Showing Posts For Laceration.4290:

Infuse Light - effect pls

in Revenant

Posted by: Laceration.4290


It has a effect. It places a bright light in the chest of the revenant and a buff appears on his/hers buff bar.

The heal works well in zergs and against players who only spam skills and don’t watch out for it. Use it against players who pay attention and the heal you get is minimal.

Dr Laceration [AiD]

Roy ? Roy are you there ??

in Revenant

Posted by: Laceration.4290


It’s so easy to ignore UA. I can’t tell you how many times my UA has just been shaken off like it was nothing by literally every profession.

I’d appreciate if everyone stopped telling me UA doesn’t need a nerf, I said I don’t mind it being the same. However UA is definitely strong, I don’t know what you mean by easy to ignore as it can deal 14k+ damage without the need to be full berserker.
My problem is SotM.

Stop pulling numbers out of your bumbum. Or are you getting 14k+ ua DMG with 25 might and 25 vuln?

I run full zerker in wvw and it usually nets around 8kk on squihies and 10k if your lucky.

Dr Laceration [AiD]

roy can we vote on rev pvp titles?

in Revenant

Posted by: Laceration.4290


+1 Champion Invoker

Dr Laceration [AiD]

Increase Hammer #1 damage before bwe3

in Engineer

Posted by: Laceration.4290


Another thing that already needs to be addressed. Judging by the livestream all of the moving gyros are moving too slow.

Either make them stick closer to the character or increase their movement speed.

Dr Laceration [AiD]

Upcoming Revenant changes for BWE3

in Revenant

Posted by: Laceration.4290


I’m happy with the changes and most of them were justified.

Keep up the good work Roy

Dr Laceration [AiD]

Mesmer: 4 mantras w/ "Harmonious Mantras"

in PvP

Posted by: Laceration.4290


All is vain.


Dr Laceration [AiD]

Mesmer "Shatter Me" Video Contest!

in Mesmer

Posted by: Laceration.4290


Good song from a great artist and I can see why it would be chosen for a contest like this due to the lyrics.

If only people knew there’a a old EBM artist with lyrics such as :

I could scream myself to sleep
If it would shatter the illusion
But I can’t give in to this
It’s the noise that makes me human

Good luck to everyone that participates!

Dr Laceration [AiD]

Hammer shock + leg specialist

in Warrior

Posted by: Laceration.4290


They added a cd because it was op

The ICD was added because they decided to add cripple to swords AA. If they hadn’t done anything Sword + Leg Specialist would have been a hilarious combo tho =p

Dr Laceration [AiD]

Sword/Shield Roam build advice? ^-^

in Warrior

Posted by: Laceration.4290


^ I agree, Shield Master any day over Dogged March when running shield and condi reduction food+runes.

I also recommend getting rid of that random valkyrie/soldier piece and replace them with zerker/knight depending what you feel like your lacking. Warriors base HP + WvW guard stacks should get you up to ~23k already which should be plenty ^^.

Careful you don’t use your movement skills under quickness for getting away since you will travel less distance!

Dr Laceration [AiD]

its all l2p problems allmost

in PvP

Posted by: Laceration.4290


I bet my guildleader is more rangerer thanks urs!

Dr Laceration [AiD]

Non Nade damage build?

in Engineer

Posted by: Laceration.4290


Basic SD power builds don’t use nades if made barrage wasnt bugged right now you’d prob dish out more raw damage with rifle turret, toolkit and mines/utility goggles when traited to SD.

Dr Laceration [AiD]

Grenade Barrage Bug

in PvP

Posted by: Laceration.4290


Please ban every engi exploiting this in competitive pvp.

I’ve been running zerker engi for a loooooong time cos I find cele boring.

And now cos ANet broke made barrage I should either be forced to play some condi cancer or be banned?

Dr Laceration [AiD]

Possible Datamined Engi spec name

in Engineer

Posted by: Laceration.4290


well there also is this….

What the old artwork for the Tools traitline? Yeah there is.

Dr Laceration [AiD]

[Video] SD/Turret build!

in Engineer

Posted by: Laceration.4290


Got a couple questions.

First off, why take all turrets but not Accelerant-Packed Turrets trait? The CC provided is good for landing burst, securing revives and stomps. I see you went 3 into Alchemy for the minor which can indeed be useful but personally I’d think going 2 into Explosives is far more beneficial.

Secondly, Scope is a decent trait but will give you 0 benefits for Blunderbuss (since you wanna be up close with it obviously). Wouldn’t Deployable Turrets be more useful for it? Combined with 2 in Explosives it would give you plenty of interrupts from further away.

Note that these are both my personal opinions and I’m not telling you that this is how you must or should play =P.

The build looks pretty solid and fun to play, keep it up.

Dr Laceration [AiD]

Backpack's Official Leaderboard

in PvP

Posted by: Laceration.4290


Your career as a rapper didn’t take off so instead you’re taking gold donations?

Dr Laceration [AiD]

Will matchmaking be broken all weekend?

in PvP

Posted by: Laceration.4290


Agreed. Can’t really be kitten d and log on to play the current state of the PvP.

Dr Laceration [AiD]

Matchmaking Changes: 12/5

in PvP

Posted by: Laceration.4290


So ummm…why is someone like me(atm ranked 94%) queuing solo and getting matched up against ppl from TCG? =P

Dr Laceration [AiD]

Ranked Arena for level 80's ONLY

in PvP

Posted by: Laceration.4290


I love jumping onto my lvl 15 “Asuras are a joke” and watch team mates go " with not a low lvl noon…doesn’t even have champion title!". Lel

Dr Laceration [AiD]

Glowing Items in Inventory

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Laceration.4290


First time I noticed it i was like ’ oh that’s a handy new feature!’ How can ppl complain about it ._.

Dr Laceration [AiD]

Offhand- burst

in Warrior

Posted by: Laceration.4290


Shield burst? Warhorn burst? I just can’t figure out what those would be like.

wouldnt be to hard to come up with something usefull
( but not doing it, since all the doom and gloom boys would come running and screaming OP, no matter how useless the suggestion would be)

Can’t come up with any fancy name for it, but shield burst skill could be something like “Spin around and hit yourself in the face with your shield, stunning yourself for 3 seconds and granting Fury and Might to all nearby enemies.”.

On the other hand that could be considered OP as well so nwm.

Dr Laceration [AiD]

Is power sword viable? or a waist?

in Warrior

Posted by: Laceration.4290


Yes OP, sword is viable for power warriors. It’s decent in tpvp but shines most in wvw roaming.

Here’s what I run with my warrior, nice damage output without being a full glasscannon and if you feel like conditions are giving you a hard time you can always switch to Hoelbrak runes. Hope this helps.

Dr Laceration [AiD]

WvW Weapon combos that work.

in Warrior

Posted by: Laceration.4290


Hammer & Axe/Warhorn is better than Hammer & Sword/Warhorn for Zerg content. I’ve never understood why so many use the sword, it really doesn’t offer anything other than a single target immobilize – which falls subpar to a decent damage auto attack when your Hammer CCs are CD.

And you’re wrong. First off Flurry is a AoE skill, second the sword isn’t used for damage except for Final Thrust on a low hp target. Sword shines in zerg because you can immobilize multiple targets into a co-ordinated aoe bomb. And ofc the mobility helps to get back for regroups if you fall behind.

Edit: On the OP. Rifle + Mace/Shield. Seen more and more of these builds lately, its mostly a dueling build tho and its pretty straight forward. Signet of Might → Skullcrack → Killshot → Volley.

Dr Laceration [AiD]

(edited by Laceration.4290)

Rifle war /MaceShield vs Elementalist

in Warrior

Posted by: Laceration.4290


Don’t waste dodges and use a stun break or blind when he comes with Skullcrack→Killshot combo.

Dr Laceration [AiD]

[sPvP]Arcing slice

in Warrior

Posted by: Laceration.4290


Well anything is better than what it is today. 1 day I accidentally hit GS F1. Right when I press that button, I was like…. oh no no no, please don’t hit. And of course it did on a ele with a whopping 2k dam.

This is how you know a weapon skill is totally useless.

In sPvP on a bunker ele or something? Mine hits for about 3-5k depending on target. And atm if you don’t need adrenal health, zerker power or any other burst skill then Arcing Slice > auto attack imo.

Dr Laceration [AiD]

[sPvP]Arcing slice

in Warrior

Posted by: Laceration.4290


I approve of this idea.

Dr Laceration [AiD]

Rousing Resilience

in Warrior

Posted by: Laceration.4290


^Shake it Off?

Glad to see someone enjoying the new trait, haven’t gotten around to test it myself.

Dr Laceration [AiD]

Mace main hand, yes or no?

in Warrior

Posted by: Laceration.4290


Skullcrack→100b still works fine if you just pay attention what your opponent is doing.

Also Unsuspecting foe is not mandatory for it (ik carpboy said almost), but you can build it around a mix of knight/zerker/cavalier so you will still do some damage without needing to stun the enemy. My current skullcrack is 15,0,25,0,30 but ill most likely go to 0,10,30,0,30 after the patch and the “fix” of building momentum.

Dr Laceration [AiD]

Updated wvw hammer build?

in Warrior

Posted by: Laceration.4290



Cleansing Ire, Dogged, Lung cap., Quick breathing, Shout heal and preffered trait from last line.

Go full sentinel or soldier/knight/valk/cava mix.

Zerg die = you die
Zerg win = you win

Dr Laceration [AiD]

fortune scraps ?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Laceration.4290


You used to get them when the Bazaar of Four Winds living story was going on. I could be wrong but I don’t think there is anyway to aquire them anymore.

Dr Laceration [AiD]

Vashury[Buka] on Twitch

in Mesmer

Posted by: Laceration.4290


Why are these kind of “check my pro” videos always asuran characters?

They love the race lore right? ….

Or just that they are small, annoying and hard to keep a track on sometimes.

Dr Laceration [AiD]

[video] WvW Shatter Mesmer 22Nov

in Mesmer

Posted by: Laceration.4290


Nice video. Never played a shatter mesmer myself but the dmg does seem nice. What server are you on?

you need 2 know im not fully geard jet will still need few weeks 2 get all acended but my server is deso

Ah I see, the few extra stat boosts from ascendeds are nice I admit.

Too baad, I’d wanted to duel you but no idea when AG will face Deso the next time hehe.

Dr Laceration [AiD]

[video] WvW Shatter Mesmer 22Nov

in Mesmer

Posted by: Laceration.4290


Nice video. Never played a shatter mesmer myself but the dmg does seem nice. What server are you on?

Dr Laceration [AiD]

[Build+Video] Hybrid 2.0 WvW Solo/Small Scale

in Mesmer

Posted by: Laceration.4290


Hello all you Mesmer boys and girls!

After a while of theorycrafting and testing stuff out I am bringing out my new and improved Hybrid Mesmer build. I have personally found this build a lot of fun to play and it is incredibly effective in roaming and small scale fights. Kudos to the creators of the Blackwater and Maximised Hybrid Phatasm builds, Natsu and Blackdevil your builds worked as a good inspiration for my build.

The Build:




Domination: V
-Crippling Dissipation: Keeping nearly permanent Cripple on your foes makes kiting and your fights much more easier.

Dueling: II,V,X
-Phantasmal Fury: Important for both raw phantasm damage and to keep those Bleed stacks up.
-Desperate Decoy: I chose this trait so I have more access to stealth and aegis/protection/regeneration.
-Deceptive Evasion: Extremely useful trait to keep your foes under constant condition pressure and to give you access to more powerful healing.

-Debilitating Dissipation: Again a must trait for the build, lets you clones explode into a rain of conditions.
-Bountiful Interruption: Combining this trait with my weapon sigils and GS #2 give you an average of 10+ Might stacks in combat.
-Prismatic Understanding: With 5 ways to gain access to stealth, this trait will give you a high uptime of both protection and regeneration. Also the Aegis is nice when you get lucky and block some massive attack.

(Check build link for my gear distribution)

My gear is a mix of celestial,berserker,knight,rabid and cavalier pieces. I have fallen in love with the Superior runes of Traveler for the extra stats and boon duration that they give, and the 25% speed boost helps moving around a lot, out of combat ofc.

For weapon sigils I have chosen 2x Superior sigils of Battle and 1 Superior sigil of Bloodlust to keep my Might stacks up and with 45% boon duration high stacks are easy to obtain, if you have multiple weapons you can switch out Bloodlust for Earth or some other on-crit-prob Sigil when you get 25 stacks.

Ending rant:

All in all its an really fun and powerful build. I have made quite a few builds in the past for both Warriors and Guardians but I don’t think I’ve ever been so pleased as I am with this Mesmer.

But of course there must be some cons in all builds and this build has 2 aswell. First, no access to your own in-combat Swiftness, big issue for some people but I haven’t been bothered too much about it. Second, the build can be easily destroyed by enemy conditions if you don’t watch out for them. You are relying on your food buffs, stealth and staying at range to deal with conditions so don’t let any necros or other perplexity ppl sneak up on you!

Thanks for taking the time to read through my build stuff and if you have any questions or thoughts post them below!


Dr Laceration [AiD]

(edited by Laceration.4290)

Unkillable Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Laceration.4290


The only thing I found off in the videos is a racist redneck talking about imaginary chinese people thinking he was the best player in the world.

yea kinda toxic attitude.

Too bad BOOSTEDLASER blocked me on Youtube, I was about to reply back that afaik NA and EU servers cannot fight eachothers(or can they now?). So he’s saying he and Yak’s Bend owned AG? =p Reading his reply was hilarious tho.

Dr Laceration [AiD]


in Warrior

Posted by: Laceration.4290


Try checking “Auto cast groundtarget” or w/e it was called in the the Options. Casts it way faster.

Dr Laceration [AiD]

One year passed, why cant I duel my friends?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Laceration.4290


+1 for this, its strange this hasn’t been done yet.

What if those games that allow duels are just bad? What you’re saying sounds the same as “go into spvp”.

Dr Laceration [AiD]

WvW/TPvP Hammer Warrior Build + Video

in Warrior

Posted by: Laceration.4290


Great build that looks to be a great alternative to my 0/0/20/20/30. I’m starting to see the benefit of going Melandru/condi lowering food. Basically, you just don’t need to take any condi removal (besides the trait) nor do you actively need to worry about it that much. I have been running a shout build with solidiers and warhorn for condi removal, but it means you have to react defensively too often and be caught in sword/warhorn. This leaves you focusing on just smashing stuff.

Shout/Soldier Runes builds are strong when your guild frontline is 5-10 warriors and guardians all running that build. The cross-healing and condition removal is really strong.

But I find if you’re running in a disorganized pug zerg or solo/small group roaming, the Melandru version is better. More selfish, but when you can’t rely on group condition removal as much, it’s a nice option to have.

I carry both sets with me and swap armor and retrait as the situation dictates.


My build is for solo roaming or small scale battles with guildies. For a real raid/GvG I’ll still use PVT/Knight gear with soldier runes, shouts heal, traited warhorn and hammer.

Like Kurtosis said if you’re running in a pugzerg you can go more selfish with melandru runes, it still works really well.

Dr Laceration [AiD]

WvW/TPvP Hammer Warrior Build + Video

in Warrior

Posted by: Laceration.4290


Hello warriors. Decided to post up my latest video and build here that I’ve been running in wvw and tpvp succesfully for the past few weeks.

High damage and survivability is achieved through hard CC, yes this is a stunlock build. The more you keep them stunned, the more damage you do to them and less they do to you ofc.

There are some flaws with the build like some people have said they have an issue with the lack of mobility. True, if a high mobility class decides to disengage you won’t be catching up to them with this build. Also ranger running rampage as one or a plagueform necro(in tpvp youll be seeing alot of these -.-) counters the build. In a 1v1 it usually results to me spamming mace auto attack while blocking/kiting.

All in all the build is well balanced on both damage and defense, there are a few flaws but nothing that renders the build useless. If you got any questions don’t hesitate to ask!

WvW Build:;4NKVP0f4kL-60;9;59T-T;13;0189;147An-F26;16TsW6TsWg-kc0-HXO0;1jV71t1IZ3_Va-30HV1a;9;9;9;9;9;9;14-6N

TPvP Build:;0NKVP0f4NL-60;9;59T-T;13;0189;147AC-F26;1TsW6TsW65kZ


Dr Laceration [AiD]

FSP vs ROS vs Aurora Glade

in Match-ups

Posted by: Laceration.4290


Hopefully RoS and FSP have some peeps that are interested in dueling.

Dr Laceration [AiD]

How are Warriors?

in Warrior

Posted by: Laceration.4290


Tired and can’t sleep, reading through the warriors are op posts while trying to fall asleep. Other than that really good the for asking. How’s you?

Ps. Still easy to lvl up. Get signets and a GS and start running through the maps while cutting stuff down.

Dr Laceration [AiD]

Mace/shield GS build = Overpowered

in Warrior

Posted by: Laceration.4290


I could see this being mean in 1v1 fights, but honestly? When the hell do 1v1 fights ever really happen?

If you’re talking about WvW, they happen quite often. Don’t just mindlessly wander after the commander, try doing some solo roaming every once in a while.

I do solo roaming almost always when I WvW, and much of the time I run into groups of 2-3. It’s an off-chance that only one peels to fight, or I only see one person also roaming.

2 players should not be that much of a problem, 3 depending on gear and skill. But yeah, i’m happy that i’ve been lucky to find some nice solo roamers lately.

You need to be more honest. Two good players is a problem, for any class, Two really bad players is not a problem, for any class.

Yep, you’re right. Two good players are a problem, but I imagine not every one of those groups of 2-3 players you keep running into consist of above average players. Also getting beaten by better players is good practice, you can see where you have mistakes and try to learn from them.

Dr Laceration [AiD]

Mace/shield GS build = Overpowered

in Warrior

Posted by: Laceration.4290


I could see this being mean in 1v1 fights, but honestly? When the hell do 1v1 fights ever really happen?

If you’re talking about WvW, they happen quite often. Don’t just mindlessly wander after the commander, try doing some solo roaming every once in a while.

I do solo roaming almost always when I WvW, and much of the time I run into groups of 2-3. It’s an off-chance that only one peels to fight, or I only see one person also roaming.

2 players should not be that much of a problem, 3 depending on gear and skill. But yeah, i’m happy that i’ve been lucky to find some nice solo roamers lately.

Dr Laceration [AiD]

Mace/shield GS build = Overpowered

in Warrior

Posted by: Laceration.4290


I could see this being mean in 1v1 fights, but honestly? When the hell do 1v1 fights ever really happen?

If you’re talking about WvW, they happen quite often. Don’t just mindlessly wander after the commander, try doing some solo roaming every once in a while.

Dr Laceration [AiD]

Ideas for solo roaming mobility?

in Warrior

Posted by: Laceration.4290


Gs alone is more than enough.

say that when you are chilled or crippled

That’s why we use dogged march/runes/food

Dr Laceration [AiD]

Mace/shield GS build = Overpowered

in Warrior

Posted by: Laceration.4290


As much as I hate it i’m just gonna reply with L2P. I run a similar m/s and gs build and I’ve been beaten in 1vs1/2.

You’re a condition spec? Don’t use all your kitten CDs while the warrior has zerker stance active. Burst dmg? Kite him while he blocks or uses endure pain. Don’t mindlessly spam your stun breakers on pommel smash/shield bash. I will bait my opponent to use stability and stun breakers before landing skull crack. If you go down from the first skull crack 100b combo, get some more tough/vita.

All the stuff I wrote above apply to both WvW and tPvP tho I must admit this build is more effective in WvW since I can mix up gear anyway I want.

Dr Laceration [AiD]

LOS-ing and Kiting like a boss

in Warrior

Posted by: Laceration.4290


Always enjoyed watching sword/shield hammer action. Nice video Callahan.

Dr Laceration [AiD]

Shield Stance's Cooldown.

in Warrior

Posted by: Laceration.4290


Shield Master – Gain Protection for 6 seconds after using a Shield skill. Shield skills recharge 20% faster. (It will gain the boon when “Shield Stance” ends.)

I would absolutely LOVE to have a trait like this, sadly I dont see it happening. ANet might have given use some love with the healing buff etc. but giving us an easy access to Protection could cause some serious whining to erupt from the other professions.

Another thing they should do that was brought up in another thread, Stance durations.

They could edit Vigorous Focus to reduce all stance CDs by -20% aswell as giving vigor.

Dr Laceration [AiD]

Warrior dueling and roaming in WvW

in Warrior

Posted by: Laceration.4290


Instead of making us go through some screenshots you could put your build up on intothemists. com. Looking at your vids the build seems pretty interesting even tho I’m not a huge fan of dual swords. Btw its not showing good sportsmanship to call your opponents boring on a video imo :p

I don’t put it there again as the outdated build is there and the site itself wont show exactly the right ones.

And did I call them boring? I said I need to find better opponents and that is because I think viewers doesn’t approve not fully geared opponents, 2+vs1 fights (unfair) or upscaled opponents.

Even if NPC helps me, it ruins the whole fight.

You’re right I did miss read that you said “boring” ^^

Also have you tried putting the build up on a freshpage and not just over your old build? The site tends to bug a little.

Dr Laceration [AiD]

Class change

in Warrior

Posted by: Laceration.4290


i feel weak as a warrior

I spat coffee over my monitor.

Weak as in boring animations boring skills, some times you can’t even see yourself in all the flashiness other classes have because you go melee.
Weak as in can’t carry your team and get wiped over and over, other professions can spec for DPS while carrying the team with utilities.
Weak as in now 2 thief 1 war 1 ranger 1 mesmer can do CoF1 in 5 mins 20 sec.

Maybe you are warrioring wrong after all? Maybe warriors aren’t made for team carrying and should focus more on DPS and let the team cover the warriors weaknesses?

Dr Laceration [AiD]

(edited by Laceration.4290)

Warrior dueling and roaming in WvW

in Warrior

Posted by: Laceration.4290


Instead of making us go through some screenshots you could put your build up on intothemists. com. Looking at your vids the build seems pretty interesting even tho I’m not a huge fan of dual swords. Btw its not showing good sportsmanship to call your opponents boring on a video imo :p

Dr Laceration [AiD]