(edited by Larynx.2453)
Does it work on targets that are immune to the cripple effect (like those with hard CC immunity or break bars), but still suffering from the actual condition itself? It’s not clear and hard to test.
I have a question.
What is the need for Enrage Mechanics in GW 2 Raids? What purpose it serves?
I thought that developers wanted to stay away from Zerk Meta? At the moment it seams not only that the raid has some tough mechanics ( which I love ) and are not the easiest, but on top of that you have that rush DPS DPS DPS! Which I find to be a dumb and boring mechanic as a fake difficulty. Is it just me?
If there were no DPS checks then you could run Nomad gear on bunkers and one shot every boss after an hour of autoattacking. Enrage timers are necessary for difficult raiding. End.
When I first got into GW2 I was really exited about the PvP because from the outside it looked like skill was a huge factor. I thought that unlike in other mmos, if I was really good, I could take on several people at once and still win. I thought that with enough skill, I would be able to even take on three people at once and still win.
Skill is only part of the equation. You also need a good build on a good profession. Revenant for example can fight multiple opponents just fine at the moment, but a warrior will have trouble unless they one shot 3 people with gunflame.
It’s certainly harder to 1vX in GW2 than it is in other games, but it’s absolutely possible. Take any competent player, put them in a hotjoin match, and watch them solo three people on a point.
(edited by Larynx.2453)
Any warriors actually care about greatswords viability in pvp…..¿
or are we forced to shelf power warriors for rev?
atm it’s gunflame or go home imo.
I’m not really sure what specific problem this fixes. Warriors do have an issue with mobility in sPvP, even with greatsword, I guess.
I’m always in favor of more cosmetic options, not less. There’s nothing wrong with my Guardian using the Glint’s shield, my ranger using Bo, and my Sylvari Elementalist using Yggdrasil so long as I went to the effort of unlocking those skins for my account. That flexibility in fact adds value to those efforts.
Feel free to limit yourself, but there’s no reason to slap those limitations on other people.
In return we have diminished class identity as a result of designers creating skins that are mostly acceptable for every profession of that armor type.
Get the collection chest. Log out. Log on Revenant. Open collection chest. Enjoy your Revenant armor. It’s really not rocket science at this point.
To miss a PvE Monster with Primal Burst Longbow is nearly impossible. When you cant hit with the Longbow every other weapons sucks too.
But we must be realistic, we dont know how raids work. For solo PvE berserker Condition Longbow build is godlike with good offense and defense abilities and you can nearly solo all hero Point challenges.Because Fire Arrwos is a must have, Phalanx Strength or Vigorous shouts are a offensive or defensive option witout crying in a corner.
You don’t understand what I’m referring to. Primal burst on longbow has multiple, separate AoEs instead of one single rectangular one. To do the kinds of DPS people are claiming berserker can do, a single mob’kittenbox needs to overlap multiple of these AoEs. This is not easy to do on a moving target or a target without a very large hitbox. You could pull it off on the Wyvern Patriarch, for example, but probably not Mordremoth’s avatar in the story instance.
Have Herald or might stacking covered? Go Str/Arms/Zerk. Full zerker. Camp GS.
Have no Herald or might stacking? Go Str/Tactics/Zerk. Full zerker. Camp GS.In other words, the same thing you run for Dungeons and Fractals. You will probably want to bring double banner, and your third utility can be a wild card depending on the fight, but the default should be signet of fury. For more info, this is mostly up-to-date and perfectly fine to refer to: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=60QYi93PfJQ&index=5&list=PLz0JN2v3KJMl2PZBkWd4S-Ui0iDlLSaZ9
This is what every warrior who isn’t capable of theorycrafting should run by default until such a time that a raid meta has developed for warriors.
Whatever you need… Different weaps will offer different things, and supposedly, different bosses will require different approaches.
How idealistic.
Whats your opinion on condi warr?:D
Worse than power warrior and worse than other condition builds. In a best case scenario with hitbox exploiting or just with very large hitboxes it’s very strong though. (edit: probably the strongest condi build in fact, but it’s not reliable)
Hmm,i saw on forum that some ppl like it and play it and saw some nice dmg…i dont know what to say.
That’s because on a dummy, Berserker is very good with a condi build. In a practical scenario, you can’t realistically land most of that damage. A lot of the damage potential from Berserker condi builds relies on hitboxes overlapping multiple AoE effects (especially with the Longbow, but also the Torch if you use it).
Without that crutch, condi Berserker is trash compared to either Ranger or Engineer. It’s just a matter of theory versus practice.
You don’t need to ever step foot into Tangled Depths to get your elites maxed. Sure it speeds things up, but 100% core map HP + 4 HPs from VB is enough. So Anet aren’t forcing anyone to do it.
As for the map, well it’s certainly maze like and messy and I do understand why ppl hate it. I like it in some ways for being more jungle like, however as a gameplay zone it can be very heavy going.
Auric Basin + Verdant Brink in addition to a few more HPs give you enough for a full elite spec even with zero % world completion. My (completed) herald literally never stepped foot in Tangled Depths. Don’t even need the old world.
Have Herald or might stacking covered? Go Str/Arms/Zerk. Full zerker. Camp GS.
Have no Herald or might stacking? Go Str/Tactics/Zerk. Full zerker. Camp GS.In other words, the same thing you run for Dungeons and Fractals. You will probably want to bring double banner, and your third utility can be a wild card depending on the fight, but the default should be signet of fury. For more info, this is mostly up-to-date and perfectly fine to refer to: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=60QYi93PfJQ&index=5&list=PLz0JN2v3KJMl2PZBkWd4S-Ui0iDlLSaZ9
This is what every warrior who isn’t capable of theorycrafting should run by default until such a time that a raid meta has developed for warriors.
Whatever you need… Different weaps will offer different things, and supposedly, different bosses will require different approaches.
How idealistic.
Whats your opinion on condi warr?:D
Worse than power warrior and worse than other condition builds. In a best case scenario with hitbox exploiting or just with very large hitboxes it’s very strong though. (edit: probably the strongest condi build in fact, but it’s not reliable)
(edited by Larynx.2453)
One issue with warrior in PvP is that too much sustain is tied to too few sources. This is a lazy band-aid fix that does nothing to address the core underlying problems that necessitate the change in the first place.
Have Herald or might stacking covered? Go Str/Arms/Zerk. Full zerker. Camp GS.
Have no Herald or might stacking? Go Str/Tactics/Zerk. Full zerker. Camp GS.
In other words, the same thing you run for Dungeons and Fractals. You will probably want to bring double banner, and your third utility can be a wild card depending on the fight, but the default should be signet of fury. For more info, this is mostly up-to-date and perfectly fine to refer to: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=60QYi93PfJQ&index=5&list=PLz0JN2v3KJMl2PZBkWd4S-Ui0iDlLSaZ9
This is what every warrior who isn’t capable of theorycrafting should run by default until such a time that a raid meta has developed for warriors.
Whatever you need… Different weaps will offer different things, and supposedly, different bosses will require different approaches.
How idealistic.
(edited by Larynx.2453)
Replace Rush with WoW’s Charge.
Screenshots please
CoR need to be toned down. Other classes hammer skills do not have not even close dmg as CoR (hammer 2#) plus its CD is 2 sec….need to be increased cd to 4 sec.
UA needs to be toned down to 3 attacks…and bring cd down to 10 sec.
= balanceNerfing the damage of an ability by 60% = forum balance
Nerfing ability CD by 400% = dev balance. Which is worse?
CoR need to be toned down. Other classes hammer skills do not have not even close dmg as CoR (hammer 2#) plus its CD is 2 sec….need to be increased cd to 4 sec.
UA needs to be toned down to 3 attacks…and bring cd down to 10 sec.
= balance
Nerfing the damage of an ability by 60% = forum balance
Beware the dreaded 3k UAs. They’ll do almost a third the health of an afk zerker ele.
Not sure how else to describe this, but it sometimes doesn’t cleanse conditions on self. Other times it will. Anyone else experienced this? Tested it a few times in sPvP versus a necro.
I love this thread.
Tell people to L2P, but then don’t help them learn.
Someone gave a class by class breakdown of ways to deal with this skill…. What more could you really ask for?
A solution for Necro.
Hate to be that guy, but herald rev is countered by conditions and boon stripping. Necro can tank the UA, because rev just straight up loses to it.
(edited by Larynx.2453)
I tried druid a few days after the expansion and let me tell you, pretty fun.
I’ve never tried a healing class in any MMO before so iunno
AND this game has some issues sometimes..
Them heals be fun
Structured doeDruid is not a typical MMO healing class. No spec in GW2 is and it will never be without rebuilding game’s combat and profession philosophy. What most people mean by healer is a class that is focused on watching other people health bars and playing whack a mole with them. GW1 had such healing (actually monk from GW1 was my favorite healing class from any MMO I ever played and I played many). GW2 does not. That being said, if you stack some druids in a zerg, they can make a difference. But as a druid you wont be constantly saving people’s lives.
Pretty elementary view of what MMO healing is, lol. Healing in MoP was closer to how DPS play than it was “playing whack a mole.” Some healers barely even utilized raid bars at all.
(edited by Larynx.2453)
Why when the Zerg purchased the expac and they can bring it to the Jungle?
what does this sentence even mean?
It’s just story content, it’s not supposed to be bleeding edge fractal 100/raid difficulty.
Basically this. I’m not gonna go crying for nerfs or anything even if I one shot it, but it doesn’t need to be buffed at all.
Please don’t argue this is normal market speculative behavior….it’s foreknowledge.
It’s normal market speculative behavior.
They already have a whole load of emotes for different expressions like /shrug, /agree, /cheer, /cry etc. so it would probably just be a matter of making the relevant characters a shortcut for them, like ? for /shrug or /ponder.
But what would happen if your character was already doing something? If you had auto-run on, or you were fighting or something while typing it would be incredibly annoying if that was interrupted just so your character could perform an emote the people you’re speaking to probably won’t see.
So if this was implemented it would need to only happen if your character was standing still (and preferably only when you’re out of combat) or there would have to be a way to disable it. Preferably the first one because if you have to go through the options menu to turn it on and off as needed most people would probably just keep it off at all times.
None of these are issues in WoW. It’s literally just an overwrite of the idle animation.
@op you forgot an important one. Typing “lol” in /say also triggers the laugh emote. There’s also a separate animation for /yell compared to /say. Looks like your character is shouting.
(edited by Larynx.2453)
ya, I think you’re right, I will wait to see if the expac goes down in price on black Friday, and I will also see if the reviews start to paint the game in a better light.
and no, you may not have my mats. I ’ll most likely send them to someone with an open mind like party buddy, or Vikkela, this game needs more people like that.
What about me, can I have them?
So warrior is so bad that people who mains other proffesions are feeling bad for us…kitten , the sadness in my heart is real…Gj Anet you did it !!
Glad the playerbase can finally be united on an issue.
Lets focus developer time on balancing concerns that actually matter for 99% of the game.
This circlejerk will probably get drowned out by the “rangers nerfed” circlejerk, unfortunately.
Asking for changes after the overall performance I don’t think is a bad thing, do you feel warrior is in a good spot right now?
The only reason I play warrior is inertia.
Death having meaningful consequences? What an absurd notion.
The thing is that berserker is don’t going to be like that forever, it’s impossible it’s too bad compared to other elites. But i don’t know when there are gonna to buff it. I’m a little sad for you guys, even if i never have liked warrior (in fact i really don’t have enjoyed any class in gw2 since revenant) you deserve better.
I took the time for make a post for you guys. Hope it is gonna to be view by someone in arena.
There was once a time when I thought to myself, “Why not keep playing warrior? It’s not like it could get any worse, right?”
This was right before the Frenzy nerf, a couple years ago, even before Hambow. Never have faith in ArenaNet’s ability to balance a class.
You can move while channeling 100B, and it grants evasion and superspeed.
Lawnmower warrior build.
This circlejerk will probably get drowned out by the “rangers nerfed” circlejerk, unfortunately.
I’m beginning to suspect that we’re not supposed to be able to fit Faren into the normal rules. There’s a few things about his bumbling idiocy that just don’t add up.
It’s like watching Clark Kent be a slightly clumsy, shy farm boy. It’s almost believable, but he keeps surviving things such a person shouldn’t survive. Maybe there’s something more going on…
Faren is an Elder Dragon confirmed.
Would be better if it only appeared in certain zones or areas of zones. Like how Blizzard handled Old God whispers in Wotlk.
Ex. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vcqrj1lPMMs
Only happens in a single sub-zone. Maybe we’d get them in particularly corrupted areas, but not an Itzel village for example.
Canach is a warrior with grenades. Alternatively, he’s a engineer that pokes people with a sword.
Warrior didn’t really get nerfed in HoT, everything else just got buffed instead. Your best bet is probably to try the generic Strength/Defense/Discipline GS+Axe/Shield build. That’s about the most you can hope for atm. Berserker doesn’t really offer any sort of competitive advantage for power, and unless there’s been some recent discovery it’s very lackluster for condition damage as well.
You are bacisly screwed if you run into a reaper, scrapper,herald or dragonhunter.
You might have a slim chance against a daredevil….
Warrior coretrait-lines are very weak, compared to new new elites.not really a fan of this expansion then :l kinda unfair people with expansion simply get to be stronger than those without, I agree with the new content and kitten only for people with the expansion but actually making them stronger because they buy it :l….
You’ll be happy to know that you don’t need HoT as a warrior if you want to compete. Berserker is the worst elite spec and core traits are better.
This sounds very cool. Hard mode for those that like it and a more casual approach for those that want to solo.
Win/ win.
Development time is a zero sum environment. Time spent on one feature takes away from time spent on another feature. Implementing and balancing a HM system is a perpetual task for ArenaNet, so as long as it’s in the game other content will be cut to make room for it.
I’m not debating whether or not it is a good feature, I am just stating that nothing is ever a binary everyone is happy situation. People who exclusively play non-HM will dislike that content has been cut to support HM, and vice versa.
(edited by Larynx.2453)
It was nice that they actually bothered to make killing Mordy more than just poking him with swords and fairies, even if it ended up just being poking him inside of the Dream. It always felt underwhelming how easy and simple it was to kill Zhaitan. I was expecting some sort of big deus ex towards the end, like oh hey the Forgotten had an ancient magical spell to bind the Elder Dragons, etc. Like what we got in Mass Effect with the Reapers. Killing an existential threat on the apocalyptic scale of an Elder Dragon with just martial ability is a tad bit underwhelming. Hopefully they expand on this “all dragons have a weakness” plot further, and each expansion’s plot can be driven by finding this weakness.
Additionally, can we get some further explanation for the repercussions of each Dragons death will have? We have Tequatl getting a power up a few years ago, and now we have a massive magical energy explosion from Mordremoth. Obviously killing Elder Dragons does something related to magic. Does this mean all the other Elder Dragons will be stronger now? What about environmental impacts? And so on.
(edited by Larynx.2453)
I was actually very upset it wasn’t a greatsword. You know, considering Caladbolg is a greatsword and all.
Figured I would just ask this here… I am enjoying the difficulty of the last boss but I am not sure if I am encountering a bug or I am just kitten ing out…
When the boss “charges up” and you are suppose to “shield yourself or take to the sky” wtf am I suppose to do? I can’t find anywhere to jump off… I have redone this 3 times now with no success
There are updrafts all around the platform. Stand on them to fly.
Boss was mechanically fun but the boss’s appearance and the environment was pathetically bland. He looks like a generic mordrem, not an Elder Dragon. Why couldn’t we have something like the Mouth of Mordremoth or mr. Vine Dragon from the cinematic? Even saving the Shadow of the Dragon and using some generic creature in its place for S2 would have been better.
The ending was super abrupt as well. Mordy is dead, end. No closure, it just stops.
I say keep as is, I don’t want an easy short boss fight. I think its great where its at right now.
That’s your opinion, but not the one of the majority in Gw2, That’s not because you said this, that we must listen to you. The boss need nerf obviously, but not in order to make him become too easy. For sure. I don’t want a too easy boss but sometimes doable …
Be rational …
“That’s your opinion, but not the one of the majority in Gw2”
=baseless claim
“The boss need nerf obviously”
=your opinion, not objective. It’s not obvious, actually.
“but not in order to make him become too easy. For sure. I don’t want a too easy boss but sometimes doable … Be rational … "
=the boss is doable, considering it has been done by many people in this thread already
Figured it wasn’t worth the effort to make the post look pretty, so here are some bullet points for you to ignore.
That’s just a matter of nullifying mechanics versus actually dealing with them. You know how else to avoid a melee range stun? Using the dodge that all classes get by default.
Go to Tangled Depths. Select replay story step 13. Then select play story step 14. Go to character select. Log out. Log back in. It will be fixed if you did everything correctly.
WvW gets hero points with ranking up. You get some “coins” that you turn in, which unlocks a random hero point location in HoT.
I got 39 of these during a decent zerg run in one night (although I had a birthday booster going.)
Edit: I have not tried EOTM yet, but you should rank up the same in EOTM I would think. Also apparently the coins are account bound, but they come in a chest that you can store and open on another toon apparently (havent tried this yet either).
So I have to grind for a long time just to access their most advertised feature of the expansion…?
These may help you.
That’s all for now. They did say that raids will be a direct continue to the story. So now we wait for raids I guess.
kitten? So you need raids to finish the story?
Who thought that was a bright idea? Because ending the personal story with a dungeon was such a popular decision amirite?
The raids are not part of the overarching story plot. They’re side stories that happen directly following the end of the personal story. They have a plot, and they’re ingame. So in a way you could say you need to play raids to see the story, I guess.
The only way seems to be from level up rewards and hero challenges in the world. You’ll have exactly enough hero points for every trait+utility for your profession minus the elite one from just being level 80 with 0% map completion. From 100% map completion minus Maguuma you’ll have around half the amount required for the elite spec.
The fight was good at least from a mechanical PoV. I just wish that it wasn’t the final story instance. It didn’t feel epic at all. What happened to that creature from the HoT cinematic? It’s not Mordremoth, and it’s not the Mouth of Mordremoth. Does it even exist in game?