Showing Posts For Kaim.7125:

Some idea about new sPvP mode

in PvP

Posted by: Kaim.7125


For now, its clear there will be no more modes for sPvP.

But in far, far, far, far… future

GW2 “trying” be e-sport, so modes shouldbe same.

CTF will fail here (heartseeaker spam for fast rush)
King of Hill is OK

And, IMHO game mode same as DotA is OK too!

Map for 5vs5 with 2/3 lines, and some towers/gate/gate+towers to destory. At end destory “base”. For “minions”, some elite mobs… it willbe just great!


sPvP blog post... its a joke?

in PvP

Posted by: Kaim.7125


LOL at this screenshoot. U show 1/10 of all servers where some1 play and that is proof “spvp dont die” ?

I can upload SS where players play only at 7 servers and rest is empty.

Aren't thiefs an unfinished profession?

in PvP

Posted by: Kaim.7125


Pff… they already show us “future of sPvP” at this “blog”. One suggest- dont even think it will change.

PvP players masive sell game at ebay/allegro, reason? Arenanet dont have idea how make nice (not even good) pvp game. Its more MOBA than TRUE MMO PVP game.

sPvP blog post... its a joke?

in PvP

Posted by: Kaim.7125


Please dont start GW2 vs WOW wars.

I dont create this topic for this. I create this topic couse writing few words, with less information about future PvP in this game take almost 3 weeaks! And in the end, this “furure changes” is not, what sPvP players want hear after so long wait. Oh.. changes is to big word for that, what I read from “blog”.

ArenaNET faild HARDLY all sPvP players with blog, and Im intrested what you think about it.

sPvP blog post... its a joke?

in PvP

Posted by: Kaim.7125


Lack of arguments, but first saying about bad english. GZ :-) Srsly I dont give a single kitten what you thinking about my spelling. If someone understand what I try to say- its OK for me.

Leauge of Legends is MOBA, GW 2 is MMO.

Diffrence is FIRST focus at PvP and ONLY PVP games (and is this your fameous “e-sport”), secound- cant focus at single taget.

MMO are games where is PvE and PVP.

GW2 is focused PvE/Storyline and its cleary seen at every step. For now PvP looks like silly “bonus” for PvE content, not like “other half of game”. And this blog show only, it WONT CHANGE.

And man.. srslt… even with this “super blog changes” what you lovely kiss, and accapted- this game is still 2000 years before become e-sport game. Those changes dont bring game even one step closer to become s-sport. Major things are missing, and will be missing long time.

sPvP blog post... its a joke?

in PvP

Posted by: Kaim.7125


Plz dont count LoL with 10players to MASSIVE MULTIPLAYER ONLINE game.

Not everyone want play e-sport, and not every e-sport “things” are good for rest of players who dont play at “profesional level”.

And srslt… “go pandas in Wow”…. man you are such fail at arguments.

(edited by Kaim.7125)

sPvP blog post... its a joke?

in PvP

Posted by: Kaim.7125


For me, most pain is no NEW MODES. 4 maps, where 1 is broken (water fight) at domination mode is already bored like hell.

CTF will fail at this game, couse elementalist (chaaarge!) and Thiefs (Shadowsteps + HS charge) will ruin it

but DM, TDM, Class DM… hell yes. But NO. Not in this life. Mayby in next addon for $$.

sPvP blog post... its a joke?

in PvP

Posted by: Kaim.7125


Its not rage post, its first.
Sec if u think that “no new modes is needed” we dont have to talk about anything :-)

sPvP blog post... its a joke?

in PvP

Posted by: Kaim.7125


Ok, we wait almost 3 weeks for some scrap informations about future sPvP. And its like I just said (and admins delete it) before- IT BRING NOTHING.

No info about DUELS, no info about NEW GAME MODE, no info about “PARTY JOIN sPVP”, no info about NEW MAPS, no info about FUTURE NERFS

Srsly this short, silly information what ArenaNET call “blog”, can be writed at 30-40min. Information only at tournament games, where people asking HUNDREDS other things…

Do you all satisfied after read this sPvP “blog”?

Im definitely NOT, and agin I think ArenaNET spits at sPvP gamers.

This is sPvP blog what we w8 almost 3weeks?

in PvP

Posted by: Kaim.7125


afterpatch downstate

in PvP

Posted by: Kaim.7125


iTB u say such BULLkitten.

Goooooooood luck kill now grounded mesmer (teleports + stealth) with minions and his grounded dmg, or even rangers. 8khp diffrence betwen you and him, now give you NOTHING. With pets and dmg buff they ground you before you finish stomp.

GZ arenanet.

Few questions about sPvP future

in PvP

Posted by: Kaim.7125


GM said blog is already done, but w8 for editions corrects and translate for other languages

Immobilize is actually stronger than a stun

in PvP

Posted by: Kaim.7125


LoL the worst is CC is this pushing/pulling efects. IT SHOULDBE DELETED. Works like stun and daze + u CANT use skills when standing up/flying into wall.

Do u like Pvp in GW2?

in PvP

Posted by: Kaim.7125


PvP is failure here. Thousands of pvp players wait for pvp blog- if it fail.. who knows? sell game is only way to take $ back.

And its not like “game is broken cuse mesmers and guardians are OP”

Like Masternewbz said – you get bored because its all the same, all the same

Few questions about sPvP future

in PvP

Posted by: Kaim.7125


- will it be more game modes? Like CTF, TDM or DM ?
- will it be some duel option?
- will it be possibility to join sPvP with friends/party?
- will it be sPvP games with less than 8vs8 players?
- will it be more sPvP maps?
- will it be more spvp items, like rings/earings for better stats fit?

GMs answers are welcome.

Sexiest/best looking armour for thief?

in Thief

Posted by: Kaim.7125


Altair ak Assasin Creeds armor > all :-)

Necromancers and Elementalists

in PvP

Posted by: Kaim.7125


Necros can pwn guardians couse they’re masters of conditions/boons controls.

What do you consider the top 3 PvP professions?

in PvP

Posted by: Kaim.7125


1 most OP, Guardian. At bunkier build kitten everything and everyone- even mesmer.
2 Mesmer, pwn all in 1vs1, loose only for bunkier Guardian

3 Hard choice, I say Warrior/Thief. Warr got tones of DMG and imobilizes. Thief got dmg and mobility (and less hp that warr)

Downed state is ok. But in sPvP all professions need to have the same Skill Set

in PvP

Posted by: Kaim.7125


Srsly if you think that Thief can buy TONS of time you justa fail game. 1 (very) short teleport, and stealth for 2s at SAME PLACE is no oppurtonity for mesmers telepots like crazy + making fake clones at grund and stealth.

Mesmers got most OP ground skills for now, I just cant count how many times we 2-3 try kill 1 grounded mesmer at middle of fight- its take AGES.

Other very strong ground skills have warrior, if you dont finish him fast- he just stand and kick ur kitten

Downed state is ok. But in sPvP all professions need to have the same Skill Set

in PvP

Posted by: Kaim.7125


Thief dont have strong downstate skills lol… 1 teleport and 1 stealth (where he stay at same place). Most OP:

Mesmers- clones, teleporting, stealth… just wtf is this.
Warrior- knock down for 1 target, instant stand and 15s for kill target (before self death)
Guardian- mass AOE Push back, life drain

More customanization of gear?

in PvP

Posted by: Kaim.7125


Oh comeoon… Armor glyphs + amulet (and jawel) is just to pooor. Can we get some rings (with 1/4 stats of amulet) or earings?

My opinion of PvP.

in PvP

Posted by: Kaim.7125


Just focus PvE for a while…sPvP is failure for now. Real PvP is at WvWvW, where your gear have more point than at sPvP.

And srsly, stop crying at thief. Make one, play one then create opinion. Thief is most balanced class for now (yes Im playing one, and i still can accept nerff backstab if it must to be done), mobility + nice dmg + no hp at all. The problem are guardians and mesmers, those classes can fight 1vs3 and win! U cant do that as thief, necro, ranger, ele… etc.

(edited by Kaim.7125)

People focusing the treb instead of it's defender

in PvP

Posted by: Kaim.7125


Arhe.. true story

Wondering about the blog post?

in PvP

Posted by: Kaim.7125


If this blog was been created day, after day, and after day it shouldbe already done. Conclusion? They dont work at it, its not they prrioryty (what mean, ANET put kitten on pvp- sadly but true), mayby they work on it 30min at whole day (and even so… in 2 weeaks it shouldbe one!)- and only if someone got free time for work at it.

Its SAD, but this all E-SPORT talk WAS (not even IS, couse there is no future hope for pvp) just one great since-fiction story.

Elementalist downed state is a joke. Where is the feedback?

in PvP

Posted by: Kaim.7125


xBeefy.4073 egzacly. Down state skills just ruin game. Nerff them all, or give same for all class.

Elementalist downed state is a joke. Where is the feedback?

in PvP

Posted by: Kaim.7125


Mesmer down skills are OP couse he make to gerat dmg, + his minions still hit you (thats fail), + teleports + stealth… just one big joke.

Ranger skills same- this stupid pet + ranger ground you off before you finish him at 1vs1. And who win at “ground” combat when you take dmg from ranger and his pet? … oh… forget, mesmer of course.

Elementalist downed state is a joke. Where is the feedback?

in PvP

Posted by: Kaim.7125


For me elementalist ground skills are FINE, just rest are unbalanced kitten. It will be fine if everyone have same ground skills like elementalist, some dps, heal and its over! No stupid stealth, teleports, push off or knock down.

sPvP start be boring like hell

in PvP

Posted by: Kaim.7125


Its just 4 maps, where Raid on the Capricorn is water-fight-failure (SRSLY, place this objective AT SHIP- and it will be more fun) at only 1 game mode domination. Already starts vomit, doing same thing at all maps. Add to this no balanced class, unbalanced teams, ArenaNET ignorance (did spvp bolg is out? oh no… “few days” huh? already passsed 2 weaks) and we got totaly screwd sPvP.

Leavers in PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Kaim.7125


They must implicate some “quit match” option after wined/loosed game, where is 30s before auto-map start next map

If you could change one thing what would it be?

in PvP

Posted by: Kaim.7125


Dont buy this game and waste a LOT of money for beging ignored

What about the update on Spvp and Esports ?

in PvP

Posted by: Kaim.7125


Melony, did you will say same kitten after 2mouths when you want play PvP and… oh crap, no one play it (OR those who play= only guard/warr/mesm). Numbers and stats is things that defines whole MMO. Just accept it. Less players play PvP, then more leave… beacouse there is no-one to play with. PvE is nice, but comeon! After 1000000 kills same boss, who make exacly same thing is just boring. PvP is real person vs real person fights, what give more satisfaction and its never same. For ME PvE is addons for PvP, and if PvP starts fail- I just sell game out, or stop play. And many, many more PvP players do same if ArenaNET dont start treat us seriously.

Optional HP/Armor/%Crit/Power for Thief D/D at sPvP

in Thief

Posted by: Kaim.7125


Like at question, what is absolutly HP nessesery to nicle play sPvP not like GlassCannon? I personaly thinking its about 20-21K HP. Of course there is oppurtonity to make its higer even to 24k but… its better rise armor- 1.2k toughtnes?

Critical rate over 50% is (imho) just to big, I run with 47% and its works nice.
And power… for now 1800x, but… feel its to less Still I dont die instant at battlefield from 100blades, or instakill-backstabs.

Discussion of specific Thief skill detail

in PvP

Posted by: Kaim.7125


almost half of my post was deleted, when i eksplain a loot of thief skills… gz admins, gz forum.

Discussion of specific Thief skill detail

in PvP

Posted by: Kaim.7125



If thief is so OP, QQ and other bullkitten- start play him! Srsly I more like to see thief spam, than mesmer/warrior/guardian spam. For me thief is most balanced class at moment. Weak ground skills, huge dmg but weaknest HP, mobility- no some OP healing (guardian), creazy mass push off (guardian), army of clones (mesmer) or 10 imobilize skills at 30s CD (warrior).

sPvP - things to come.

in PvP

Posted by: Kaim.7125


Well see what u gona say when 80%players stop play sPvP ant tPvP. Its easy like hell, DO SMETHING to that weak PvP, or pvp players start sell out game- and after year only pve stay here.

This game starts be Mesmers vs Guardian

in PvP

Posted by: Kaim.7125


Just showin one thing- there is 8 classes in game, and in sPvP (at torunmanet even worst) only 2. People buy this game for all 8 playable characters not 2. I can be a jerk and take that OP class then start nerding around (oh those sweet “L2P”) that game is balanced and everything is fine. But its not. Srsly one-two mouths and there will be only 2 class at PvP if admins dont FIX IT FAST.

Remove pets when owners down

in PvP

Posted by: Kaim.7125


Pray.9751 just +1

What is a kitten?

in PvP

Posted by: Kaim.7125


its cenzure…. kitten is replace for bad words ;p

everyone kicks necromancer

in PvP

Posted by: Kaim.7125


Necro sux not couse less burst/surivality/cc. He sux couse there is to many bugs at traits and skills… just look at necro topic, tons of unfixed bugs. Sad but true

This game starts be Mesmers vs Guardian

in PvP

Posted by: Kaim.7125


Still, it dont answer- why sPvP players reroll to those 2 classes. For me answer is easy and clear- they just OP, and dont need such skill like at glass-canon thief/ele or ranger.
For you guard/mesm are still “easy to counter”, and at this logic 50% sPvP players take easy to counter class like guard/mesm? Sorry but no

This game starts be Mesmers vs Guardian

in PvP

Posted by: Kaim.7125


Hard burst something what is shielded over 5s+ and make pushes (IMHO this only ruin game. 1s fly 1s land 2s standing… no way to use signet to accelerate this proces, its more potencial than stun) + heal like crazy. Dodge? Ok 2 dodge then what? escape? ruining around like chicken ? Even if u take him ground (with almost no HP) first u got agin “rocket fuellkitten kick” and fly intro nearest wall, then he just drain off ur HP with atack.

This game starts be Mesmers vs Guardian

in PvP

Posted by: Kaim.7125


Ok i can see 1 who copy to 4, but when 2-3 starts runing around? 12 characters? Burst harder? Everyone at healthy brain know thats rip off HP over POWER is mistake. 18K HP is absolutly minimum for sPvP. And man… shielded shielded shielded? Guy is imortal for 4-5s so burst give nothing.

This game starts be Mesmers vs Guardian

in PvP

Posted by: Kaim.7125


Keep it going, and little more u can call this game MvsG2. Did someone from “UP” look sometime how sPvP starts look like? Today sPvP 8vs8 – opose team 5 guardian, my team 6 mesmers… JUST GREAT GAME. 1 hour later I find answer why all players roll guard/mesm… 3 vs 1 guard and all fight looks like
“shielded-shielded-shielded”x 15, then BAM! Great push off/fast hp regen and agin same bullkitten. 3 players who make CC,DoT,Nuke wasynt enable kill that OP (plz without nonsens L2P) class in less than minute. In the end, he push us all when laydown at gorund- and his mates come to help.

Mesmers are for now just one big joke. When u fight with 6 mesmers- from a secound u got 21 characters at objective- oh and good luck with finish him off at ground

Srsly I TRY HARD, but still dont understand one thing- why the hell dont give SAME SKILLS to ALL CLASSES when they at ground? Couse its “more esport, and tactical”?

Sorry but this is bullkitten- for now GW2 can only DREAM abut esports, sPvP is broken with guardians/mesmers (thief mayby got huge dmg… but in what cost? 13k hp…), underwater fight is just… oh, no word how to call this random chaos- better just make this underwater objective at SHIP. Everyone PvP player waiting for this sPvP blog, and hope it will be worth of this time.