Showing Posts For Kithzyan.5034:
I think giving Deathshroud a cap on lifeforce lost per second from damage is the best, and probably (codewise) simplest way to fix quite a few of the issues raised both in PvE and PvP. In PvP, with a cap set to 33% of Lifeforce max (per second), it won’t, as the OP points out, effect a 1v1 much at all while still giving a few (3!) seconds of sustainability when focused. In PvE it will return to Necros what we lost in the last big patch, that (required) ability to stop the lethality of one attack during fights that have such a mechanic. The PvE is the big one for me as I neither do, nor much care about, sPvP and i’m absolutely aghast that such a crucial mechanic for PvE was removed due, what seems to be, purely PvP balancing.
Just so long as the final hit that drops shroud is still constrained by the “max damage per second” (ie, it’ll overflow but never by more than “1/3 of the shrouds health”), it’ll fix the PvE one-shot issue which is the thing that matters most to me, and, i’d assume any PvE necro who is enjoying being unable to avoid one-shots right now…
Somoe, I really have no idea why you are seemingly so adamant about outright ignoring the PvE necro’s concerns here. Like it or not, you NEED an invuln/block/dodge/vigor mechanic in PvE, this is not a debatable matter, there are some fights in dungeons and fractals where if you cannot outright block the attack, you will get downed. Regardless of how its achieved, Necros need to have some form of (at will) blocking available to them in some form.
Now yes, we are not meant to have a huge pile of actual evades and blocks like other classes, but we still need some equivalent mechanic to stop the 1-shots in PvE and the old deathshroud mechanic used to give us this in a way that required knowledge to keep a reserve and use it at the right time. It was, says it with me, “a unique mitigation mechanic that only Necros had, it was not as powerful as a full block or evade, but it allowed PvE necros to avoid the 1-shots when used properly”. You keep arguing about avoiding homogenization and the old deathshroud did -exactly- that, why would you be so against returning to it, especially when you, and the devs, have said they don’t want us having a full repertoire of proper blocks and evades?
I want Frostfang because i use the axe 90% of the time. I dont think it looks good with a necro though.
I’m in the same situation, Axe is one of my most used weapons but I dislike Frostfang. Oddly, not because of its appearance which I quite like, but because of how big it is, it just looks ridiculous on my side-salad (min-height sylvari).
I would like to get Bifrost one day though, but I have a… control issue… with keeping dyes unidentified :P
I agree with Arachnid for the most part that, while the AA is fairly poor, the Axe as a whole is in a good place, but, thats not to say it can’t still be improved to make the AA useful as well as the other abilities.
My personal request would be to turn it into a cleave, not nessecarily because thats the best change, but just because I miss having a cleave after playing my other characters and, of the weapons we have, Axe seems to make more sense than any others to be cleaving :P
Though the cripple/chill is nice to, to fufill its role as a ‘chasing’ weapon, especially the Chill as that would also have PvE utility to slow down the mobs somewhat in their attacks.
Just adding my own 2c about the rubber-banding and skill related glitches in the Cliffs and the Sprint, it was especially frustrating trying to get the 1st place achivement. About 6 times in my attempts I was comfortably in 1st place, and on one attempt so much so, I wasn’t even having to doge stuff from the 2nd place person and then I use a #3 jump and… get rubberbanded back so far that the game glitched even further and I got reset back to solid land behind the 2nd place person. Managed to catch up and overtake again only for it to happen again :/ In the end, I met a very nice person who, when I rubberbanded back (yet again), cheered me on at the finish line to let me get 1st (was in 2nd).
For reference, without the rubberbanding and glitches I would have been having heaps of fun, it was great, and once I got 1st finally and didn’t have to worry about it, I enjoyed myself a lot more just doing my best even with the glitches.
Just to throw my own 2c into this. While I did finish first yesterday it was after 2hrs of incredibly frustrating problems caused by the afore-mentioned rubberbanding and problems with the mechanics. My latency is pretty high (in excess of 200ms) because of being in New Zealand but that is the case for anybody in Oceania playing GW2 and it definitely exacerbates the rubberbanding and skill-related issues the sprint has.
Given that both problems seem to be the result of a server-side location check, i’m assuming to prevent teleport and speed hacks, could it be thakittens just a little overly aggressive about positioning when ‘weird movement’ skills like the ones in the sanctum are being used? If so, can’t it just be toned down for the sprint as there is nothing in the race that would break even if people did exploit it at that point with the more relaxed verification?
I also think its only really a problem in the Sanctum because you need to be quick and precise as its a competition, out in the Cliffs themselves you have time to wait before a jump to be sure the server is caught up.
Things I experienced:
– use a skill (#3 mainly) and being rubberbanded back to my starting point which often (as i’m trying to move forward at that point) means I run off a cliff
- use a skill (#2 and #3) and have them not ‘end’ when they are supposed to, #3 being particularly bad as you can’t stop it and on one occasion the skill carried me clear past the platform and a good 50ft before ending which of course led to a reset
If they separated PvE and PvP completely, balancing would be a whole lot better. They would be able to focus on one side at a time without worrying about messing up the other side.
Because we all know they did a bang up job with that in GW 1.
They may not have done a good job of it, but splitting sPvP and Pve/WvW stats is the -only- way to eventually achieve proper balance between the classes. WoW has been trying for 8 years now to balance PvP and PvE at the same time in the same manner and they have not, and will not, ever get it right for everyone.
A good example for GW2 would be the Warrior. From things i’ve read in sPvP warriors are considered trash, yet in PvE they are very (very) powerful. To nerf them in PvE would obliterate them in sPvP and to buff them in sPvP would turn them into gods in PvE. The only solution is to split the data between the two game sections and balance independently.
That sPvP is literally a seperate section of the game with effectively seperate characters as well makes this not only possible but seemingly even intended, yet has not been taking advantage of yet.
Okay! So in response to those claiming open world PvP is what the majority wants, heres some actual data. This is the WoW server populations as of right now and it does not look good in your favour…
Normal (PvE World + Instanced PvP)
New Players (Lowest): 1
Low: 0
Medium: 96
High: 9
Full: 2
TOTAL: 108
PvP (Open World PvP + Instanced Pvp)
New Players (Lowest): 1
Low: 47
Medium: 35
High: 8
Full: 4
So not only are there more PvE servers than PvP servers, but a notable number of the PvE servers have a higher population than PvP; while there are obviously still a good number of PvP players, the PvE players very much outnumber them.
Just to assign a little metric to them, if you assume a new/low pop server is worth 1, medium 2, high 3 and full 4 points, you’d get:
PvE: 1 + 192 + 27 + 8 = 228
PvP: 48 + 70 + 24 + 16 = 158
So, do tell me about the majority wanting open world PvP again :>
Also, to reply to Warjin on his comments about open world PvP. Yes, AC1 did have Darktide (which I already pointed out), and yes it was quite popular. It was also the -only- server out of 9 that had open world PvP and you can’t honestly believe that the people on Darktide outnumbers the combined population of all the other servers. The same argument can be made for the Zek’s and the other EQ servers, same again for Mordred in DAoC and all the others. Just because the handful of open world servers were highly populated does not give them a larger weight than the much larger number of (mostly) highly populated PvE shards.
(edited by Kithzyan.5034)
Well, I miss world pvp badly, lovely ganking and griefing, what can be better?
And that’s exactly the reason it will never, ever, be implemented.
long before MMO’s went main steam there was a nerdy secret call online role playing games, in those games nerds like myself played a new type of video game called MMORPG’s.
Those games had open world pvp, because it was about living in a fantasy world full of wonder and danger, then after the main stream capitalist found out it and saw those nerd games where an untouched money making secret they went and made a game called World of Warcraft, (heard of it?)
After WoW MMORPG’s where never the same, they took a nerds best kept secret and made it another money grab like those console games, and bring in those console gamer’s with there “carebear” mindsets and forever ruined MMORPG’s by catering to the “instant glorification” mindset that the console gamer’s bring to the market.
MMORPG’s started to dyed in the year 2004 but the memory lives on, there are still some surviving stragglers from the day’s when “(M)assively, (M)ultiplayer, (O)nline,®ole playing, (G)ames” meant something, the day’s when we lived a second life full of wonder, danger, thrill and friendship.
If you fail to see the reason why true MMO gamer’s want a FFA, or PvP server then I am not even going to waste my time because you will “NEVER, IN ALL CAPS” understand.
I’m sorry, Ultima Online does not define the entire 1st generation of MMORPG games and of the first ‘big 4’ (UO, Asheron’s, EQ, DAoC) only UO had full pvp on all across the board, the others only had a small subset of servers with open world pvp and the majority of servers were, as you like to put it, ‘fully carebear’.
Please don’t try to speak for all ‘true MMO gamers’ as you have an opinion, just like I do, and just like anybody else does – and if you really want to go down to numbers, the early MMO’s very much showed that open PvP was not nearly as popular as ‘carebear’ shards.
OR, you could give us an in-game interface that satisfies the same functions as GW2LFG, so we don’t have to rely on an external website to help match players and groups together.
You know, like your competition offers. Seriously, why promote an external website when this kind of functionality should really be included standard in modern MMOs? Why hasn’t it happened yet?
We’re working on it.
This may be an unpopular opinion (though I hope not), but I truely hope your in-game LFG system will be more akin to than the random, anonymous matchmaking system that WoW has. The website version still involves social interaction and forming a group between players that intentionally go out to find each other, WoW’s sytem just leads to no-consequence, antisocial, get-in-and-go runs which, while they can (and do) happen now, most runs seem to be a lot more sociable.
Also, to comment on using, I quite often do a LF1M post as I have 3 regular friends and we’re short 1 person, so it does happen.
Fix is incoming with next patch (I’m the one who fixed it). I think it affects female Sylvari exclusively.
This was posted by randyknapp (an ANet dev) on the GW2 sub-reddit earlier today, though after todays ‘sale’ patch; so hopefully glows will return in a week.
The question is how will ANet go about the nerf. Will they take the easy approach and just lower the might stacks (or revert the change entirely) or will they realize that its not the might stacking thats the issue, its getting out 6-9 clones in a matter of seconds and doing 3 back to back shatters with the might stacks.
If the latter, surely a simple internal cooldown on Shattered Strength will fix it, say 5 seconds or so, would still allow high stacks but only for a short while and with a longer buildup time to avoid the ‘wtf’ burst.
If you want to pick an Engineer race for the ‘power’ of their racials, Charr and Asura by far have the best racials for an engineer (primarily from the toolbelt version of their racial utilities) but if you just want an awesome race you need to (bias!) pick Sylvari.
Also a Sylvari (tree!) with a flamethrower is just hilarious…
I want Minis, I want the title…. why do you think am mad about this?
Isn’t enough that am here for the event?
No, it’s not. This is a game that ANet wants you to play, not just login once a month for rewards.
Also just to point out as others haven’t. To get the title you need 12 of the achievements done, you may notice there are 14 of them; you never need to even touch the PvP achievements to get the meta-title.
There is no answer at the moment, though with the constant Full server ‘issue’ they need to implement a friend invite system or something to get people together on a server.
I believe you can friend somebody on the login screen, set it up so if you mutually friend each other then you can invite said friend to your server bypassing the full lockout – add a limit of X friends (or X friends per month) to stop abuse and should fix 90% of the problems.
f4- all pets die, would help when you want to respawn them for the next fight quicker then clicking the arrow, swapping to new skill, then swapping back.
That could be interesting… maybe even replace one of our more useless traits with a Petpocalypse trait that does <insert something cool here> when the pets pop. As mesmers have the exploding pets doing direct damage/conditions thing, how about having each pet explode into a small combo field of bits for a few seconds… messy but oh so fitting :P
… I would pay good money to be able to explode Bob (golem) when hes running off to aggro something all on his own before he gets to it.
I don’t really see a use. I use DS as a reactive skill and only use as much Life Force as I need to stay alive or Chill port, Fear, and Life Drain.
Theres no reason why it can’t be added as an option though, you don’t see any use for it but others do and an option is by far the best way to accomodate everybody. There is no mechanical reason not to just replace 1-4 (grey out 5) on the weapon hotbar and nothing else UI wise when we’re in death shroud if an option is toggled to do so. On a related note, having our UI stay visible on the surface of water would be a nice option to, grey out abilities but let us still see (de)buffs etc; I mention it as its kind of the same thing
I heard that all guildhalls will need to be grown out of the remains of a sylvari guildmate and from then on they can only watch from the rafters for the rest of their playtime… but its only a rumour.
Even if that rumour was true, 100,000 isn’t that bad, i’m in a small ‘friends only’ guild just like you are, and most of us haven’t even played much in the last month for varying reasons and we’re just short of buying level 4 economy (and have level 3 of several). So probably 20,000 influence or so in ~6 weeks of fully active time – add that to the ability to outright buy influence for gold and I wouldn’t see 100k as ridiculous (certainly not cheap), but doable for even a small guild.
That they can’t take enhancements makes them fuctionally inferior to the wide array of back items you can get for a couple silver. They are slightly op for a low level, however.
That is a problem that can be fixed 100% through use of a transmutation stone though (and on my 80 Engi has been) – i’m just asking for that option to be given to all characters on an account.
As for the memories being a bit OP on an low level, that is true, and that is why my lvl 20 alt has one, but thats not the alt i’ve been focusing my time on anymore.
As much as I hate to suggest it, i’d even accept a gem-store purchased Memories skin that is ‘locked’ to accounts that already have one (keep the effective one-time deal) but allow it to be used on all characters on an account.
All i’d like is 2 extra hotkeys next to our Death Shroud…
F1 – Death Shroud
F2 – Pet Attack
F3 – Pet Withdraw
Yes, it is what the Rangers get as well.
Yes, full pet control is meant to be the Ranger’s thing.
Yes, it means we have more to be aware of.
No, it doesn’t mean we shouldn’t get it with the AI at present.
Until ANet can fix the pet AI (its a hard problem, I totally understand), doesn’t this almost entirely solve the problem? You target something, hit F2 (or your rebind) and all currently summoned pets will head out; none of this attacking something and waiting to see which minions figure it out and decide that its a fun plan. Adding the 3rd button also gives us a “holy carp aoe, get OUT!” option as well.
I’d like to see this as well. I have the book on 2 alts but have since rolled a new guardian and he’s become my primary toon (so much kittenn!). but alas, no snazzy back slot item.
This was exactly my reasoning as well. I kittenlly understand keeping them as rare as they are due to their “one-time” nature (and keeping them locked to an account) but I fail to see how it hurts anybody to make them Account Bound rather than Soulbound, especially given how much GW2 seems to encourage playing alts.
Does it at least accept orbs to the upgrade slot yet?
I don’t think this is a bad request, cuz we’re just talkin about green-quality gear. But usually quest rewards are soul-bound.
It doesn’t because those orbs have a level requirement on them and the Mad Memories is “level 1” effectively. On the flip side though, if you grab one of the new FOTM rare backpieces off the trading post you can transmute the appearance onto it (and they have superior stats as well)… at least I assume you can, don’t see any reason why it wouldn’t work.
Doesn’t help with my problem though, its not like its to get it on a low level from a high levels effort either – the memories I want to move is from a level 20 to my (is now) level 40 :P
With the new(ish) event items from the Karka event being Account Bound, is there any reason why the Mad Memories cannot be made Account Bound as well?
Personal reason for this is having it on 2 characters, one of which I ended up dropping for another class and, of course, the memories is just going to waste there. I’d love to be able to move it over, even if just the appearance. Any support on this or does anyone know of any word that it may (or never will) happen?
Just to weigh in on the autohotkey script, I send in a ticket about 2 weeks ago very pointedly explaining exactly what I wanted to do with regards to using my Logitech G-Keys to press 1 every 0.5 seconds while held down for grenade throwing and I got a very short and simple: No, its against policy. Use at your on risk, but the reply I got from Gaile was don’t do it at all.
AutoHotKey would be -exactly- the same situation as I had in my ticket, just a different 3rd party software doing it.
While I hope that our (IoJ) performance this week is just all the big WvW guilds taking the week off for a rest and the event, I do still agree with posters above that they need to shorten the matches down to a couple of days (3 day, or a 3 day / 4 day cycle to match up with the week) until free transfers are shut off. Until then, there are far to many fair-weather players hopping from server to server, if it was 3 day matches then while it wouldn’t stop them, things would change a lot quicker and the complete obliteration thats happening right now won’t be nearly so pronounced.
- Reduce the cost to upgrade keeps and buy siege or something to avoid the 24hr problem where nobody cared to spend money on stuff and for the love of the Pale Tree remove the orbs until the hacking is fixed and to stop the snowballing even when it is.
If it’s not Liz Sroka (Tali) I would be very surprised, its pretty much spot on.
While I will try the driver, do remember that by updating to Windows 8 (asusming you didnt’ do an in-place upgrade), you also cleaned out your system which will potentially give you a good performance boost as well if its been a long time between re-installs.
I think the most annoying thing with some of our bugs is they often aren’t bugs with the trait period (some arE), but a lot are just a working trait not applying to all the abilities it should do and, unless i’m way off base in how ANet sets up their system, that should be a very quick database change or script edit that could be done and tested in 15minutes :/
I have this issue, especially noticeable for me as a Sylvari with the “pulled back branch” hairstyle. I just tend to toggle my kits rapidly when I intend to be in grenade kit for a while so the backpack glitches and turns off entirely
… really hope they -don’t- fix that glitch :P
Just to make a note, unless its different for heavy armour. Light and medium use a non-unique skin you can get elsewhere in the world, so the only thing you lose by not finishing it is the 10 achievement points and a ‘free’ exotic that you may not even use with a common(ish) skin.
Yes, it requires a semi-high level to do the scavenger hunt quests in act 2 (did in act 1 as well), but, and this may be crazy as this is only an MMO and not some big multiplayer game or anything; you could try working with a high level to get escorted across the areas that are to high for you. Worked wonders on my lowbie elementalist in act 1 and I see no reason why I can’t do it for act 2 later as well.
This -is- an MMO, not everything needs to be entirely soloable from level 1+, in fact, the way its setup is a good thing as it can encourage a bit of socialization which is sorely lacking in the current MMO generation.
/end <getoffmylawn rant>
Extremely surprised that competing the Clock Tower doesn’t even count towards the Mad Emissary achievement; it’s just a standard 10 Achievement Points and a lousy chest.
Considering the difficulty involved it’s a little underwhelming.
Amazing ANet put something this challenging in, but incredible that someone didn’t think “Hey, this is worth more than 10 achievement points”.
No they did -exactly- the right thing. It is a very hard puzzle that (I saw pointed out) was intended for someting like 5-10% of the player base to be able to do without a lot of hassle. Making it entirely optional with a little nod to those who did it is a perfect way to add a hard task to the game without making those who can’t do it feel like they missed out on something special.
I agree with the OP, this is an awesome puzzle and while it is very hard, ANet did the right thing by making it optional*. I would personally have preferred a more strategic ‘thinking’ puzzle that was just complex and required mapping things out than reflxes but this was fun to, and a good rush at the top.
- By optional I mean its not part of the meta for the event, and the reward (while nice) is not something unique and special you’ll never be able to get anywhere else; it shares the same skin as ‘permanently accessible’ items.
FOV (Field of View) Changes Beta Test - Feedback Thread
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Kithzyan.5034
While this is a good change and i’m glad its being added, can I please beg that you leave it as an option (be it slider or toggle) and don’t just update so everyone gets the new one. I will be using the current changes but I have a friend who plays at near minimum specs and the FPS hit from a wider FoV would probably push it below usable (I got a bit of a hit to but its livable).
TL:DR: Good change, please make it an -option- not a forced change for everybody.
You have to remember, the majority of people doing sPvP are doing it in the random matches not tournaments (and now paid tournaments), in those its generally every man for himself so ganking rules the map. Thieves happen to be about the best gankers in the game and Ele one of the best ganking targets.
In a proper organized team, the Ele will have some form of backup to help their suriviability so less likely to get picked off by an enemy assassin.
As for why there are so many thieves, rogue is always a popular class and its “easy” to learn as well, stealth, stab, repeat and in random matches that will work 90% of the time, in organized matches not nearly so well and the glass cannon “1 shot” thieves will have a really bad day.
can’t really think of a fix to this short of buffing Ele survivability (which may overpower in regards to non-gank classes) or to weaken thief burst which is all they have for the most part. The best fix would have been to not have a stealth/gank class in a highly PvP focused game in the first place, it never works out well for either the ganker or the gankee (one will always be unhappy).
The Jump isnt exactly instant, that alone is your warning that he is comming for you. Then on top of this you hover above your target area for a bit before you actually stomp.
And unlike Killshot, Jumpshot doesnt one-shot people.
This is the problem, its not the delay at the start, thats fine, most “big dmg” attacks have a windup, its the delay at the end especially as pointed out above it varies which is presumably a lag/positioning thing as I rarely get a delay when soloing jumping puzzles with it (yeah yeah, I cheatshot sometimes ;p) but nearly always in places like Orr or WvW.
The problem with auto-attack bomb kit is its a melee attack, so even with the bigger aoe radius trait you still have to be in melee range of your active target for the auto-attack to work. If you stand face-to-face with your target and close enough to see their nostril hairs it’ll happily auto-attack until you’re sick of it. Step backwards 3 feet and it’ll stop as you are no longer in melee range (even though the blast still hits your target).
Not really sure of a fix for this one unless they change the range slightly (to 250 or so) and make the animation of you throwing the bomb in front of you.
I’m not sure if its a good balance, but my setup seems to do fine out in Orr and WvW (I don’t do sPvp). Primarily using rifle and grenades for DPS (though I swap in flamethrower and toolkit for giggles quite often).
Not quite done on my gear but when done I should have a little more armour and health than currently (i’d like even more, but give up a lot of damage for it).
Attack: 3460/3045 (rifle/kit)
Crit Chance: 41/35% (rifle/kit)
Critical Damage: 55/46% (rifle/kit)
Armour: 2092
Health: 19,112
Traits: 30/10/0/30/0
I keep elixir B and medkit 5 active as much as possible giving me permanent swiftness and fury (and 3-5 stacks of might), so 1 utilit is Elixir B, 2 is grenade kit, and the third changes on my mood – Elixir S often for the “oh crap!” usage.
Gear to get this is mostly bezerker and ruby gear, with a piece of solider armour and a valkyrie amulet (+ some emerald orbs in the armour). With a quick trait change, I can quite quickly swap to (almost) full glass cannon as well for the ‘static discharge’ build and working on karam for a full soldier set at the moment for when I want to be super tanky.
Adding my voice to “I love it as a feature, please don’t treat it like a bug”. I even have my ‘heal’ key bound to one of my mouse buttons purely to trigger the med kit switch for running around which gets me into all kind of trouble on alts, but I wouldn’t give it up.
Also, yes, it’d be nice if all kits worked like that, clicking/hotkeying the kit equips it (or re-equips it) rather than toggling it.
Devs have said we should get sigil benefits, and have been saying it since around BWE1 which is the best part of half a year ago now. Either its a low priority fix or they simply don’t know how to do it while keeping kits as bundles and are unwilling to change them into being something else internally.
Tool kit is like most other kits: good utility, not very good as a primary source of damage.
Tool kit would be substantially more useful if the auto-attack chain was a conal multi-hit (hits all in front of you) like all other 2h weapons are*, though it could do with a damage hit as well.
- the toolkit may use a 1h spanner in the animation but it replaces all 5 slots so by game definition its a 2h weapon
I love the animation, I love it for jumping puzzles, but yes, it does need the whole gravity-defying hover at the end removed (or at least reduced a lot).
… I just hope if they do fix it we don’t lose our ‘jump across gaps’ skill :P
If they did make our kits scale (and it is sadly looking like ‘if’ now rather than ‘when’ :<) they would have to either:
a) rebalance all the kits to account for the extra damage on rare-exotic items (kits by default seem to be around Masterwork level as far as damage goes)
b) copy over the secondary stats (power, precision, etc) while ignoring the damage of the weapon to keep the balance close which, btw, is how it works in sPvP right now as all stats are on the amulet which means we benefit there just not in the real world.
I’d personally be happy with a or b, though I think b is more likely to happen as they know what the balancing already is (its in sPvP!) the just need to make it work…
I have the exact same issue, if it is an issue. Can we please get clarification if this is a bug with the meta or its intentional that the pumpkin carving isn’t part of it (which could be the case as it gives a title reward on its own).
In my case its not recognising an completion. I have the Halloween Huntin’ track complete and still 0 on the meta achievement.
Adding my voice to problems with the meta. I’ve finished the “kill creatures” track and have no credit towards the meta.
Im dissapointed at the entire event myself . Very kiddish and annoying . Not much there for adults . With the exception that ALL of the events require you to spend real money in some way shape or form ! Cant find candy corn to continue looking for ghosts ,cant get 25 hits due to cash shop costumes being very OP !
I really enjoyed this game , at first . But now ,im starting to realize that the monthly subscription fees from my other games was cheaper. This game is becoming a cash dump and I only had it a month !Putting a VERY bad taste in my mouth for arenanet !
First of all, i’m an adult and i’m enjoying the event, so what if its a bit childish; let your inner brat have a laugh :P
As for needing money, no you don’t. Candy corn is -everywhere- if you go looking for it (hint: mining) and you get the trick or treat bags from multiple sources as well. The costume brawl isn’t required for the event, nor does it need to be completed during it; and you get Black Lion keys during story quests and you only (technically) neekitteny + 1 chest to get mystery tonics to participate at any time and during the event – try jumping in the cauldron, it’ll surprise you!
Yeah, there is a little to much emphasis on use the cash shop to get the items, but, and this is the most important point, it is all cosmetic, none of it is required to play or increase your power and so long as things remain that way they can do what they want with the cosmetics – let the people who want to buy, buy, let those who don’t want to spend more than a “standard sub fee” a month do that to.
By giving engi hammer do they mean/would be ok with adding mace to our weapon choice. I ask because it would be silly (IMO) to make a weapon to be used by only one class, and many of the mace skins ARE hammers.
Not sure what you are asking here? 2Hand Hammer is one of the weaponsets in game already (used by Guardians mostly), that’d be quite a good fit for Engi to use; especially if they add one or two new hammer models in the form of a giant wrench :P
Though 1Hand Mace would also be an option (and would give us 2 new sets as you could offhand the shield or a pistol).. mmm, actually that’d be great, melee mace and the pistol flamethrower to the face.
Yeah, I could see that. Doesn’t sound like a bad idea at all, and the precedent is there with all of the abilities in game that have a secondary function when you double tap a skill.
The only problem I can see is whether the tech is there yet to allow for a conditional double-tap based on the existence of an item on the ground (otherwise someone else could grab it then you could hit the double-tap as well and double-up).