Showing Posts For Lexan.5930:
after the august 8th path i was interested in the changes to signets of suffering. That extra power from signet of spite plus having that extra power in reaper shroud with all that extra ferocity.
So for kicks i took out a 4-mil HP golem, put 25 might on me and 25 vuln on it. No food or other buffs.
9.5k dps sustained, 10k at end with arc-dps (tos version) showing a max peek of 12.5k.
figured i would share it. Not the highest dps and probably not optimized rotation either.
dont rag on me too much :p
pic here
build here
a new rune focused on all condi’s would be really nice with a 6 set bonus thats not just one thing or something that doesn’t benefit us
shroud decay i dont think so since with the signet changes if you take signet of undeath you can stay in reaper shroud for like ever.
As for the barrier degen time yes that would be really nice. Then barrier could be used even earlier and you could time things better. I would love to see even a small buff like 225 concentration for a .3 second increese. That lines up with the shade minor trait and wont be a huge scale to just have barrier for like 10 seconds.
so i was doing some rough math and i’m curious what this will mean for condi gearing come expansion time.
per the trait fell beacon ( we get 7% expertise based on condi damage. lets say we have 1700 condi damage and we’re taking lingering curse. 1850 condi damage and 50% scepter condi duration
currently on my necro I have 420 expertice with mostly viper and some sinister. With the 7% trait that bumps up to 549 (extra 129) Then add in the 225 we get from 3 shades being out and we get 774 expertise (minus fractions)
with 15 expertise =1% condi duration thats 51.6% increese durration right there.
then 4 nightmare runes and 2 trapper runes for another 25% and with current gear, no food, beta traits i’m up to a nice 76.6% condi duration. All condi durations. yay for burning.
Take some pizza with you and have fun.
might actually be switching back to some sinister gear for more crits, condi dmg from target the weak and thus even more expertise.
thanks Anet
This is for Nos and his best advice ever on stream!!!
Had some fun times burn and condi bombing with shades on points and being able to run in sometimes drop elite and tele out with wurm since sand surge is broken ATM.
Enjoy playing it and ripping it to shreads
Any news if going full shouts and bleed duration gear is better than other combos? Like even running thorns or a general all Condi duration 100%?
Really excited for the GS and shroud changes for power necros and cant wait yo try them out in a raid. The Condi changes help a little with ramping and burst dps with RS 5+4.
Need to see how the numbers actually fall out in a real fight and not theoretical. I hope people start taking Condi necros again and being at least ok with power necro in raids if they can perform.
Deathly chill bleed buff is really good. Get your Condi duration up and its a constant 3 stacks all the time. This adds more pressure after ramp up and will increese Condi overall dps
Cant wait to try out the greatsword changes.
And yea theoretical is not obtainable in a real fight. Neuro has really good consistant dps in figbts but people only want what they think is the best.
Very true about so I, we shouldnt have to be forced to take it. But I have noticed that people expect you to take it. It does make me laugh when some necros pop it when there is only 1 target and nothing else
Would love to see an overall buff to necro. Gonna actually try out a power build in a raid now that dps meters are ok
necro’s aren;t wanted in raids much any more. MOstly cuz the single target condi dmg from rangers or most other condi classes outshines us by a fair amount.
Most people want necro for EPI, and thats it. epi is awesome for multi but unsless on single. So i was thinking what about adding a condi dmg modifier for epi per targets NOT hit.
IE, you use pei on a target, it hits 5 others. Normal epidemic usage as it currently stants
You use epi on 1 target, you hit 4 targets, you get 30 condi dmg for 10 seconds.
you hit 3 targets, you get 60 condi dmg for 10 seconds
basicly for each target you do not hit you get 30 condi dmg for 10 secdons. This would allow necro’s to use epi on single bosses and get some burst condi dmg.
Yea. Necro is so underwhelming each match ive played and even last season. Long skill casts, no huge burst skill combos, and a host of other shortcommings.
So many people I know say that DS is so good and we should stop complaining. What most people dont understand is that you can still get stunned, dazed, knocked down/back, feared, stunned, hit, Condi damage and everything else that you can in normal mode.
They dont know that its a 1 second life extender in a team fight rather than a true game changer
So almost everyone else gets some sort of change (dept warrior cuz they are soooooo very balanced right now in PvP) and necro gets nothing. Where’s the changes to literally anything to give us something new to play with.
Condi gets cleansed too easily for a lot of people. So many other classes have access to ridiculous amounts of stability and stuns. On demand immunity from all damage and yes some classes burst has been reduced but there is still a massive amount of burst in the game.
So far the class that was “designed” to outlast oponents in PvP gets outasted and burst down faster than most other classes. The ones that could get burst down quickly have escape options or other survivabily tools at thier disposal.
TLDR: necro still sub par in survivability, damage and movement in PvP.
Yea necro is great against ai that can barely think and is easy to predict and move around especially open world.
How many solo arah Neuro runs are there.
Necro gets some stuff but its realy ability is how lackluster it can be in specific situations
At least there were changes. Necro still being shafted
I just wanted to thank you guys, this seasons changes are very well though out.
I always wanted to feel almost compleetly ineffective in a PvP match and this season as a necro you have given that to me.
Thank you for giving other classes more survivability options, beter access to stability, much faster retreat and engagement abilities, far more burst damage, immunity, blocks, and most importantly, more cc than you can shake a dolyak at.
This season is going to be the most balanced yet!!
Working as intended.
Lol omg this actually made me laugh out loud.
And yep, warriors are massively OP, necros are very much UP and rangers are in the middle somewhere
Haven’t read everything but blade shards going in yay.
Infusions should defiantly get spots, they already pull from the bank when in the fractal hub, so having a spot for them would make sense.
Bloodstone ruies and petrified wood would be really nice.
Nero was “designed” with the idea to outlast your opponent so low mobility unfortunately is part of our class. I have found that staying alive is very hard in the power burst meta of this season, especially as a condi Nero. The warm up time for condis, especially in a 1v1 is too long and your mostly dead, or they are cleansed, before your condis are worth it.
I’ve been running a power build myself to stay alive a bit longer and do some damage in the fights.
I hope to submit it to meta battle soon as I see a marked survival increase in playing lately.
either the boon corrupt has to go or be replaced by boon removal
or the skill has to become an actual ranged projectile so it can be reflected
Its a slow skill that only corrupts 1 boon every 3 seconds and can be blocked or missed if the best I is blinded. I have seen some power burst builds put out more damage and CC in 3 seconds that 3 bleeds 1 poison and 1 more condition can do in the same amount of time. Scepter is not the porblem, its probably them using it while your being focused by another character so they can keep stripping your boons.
To the OP, yes I have been having a real hard time this season.
There’s so much more burst in the game this season that I find going condi is too difficult. People can kite or cc you or just cleanse condis so that you feel very innefective.
Latley I’ve been running a power build with shouts.
Blood magic, soul reaping and reaper with great sword + axe warhorn that’s pretty decent. I find I have more sustain in team fights, I can handle thieves and warriors burst for the most part and help out in team fights a lot with the aoe blind on GS.
Basicly I would say try out a lot of different things now since there is so much change in PvP for next this season.
minions still take 90% reduced damage from pve enemies so it looks like the toughness change was primarily so that minions die faster in pvp. While i dont run minions in pvp, it would look like rise for survivability got double nerfed with the damage mitigation reduction and the survivability of the minions nerfed.
but hey, changes to dagger and axe, yay???
I work late week days and am looking for a late night raiding guild, I’m that really good necro you might take.
Who can i message about joining up and maybe subbing in sometime?
Died in pvp and tried tro see what killed me. Whats the second skill down?
looks like migraine from GW1
What happened to the system last season where you would be matched with people in your league, and why are the players not spread out more.
dire with krait runes, have fun
I have noticed that the freeze ability of the son of svanir boss in the frozen fractal pops you out of shroud instead of freezing you.
As for pvp, donno, necro feel like …. bent right now.
I decided to try druid in pvp for the first time and omg that staff auto is sick. 1200 range, instant hit, tracking, super fast AA.
I think that staff is good, marks are a lot of fun and good area deny, what i wish is a AA change. Reduce the dmg by 15%, increase the projectile speed 75% and the attack speed by 10%
its sad when i can strafe the hands coming from a necro staff AA but he can’t do that with a druids.
I’ve recently been using coruptors fervor over death nova, for pve and pvp. Full viper gear and with flesh of the master I can get over 1600 toughness easily. Death magic feels really good right now adding defensive and minion options and it can synergize with condi and power builds
Had an interesting experience in the aetherblade fractal today. My group was dead at the rotating lazer fence grid except me, but I couldn’t get out of combat because of my minions.
I love that they are viable cuz they take less damage but I was wondering if we could get a kill all minions button for those times where we want to get out of combat but those pesky jagged horros just won’t die fast enough.
EDIT: never mind i found it, its called moa in pvp, kills everything and helps reduce survivability
(edited by Lexan.5930)
In a Raid setting the changes lowered the Condi Reaper’s DPS slightly, however you can now stack Reapers without overwriting the damage.
With full Raid buffs and 100% Bleeding duration the new Deathly Chill applies roughly 2900 damage over 16 seconds according to my calculations, so unless you manage to apply Chill every 3rd second it is a DPS nerf compared to the old trait.
It is IMO an unwarranted nerf to PvE and Raid players, but I agree with the idea of the stacking/overwriting problem.
I think it would be better if the trait applied e.g. 2 stacks of 8 s torment instead.Edit: I also think the Whirl finisher nerf on RS4 was totally unneeded, we barely have any finishers at all, why nerf the only useful one we have?
This is a superb post. I would prefer 2 stacks of bleeds to torment.
Also the flat nerf to RS 4, very UN needed. Ok less hits but the hits could use a tiny .1 buff to compensate.
My rotation is all weird, you can’t do RS 5 with RS 3 on during the entire RS 4 animation and makes fear bombing after a non thing now, or you get cc’ed in the middle. Feels really weird now, more like rushing to get a rotation in, or not a rotation just waiting to use it or not at all.
Thanks for saying that as a thief main. I miss my chill dmg and feel like they could have just reduced duration and that would have been fine. Necro does feel old school again, less variety and a bigger focus on bleeds rather than condi in general.
So last night I did some dps checks on the 4mil test dummy in the new training instance.
Full ascended viper armor and weapons, 4 rune of nightmare, 2 runes of the trapper, sinister trikets with a sinister/rabid back piece. Rune of malice and bursting, on both weapons sets.
Curses – bot top bot
Death – top top top
Reaper – top bot middle
Blood fiend, BIP, CPC, Rise!, litch form
Sol, self buffed no food I was getting around 8,800 dps. When I get home tonight I’m gonna try full rune of the krait since most of our dps is bleeds anyway and thorns is decent but not the easiest to get.
Anyone else have any numbers for rune sets and maybe skills to optimise the even bigger focus on bleeds we have now?
I would say it’s more like 4 stacks of bleeds for pvp with suffer and chilled to the bone, if we’re still using the same build as last season – chill shoutmancer.
While I see the point about bleeds being more consistent dmg over chill, it was a really interesting unique class mechanic. I wish they would have kept it as a mechanic rather than just pushing it into a lackluster old mechanic that just applies more bleeds.
So, rune of the kait anyone?
The changes to deathly chill are not good. From a damage standpoint its a DPS loss.
From a mechanics standpoint it feels bland now, chill condi was really fun to play with, and felt like a cold death reaper closing in for the kill.
I can understand changing it so that necros aren’t fighting for dmg like we were pre condi latch, but I felt like this was a really cool feature to the reaper spexlc. There’s a lot to do with chill in the spec and this was a way to make it condi related, but now reaper has lost a bit of shiny.
I wish they could have either kept the time of chill the same and reduced the condi dmg multiplier or reduced the timers and kept the condi dmg the same. Either that or make it 2 stacks of bleeds.
I don’t like this change. From a damage side it’s a straight nerf in dps, from a mechanics side, it makes condi necro feel kinda bland again. We barley get burn, the poison is alright but again we go back to pretty much bleeding as the end all be all
For pvp this flat out sucks. Can’t do enough condi dmg as Elle or guardian or hevk even theife since most people can cleanse them so fast. Now we lose any kind of “burst” condi that’s reliable. And chilling victory becomes mostly useless.TLDR : chill changes are bad, they should have left the condi dmg and reduced the duration or left the durrations and left the condi dmg
I don’t like this change. From a damage side it’s a straight nerf in dps, from a mechanics side, it makes condi necro feel kinda bland again. We barley get burn, the poison is alright but again we go back to pretty much bleeding as the end all be all
For pvp this flat out sucks. Can’t do enough condi dmg as Elle or guardian or hevk even theife since most people can cleanse them so fast. Now we lose any kind of “burst” condi that’s reliable. And chilling victory becomes mostly useless.
TLDR : chill changes are bad, they should have left the condi dmg and reduced the duration or left thendurrations and left the condi dmg
I love the new boon strip options. Running curses in pvp is now an option and makes team fights with weakening shroud kinda cool.
The aa boon strip is slow but really nice onnsingle target and makes pve easy for condi as well as signet power.
Having these changes is really really nice and makes the necro feel more versatile for boon strip.
The corrupt boon changes are a 40% buff and I love it
Yup i did that and it works now, thanks
since wintersday patch i have been charging towards enemies nearby that i am not targeting. This really suck in spvp when i’m trying to run away and i get back int he fray and get cleaved down. Anyone else having this issue?
yes you can rebuy the recipie from hobbs, thank you for the help, i’m not freeking out that i have to get my necro to 450 in all those
Just did puzzle a few minutes ago and a good portaion of my guild got no personal reward chest at the end.
Anet should have kept the end chest and put a simple trash item in there, maybe some flavor text, and then tied your personal reward to the end chest, like that did before
Elite Specializations & Hero Point Feedback [Merged]
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Lexan.5930
BOO!!!! Reducing the points is a bad idea, I wholy disagree with it. I really enjoyed having things unlock slowly. I liked having it feel really meaningful to unlock a new trait or skill. To play the elite spec semi complete and still be viable out in pve. Then when I unlocked a new trait or skills I really felt like I was getting more powerful.
Unlocking things slowly forced me to play better and made each upgrade feel more impactful, meaningful and honestly made the game more fun.
Please go back to 400, or at least 350.
Thanks for posting about it gale. I noticed it when I played a little today. I wonder if it has to do with Halloween stuff like being the mad king labyrinth putting your mastery exp bar to 0/0 or something like that.
Either way haloween looks awesome this year and I’m excited to play with my wife when we get home from work tonight. She says hi and hopes you remember us from pax east
Omg yes yes yes, I have been waiting for this fornmy necromancer, thank you so much
lol yea just saw that, fixed
Just logged in and my beta character is now gone from my character select screen, did anet delete them by accident?
With the new rise skill MM can be decent with lots of them running around. Might help reduce enemy aoe dmg, think I’ll try out reaper mm in the bwe. I wish flesh golem was better though, the active skill just doesn’t cut it