Showing Posts For Klipso.8653:

Sigil of Absorption

in WvW

Posted by: Klipso.8653


this sigil used to have no target limit, or internal cool down. So if you interrupted 10 people with a ring of warding, you would steal 10 boons.

It was nerfed a few months ago, to where you can only steal 1 boon every 3 seconds.

from what i could tell from the guild arena tests we did, it was the full stack of X boon, for however long duration they had left.

(edited by Klipso.8653)

Pips and particip. promote unhealthy gameplay

in WvW

Posted by: Klipso.8653


the system is fine. I only get 2 pips for my rank, and its a non-issue.

just play the kitten game and stop trying to look for quick cheeses.


Should LW progress be account based?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Klipso.8653


No, leave it per character. More rewards that way, and makes some of the weapon collections quicker

What you guys think. Underwater expansion?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Klipso.8653


I don’t think they’ll spend the time to balance the underwater spells. It’s too easy just to avoid it

Fractal material for wvwvw legendary armor?

in WvW

Posted by: Klipso.8653


Ascended gear has not been fractal exclusive for a long time.

We need black tags

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Klipso.8653


Wtf is that creepy thing.

Its just an asura

Please remove annoying Soulbeast FX

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Klipso.8653


Sounds like the effect is putting a thorn in your side

Reconsider the transfer penalty

in WvW

Posted by: Klipso.8653


they should just have the 1 week pip probation if the player is transferring to a higher tier, if they’re moving to a lower tier then they shouldn’t get it.

Cause right now its deterring all transfers, not just server stacking.

Your biggest fails in GW2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Klipso.8653


first one was that i didn’t know i could deposit materials until i was already lvl 30.

2nd one was when they changed how AR worked, i ended up going from 150 down to 80-something cause i did the conversion wrong

Ammo Mechanic

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Klipso.8653


What I don’t get is what kind of ammo the warrior’s kick is supposed to use. Are they harvesting soles from their dead enemies to use as a conduit in this skill?

What do you mean? Its clearly per leg. Thats why its 3 charges.

… wait a second…

That 3rd leg is exactly what they’ll be swinging in WvW frontlines with the kind of impact they’ll make in large scale fights

Bladed Armour Collection

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Klipso.8653


I’m pretty sure the chest pieces come from maxing the meta event. Would take some organization to down all the bosses in time.

Still need repeatable diamond tickets

in WvW

Posted by: Klipso.8653


i also hit cap within 2 days and it sucks, it really does. I keep playing, knowing I’m making 0 progress.

but i do understand why Anet has a cap in place- to keep people playing longer

they did in fact advertise as a ‘no-grind game’ and a time-gate on tickets means you cant grind them. so they’re sticking true to their word.

but its kitten that i can put this many hours into a game mode, and come out the other side with the same rewards as someone who barely reaches the end of diamond. are my hours worth less?


WvW Dueling is an issue, here's a solution!

in WvW

Posted by: Klipso.8653


My solution is to intentionally steer my zerg over top of them while I’m commanding.

They can go do that kitten in OS

Why did you pre-purchase Path of Fire?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Klipso.8653


Because this game is fun, and I already know I want to keep playing it. I only wish that it came with a physical copy

The Black Gate Issue

in WvW

Posted by: Klipso.8653


Funny, going from the server nobody thought could win in season 1, to being the #1 NA server.

(edited by Klipso.8653)

WvW rank pips

in WvW

Posted by: Klipso.8653


I think the PiP’s are fine. I’ve been keeping a running count of my own gains at the end of each week (mind you, out-of-game variables may change per week)

Why testing on live servers ?

in WvW

Posted by: Klipso.8653


It’s actually a good idea in this case. WvW requires too many people, the only way to see what’s really broken or OP is to do the test with as many people as possible.

Someone kill the "Commander"!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Klipso.8653


The Player Character hasn’t been part of the Pact since July 26 of last year, and Logan has been the Pact Commander since February 8th.

That’s over a year snce we’ve been in charge of anything other than Dragons Watch, and even then we aren’t designated as that guild’s leader.

(edited by Klipso.8653)

Insect Slayer achievement seems bugged

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Klipso.8653


Was this a pun?

Don't Care for Catmander Tag

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Klipso.8653


i think they look stupid, i’d rather anet give us something like guild tags instead that display your guild’s emblem.

warbringer is too fricken big

in WvW

Posted by: Klipso.8653


no, need bigger! more spikes! more fire!

WvW siege bug (Wurm hill on Bay)

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Klipso.8653


so we were defending bay here, they had a treb build up on that hill, and it was landing direct shots on us and below us. we took no damage at all, and our siege did not get damaged.

the shots did nothing to our balistas and didnt hurt us or knock us back, im not sure if there is some sort of invisible wall or whatnot, but its still a bug that needs to be addressed.

we were able to kill their treb with no issue, the damage block seemed to be on their side only.


The Condi domination, and possible solution

in WvW

Posted by: Klipso.8653


We are not debating which is stronger. Condi wins with far less effort.

I am suggesting a way to balance the field

The Condi domination, and possible solution

in WvW

Posted by: Klipso.8653


The Condi meta is and has been overwhelming power.

While we have toughness to mitigate power, the closest thing we have to Condi mitigation is having our revs spam resistance.

I suggest a new stat that functions the same way as toughness does, but for Condi damage.
This will require players to evenly split both stats to gain survivability. Having toughness act as a catch-all for both would make it too strong, but if there’s 2 different stats players had to choose between then it would be balanced.

Legendary footfalls while on mounts??

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Klipso.8653


Only if my entire raptor gets covered in quicksilver. All of the PETA violations.

Capping pre-patch lose out on 190 tickets?

in WvW

Posted by: Klipso.8653


yup. I hit cap every week by sunday afternoon, and I got punished for playing this week.
The beatings will continue until you buy more gems


mounting bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Klipso.8653


Tried re logging 3 times now- didn’t fix.
Tried dieing and re spawning-didn’t fix.

I guess my demo is over? it was working fine before the daily reset.

mounting bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Klipso.8653


A bug where my mount button doesn’t appear. I have re-logged and it still hasn’t come back.

The hotkey for it doesn’t trigger mounting either while the button is gone.


Mounts Suggestions

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Klipso.8653


I’d like to be able to dye the raptors underbelly as well

Skirmish Reward Chest changes..

in WvW

Posted by: Klipso.8653


look at all these missed opportunities for repeating diamond chests.. i support leaving it this way


I'm on a boat

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Klipso.8653


So I was looking at the world map earlier and noticed a large portion of it is basically covered in water (Isles of Janthir/Janthir bay)
Since we all know that water combat is that thing that we don’t talk about

I started wondering- since Anet has already developed systems to give us arial combat skills while gliding, and mounts to navigate terrain in PoF… Why not do some combination of those if we ever go to that water area in the form of boat focused mastery lines?

Think of a personal raft/boat you could use to travel across water.

One line could be focused on movement, IE: more speed, able to cross rough water, able to travel against strong currents, ECT.
Another could have weapon upgrades, IE: cannons, and new types of shots you can eventually unlock. Naval Combat!
Maybe involve some sort of a flag line that grants access to certain areas of the bay depending on the locals reactions to different flags you can raise? (Great opportunity to have open-world boat PvP between players who raise their PvP flag)

There’s a bunch of different lines that could be done with this, and I just wanted to hear opinions on if something like this would have any interest in the community.

(And of course you’d be able to sail your personal boat across any old map with water as well)

Path of Fire physical copy availability ?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Klipso.8653


I already bought the expansion. But would pay a few more if I could even get just an empty box with my game code written in it

XPacks racial theme

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Klipso.8653


So HoT was focused on Sylvari, and this PoF looks to be human focused. Hopefully Charr is next.

Why do hammers look so small?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Klipso.8653


Warhammers were designed to fight armies wearing plate armor. The idea is that you can crush in the armor your enemy is wearing.

You don’t need a massive head on it, it just needs to have the weight to accomplish the task it was designed for.

Leftover Mastery Points Shop?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Klipso.8653


I’ve talked about something like this myself.

Yes you’d need to only make it avaliable after cap is reached because people will waste them then cry on the forums about not having enough.

It would be nice to have the extras be worth something, but I think it’s a more exciting idea that they could always add in new lines If they wanted to.

Open World and Instanced reward Tracks

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Klipso.8653


One of the primary reasons for tracks is that PvE already has a ridiculous amount of loot.

PvP & WvW have no way of getting certain items without leaving the game mode. And the loot is pretty slow even with the tracks added.

Gliding and Territories in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Klipso.8653


This is awesome!

Death from above!

The important question on mounts

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Klipso.8653


We don’t take fall damage on mounts,
but my question was about swapping to glider after starting a mount jump

The important question on mounts

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Klipso.8653


If we start a jump on a mount, will we be able to swap to our glider mid-air? Or will we need to complete the jump on the mount?

Warbringer - Legendary WvW backpack forged

in WvW

Posted by: Klipso.8653


grats, i regret wasting all my tournament tickets, but after 3 years on non-use i didnt know i would need them again

Hairless Charr

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Klipso.8653


few things would be more terrifying than a wriggling ball of naked fat rolls majestically flapping in the wind with teeth and claws charging at you in WvW

Hairless Charr

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Klipso.8653


Please add Hairless Charr as an option in the makeover kit.


Home Instance Library

in Living World

Posted by: Klipso.8653


I like this idea. I just throw these away, but if we had a place to put them I’d start keeping them around

Remove PVE armor stats from WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Klipso.8653


this is the worst idea.

this would kill WvW faster than the other terrible idea of combining all servers.

This WvW forum should require a minimum 100 WvW rank before allowing accounts to post on it with stuff nobody wants, and a minimum rank of 300 before they can start a new thread.

WvW: give wallet for siege weapon blueprints

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Klipso.8653


I don’t think wallet is the answer to the siege clogging up bag space, but something would be nice. I only carry the siege I use, and it still almost fills one of my invisible bags.


Split up ticket acquisition

in WvW

Posted by: Klipso.8653


While I understand wanting to normalize ticket acquisition, I think the point was to incentivize pushing farther than you normally would. In addition to rewards for what we were doing already, they want to give us a reason to play even more WvW.

Though, if finishing the tier is not possible, the actual incentive might be to just give up.

Perhaps a compromise would be best—Half the tickets are spread over the first four chests and half are in the fifth chest?

I think a % would be a decent idea if done right, but they should keep the tickets at the end of each tier. And reward the % of the tier you didn’t finish based on that specific tiers reward on Friday reset.

shiney tag mouse over in minimap

in WvW

Posted by: Klipso.8653


Sounds like the commander needs to stop wiping >.>

But seriously I have found it slightly more difficult to take WP recently from the world map (even without a tag near it) did they make the WP radius smaller?

Server numbers =/= WvW numbers

in WvW

Posted by: Klipso.8653


The population of a server is based on how many entered WvW that week, not how many accounts are actually there.

If you’re listed as full then you just have a lot of PvE players that tried out WvW recently

Decay: the best change to WvW so far

in WvW

Posted by: Klipso.8653


I’d prefer the cookie cutter balance stay in sPvP, WvW isn’t meant to be fair. Unrestricted PvP is what makes it fun.

Decay timer?!?! Are you kidding!

in WvW

Posted by: Klipso.8653


Oh noo… the game finally makes you have to Actively play/participate to get rewards and maintain participation. Oh the horror.

You can really see who the afk reward leechers are.

No, the only people you can tell from this thread are who the mindless ktrainers are.

lol, WvW is about the large scale fights. Even a roamer does at least 1 thing in a 10 minute time span.

This is what i see when these “roamers” complain that they cant keep participation because they aren’t actually doing anything:
