Showing Posts For Ironcloud.3892:
People warned them of all of these issues long before release; the general mixed queue concerns alongside no separation of individual and team league progression, the punishment of players with higher mmr if there is mixed queues and matchmaking that isn’t primarily based off of division, mmr tanking if there is no division dropping… What were they expecting? Were none of these issues not obvious?
Why can’t we just have solid infrastructure for once
It’s a pretty big jump from the usual 1k~, but it could definitely be more if there wasn’t a 4 man bruiser meta with imbalanced animation effects and excessive fields. I can’t imagine what a newer player could be thinking whilst watching some of these fights.
I feel like it’s super important for their to be a balance direction where there are at least 2 glasscannons in a standard comp, it’s so much easier (and fun) to follow burst rather than sustained dps when it comes to spectating.
I also think the casters, or at least the EU ones, aren’t helping either. They seem to rarely comment on individual mechanics or ‘play skills’ (gravity well, jade winds, invuln well etc), they sort of just dumb the game down to pure rotations – obviously it’s far easier said than done and the above issues don’t help at all.
if camping downstate is what thief suppose to do, then yeah thief is fine~
If you spent as much time in the game as you do whining on forums you might actually improve.
Sorry but that is not even an argument. We have ESL and we have your opinion. ESL>>
Caed is a thief player who was on a qualified team, also worth noting that his team dominated… funnily enough none of these people whining mention that.
It really doesn’t matter though because more importantly, just because a class isn’t represented at the highest tier doesn’t imply that the class is completely useless in any other level of play.
I hate when people dismiss issues by just saying “play for fun”. People wouldn’t be going out of there way to complain about the infrastructure of the game that they’ve been playing for years if they didn’t find the combat to be the least bit enjoyable.
The point is that it would be much more fun and engaging if the systems had better, fairer matchmaking and gave a stronger sense of prestige.
Bit weird how the pro leagues start weeks before the normal leagues, really hope that this means that they’re going to take the ingame infrastructure seriously. Surely we’re not going to be waiting for a month longer, after whatever sense of HoT hype has diminished, just to go back to the same old broken queue system that prioritises “play with any number of friends!!!” over fair and competitive matches…. right? How could leagues possibly be an indicator of individual skill if that’s the case?
Elite specs, as a pvp only thing, should probably be something you can buy from the gemstore individually. Perhaps anet could even implement a free elite spec rotation that gives core players access to 1 or 2 random specs every other day (like in LoL or something).
It’s super important that Anet maintain their ‘equal-playing-field’ mentality for pvp if they want to build a healthy competitive game.
You’re not forced to run anything, there are plenty of viable builds outside the highest tier of coordinated pvp that you can succeed with, and of course you could actually ‘creatively’ craft your own (in the same way many players discovered the meta builds in the past). Be a bit more open-minded.
I can understand complaints about poor design in certain popular builds, but complaining about people gunning for the most effective builds doesn’t make sense. There will always be a meta, regardless of how many options there are, no matter the game, as long as it is competitive enough. All we can hope for is that a meta develops in a way in which active skill is much more prevalent over forgiving passive and rotational gameplay.
People who repeatedly die over and over for skins, gold and ranks (which have already been greatly devalued because of this farm) clearly aren’t playing the game as intended. I wouldn’t really care if custom arenas only rewarded a bit of gold, but the fact that people are getting skins and ranks whilst effectively doing nothing is stupid, especially when they could be alternatively populating queues and dungeons instead.
Yeah I’ve been very tough on GW2 in the forums lately, but there is no contest between WOW pvp and GW2 pvp. For as many complaints as we have about GW2, it’s infinitely better than WOW. I think GW2’s pve easily crushes WOW’s, as well.
I’ll also say that as someone who played WOW since its first beta and for my first MMO, I have some pretty serious nostalgia about it. Blizzard doesn’t care as much about WOW as ANET cares about GW2. I can disagree with the devs on a lot of issues, but I can never say that these guys don’t care about Guild Wars. Their passion for this game is often electric, and it’s one of the things that keeps me around. It gives me hope that some of our big concerns WILL be fixed. But with WOW? I always felt like I was just another subscription.
And btw, going from GW2 >>> WOW was challenging for me because WOW’s combat system is so static. I frequently found myself mashing “v” to dodge incoming frostbolts and raging because I knew an attack was coming but just had to eat it.
GW2 PvE>WoW PvE, really?
What do we have? 5 man group freezing each tiny boss and nuke him in 5 seconds. That’s the most faceroll PvE ever. You can say core mechanics and combat is fun but the content and encounters and end pve game is really bad. dungeons and fractals are so boring they only the fully offensive builds and speed run the path in 5 minutes gg wp.
In WoW PvE end game you have at least tons of giant monsters and 10-25 people engaging those hard bosses with 3-5 phases and takes so much time and coordinating on every single boss and yet you tell me gw2>wow in pve.
I onestly quited gw2 and wow and I’d say wow pve is much better and i could at least race with others in dps and it was almost the same dps as everyone because it was about melee and range to have almsot same dps unlike gw2 everything is melee and nuke it while it’s frozen.The community of gw2 is really delusional, I’m out of this forum don’t want to read more faceroll whining and faceroll opinions.
One guys opinion doesn’t represent the community as a whole… I think most people generally consider GW2’s PvE to be… different, not necessarily bad, but at least very casual and not very engaging (as it is right now) – but that doesn’t matter, it’s just the guys opinion, no need to be upset.
Good video, nice seeing some high mmr content
It’s sad how this trumps like 90% of all those wvw/pvp baddie farming videos yet it gets so few views
We’re only going to see change once they introduce leagues and teamq once the expac hits, but we still haven’t heard the details on a proper split queue or if leagues actually represent skill (punish losses enough/fair matches) so it could be a total flop.
Solo/duoQ is necessary for competitive growth, if leagues have merged queues it simply wouldn’t function as any indicator of skill, it would just become a glorified reward track that premades have an easier time farming.
I understand it’s a team game but how can the game possible grow with team queue (trying to coordinate playtime with 4 other team mates) as the only competitive fix for players? A skill representative solo/duoQ is a necessary feature for a healthy competitive game, the individuals who have proven themselves are the ones who will go on to create or join these teams that will compete in teamq.
(edited by Ironcloud.3892)
This isn’t about discrediting NA players as individuals, EU simply has better competition; 2 or 3 more solid teams around the same level – it’s objective. The go4’s are the only thing worth competing for so where are all these strong NA teams hiding? It simply isn’t healthy competition if one team dominates for such a long period of time.
Stop perpetuating this dumb EU vs NA kitten, people who enjoy this game just want to see strong competition, regardless of region.
I really can’t comprehend how anyone could argue against a ranked solo/duoQ, it’s only a positive. Putting solo players (especially newer ones) up against premades isn’t going to suddenly give them the drive to make a team, if anything it’s going to make them stop playing entirely. To an extent the same goes for premades – they generally aren’t going to improve (or have fun) stomping solo players.
You need a way for competitive casual players to actually prove themselves (without the annoyance or fear of potentially facing a premade) so that they THEN can think about moving forward and perhaps creating a team, a thing that isn’t easily achievable with the current iteration of ranked (and slapping on ‘leagues’ probably won’t help).
TeamQ having long q times isn’t really an issue, it’s to be expected considering the population, but at least you’re guaranteed relatively competitive games. With enough incentive and events it should work out.
(edited by Ironcloud.3892)
Correct me if I’m wrong, but I’m sort of under the impression that leagues are essentially just improved reward tracks that lean more towards skill>time. It seems like something completely separate from mmr, or is the idea that the divisions are meant to accurately represent your skill level (as a replacement for the lb)? Regardless, finally having an incentive to win is great.
Helseth is like the Batman of gw2 esprotz. Made himself look like a giant kitten at the cost of making the competition and ‘e-drama’ a bit more engaging.
Pretty sure everyone knows that it’s just a persona he likes to put on, no one really takes him seriously. Everyone excpected him to act like this regardless of how things turn out.
The audience is much larger than the usual Go4, not everyone is familiar with Helseth’s character. Between Reddit and Twitch there are certainly people who don’t ‘get’ his persona and just assume he’s an kitten – people who may enjoy watching him potentially lose.
Helseth is like the Batman of gw2 esprotz. Made himself look like a giant kitten at the cost of making the competition and ‘e-drama’ a bit more engaging.
It would just be death match if NPCs spawned on their own
As opposed to just running back and forth with supply? There would probably have to be another map mechanic to compensate, but ‘supply-running’ seems like an incredibly passive unfun role, imo.
Some really good games, GG Abjurd.
+1 for TCG being able to do so well despite the comp disadvantage though.
Wow. How long exactly have we been waiting for this? Considering the announcement of the 50k tournaments, I was really expecting that there would be some major changes to follow suit. I really hope there are some updates between now and the tournaments, because just slapping a prize-pool onto the same game we’ve had for months really isn’t going to change things in the long-run.
Why is blu not just being flown out?
He has done more work than anyone else in the community and deserves it more than anyone. At the same time he is not a top tier player like the others on the list and should not be playing in an “All Stars” competition, he is a caster not a player and we do not want the casting mess that was pax.
Mirroring what everyone else has been saying: these runes aren’t just buffs for confusion based builds, they’re runes that directly turn builds INTO confusion builds, hell, non-condi builds will probably be able to run the rune set effectively as well. How on earth is this balanced? Perhaps if interrupting wasn’t 90% RNG this wouldn’t be nearly as bad.
If these somehow make their way into the game despite the clear consensus… I really wouldn’t even know what to think. But then again Skyhammer and immob stacking are still in the game so I really shouldn’t be surprised.
Well that’s disappointing. They could have at least tried to make it more clear that there would be nothing for a couple of months.
Also, I love how they specifically mention pretty important bugs, like Nature Spirit healing for the wrong amount, yet they don’t even have fixes for them in the upcoming patch.
I’d really like to see some smaller scale gamemodes, like 2v2/3v3 WoW-style single life arena for instance (with their own respective ladder).
- It would give things to do for people who want to play with friends, but don’t have enough players for teamQ.
- Queue times wouldn’t really be an issue as each match would likely be very short.
- It makes sPvP a lot more accessible to people who don’t want to invest too much time into a longer game of conquest, or for people who just want to fight against other good players without having to worry about objectives.
- It would highlight balance issues.
- It would also be really interesting seeing which team setups make their way up to the top.
Aside from the cheese comps which would pop up after a while, the only major issue I can foresee is it potentially killing off conquest soloQ considering its current state.
Regarding 1v1’s , I really can’t see it happening (unless you guys mean dueling). It would be far more about how lucky you are not to be queued up against a player running a counter build rather than actual skill, although the same can somewhat applied to 2v2/3v3’s, there is still that significant skill ceiling gap for player coordination.
kittening RPers, man
After seeing how happy they were after winning, this is pretty kitten depressing. It really does suck that this wasn’t resolved before the qualifiers.
At least this diminishes the whole Anet favoritism conspiracy, so that’s good… I guess.
(edited by Ironcloud.3892)
Well the EU qaulifiers had like 5k viewers across each stream… so I guess it’s more like “no one cares about the NA PvP scene in its current state”.
Now let’s try and pretend that your comparison actually means anything to begin with. You have to remember that the one stream was a sneak-preview for new content whereas the other was just the same old gameplay… it really goes without saying which one is going to have higher viewership.
1. SoloQ
2. More maps with important secondary objectives (Like Spirit Watch and Legacy)
3. The ability to customize gear and join t/spvp games in the sPvP window.
I’m pretty skeptical of the anti-stealth fields, let’s just hope they are more like siege equipment rather than bundle items that any other player can just set up.
Don’t be jealous just because we live the #esportserrday420blazeit life
Message Body length must at least be 15.
I agree somewhat, but I wouldn’t go as far as to say the game is ‘dying’ (Or anywhere close to being dead), especially seeing as you don’t really have any actual evidence to back it up.
I think most people are just finding the game a little stale, seeing as it’s been like what? 7 months since release? And all we’ve really gotten (in terms of new features) are Guild missions and Fractals.
- Living Story… It’s a great idea, but I’m going to be honest with you, Anet…it sucks. There’s very little content involved in the living story, and what is there is utterly boring. The sooner you realize this, the better.
Couldn’t agree more here. I’m sure some people enjoy it, but for the most part it just seems like a waste of resources, imo.
- PvP…I believe Anet is focusing way too hard on PvP right now, especially when even that is dying.
If anything it’s the exact opposite (More so on how you said that Anet are focusing ‘too hard’ on PvP). PvP has been completely neglected, only now is actually getting some real attention, and this attention I might add, is just to add in those basic foundation features which should have been in the game at RELEASE… and of course in turn, that means that people are actually able to look at PvP as a (mostly) finished game, rather than a game which may as well had been in an alpha state for the past 5-6 months.
Sure leveling alts (Assuming you just want to get to 80 asap) can be pretty boring/tedious, but the first time leveling a character in GW2 was probably the most enjoyable leveling experience I’ve ever had in an MMO.
That said, I do agree with hearts being a bit ‘meh’ when compared to the rest of the game, but as far as my experience went, they were used more as directions rather than actual quests.
Bump for awareness
I hope this turns out well and worth the effort.
When people say “Raids” they generally just mean challenging large scale organized PvE content. Just because game 1 and game 2 had their raids in a certain way does not necessarily mean that GW2 has to follow in those same footsteps.
If there are any new features it’ll probably just be Custom Arenas and/or Spectator. It’s pretty clear that new gamemodes aren’t at the top of their list of priorities atm (And rightfully so, imo), so I wouldn’t expect either for at least a few months.
Surprised so many people voted for new gamemodes as the top priority… Sure they’d be fun, but you’d think people would want all the main features like proper matchmaking, soloQ and ladders first. I mean, what would be the point of new gamemodes when the majority of your matches are still going to be 4v5’s or against premades?
That aside, great thread. Let’s hope Anet learn a thing or two from this.
(edited by Ironcloud.3892)
We’ll probably just be getting leaderboards, I would be very surprised if we get any other major features.
Yes, I feel that Conquest is adequate.
And like the others said, I do also think there should be some more lighthearted, just-for-fun gamemodes.
(edited by Ironcloud.3892)
Nothing to say it’s not possible, it’s probably going to be a long time till we see anything close to it though.
Sure, the current population is somewhat lacking, but without a doubt we will/would see a significant increase once all the much needed features are in place. Currently what we have, although it’s an improvement on the previous system, it’s still hardly playable for both high and low skill level competitive players.
(edited by Ironcloud.3892)
It feels like underwater combat was just slapped onto the game near release, It really needs to be reworked in terms of balance and just how enjoyable it is before they think about adding underwater zones.
For example, they could try adding a new trait page purely for underwater combat and/or add more weapon sets, just to make things a bit more interesting by adding more play diversity.
Though all of this said, I would much prefer Anet just spend their resources on more important things.
Suggest you change your mindset about killing them. You have not killed them when they go into downed state. You knock them on their kitten Now if you can’t finish the job than so be it.
Then what the hell is the point?I started discussing this in the Rally topic as well,but does that not mean that 2vs1 should be impossible?In other words,skill in this game does not matter at all.
Actually, downed state increases the skill cap. there is more to think about than just blowing all your offensive CD’s and bursting people down. If you think 1vs2 is impossible, consider the fact that maybe you’re just not that very good, there are many examples of skilled players who are able to win unfair odds.
(edited by Ironcloud.3892)
15 characters
“They’re making gw2 pvp” – There, fixed it for you.
I really don’t think it’s fair to compare the two games yet, GW2’s pvp is essentially still in an alpha state when compared to the rest of the game.
Although I agree with you for the most part, I think you’re over-exaggerating a little… Sure it would be cool to be able to maintain momentum midair, but I wouldn’t really call it something which would increase the skillcap.
Also the The PvP community “evaporated” because of the lack of core features, like a Ladder and a proper soloQ, not because there are a few clunky mobility skills.
Oh and turn off autotargeting in the options, that’s the cause of 2 of the issues you’ve encountered.
11.1k views in ONE day, it’s also managed to reach the top of the gw2 sub-reddit, I really hope they understand how important this kitten is.
Why does everyone seem to skip over the “Two Team Rated Play in PvP” part? We’re getting MMR and a ladder, that’s a huge change.
Awesome video, great teamwork, sucks that some try-hard commander decided to snipe you guys though.