Showing Posts For Lctl.6198:

The Heart of Thorns purchase problem

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Lctl.6198


Kinguin as the cheapeast price atm if I’m not mistaken. around 23€.

Still too expensive imho >_>

Latest patch did wonders for optimization!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lctl.6198


Yeah noticed some improvments aswell. crashing a lot less and faster loadings.

could be placebo, but seems better

Mesmer nerfs :(

in Mesmer

Posted by: Lctl.6198


Unkittening unbelievable. I’m demanding that all class if blind or if they attacking one invulnerable target get’s their skill under cooldown. Especially channeled skill and AoE type shouldn’t keep going on while under those effect.

Pretty sure that all professions abilities go on cooldown when they cast them while blinded, or a target is invuln.

This is true at least for Necro, Warrior, and Ranger.

Preety sure those skills dont have an HP Bar associated with them, nor a travel distance at the speed of a slug nor do they prevent defensive measures to be activated.

Illusion/clone mechanics keeps getting slapped, because despite having a cool concept, the implementation was crappy as kitten.

Plenty of my abilities on these other classes have long travel time issues, and get obstructed all the time.

Obvious bug is fixed, yet (shockingly) people still cry.

It wasnt a bug . The LOS was kinda a bug, yes.

The summoning of clones/illusions WAS NOT A fakking BUG. Sorry to burst your bubble.

We need them to be there for defense if we can’t use them for offense.

Im preety sure you can’t kill other classes means of GTFO or applying damage. This has been discussed over and over. Yet, people still like to say it to justify the constant slapping to mesmers.

Mesmer nerfs :(

in Mesmer

Posted by: Lctl.6198


Unkittening unbelievable. I’m demanding that all class if blind or if they attacking one invulnerable target get’s their skill under cooldown. Especially channeled skill and AoE type shouldn’t keep going on while under those effect.

Pretty sure that all professions abilities go on cooldown when they cast them while blinded, or a target is invuln.

This is true at least for Necro, Warrior, and Ranger.

Preety sure those skills dont have an HP Bar associated with them, nor a travel distance at the speed of a slug nor do they prevent defensive measures to be activated.

Illusion/clone mechanics keeps getting slapped, because despite having a cool concept, the implementation was crappy as kitten.

Dungeon Patch Discussion 11/15

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Lctl.6198


Like was said before. the MF addition is just unbelievable.

Remove it ASAP through hot fix. And never look back to it nor think about it -ever again-.

Mesmer nerfs :(

in Mesmer

Posted by: Lctl.6198


Unkittening unbelievable. I’m demanding that all class if blind or if they attacking one invulnerable target get’s their skill under cooldown. Especially channeled skill and AoE type shouldn’t keep going on while under those effect.

This. I forgot this.

Illusionary Duelist, Phantasmal Swordsman, Phantasmal Mage, Phantasmal Defender, Phantasmal Disenchanter, Phantasmal Rogue, Phantasmal Warlock, Illusionary Mariner, Illusionary Whaler, Phantasmal Berserker, and Phantasmal Warden: These skills must now be cast in line-of-sight of the target. These skills now behave as normal attacks that the mesmer must connect in order to summon the phantasm, and they will fail if the mesmer is blind or the ability is cast on an invulnerable target.

we can’t even summon them if blinded! Talk about a kick in the kittens for PVP and a heavy slap in PVE. Gonna be lovely when we can’t even shatter for distortion cause we were blinded.

Mesmer nerfs :(

in Mesmer

Posted by: Lctl.6198


I think you’re in the wrong forums. Any Mes who finds this an improvement should reroll a warrior.

so only if your class is buffed you consider a patch great?

No, But fixes overall would be a start.

I mean, Phantasmal Haste is STILL broken.

Lot’s of people , from all classes were expecting some major improvments, what they received across the board were stupid nerfs while leaving what actually had to be balanced , untouched.

Thats why its a bad patch. Moa Should have had a reduction on duration for PVP only, not a brand new fakking set of skills.

Portal should’ve been changed not to allow resources to be taken during uses. not a CD increase ( or recharge, wtv).

It was swing and miss with this update for mesmers, and for almost every other profession.

Warriors got combo’s added! Of all things needed to be tweaked in warriors, they actually escaped unharmed one of the biggest patches from Anet! Shocking!!!

Engineers have been wishing for Turrets to be tweaked since the start, even in beta, 0 work on turrets. (Gz you can now blow them underwater.).

Mesmer’s have been begging for massive AOE overhauls from the get go, we’re having trouble tagging multiple targets ( read, more than 5+), when in a medium-large group during events. We either go all out to get something, and end up in Cooldown, or we only do enough for some barely noticable Experience, and no loot.

Other classes press one button and theyre constantly aoeing without worrying. Im actually suprised chaos storm wasnt nerfed even more this time around!.

This was a great opportunity for Anet to show they care and they are working on balancing.

Screw new content, when most of the released stuff is still broken.

Mesmer nerfs :(

in Mesmer

Posted by: Lctl.6198


Major Kitten crap patch. Specially for Engys.

Nerf on mage and Zerker LOS ...well I can understand the zerker, even if I don’t agree with. It should still summon it , just shouldn’t apply damage.

Major bullkitten patch. No decent fixes, no aoe improvements. Nothing.

Thief and Warrior got no changes to their most "problematic" skills.


Login Server down?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Lctl.6198


same problem, same error… was hoping it was to update the patch, but not even that.

Changes to Dungeon loot

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Lctl.6198


Im sorry, but I can’t be the only one worried about Magic Find gear on dungeon runs?

Why have it influenced by a stat we have to choose over other stats?
It’s not groundbreaking, but it seems that you’r forcing people to run around with magic find as a “must have” stat…

Just seems a bit odd that is all…but at least youre changing things , which is always good

Mesmer changes Oct 7th

in Mesmer

Posted by: Lctl.6198


I …wha…what just happened?

A class needing more aoe options just got it’s most reliable aoe option nerfed?

Phantasms nerfed?

…No one likes nerfs, but this is just a nail in the coffin.

looking for a teacher

in Mesmer

Posted by: Lctl.6198


Greetings mate, and welcome to gw2 and mesmer!

Im far far from the best player , but if you got any questions , perhaps i can help?:)

Besides, most people are very friendly around here! So dont be shy

Teach me how to mesmer please.

in Mesmer

Posted by: Lctl.6198


Welcome to mesmer!

My personal opinions:

Sword main hand is probably the best main hand out there right now. Many will swear on focus for iwarden , others on pistol for iduel, both are great but i prefer pistol for magic bullet ( aoe interrupt ftw).

Greatsword combos amazingly well with staff.

Place chaos storm, swap, send izerker, watch mass confusion spreading.

Imho, gs/staff works best on a shatter spammin build( clone on dodge, shatter extra bonus etc).
The aoe is imho unbeatable.

If your facing mons in melee constantly and dont want to kite, sword mh for sure!

Looking for a staff that lights up the area like the torch does...

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Lctl.6198


I can also add that fiery dragon sword from heritage does this. Quite a nice detail.

Like the OP, I find myself wondering why isnt there a Staff with the same effect ( or at leas why I havent found it yet)

I like it as it is.

in Mesmer

Posted by: Lctl.6198



“Useless and broken abilities and the like don’t stop a class being playable and fun by any means but a lot of people see them and say “I like what they’re trying to do here but it doesn’t work” and try to help.”

Exactly! I wouldn’t be criticizing if I didn’t like playing the profession anyway.


Most people on these forums love the class, and -most- arent even trying to make it super-OP.

We love being mesmers, we just wish for a bit more polishing ( im looking at you shatter lag).

I mean, look at the greatsword skill delay, it got fixed. And it helped to make the weapon a lot more usable!
If they fixes it cause they already knew or cause people spoke out, well never know.
But better safe thab sorry, no?^^

Again, love mesmer, love feedback, love time wrap.

Situation untenable.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lctl.6198


As a long time fan and defender of anet ( you can search my posts), i am dissapointed at how harsh this was implemented.

Its the first time i looked into their patch notes and thought " what the fudge".

And the main reason for this?

Exploits ( it was an exploit for me.) like the mining-transfer that allowed people to amass 600g+ were branded as legal and somewhat clever use of mechanics.
No rollbacks, no punishment, you can even talk about it on forums because its still legal. You can still do it right now.
Exploits like legendaries prequisite, left untouched, a guy in guru even bragged about it and thought he was saving the market from monopolization ( and he even operated on a loss! Imagine that!!).

Yet, legit, non exploiting ways of raising gold and or karma are systematicaly being gunned down in public square.

What if people speed run dungeons? Wouldnt it be better to apply a weekly cap like Rift? Where you got 7 runs with extra loot/xp/marks and you can run them all in one day or space them out alon the week?

Im not even asking for extra here. Just a different approach at the dungeon/DE capping. Cause this goes against the play it your way , in all senses of it.

And again. So far you will not find a negative drop on anet from me. And ill still defend on matters like skill variety, wvwvw, endgame. I still believe those are great/ok.

But on this? No way. Too restrictive and too much.

Are you part of the 99%?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lctl.6198


Two lvl 40s with 1gold book bought on both and i got 4gold.

Lvl200~ cooking
No secondary of worth mentioning

Vendor evverything xpet specific salvage items.

All that gear worth 30-60 copper adds up really fast.

How do you make gold?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lctl.6198


i want to buy the skill boox but i have no gold
i am lvl 56 ranger

Stop using waypoints everytime you want to move 10meters

Where is all my money?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lctl.6198


Are you a norn?

You know what shouldn't happen?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lctl.6198


Also now that I think about it, no, you are not correct in how you think dungeons should be handled. This games goes against the holy trinity, remember? It was a big selling point. If I want to set up a team of 4 dpsers and a super tank, I shouldkittenwell be able to do it. It’s a legitimate strategy. But apparently, there is no meta in this game for anyone who wants to play a low-to-no damage survivor. My power is literally less than 30% of my vit or toughness. Compared to anyone else I’ve asked about it I have a VERY high Tough/Vit for my level. This is in comparison to other guards builds, guildies, friends etc. And even when I go to TA, where I can utilize my entire levels stats, with nearly 12k hp, I have to CONSTANTLY run back and dodge behind other players to keep from dieing while my 4 healing skills CD.

True enough, the play as you want is a tagline from anet.

But you can still succeed , cant you?

Its just not the best way to do it, but eventually you can do it.

I mean, you can sit there and take the red circle damage, because thats the way you want to play, but that doesnt mean you should does it.

Dungeons are very specific and meant to be Challenging. Many argue they are hard due to one shot skills, but they forget that dungeons is the closest to gw1 as you get.

Just like in gw1 you had to take a specific build to an area or mission ( not 100% accurate, i know). Its a puzzle. You should bring yhr right pieces to it, but it doesnt mean a lil glue and scissors wont work.

You know what shouldn't happen?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lctl.6198


Yes we did that too, pick the patrol first, the the captain and whatnot.

Do you know what happened with us ? Booooonnnnsssss and conditions!:)

Youre a guardian. Ill at least agree with your thread title, it shouldnt happen.

I mean, perhaps focus less on tanky setup and use a boon spam setup there, wired to a cc breaker?

So far, there hasnt been one encounter that didnt had a way to beat it easily , no matter the group setup.

Most of the times people just dont want to change their builds between fights.
People are just lazy ( not calling you lazy.), but you have to concede that ir you were he only one alive and 4 others were running their corpses back to the fight, they screwed up majorly.
And in most games that wouldve been a wipe and restart.

You know what shouldn't happen?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lctl.6198


Actually, level shouldn’t matter considering you are suppose to do the dungeon at level 40. Tried the dungeon awhile ago and I was flying all over the room because of the knockbacks the enemy is doing, its not fun anymore considering its not giving me any chance to fight back ~_~

Funny, ran it twice so far and never had problems with knockbacks.

Guess stability and comboimg chaos armor is that awesome.

You know what shouldn't happen?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lctl.6198


I dont really see a problem imho. If you were aggroing so many mobs at one point while your entire team ran back, what happened? Why did they fail so hard?

And if you held the door and captain by yourself, that says a lot about it doesnt it?

Bombera have specials that in the mists of a fight can be hard to see.

Ya know what saves you? A mesmer with feedback and reflection.

There are other ways ofc. But untill people stop to try and brute force/outlvl/outgear dungeons or content, instead of adapting to each fight, there will always be people complaining.

Ive seen lvl80s die more in Ac story that lvl 27/30s. Not lying.

You know what shouldn't happen?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lctl.6198


Sorry, not following you.
You talking about story mode, right? Then you get downscaled to 40, lvl matters little , perhaps 60+ i would concede a bit more…

Also, werr you duoing or full party?

Im failing at understanding this rant.

Things I personally wish were different about GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lctl.6198


So you miss hundreads of useless skills, henchmen AI and everything about gw1?

Go play gw1.

You hate downscaling? Its for sure one of the best features to be introduced in a mmo. It completly allows you to help players without utterly destroying their experience.

You and battle are playing the wrong game. Instead of flame baiting by not liking the game, move on and let others play the game their enjoying.

Why are you ppl so fixated in hating the game and wanting it to be gw1?

Edit : ill say it again, this skill system offers a whole lot more complexity and variety than gw1 could ever dream of

about 100% world complate !

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lctl.6198


Latest patch notes mention a fix for something like this

Complaints about the skills system

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lctl.6198


yes the majority of your skills is very limited, it works ok for pvp, but for pve its complete garbage

you do the same thing at 80 that you do at lvl 7, weapon swap in general pve does almost nothing for you but give you another set of cooldowns to rotate, your heal skill and elite skill are pretty much limited so you have 3(!) actual skills to sorta change how you play. you can kitten around with your weapon sets, but the fact is every one of them play the same throughout the game. traits offer nice boosts but also dont change how you fundamentally play

and you know, its not completely the combat and skill system’s fault, as in spvp the skill and trait setups really work to define a character and playstyle, just pve in general doesnt offer consistent challenge or require you to use your skills to the fullest (dungeon mobs are another story – overtuned for your skills). ex. ranger shortbow #3 has a back jump which also acts as an evade, 98% of the time in pve theres no reason at all to save this for any sort of timing maneuver, however in pvp it can be used to many things such as retreating or as a free evade

in short, the limited skill system fails for long term pve because it was designed for balanced match-type “builds” between similar opponents, dragged out to 100+ hours it gets really stale, and pve enemies in general dont test the skill system to its limits

Or, you can reserve a bag to hold the weapons your class is able to use?

Im a mesmer, i normally use staff+greatsword, but i always carry around a torch, a focus, a pistol and two swords.

Why ? Because i can adapt that way and try different things.
Thats 21 skills only with weapons ( if im not mistaken). Plus 3 swappable skills and a swappable elite.
Plus 4 shatter skills.

Yeah. I dont understand why people fail to see that and only want to limit themselves and blame the game

Complaints about the skills system

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lctl.6198



I’m a first-pve-then-pvp kind of player. And okay, 6 skills.
It’s not going to keep you ingame for the rest of the time with the same animations and whatever.

Secondly, you guys missed my point about a profession needing to use ‘’non-traditional’’ weapons. A ranger does better with a greatsword than with a longbow. An elementalist does better with dual-daggers than a staff or something.

This way you could give a staff to a Thief and it would be perfect. Not really.

You dont have 6 skills. You have at least 14 unique skills per combat engagement. 18 overall.

If your an elementalist or engy it only goes up accordingly to play style.

As for the second #, your the one missing the point i think.

No weapon is superior to other, theyre all situational. If you feel longbow is a little weak, thats fine. But dont go turning only that small point into something else that just isnt there

about 100% world complate !

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lctl.6198


Caudeceus manor ? Most pobably a dungeon you mightve overlooked?

Complaints about the skills system

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lctl.6198


Your points are a bit lacking.

Ive read arguments against the skill system a lot more elaborated and they actually made sense.

Complaining about mesmers and rangers using greatswords? Not so much.

Edit : (rest of the post got eaten).

Using a “bad” analogy, would you keep using a longbow against an opponent right in front of you?( Legolas excluded).

Would a mesmer pass up the opportunity to magically use a greatsword?

All the weapons complement each other, all have strenghts and weaknesses.

You have lots of skills to use, more than in gw1 for a start. Stop limiting yourself to a playstyle and explore other concepts

(edited by Lctl.6198)

Phantasms are the problem not the Shatter.

in Mesmer

Posted by: Lctl.6198


Hum, sorry, but as it is, shatter is Indeed the problem.

Shatter lag is awful. Phantasms atm are the only thing making sense , even id it wasnt intended.

If they fix how shatter delivers its purpose ( be it damage, daze, confusion) then its all good, and im sure people will use it a lot.

The f4 for distortion works amazingly well. I wonder why.

I fear guild wars two will wane unless they bring out new stuff soon

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lctl.6198


Theres endgame all around.

People are just formatted into a raid instance mentality .

Also. Lol at the MOP comments and doomsaying. Youre threaning GW2 against going back to gear grind, “whats your itemlvl?”/“post achiev”, and dungeon locusting.

Yeah. Think it will be fine on this end.

Quoting Terminator with a twist : “Youll be back”.

Hint : no sub fee, see ya soon.

Why I find the game uninteresting - From a longtime Guild Wars 1 player

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lctl.6198


@Lctl it’s nothing compared to the freedom and depth of GW1. I’ve had discussions for hours on end about GW1 builds. I mean we basically had to go like “Wow we’ve been talking about this for 3 hours, let’s stop.”

The problem is that there are very few slot skills in GW2.

I’m sorry but I don’t see myself putting 5k+ hours into GW2 or having long conversations about builds.

And those discussions almost came around the samekittenskills.

Face it, most of them ( not counting post prophecies, since they were mostly redundant apart from elites), were in fact useless , apart from a -very specific- situation.

And you still have all of that, plus a lot more. You can fiddle with traits/stats/skills/weapons/elites.

Thats a whole lot more than what you ever had in gw1.
More to the matter, your not locked out from equipping other weapons and skills when out in the world or dungeon.

You have access to all the skills, anywhere.( given, as long as you unlocked them.).

You can still complete the majority if not all of the content using any combination you wish( read : weapon type/ utility). And just like in gw1, some will fare better than others, while a few will crash and burn only to thrive on the next zone.

Dont stick your head onto a single mindset and cry foul for lack of choices. Theyre still very much there, if not doubled.

please stop the gold spammers

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lctl.6198


Read previous posts on the matter….. This will just be closed in5…


Why I find the game uninteresting - From a longtime Guild Wars 1 player

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lctl.6198


Couldn’t disagree with the OP more, on just about every count. (And I say this as someone who was suspicious of the GW2 hype, and didn’t even like the screenies and beta vids – IOW I’ve been won over to GW2’s absolute brilliance as an evolution of the genre.)

OP is basically a stick in the mud who refuses to see the game for what it is because their expectations about what an MMORPG should be are clouding their experience of the game as it is.

What ticks me off, is this skill stuff. I still dont think people realize the absurdity of freedom they have with their skills and skillsets.

"Preparing to have fun"

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lctl.6198


Side note, you can respec traits.

Also, if the gear your farming doesnt give you the stats you want , your farming the wrong gear.

Its still simple to get the gear. You just have to play the game.

Guild Upgrades and Build Times

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lctl.6198


Why oO?

Its not exactly vital part of the game/guild, is it?

Besides, if you research it first, you can have at least two upgrades running

Mesmer, the confused class

in Mesmer

Posted by: Lctl.6198


You dont have to use both.

Mesmer , imho, is a single target specialist. Aka veteran and above killer.

That means longer fights, where you can have 3 phantasms out without ever needing or producing a clone.

For instance, if im fighting an aoe heavy opponent, signet of illusions might save my phantasms long enough to shatter at the target. Dont forget, out illusions run to the target and only then shatter, giving enough time to the opponent to destroy them.

I stringly believe there are a lot more styles of play for a mesmer than it shows or youve noticed.

Were far from being a confused class, but we sure as hell know how to confuse others.

Transfer-mining "exploiters" beginning to run rampant.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lctl.6198


All right , ive googled it.

Imho, it really is an exploit. One that will be fixed soon by closing down free transfers.

However, i do believe the exploiters will get a ban for abusing the system.
And then theyll cry. A lot. Many will say they were just trying to play with friends.

People should just stop and think what theyre doing before thinking theyre so smart:/

John Smith and the State of the Economy

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lctl.6198


This will be closed soon. They are aware of it, posting a thread about this every day is pointless. :/

Transfer-mining "exploiters" beginning to run rampant.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lctl.6198


Instead of posting here, making everyone google it ( for those unaware), you couldve just sent an email to anet :p.

I myself havent heard of this exploit, but after the last two, you have to albe a stupid idiot to go along with it.

And by you, i dont mean you, i mean them >_>…. the exploiters, that is

Why I find the game uninteresting - From a longtime Guild Wars 1 player

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lctl.6198


Ps: I do not understand how ppl say theyre more limited with skills.

You have more skills available to you at a given time then you ever jad in gw1.

The difference is in the dual class system. They just seemed endless to you cause you had access to two classes at the same time.

And after all that was done, remind me again, how many skills exactly did you take with you outside of a town or outpost?


Why I find the game uninteresting - From a longtime Guild Wars 1 player

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lctl.6198



About your take on DEs, im sorry you like shopping lists and railroad questing, its good to have the same presented in a very different way.

You say there was no point in that charr cubs quest, i think there was.

“you” were there. “you” witnessed it. “you” helped those cubs. So gou had more friends there, its an mmo.

You say you miss missions from gw1, storyline accomplishes something very similiar, heck, even the ending with swords and crested shield is there!

You miss henchmen, i certainly dont. Trying to do those last missions with them was a bloody pain in the backside. I rather have this free roaming system instead of taking flawed AI with mento an instanced area.

Skills, you mention them as limiting, you say you havent played wow , but perhaps youve played other mmos where you have endless skill bars all over?

Cause on gw1, when you went out of town, boy, you were fakked !
At least now you can change them anywhere out of combat. No more roadblock or instant repeating cause you didny had a dispell with you.

Dual profession, i can see where youre getting at, but then again, balancing a game where you have access to almost twice the skills or morr than in gw1, would be chaotic.

And yes, you do have access to more skills that in gw1. Weapon swap alone gives you 10skills, plus utilityx3 and an elite. So in the end, they expandes the skill line up you can use.

Elite skill capping made sense in gw1, with dual class and a whole lot more of them to choose from, in gw2 would just be pointless.

The premise of the game is to give you the cool stuff asap. You still have to hunt down skill challenges. Why add more grief to the player?

As for the TP, whats your point on linking bots with the downtime on thr TP?
Makes no sense.

You still can trade with your friends, use the mail service.

I love this TP more than the traditional AH.

Prevents a whole lot more market inflation imho.

The point on XP for going into other people personal story i can concede to you. At least that.

I also like having no hard trinity imposed, makes you see the difference between a good player and a just overgeared player.

Cause thats all the trinity relies on. Gear.

Gw1 was one of the biggest grinds ive ever came accross btw.

And lastly, dont speak for me when referring to gw1 players . Thanks.

Why can't we go to the Crystal Desert or Ring of Fire?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lctl.6198


Crystal desert is Probably marked for expansion or patch at least.

As for ring of fire, theyre probably submerged, with orr rising and all.

I also hated both those areas, so yeah .:p

Is illusionary leap going to be fixed?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Lctl.6198


Hum, you sure you were in range or nothing was obstructing the target?

Just asking cause i havent come across this problem yet.

Will trst further at home

So where is the fan?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Lctl.6198


Cantha expansion.:)

At least would make sense i suppose

Mesmer playstyle = No Fun

in Mesmer

Posted by: Lctl.6198


Only problem atm is shatter lag .

That delay of having illusions running to your target and causing damage is horrendous.

Imho, its easy to fix.

1) give immunity to illusions upon shatter. ( still takes time to cause the damage, but at least its not completly wasted.
2) have the damage / condition be applied straight away.

Apart from that, mesmer rocks. Were the silent killers that no one notices. We give an “absurd” amount of support and utility , not to mention condition spammers like no other.

What's the deal with Orr?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lctl.6198


Ill remind you that Orr was once the most powerful kingdom/nation on tyria ( Human wise). Their mastery of magic was above anything else even to current day standards.

Some even speculate that their impressive ascension was due to their city bein lg build on top of a dormant dragon itself. Leeching off its power.

Also, the orrian demise was a lot more catastrophic than ascalon, the foefire destroyed the invading charr, turning humans to bound ghosts.
Orrian apocalypse -killed- everything. And sunk a magnificient city.

Thus why theyre not ghosts. They effectively were dead and gone, zhaitan ressurected them, their bodies, not their souls.

I could be mistaken, but the destruction was more likely caused by the mursaat with their schemes than the charr themselves.

This lead us back to the topic at hand.

Fast running, super zombies. Well, they were that much powerful. And so is zhaitan, so i dont think raising an -orrian- army and keeping their aptitude for magic is so out of reach, is it?

As a last note, on the charr question, its possible that zhaitan didnt consider the charr killed near Orr a strong enough force to be bothered with.
I mean, charr at that time were savages with numbers, perhaps he had to choose between an super powered magic human army of zombies, or, a few thousand charr savages with a couple shaman casters in the middle….

( he was dormant, its possible he didnt wake ul in full force to raise everything. Even now when we kill something outside orr territory , its not risen in zhaitan’s control. Its power has limits as far as we know).

Thats my take anyway

So to, succeed in GW2, one must use a cookie cutter build/tank spec

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lctl.6198


Oh my god, imagine a group of 5 necros all rocking a dozen pets.

That needs to be done.


Or five mesmers with illusion builds.

Madness. Chaining chaos storm and blurred frenzy.

light/medium/heavy armor: disadvantages

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lctl.6198


Stopped reading at the “designed for 1on1 combat”.


Also , on topic, think its fine.