness while the warrior warhorn 4 does? This limited by design, if true, isnt justification to why nobody should ever play the class.

Nop, it’s stupid but what I’m saying is that the design of the necromancer is theoretically overpowered and anet want to stick to this opness. The fact is that OP design do not fare well in the game but anet have proven throught all those year that they still want to stick to it.

- Defense? Necromancer is supposed to be a damage sponge.
- Support? Necromancer is supposed to debuff foes to do that.
- Offense? Necromancer is supposed to outlast it’s foes, not to burst them to death.

We are limited by the very area where we are supposed to be OP simply because our design is highly limied by the design of the game.

I know it doesn’t work well, ou know it, every player know it as well but we’ve been proven years after years that the design is everything for the necromancer. And when the actual game come close to this very design, like it once happen, the pvp crew can’t help but shed blood tears and Anet mercilessly give them justice by nerfing the necromancer.

What’s sure is that anet will stick to that design. Our only hope is that, one day, we will see strenght rise from our weakness (like how good we fare in high end fractal that are basically designed for necromancers)

What’s your definition of a damage sponge? Ability to absorb a lot of damage? If that’s the case, arent we one of the worst? We technically have 2 health bars but that alone doesnt make us a damage sponge. A warrior can absorb more damage or a chronomancer (Raid tanks??) by ways of blocks.

Support, ok, we’re able to debuff people via boon strip.

Offense? Necro has probably the worst kit to “outlast” somebody. Again, with no sustainability utilities, we actually dont survive.

There is a very very large difference between “theory” and reality here. The theme of necromancer can be whatever it wants, but it needs to balanced amongst the other classes. And likewise for the other classes. But the fact is, necro has the worst kit of any other class in the game. If you cant burst someone down as a necro, chances are, you wont outlast them. Especially since every other class has better heals, condi removals, damage mitigation, cc mitigation, and good disengage (in some form or another).

Necromancer is the worst class hands down. Wake up Anet.

Why is the Necro so bad

in Necromancer

Posted by: Iridi.8473


I actually like the necro.. both in PvE and PvP
I’ve had more success in PvP playing Reaper than playing Ranger, a much higher win rate..

PvP is always a delicate balance between succes of fail.. time a skill bad and you die.. No matter which class..

I do agree though that Warrior is way to OP… The sustain on that class is complete bullkitten!

An evenly skilled necro vs guardian? Guardian wins.
You guys already established we cant 1v1 warriors.
Evenly skilled necro vs engi? Engi wins because it can invuln/stealth away.
And the list goes on.

Now dont get me wrong, for the most part I do win matches on my necro, and much of the time i am capable of 1v1ing and in certain instances 1v2 if stars are aligned. But that doesnt stop the fact that we’re extremely under powered in terms of sustainability.

In PvE, i could care less, but will say that they’re still garbage dps for raids which is why nobody wants necros in raids, besides having practically 0 raid buffs/utility.

You literally cannot loose against engi on nec lol
Lf gain outsustains engi easily and corrupts kill them

Really? The engi has really good disengage. They can rinse and repeat as many times needed until they burn the necro down which is super dependent on LF. So when they disengage, that’s no LF gain for us.

Necromancer is the worst class hands down. Wake up Anet.

Why is the Necro so bad

in Necromancer

Posted by: Iridi.8473


necro in wvw worked for its well bombs.
with hot came resistance, and there is no reasonable way to strip it. everyone is running around pretty much immune to 3/4 of the skills thrown at them.

necro in pvp is vital for the boon corrupts vs bunkers. they are the best at maintaining weakness, which kills power builds. in this power heavy meta necro is at a pretty good spot.

survival is hard, but with a bit of team support you can pull through.

Yea, so in theory, if you have an organized team in your pvp match, then you can bring something to the table with boon strip. That being said, there’s a large chance your boonstrip doesnt connect due to the number of blocks that exist on bunker classes so it comes down to timing which means can you survive long enough to even boon strip.

What does this mean to the current state of pvp where you can only duo queue? Nothing. Often times i am finding myself soloing the objective since people are getting side tracked by hunting thieves or fighting way off points. This could be due to off-season, idk. But, basically im soloing alot. As a result, i run power boonstrip necro and try to outplay my opponent. The number of times i’ve lost to a guard who has been to 5% hp and regen’d because he has a ridiculous amount of invuln/blocks/heals…. actually makes me want to just stop playing necro all together. Its beyond the “counter” class. Its literally negates our entire class. And like i said earlier, it doesnt matter how well i play. The difference in class quality is just too high for skill to make up for it. You would have to be completely new to guard/warrior/engi/ranger to lose to a necro.

Necromancer is the worst class hands down. Wake up Anet.

Why is the Necro so bad

in Necromancer

Posted by: Iridi.8473


I think a good starter fix for the lifeforce problem would be to make it recharge on x% per second outside of combat until it reached something like 50-75%. That way you can counter classes who keeps disengage a bit to wear your life force down.

OOC isnt good enough though, especially in PvP. For example: vs a thief, he can just unload on you, drop you out of DS, get you to 50% and run away with condis on you. You’re still in combat. You’re dead.

The issue isnt necessarily life force generation/regeneration. Its (1) the utility we have to survive in shroud… which doesnt exist and (2) the utility we have to survive outside of shroud… which doesnt exist.

The number of times i’ve been interrupted trying to use my only healing skill is countless. Meanwhile I watch warriors/guards/engis/rangers walk around basically dead and heal up because they can use invuln skills and heal during that phase. They can even burst heal if you put conditions on them while they are invuln. Its actually a joke. Those classes vs each other is fine, but throw in the necro and it becomes a joke. You actually cannot compete with any of them.

Necromancer is the worst class hands down. Wake up Anet.

Why is the Necro so bad

in Necromancer

Posted by: Iridi.8473


What is the theme of Necromancer? Weaken enemys.

What should a Necromancer bring the group? Boon remove and weaken enemys with vulnerability so the full dps classes deal more dmg. Necros got a high surviavability so the dont need the highest dps. But increase others dps with 25 stacks vulnerability fits to their playstyle and makes them a must have if the other classes get less access to vulnerability.

Necromancers 25 stacks vulnerability like ps are needed for 25 stacks might. Simple change with high impact.

Unfortunately, your “theme” means nothing in pvp. 25 stacks of vulnerability? Gone with 1 skill. And guess what, you’ll die before you can put those stacks back on since you’re on cooldowns.

Necros have high survivability? In what world? 0 stability. 0 invulnerability. 0 damage mitigation. 0 blocks. 0 evades (other than energy). What, since we have a second health bar which we need to build up? Yea, go see how quickly a guard will burn you down with your 2 health bars.

Necromancer is the worst class hands down. Wake up Anet.

Why is the Necro so bad

in Necromancer

Posted by: Iridi.8473


Necro’s not bad, it’s just limited by it’s design.

The theory behind the design make the necromancer outstanding in the game with an unlimited amount of survivability through life siphon and life force generation and powerfull support via “curses” (soft conditions). Theoretically the necromancer rip off the strenght and life out of it’s enemy for a tyrannic and unyelding gameplay. The necromancer doesn’t need to dodge, he is the core of the battlefield, gaining strenght from the suffering of the surrounding allies and foes.

In game it’s not quite right but the design is everything so it seem that we have to deal with it.

So what you’re saying is they made the necro trash by design? And being limited by design is equivalent to being bad. Because when a limited hero goes up against a idk, a non-limited hero?, then we just insta lose? “Our intent is for the necro to be used in raids/groups”. Okay, then why are we so trash at it? Why do we practically 0 raid support? Why does something as simple as our warhorn 4 not give party quickness while the warrior warhorn 4 does? This limited by design, if true, isnt justification to why nobody should ever play the class.

Necromancer is the worst class hands down. Wake up Anet.

Why is the Necro so bad

in Necromancer

Posted by: Iridi.8473


I actually like the necro.. both in PvE and PvP
I’ve had more success in PvP playing Reaper than playing Ranger, a much higher win rate..

PvP is always a delicate balance between succes of fail.. time a skill bad and you die.. No matter which class..

I do agree though that Warrior is way to OP… The sustain on that class is complete bullkitten!

An evenly skilled necro vs guardian? Guardian wins.
You guys already established we cant 1v1 warriors.
Evenly skilled necro vs engi? Engi wins because it can invuln/stealth away.
And the list goes on.

Now dont get me wrong, for the most part I do win matches on my necro, and much of the time i am capable of 1v1ing and in certain instances 1v2 if stars are aligned. But that doesnt stop the fact that we’re extremely under powered in terms of sustainability.

In PvE, i could care less, but will say that they’re still garbage dps for raids which is why nobody wants necros in raids, besides having practically 0 raid buffs/utility.

Necromancer is the worst class hands down. Wake up Anet.

Why is the Necro so bad

in Necromancer

Posted by: Iridi.8473


I’ve been playing necro since the game was released and im just really shocked at how much the necromancer is lacking in comparison to every other class. There’s no point playing it in raids or pvp. Fractals, they bring decent utility with epidemic, but that’s about it. WvW, wells/marks are below average. You’d need a substantial number of necros imo to make condi in WvW worth it otherwise you’re basically going to be running mid-line wells and well the enemy blob just moves out of your 2 wells.

It seems every class can do something better than the necro, whether its dps via power or conditions, whether its group utilities, etc.. I cant think of a logical reason to play necro.

Am i the only one? I want to love the class but every time i go into pvp and realize my class is the worst one here i just get frustrated (especially since its basically all guards). No matter how good i play, eventually it wont matter due to the difference in class quality.

Necromancer is the worst class hands down. Wake up Anet.

HoT Necro changes?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Iridi.8473


Any news on possible changes to necros in the upcoming expansion? Im really considering quitting the class overall because its so sub-par in anything it does compared to other classes, that’s its becoming nothing but a frustration to continue playing it. Not enough sustain. Not enough damage. Not enough survivability. Not enough mobility. I used to enjoy condi necro until dhuumfire nerfs and now i am playing power necro and realizing how disappointingly weak the class is.

Necromancer is the worst class hands down. Wake up Anet.

Necro or Mesmer?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Iridi.8473



Necros are walking tickle machines that die when you breathe on them.

Mesmers are annoying and if you’re good you dont really die. You can disappear across the map if being chased by too many people.

Necromancer is the worst class hands down. Wake up Anet.

Discussion: Why WOULD you want a necro?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Iridi.8473



PvP I will address both what we have and what we are really close to having or have had in the past:

I dont see the relevance in discussing what we had in the past because that was the past. Who wants to play a class because “Well, it used to be good.”


Necromancer is the worst class hands down. Wake up Anet.

Discussion: Why WOULD you want a necro?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Iridi.8473


PvE was already covered well by spoj, so I’ll leave that.

PvP I will address both what we have and what we are really close to having or have had in the past:
Burst Boon Removal – we have some of the best burst boon removal in the game, with Corrupt Boon allowing our next advantage
Burst Condi Application – this has been lessened a lot, but CB, along with Fear chaining and a pretty strong burst condition rotation that can be fully covered by fear with nearly every single condition in the game makes it really strong, and not something that others can bring (other condis have more spread out pressure)
Area Condi Pressure – while this isn’t strictly unique to Necromancer (Engineer can do it slightly better), the classic Engi/Necro combo has always been a staple of condi pressure. Unfortunately mass condi removal has really slowed this.
Off-Point Defense – again, this isn’t something we see currently, but Necromancer has historically had great 1v1/2v2 builds that can do really well because of really strong defense in small fights, as well as a good mix of offensive pressure/CC/defense/healing.
Lich/Plague – game changing elites are really rare in this game, and we have two of them. If left uncountered Lich is a free teamfight win, and Plague is a free 20s melee counter.

Condi is really only decent in WvW zergs, but staff power necro is still superior atm. Condi is aweful when roaming in WvW and gets beaten down easily in sPvP. Too many classes can deal with the conditions easily for you to manage to build up condis. You do nothing more than tickle someone while they bash your head in.

Lich form, from my experience, is situational. It’s the only elite i consider viable in sPvP and that’s only under the condition where you’re either 1) not being focused or 2) in a 1v1. Even then, pray they dont have boon stripping otherwise they’ll be ccing you to nevernever land.

Plague is good only in WvW zergs.

So the “pressure” you refer too is non-existent at the moment.

Power necro is really the only good option if you want to be useful, but necromancer overall is a pretty terrible class. No sustain. No survivability. Easily countered. You cant 1v1 most of the classes if the player is good. And its not so much that we dont have the damage, but we cant survive/sustain ourselves long enough to get it out. Between the amount of cc’s present from other classes, we’re at a big disadvantage since we have no stun/knockback and only 2 fears, 1 which is staff (which you dont run in spvp).

So…dont play necro.

Necromancer is the worst class hands down. Wake up Anet.

Axe and power necromancers.

in Necromancer

Posted by: Iridi.8473


Dude, axe is awesome. Vuln stacks for the win. ghastly hits real hard, gives serious lf. Ranger is OP, for real. Every jobs 5 skill had long cd, deal with it

You cant be serious with this comment can you? Have you played necro in pvp? Or are you a champ train farmer? Either way, you’re wrong.

Necromancer is the worst class hands down. Wake up Anet.

Necro vs Every class?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Iridi.8473


Ok, power necromancers are a different beast than condition necromancers, which are a different beast than minion masters.

Condition Necromancers beat: Other condition classes, zerker , elementalists

Condition necromancers lose to: Pew Pew Rangers, Warriors, turret & grenade engineers, PU mesmers, condition removing guardians, all big team fights,.

Power Necromancers beat: turret engineers, non-hammer warriors, elementalists

Power Necromancers lose to: Rangers, grenade engineers, Thiefs, any big team fights, mesmers, hammer or berzerker warriors, anybody with a lot of stuns (and lich is useless against anybody with a ready boon strip)

Minion masters lose to: Anybody with AoE (and almost everybody has AoE)

Most of this is wrong. If you fight any of the other classes with equal skill, you’ll lose.

Rangers can easily kite you with the knock back, invisibility, and invulnerability so even if you close the gap, they can create it again which is what most good rangers do. Meanwhile, we have 1 gap closer which is easy to dodge.

Guardians are pretty much a joke to fight. Blocking/Invulnerability/Heals pretty much keep them alive.

Thiefs. Lol. Bad thiefs are easy to fight. Good thiefs, there isnt even a fight. You get backstabbed and die. Same goes for mesmers.

Hambow warriors destroy power. Zerker warriors can be kited. God forbid you actually can kill the warrior, he just puts on endure pain and dashes away. G kittening g.

Engis i dont really have much of a problem with except again this ridiculous invisibility/invulnerability.

Almost every class is equipped with these skills, except necro, which leaves us at a super disadvantage and easy targets on the field at higher level sPvP. Its really a joke. I dont consider condi necro viable in sPvP. Too weak. Damage takes too long to accumulate and most of the time you get even get the conditions up. So all my references are pure power necro. Minion master is a joke.

Necromancer is the worst class hands down. Wake up Anet.

best power necro youtubers/twitch users

in Necromancer

Posted by: Iridi.8473


You doing pve or pvp?

Necromancer is the worst class hands down. Wake up Anet.

Necro vs Every class?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Iridi.8473


Honestly, it’s just really annoying to not be able to deal with cc. Necro is the only class where I die and often don’t think I could have played much better. We need better defensive utilities and full healing in DS. Wurm should be instant cast, or super range. Well of power should be a 35 second cool down, well of darkness 30, CPC should apply on every pulse, etc… Along with better traits in general. The problem is a lot of devs play engi, which is why they are top of the food chain and their counters are close to the bottom.

The class has so many things that need to be fixed it is absurd. I have all 8 classes to 80 and can tell you that on average what necros is sub par to at least 6 of those (rangers aren’t much better). Necros have been meta in pvp for like 2 months over the whole game and the worst class in pve since release. Anyone who thinks necros aren’t in need of serious buffs is blind.

Yea, i completely agree. I think the biggest problem is how uninformed the devs are. They dont really play the game as many players do so their overall experience is quite different than ours. If any of the devs sat and played the necro seriously in pvp they would realize how terrible the class, but sadly they dont. Rather than reading posts on the forums about people complaining that other classes need nerfs, they should play the game with that information in mind.

Necromancer is the worst class hands down. Wake up Anet.

Necro vs Every class?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Iridi.8473


So I’ve been playing alot of sPvP lately and came from doing alot of WvW (both solo roaming and zerg). I didnt like the play style of condi necro for any small scale battles because it was too weak and took too long to kill someone granted you can keep your conditions on them (which seems to be impossible these days). So, i’ve gone down the power necro path and have found it to be not only fun but pretty powerful and can hold my own against many classes, depending on their skill level. I do pretty good in sPvP too. However, i’ve come to realize very quickly that necros are pretty much the worst equipped class. With almost no boon support like other classes, we pretty much die. We’re the only class without any invisibility or invulnerability skills. We have almost no “Stability” boon other than deathshroud and that does not last very long. As a result, we pretty much suck. Im not sure what the gw2 devs are thinking and how they justify the current state of the classes, but its pretty clear they do not understand the classes and the balance each has as a whole in gw2.

Anyways, just wanted to express my opinion and see what everyone else feels about the necromancer? I love the necro. but im pretty much fed up with the class as again you have no sustain or survivability. You can barely CC classes anymore with the deathshroud fear and most classes you cant target to immobilize since they’re invisible or blocking your skills. It makes 0 sense.

Necromancer is the worst class hands down. Wake up Anet.

Solo/Roaming Power Necro

in Necromancer

Posted by: Iridi.8473


Im trying to find a good build for solo/roaming power necro. This is what im planning to do:

As far as gear, i was going to go power/precision/ferocity. Just wanted to get some input on what i can do to get most damage out of power necro and lifeblast.

Necromancer is the worst class hands down. Wake up Anet.

Condi Necro for WvW roaming?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Iridi.8473


Ok, so what about this setup for traits:

Necromancer is the worst class hands down. Wake up Anet.

Condi Necro for WvW roaming?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Iridi.8473


To give you a comparison, in a full dire build, if you stack up with 25 corruption, food, guard stacks, the whole deal.. you should end up over 2400 condition damage. And that is with 70% duration to all (potentially 90% to bleeds with hemo). I am sure you can imagine what a big difference 1000 condition damage would make.

I considered going Dire at one point and i think the 2 most used are dire and rabids? What are the benefits of each and is dire better for roaming?

Necromancer is the worst class hands down. Wake up Anet.

Condi Necro for WvW roaming?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Iridi.8473


Is condition necro viable for WvW roaming? I’ve been using this build ( and i feel like im doing something wrong because its not being very effective as far as damage goes. Then again, i’ve been running into thiefs left and right so cond dmg doesnt even work.

But i wanted some feedback also because i feel like my condition damage is low. I max around 1400 condition damage with 100%+ duration Am i running the right stats for WvW roaming? Are my traits good or can i do better? What about runes and signets? I do have an extra scepter with a +10 condition damage on kill sigil i use to farm stacks. I appreciate any feedback given. Thanks!

Necromancer is the worst class hands down. Wake up Anet.

Dual screen mouse cursor issues

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Iridi.8473


So i have dual screens and i run gw2 full screen 1920×1080 on my mains screen. The issue is, sometimes i get tabbed out of gw2 for my mouse clicking on the other screen. its weird because i cannot directly move my mouse over to the other screen when i have guild wars 2 tabbed in but sometimes when i am moving around it will click on my other screen. Any ideas how i can fix this?

Necromancer is the worst class hands down. Wake up Anet.

PvP Necro Build?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Iridi.8473


I recently hit level 80 and im interested in doing some PvP. I dont know much about pvp builds so i was wondering what are some current popular strong builds? Im not referring to structured pvp, but more like roaming pvp in WvW where ill find myself in a 1v1 scenario. So i guess im looking for a strong 1v1 build. If someone could help me out that would be great.

Also, as far as stats go, what should i be focusing on? I assume its dependent on the build.

Necromancer is the worst class hands down. Wake up Anet.

(edited by Iridi.8473)