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Nomenclature for June 23rd Update

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kury.8210


Fire= F
Air= Ai
Earth= E
Water = W
Arcane = Ar

But… but… where’d all the "M"s go…?

Zelhyn Lekovitch.2867:
So if I run Fire Air Arcane with my ele, I would have to write FM AM Arc?

Can we call it the radiomancer?

(edited by Kury.8210)

If we dont get rifle.

in Thief

Posted by: Kury.8210


Main hand mace. Specialization name: Thug.

We didn’t choose the mace, the mace chose us.

-Thief tries to steal a lady’s purse-

-Mace to the face-

Pre-Purchase Community Address

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Kury.8210


I tend to think of the free patch completely revamping how traits work as a part of the expansion. The only reason it is not directly a part of the expansion is to insure fairness, which really is a point in ANet’s favor. I’m also under the impression the new maps will have lots of work put into them. If it’s just 3 more Orrs I’d be really disappointed.

Main thing is I don’t really care about the starting price. It’ll drop soon enough and moment it hits close to 40 USD I’ll buy it.

New Engie Lock on

in Thief

Posted by: Kury.8210


@ManCaptain: Just checking. How much experience do you have playing thief? My first character was a mesmer. Second was my thief. Admittedly, thief can get a lot more out of stealth than mesmer can, but it is way easier to use on mesmer. Majority of mesmer stealths have nothing giving away that you’re going to stealth (BP+HS combo/C&D+steal melee animation) or blatantly pointing out your general location. The biggest problem to thieves is if you know the class you can take pretty good guesses at where they are. Not the case with mesmer builds that rely on stealth.

Just in case this is misunderstood, I’m not saying mesmers are more op stealth wise. Not at all. The two classes simply have different forms of stealth. If you haven’t already, try thief and see if the class is just no brain button mashing. I’m an altoholic and I try to get a feel for how to play all classes in any game. Helps a lot when facing those more confusing classes.

Has anyone else been fulfilling a bucketlist?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Kury.8210


On the other hand, it’s not getting thief treatment. At least spectral walk won’t be blocked by the evil no path to target. Still, spectral parachuting…

Nomenclature for June 23rd Update

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kury.8210


Put more thought into it, and realized just how important this is. Our traits are no longer defined by the typical #/#/#/#/#. We’ll be defined by which lines we take instead.

Undoubtedly OP realized this and it’s the very reason for making the list. It’s just now dawning on me that the abbreviations are a bit more important than I first thought.

New Engie Lock on

in Thief

Posted by: Kury.8210


@Jana: Guess I’ll give another go at explaining the glitter idea.

-First off, this glitter effect would be replacing the engineer’s ability to put stealthers it hits in revealed status. The glitter is a new effect.

-Second, all glitter would do it create a visual effect where the stealthed thief is. The thief is still stealthed and gains all traited benefits from being stealthed. It’s just the glitter is telling everyone where he is.

If you still think the idea is bonkers and makes no sense, that’s fine. I’ll just follow your lead and we can agree to disagree.

Has anyone else been fulfilling a bucketlist?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Kury.8210


Just today I found myself falling off a massive cliff after looking away for a second. Remembered spectral walk just in time. Relatively new so I’ll be missing out on a lot of pre-patch joys. Glad I got to try one out at least.

Help Me Plan My Race/Classes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kury.8210


Of course whatever strikes your fancy is best. Arkenbon gave some very good combinations of classes that suit the race. If you want oddball but cool, here’s my list:

-Asura revenant: Maybe not because you already have a heavy armor Asura. However, trying on the revenant gear a guildy linked didn’t look too bad.

-Charr elementalist: This is definitely counter to lore. The flame legion and their shamans are the bad guys. Still… big fluffy magical cats. Charr also make cool necro and they aren’t too out of place either. Charr and Ash Legion both approve of all the dark and death stuff, despite the magic.

-Sylvari Necro: With all the glow and color shades it’s pretty easy to make a cool looking evil plant. Just don’t make him look like a certain Pact Marshall. After nine characters you will have had more than enough of him.

-Ranger I’m split on. Sylvari/Norn/humans can all make it look very natural. Charr and Asura… Mostly seems to have the oddball without the cool (imo). Guess Asura is kind of funny when your pet is often bigger than you.

-As for Seif, sounds like you should find out which class is your favorite and reroll it to him.

New Engie Lock on

in Thief

Posted by: Kury.8210


Your plan wouldn’t work and I tried to make you think about that so you would see it yourself. You want them to be visible but not stealthed.
So for that you would have to disable cloak and dagger/ blinding powder plus all skills that stealth – thieves use initative, so you would have to deny them initative, thus they couldn’t do anything but 1111. In that case it’s just as good as being revealed as they can’t really do anything in that state as well, but at least they can try to escape by using their weaponskills/skills.
Get it?

That does not sound like what he’s saying. The glitter idea is that the thief’s location is revealed by the sparkle, but they are still in stealth. So all perks from being in stealth still happen. The thief can still use the stealth version of the 1 skill. Heck, they may even avoid targeting. The only difference is the enemy knows where they are.

Most people are not morons. Arguing that a thief is “revealed, but not stealthed” makes absolutely zero sense. (Think about it. The word “but” implies an exception to the first statement. How is “not stealthed” an exception to “revealed?”) Typically it’s best to assume the other guy is not insane. Look for a possible explanation and confirm that explanation is correct if needed.

Nomenclature for June 23rd Update

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kury.8210


While I think it’s funny as heck, not so sure how efficient changing “Illusions” to “Lusions” is. Overall, nice job.

Also all the shorthand ending in “M” kept me expecting to see an “S&” in front of one. Probably just me… Do I have a problem?

Did Anet foresee HoT price pandemic?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Kury.8210


" What if they offered a $60 package that includes the $50 package PLUS a free character slot?"

I’d feel insulted, and convinced they want a moron audience with money to burn so they can start a cult of people that worship aliens. #epsilon

Well, some people are never pleased. #omega

Helps when someone tries to please. Your list of responses on the other hand seem to just be looking for someone to argue with. Anyone who agrees with you agrees with you. Anyone who doesn’t is ticked.

Ofc if you’re just looking for a debate, not bad. Nothing wrong with a good Internet brawl. (No sarcasm. Quality entertainment.)

Did you really edit your FAQ's ?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Kury.8210


Reason this was done……sales….sales, sales, sales.

How to maximise your core game sales figures:

Get as many new players to buy it before expansion comes out.

Then include it with expansion so they can say that sales of the core game increased when HoT was released.

Fully intentional if you ask me and not a simple mistake.

I really hope you are wrong. It seems plausible that it was rushed and an honest mistake. Their track record, heck, their one time payment business model, seems to indicate otherwise. Still there is the possibility it was intentional. I really don’t want these guys to be the same as everywhere else.

Found an article when GW2 was just coming out, and I hoped.
Bought and played the game, and I hoped.
Saw the enthusiasm and care put into game design, and I hoped.
I’m no white knight, but I love this genre of video game. I just want a company that shares that feeling, or at least sees offering the best possible game as the best path to success.

New Engie Lock on

in Thief

Posted by: Kury.8210


Kind of like the sparkle idea. The location of the thief is known. He still has the defense of inability to target him (makes ranged attacks much less efficient) and can still use abilities only accessible in stealth.

What it doesn’t change is it’s a hard counter on one very specific class. Sure, other classes can stealth, but it’s not anywhere near as important or used in as many builds as thief. Better to change the reveal so it helps in more situations but isn’t that hard of a counter, but sparkles beats this.

If we dont get rifle.

in Thief

Posted by: Kury.8210


Would much prefer a focus, or even scepter. Torch, like war horn, seems very much to defeat the purpose of the whole sneaky thief thing. Guess it could work as a tomb raider or something… Perhaps if they had a unique effect like dagger ele and torch glow is somewhat dimmed by a lot of smoke. As for mace, seems kind of anti-climatic.

Reason I’m for scepter and focus is to look at thief as a con man. Well, the scepter anyway. The focus seems to lean more on the shadow magic side. Anyhow, the elite specs should be opening up new play styles. Of course, the look of a wep isn’t nearly as important as the skills, but rifle, scepter, and focus seem like they would have the greatest effect on gaining new play styles. Certainly more than mace.

Need help with a Sylvari mesmer name (male)

in Mesmer

Posted by: Kury.8210


Fun thinking up names. Don’t got it yet, but a good Sylvari mesmer name…

*Obvious inspiration would need to mix plants and mesmer style. Especially with Sylvari it’s probably ok being a bit of an androgynous, but I doubt you want something over the top feminine. Guessing for the most part avoid flowers?

*As for the mesmer aspect, I see that playing out by looking at either the deceptive or clone aspect. There’s probably some good potential in the clone part. Something to do with overgrowth/massive number of plants.

*Planning to make this a chronomancer? If so, something related to “time” might be good as well.

Edit: So far got two that kinda work.

Groveil/Grovale: grove+veil. Would work just as fine for a thief and sounds like a pokemon (not sure that’s a plus). Does sound a bit like grovel though…

Wolderne/Woldairne: two old English terms. Wold is a forest and derne means hidden.

(edited by Kury.8210)

Clones are too easy to tell from mesmer.

in Mesmer

Posted by: Kury.8210


As a relatively new player, acting like a clone worked plenty fine for me. Of course, condi build meant staffs clones actually did decent damage. Auto-attack is how you get the dps while all skills are mainly for surviving. Just crank out your clones before every fight and chances are you got at least several seconds before getting targeted. As a further bonus, if you play that way it’s pretty easy to run away if things get out of hand. People just keep looking through the clones while you go do something more useful than taking a dirt nap.

I don’t see how it would work well for any build that gets dps any way besides auto attack though. As Fay said, acting like a clone means you’re as useful as a clone. If you aren’t making damage, you aren’t making progress.

Core of the problem: False Advertising.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Kury.8210


In my opinion, the possibility of false advertising is/was the biggest valid reason for public outcry. More than likely the core game is included in the $50 price tag and claiming it’s a bonus is simply for PR. It sounds nice and covers the argument that people don’t want to pay for what they already got. Trouble is it opened a slew of other arguments and didn’t counter the complaints it was supposed to (since most people likely thought it was included in the price anyways).

Anyhow, reason I think of possible deception as the only valid argument: People who say they’d buy it if it had more aren’t really arguing. People that are demanding it has more suffer an entitlement problem (IMO). People who honestly think there isn’t enough content can just wait for the price to fall a bit.

On the other hand, a company needs to avoid even the appearance of shady practices. It’s not that they deserve punishment just for a bad appearance and I’m not advocating “everyone boycotting the evil company.” It’s simply a natural consequence. More than likely the FAQ change and people hurt by thinking they needed to buy the core first to play HoT were unintended consequences. If they do their best to fix the mistakes, then great. If not, then there’s a problem.

Arenanet are people too.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kury.8210


How would you feel if your hard work and what you’ve dedicated a year or two to, was ridiculed and hated before it was even released?

As a human? Like crud.

As an artist? Like I should really try harder at improvement.

As a businessman? Like I should re-evaluate my whole approach & strategy.

Companies aren’t your friend. It is in their best interest to pretend like they are, but it’s certainly not in your best interests to let them. In the end your question is irrelevant.

Go ahead, take a bullet for ArenaNet/NCSoft. Do realize they’ll be searching through your pockets & won’t be attending your funeral.

Call me an idealist, but what I seek in a game company is a group of people who care more about making a great game than money. At the very least, it’s far better if a company sees more advantage in befriending than swindling. Yes, don’t be an idiot and always remember it’s a buyer/seller relationship. Still, companies are made up of people. People don’t always share the same goal as the company. There are those who joined because they get to do what they love and want what’s best for the community.

On the other hand, the majority of arguments in this whole expansion craze are aimed at the company, not individuals inside the company. OP’s post is good as a reminder not to attack those who don’t deserve it. However, if it’s an attempt to get everyone to stop accusing the company of things people believe to be wrong, the argument is totally off base. Yes, it’s sad if all the hard work put into HoT is overlooked thanks to errors in other parts of the company. Is that reason enough to just ignore problems? Certainly not.

The "entitlement" meme needs to stop

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kury.8210


Usually the term entitlement is used by North Americans. I come across it in other game, political and news forums quite often. People who use it tend to believe in a dog-eat-dog world or survival of the fittest, and is used derogatively to denote people who want something for nothing. But is commonly brought up in relation to any social benefits provided by the government to people who have hit a bad patch or live in poverty. Likely this is not applied to people who have served in the military. Personally I think it is related to the delusional notion of the American dream. No offense intended.

Probably best to avoid political debates, even if it happens to not be your politics. Baits crazy people and off topic. You do fine and make some good truthful points at first, but kind of strike out at the end. If a person disagrees with calling the American dream delusional, telling them no offense isn’t gonna stop someone from being annoyed.

Good analysis on the word’s history though. Despite some possible negativity with the word, my position is call it like it is. Entitlement is the feeling that you’re owed something. If someone just wants ANet to sweeten the deal before they buy, fine. If they feel ANet owes them for years of loyalty, the feel they are owed. They feel they are entitled.

I am excited for Rifle Thief

in Thief

Posted by: Kury.8210


I dunno. Thieves can play a scout role, but that hardly seems the flavor of the class. More just how players ended up using them. Guess the elite spec can change the flavor of a class though. Supposedly guardians turn into a “big game hunter” with theirs.

Still, I’m imagining city guards doing their job patrolling the area. One looks suspiciously into a dark corner. From within the shadows, a small movement. Then a massive horn blast blows the poor chaps helmet off. As the guard clutches his ears, his comrades apprehend the prankster. Yes folks, we can now sleep safely. The deadly honker has been caught.

Did Anet foresee HoT price pandemic?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Kury.8210


I like to think a large reason this blew up was due to the FAQ change and people worrying about shady business practices, as that is a good reason for customers to worry. If that were the case, then assuming the change was rushed/not planned the reaction was likely a surprise.

If the core game truly did not contribute to the price tag, they may have been more focused on welcoming new players to think of how it effects the long time players. However, random guess is having the core game included did jump the price a bit and the position that it’s just a bonus is simply a PR decision.

Anyways, undoubtedly they expected some complaints since there’s always something. The amount they got is probably a surprise courtesy of a few snowballing mistakes.

The "entitlement" meme needs to stop

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kury.8210


“Entitlement” generally means the feeling that one is owed something. It is not always a bad thing, since in certain cases a person is “owed” something. However, the word is used more often negatively due to it being more memorable and just dang annoying coming from people who aren’t owed a thing.

As for who has an entitlement problem, there’s a pretty easy test. If someone is saying ANet owes them crap (like char slots) and is tossing out terms like “ANet’s got no right to do this,” that person has an entitlement problem. If a person is saying $50 is too much as is, but they’d get it if there was a bit more to it (like char slots), then there’s no entitlement problem. It’s the diference between demanding something and offering a deal.

I actually think people accusing others of not knowing what the word means tend to have that problem themselves. Of course, it might just be me having a hard time seeing how it would get misunderstood. Guess common sense simply isn’t that common.

"Veteran Player" Entitlement.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kury.8210


Just got to thinking about what’s been going on in forums compared to other games I’ve played that truly deserved the hate in forums. The veterans of those games aren’t entitled. They were bitter. They knew there was pretty much no hope of being heard, and just trudged along with their posting. They loved the game and it’s where their friends were.

Then there is GW2. All companies make mistakes. Despite what some people think, a corporation is comprised of human beings. Right now they’re being called out on it, and it does seem a bit out of hand. However, in the taste of online gaming I’ve had no company has done better than these guys at listening to and doing right by their customers.

Lots of people speak up here not only because they care about the game, but also because they have hope of being heard. Few things are as depressing as customers telling a game master (PR figure head and piñata) “Yeah, thanks for the response. We know you gotta say this bull and nothing’s actually gonna change, but thanks anyhow.” Going through a bit of a storm now, but hope sure is a nice change.

New Engie Lock on

in Thief

Posted by: Kury.8210


Completely random thought, but supposing elite spec provides some sort of counter play? For example… the new weapon offering either strong mobility (don’t see because shortbow) or distance. Guess it would just be another option along with other non stealth builds….

What if new trait line has an option to effect reveal duration?

Arenanet are people too.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kury.8210


I work at Walmart (and thus kick myself for letting people know, but here I am at the moment). I get ticked off when people tell me the company’s problems either believing I’m the culprit or expecting I can change it. As a cashier I am customer service, so it’s in part my job to deal with bad attitude. However, just because it’s someone’s job to clean up doesn’t mean you got a right to make a mess.

However, that doesn’t mean I can’t sympathize with people who are having a hard time thanks to company policy. Despite wishing I was working in IT somewhere, Walmart is my job and I care that it’s done well. I’ve found in other game companies there are many who have the same approach. If you’ve heard of Aeria (people wept when new games fell into its clutches), many employees and game sages made it clear how they felt about the company and truly cared about the games and their communities.

Bottom line: most companies have blunders and they should be pointed out. Just make sure the right problems and people get blamed.

Veteran Players get too much.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kury.8210


Got to agree with the view that this is more flame bait than anything else. I’m not quite a vet and certainly don’t think vets are owed more than any other person who bought the game, but doesn’t change the fact. Recognized this as satire and flame bait the moment I clicked the thread.

Random question: Are the numbers after our forum name determined by how early we bought the game?

(edited by Kury.8210)

Combat Medic Thief

in Thief

Posted by: Kury.8210


Questions on future Merciful Ambush: Anyone know if the entire 3 seconds of stealth is applied immediately, or if it halts when no longer reviving? Also, is there an internal cool down on it?

Relatively new, so question about reviving dead (not downed) players. Can they be stealthed? Can they get the regen buff? Would the 10% faster reviving apply (or only when reviving “downed” players)?

Wish I could put multiple posts up as my answer. Several of you have been really helpful.

Combat Medic Thief

in Thief

Posted by: Kury.8210


That’s pretty awesome! Maybe enough to encourage ninja revives… Is it replacing Last Refuge? Also, where’s the new info coming from?

Combat Medic Thief

in Thief

Posted by: Kury.8210


I recently found a playstyle I really liked used by a youtuber known as Noble Soul. He pretty much plays the truest form of “Combat Medic” I’ve ever seen, reviving players with multiple enemies trying to find and kill him. Sometimes it’s just for lols, but with good communication it can help out quite a bit in wvw. Here’s an example.

So, two questions for thieves more experienced than me.

1.) What do others think of this?

2.)How will upcoming core specs effect this? For example, would you typically run Merciful Ambush (stealth while reviving +10% faster revive) or Shadow’s Embrace (stealth condition removal) when reviving with enemies after you? Will anti-stealth tools for other classes just murder this?

Picked answer most relevant to my original questions. There are some other really helpful posts made though.

(edited by Kury.8210)

What do I Tell Friends Interested in GW2?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Kury.8210


Yeah, noted that pre-purchase/pre-order thing. For anyone not sure of the difference, pre-ordering reserves the right to buy the game when it comes out for a small fee. Don’t have to worry about a store running out of stock before you get a shot at buying it when the game finally hits stores.

Pre-purchasing is outright buying the game early. Pay now, get it later. That’s why I was asking if you could use the core game it comes with immediately as opposed to waiting. I realize I mixed up the two in my first post, so I’ll edit it to avoid confusion.

Handsome/polite: Airhead, but means well.
Polite/helpful: Must be ugly as heck. No photos please.
Handsome/helpful: Typical elitist snob. What evil power had to give them both talent and good looks??

Did you really edit your FAQ's ?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Kury.8210


@Nike: Keeping FAQ current is good, but they did it in a way that invited this response. A sudden change of plans is definitely understandable. However, it should have immediately been made clear why the change was made and that those effected negatively would be compensated.

Lets be clear. They screwed up. On many fronts. Like I said earlier this has ALL the ear marks of a rushed job. I mean we we’re watching some classic corporate whoopsie this week.

BUT. Lets hound them for the things they did wrong and not this irrational spasm attacking the FAQ getting an update.

After more thought actually agreeing with you. Hopefully some voices against all the FAQ change hype will help people focus on more important issues than accidents. However, it would probably be good to voice it in a way that acknowledges there was a mistake and it’s being fixed, as opposed to sarcasm. Nothing against humor, but if a guy somehow missed the fact it’s a mistake and being fixed, your wit could be taken the wrong way.

Did you really edit your FAQ's ?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Kury.8210


@Nike: Keeping FAQ current is good, but they did it in a way that invited this response. A sudden change of plans is definitely understandable. However, it should have immediately been made clear why the change was made and that those effected negatively would be compensated.

Yes, people are overreacting. I was pretty ticked myself before having all the info since I’ve recently recommended the game to a number of friends. Who wants to feel he is the reason his friends waisted money? Bottom line is a company has to avoid even the appearance of bad practices. At least it’s just the image that needs to be fixed, not the actual company.

Ascended Gear now 10% Stronger than Exotics

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kury.8210


Coming from the perspective of someone relatively new to the game with only 50(ish)G to my name, I think it’s good to have something worth striving for. However, it would be nice if the stats could be changed to encourage experimenting different builds.

"Veteran Player" Entitlement.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kury.8210


Buy McDonalds. Dollar soda, any size.

More seriously, this does seem one of a few problems people have with the expansion. Those that are mostly ticked off at the price will probably be fine once the expansion inevitably gets a kitteneaper.

What do I Tell Friends Interested in GW2?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Kury.8210


Oh… Well, heck. That’s actually pretty cool.

"DragonHunter" name feedback [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Kury.8210


Think we can get a “savant” class?

Doesn’t really matter what game. I’ve always disliked classes solely defined by what they killed. I’m fine with an order named after what they kill, particularly if the game is entirely about getting rid of that particular foe. However, it makes little sense if they’re regularly killing beasties not in their résumé. Makes even less sense if the name belongs to one of many classes all striving to eradicate this one particular type of nasty.

I can live with a name or two I dislike. Not gonna stop me from enjoying a good gripe though.

-insert man beating horse-
-insert horse eating beats-
-insert dragon in band with horse bone drumsticks-

What do I Tell Friends Interested in GW2?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Kury.8210


Its is possible to pre-order and use te core-game, yep

Not sure if my question was understood. I’m asking if they can use the core game “that comes with the pre-order” right now. This is actually not related to the whole debate going on right now. I’m just trying to find out how the pre-order works. (Though pretty certain I’ll just be telling everyone to wait for now.)

What do I Tell Friends Interested in GW2?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Kury.8210


Thanks for all the help. My question’s been answered, but if you got a response to what’s already out there be my guest.

Imagine my surprise when several friends of mine, all big fans of MMORPGs, told me they’d never heard of GW2. They saw this cool game I was playing and the more they saw the more they loved it.

I’m very glad I found a bunch of people I might be able to play my favorite game with, but now I got a problem. Should I warn them all to wait till after HoT comes out to buy the game? Or is it possible to pre-purchase and use the core game from the pre-purchase early?

Also, could ya’ll consider advertising a tad more? Seriously, I went to a youth group of sorts with a good number of guys who consider themselves gamers. Only two out of the 15 or so people who came up to me asked if that was Guild Wars I was playing. The rest thought it looked like WoW, but better.

Edit: Fixed pre-purchase/pre-order mixup.

(edited by Kury.8210)

HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Kury.8210


If getting what you paid for was the real issue, I’d sympathize with all the complaints, but if people are just gonna complain that new players get the core game for free, then well…

Honestly, I’m pretty much in the same boat. I do think $50 is a bit much and will wait for sales, but if that were all then who am I to tell a company how much they should charge for their product? I only started feeling strongly on the issue after reading the thread about the FAQ change and some guy who had convinced his friends to buy the game recently.

FAQ thing may have been poor communication. People buying the game now is in part bad luck. Nevertheless it reflects poorly on ANet. I love these guys and their game, but I’m hoping they can somewhat resolve these issues.

HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Kury.8210


So if Anet suddenly charged new players 20$ for the base game and 50$ for the expansion, but the expansion remained $50 for upgrading, it would be better?

If they had announced that in the beginning, there would probably be much less complaining. A bit too late for that now. Common sense.

HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Kury.8210


@WatchTheShadow: All your examples are PS4 games. It would be rather hard to give a “standard” price for a game like GW2 considering most MMORPGs are either subscription based or free to play(p2w).


Are people really screaming and shouting because the game is $50 as opposed to $40? Really?

Actually, only people “screaming” (cap lock) want the game for $30. People saying they want it for $40 seem a bit more reasonable. The bigger issue isn’t even the price. It’s the core game coming “free” with the expansion. More worrying is the misleading information convincing people they needed to buy the game first and the changed FAQ. Hopefully some damage is fixed soon with a cheaper option to buy the expansion pack without the bonus core game and some way to make up for those who were mislead.

HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Kury.8210


On one hand, it’s cool new commers don’t need to buy both the original game and the expansion. Then again, it’s forcing people to buy the product twice if they want an upgrade.

I’m actually fine with the $50 pricing. I’m not gonna buy it til the price drops, but it’s not like any laws are being broken. Still, it seems a cheaper option with just the expansion would contribute towards the overall positive relationship Anet seems to have with it’s customers. (Anyone who doubts that positive impression I have, look up Aeria. Never going back.)

HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Kury.8210


Agree with Conncept. I’d be fine with $40 and am perfectly content to wait til the price drops to that. Hopefully I won’t even need to wait that long and they’ll announce an online sale or something of just the expansion. If not, I’m patient. Life is more than Guild Wars.

Why is the RP crowd so closed off?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kury.8210


I’ve never done RP and likely never will, though it looks extremely interesting. My problem is I want that immersive quality, but I dislike making a story and talking in third person. I’m anti-social enough without not knowing the rules for RP etiquette.
What I’d really love is a guild where I actually feel a part of it. A guild where I feel I’m not just manipulating rules set in programming to make high numbers on a screen.

When I first heard of RP, I thought maybe that was the answer. Heck, until I was 12 or so the best thing in the world was running around the neighborhood with my best friend pretending to be in other worlds. But it’s not the same. I love making stories and my life goal is to someday be a writer, but writing a story is not the same as living a story.

My favorite time playing MMOs was definitely when I first started. I was living my own life in a new world, and I loved it. I met the most amazing group of friends I ever had, shared our joys and struggles in and out of the game, and formed memories I’ll forever treasure. It’s ridiculous. All I did was stare at a screen. But the people I communicated with where real and that’s what mattered.

Sorry for all the rambling. Guess I just saw this RP thread as a way to get something off my chest. TL:DR version-I once experienced actually living in a game with the best of friends. I’ve been trying unsuccessfully to get that back and once thought RP might be the answer. I respect people who RP, but it seems too much about writing a story instead of living it.

Guess my post isn’t very topical… Oh well. Not gonna erase all this work after typing it up on a tiny IPod screen. Good luck to all you guys seeking a fun GW2 RP experience.

Make steal use initiatives?

in Thief

Posted by: Kury.8210


How/why is this a question type thread…?

0.5/10 for the troll attempt. Only gave 0.5 for trying.

Th answer is just one that the OP agrees the most with, not an actual correct answer – and there can’t be a correct answer for what the OP posted/asked.

This is more of discussion thread. Should either be switched to one, or closed.

This exactly. I could understand this as a suggestion even if it is a terrible one, but masking it as a question thread drops credibility pretty harshly.

Conditions in the PvE Meta

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kury.8210


What’s interesting to me is that along with the condition buffs they’re bringing in some new counters as well. Thread seems mostly pve, but pvp will have at least one class capable of throwing back conditions regularly and the new resistance buff. There’s also at least one option I was looking into that offers a lot but would remove a main source of condi removal. Will be interesting to see how it turns out.

HS & Infiltrator's Arrow = for Movement?

in Thief

Posted by: Kury.8210


Out of pvp I always prefer shadowshot and steal for movement. Course it only works with a decent amount of mobs and takes a bit more concentration than HS. Shortbow is a pain to use sometimes because I usually target a bit too far first.

Thief is overpowered

in Thief

Posted by: Kury.8210


@DarkSyze: Someone mentioned you had a knack for quoting which finally got me to look at your quotes. Mind including who said it? If you wish to honor those with more knowledge, you may as well give the credit where it’s due.

Anyways, tried to look for your last quote:
“Experiance is not what you have, it is what happens to you.”

Maybe I just wasn’t searching wide enough, but closest thing I could find was this gem:
“Experiance is not what happens to you; it’s what you do with what happens to you.” Attributed to English writer and philosopher Aldous Huxley.

This sounds like advice you could benefit from taking to heart.

(edited by Kury.8210)

[NA] Vinewrath Vanguard [Close-knit PvE]

in Looking for...

Posted by: Kury.8210


Thanks. Currently on vacation, but if you guys are still looking for players in 2 weeks I’ll be glad to join.