Showing Posts For Jehuty.7426:
Yep try Noobix suggestion.. Game is not polished well and should be Alpha not even beta if you ask me…
Yea i know that goes 41-50, but this is my first daily after reset and didn’t get nothing.. So tell me what’s the point of grinding and crafting full asc armor if i don’t get any reward?
And tbh this is n ot a first time i even didn’t get it on lover lvls
It’s a well known bug… other people say that this bug have something with Arah Gate event.. So they start arah on server where is no event
how i know and remember if you step into that geysir of lava on last boss it doesn’t count ach.. so try to avoid that
Ok ty m8. Really stupid because it’s more rare
I got this back from last boss arah p3 can you tell me why there isn’t any skin O.o..
(edited by Jehuty.7426)
So we were playing tribulation mode one person got client crush and she cannot enter so i have a Question.. What’s the point of party in SAB? O.o
When she tries to enter the sab again Client crush and we were on last checkpoint in W1 Z1 4 players
(edited by Jehuty.7426)
Thank you guys
After 4090 ach points, 4 80’s players full exotic and as well equipped with 25 agony resistance and 2 characters have 30 I give up from this game and I will tell you reasons why. Many users knows me for spamming Arah and helping them in path 4 which is bugged even now as hell so I will tell you it’s been a honor to play with some of you guys but well at least it was fun after we were cursing Arenanet on our mother languages.
Reason 1: First I played Tera and I was fascinated when I read that this will not be Pay to Win or no grinding contest and all sort of stuff which sound like heaven, but well after I lvl first character to 80’s then second I have seen that thing’s weren’t how I read. Actually it was the same like in Tera even worse. Gw2 is easy to get gear from dungeons but what about runes, weapon skins and all sort of stuff what you need.. Well it was pure grinding and nothing else. Even the worst thing is that from time to time I noticed that loot is nerfed like hell. If I got yellow item I was Wauuuuuuuuuu .. I don’t even want to mention Exotics.
Reason 2: Bots, Mystic Toilet, Bad Support and Chinese Gold and Legendary Sellers
Bots – What’s the point of reporting them? O.o.. You think they will be banned? Hell no.. Back on Blacktide I was reporting same guy over and over and over for almost 2 weeks and guess what happened NOTHING.. he still farm Wisps in Cursed Shore which drops guess what …Charged Core. So probably you see reason why there are so expensive
Mystic Toilet aka Forge – If I drop 4 exotics or 4 yellow I will get Precursor hmmmm right XD. You will get big nothing probably you will easier get lottery if you paid ticket then buy precursor for Real Cash while you will exchange Gems for Gold. You don’t even want to know number items which I dropped inside :P
Bad Support – Hmm so far experience which I had is… Automatic response and I’m sorry that we cannot help you and always some excuse how the game still didn’t get majority blablablabla same BS every time. Even if I buy merchant, banker or some other thing for gems and it doesn’t pop up well you can easily use your credit card or grind like hell then buy another 5,6 merchant or bankers
Chinese Gold and Legendary Sellers – Like in every game they are scam, ruining economy etc. But tbh I love them in this game only because of 1 reason. They are cheaper then arena net. I never did buy any gold because I’m afraid if someone will send me over 20g I will be banned.
Reason 3: Lack of Contest, Functions that you cannot use but they were In game, kicking good players because of “exploit”, and if you even
Lack of contest… ok what to do in this game… Seriously? If you are in WvW you cannot get any Gold, in Spvp you don’t get nothing but in Pve you can only get gold if you are spamming same dungeons over and over and over
Functions – hmmm if I send my friend 100g I will be banned.. Why there is even a function to send gold if you cannot use it… Tbh it’s stupid.
Exploits and all sort of stuff.. Even now there are multiple exploits how to get gold easily but well I don’t want to report because they don’t want to help me and other people as well so let’s see what I meant. They put thing like snowflake jewel in game. Then people salvage and if they got some ectoplasm which is RNG as well they are Exploiters O.o.. Excuse me but this is ArenaNet fault not faulth of players which have to suffer. Second thing people were on karka event all 3 days even I was and guess what my whole party didn’t get the chest. Because we weren’t on event and their auto system is Poo. When you even wrote something about that event they just ignore or delete topic and give you some warning that you will be banned. Sorry but for me that’s joke.. My whole party don’t have Alzheimer or they are suffering from schizophrenia so they see karkas all around
Ok this Is all from me. Probably I will get ban because of telling the truth but TBH even in real life I have guts to tell something in face so I don’t mind I’m used to it that people cannot accept the truth. Have fun in grinding for legendary and clicking on signs along the road (new content)
(edited by Moderator)
They nerfed everything and by that good white loot you can see it :P…. Well welcome to grind grind grind grind i hope you will get it after you throw around next 3500 GS inside in Mystic Toilete
Carrion Mithril Imbued Inscription[s]
15X Large Bone[s]
2X Mithril Plated Dowel[s]
15X Large Claw[s]
2X Mithril Plated Dowel[s]
Isn’t that discovery?
How i know my friend got official response that this staff isn’t in game O.o
Isn’t that something like Mystic Forge Stone ? O.o
1500 badges from all dungeons and 1500 badges of honor… And this will be good way to DESERVE precursor
Gaudrath try to make bifrost and then put guy which doesn’t have skill in front of lupicus because he need badges from Arah i will love to take my popcorn and look that
So because of their incompetence other have to suffer if they say no.. So far i report around 100 bugs and dozens of exploits and when i report that i had bug they cannot help me? O.o First with recipe nightmare coil now with that karka.. Ok from now on i will say no to report don’t see why i should help them…
I already wrote it couple of times and only thing i got is just ignore XD… Deserve it? O.o Don’t get it i was all 3 days in event even kill the big karka.. and still didn’t get it…
Yea.. But lot of users didn’t get them.. What about them?
or click on door :P
I want to hear official response about users who have been cheated and didn’t get their karka chest. So what now if i want a earring i will need to grind 1000 shells or what.. Some of their even got 2 and users which have played didn’t get not even 1. Ty for your answer
Nooooooooo you cannot say that.. Didn’t you notice that drop on precursor is “increased”
For that you need to learn how to dodge or change your spec.. We have finished all 4 paths Arah and COE without any problem… So it’s same thing
First i read this then i tested it.. It works like a charm… on all 3 paths
Ok soo we were on Lupicus and grub was always spawning on kitten NPC which was trying to “kill” Lupicus in Melee so somehow we manage to kill Lupicus with 2 buffs can you please at least remove on Lupicus those npc’s because it’s kinda stupid to agroo normal mobs then use stealth so i can loose agroo.. Ty.. Any answer would be appreciated.
Lot’s of people leave the game as well my 4 real life friend because they are not used to Grind games. They are casual players and they have bought this game because of promises that Gw2 isn’t gonna be Grind game but well how you see as well here to get some exotic i don’t even want to say Precursor is like fortune. So they have make mistake they have make grind game so people are leaving
If he was close to the wall he will reset.. Try once when you don’t have agroo go near wall and you will see you will go off combat so in this case you can easily reset him.
For the 2nd i don’t know… never had such a bug.. tbh never even heard of it. Are you sure he didn’t enter 1st?
I minimize all the time no crashing… And asked couple of people they minimize as well soo m8 it’s up to you
Do you maybe have any other sigil which stacks as well? :O
Skip all mobs until you reach the room where are cannons.. If She bugs pull some mobs onto her and let them kill her :P…. This will reset the script and you can move on
And let me guess you wrote to support and not even 1 answer :P
Dude that “bug” was all way back from beginning. If you read patch notes and upcoming patch they said this will be fixed in upcoming patch. So the only thing you can do is wait
Are you talking about Sigil or? O.o…..
Hmm m8 you obviously didn’t read the patch notes…. That’s normal.. And how far i know and i play for long time GW2 never had preview on broker
Didn’t have any problem.. So far i have finished it 3 times.
It’s hard to get anything now when loot is nerfed So good luck finding it
If you skipped some mobs on path 2 but probably you have XD…. Just pull that champion on detha to kill her…… After that it will work :P..
It’s damage race when whisps bugs….. like they reset or even spawn 2 in same area i even have screenshots
I have same error as well
Arah Path 4 is 1 big bug. Specially Dwayna.. GL passing her. We barely made it after we all spec full berserker..
The funny thing is that i had the same bug.. Even the worse is i got Merchant from chest and he didn’t even spawn XD
You need to make eternity to get badge
Yep it’s normal i even got Vial on lvl 16 and on 24… So i think it’s normal
Sorrry m8 i have 16/16 so it isn’t a bug. You have missed something try to check here where are hearts
Update…. 2 Sparks on 1 place O.o
Are those sparks bugged or what?.. They are reseting all the time.. Is it even possible to finish this boss.. Please fix that Arena Net we are trying over 3 hours -.-. If someone from Anet is online we will gladly invite him/her to party to see it
(edited by Jehuty.7426)
Not always, it glows only in dark how i know.. I have GS
m8 i’m talking about guildie. And what about recipe. They said that they cannot give it to me because they cannot see that i get it.. How they can see who did exploit?
(edited by Jehuty.7426)
ok if not the full story.. So i can send someone 350-400g and i will not be banned or?