Showing Posts For Lifewaster.5912:

WvW Season One Rewards Are Unacceptable

in WvW

Posted by: Lifewaster.5912


Crap rewards = complaints from winners. Good rewards = complaints from everyone else about how unfair transfers and stacked off peak timezones.

I guess Anet went with the majority for this one.

I’m happy with the mini dolyak. Would be cool if it let you carry 1 extra supply.

MESMERS / THEIVES - - - Stealthier?

in Thief

Posted by: Lifewaster.5912


Are you actually asking for thieves to get constantly revealed every time their thieves guild hits the enemy?

That would be like a self applied stealth disruptor trap since the elite lasts 30 sec.

Guardian balance changes Nov 26

in Guardian

Posted by: Lifewaster.5912


Just tested in game , hammer symbol seems to last about 2 secs with the trait. Lasts about 1 sec without the trait.

Although the tooltip does now say 2 and 4 sec respectively.

(edited by Lifewaster.5912)

Fight to survive is frustrating at times

in Mesmer

Posted by: Lifewaster.5912


Mesmer at 31 can be a little difficult , untill lvl 40 when you can trait 20 duelling to make clones when you dodge.

That said, levelling is still fairly even just playing very basically using greatsword and sword + (focus/pistol/sword) .
Remember to make clones to tank the enemy hits, summon phantasms for dmg…..then swap weapons and do the same again. Watch your 3 illusion lights on bottom left of your screen, to see when you have less then 3, save your clone summon skills to use then so you dont waste clones when you already have 3 out.

As long as you have the clones and phantasms out tanking the mobs you shouldnt be taking much dmg.

Get the utility skills, Decoy,mirror images, signet of illusions are all good for a levelling up mesmer.

You can even just solo the pve content using just the greatsword .

Try this guide also:

Thieves are immune to Sick-em?

in Ranger

Posted by: Lifewaster.5912


Revealed doesnt stack.

If the thief already has 1 sec revealed left on him, when you cast sickem , your revealed wont take hold, and hes free 1 sec later.

If you properly time your sickem to cast the moment after his existing revealed drops, then you get him for 4 secs.

Most wvw thives will pop out of stealth with 3 secs of revealed if they attacked. so you got to cast your sickem after that ends. Just need to get used to recognising the debuff icon. It flashes extra fast just before it drops.

Gold league ending results, speculations!!

in WvW

Posted by: Lifewaster.5912


If BG wins this week, the only way to stop them winning the league would be a massive transfer of JQ/SoR guilds into Mag/SoS for the week 6 match to somehow push BG to third for that week.

Then they would have to transfer back to 2v1 BG in week 7.

(edited by Lifewaster.5912)

WvW Merc Camp & Demolition Achievement woes

in WvW

Posted by: Lifewaster.5912


For the demolition achievement, just take a turn trebbing stone mist walls, it gets trebbed from all sides, especially from red keep, wildcreek/klovan , and durios.

Most treb positions hit 2 walls at a time.


Most importantly , several ppl can take turns firing a few shots off the treb, and all will get the credit when the walls break. If you see an ally trebbing, ask them if they will let you on for a moment just to take 2-3 shots. All you need is treb 2-3 shots worth of dmg on the wall to get the credit when it drops.

If they repair the broken wall back up, you can break it again to get even more credit.

(edited by Lifewaster.5912)

Dec 10th thief changes

in Thief

Posted by: Lifewaster.5912


Phase retreat is arguably the best comparision with its fairly low cooldown and should get a cast time also if the thief version does.

However they dont seem to balance skill mechanics exactly the same across the classes.


For example, eles have tornado elite with 20 sec stability on a 180 cooldown. They used to be able to cancel the skill and retain the stability boon. This was deemed op and removed so that they lose stability immediately when canceling the elite.

Thieves by comparision have an elite with 9 sec stability on a 90 sec cooldown, half the duration but twice as often. So more or less the same amount of stability overall.

Thieves can cancel the elite ability and retain their stability boon, unlike eles who lose theirs. This can be used to stealth+stability stomp, or stability+shadow refuge in both cases denying enemy counter play from pulls or knockbacks.

Its arguable that this on demand stability is actually more useful to thieves then it was to eles, but in any case the devs have decided to allow this so far.

Tick siege

in WvW

Posted by: Lifewaster.5912


There have been very few cases of full map siege caps ever since the introduction of the 60 min timer.

I think it could be changed up to 2 hours or at least 90 mins.

OP skill lags since WvW seasons started

in WvW

Posted by: Lifewaster.5912


I’m suspect Anet increased the borderlands map caps at start of leagues which is the root cause of the issues.

Getting complete freeze ups and rubberband stutters lasting 30-60 seconds in zerg fights then lying frozen dead for 30 seconds while clicking the waypoint to respawn doesnt work at all.

Much much, worse then the old skill lag where you could at least move and autoattack.

JQ 3 easy weeks in schedule, SOR 1 and BG 1?

in WvW

Posted by: Lifewaster.5912


Any of the top 3 could possibly win the league, it all depends on which one can most successfully manipulate another server into fighting on their behalf, during the crucial first and 7th matches.

This thread is a good example of the latter.

Please no more Perma Blind...

in PvP

Posted by: Lifewaster.5912


The underlying issue regarding thief blinds is not the black powder, is the passive trait that applies an AOE blind every time they stealth. When combined with D/P stealth this produces an abscene amount of aoe blind spam that hits ppl outside of the powder.

Its odd that this trait has no internal cooldown. Most blind skills are single target with 20+ cooldowns, yet this trait on D/P is throwing out aoe blinds every 3 or 4 seconds, even faster at times since each HS that stacks stealth sends out a fresh blind.

(edited by Lifewaster.5912)

WXP Ability Points for casual WvW'er?

in WvW

Posted by: Lifewaster.5912


Any suggestions guys?

  • 5 points to get Arrow cart mastery level 1 , is a very good first step. They are used everywhere, and quite often the defensive and offensive placements relies on the user having the traited range of 2800 insted of 2500.
  • 10 points to get supply mastery level 4 (not supply capacity) gives you a chance to get free supply refunded when you build things, usually works out at 10-15% extra free supply. Extremely useful.
  • 5 points to get Treb mastery level 1 , adds 20% more dmg. Useful when manning a defensive treb or attacking.
  • 5 points to get catapult mastery lvl 1, adds 20% more dmg
  • 1 point in build mastery lvl 1, (only get lvl 1see note below) this lets you build at 4 supply per tick instead of 2.

(note: At level 1 this works out to allow you use all 15 supply(if you have 15) in a single round of 4-5 ticks, nice and convenient.

At higher levels of the trait is buggy and it doesnt work as smoothly somehow and gets clunky with leftover supply and takes a second round of clicking build to actually use all 15)

For example if you have the trait to use 8 at a time…and have 15 supply….. when you star a build it will tick 8,6,then stop with 1 left over supply after using 14 total.

10/4 JQ/BG/SoR

in Match-ups

Posted by: Lifewaster.5912


I’m at work but might I ask how we just captured JQs garrison going up against the JQ super stacked SEA? Looks like our SEA forces are putting in a fabulous effort so far.

Was the culmination of a 3 hour push started in Oceanic. SoR flipped NE tower with a suprise hit, trebs broke outer gar but then stalemated for 90 mins with both JQ and SoR map blobs fighting between outer and inner gar.

BG joined the map flipped bay , and NW , broke to SW inner gar pulling much of the JQ blob there. SoR took the opportunity to rush north inner and broke in, JQ pulled back to lord leaving BG to finish breaking SW inner.

Next followed 90 mins of all 3 map queues in gar lord room , ending with a stong push by SoR for the cap.

What would you buy with gems?

in WvW

Posted by: Lifewaster.5912


Wxp point reset.

Eles and walls

in WvW

Posted by: Lifewaster.5912


Dragons tooth and death shroud (4) are the main offenders I guess, ignoring LoS and obstacle.

So both death shroud and dragons tooth can hit the AC in the screenshot above.

Thief Stealth = Worst Mistake In The Game

in Thief

Posted by: Lifewaster.5912


The 3 main issues with wvw thieves which could be fixed are

Change heartseeker into a combo finisher Whirl , or change the 2 free initiative regained on stealth to have a 10 sec Cooldown.

Change condition cure in stealth so that it doesnt instantly cure every time you refresh stealth, so that 3 heartseeekers in a blackpowder field doesnt instantly remove 3 conditions as well as removing a 4th 3 sec later. This is far too much condition removal on demand without sacrificing any utility slots.

Change the AoE blind on stealth to have a 20 sec cooldown, an AOE blind every 3 sec is far too strong. Most active blind skills are single target with 20sec + cooldowns.

Bloodlust [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: Lifewaster.5912


WvW used to be about large battles and fortress sieges… 40% of the PPT is coming from roaming gangs of thugs running OP duelling/roamer builds and stomping noobs in the middle of the map.

No reason they cant have their fun in this new noobstomp area, but putting almost half the total match score from stomps in there is rediculous and makes a mockery of the efforts put in by players who run supply, build sieges, upgrade structures, scout objectives on behalf of their server.

Stomp points should just be removed completely.

How many times...

in WvW

Posted by: Lifewaster.5912


WvW used to be about large battles and fortress sieges… 40% of the PPT is coming from roaming gangs of thugs running OP duelling/roamer builds and stomping noobs in the middle of the map.

No reason they cant have their fun in this new noobstomp area, but putting almost half the total match score from stomps in there is rediculous and makes a mockery of the efforts put in by players who run supply, build sieges, upgrade structures, scout objectives on behalf of their server.

Stomp points should just be removed completely.

Can't salvage/forge exotics from WvW vendor?

in WvW

Posted by: Lifewaster.5912


I think you can buy a transmutation stone from the gemstore, and transmute the item onto a salvageable item. Then extract the sigil.

Bloodlust [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: Lifewaster.5912


In order to take bloodlust away from the stronger server you also have to beat off the 3rd server. All 3 servers are clumped in the capture area so you end up with the 3rd server flipping a points while you had 3…and inadvertently helping the strong server maintain it.

Maybe adjust the mechanic so that if the combined enemy servers hold 3 points, the buff is lost and resets.

lfg tool testing and finding bugs and "bugs"

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Lifewaster.5912


LFG tool in wvw is very badly functional.

Currently you may be in one borderland, and create a party recruiting in the lfg tool.

However the tool allows players from different borderlands to join your party, even worse you are unable to kick them out of group unless you exit to a pve map.

Clearly this is not feasible during a queued period.


The tool needs to be restricted to the map you are currently on….or at least have an option to do so.

On Bloodlust, control points and borderlands

in WvW

Posted by: Lifewaster.5912


It already works like that. People who are not worth WXP give no points.

Is that just from your observations as I have seen no confirmation of that, and the score board changes constantly so its difficult to test in game.

Also for a person to be worth no wxp, they would need to have died several times already yielding a point every time, if the diminishing return only kicks in at 0 wxp then its not much of a dimisning return at all.

On Bloodlust, control points and borderlands

in WvW

Posted by: Lifewaster.5912


but you cannot control your pugs, and you cannot prevent them from being stomped.

This is my observation also. And you have even less control over the 3rd place servers pugs who are feeding points to your enemy.

There needs to be some limitations on how often a player can donate points to an enemy server.
Maybe put a 15 minute timer after they die whereby they cant generate points when stomped, or some form of dimishing returns similar to the wxp they yield on death.

The pugstomp area should not give wvw points

in WvW

Posted by: Lifewaster.5912


This is a direct disincentive for players to participate in the bloodlust capture area, they feel that if they try and fail they actually cost their server points and would be better off not trying at all.

Already ppl are being instructed to alt-f4 or jump in the water rather then cost their server points.

Already there are trolls deliberately suiciding into the area to give their enemy points.

Already ppl no longer contest enemy garrison WP, because they are getting more rapid ppt by stomping the pugs who respawn and run back from there.


This is the first time wvw has openly punished ppl for participating in an aspect, by costing their server points.

If you insist on retaining this SPvP pugstomp area right in the middle of WvW, at least disable the buff from operating in the area so that the participants arent a direct liability to their server.

As Homer Simpson said, “you tried your best and failed, the moral is Never try….”

Simple Solution to The Bloodlust Controversy.

in WvW

Posted by: Lifewaster.5912


Should make it increasingly harder to take all 3 orb buffs.

If you have no bloodlust, you should need 3 capture points. If you have 1 , you should need 4, if you already have 2 you should need 5.

You like the new content for WvWvW? Yes-No

in WvW

Posted by: Lifewaster.5912


Dislike it a lot.

I agree with the Devs own words below:

" As implemented, orbs tend to strengthen teams who are already winning and make it even more difficult for underdog teams to fight back. "

Additionally, its now extremely difficult for outnumbered teams to even rally players on a commander to do any actual wvw , since most of your available players on the map are too busy getting themselves stomped as free points to the stronger server’s pugstomp team that is guarding the bloodlust Spvp points.

(edited by Lifewaster.5912)

October 15th balance/skills updates preview.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lifewaster.5912


Thieves have a single source of stability ever, which is a channelled 90 second cooldown elite. If you cancel the channel, you are literally getting 9 ish seconds of stability for our elite slot.

Eles used to have the exact same thing with their channeled tornado elite, but that were nerfed so that if they canceled the channel they lost the stability buff.

Not sure why its considered ok for one class to be allowed to cancel their elite channel and retain its stability buff. Yet its specifically nerfed for another class to do the exact same thing.

Its even more useful on thief, to have an on demand stability for those occasions when you need that shadow refuge and enemies are trying to knock you out of it. You might almost consider it an exploit that allows thiefs to bypass the only available counterplay to shadow refuge.

Could it just be an oversight and not an intended use of Daggerstorm ?

October 15th balance/skills updates preview.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lifewaster.5912


Sick ‘Em will now apply ‘Revealed” to enemies they target. We want to introduce some counter play to Stealth (players have asked for that for a while), so we thought a pet “catching your scent” might be a cool way to insinuate some anti-stealth into the game.

If you actually want to introduce more stealth counter in WvW, (where the majority of complaints come from), you could consider adding sigils that wouldnt be available in PvP.

eg: Superior sigil of revealing : 30% chance on crit , applies reveal to you target, cooldown 30 sec

This would enable ppl who really want to spec themselves to counter stealth, rather then having to wait until you add a specific skill to their class.

Claiming Towers to avoid buffs - griefing?

in WvW

Posted by: Lifewaster.5912


I would like to see a 12 hour timer for any claims, once the timer is up the claim resets automatically.

This will enable guilds to claim something and throw up their buffs, without worrying about having a representative to hand over the claim to another guild in 12 hours.

newbie question

in Mesmer

Posted by: Lifewaster.5912


The bonus will only apply when using the sword as your active weapon set. And not when you swap to your other weapon.

You can see the difference by looking at your stats page.

Even if your are low level , you can click the PvP tab from the list on top left of screen, and select to go to the heart of the mists. Here is a special area, and you will become full lvl 80 and able to test out any traits.

8/9 Blackgate/Sanctum of Rall/Jade Quarry

in Match-ups

Posted by: Lifewaster.5912


With AC mastery lvl 4, the radius is 540 instead of 360.

Banner lord Question

in WvW

Posted by: Lifewaster.5912


the exotic bag already drops every time, Tup got over 20 bags, i kept opening mine.

Interesting. I expect that will be changed.

Commander tags not working

in WvW

Posted by: Lifewaster.5912


Bug: enter a BL and try to turn on pin, nothing happens.

Workaround: move to a diff BL, (or a pve zone/ heart of mists) , then try to turn off and on pin. Keep moving to diff place until you find one where you can successfully turn pin off and on.

Once your pin is properly on, move back to the first BL. You should now have a working pin but are now unable to turn it off instead.

To turn it off, repeat the similar procedure to turn it on/off in the diff BL where it works, then port back while it is off.

Sadly this workaround doesnt help much if theres a queue to get back to your initial BL.


This is a hugely common bug, happens to my pin daily on at least one of the 4 wvw maps, as well as randomly happening in pve maps.

I believe this bug happens to vast amounts of people daily, but most of them dont have pins to actually notice it.


in PvP

Posted by: Lifewaster.5912


Most of the blind applying skills have long CDS, the ele and mesmer aoe blinds have 20-30 sec cds.

The main offender I think is the passive thief trait that applies AOE blind every 3-4 secs ie: whenever they stealth.
You can move away from the smoke field and still get blinded from the stealth proc as they heartseeker through it towards you.

A 10 point trait passively applying aoe blinds at such a short CD should I think have an internal cooldown to bring it in line with other AOE blind skills.

WvW - Determined/Exploit

in WvW

Posted by: Lifewaster.5912


They have fixed most of the locations where this occurred, you can help by doing a bug report of the location in game.
Just do it on your own borderland so your bug screenshot can show the determined buff on you.

7/12 Sanctum of Rall/Jade Quarry/Blackgate v2

in Match-ups

Posted by: Lifewaster.5912


To maximise ppt, thats the reason they would want to defend those T3 keeps.

I didnt realise T3 keeps generated higher PPT then paper keeps. I always thought it was 20 points per keep regardless ?


in WvW

Posted by: Lifewaster.5912


I think to get a rally should require you personally to deal at least 50% of the dmg to the target you rally off.

Its a sad reflection on the game that guilds will run without a commander pin just to prevent underlevels/inexperienced , or even in some cases enemy spys planted on your server from trailing the blob and rallying enemies.

Welcome to the world of Golems

in WvW

Posted by: Lifewaster.5912


I think the structure upgrade costs should be reduced, in light of the cheaper siege especially golems.

It costs about1.5 gold to buy reinforced gates in a keep, (compared to just 25 silver for a tower) and you can now buy 8 golems for that amount.

With those 8 golems you can map hop a zerg and flip the keep repeatedly every couple of hours before the reinforced gates are ever completed. You can even keep using the same golems every hour or so.


I recommend a 5x reduction in keep upgrade costs. To match the similar reduction that has happened to golems.

[help] perma in combat pvp stealth

in Thief

Posted by: Lifewaster.5912


Zoom and swing your camera view right up above you, then hold a strafe movement key ie sideways or backwards while casting your heartseekers.

This will let you do heartseekers of much shorter jumps so its easier to get multiple ones into the same black powder.

Build Master (New WvW ability).

in WvW

Posted by: Lifewaster.5912


This is a very dangerous ability to take. I recommend avoiding it.

eg: you have 2-3 build sites beside you, all are freshly placed and self destruct in 2 mins.

You can currently build 2 supply worth into each in order to give them all a 10 min timer, before running to get more supply.

If you take the new ability you can longer do this ever again, untill they maybe offer another wxp reset.

(edited by Lifewaster.5912)

Mesmer Tagging

in Mesmer

Posted by: Lifewaster.5912


I’ve heard some GS mesmers have success using a Sigil of Fire for flame blast aoes to tag.

The GS beam potentially hits 3 targets, so you have a chance to proc the aoe at any one of them.

Player wrecking golems

in WvW

Posted by: Lifewaster.5912


Issue is also mentioned here:
I’m sure the player name is just to troll, got to admit it is funny.

Not a Thief? Reroll.

in WvW

Posted by: Lifewaster.5912


I would love to use a pistol against them, which is what I do in PvP, but in WvW I find it almost necessary to use a focus instead.

Again, thanks everyone! I’ll keep checking up on this for new tips and such that could help me out.

Get a set of superior runes of the centaur, then use mirror heal to buff aoe swiftness every 15 sec. This is very useful in wvw as you can also buff allies and yaks.

Rather then gut your current gear set, you can buy a spare set of armor from the exotic temple karma vendors in orr, then try it out. I recommend getting a set of power/toughness/vit just to have both a glass cannon and a bunker armor set so you can swap depending on situations.

Not a Thief? Reroll.

in WvW

Posted by: Lifewaster.5912


I think phantasm mesmer with sword/pistol and GS is one of the stonger counters to roaming wvw thiefs that currently exists.

Both phantasms do multi hit attacks that can mostly bypass the thiefs blinds. And the duellists lock on and channel their unloads through stealth even if the thief only re-appears for a moment.

Remember to hit your 1 attack (into the thin air) to remove their blind on you before you cast a phant.

And the GS knockback can stop them from escaping in a shadow refuge. Make sure to invis before you cast it so they dont see your 1/2 sec windup and easily dodge it.

(Sword/Sword (or scepter/sword) + Sword/Pistol is a stronger phantasm build but it lacks the ability to stop them escaping in a shadowrefuge)

Why are Zergs more Effective?

in WvW

Posted by: Lifewaster.5912


Remove or tweek the rally feature. I’ve seen half a Zerg res off a player that dc’s.

Maybe tweak rally so that you need to have done at least 33% of the total dmg on the target.

A more detailed WvW trait description plz

in WvW

Posted by: Lifewaster.5912


AC info:

Basic range 2500, traited AC mastery 1 = 2800
Basic radius 360, traited AC mastery 4= 540

"the cart update" 6-11-13

in WvW

Posted by: Lifewaster.5912


What is the radius of the AC mastery 4? I think the basic radius is 320 I’m not even sure…

Basic radius is 360, traited AC mastery 4 radius is 540 (50% more) its huge. Allows users to take out those previously untouchable spots on inner ledge of some fort walls.

"the cart update" 6-11-13

in WvW

Posted by: Lifewaster.5912


Traited range is now 2800.

Server Match up is terrible

in WvW

Posted by: Lifewaster.5912


I posted this in the suggestion thread today but it seems to have vanished:


One way to deal with the current blowouts is to make it easier for weak teams to hold near their own lands, and harder for attackers to dominate enemy lands. Heres a few ways I can see to do it.

(1) Upgrade Tier locking:

Allowed upgrades should be capped depending on the location of the fort relative to your spawn. What at this means is the only team that is allowed Tier 3 upgrades in a garrison is the home borderland team. No one else can upgrade beyond tier2, that means no waypoints and no fortified walls in an enemy Garrison ever.

More specifically:
Home team :
Tier 3 in NW and NE towers, and Garrison.
Tier 2 in Bay and Hills (reinforced gates, but no Waypoints)
Tier 1 in SW and SE tower ( reinforced walls but not gates)

Left corner team:
Tier 3 in SW tower and Bay
Tier 2 in SE tower and NW tower
Tier 1 in Gar, NE tower, Hills

Right corner team:
Tier3 in SE tower and hills
Tier 2 in SW tower and NE tower
Tier 1 in Gar , NW tower and Bay.

This effectively caps the degree of domination possible in any BL, nobody will ever have more then one waypointed keep. You can still try to spawn camp a weak team, but it will be harder to lock down.

(2) Siege Cap adjustment

This can be applied in the same way the local area siege cap (Currently 5) can be adjusted depending on the area of the map. So according to the Tier of upgrades allowed in section (1) the local siege cap can also be reduced. Thus in T3 allowed home areas it remains 5, but in T2 restricted area it becomes cap of 3, and in T1 restricted area it reduces to 1.

This means when spawncamping an enemy garrison, you will be allowed to place a grand total of 1 cart when before you could place 5. Reducing overall gate coverage from 15-20 carts to more like 3-4 carts.


These are severe and drastic anti-domination hard caps to encourage the weak sides to turn up and fight at least in their home areas while reducing the ability of strong teams to farm them with fortifications and siege.