Showing Posts For Josh.6213:

having trouble with my D/D ele

in Elementalist

Posted by: Josh.6213


in PvE i am fine but when i get into WvW or SPvP no matter what build i try i feel very weak just wondering if anyone had some advice on builds or something i should be doing


in Suggestions

Posted by: Josh.6213


why did you implement “soulbound” to iteams and is thier any chance you will be changing this in the future account bound dosent bother me as much but still shouldnt we be able to sell or move weapons……….so when new legends or something comes out and you want it you just scrap your old one or let it set because you cant sell or move across acount

Mesmers get too much

in Mesmer

Posted by: Josh.6213


mesmer is not op you guys just suck at your class and cant figure out how to counter a mesmer wich is very so you want it nerfed you QQ about clones that you can 1 hit to get them out of the way wich is pretty much are Defens people kill you because your too busy QQin on here instead of learning how to play your class

Merry X'mas from Anet to Mesmers

in Mesmer

Posted by: Josh.6213


they will nerf it beyond what needs be and ruin this class once again mesmer is mainly DPS so take that away what is the point of this class

Mesmers get too much

in Mesmer

Posted by: Josh.6213


just another person playing a diffrent proffession trying to make it where other professions get nerfed…….mesmer is obviously not op so stop QQing

No rewards from Tixx in LA

in Wintersday

Posted by: Josh.6213


also nothing…..

Giant Gift:The holder of the Legendary Bell

in Wintersday

Posted by: Josh.6213


what does this bell do ?

looking for a guild

in Guilds

Posted by: Josh.6213


looking for a larger guild that does PvP, WvW ,PvE
i do use vent ,mumble ect but i cant always be on it
looking for something with maybe 18+ (i dont like drama)
i try to play everyday but RL comes first for me
currently on TC but i am willing to do a server change if i find the right guild

Need a Solo Build Ideas Please (PvE only)

in Guardian

Posted by: Josh.6213


i use mace/torch or sometimes focus
i know you dont want GS but its probably by far the Best thing to use for farming good AoE with whirling wrath and symbol of wrath, binding blades can pull mobs/interupt and has a gap closer ,
but if you dont want that i would say hammer or staff i would rather have hammer then staff but thats me

How bad really are Mesmer's solo?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Josh.6213


i have 3 80s and my mes was probably the slowest to level at first once you start to get some good traits it starts to go alot smoother


in Mesmer

Posted by: Josh.6213


well in pvp i like to use decoy if i see someone comming then mirror image so i can have 3 out but sometimes ill be invisable with 3 out and people will run right by them and somehow target me……in pvE its mostly range classes that do this i will go invisable but they will still hit me with thier bow no matter what i try doing


in Mesmer

Posted by: Josh.6213


was wondering if anyone was having a problem with going invisable but still being targeted mostly in PvE for me when i use decoy or anything i put out my decoy i go invisable but im still being targeted and hit its happend to me a few times in pvp but not as much as pve

Anyone play ?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Josh.6213


@ slartyBartfast
they are scaled but still are not ment to be run by one person

@ Zepplin
your right not a complete ghost town like i said i seen 8 people in 2 days ……. iv made a few character and each time i make one i see less and less people . i know thier are alot more people in higher levels .but not really be able to run world/group event might be a turn off to players

Anyone play ?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Josh.6213


i made another character after getting boared at 80 and iv seen maybe 8 people on lower level maps in the last couple days wich make it very hard to level cant really do the group event with 1 person and thats where alot of the xp come from …… does anyone still play lower levels ?

question about a skill

in Elementalist

Posted by: Josh.6213


It was probably this combo.

has this been changed? have been trying to do earthe quake then ride the litning just to see and it wont let me till after the skill is done

question about a skill

in Elementalist

Posted by: Josh.6213


Churning earth most likely. AOE ability with a 3 1/4 s. cast time, large area of effect, applies bleed stacks as well as direct damage and is typically initiated outside of combat and then the ele uses lightening flash to teleport in to the target area.

If he hit you that hard, one or both of you must be glass.

He said jump in the air so I’m assuming earthquake + LF + CF + Fire grab.

CE doesn’t hit for 15K but fire grab can.

This guy got owned in pvp and is QQing and trolling. His combat log would clearly tell him which ability hit for 15k.

Nothing to see here, move along.

lol im not trolling i was simply asking people who play eles because i do not

question about a skill

in Elementalist

Posted by: Josh.6213


wondering what a certin skill was i was in pvp and thier was a ele that jumped in the air then hit me……on my bunker guardian i got hit for almost 15K and on my mesmer it killed all my illusion and me in 1 hit and then when i tried to fight the guy i was barely putting any damage on him im not flaming or saying thier is something wrong im just wondering was build and skill this could be thnak you

Looking for guild Tarnished coast

in Guilds

Posted by: Josh.6213


looking for a guild that does spvp tournys, WvW, and pve

scepter-sword/sword-focus .. champion killer

in Mesmer

Posted by: Josh.6213


scepter-sword/sword-focus .. champion killer

in Mesmer

Posted by: Josh.6213


depending on your build scepter is not always bad

No, it’s pretty much always bad. I mean maybe you can come up with some build specially tailored for scepter where it is the best weapon choice but it’s hard to think what that build might be. And even harder to imagine that it might be a viable build.

I mean maybe it fits into glamour confusion for added lols but that’s not a real build anyhow it’s just a way to troll dummies in w3.

your saying confussion build is not a real build lol i am confussion shatter build and do better then when i was doing GS just trying to DPS

Gearing a Mesmer

in Mesmer

Posted by: Josh.6213


i do confusion/shatter build scepter torch/and staff best i found for confusion and you can pretty much have clones out non stop….here is a vid of a very good confusion shatter build

scepter-sword/sword-focus .. champion killer

in Mesmer

Posted by: Josh.6213


depending on your build scepter is not always bad

scepter-sword/sword-focus .. champion killer

in Mesmer

Posted by: Josh.6213


i like scepter torch but im a confusion build but i will agree that scepter sword is very good

Sylvari need - custom/armor/suggestions

in Sylvari

Posted by: Josh.6213


i like the idea of adding more armor,hairstyles,face …….but non plant faces ect really?they are PLANTS

PvP suggestion

in Suggestions

Posted by: Josh.6213


i like the pvp know but i would like to see something besides capture a certine point and hold it to win….maybe something with a certine amount of kills to win or have a hard boss on a map and teams have to try to kill it to win something besides capture the point on every map

Alf+F4 ruining WvW!!!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Josh.6213


their are other games that when you DC they still leave your character in game for about 10 seconds just to solve problems like this

Guardian skill tree Question

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Josh.6213


in the virtues the very first skill “Inspired virtue” it says “Virtues also apply the following boons”

Justice-Might……… was wondering how much might ?

Resolve – Regeneration…… dosent it already give regeneration ? or does it add even more ?

courage-protection…….what does it mean by protection ?