Showing Posts For Kau.8495:

chaplan_: Necro gets burning via a trait.

in Necromancer

Posted by: Kau.8495


how would roughly an extra 600/3s take us from wet noodles to super noodles?

Make Minions Attack on First Hit

in Necromancer

Posted by: Kau.8495


what attack you use has no bearing on minions attacks i know it might seem like that sometimes but its not, quiet often im left with 2-4 on cd and 1 being spammed and minions just stand around then i can switch weapons and do the same and then mob dies and minion is all kitten lets go!

also something else ive noticed is when im attacking minions are “stuck” in follow mode they refuse to do anything but “follow” then sometimes they will remember there meant to attack, when there stuck in follow mode i can use minion attacks they will fire off with 100% success rate, then the minion will return to following like some kitten wammo from gw1

Make Minions Attack on First Hit

in Necromancer

Posted by: Kau.8495


im not 100% sure on this but i believe minion behavior is zone based as quiet a few lowbie zones my minions react instantly yet i move to higher zones and they stand around like spare kittens at a wedding worth a bit more testing maybe.

Necromancer WvW Wells Build

in Necromancer

Posted by: Kau.8495


i suggest you look up following link for a hybrid and add as requiered

WvW Build Ignore Condi Duration

in Necromancer

Posted by: Kau.8495


was actually 9s my bad


WvW Build Ignore Condi Duration

in Necromancer

Posted by: Kau.8495


One thing to remember with condition duration on Bleeding & Fear is the final bleed time must be a full 1 second or it will round down to the nearest second.

when it comes to Lingering Curse and 36% duration food this is a lie it turns a 6s bleed into a 10s bleed

WvW Build Ignore Condi Duration

in Necromancer

Posted by: Kau.8495


do NOT get the 20% bleed trait its crap garbage utter rubbish 5 points in spite isent to bad though i agree there can be nice

WvW Build Ignore Condi Duration

in Necromancer

Posted by: Kau.8495


i think 36-40% duration food will do more for you than any measly 100 condition damage especially when it effects fear too !

Best Necro Armour

in Necromancer

Posted by: Kau.8495


moer skullz please


"Defeat the riot-instigating settler" bug

in Necromancer

Posted by: Kau.8495


Spectral armor...

in Necromancer

Posted by: Kau.8495


the other worldly must be pretty dam average cause its not good enough for the challenges at the moment.

where it concerns necromancers it is

but yes spectral armor is awesome just needs a cd reduction and protection boosting to 10s or so

The ultimate necromancer dmg-hybrid(tutorial)

in Necromancer

Posted by: Kau.8495


What is your crit damage in this build ?… Your condition duration seems to be cut in half…

i ditched condition duration runes for undead runes and only 10 in con duration tree but am still able to reliably stack 10-15 bleeds without having to jump through hoops and crit damage is 3% from karka ring :x allso im not useing givers weapons either ^.^

Then your condition damage you do is almost half of what it could be… and your bursting/power damage is about 40% lower as well…

Is it worth it ?… what you got in exchange for it ?…

I noticed you forgot to factor in food buffs, you can ditch the bleed duration runes and switch giver scepter to rabid if you use rare veggie pizza and go full Undead runes for condition damage/toughness or any other rune/orb you prefer.

Something like this:|7.1g.h16.d.1g.h2|b.1b.h16.8.1b.h5|1o.719.1o.719.1o.719.1o.719.1o.719.1o.719|311.|u6ab.u27b.0.0.a6|30.k|3r.4d.3x.3u.4e|e

On axe/focus:
Power 1892
Precision 1910
Toughness 1182
Vitality 1132
Critical Damage 54%
Condition Damage 1052
Condition Duration 70%
Healing Power 311
Boon Duration 0%
Critical Chance 51.33%
Damage 31.62%
Armor 2102
Health 20532

On Scepter/Dagger:
Power 1712
Precision 1910
Toughness 1310
Vitality 1132
Critical Damage 44%
Condition Damage 1239
Condition Duration 70%
Healing Power 302
Boon Duration 0%
Critical Chance 51.33%
Damage 25.35%
Armor 2230
Health 20532

+20% bleed duration from Hemophilia
+33% on lingering curse
+250 condition damage on full corruption stack

actually pizza on its own and 0 in spite and no 20% bleed trait is enough to get 9/10s bleeds anymore than that simply isent needed and can be better spent/used elsewhere imo

Burns Issue

in Necromancer

Posted by: Kau.8495


allso send it back to him with dagger 4 in cd spec and get 30s+ of 1k per tick burn damage thast seperate from normal burn :x

Burns Issue

in Necromancer

Posted by: Kau.8495


Shrouded Removal – Lose a condition when you enter death shroud.

an we have a winner

magic find or Gold find for the NPC bost

in Last Stand at Southsun

Posted by: Kau.8495


if im not mistaken gold dosent drop except from a few rare things so MF all the way ^.^

Minionmaster TPvP - all necro (2nd edition)

in Necromancer

Posted by: Kau.8495


in that first match why did you waste so much time killing bunkers when your lord was under attack?

The ultimate necromancer dmg-hybrid(tutorial)

in Necromancer

Posted by: Kau.8495


if you notice though im not built for max damage i prefer builds that have some defense even if it means losing out on some damage it still kills at a decent rate compared to a power build possibly even faster and is not reliant on wells opening up two skill slots and honestly i think i have a balanced duration/damage ratio especially when you start considering the bleed cap true the extra 20 in spite for 20% damage <50% is nice but the life siphon damage and healing more than make up for the loss in damage there.

The ultimate necromancer dmg-hybrid(tutorial)

in Necromancer

Posted by: Kau.8495


What is your crit damage in this build ?… Your condition duration seems to be cut in half…

i ditched condition duration runes for undead runes and only 10 in con duration tree but am still able to reliably stack 10-15 bleeds without having to jump through hoops and crit damage is 3% from karka ring :x allso im not useing givers weapons either ^.^

(edited by Kau.8495)

spvp condition build

in Necromancer

Posted by: Kau.8495


hehe spent last 7 months playing nothing but power builds so switching to condition builds is somewhat a shock to me :/ seems everytime i blink my conditions just vanish

Did the Karka remind you

in Necromancer

Posted by: Kau.8495


yeah but on kaka island that useless minion trait is so kittening usefull its funny about only place it is :x

spvp condition build

in Necromancer

Posted by: Kau.8495


just curious whats the current recommended condition build for necro in spvp these days?

Did the Karka remind you

in Necromancer

Posted by: Kau.8495


allso just drop well with “ritual of protection” and pat the poor things on the shell when there barrage hits sub 1k numbers ^.-

Did the Karka remind you

in Necromancer

Posted by: Kau.8495


they remind how much i like to smush them with my dagger siphon build and that little jagged horror that allways gets barraged 70% time dont see any problems with kaka :P

May 14th - Necro Patch notes

in Necromancer

Posted by: Kau.8495


No expectation, no disappointment

should be forum quote

May 14th - Necro Patch notes

in Necromancer

Posted by: Kau.8495


i honestly doubt half these jon peters talks are real :P

May 14th - Necro Patch notes

in Necromancer

Posted by: Kau.8495


i see less and less necromancers in pve or so it seems i could just be missing them as they slip past me with 15% runspeed deathshroud :x

May 14th - Necro Patch notes

in Necromancer

Posted by: Kau.8495


i play a necro and ranger only so i am rather jaded when it comes to fix’s

May 14th Update

in Ranger

Posted by: Kau.8495


offhand axe is far from useless, or maybe i play a different game or something :|

May 14th - Necro Patch notes

in Necromancer

Posted by: Kau.8495


dident they allso mention somthing about stunbreaks? or is that end of month patch

May 14th - Necro Patch notes

in Necromancer

Posted by: Kau.8495


you play a necro and was expecting fix’s? shame on you my good sir!

The ultimate necromancer dmg-hybrid(tutorial)

in Necromancer

Posted by: Kau.8495


this is a nice build but was not for me so i tweaked it to my own preferred playstyle and now im enjoying it thoroughly

gear and stats

P/T/V armor all 6 pieces (with undead runes though might switch to bleed duration not sure yet)
P/Pr/CD weapons (earth and corruption)
P/T/V(coral orb)Back piece
rampagers amulate ringx1 acsessoryx1(coral orbs)
Ancient karka shell(coral orb)
rabid ring(coral orb)

final stats unbuffed are (though effected by w3 buffs i guess so not 100% )
2.796 attack
48% crit
2.251 armor
24k hp
991 condition damage pre corrution stacks (bleeds tick for 91 and only get better with might corruption stacks )
10% condition duration (+33% sceptor +20% bleed from traits) this gives 10s bleeds
10% boon duration (not really needed)

and traits are:
Spite: 10 (VI)
Curses: 30 (II) (VII-this gets switched around) (XI)
Death magic: 10 (II)
Blood: 20 (II) (V)

all this gives me just the offense/defense i like having without sacrificing to much compared to nemisis original build and is definatly not optimal

[Feedback] Custom Arenas and Observer Mode

in PvP

Posted by: Kau.8495


“Reduced effects option”: The spell animations are way to flashy. Even in a 1v1s it’s not that easy to see what’s going on. This is especially bad for new viewers.

this needs to happen game wide to be honest cant see roses for trees when the spells start flying and honestly supprised it wasent an option at launch :|

Question about dagger necro in pve

in Necromancer

Posted by: Kau.8495


necro dagger in pve: press 1 and afk :|

most boring weapon set necro has shame its also probably the best damage we do (is this true anymore?)

Pet Selection - Which, When, Where, and Why.

in Ranger

Posted by: Kau.8495


for world events where you pets dont get oneshot…ok ill stop trolling,

i dont think you can beat 2x moa’s 2xaoe heals* fury and protection awsome stuff!

*notice i said “heals” and not regeneration this is what makes moa the best support pet for nononeshot events allso awsome if your playing mele ranger

Ranger near 80, suggestions for gear

in Ranger

Posted by: Kau.8495


ahh that i cant help you with im afraid i only run power builds and i dont do dungeons sorry

Ranger near 80, suggestions for gear

in Ranger

Posted by: Kau.8495


depends how good you are as a player imo if you can pull it off then yeah go for it, otherwise i would say no dont if that makes sense!

Ranger near 80, suggestions for gear

in Ranger

Posted by: Kau.8495


for fresh level 80 getting there first exotic set and assumeing power based dont think you can really beat this it gives enough defence/offence to allow without gimping you anywhere imo.

power/toughness/vitality armor and berserker rings/acsessorys/amulate with 4xrunes of grove and 2xrunes of altruism (useing heal as one and pet gets your boons(trait) its instant 6x might for pet every 20’s for 10’s and 3xmight for you and anyone else in range) add this to warhorn and well i think you can guess

Spirit Ranger?

in Ranger

Posted by: Kau.8495


unless im mistaken and my testing on spirits in spvp is wrong spirits have a seperate cd per person sso its entierly possible for it to chain proc on 5 people one after the other (note: i only had myself and pet to try these on as tracking it during spvp matches is impossible)

ignore this

in Engineer

Posted by: Kau.8495


lets pretend i dident make a booboo :x

ignore this

in Engineer

Posted by: Kau.8495


not sure if this is offical or not but sigils are working with kits in spvp stageing area

useing flamethrower and 2x Sigil of earth
