I think this lasted somewhere in the region of 20-30seconds before most people just thought “sod it” and let him go, this isn’t the first time I’ve seen this kind of “infinite” rolling. I just wanted to see if there were some strategies people had in combating this.
Necro marks? Have a paladin trap him? Spam cc til something sticks? Been a while since playing.
Three Ascalonian fighters walk through a bar.
Red spandex suit.
True helicopter class.
Are thieves compensating?
I wanna boomstick.
Could be worse.
Just another guy thinking “daredevil” would be kind of a silly choice for a name. Gambler or vagabond got much nicer rings to them. If we must make it a marvel knockoff, I prefer Gambit.
Or perhaps we’ll get some sort of shadow magic with it. Maybe a bit of voodoo and soul stealing. Better be good, or the shadowman gonna get you.
Those actually sound worse imo.
Daredevil is an actual word beyond the hero name~ “a reckless person who enjoys doing dangerous things.” Pretty much what we already are since we can instadie at any moment when leaping into the middle of a battle.
Yes, it is a word other than a hero name. Unfortunately it usually goes along with either some sort of stunt man or a really poor attempt at creating a fantasy class for an rpg. There are thieves that use flashiness along side of acrobatics to do their job. However, the limelight sought by the typical self proclaimed “dare devil” is not exactly something that shouts out “thief!” (Or maybe it does… hence the problem.)
Anyhow, the marvel super hero is by far the most flattering comparison. Blind guy fighting in the dark and pretending to be a gargoyle? He’s cool enough to forgive his fashion sense. Now if only he weren’t a “hero.” Might actually be something for a thief to aspire to.
Just another guy thinking “daredevil” would be kind of a silly choice for a name. Gambler or vagabond got much nicer rings to them. If we must make it a marvel knockoff, I prefer Gambit.
Or perhaps we’ll get some sort of shadow magic with it. Maybe a bit of voodoo and soul stealing. Better be good, or the shadowman gonna get you.
I never thought of shattering as the class mechanic. Always seemed illusions and clones took that title. Shattering is simply a branch of it. Use as needed.
Of course, I played PU so I’m a bit more reliant on clones. Speaking of PU, I never understood why people always gripe about it being poor at capturing points. Yes, stealth and buffs, but it’s easier to just use stealth for starting and ending fights, especially now that stealth has been increased while the buffs have not.
Edit: Haven’t played my mesmer since update so not sure how the extra damage flying around is effecting PU builds. Could see why you might use stealth more if the pressure is hard enough.
(edited by Kury.8210)
Haven’t been a player terribly long, but here are my thoughts. First, dagger 1 stacking bleed probably isn’t a good idea as it’s power’s turf. Getting a bleed on it would likely result in losing something elsewhere. Thieves have had the issue with duel pistols for ages.
Poison is a mess right now. The use for stopping heals gets hurt by no longer stacking duration. The other problem is it’s not as common as bleed so typically the stack remains low when soloing.
As for ideas to make necro hold it’s rightful place as king of condies, maybe a mix of these?
*More boon corrupting
*Condies have reduced effect on necro, then full effect when transferred.
*Added damage to bleeds made while target “has X condies”/“has X bleeds.”
*Trait giving auto attacks a chance to make all DoTs made by you tick.
(edited by Kury.8210)
Progressive? Cute? Them cats are vicious killers. Check out the charr.
I’m all for a seperate off-topic forum section. Best way to control chaos is to give it it’s own little box. Also, last few days have been the most fun I’ve ever had on forums. Get to learn how people think and how forum moderators react.
I’m sorry but this is a ridiculous point.
The people against marriage equality aren’t speaking for themselves. They’re saying those people over there, a group I’m not part of, can’t do something.
The people in that group aren’t saying that the first group can’t. One side is speaking for the other. That’s the issue here.
Far as I understand, on the marriage issue the chief argument Christians against gay marriage have is the belief that marriage is a religious thing. A large part of the faith revolves around marriage and it’s very traditional. To me that’s hardly a reason to deny gay people marriage due to marriage hardly being only a religious practice.
However, a church is not a business and not a government program. They can’t “refuse service” because it’s not a service (well, not the business type of service…). A large number of people against gay marriage think one thing will lead to another and eventually they would get in trouble for refusing service. My opinion? Just laws shouldn’t be kept out because they might lead to unjust laws. However, it’s a justified fear given how the LGBT community has acted in the past. Well, that’s my understanding.
Well yes, i understand that’d likely be the case- but let’s return to my scenario.
If OP was on the opposite of this would they still be supportive of having anet refrain from politics? chances are they wouldn’t be. And that’s the point. This is being discussed because someone is contentious with the issue at hand and is trying to grasp at whatever little comfort they can get to support their dissent.
Ehh, true enough and would be good if he understood it when it’s pointed out to him.
It’s hardly exclusive to just him though. Most people would not use his argument if it were a political idea they supported (though it’s not an excuse…) Still, despite it being an unpopular decision nobody should give him flak for posting it if he doesn’t go beyond simple disagreement. Point out why he’s wrong (as you did)? Sure. But keep it civil.
I’m referring to this: https://twitter.com/GuildWars2/status/614560129573351424
Please remember that a very large portion of your player base doesn’t agree with the court’s decision today.
If one of their staff expressed disapproval on the court’s ruling today, and people (your current opposition?) were asking the staff to keep out of politics would you be so keen to keep your position?
Sorry, I am on the side that says there’s no problem with ANet putting that up, but please think about that question. Pretty darn sure there’d be numerous angry threads if your scenario actually happened. Of course, the outrage wouldn’t be a request that ANet stay out of politics. It would be outrage at ANet being “bigots.”
Sylvari have sexual organs, they simply are unable to have kids.
Can it be considered a sexual organ if it’s just a branch sticking out of the crotch area? (For males obviously… Females. Different plumbing. Wth am I talking about this?)
(edited by Kury.8210)
Isn’t it interesting that such an archaic system still exists even in the 21st century?
Yes, quite.
I mean, they have obviously changed the law since then, but you’d think the fact that it was ever like that (especially until so, relatively, recently) would put people off.
Maybe most people just don’t know?
Or are so caught up in the romance of it, they ignore it.
I suppose that’s how anarchists think? I mean, governments have been around for quite a while, and a good many of the early ones were pretty lousy. (Admittedly “lousiness” is hardly exclusive to the early forms of government.)
Other than that, reading this just keeps me thinking of the phrase, “and I thought chivalry was dead.”
Please remember that a very minor portion of your player base doesn’t agree with the court’s decision today.
Also you’re in breach of the code of conduct.
Do not post:
which promotes hatred of any kind, including that based on nation, race, religion, age, sex, gender orientation, or culture.
This type of response is not good. It’s what gives the LGBT crowd a bad name. The OP said something that others strongly disagreed with. However, inaccurate as it may be, it was not directly rude. His post was against having content in the game based on his belief that a large portion of those who play disagree with it. Other than one thinking of what may have led to this conclusion, no breach of the code of conduct has been made.
Well there are some wannabe quaterstaves already (or gargoyle scythe, that would be pretty cool on thief
) but if they would pull that off I’m pretty sure they would add some more fitting skins for close combat
Guess it could be solved by a few new skins. Still hoping if it is staff we get a blade sprouting out the end or something.
Dat 2 year old thread revival doe.
Oh geeze…
From appearance point of view, this staff is more monk like. Which fits. Monks fight with just this same weapon as well as the other weapons Thief can already use.
The look and style fits.
Something tells me you still don’t get it. If you mean the data mined image, then sure, looks fine (if it’s a staff). But what I’m saying is the glow rod skins we typically got for staff don’t fit thieves. Some even have massive staff toppers, or whatever you’d call the ornament. Imagine a thief with the Balthazar staff skin. It would look out of place as a necromancer with a rifle.
I could see staff if thieves got a big ole blade sprouting out the end and used it as a pole arm. That, or bring in a new weapon or use spears. Staff skins match thief worse than Dreamer. A thief’s not gonna bonk someone over the head with the big showy piece of architecture on a stick. He’s gonna punch the wizard unconscious and turn the artwork into something more practical, cash.
Thief lacks Support, this could be Anet’s way of giving the class Support.
Melee Staff feels very Monk like. Monks been known for their support role in GW universe.
So Monk Thief could dish out some major support. I would so play that.
Melee attacks with staff could have some healing bonus to them to heal nearby allies with each attack.Also utility type that fits this is Meditation skills. More AoE support all over the place. The Steal skill can be changed to Prayer skill that grants the Monk a new Weapon Spirit like Ritualist spirit weapons in GW1.
If this was some kind of counter argument, you’re missing the point. I’m looking at this entirely from an appearance angle. Sure, give thieves a support stick. Just do something to it to make it look less wizardly and more roguish.
Out of curiosity, what is the “focus” of this thread? Title is pretty much “thanks ANet for this character” and it seems opinions on Sya qualify as topical. Are opinions on the larger issue topical? Are debates that have reached a natural (natural?) no longer topical afterwards?
race and a lifestyle choice are not the same
Yes, tell us about the day that you woke up and decided who you are attracted to. While you are at it, I will tell you about the day I chose not to like chocolate… A lady at the store handed me a chocolate candy bar and said “Do you like chocolate?” to which I replied “I have chosen not to like chocolate, but thank you. I think I’m going to choose to like the taste of vanilla instead.”
Seems legit. For real, I had a very thought provoking experience on that issue when I was maybe four. Results: chocolate ice cream and dark chocolate were a no no. Milk chocolate candy was ok and ranked higher than hard candy. Years later I discovered the joys of peanut butter chocolate ice cream and was forced to revise my list.
I think yes, people have fixed tastes, sexual preferences, and gender identity. However, given time and different life experiences these can change. Am I saying we should try to change other people? No. Definitely not. The middle ground is not always true, but often there is some truth in both sides of an argument.
@ANet Forum Moderators: I’ve gotten several posts deleted due to quoting someone else’s post you chose to delete. Some admittedly needed deletion. However, you also deleted a very interesting conversation with nothing worse than the belief that being transgender is a medical condition. Other than the negative connotation associated with such a thought, he seemed respectful. (I could be wrong, but as you see I have no way of checking now. I agree some posts should be deleted, but perhaps whoever’s doing it is being a bit too zealous?
@DarkSyze: Funny you should mention this should have been voting on. While I think this is far too minor an adoption to deserve a vote, you may be surprised at the number who’d vote against you due to either supporting or not caring.
That would be typical. Thief gets recycled stuff.
Or they stole it. Would be interesting if was more shadow based than warrior monk.
I could see staff if thieves got a big ole blade sprouting out the end and used it as a pole arm. That, or bring in a new weapon or use spears. Staff skins match thief worse than Dreamer. A thief’s not gonna bonk someone over the head with the big showy piece of architecture on a stick. He’s gonna punch the wizard unconscious and turn the artwork into something more practical, cash.
Huh. So if a tornado hits your house in your village and I go over and take the clothes off your dead body, take meat and hide off the dead family cow and pick through the rubble for what I want, that’s ok? Cool. I didn’t know that. I though that was called looting (which is illegal) ^^
Think of the poor dead folks like organ donors. Ooh! Maybe he looks for donor cards?
I’ll have you know that the majority of my work was done with inorganic materials. Anything taken from a living creature was done so when that creature died of natural causes. Like a dragon’s spawn razing a village.
Get out of your sheltered ivory tower, and understand that there are GOOD PEOPLE who are DIFFERENT from others!
Not so sure you’d find much useable material after a dragon pays your town a visit. As for natural causes, perfectly believable. Meteors and ghosts are natural occurring phenomena, correct?
I think the sea themed architecture is all pretty cool. There’s even a vista on a fishing net where my Asura can take a nap! (Yes, I’m odd…) Only downside for me so far is I miss how crafting stations used to be practically everywhere. Other than that, very nice change of scenery.
I’m happy Sya got her spot in the game. Not because I think she’s making some sort of stand, but because she helps bring the game to life. I wish there were more characters with dialogue and hopefully more in some form of interesting relationship be they an Asura child with her human guard caretaker, Sylvari asking a charr about war, or 2 characters in love (preferably heavy on sweet and light on sap).
To make it even more alive, have more characters react differently depending on who you are. You’re a human in Charr territory? Dragons have brought both races together, but most Charr aren’t too chummy with humans. Dialogue should reflect that. You’re an Asura talking with Sylvari? Sylvari have a thing for acting very young. What sort of odd questions might they ask a midget genius? And a Charr visiting friendly skritt. That could sure be entertaining.
I do wonder though what went through people’s heads when they put in Sya’s dialogue. What did the OP think when making this topic. The mixed reaction was inevitable. Must have meant a lot to a number of people. While I think it’s wrong to put a casual conversation on a pedestal, Sya for the most part seems a nice small edition to the game.
Logic: We shouldn’t nerf burn because it’s more fun than zerker.
Whatabout classes that don’t have easy access to burn?
@minbariguy: Thanks for the conversation. It’s very nice to see someone able to respect another’s position while laying out his/her views.
I’m not sure what I believe in the whole choice issue and perhaps you’re right. I had not considered the possibility of just being bi for the people who could go either way (though I should have). I think there is something that a lot of people forget though. If there is no choice in the matter but people might try something wrong for themselves, that mistake can happen to a hetero- or homosexual. Yes, heterosexuals are likely less pressured by “the social norm” to try things the other way, but there are other forms of pressure. I’m not trying to get something out of what I went through by saying this. It has more to do with the conversation I was responding to when I brought up my story.
Anyhow, thanks again for the conversation. I’m not sure if we ended up in agreement, but you seem like a good person.
I know a big debate is over whether it’s a choice or not, and maybe for some there isn’t a choice. But for some it is and opinions can be swayed.
No. Just, absolutely, no. I am sincerely sorry for what you went through, but sexual orientation is not a choice.
In a better world, your girlfriend would never have felt pressured to “fit in” by getting involved with someone of a gender she was not oriented to be with. And you would have been spared that pain. But spreading the misconception that one’s orientation is a choice implies that anyone who is heterosexual can simply choose to be attracted to someone of the same gender.
Can you do that? Can you simply flip a mental switch, look at a picture of another guy, and find him attractive? If you can’t (and believe me, you can’t), then surely you can realize that no one else can do it, either.
I’m not picking on you. I think it’s a real shame what you went through. Anyone would have been hurt by that.
I appreciate the sympathy, but I have to differ with your opinion. From what I can tell it’s a lot like food. Sometimes you really enjoy something. There’s no question. You like it. Sometimes it’s more in the middle. With this type the food might grow on you if you keep eating it and aren’t determined to hate it. I even have some personal experience on the matter. Heck, in this strange place called the internet where the stereotype still somewhat exists that only guys game, I’ve had a number of people confess to thinking I was a girl at first. If I had grown up in a different environment or simply made different choices I could actually see myself having quite a different view. But, as is I’m pretty confident I’m just another straight white guy (sounds so boring and unflattering).
I understand why people say it’s not a choice. Not only is it certainly true in some cases, but it helps out in a few arguments as well. Unfortunately, on the off chance it really is a choice, saying it isn’t can go a long way for swaying someone’s opinion on the matter.
I guess the real reason I felt I had to type up this response is due to two factors in my own relationship. First, it feels like it implies what we had shared for over a year was never real. Second, I very much valued the experiences I had. I had reached the conclusion that despite how it ended, I would not have done it differently. I understand this is partially what I want to believe, thus is not evidence for or against, but if the relationship was simply a result of pressure from society and not a choice… That’s harsh. That’s really harsh.
My opinion is not from bigotry. I have a close family member who has been in transition for a few years and I don’t accept it. That is a much more real experience on the issue than most people have.
On the contrary, that means your bigotry is more deeply rooted and prejudicial than average. Most bigots are simply against a faceless hypothetical image, not a real person. But you’ve made the decision to turn against a real person who is part of your life, denying them the love and support they no doubt were hoping for and may desperately need. Your bigotry is on a whole other level than that of a mere idealogue.
This is an extremely disrespectful thing for you to say. You have no idea what my experience is like.
I was actually very accepting of transgendered people until this happened. I’d like to see you just accept it if it happened to you.
About a year ago my girl friend decided she liked girls. We had been together for more than a year. My response was probably different than the vast majority of people in the same situation. I valued all the time I had spent with her and the experiences we shared. Yes, I was hurt, but I didn’t press the issue. She had enough troubles with friends suddenly rejecting her and I didn’t want to add to that list. We parted as friends and gradually stopped seeing each other.
But this is important, I was hurt. I had a lot of emotions going through my mind, one of them being anger that a lot of the characteristics I found highly attractive in my girl friend were the same that the whole LGBT community sees as traits of their own. If society keeps telling a person he seems gay, he may very well give it a try. I know a big debate is over whether it’s a choice or not, and maybe for some there isn’t a choice. But for some it is and opinions can be swayed.
So, end point is I’ve had a similar experience, and though I reacted differently, I see all to well where Khristophorus could be coming from.
(edited by Kury.8210)
We have sex changes but no Indians (not the ones you killed, the other ones outside US of Me).
When saying “you” are you referring to people of a certain country in Europe or a certain country in North America? Heck, plenty of Native Americans in Central America have been referred to as Indians as well. Looks like if you meant Europe you’ll have to specify a bit further. Sorry if you’ve already told us. I simply don’t recall a country that goes by “US of Me.”
‘They’ is improper grammar. -sniffs the air-
Just saying.Beats arguments made from indignant outrage.
Oxford would beg to differ: http://www.oxforddictionaries.com/words/he-or-she-versus-they
Might I also suggest getting yourself some tissues, you seem to have developed a bit of a snuffly nose there.
Looks like Oxford and I can be friends. We both believe it’s an archaic practice centuries out of use. Only reason reason it’s cropping up again is an insidious combination of laziness and political correctness.
Thanks for the tissue suggestion. I’m afraid the problem may lie in the thread rather than my nose. Do you smell something burning?
I think Kury more meant that the poison doesn’t last very long. Previously SB #4 used to stack poison duration, so it was much more useful in that aspect, but now that it stacks intensity AND took a nerf to the duration of poison per pulse and so as a result the duration is extremely short by comparison of pre-patch.
Yeah, it’s the duration that really gets at me. Damage is explainable because down levelling (bloodtide coast), but that wouldn’t really matter if it at least lasted long enough to do something while healing was down.
Stackable poison nerfs the duration already. It makes short duration poison pretty much worthless.
At random first thing I did after patch was try spamming SB#4 on a skale. The poison couldn’t get past it’s regen. A mere second or 2 after fields drop the dang lizard is no longer poisoned. What the heck is the point now?
Besides burn, do condies really need to be redone? Is the fact bosses die faster when everyone does their full damage a valid reason to go back? Having the boss halve all damage after the first set number every second would accomplish the same thing. Why aren’t people asking for that?
‘They’ is improper grammar. -sniffs the air-
Just saying.
Beats arguments made from indignant outrage.
@Duke Nukem: Agreed on disliking anyone getting up in your face on an issue. What are your thoughts on the cochlear ear example? I could be thinking of the wrong name because first time I heard about it was a television show, but apparently there’s surgery to help people who are essentially deaf, and some don’t want it.
Heck, what’s your opinion on vaccines a select group of people think do more harm than good? Admittedly there is the argument that if it’s for a contagious disease not taking it isn’t an option. That doesn’t exactly apply to this issue though if the sole method of spreading really is abuse.
direct damage has had it’s time. time for condi to shine.
No, direct damage should ALWAYS be the main way to inflict damage. Conditions should just be a little extra.
In my first game conditions were a joke. Only time they mattered was when the one class with decent condi damage faced the tanking class. All other matches, condi skills were pretty much pointless. Moved to GW2 and loved how condies actually mattered. Was so cool to see monsters just melt from conditions.
Anyways, this kinda sounds like griping that the “holy combat trinity” is absolutely necessary. Not the guys who just say they like it because they’re used to it. Those guys aren’t trying to force others into what they’re used to.
I kinda liked it better when a person’s genitals and the people they choose to use them on wasn’t public knowledge
-enter androgynous anime character stage left-
We’re necromancers. Gloominess is in our nature. After all, it’s the best way to never feel let down.
A bit sad about CC and spectral parachute still. On the bright side, always did want to make a vampire with a bit more bite than sparkles.
I’m definitely not against “having hot topics in games” (as one person put it). My only problem is I dislike the drama that comes with it. Sure, the guy who says how cool it is to find something acknowledging them is fine. Heck, people admitting to be slightly disturbed is fine. (It’s funny and as long as no one is called evil, no fowl.) What gets me is the drama that comes later, both sides claiming how disgusting and amoral the other side is.
My personal opinion? LGBT community is fine so long as gay pride signs stay off my lawn. Has nothing to do with being against the community. I just dislike any group that tries to push off its values on me.
Some people just want to watch the world burn.
Heck, that’s my entertainment to. I just dislike seeing an uncontrolled fire sweeping over something I value.
The point I’m trying to make is this… No one is impressed that you are going after Arenanet. Hyperbolic statements about stuff you think they did to spite you makes you sound crazy. Spoiler alert: Conspiracy theorists don’t “know too much”, and nobody is after them. It’s just a thrilling self-esteem boost for some people to think they have really ticked off a large entity and have made a powerful enemy.
Oh, it’s not that our “conspiracy” friends don’t know much. They simply know so much that just ain’t so. Great post btw.
White knighting the white knights! If not for people on ANet’s side, there would be no lively debate. It would simply be a bunch of angry dudes on forum all in mutual agreement that the company is lousy.
Jokes aside, discussion is indeed helpful. Flaming and bashing just tells sane people to keep off forums. Mature people can make a point without inciting a play ground brawl, or at least with enough tactful wit that even the other side acknowledges it.
@ZeftheWicked: The important part of that was the “big flaming.” If the majority of that was a civil “I’d buy this if it came with a char slot, but as is, it’s not worth the money,” then great. Maybe it’s just because crazy people are more often heard, but it seemed like a good many “angry vets” were demanding a char slot as some sort of birthright.
As for profit, maybe the char slot will be a good move. Would depend on how many would buy either way, facts we don’t know. However, a company that always has players making angry demands at it is not going to attract as many new players as a company whose customers are very happy with it.
yes so basically if i buy hard copy but no pre-purchase i get kitten no slot nothing ?
From what I gather, if you add an expansion code to your game BEFORE it launches then you will receive a character slot. That is only hear say because some of the details are kind of grey. An official answer to some of the questions would be nice, like when does pre-purchase end, if the code is attached before the expansion launches will we receive the character slot ?
Where is the information? Is there any info at all on what will be included at launch?
You guys should consider to tatoo on your hearth: “I love ANET”.
Would a big fat Guild Wars 2 poster work instead? Funny how that would accomplish exactly the same thing but wouldn’t seem at all odd.
Do we know what deals will be out at launch? If not, then this thread is rather ridiculous. What’s worse? Not only does this seem like ANet saying they can be bullied, but it’s not going to change anything when they try to fix it.
Actually all the griping would put a company with a spine in a bad situation to. If their gamers threw a fit over not having something they very well may have been adding in the future, how could they ever add it without those hissy fit throwing gamers thinking their whining worked?
@Shaaba: Lucius did a pretty good job explaining what I meant. Have to agree with you on the whole trait acquisition thing. However, the… core spec revamp (good term?) was definately a lot of work meant to pair with the new elite specs.
Another interesting thing to look at is the goal of making the expansion unique with more of a horizontal approach than a continual climb. Probably mangled the phrasing, but the expansion’s approach… It doesn’t add levels. Instead it increases your options. A game focused on a continual grind would simply make a seperate system of elites added on top of everything else. What we got instead was reworking and improving what we already have access to. I think of it as another one of GW2’s innovations that positively set it apart from most similar games. Unfortunately it has the downside of making new content less obvious than a level cap raise.
Sorry if that last paragraph is kind of an unclear ramble. Been floating around my head as an abstract idea I hadn’t yet put words to. Also doesn’t help that it’s 3am and I’m dead tired.