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in PvP

Posted by: Lich King.1524

Lich King.1524

They removed it from Ranked, its still in Unranked though. Sad, at least it was different than point vs point.

Nothing to say SAD imho. Very good that they removed this stupid Stronghold from ranked.

It is boring gameplay with too many NPCs now.
Something like GvG parody from GW1.
- Stupid gates that can be broken by NPCs only,
- Gathering materials to make NPCs
- Too weak NPCs
All definitely wrong design decisions.

just protecting NPC must be much stronger like in GW1
basicaly no need to invent anything, just copy past GvG from gw1,
make it 8v8 and make leaderboard for guilds.
That’s it.

Weaver Sw Build/Rotation after 3 Days Testing

in Elementalist

Posted by: Lich King.1524

Lich King.1524

Is that enough to make this an easy choice? It depends on the power-to-condi damage ratio in your rotation. The more damage tips toward physical, the more beneficial Grieving will be. The more damage tips toward condi, the more beneficial Sinister will be.

I calculated the difference in crit chance. I am not sure I understand what you’re trying to say here. Your final number of a 4.6% advantage for Grieving to power based damage is correct, but earlier you cite a .08% advantage. What is that supposed to represent? Are you saying it is only a 4.6% advantage with the raid buffs? That would be entirely incorrect.

Here is the setup you described. It’s off by only one power and two condition damage from the one I linked, so it’s another way of getting to pretty much exactly the same thing.

With Sinister, your setup has 2262 power, 39.29% crit chance, 150% crit damage, and 1610 condition damage.

Swap that to Griever, and you will have 2323 power, 34.14% crit chance, 163.8% crit damage, and 1543 condition damage.

With Sinister, the effective power is 2262*.39*1.5+2262*.61 = 2703
With Griever, the effective power is 2323*.34*1.638+2323*.66 = 2826

2826/2703=1.045 or a 4.5% advantage.

WITH raid buffs, you would have:

Spotter+Banner of Discipline+Fury=35.2% crit chance
Banner of Discipline=11.3% crit damage
Empower Allies + Banner of Strength + Pinpoint Distribution + 25 Might = 1070 Power/Condition Damage
Frost Spirit + 5 GOTL = 17.5% damage bonus or 10% condition damage bonus

Altogether, that gives:

Sinister = 3332 power, 74.5% crit chance, 161.3% crit damage, and 2680 condition damage.

Grieving = 3393 Power, 69.3% Crit chance, 175.1% crit damage, and 2613 condition damage

Altogether, Sinister gives an effective power of: (3332*.745*1.613+3332*.255)*1.175 = 4385.6

Altogether, Grieving gives and effective power of: (3393*.693*1.751+3393*.303)*1.175 =6045.7

It’s an enormous difference: a 38% boost to power based damage over Sinister, and remember that in either rotation, about 50% of the pre-stat damage is power based AND that this is BEFORE factoring in Weaver’s 7% extra crit chance and ferocity bonus from the grandmaster trait.

What bonus to condition damage do we get from taking Sinister instead? It’s a bit easier to calculate because of the way condition damage works. Factoring in the 10% bonus from Weaver’s Prowess, we’d be getting 73.7 extra condition damage, which is worth 4.4 per bleed and 11.4 per burn or 4.84 per bleed and 12.54 per burn after GOTL. Does it add up? Yes. Fennec had the better condition uptime than me (obviously) and at the height of it there were about 27 burns and 20 bleeds. That was when he had Arcane Power pumping out burns to other players. The rest of the time, he was averaging around 12 burns and 40 bleeds (this is actually being generous, I think).

So at the peaks the Sinister gear would be giving 435 extra DPS (27 * 12.54 + 20 * 4.84) and on the average would be closer to 344 extra DPS (12 * 12.54 + 40 * 4.84). (This is factoring in Weaver’s 10% condition damage bonus). The question is, what’s better? 435 DPS (which is higher than reality as that is the peak, not average, value), or the DPS you gain from the extra 1660 effective power (which is NOT factoring in Weaver’s extra power damage bonuses)?

Ahh, well guess what: the wiki now has the damage coefficients: lucky us! We’ll use Fennec’s rotation since he’s much better than me. One trip through his rotation takes 16 seconds. In that time, he uses:

Signet of Fire
Earth AA parts 1+2+3+1+2
Earth 2
Earth/Earth 3
Fire 2
Fire/Earth 3
Fire AA parts 1+2+3+1+2+1+2+3
Fire/Fire 4
Fire/Fire 3
Fire 2
Earth AA parts 1+2+1+2+3

Signet of Fire: coef = .5
Fire AA1: coef = .2
Fire AA2: coef = .2
Fire AA3: coef = 1.25
Fire 2: coef = .25 hit and .14 per 2x pulses
Fire 3: coef = 1.75
Earth AA1: coef = .66
Earth AA2: coef = .19
Earth AA3: coef = .25
Earth 2: coef = .25
Earth 3: coef = .64
Fire/Earth 3: coef = .08

In the rotation, that works out to a total of 13.88*1660 = 23,040.8*1000 (Weapon Strength) / 2597 (heavy raid boss armor) / 16 seconds = 554.5 DPS.

It looks like Griever’s is the clear winner. We can see for sure come September, but for now this is the best I can do with the raw numbers and videos from this weekend.

By the way, if we did want to factor in the extra 20% condition damage from Weave Self, which nobody really used this weekend because it makes the rotations weird but may prove useful with alacrity, then you’d be getting a 10% bonus 100% of the time and a 30% bonus 18.2% of the time. On average, your total gained condition damage from sinister then would be (67*1.3*.182)+(67*1.1*.818) = 76.14, which is an extra .37 per burn with GOTL and an extra .16 per bleed with GOTL. Needless to say, this doesn’t change the result.

sorry to say, it does not work in sPvP at all.

Any use of Blindness in PvP?

in PvP

Posted by: Lich King.1524

Lich King.1524

It is immensely strong condition if you understand other professions. Definitely takes much more skill to use than weakness where you just put on opponent and benefit immediately.

Just one example from mesmer perspective. Shadow shot shuts down mesmer shield block hard. The skill is unblockable and a blind mesmer will not be able to summon the shield phantasm. Given how important phantasm is to a chronomancer, preventing is from spawning is very impactful in the fight.

you are talking about thief, may be its just overpowered by using such blind
but other professions have almost useless blind on skills:

Blinding Flash, once per 10s, so we skip 1 attack from 1 enemy during 10s.
Lets take thief: thief can make 20-40 attacks during this time at least if not more, in sPvP enemy may push 1 target to get it down, lets take 3 enemy: then I may receive 60-120 attacks in 10s, so its around 1/60 – 1/120 = 1.6% – 0.8% of damage reduction, so we may assume about 1% of damage reduction (if all attacks are equal),
so it’s just nothing, you can not rely on it, you should not event think that it helps.
its like a lottery with 1% chance, than may be it pevent not 100 damage, but 7k damage with crit. lottery where you will loss in 99% cases. vs 1 enemy chances bit higher, but still about nothing, we can not rely on it

So will weaver receive a buff?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Lich King.1524

Lich King.1524

It definitely needs a buff in PvP.

Ele has not had a truly viable DPS spec in PVP for a long time. If not now, when?

Ehh, Scepter/Focus Fresh Air is still pretty good.

On weaver Fresh Air does not work well

Any use of Blindness in PvP?

in PvP

Posted by: Lich King.1524

Lich King.1524

Stacks for blinding HAHAHAHAHA , yea man , nothing would be broken resulting from that at all.

Most of skills will provide 1 stack of blind, so it will not change anything vs today.
Also the condition duration is short anyway still.

For some skills will be possible to make necessary adjustments (add 1-3 stacks of blind)
Arenanet will able to decide where it’s useful.

Honestly I think it’s a brilliant idea

(edited by Lich King.1524)

Any use of Blindness in PvP?

in PvP

Posted by: Lich King.1524

Lich King.1524

I just don’t get this condi: whenever i use it in PvP as Thief it seems that it doesn’t have any effect on my opponents. I can spam Blindness forever but still being destroyed within 4 or 5 seconds lol. If i use it on pve mobs, especially Black Powder and Shadow Shot, it works as intended, but in PvP, nope. I use Shadow Shot on Guardian, he hits me for 50% of my health in next 0.5 seconds. Blind him again and again with Shadow Shot or Black Powder, nothing happened, i am dead just 3 sec latter.
I understand there is a condi cleanse in the game but they can’t just spam it, like i can spam Blindness, right? How can my opponent hits me over and over again in melee range, if i stand in Black Powder is beyond me.

Thank you for very good topic!
I believe it’s fully useless in PvP now, but it can be fixed by Arenanet, if they will introduce stacks for Blind, like for [Stability], then normal skill have to provide 3-4 stacks of blind, then it will be more remarkable.

[Feedback]Path of Fire Elite Specialization Preview - August 18-20

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lich King.1524

Lich King.1524

So far my experience about weaver (played 3 days sPvP):

The good:
- become complex;
- more flexibility;
- the design idea is not just great – it’s genius idea;
- nice animation;

The bad:
- the implementation of this idea is NOT FUN due to GCD, we can not react to problems anymore; even arcane path does not help much;
The feeling of weaver – slow and clunky gameplay. Like under constant “stun” debuff.
- So this long GCD on attunement swap is the most annoying thing in whole PoF PvP
– skills on off-hand become unusable.
Example: I am under heavy-pressure from enemy and I want to use ASAP [Obsidian Flesh], I switch to Earth, but just main-hand was switched, need to wait 4s cooldown, then press again Earth, so around 5s I must wait before [Obsidian Flesh] , during this time I will be already killed 2-3 times in pvp… Unravel is too weak to take it on to skill-slot
- weak sustainability in general, zero condy removal in condy meta is a joke.
also no regen from stances -> no condy removal from water trait, if take condy removal skills, then lose stances;
- shield is so small – totally useless (just look to damage from enemies, from deadeye for example …)
- fresh air trait become unusable, because of attunement logic
- no enough blast finishers/combo fields (stance=no blast), during long GCD on attunement switching combo fields expired too fast! blasts on right hand are unusable
- useless Elite ,even just primordal stance is much stronger
- sword skills need some damage buff ,
- dual skills have to be more usefull on scepeter (add conditions)

How to improve:
- remove 4s cooldown (GCD) on attunement switching , you may leave CD on attunement that you left.
- increase shield by 250-300% at least;
- add regeneration on a stance 6s, make stance 50%-70% longer and reduce CD OR add aura to each stance
- increase longevity of combo fields (water 40% / fire 60%)
- add removing of some enemy’s buffs to Elite perfect wave, otherwise enemy will ignore this CC just by using one simple stack of stability
- sword skills add 40-50% to damage
- add conditions to Scepeter dual skills at least (Scepeter use to be condy weapon)
- make dual skill stronger than normal 3 skills (Phoenix)

(edited by Lich King.1524)

Weaver Attunement suggestion

in Elementalist

Posted by: Lich King.1524

Lich King.1524

Anet please keep the 4 seconds cooldown on attunement. I want to play Weaver like it was meant to be played.

Please ignore all those who argues for reducing of GCD. They only have 1 day of experience & are just n00bs. Internal testers who probably played the class for over a year should be proper master on this.

It’s empty statement.

Reasons why it’s very bad idea were described many times already.
If you want may it repeat once more:

4s CD means:

1. off hand weapon skills (usually protection) are not available for fast access -> very bad sustainability
2. slow gameplay, fells like always under stun. Impossible to react properly on situation.
3. attunements buffs expired, impossible to stack
4. worse condy removal on water (impossible to switch fast)
5. improssible to blast from 3-5 skills – because combo fields expires during this CD, much worse self buffs
6. dps, sustain, heal, condy removal – everething weaker than tempest
7. broken fresh air trait because of new attunements logic

as a result slow, clunky, not fun gameplay, out of spvp meta basically

on top of that bad sustainability, average dps, broken shield mechanics

Feedback thread for Weaver!

in Elementalist

Posted by: Lich King.1524

Lich King.1524

In my opinion Weaver does not have any issues with the ICD atunement swapping, since we have enough evades

are you serious? nothing close to this
99% people here said: weaver has issues with CD on attunement swapping.

evades? not enough, on most weapons just 1 or 2 evades with long CD, and inaccesible when really necessary due to attunement swapping CD.

so it’s just nothing.

(edited by Lich King.1524)

Feedback thread for Weaver!

in Elementalist

Posted by: Lich King.1524

Lich King.1524

Thats actually not true.If you use earthen elemental barrier plus the earth elemental attack and double dodge you get up to 8k barrier.

Right, the mighty 8k barrier that disappears after 3 seconds, leaving you with no defensive option left since you blew everything trying to create that barrier.

Any thief will just eat a weaver alive in 2 seconds.


while weaver will wait 5s CD to use [Obsidian Flesh] thief can kill him 2 times.

or necro will put to you 9 heavy conditions as once and you have no ways to remove them, because your water is not accesible 4s and even then will remove 1 condition…

(edited by Lich King.1524)

Feedback thread for Weaver!

in Elementalist

Posted by: Lich King.1524

Lich King.1524


- the idea of mixing elements, it’s great!


- the implementation of this idea

More details:
- CD 4s on elements swap is a mistake. all people mentioned it above. It prevents the usage of other attunements, you can not maintain buffs from them anymore. You can not react (switch to water). It prevents the usage of all off hand weapons, you can not anymore use blast finishers or protection skills from focus or movement from dagger, nothing, even combo fields are expired due this delay. Why need to have CD 4s if all skills have own CD already?
Need to set this CD to 0. Just previous attunement can have 4s cd (to avoid returning back too fast). If I switching from full Fire to Earth, just fire can be on CD, other elements (Earth, Lightning, Water) should be accessible immediately.

- no single button to swap to full element. Not possible to react on a problem using off hand. As a result it is not fun to play at all, even more: it’s very annoying (all people mentioned it as well).
Has to be another row of buttons to switch to full element or just allow the double click on attunement to switch to full element.

- lack of condition removal. Does not work in PvP. Any condy class will kill this weaver very fast. Otherwise people will not use stances and must take condy removal skills, then what the point of stances? Can be fixed by adding regeneration to stances, then water will be used as condy removal.

- lack of protection (-40%). can be fixed by increasing of shielding mechanics by 2-3 times (at least!) or adding auras to stances. Then protection will be granted from earth.

- shielding mechanics, does not work, too small- useless as a result. has to be increased 2-3 times at least. too small scaling from healing power.

- not enough combo fields and blast finishers. or need drop stances. Ele without self-buffs? on Tempest I easily can have 25 might, but not on weaver.

- too slow skills on sword (execution time) 0.75-1s it’s too much for so small damage.
currently HoT tempest making MUCH higher damage.

- healing stance almost useless.

- CD on stances is too big, duration of stances is too short.

(edited by Lich King.1524)

PoF - Elementalist - Weaver

in PvP

Posted by: Lich King.1524

Lich King.1524

Unplayable. Even vanilla Elementalist is more effective in PvP than Weaver.


4.5s CD on each attunement swap is a total garbage, playing like under constant “stun”

PoF - Elementalist - Weaver

in PvP

Posted by: Lich King.1524

Lich King.1524

The idea to combine 2 attunements was great.
Unfortunately the implementation killed this idea!
Weaver is NOT flexible, due to 4.5s CD on attunements and extra button (press attunement twice) for complete the switching!

To be flexible and fluent weaver MUST have immediate choose – switch an attunement fully or partially, then it will be FUN.

Need to have different UI, for example 2 rows of buttons of attunements , 1st row for full switch to desired attunement, another row – for partial switch, to combine it with current attunement, then if will be fluent, understandable, flexible and FUN.

Arenanet understood the problem during testing and tried to solve it by using another stance, just ridiculous and unusable solution, because of extra button and extra CD (need to spend skill-slot for this action).

Just imagine to understand it: let’s say we have a warrior with 2 weapons, in order to switch to another weapon you must take special skill to skill bar, and press this skill first (wait for GCD) then press weapon swap button, and then later you have long CD, where you must WAIT 4.5 on each weapon swap and press swap button twice – just unusable story, totally unnecessary complexity and NOT FUN.

(edited by Lich King.1524)

PoF - Elementalist - Weaver

in PvP

Posted by: Lich King.1524

Lich King.1524

Let’s discuss weaver!

So far my experience:

- become very complex;
- much harder access to skills;
- very annoying – skills on right hand are unusable, because need to use attunements two times. Example: I am under heavy-pressure from enemy and I want to use ASAP [Obsidian Flesh], I switch to Earth, but just left hand was switched, need to wait 4s cooldown, then press again Earth, so around 5s I must wait before [Obsidian Flesh] , during this time I will be already killed 2 times in pvp… Unravel is too weak to take it on to panel
- weak sustainability in general, no regen-> no condy removal from water trait, if take condy removal skills, then lose stances; shield is too small, and almost useless.
- fresh air trait become unusable, because of attunement logic
- no enough blast finishers (stance=no blast), during attunement cooldown combo fields expired too fast

How to improve:

- remove 4s cooldown when switch to one attunement; so next switch to the same attunement could be done immediately, alternatively you can move urgent “oh sh….t skills” to left hand, like ([Obsidian Flesh]) to improve access to them;
- increase shield by 150%;
- add regeneration on a stance 6s, make stance longer and reduce CD;
- increase longevity of combo fields (water 30% / fire 50%)
- add aura to each stance (-40% damage from [Elemental Shielding])

(edited by Lich King.1524)

Sildar's digital paintings

in Community Creations

Posted by: Lich King.1524

Lich King.1524

looks nice! thanks for creating!

Joke balance with elementalist

in PvP

Posted by: Lich King.1524

Lich King.1524

Ele has been a mainstay in the meta since what 2014? Every time we see Anet change things we get the “Sky is Falling” threads from players about ele’s.

If they were some how nerfed out of the meta then so be it since they’ve been there for 3 years straight now.

p.s. FYI no class in the history of GW2 has been more OP then Ele. Remember 4x Ele winning a tournament with a bunch of no names beating pros? I do.

Its not about the sky falling its about how mindless the buffs / nerfs are. If you want to nerf ele protection up time you need to do more then kick one sec off of aura protection you need to deal with the underlining problem namely tempest’s protection up time. Ele core has been ok its tempest that is pushing it over the top in both def and akk. If you only go after the core ele your not fixing the power creep your simply making the power creep bigger.

The main problem in pvp-balance that Arenanet can not understand that protection has to be removed by players, not by developers. Then gameplay will be interesting and tactical.

As an example: do you remember in GW1?
Attacker must remove it from his target. Why developers try to reduce or remove protection? Give to players tools/skills to do it on their opponents! Otherwise in the end of such “pvp-balance” all classes will have average dps, average protection, average healing, same HP, same skills (may be with different names/colors), and completely boring&random gameplay.

Joke balance with elementalist

in PvP

Posted by: Lich King.1524

Lich King.1524

Even if it is a nerf to damage and sustain across the board (seriously, because of sigils? they contributed so little in PvP anyway) nerfing Elementalist’s one good role is madness.

Arenanet forgot the logic:
they nerfed the same sustain skills for tank and for glass cannon
then tank still can survive but not so long anymore,
but glass cannon will become a paper and can not live anymore

(edited by Lich King.1524)

Joke balance with elementalist

in PvP

Posted by: Lich King.1524

Lich King.1524

why OLD bug with [Strength of Stone] is not fixed still?
the trait must give condition damage based on toughness
for example:
[Stone Flesh] gives 150 toughness, bit it does not increase a condition damage with [Strength of Stone]
[Rock Barrier] gives 250 toughness, bit it does not increase a condition damage with [Strength of Stone]

Joke balance with elementalist

in PvP

Posted by: Lich King.1524

Lich King.1524

This is a joke? My already ridiculous and poor elementalist got another big nerf – obsidian flesh. What about making absolutly useless skills of fire focus (fire wall and fire aura) actually normal skills? I dont play defensive or support ele, i like damage and i play zerk scepter focus, but with this update things are going worse and worse. When i enter PVP with zerk ele everyone is laughing because i play it and they dont understand i dont play support. Wtf? i thought this game should be adjustable and you should play what you want to play. But you obviously dont like some players want to play damage elementalist. Bye bye PVP! going to another pvp game because this balance is a garbage.

Agree, DPS and glass/cannon build required at least some protection, some “oh kitten buttons”, otherwise these builds it’s just a paper. So we more and more forced to play support. Why to play elem dont know…

buff elementalist's pls

in PvP

Posted by: Lich King.1524

Lich King.1524

Need to rework Eles.
At this moment it’s completely not fun to play Ele anymore.

Look what Anet did:
Ele works as tempest only. Other builds are way too bad.
But tempest is a melee fighter (because overloads, etc)
But no armor or damage mitigation and weak damage.
What a crap idea behind this?
To remove all dps builds and make a healbot? But why then heal was nerfed too?
As result we have weak heal-bot who can’t heal much, an can’t protect even himself
or glass cannon with no dps.

I stoped playing Ele this season, waiting when Anet will fix the ele.

Dear Anet! Please just decide what Archetype you want to have from Ele as primary in PvP?

- melee healbot? aoe or target?
- melee dps? aoe or target?
- range dps? aoe or target?
- range healbot? aoe or target?
- melee tank? or range?
- point holder or point puller?
- melee buffer or range buffer?
- power dps or condy dps?
etc etc

then make proper build/skills design based on selected Archetype

And please make more than 1 viable build…

(edited by Lich King.1524)

PvP devs can't directly change skills

in PvP

Posted by: Lich King.1524

Lich King.1524

I disagree with this idea (exclusive amulets/class).

For example:

Elementalist has SO many unused/useless traits and skills.

New/exclusive amulets will not solve this!

Need to ajust skills/traits to make them usable.

When you saw last time for example a build with conjured shield? Or any other conjured build? Never!
Or who take today “blinding ashes”? No any single player.

Bacause just too big CD, or too long execution, or no damage, or uselsss effects, or bad synergy,
All these things are solvable.

Removing Amulets will NOT Solve the Problem [Merged]

in PvP

Posted by: Lich King.1524

Lich King.1524

I think the Cleric Amulet needed to go, they got rid of Soldier, Soldier made you yourself sustainable but with Cleric people could heal 5 door breakers faster than a trebuchet could damage them. Usually hitting them twice with it is enough, a healer could pretty much negate the trebuchet damage. Magi, well it has vitality instead of toughness and precision instead of power. I can imagine a lot of healers will pay the gold and unlock it. Would like to see it go as well as it has the same healing power as Cleric so could be used to keep enemy NPCs alive pretty much indefinitely. Either that or bring back cleric but nerf the Tempest and Druid healing abilities beyond recognition. Nothing wrong with making them able to heal so that door breakers can survive an extra hit or so from the treb but not much more than that.

If this is about doorbreakers why dont make trebs 1shot them ( or giving them an unremoveable stack – they die at 2 stacks) instead of limiting build variety and purging eles from spvp?

Or God forbid actually balancing Eles so they can´t keep doorbreakers alive for large ammounts of time.

You know actually balance work instead of:

kitten that amulet is too hard to balance….no biggie remove it and let´s keep on rolling

I did suggest that, getting rid of Magi or bringing back Cleric but nerfing the healing ability Druids and Tempests have …

Man, may be you not aware, they did it,
they nerfed tempest’s healing abilities as well
they removed cleric amulet

no complains about amulet,
but why nerfed healing abilities too???!

How do you feel about damage/sustain of ele?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Lich King.1524

Lich King.1524

Ele will do tons of damage but get deleted faster than even thieves. Not sure it’s viable yet, but we’ll see.

Yea, without the avoidance mechanics of thief, damage that requires a larger windup, and less mobility, why would you ever play a glass ele over a thief, mesmer, or revenant?


Are condis gonna be stronger?

in PvP

Posted by: Lich King.1524

Lich King.1524

they just removed healers from the meta.

so game will be more chaotic now.

less strategy/tactic, in rotation, more chaos.

no need to think anymore who should go to where, just run and fingh and may be win.

lost mail item after 26-jul path

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Lich King.1524

Lich King.1524

Please check, I lost the mail with attached expensive item “Zojja’s Berserker Insignia”
My feeling that mail from Arenanet with “Infusion refund” just replaced and deleted my mail…

The reasons condi is out of hand

in PvP

Posted by: Lich King.1524

Lich King.1524

Conditions are OK itself.

If some classes able to spam them too much it’s not a big problem alone.

For example reaper is not a big problem. At least not too high armor. And not condy immune.

But if the class able to spam a lot of heavy conditions, has high survivability, has health regen, has high armor, able to be condy immun, able to interrupt very often, then… you know who is it:

Must be nerfed, one class should not have so much of everething.

Idea: gold betting in PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Lich King.1524

Lich King.1524

I doubt Anet wants to sell kids and teens a game with gambling as a supported aspect of the game.

Violence? OK! Gambling? HELL NO!

This is not idea about gambling, you making bet for your own game and result depends how good you are.

Idea: gold betting in PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Lich King.1524

Lich King.1524

Hello All,

Just thinking about simple idea how to have additonal fun and emotions in PvP:

Allow betting.

Let’s allow to each player to make his bet before fight. Total amount will go to winner.
(also reduce total amount for 15% to avoid cheating).

1st example: people want to fight 1v1, winner – who live, loser – who dead.
Each player making 100g bet. Total prize will be (100+100)*0.85=170g to winner.
If no one win in 10 minutes, then both loosing money.

2nd example: team fight NvN, standard condition to win: 500 points, or just more points when timer is out.

It’s easy to implement and additional fun.
To reduce complexity it can be an option for custom arenas only.

Betting can be in Gold or even in Gems.

Later this idea can be evolved even for tournaments.

new sPvP bugs

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Lich King.1524

Lich King.1524

Hey, Arenanet!

I have not seen it in patch notes, but looks like the “unable to move” bug was fixed. I played hundreds games – never happened anymore.
Thank you very much for this bug-fix!

What about others bugs? Are they registered in your bug-tracking system or not yet?

[Strength of Stone] – does not increase condition damage from [Stone Flesh] on switch to [Earth Attunement]
[Strength of Stone] – does not increase condition damage from [Rock Barrier]
[Rune of the Undead] – does not increase condition damage from [Stone Flesh] on switch to [Earth Attunement]
[Rune of the Undead] – does not increase condition damage from [Rock Barrier]

Unfortunately I found that “unable to move bug” was repeated yesterday 2 times.
Map “Skyhammer”. Day 2-jul-2016.

To solve it I typed: /sit, then was able to move again.

Others reported above bugs with trait [Strength of Stone] and [Rune of the Undead] are still here too.

(edited by Lich King.1524)

new sPvP bugs

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Lich King.1524

Lich King.1524

Hey, Arenanet!

I have not seen it in patch notes, but looks like the “unable to move” bug was fixed. I played hundreds games – never happened anymore.
Thank you very much for this bug-fix!

What about others bugs? Are they registered in your bug-tracking system or not yet?

[Strength of Stone] – does not increase condition damage from [Stone Flesh] on switch to [Earth Attunement]
[Strength of Stone] – does not increase condition damage from [Rock Barrier]
[Rune of the Undead] – does not increase condition damage from [Stone Flesh] on switch to [Earth Attunement]
[Rune of the Undead] – does not increase condition damage from [Rock Barrier]

Question about russian localization

in API Development

Posted by: Lich King.1524

Lich King.1524

Do you have any plans to make russian localisation for whole game?

(other game vendors did it succesful via local partners, like BlackDesertOnline, Blade&Soul, ArchAge, etc, etc)

Elementalist cant move if taunted.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Lich King.1524

Lich King.1524

I had the same (can’t move) pretty often on my ele, but in sPVP.

Very annoyng bug! Loosing match just because can’t move is not fair at all.

new sPvP bugs

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Lich King.1524

Lich King.1524

Please reply if you have these bugs in your bug-tracker so I do not need to repeate the post.

new sPvP bugs

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Lich King.1524

Lich King.1524


[Strength of Stone] – does not increase condition damage on switch to [Earth Attunement]

[Strength of Stone] – does not increase condition damage from [Rock Barrier]

[Rune of the Undead] – does not increase condition damage on switch to [Earth Attunement]

[Rune of the Undead] – does not increase condition damage from [Rock Barrier]


Often stuck in sPvP games now. Can not move.
In average happened in every 3rd game;
I suspect enemy CC-skills as a source, don’t know which one.
Only “/stuck” helps or enemy fear/launch/etc
Please fix it, this bug is so annoying!


(edited by Lich King.1524)

Metal Remix of "Heart of Thorns Theme"

in Community Creations

Posted by: Lich King.1524

Lich King.1524

So, a few of you might have heard this about a week ago, so now that it’s kind of been a sort-of Guild Chat exclusive (I made it to celebrate my visit to ANet) for a week, I feel that now’s a good time to put it up on the forums for anyone that missed it.

Pretty straight-forward metal mix with this one. If you like your music heavy, and like Guild Wars 2, you’re probably gonna like this.

Wow, i’m enjoyng it very much, thank you!

Legendary weapons

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lich King.1524

Lich King.1524

Hi all,

In the upcoming Spring 2016 Quarterly Update, we’ll launch the new legendary short bow, Chuka and Champawat. The team outdid themselves on this one. This new precursor journey takes you through a memorable experience inspired by a real-world story, and the bow you craft at the end is the perfect commemoration of that journey. I hope you all check it out.

Last year we talked about plans to gradually build out a second set of legendary weapons through live content updates. That’s a big responsibility. We have a team of six developers working on that, who could work on it for years to come.

As game director I have to make tough trade-offs. One thing I believe is that we have to focus on the core game first before taking on additional responsibilities. I wrote in the Guild Wars 2 Design Manifesto in 2010 that our vision was to create a living, dynamic world, where there’s always something to do. Let’s ensure we succeed on that front.

So, after shipping Chuka and Champawat, I’ve asked that we indefinitely suspend work on new legendary weapons. This team of developers will instead shift their efforts back to Living World style content, building new journeys and events for everyone to participate in.

I know this will be a controversial decision. I’ll hang out with you here on the forums for a little while today to discuss it. And I’m always available by email.


Dear Mike!
Thank you for the information.
I totally support this idea. Let’s use available resources with bigger benefit. We as players are hungry for adventures, another weapon skin does not matter much !

Also this decision helps to prevent “legendary inflation” when will be too many different legendary weapons.

Your Top 5 Suggestions to ANET sPvP

in PvP

Posted by: Lich King.1524

Lich King.1524

Dear Arenanet, please read it carefully, it is important!

1. Feedback/Comminication.
People love your game and want to improve it. This is win/win situation! However, need to improve the communication. These forums are so hard to manage for you, hard to read and almost impossible to extract useful information. Please think: you acts as a government in a country where you have so many citizens. However, no government exists who are using forums to have feedback from their citizens. So no need even to invent a wheel – use existing methods, for example: ideas&votes, top-voted ideas you must at least consider; (like in US if petition has more than 100,000 votes government will consider it)
So need to have simple method to create ideas (threads)&collect votes to this;

2. You need to think about the core of PvP
PvP will be fun if possible to react/counter. If something impossible to counter = no fun at all;
Remember GW1 has good system.
Additional benefit: each team-member even can have specific role, which increases fun and team play;
So skills and counters in GW1:
Strong spells => counter: visible progress bar and possible to interrupt/divert; role to counter – interrupter (messmer/ranger)
Strong melee (war) => counter: freeze them or blind; (freezer or blinder role);
Strong freezer (ele) => counter: interrupt him, or focus (he is weak);
Strong focus (war) => counter: heal/protection: monk can use spirit bond, infuse, etc;
Strong heal (monk) => counter: messmer can divert him, or possible to drain mana, or knockdown
Too strong ranger/interrupter => use diversion to prevent his interrupts;
Too Many conditions => Special skills to remove them;
Too Many hexs => Special skills to remove them;
etc. etc.
Too strong skills have even specific disadvantages:
Too strong heal from infuse? = > added strong disadvantage – sacrifice half of health of healer;
in Gw2 we have no such strong core-system. We have too many skills/traits and attempts to balance them;
However, core problem causes chaotic and dumber gameplay like:
This is any bunker: => how to counter? No class/skills to deal with him/counter him alone. We can try just: a) kill him (using 2-3 players) or avoid him; so no nice ways to react; In the end developers decided – bunkers are evil, let’s remove amulets; But proper way must be to create good counters!;
This is a Reaper: => how to counter? No class who can deal with him/counter him except another reaper. We can try just: a) kill him earlier until he too strong (2-3 players) or avoid him; so no nice ways to react;
This is a traps from DH: => how to counter? No ways as all, just stay away and wait when it finished;

Do you feel that something wrong here?

You need to have proper mathematical model with will tell you:
Action1 -> Counter1;
Counter1 -> Counter2;
Counter2 -> Counter3;

To have easier balancing for all classes, check them all:
Damage over time cannot be bigger than X
Heal over time cannot be bigger than Y
Damage reduction over time cannot be bigger than Z
Number of conditions cannot be bigger than T
Amount of CC cannot be bigger than N

3. PvP lobby. Waiting is most boring thing ever. Most of the time when I waiting for sPvP I just hide GW2 window and do something else.
Just imagine in order to PLAY your game, I will HIDE your game. This is clear indication – this is not fun;
Many suggestions was here: make crafting in lobby, make free pvp in lobby, make queue in pve, etc wherever you will do, will be better than today; (free pvp in lobby will be so funny!)

4. Too much visual noise in the game.
To have successful eSport, you must make all actions/counter actions visible and UNDERSTANDABLE for spectators. Otherwise, new viewers will not understand what is going on during a battle;
I know you many times improved this but still too much noise.
Some simply suggestions here:
Each skill with same effect (CC-effect) must have similar visual sign;
More important skills (most damaging, etc) – must be visually more visible;

5. Teambuilding
GW1 has nice feature: if you win as a random team, you can continue as a team; it will provoke to create teams and will improve the community in general, more people will stay in pvp;
Current automatic team-disband made many negative effects.

(edited by Lich King.1524)

bugs in PvP

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Lich King.1524

Lich King.1524

  • previously under [Obsidian Flesh] you had no damage from conditions, also no any patch notes said: “this is the change because …”
    with no reasons today [Obsidian Flesh] works exactly as [Mist Form] so we can consider this as a bug;
  • [Rock Barrier] under [Strength of Stone] and/or [Rune of the Undead] anyway must be fixed – clear bug;

Hey Arenanet, do you plan to fix [Strength of Stone] and [Rune of the Undead] ?
Should I remind you later again or it’s in your bug-tracker already?

bugs in PvP

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Lich King.1524

Lich King.1524

  • previously under [Obsidian Flesh] you had no damage from conditions, also no any patch notes said: “this is the change because …”
    with no reasons today [Obsidian Flesh] works exactly as [Mist Form] so we can consider this as a bug;
  • [Rock Barrier] under [Strength of Stone] and/or [Rune of the Undead] anyway must be fixed – clear bug;

(edited by Lich King.1524)

bugs in PvP

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Lich King.1524

Lich King.1524

Some bugs in skills:


  • trait [Strength of Stone] and [Rune of the Undead] both do not improve condition damage from skill [Rock Barrier]; /based on their description “% of toughness converted to condition damage”)
  • [Obsidian Flesh] does not protect from condition damage (starting from HoT launch);

Ele is dead

in PvP

Posted by: Lich King.1524

Lich King.1524

Btw, on last ESL Pro league, nobody play ele,
just revenants, messmers, necros, sometimes rangers…

So after this nerf I can predict nobody will play ele anymore without tempest traits.

Ele is dead

in PvP

Posted by: Lich King.1524

Lich King.1524

I think ele is OK now, removing celestial is a good move.


removing other amulets is a mistake
ele without any tanky amulets will die immediately against any other classes
it will be pure class cannon then…

let me explain:
- agains revenants – their direct damage so big today, ele 1v1 will die as soon as his defencive abilities will be on CD -30s-40s
- against Reapers – same, when condy removal on CD ele will die; reaper too strong as condy dps + wells CC + direct damage power pressure;

Let players to choose: DPS – new runes; or SUPPORT / just remove celestial, keep others;

Also just make analysis in your pvp logs to understand: why people rarely win today in spvp without tempest trait line? because ele too weak without tempest;
After HoT we tried to play without tempest trai – it’s impossible!

Today: tempest + auras + earth + tanky runes give good survvability to ele;

if you will remove ALL tanky runes, then you FORCE all eles to use tempest only, or ele will be totally useless;

Options to solve the issue:

1) removing tanky runes please buff other traits lines (non tempest)
2) remove celestial amulet only: it will give possibility for playes to choose: tanky ele with small dps, or high DPS glass cannon – fair enough.

(edited by Lich King.1524)

Exotics Drop Rate

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Lich King.1524

Lich King.1524

They were rewards for map completion in dry top, silverwastes and southsun shore, and loads of players have just received them now that map completion for those zones has been fixed in the recent patch for characters that already had world completion.

Ah yes, I believe – you absolutely right!

Exotics Drop Rate

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Lich King.1524

Lich King.1524

Dear Anet,

I noticed that drop rate at least for some exotics was increased in several times,

Auction House filled-up now with hudreds of [Berserker’s Scallywag Pauldrons of the Traveler], [Berserker’s Scallywag Gauntlets of the Pack], etc.

As result we also have “[Globs of Ectoplasm]” flood too.

Was it a drop-BUG, or a special feature for HoT?

Issue Reports: Heart of Thorns [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Lich King.1524

Lich King.1524


[“Aftershock!”] – does not apply immobilize to foes as described
[Obsidian Flesh] – previously conditions did not make any damage during the effect of this skill. Now they do the damage and you can die easily when you are “invulnerable”.
[Rock Barrier] – increases toughness but does not increase damage based on [Rune of the Undead] and trait [Strength of Stone]
[Overload …] – during overloading of attunement impossible to use skills from [Conjure Fiery Greatsword] ([Fiery Rush] for example)
[Magnetic Wave] – does not considered as aura, so all effects related with auras do not work

Issue Reports: Heart of Thorns [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Lich King.1524

Lich King.1524


[“Aftershock!”] – does not apply immobilize to foes!

[Obsidian Flesh] – previously conditions did not make any damage during the effect of this skill. Now they do the damage and you can die easily even if you are “invulnerable”.

[Overload …]
During overloading of attunement impossible to use skills from [Conjure Fiery Greatsword] ([Fiery Rush] for example)

Match start:
Another sad and very annoying bug or feature: during the start of sPVP match mouse clicks do not work for about 15 seconds, very sad bug/feature. Why? Because usually I waiting for sPVP match and do something, for example fight against a lord (pvp training) or set bids to AH, or chat with somebody,
and when I can’t clik, I died against a lord, or can’t answer in guild chat, etc.
because it repeating hundred times per day it is so annoying!

[Black Lion Salvage Kit]
Not always extract Exotic Rune from low level exotic Armor ( level 62-65 )
(Promised 100% but in reality not)

Feature request:
If I select “sell item” in AH, could you please mark by “red” my old bids in the list (items that I am already selling)? Without this feature I need each time (hundred times per day!) to open separately AH “selling items”, find required item, and check the price before selling new item. Without this feature it annoys players and creates absolutely unnecessary loading to your AH database-servers. And it is very easy to implement

(edited by Lich King.1524)

Instanced Raids Confirmed [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Lich King.1524

Lich King.1524

I’d rather it work like it did in GW1:

You clear an instance, that instance allows you to progress to the next one. You can repeat the first one if you want some specific stuff from it, but you don’t need that specific stuff to try instance 2.

See, WoW’s raid model is a chore. You work your butt off learning a raid, you finally beat it, but now you can’t go on to the next raid without repeatedly grinding the thing you’ve already demonstrated mastery over a bajillion times to get good enough gear.

The GW1 model for story instance progression and raid-tier instances uses a content gate, but in a way that’s sane. It doesn’t require you to grind the content, it simply asks you to prove you can beat step one to prove you can proceed to step 2.

As for the guy asking for more stats? No. The guiding principal of GW1 and GW2 is that you’re not constantly climbing a gear treadmill, and that once you hit end game you don’t just “need better gear” to tackle harder content, but that you have to get better at the game

Skins are the reward model of the game for this reason. They’re there so you have something special that proves you did a thing. You choose content to get the item you want rather than being forced to do content you hate over and over just to get an item you need.

If anet was going to change that, they wouldn’t have gone to all the effort of designing the mastery system to replace that gear treadmill. Your ascended gear is intended to be the end of your stat progression. Further progression isn’t about proving what your gear can do. it’s about proving what you can do, and getting shinies that prove you did it.

Sure, it’s very good that Anet avoiding gear-treadmill. GW2 is not a WoW thanks god and Anet.

The idea is to add something good on top of standart and boring loot-based motivation. Please read the main article above.

As a general principle, I’m against anything that creates competition in GW2 PvE.

btw, it’s not a competition inside of the raid, viseversa players must play as a team!

Why you think that PvE competition is a bad idea? (competition between raid groups)
Raid – it’s not an open world content for everybody.
It’s specific and very challenging content in the instance.
Just look how many millions people checking the site “” to check which PvE guild has better raid progress. Competition is another strong motivation as I said earlier.
Also if we can join their forces to achieve one target then it will not be just competition. Let me tell you exampe: it’s like firemans teams against a fire. It can be partially a competiton between teams, but the joint-result is one to all teams “fire was eliminated”

(edited by Lich King.1524)

Instanced Raids Confirmed [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Lich King.1524

Lich King.1524

Players must have way to easily compare and understand who did better job. It will motivate players.

How is this connected to raids in any way? The “motivation” you’re thinking of doesn’t exist. Yes, someone who hasn’t given their all might be motivated to do better next time. No, the same group won’t take him for the next time because he’s clearly not giving his all.

I mean not comparison between individual players, but competition between different raids (basicaly between guilds).
It does not exists in GW2. Yet.
But rememeber: competition – is the endless motivation reason.

It can be in-game diagram with black area in the beginning, where each defeat of the boss will fill 1 red-pixel, and win against stronger boss will fill several red-pixels, etc
Filling can follow from left to right or by another system (filling of the map-areas for example)
Different guilds can have little be different colors, then will be easy to see which guild made more victories and have bigger influence in to the big picture.
By mouse over will be possible to see immediately which guild achieved each specific victory and when.
I suggest to play around this idea:
- When picture will be fully filled we will achieve GREAT VICTORY and can OPEN another RAID-Tier.

That’s not possible. How do you expect ANet to always have a raid tier ready, regardless of how fast the previous one has been completed? And even beyond that, what would a raid tier even mean for Guild Wars 2?

It’s just a question of balancing.
For example 1 guild can kill 1 boss once per 1 week. Number of active raiding guilds will be known very soon. So it’s easy to calculate.
Raid tier in GW2 = I mean new raid with new bosses (or new raid wing)

Just skins? A skin imho is not enough motivation to defeat strong boss after 100 attepts. So better to have another high-level target too.

Skins, along with minis and tonics, have been successful motivators in content from the very beginning.

Loot motivation system is is a too boring and weak. Better to have something more real.

Also GW2 had no challenging content earlier. For no challenging content these tonics/skins are enough .
IMHO more challenging content requires much stronger motivation. The real purpose. The real target.
I can already predict a flood of tears “these bosses are too strong!” “we made already 5 attempts and still can’t defeat him”. Then they will just stop trying. It will be 90% of players. Because no strong reason to try 100 or 200 times to kill 1 boss.
Or even they will kill boss once, but will never repeat it.

Instanced Raids Confirmed [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Lich King.1524

Lich King.1524

The most dangerous Mordrem Guard are the commanders, specially created to be the jungle dragon’s elite fighters. There are three unique commanders active in Maguuma, each with its own individual look, weaponry, and set of terrifying magical attacks. Worst of all for Pact forces, Mordremoth has an inexhaustible supply of all three Mordrem Guard commanders; when one falls in battle, the jungle dragon simply creates a new one with the same look, same name, and same deadly abilities as the one it replaced.

from a lore perspective, there’s a pretty easy way to make it lore friendly…

and personally, unique skins and legendary materials and junk is enough of a reason for me to re-run it (we already re-run dungeons just for the sake of gold)

I don’t fully understand the raid concepts in other games like WoW so I won’t comment on the other things you are suggesting

Raid concept in WOW is a gear-treadmill. People want to be stronger, new armor-tier with better stats give them this possibility.
I just see to the future of GW2 raids: after few months of raiding all will have legendary armors, and what is the next reason to play? New armor tier with better stas as it was in WOW? Anet already declined this way. Just skins? A skin imho is not enough motivation to defeat strong boss after 100 attepts. So better to have another high-level target too.

Instanced Raids Confirmed [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Lich King.1524

Lich King.1524

Otherwise, you design unkillable boss and the purpose of the player is to drive him away to claim an area. Since in the end you leave the instanced raid, it’s only logical that the Boss come again while you’re not here to claim the area.

That’s basically what is done with tequatl, jormag’s claw and the shatterer.

Yes, it can be!
But the main idea can be like this, let’s take Tequatl as an example:
Need to show how often guilds killed him, graphically,
and when total amount of kills will reach specific level, then new raid-wing with Tri-Worms will be opened.
Also developers will have time to develop new raid until players filled the necessary amount of kills
Of course just digits will not motivate enough, so better to show it visually as it was described above.
It can be even in form of skill-tree in Patch of exile game. (just google “path of exile skill tree”). Just imagine: not a single player leveling his own skills, but ALL guilds together leveling Grand-Raid-Tree and opening new tiers/wings of raids.

(edited by Lich King.1524)