Showing Posts For IvoryOwl.3275:

Bandit Crests and Geodes in Wallet!!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: IvoryOwl.3275


This has been requested before, one thread even had a dev answering that they don’t want to do this, because (not a literal quote, mind you!) “the wallet is already cluttered with all the dungeon tokens, gems and karma, so we don’t want to add more currencies to the wallet” -
Soooo… make us use more space in the bag and buy more bank and bag slots.

Then here’s my suggestion for that – When we open our inventory, between the gems and the gold value we have, there’s an empty space. Use that space to add additional type of wallets:
— A token wallet (dungeon tokens)
— A regular wallet(gold, karma, laurels, guild commendations)
— A “world currency” wallet (Bandit Crests, Geodes, WvW tokens, plus whatever currencies get added in the new expansion).

“We cannot add anything more to the wallet because its full” ins’t really a solution for this problem, and its only going to aggravate if ANet decides to add even more currencies in the future. Managing the existing ones and those that will probably be added in the new expansion, will end up becoming a very chaotic task. This needs to be addressed. New wallet types means the devs have an open door to add more currencies and tokens as they see fit, without over-cluttering.

Another (less optimal but probably easier) solution would be to decrease the quantities necessary to buy things, while also making it harder to get a full stack. I’d say that a maximum of 500 bandit crests (2 stacks of 250) to get the armor pieces are a little easier to manage. This would mean that people with surplus could instantly buy a lot of stuff, but since most of that stuff is soulbound or account-bound, I don’t see it hurting the market in any form.

(edited by IvoryOwl.3275)

Bandit Crests and Geodes in Wallet!!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: IvoryOwl.3275


Bumping this thread because I think it deserves more attention.
Certain things require 1k Bandit Crests to obtain. 1 freaking thousand. That’s a lot of stacks sitting in our bags and bank, taking space I could be using for other stuff. Its just ridiculous! We don’t even need the Crests and Geodes with us because the NPCs can automatically deduct those sitting in our bank too, so really… just make it a wallet currency already please. And please keep this in mind next time you decide to add content that uses currency like this!

Unless the idea here is to force us to buy bag and bank expansions from the cash shop…

(edited by IvoryOwl.3275)

Looking for... Guilds! [LFG tool suggestion]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: IvoryOwl.3275


An in-game option would be cool, but what features are you willing to give up to get it? Remember, resources are very limited.

This seems like a case where out-of-game options are sufficient. as an example. Also, my server has a website with guild registry just for guilds based on our server:

By your logic nobody should suggest anything because there may just not be enough resources for it. Its merely a suggestion, an opinion – as far as I know, its still free to post those. Besides, care to tell me who, where and when were you informed about the amount of resources ANet have, and where they can be invested on? Because that sounds like the kind of thing that nobody but insiders know. If ANet is going to do it or not its up to them, not for us to make personal “assumptions” of whether they can deliver it or not. Don’t be such a downer, specially with things you know nothing of. And if by some reason you actually know something about it, show up proof to back it up

(edited by IvoryOwl.3275)

Looking for... Guilds! [LFG tool suggestion]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: IvoryOwl.3275


Before you go telling me “If you’re looking for a guild, you’re in the wrong section”, hear me out. Ever since the LFG tool came out our lives became much easier for doing dungeons or just about any world content. We changed from having to spam the map chat and alt-tabbing out of the game to announce our need for a 4th person in a website, to simply having all of this implemented into the game.

What if… we expanded this even further? What if we could save time and effort from those poor recruiters who spend hours to end cycling across the maps, looking for candidates? What if we could spare an hour of scrolling down pages in 2 or 3 different forums, looking for that specific guild we’re looking for?

I propose that we get a tab, either in the LFG tool or another kind, specifically for guilds! When we open such tab we immediately get a list of active guilds who are recruiting(white or green text) and not recruiting (grayed out). As we click on the name of one that interest us, on the side we should get a short summary about what are they about, the type of content they focus on, their timezone and / or location and the number of members they have. If we’re interested in joining, we “sign in” our characters by clicking the “Propose to Join” button, after which guild officers and guild leaders would be instantly notified on the guild rooster (or a special tab) about the potential recruits.

I have no doubt that there are dozens, probably hundred of Guilds, so a “Search” button would facilitate things quite a lot. So if I type in, for example, “RP” and / or “PvE”, it should narrow the list down to Guilds with the “RP” and “PvE” tags on them.

(edited by IvoryOwl.3275)

Looking for... Guilds! [LFG tool suggestion]

in API Development

Posted by: IvoryOwl.3275


First things first, I’m sorry if this is the wrong section but I really have no idea on which section my suggestion falls into…

Before you go telling me “If you’re looking for a guild, you’re in the wrong section”, hear me out. Ever since the LFG tool came out our lives became much easier for doing dungeons or just about any world content. We changed from having to spam the map chat and alt-tabbing out of the game to announce our need for a 4th person in a website, to simply having all of this implemented into the game.

What if… we expanded this even further? What if we could save time and effort from those poor recruiters who spend hours to end cycling across the maps, looking for candidates? What if we could spare an hour of scrolling down pages in 2 or 3 different forums, looking for that specific guild we’re looking for?

I propose that we get a tab, either in the LFG tool or another kind, specifically for guilds! When we open such tab we immediately get a list of active guilds who are recruiting(white or green text) and not recruiting (grayed out). As we click on the name of one that interest us, on the side we should get a short summary about what are they about, the type of content they focus on, their timezone and / or location and the number of members they have. If we’re interested in joining, we “sign in” our characters by clicking the “Propose to Join” button, after which guild officers and guild leaders would be notified on the guild rooster (or a special tab) about the potential recruits.

(edited by IvoryOwl.3275)

Guild wars is disconnecting my internet?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: IvoryOwl.3275


I’m adding myself to this list – Portugal here.

I cannot give a precise answer as when things start to go wrong but usually the first half-hour of gaming is alright and afterwards it starts to derail. I keep getting damaged as I do Jumping Puzzles for no apparent reason and finally ported to the ground, sometimes there’s skill delays, sometimes I get rubber-banding or infinite dodge and this always means that a disconnection is imminent. The worst of it all is that it seems to affect my entire Internet! Like others, any other extra online program I have on, will loose connection and attempt to reboot. This only happens when I play GW2 and nothing else.

Could it be that the server is overcharging our connection in some way? Is it related to culling? I’m not sure but it seems things just got worse ever since culling was removed. Maybe something went wrong in the new patches? I know its bad not being able to see players, but an unplayable game is much worse. Whatever it is, it needs to fixed ASAP.

(edited by IvoryOwl.3275)

Living story = players not returning?

in Living World

Posted by: IvoryOwl.3275


And yes, it’s true: we don’t have to do Living Story content. Duh. But our only option is to do it or miss it. And for me, that’s not an option, its a sleazy sales push.

“One time offer!”

“Act now!”

“Limited time only!”

You know…
Its not even the “hit or miss” part that annoys me, its when I don’t want to do it and rather play with my friends but turns out all of them are with the “fever run” and can’t stop till they have gotten everything.

I’m playing an MMO, a social game, where instead of having fun with my friends, they’re all more worried about loot and achievements. And its even worse when they don’t like it either but still do it.

Friend: " Oh hey, sorry about that!"
Me: “Np. So… I’ve had some fun ideas that I thought about sharing with you!”
Friend: “Oh sure, let me just- Gasp New content! Ok, you stay tight, I’ve gotta finish this in the next coming days if I can!”

Living story = players not returning?

in Living World

Posted by: IvoryOwl.3275



Maybe I’m getting the wrong tone but I don’t like getting it in my face that I’m getting a prize and should be grateful for it, when it truth it was something that was promised from the beginning. Not cool.

Especially when they never said they were going to be jamming it down our throats every two weeks, so it’s a prize I don’t even want. It’s irritating to see them touting the very thing that drove me from logging in as a feature I’m supposed to be all excited about.


That’s another thing I dislike.
The idea ins’t wrong but their methods are. How do they expect to be able to deliver quality content in a pressure jet of 2 weeks each? How come their staff is still standing with a schedule like this? I would much rather they take one month or two between each to give us some quality than this.

It feels like content for casuals or people with lower satisfaction standards. If they want people to stick to their game, they need to focus on what some of the hardcore fans want, those that are willing to stay for longer periods of time. I think its a better medium-long term strategy unless they’re planning something big and this is just a “patch” to keep us busy while they work on it…

(edited by IvoryOwl.3275)

Living story = players not returning?

in Living World

Posted by: IvoryOwl.3275



I don’t know if throwing the argument of “Free DLC” is a wise thing to do, specially when so many companies nowadays separate some content from the original game just to sell it as a DLC from day one. I hate this milking strategy and how common it has become and I would love it not being mentioned anywhere near me, specially from a game that has nothing to do with it.

In GW2’s case, these are just updates and one of the selling points that they used back in the day: “A world that will constantly be updated with new things”. Maybe I’m getting the wrong tone but I don’t like getting it in my face that I’m getting a prize and should be grateful for it, when it truth it was something that was promised from the beginning.

Other than that… nothing more than a marketing campaign. Nothing to do with us as they’re just trying to sell their product and we all know that there’s bound to be an hyperbole ever so often.

(edited by IvoryOwl.3275)

Living story = players not returning?

in Living World

Posted by: IvoryOwl.3275


Alright, I know this is a long post but please bear with me as I try to explain myself.

First things first, the Living Story.

I loved the aesthetic of the Wind Bazaar, how richly cultural and interactive it was. It was more than a new location, it was like a hub for people to gather, to trade, to have fun exploring every nook and cranny and how much lore it hinted at. Although there was rewards and achievements in every turn, it didn’t felt like a shore at all because I was just having fun.

I also loved the brawls and dark and gritty humor of the Mad King Thorn from the Halloween update. A welcome change from the “ever-so bright and humorous” world that is Tyria.

And this is where most of the other Living Word stories fall apart. Its like the quality went down the drain, the story started being sub-par, revolving around uninteresting characters and everything thing turned into a treadmill with a carrot on a stick.

The way I see it, I think the ArenaNet devs are straining themselves too much on these two week update schedule and its starting to sacrificing their ability to cope with the quality that people expect. I don’t want to sound harsh but… I think that throwing plot ideas into the paper and hoping it pleases people is the wrong path to walk. I know that they’re doing it because they NEED to keep people interested. People = cash. But its getting to a point where the pipe is loosing all its bolts and there’s steam jets all over. People are getting tired and annoyed of how things are being done. What will the devs do when it reaches the point where it stops being enough? When people start leaving, more than expect and anticipated? What then?

My suggestions:

- Drop the two-weekly schedule and change to something that gives more breathing room. Like an update each month for example. It gives more time to plan and test how things should be done and this would also assure more quality.

- You’ve got a wonderful game with so many lore to explore and delve into. Much of which we have yet to discover! Take advantage of that and give us something to help develop our understanding of the game and our characters (RPers).

- Stop focusing on the idea of rewards = fun. Rewards are just rewards, but its the not the entirety of the journey. This is like going with the mentality that the end of the road is what matters. We’re not here to do shores and we’re not robots, we need FUN balanced with grinding.

-Visit the GW2RP forum, be inspired by the people that use and love your product. Read profiles, fan-generated plots and stories. Understand what we love and our worries, what we accept and what we do not.

- Focus on more gritty and dark aspects while still being reasonable. For all the worries and dark feelings the game has tried to pass unto us as we played, its still too shallow. I’m sorry to say it but I can’t take Scarlet seriously nor respect her as villain and certain aspects on the world need to change too to accompany what is going on. I understand that GW2 is supposed to be a lighthearted game with comedy, but a healthy dose from the opposite side of the coin is needed too!

You can do it ANet!

(edited by IvoryOwl.3275)

Piles of Bloodstone Dust.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: IvoryOwl.3275


Ugh… I wish there was a way to increase/remove the stack limitation in the bank.

A few months ago I would have my character and bank bursting with dungeon tokens, I was desperate in what to do with so many as my space kept getting shorter and shorter. The Wallet came and made all of us happy – finally we had space. Now we’re back at the beginning, the difference here is that its with T7 mats now…


Dungeon - Heavy spikes of lag?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: IvoryOwl.3275


First and foremost apologize if this is the wrong section.
Me and my guildies, we do dungeon runs everyday and prior to today, all those runs were considered smooth (no lag issues, no DC’s, etc).
But today, after the patch (I don’t know whether its related or not but maybe it is), we found ourselves having spikes of lag, specially during fights, to the point where some of us even disconnect out of the game and its pretty much undoable as it is.
We were doing Ascalonian Catacombs.

LFG Beta?

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: IvoryOwl.3275


This kind of thing require testing to work properly and while ANet’s dev team as a reasonable amount of people to do such, there are things that can only be tested using the straining spoon and outside factors.

I don’t think its necessary to make a storm in a glass of water over a feature that we will eventually get, besides, we’ve survived this long without it and we have an unofficial alternative that has been up for months. Use that one instead if you can’t live without it. Simple as that.

There’s just no way they will be able to please everyone no matter what they do or say. I’m just content that they keep quality in mind when delivering these things, and you should be as well.
See the positive, leave the ‘crying a river’ to those that are actually testing it for us. Its not being delayed for a month, or two, or three, its just a few more days.

(edited by IvoryOwl.3275)

An Open Letter to Anet: A Warning about LFG

in Suggestions

Posted by: IvoryOwl.3275


@ Player Character: In this video at 3:35 in, you’ll see from the livestream Anet had. It’s been sped up by this person while he talks a bit about it.

Well spotted! Thank you for finding this, I’m sure it will clear away some of the worries circling around. Its good to see that ANet tried to make it as in-depth as possible without being too complicated. I look forward to use this tool, sure beats going AFK to use a website.

An Open Letter to Anet: A Warning about LFG

in Suggestions

Posted by: IvoryOwl.3275


I’d like to see some separators put in the new LFG tool.
Example : If i want to start a group I should be able to set some basic criteria ( number of achievement points, full exotic gear, class, level, etc). That’s just common sense.
Give me a chance to play with the people I want to.
Unless we get that I imagine most decent players will stay away from the new tool.

I think everyone wants successful runs, but I find it a bit egotistical to consider ourselves “so good” that other people bellow our level are not even worth our time. How do I even know you’re not just a leecher trying to sneak into a group that will do everything for you? A good player needs first and foremost, a good attitude.

I would be willing to take newbies with me and teach them a thing or two as we go, its how we players get better and forge friendships, not mounting walls and separating the good from the bad. This kind of attitude is one of the things that is wrong with the MMO community, be it PvP, PvE or even RP, its like a cancer. I’m not saying that you shouldn’t be surrounded by people you know and like but don’t close the door either.

PS: How the heck would the new tool even be able to tell what kind of gear is that person wearing? We don’t even have a “preview player” option in-game!
We know it will allow us to search for people that are looking to do specific activities like dungeons and fractals, WvWvW and Living World. There’s not much more to it but if you want, read the site bellow.

(edited by IvoryOwl.3275)

An Open Letter to Anet: A Warning about LFG

in Suggestions

Posted by: IvoryOwl.3275


@Ivory Owl: I’ve heard a lot of good things about League of Legends having the Tribunal but one of the things ‘negative’ that I’ve heard is that people are not banned, and if so, it’s mainly temporary. Some folks have bragged about just making another account to play because they had a temp ban on their main. I don’t know much more than that since it’s the only thing I’ve found when hearing others talk about it.

That works with a game like LoL because its free and you can create any number of accounts as long as you have a surplus of emails. But in GW2, your account is connected to your game so unless you keep buying several GW2 boxes with new and working serial keys, you’re stuck with your only account. I’m pretty sure even a small temporary ban will be enough to annoy them or at least prevent some people of doing it. The more often they do it, the more time they will remained banned. Could start with a simple 6 hour ban and end up with whole 3 days.

My major problem with it however, are the innocent ones that are trying to be reasonable and serious about their game and a bunch of trolls / haters end up abusing this system to ban him / her. People who abuse the system for no apparent reason should also get punished for it.

My suggestions:

- People seem to underestimate the power of screenshots. We have a button for these cases and even reporting bugs in game itself allows this. I’ve blocked people before but I never reported anyone other than for mail spam so I don’t know if this includes a screenie option as well. You see the chat starting to derail down the tracks, you press that screenshot button even before you report them. Proof already in hand is a must even if things eventually straighten themselves – Better safe than sorry.

- Include a log for each party that explicitly tells when X party was created, X player joined / left and a timer or clock next to each occurrence. ( This is more a suggestion for ANet. )

(edited by IvoryOwl.3275)

petting animals.

in Suggestions

Posted by: IvoryOwl.3275


I don’t think critters should allow us to run up to them and start attacking.

I would much rather see animals try to flee rather than ignore before petting is implemented.

If I was a tasty bird like a moa, I don’t think I would stand around while some charr is killing a moa right next to me.

You have earned my like, do with it whatever you want.

So much this! It bugs me to no end how unrealistic it is to see animals being so static. I’m killing a bunch of -insert neutral mob here- and the rest nearby don’t even bother to run away! This also includes situations where I’m not even fighting animals at all, sometimes they walk RIGHT into my aim when I’m in the middle of a fight.

(edited by IvoryOwl.3275)

Order items n Cultural armor, buy with Karma

in Suggestions

Posted by: IvoryOwl.3275


Before we had an account-wallet, I found myself struggling to manage my Karma just so I could buy end-game gear. Now I have a surplus of it waiting for me to give it some use! I wouldn’t say changing the currency of certain items that are currently in-game but newly added ones should come with this in mind for sure.

Icarus - Arena Net

in Community Creations

Posted by: IvoryOwl.3275


This has nothing to search here.
This part of the forum is for suggesting things for Guild Wars 2 and not for posting advertisings for a personal MMO projects that someone wants to get done by Anet that has nothing to do at all with Guild Wars 2.

This thread belongs into an other section. I’m sure, the Mods here will move it soon to the correct place.

By the way.. I didn’t found the descriptions interesting at all for my personal taste..
There stood absolutely nothing, that really tells anything about your concept….

Just only alot basic blah blah, but absolutely nothing what peopl really want to know about a game.

Whats the story. What happens in this game.
What can you play there. What for gameplay features are in the game and how do they functionize and so on ..

That are things that people want to know about a game and you said no single word about these things.
You talked basically on the whole page only about the “basic frame” of how you think how certain aspects of that game should have to work to make your game look more “unique” than all others. But no infos about the real interesting things.

However, you said there that you work over 2 years on this… so I’m sure you must have thought about of alot more of things and I guess you just haven’t put everything up yet of that onto that facebook page’t…

I couldn’t agree more!
This sounds like nothing more than shameless self-promotion from his part, even if he’s all “nice and educated.”

I’m reporting this as spam. Its on the wrong section and it has nothing to do with GW2, even if his intentions are good. Next thing you know, you have hundreds of other people posting their personal projects all over this forum!
I’m sure there must be some sort of blogs or special websites for this kind of thing, but this ain’t one of those. Sorry.

(edited by IvoryOwl.3275)

An Open Letter to Anet: A Warning about LFG

in Suggestions

Posted by: IvoryOwl.3275


it is a shame that Anet “kittens” the very unpleasant term relating to an unwanted sexual encounter. since this threat of some ahole to a fellow guild mate was the reason I left WoW.
she quit too and did not bother to even report the guy. she said that happens all the time.

As sad as it is, abusive behavior is a cancer that comes with any all and online experiences and that includes MMOs. If you want to avoid it, might as well not even step a single toe on the internet.

You and your friend did the worst thing – You just left the abuser there unharmed, and potentially permitted other people to fall victim to him as well. Which is ironic because its exactly what you’re pointing out in the other guy; his lack of “attitude versus the problem”.
Also, in WoW, every player bleeds cash into the game each month – a reason why devs may be reluctant to perma ban its players and intervene where they should. But right here and now we’re talking about GW2, and we all know its business model… another reason why Anet’s devs shouldn’t turn a blind eye to this kind of situation.

As for the topic itself…
I heard that League of Legends has a pretty solid team system that blocks this kind of abusive behavior in terms of LFG and parties but I don’t play that game so I wouldn’t know. Anyone knows about it more in-depth and care to shed so light on it??

(edited by IvoryOwl.3275)

An alternative to legendaries

in Suggestions

Posted by: IvoryOwl.3275


And what reason would people have to grind for Legendaries and feel like they achieved something complicated and arduous if there’s an easier-to-get counter-part of those weapons?

The very thing they give right now the fancy skins and particle effects

Visual effects are half the reason why people get them, the other half its because its a medium-long term goal and a challenge to obtain.

An alternative to legendaries

in Suggestions

Posted by: IvoryOwl.3275


Ok for all how have responded I guess my question is if the stat increase on these items isn’t at all important that what do you care if someone can get the stats without having to grind them out if the less expensive options doesn’t have all the flashy effects.

I mean realy if the stats are of no importance then what does anyone care if other have those stats.

And what reason would people have to grind for Legendaries and feel like they achieved something complicated and arduous if there’s an easier-to-get counter-part of those weapons? Its like “Yay, I spent 1 entire month to get my Twilight… all the resources, time and gold spent on this… and I finally have it!” vs “Congrats, I got an equivalent weapon that took me just a few days to get without extra trouble.”

See my point?

It wouldn’t be such a problem if the item in question wasn’t an hard-to-get piece of loot.

(edited by IvoryOwl.3275)

No amazing Dagger skins

in Suggestions

Posted by: IvoryOwl.3275


Moodniir weapons are one of the best IMO.
Look at the dagger.

An alternative to legendaries

in Suggestions

Posted by: IvoryOwl.3275


Game was advertised as having no vertical progression why should my gear have to be a legendary grind to be best in slot stat wise all I’m saying is if they are going to add gear progression after previously stating there would be none give me an option to skip it that isn’t a huge time sink

and at present legendaries are the same stats as exotics they wont become more powerful till ascended gets added next week

You don’t need Legendaries to be the best player in the game, yet. The difference between an Exotic and Legendary stat-wise aren’t that significant to make any who wields it a power house. You can boast having Twilight but that won’t save you if you don’t know what you’re doing. Its a fact that the difference between a good level 80 player and a bad one are based on his / her gaming skills and the way they treat their fellow players.

In this sense, I disagree with you with the idea of “vertical progression”. However, I hope Anet has more tricks up their sleeves than better stat gear each time they add some new content. A player should be engaged by something they deem worth of their time, and remaining competitive gear-wise ins’t exactly what I consider a smart move. It might not be much now but what of it in the future? Bit by bit, if each new gear set keeps coming with increased stats, it will reach a point where players will NEED to get the latest armor.

Don’t fall into this trap Anet!
Invest in mini-games, jumping puzzles, better living stories, exploring new regions, special missions from the Orders we belong to and interacting with sub-races… as well as improving the current game. There’s plenty of room for maneuver that doesn’t imply a treadmill!

(edited by IvoryOwl.3275)

Ascended items Account bound

in Suggestions

Posted by: IvoryOwl.3275


I absolutely agree with this.

petting animals.

in Suggestions

Posted by: IvoryOwl.3275


I would extended that list even further.
- Sitting on chair/stools
- More idle animations
- More dance moves
- More RP emotes ala Age of Conan or EverQuest 2

I’m on the Tarnished Coast, part of the reason why the server is so lively its because of its dedicated RP community. I think its fair to give RPers something for the life they bring into the game.

maybe it can make guild wars 2 better

in Suggestions

Posted by: IvoryOwl.3275


Skeletal parts on armor is a matter of taste and not something that will necessarily make the game better or worse. Secondly, we already have bones in some armor types like the Shadow/Dry Bones armor, Orrian, Karma and Tactical.

Mount discussion again? How many time do we have to talk about this? You should use the search tool before making these kind of threads.
The majority of people agree that mounts are rather unnecessary and they only take from the game. When you fly over a city, it tends to loose its impact vs if you were walking / running down its streets. If you want to travel faster, then you have waypoints and speed buffs. If its the scenery you want to take in then I suggest you simply walk down the road instead of running everywhere. I would be ok with traveling waypoints where we pay a pilot to take us in an airship from location A to B in cases of large distances, or a caravan / Cart if its within the same map for example. But its redundant when we have Waypoints. Mounts? No.

(edited by IvoryOwl.3275)

An alternative to legendaries

in Suggestions

Posted by: IvoryOwl.3275


Well, I had re-read that post 3 times to be able to understand it, lol!
So, better phrased, you want an alternative to the legendaries that remain powerful stat-wise but don’t require the same amount of grind to get them.

I don’t think that’s wise. What would be the point of getting Legendaries if they had an easier equivalent to obtain? Legendaries are exactly that, legendary. They are meant to be hard to get and its only fair that they get slightly better stats in comparison to the other weapons.

I would be happy if we had a middle ground between exotic and Legendary. Right now we have Ascended gear but so far its limited to trinkets and back items… I wish Anet would add weapons and armor of the same tier.

(edited by IvoryOwl.3275)

Payment Method by phone credit

in Suggestions

Posted by: IvoryOwl.3275


You can also go to a lottery shop and deposit a sum of money on a paysafe card. Then you get this piece of paper with a long number that you can use to buy stuff online, like gems in GW2.

Please make legendary weapons account-bound

in Suggestions

Posted by: IvoryOwl.3275


This link is actually what I expected when I read your Thread’s title.
I’ve left the link here for people who agree with me that legendaries shouldn’t even be tradable.

and to make up for not posting anything useful.. Yes, I do agree that legendaries should be account bound AND retain the ability to change their stats. especially if they’re untradable. I mean you’ve worked hard for it! you should be able to do whatever you wish with it. Except for sell it, c’mon people it’s a ’’legendary’’. Twilight and other ‘’common legendaries’’ (what a weird phrase..) just haven’t felt as special as they’ve been intended to be.

I would post in there but I have mixed feelings about necro-ing a thread in which the last post is about 7 months old.

However, I fully support this. If those people can farm hundreds and even thousands of gold, then they can do it as well for the materials required to craft them. If nothing else, this is just a way to make the richer even richer. On the other hand I would make precursors tradable though.

Achievement Tab - Account-bound rewards

in Suggestions

Posted by: IvoryOwl.3275


I can personally say that I love the new achievement tab, its clean and organized for all my OCD needs! I also particularly like how the rewards we get from the achievement chests get their own little space, are unlimited and we can use them wherever we are in Tyria. Cool, huh?

Now my suggestion is: Why not make all account-bound rewards we get to go in there? For example, the balloon and the torch we get from completing the Queen’s Jubilee events – these are items that could perfectly go in there without making us worry about switching characters, going to the bank or maybe even loosing them!

(edited by IvoryOwl.3275)

The Sheet Music Collection

in Community Creations

Posted by: IvoryOwl.3275


Song request – “The Iron Rose” by Clockwork Dolls.

If you wish to “translate” the entire song that is up to you but I warn you that it can be quite tricky and it’s a long song. I’m personally only interested in a of it that starts at 1:46 and ends at 3:22.
I admit that this song is best played with the other instruments but I would appreciate any efforts for it, since this is one my favorite songs so far!

(edited by IvoryOwl.3275)

Flute Music Sheet Compilation

in Community Creations

Posted by: IvoryOwl.3275


Dear Anet,

While I appreciate the option to halt the flute notes, I do wish we had a special key to do so (i.e “ESC” – which already halts the tone by itself) while leaving the other notes undisturbed. The way it is now, we can’t play repeated notes without an annoying break in it.

Thank you

(edited by IvoryOwl.3275)

Flute Music Sheet Compilation

in Community Creations

Posted by: IvoryOwl.3275


I would like to make a request of this particular song <3
Thanks in advance!

Flute Music Sheet Compilation

in Community Creations

Posted by: IvoryOwl.3275


I would like to request the song “The Shire” from the Lord of the Rings.
Actually, I would like ALL the songs of LOTR on flute but its probably too hard, I can only play a small part of the beginning.
Here is the reference:

(edited by IvoryOwl.3275)

Tyrian Writers: A community, a library.

in Suggestions

Posted by: IvoryOwl.3275


@Frosty and Frosty Law Firm

The reason why I placed this in the “Suggestion” section, is because it would require the aid of an add-on for it to fully work as intended, and sadly GW2 does not support add-ons. Hopefully Anet can see that while the game doesn’t need 1 million add-ons for everything, little ones like these can actually bolster creativity and make the game richer in experience.

Tyrian Writers: A community, a library.

in Suggestions

Posted by: IvoryOwl.3275


This idea started with my recent role-playing character, who has a passion for books and not only she likes reading like it could be instrumental for her survival after loosing most of her memory.

I would love to be able to read other player’s handwritten books, books about anything. Novels, romance, survival guides, culture, history, etc.
A survival guide that teaches us how to make shelter and survival in an harsh environment can surely make it more interesting in case our character ever comes across such situation. Or a book about history and culture, for both the player and character learn about Tyria’s past and traditions! Maybe a renown general who has seen plenty of battle can take some time to write down most of the techniques he learned!(Assuming he leaves some secrets for himself in case he ever faces a die-hard fan who wishes to test him! )

But an issue was raised. Its hard to do so without a proper add-on. I know Anet’s policy on add-ons and I admit, I’m not a big fan of them either, but I think this one would be quite welcome in the community, without actually hurting the game.
I’ve made the same suggestion on the the Guild Wars 2 Roleplayers Forum and although its possible for people to upload their books on a site, it would actually be a lot more pleasant for the players to be able to trade these books among each other.

(edited by IvoryOwl.3275)

Glowing Bug Makeover Kit Still Unresolved

in Sylvari

Posted by: IvoryOwl.3275


@ Cottonspore
You have to go to the Support section of this site, click on Refunds/Gem Refunds and explain your situation. Don’t forget to mention Total Makeover kits and how many you used. There is a difference between a normal makeover kit and a Total one.

And yes, I wish this would be fixed as soon as possible, even though I know its probably considered a low priority right now. I miss seeing my sylvari all pretty at night…

Rate the sylvari name above yours!

in Sylvari

Posted by: IvoryOwl.3275



Sounds kinda Canthan-ish to me. I’m having difficulties on how to pronounce it though, I’ve got an idea but I don’t know if it sounds like Taiyang or just Taehang.

My sylvari is a female Necro called Aenyra Darkmoon.
It’s actually pronounced Anyra, the E is omitted.


Sylvari Eye Bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: IvoryOwl.3275


Its not about the irises, its a problem with the face.
I did plenty of testing yesterday, several Sylvari faces, and I’ve noticed that the only one that has this problem is exactly the same one you guys picked(number 2 in the first row, from left to right), in fact, all pics I’ve seen of people complaining about this issue, they all had choosen the same face.
When you pick that one, it looks normal on the character in the CC, but if you pay close attention to the thumbnail, you can already see the problem.

If it shows for other races, then see what face they pick, and start by there.

(edited by IvoryOwl.3275)

Sylvari Eye Bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: IvoryOwl.3275


I tried to create a Sylvari Engineer last night and she had the same issue.
I thought it was because of the monocles and spy-goggles, so I went ahead a created a female Norn to see if she had this problem as well. She didn’t.
I assume it must be some kind of problem with the Sylvari then.

(edited by IvoryOwl.3275)