next time pick either server up against BG.
they will need the help and you can see the problem with one over-stacked server….
Isn’t there a dev that regularly plays on YB already, unless they stopped the last couple months.
There were/is 2 in the same guild. That isn’t the same as an entire group of anet peeps playing. On a side not, it is fun when they do play as others don’t get focused……
next time pick either server up against BG.
they will need the help and you can see the problem with one over-stacked server….
and of those only 1 is open – DB.
We have kept the time and cost of upgrading the ascended armor in line with raids armor.
most sane people had assumed this. I’m amazed at the negativity from people who think they are losing something because of this…….
Since this is new can we have a way to convert the exotic t2 armor up to ascended at the vendor with the grandmaster marks?
I got the t2 shoulders exotic because i already had ascended to skin over but still have the original exotic etc.
glad i did get the ascended t2, but yea doubt many would have bought the exo if they knew….
Time for more conversations and some clarity as to how ANet considers a host server that requires a link to compete, as having the same level of WvW activity as the behemoth Blackgate, such that they need to be perma-locked down as FULL. How can FULL in T3/T4 = FULL in T1? What is going on?
How can full in T1 compare to BG full? It doesn’t so here we are.
Because the rules apply to everyone and all servers. In order to have separate standards they would need to change the tier structure.
i was simply showing that t1 full isn’t comparable. if that isn’t comparable why would t3/t4 be comparable.
no pips…………..
got my heavy armour t3 chest piece last night – so no I have not given up….
Time for more conversations and some clarity as to how ANet considers a host server that requires a link to compete, as having the same level of WvW activity as the behemoth Blackgate, such that they need to be perma-locked down as FULL. How can FULL in T3/T4 = FULL in T1? What is going on?
How can full in T1 compare to BG full? It doesn’t so here we are.
you do realize that there is EBG + 3 other borderlands that earn pips right?
Truly you guys should read the posts here.. at least a couple of them. Since this new PIP system the populations have exploded. Queues are not uncommon and frankly splitting it all back up again would open the door to more of these people that want to come in but decide not to a lot of prime time because of the queues.
It’s NOT like it was before the linking.
NA T1 server here, and except for reset there is generally 1 BL plus EBG queued through the rest of the days, and generally that BL queue is less than 10. This whole queue thing you speak of isn’t a problem on YB, and I imagine it’s really not that much of a problem outside of BG.
ANet has allowed players to vote on permanency of linking, and if I remember right it was a pretty heavy majority that wanted linking to continue. Those of you that want to blow the system up are most likely sitting on servers that might have one or two major WvW guilds during NA. What about servers that have no major WvW guilds left? How fun would WvW be for them?
You are on YB and saying there are no queues? No idea why you’d say that because I know otherwise by experience and lately…
I just left YB, you, sir, must not be playing in NA prime time or many other times where there is no room on any BL for any players – queues are huge.
You’re on a host server. Host servers are not the ones who have no name, no presence and no help when one makes most callouts.
I’ve been on YB the last two years, and yes during prime time. If you are playing NA prime, outside of reset there will be a queue on EBG, and one other, with the other being less than 20, and usually around 10. The fact that you are calling me a liar exposes the fact that you will support your agenda regardless of truths and lies.
You are both sort of right. Pepper was in the YB/FC link when the patch hit. Queues were horribad every night for a week or two. Links have changed and people have given up on the new rewards since then. Now Kaiser is correct – 1 large que and maybe 1 small que NA prime outside reset.
I’d rather see a checkbox for “repeat this track” so I didn’t have to keep changing it back to the one track I’d like to keep repeating.
this so much. I usually am trying to run the same track for a collection or something. Great awesome fight happens, much wxp is accumulated, and I am on COE track for the 18th billion time…..
Note: fix pvp track too….
I’d be more about finishers / more armor / more weapons. Most wvwers don’t have minis out [for reasons].
if you loot while dead,how many staff 1 guards are going to yolo to tag everything and their mother because their is no death penalty?
was not in t4 so don’t know the answer, but did you look within game or Mos.mellenium has been wrong since skirmish scoring. it is sort of close, but almost always off by a few points.
For me, I had to turn graphics down to the lowest setting, otherwise I would get the bug within about 1-2 hours. Sucks, because I love the better graphics.
I do the same. Sometimes I don’t really care, but Friday reset is a must…..
alternatively, just unlock the T3 with the exotic version (3rd tab) – that requires no marks. T3 doesn’t look like it requires marks either….. (for armor anyways)
My boyfriend was telling me that his server has been having a lot of issues as well one of his friends ended up in their own instance of eb and were alone. It even showed up on his map saying she was in another instance. I have been having issue with party as well it will say somone is in another instance. I have also witnessed the portal change color and enemies go into it and it will go back to the normal color. Im not sure what is going on but I hope it gets fixed soon.
But did he solo SM?
a decent place to start is builds may not be THE best, but give you a decent start point for your traits / gear / skills etc… It will also depend on if you plan to join the zerg, havoc in small groups, or solo roam.
If 1 map just isn’t working for whatever reason, I simply go to another map. We aren’t outnumbered often right now, but at certain times of the day we will get the buff on a map. From my limited experience when playing with the buff, it is often easy to get camps and sentries to get the pips started while looking for fights your size.
I miss match-up threads.
This so much. i enjoyed others getting so bent out of shape with each other over silly things in a silly game. was more a reader than poster myself….
I do understand why it was removed, but I do think some cared less about wvw without this sub-forum…
the green sigils and runes are the bane of most in my guild. nearly every raid night some one is complaining about them….
may not work 100% since many alts were bought @ 9.99 before F2P, but limit access so F2P cannot activate tactivators. If a troll really wants to spend actual money to upgrade an account, well they paid for the game……
To the OP.
1) Anet has no idea if 2 accounts are the same actual owner.
2) There are many like me with alt accounts on different servers for match-up relief. If your main is stuck in a bad match, play the other account for the week. Oddly enough, I am in the same match 3 weeks running now (will be 4) with both accounts.
3) Most of us are mature enough to not troll (except maybe guildies in a friendly way) or spy
There was only one WvW tournament that awarded tickets
No, there were two, spring and fall 2014, but also stuff to spend them on, which I did.
I demand my tickets returned now that there is a better way to spend them !
BG tier will be a crap fest with servers 2 and 3 trying to be 3. Tier 2 will be a crap fest with all the servers trying to take second or third but not first…..
Mag and BG have been flipping the first position for the last year or so, with a little JQ in there, too…so it’s not all monotony up top as there are no guarantees.
but since the pips? seems BG has rolled every match (granted only 2 or is it 3). That said, I hope you are right.
BG tier will be a crap fest with servers 2 and 3 trying to be 3. Tier 2 will be a crap fest with all the servers trying to take second or third but not first…..
So, from what I’m hearing if you are the better server it’s great! Zero complaints. If you are the weaker, then just take your medicine and suck it up, deal with it.
I understand the need for randomness, and honestly I’d care less about being outclassed by a more powerful server, but there is NO fun when everyone else switches to PvE to weather out the current match up.
I’ve always understood that WvW has it’s issues, so to entice new players rewards were increased to add that “more fun” component. then stuff like this seems counter productive. From one perspective, it motivates me to spend some $ to switch servers, on the other hand it causes me to just abandon WvW game mode. I don’t really care about rewards and having things now. I just want to play with my server, have pointless chats, strategize and see the fruits, or lack of, from that planning.
Sometimes, I wonder if WvW would function better without server identity and use a system like a three way faction. I know it wasn’t WvW, but the whole luxon and kurzick thing in GW1 seemed like it could be a good foundation for something WvW. It wasn’t perfect, but I only have fond memories of our AB battles. I’m sure they won’t because they would fear some sort of abuse to the system.
On the flip side, I have earned outnumbered ‘Bonus pips’ this week, you must be as well !
I don’t think it is a fair fight between BG and JQ either. BG has sucked everything up like a black hole and it is still occasionally open for more sucking. Talking of fair matches these days is like speaking of the unicorn. What with transfers and linkings and the fact that people may play one day and not play the next. #inbeforethreadcloses
I wondered how a 1-2-3 match, if it ever rolls that way, would work out. Links 2 weeks away, maybe you will get a link to challenge BG.
there is an rng roll +- 100 to the glicko roll when matchmaking occurs. Since servers 2-8 are within 100 they can swap places based on the RNG gods.
Don’t feel bad, you rng rolled T1 one week, we are on week 2 of too big for us……
RNG roll + glicko has determined the matches since forever. The difference between jq (2) and tc (6) was < 100 at reset meaning they could swap places.
Tiers have meant nothing for quite some time…..
there are groups of servers pretty close jq-yb and especially sbi-db. Servers were never this close (that I can remember anyway) before 5-4-3 scoring which is why matches didn’t change as much….
(edited by Liston.9708)
if you play and stay @ tier 3 participation, the worst you can do is 2 pips. That is @ the lowest rank and always 3rd place. You can never earn 1 pip…..
the other way is just don’t reset back to wood until you reach diamond the first time. Caveat is chest rank reset is once per week.
This way everyone gets to diamond eventually and the insane don’t reset back to wood multiple times per week for extra tickets(cap limit remains).
Pips unfair. Making warbringer will take ages like this.
I can’t spend my entire life on wvw.My account 3 years old. Spent 2458 hours in game.
Played every content. PvE, PvP, WvW, Open World.And my WvW rank is 820. Clearly i don’t understand how people got 10k ranks.
many got through eotm when eotm was a big ktrain rewarding insane amounts of wxp….
I had diamond Sunday, but I played insane hours Fri/Sat @ 6-12 ticks per every 5 mins… The outnumbered ticks while flipping camps/sentries etc are too OP IMHO…
Won’t be doing that again any time soon……
Must have been on an outnumbered map for 2 1/2 minutes to gain outnumbered buff bonus….
queue solution… drain participation faster and no pips in spawn…..
3 weeks. so essentially, a month.
OR a week. idk im kinda confused tbh.
3 weeks is for LOYALTY bonus.
I’d understand if you were on the server for more than 3 weeks, but haven’t actually played wvw. Are you really loyal if you haven’t since server is meaningless in pve. That said, I didn’t look at my pips to see if I got the +1 when I was on…
EotM isn’t WvW, like DanAlcedo said.
If anything, people’s ranks should be decreased based on how many ranks they’ve earned in EotM, not the other way around. So all these 10k people you speak of should be deranked.
they probably have no way of knowing this. I doubt wxp was segregated.
The current server links are based on populations that will be rapidly outdated by tomorrow’s patch as everyone is anticipating a flood of players into WvW. The patch is going to bring longer queues, which we’ve already started seeing over the weekend. IMHO those queues will be exacerbated by server links because those links multiply the potential new population. This will be especially true for historically mid-tier servers where their populations were considered High-Very High under the old all-server population system.
High queues contribute to a negative WvW experience and I’m concerned that server links are not going to be adjusted fast enough to deal with the population expansion that tomorrow’s patch will bring.
5 full worlds now – the movement and people returning is real. A lot of new faces on YB/FC since the upcoming release was announced. We gave up trying to switch BLs for defense on Saturday 1/2 the squad would queue. Then some would queue trying to get back to where we were ….
Yak’s Bend is among the highest worlds in terms of play hours and ranks gained, which is the primary metric we use to determine which worlds we lock each week.
Yak’s Bend has nowhere near the population that BG is fielding 24/7 right now and has for many weeks so I am not sure how your statement makes any logical sense.
Being locked right now, before the next update is a horrid thing to do.
Undo the Beta linkings – let the servers “play their way” again.
Come play on all three servers and then tell me that YB should be locked.
Didn’t YB just win T1?
No FC did YB + FC from T4 to win T1 match 2 different link times. YB – FC = T3/T4.
Once again I ask. Can we get a way to lock the reward track to the one we want to run over and over.
Or a way to remove the reward tracks we don’t want on the list
this so much. I DONT WANT OR NEED COE anymore…
pretty sure it is nothing more than full – very high – high – medium so not too helpful IMHO.
An hour into reset, YB had 4 maps queued and a total of 95 waiting in Queue. BG had 4 maps queued as well. Meanwhile, we had 3 maps queued and our worlds locked, as usual.
This nanny state they created is a horrible design for what’s supposed to be a competitive mode.
Two months ago, YB was locked, had no link, and could barely find a single map queue on reset.
It’s happened to more than just JQ. And it’s not fun when it’s happening to you.
And yet, both YB and BG are open right now and JQ is not. That just illustrates how poorly designed the linking is. We’d be better with just open Servers.
I’ve thought for some time – let the length of the que control population. If you really want to stack, then have fun sitting in queue not playing.
The problem with that is some people who have never left their server through thick and thin ( yes there are some -quite a few on yb actually) could be the ones sitting in the queue. Having a priority based on how long you have been on the server wold fly like a lead balloon (though Mythbusters did fly one LOL). Us stubborn ones would probably stop playing before moving which isn’t good either…..
Used to happen nearly every reset when action was heavy and of course there were queues to get back in. Happens less frequently now, but happened again last night after a huge fight at NC.
and i wasn’t the only one….
YB did gain some folks and have seen some old faces return, but the FC / YB link is a big difference. We went t4 → t1 with the link last time and fell back to t4 without the link.
Also, it’s only Saturday…..
That said, reset was a lot of fun.
been waiting for a set of board shorts outfit (nothing else) I can dye purple for my I M Hulk toon. For now I run around in 3 pieces of armor (hidden) – but this toon is pve only…..
I don’t know if the entire proposal is good or not (and I don’t command), but I do like the guest / mercenary aspect of allowing players to play on other sides temporarily when a match is bleh.
Rift pvp was faction based where you where guards fought defiants. At some point you could become a mercenary for the other side. The original idea was to balance out the sides, but the side effect was fighting guildies at times. Lots of fun.
Can you imagine that concept here where 1/2 your guild remains “home” while the other 1/2 mercenaries? Yes I know there is already pvp to do this, but not on the grander scale….
Yes it matters and a lot, however good luck having enough laurels to get infusions on all characters and builds that you play with. id just stick with infusing the things that you use the most first, for example trinkets are easy to swap if you want different stats, so you want to infuse your armor first. Weapon too on 1-weapon classes.
think the OP meant adding infusion / attunement for extra slots not filling the existing slots…. that is ring and BP only as far as I know.