ArenaNet-Try Harder(to get me to)Pre-Order
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: LostBalloon.6423
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: LostBalloon.6423
“Unanimous,” from this, or any other, game community?
Some serious revisionist history there. Don’t know if its ignorance of the facts, failing memory, failed comprehension, or conscious dishonesty. There has never been a unanimous community reaction here.
On stuff like the commander badge costing 300g PER colour (which never made it into the game), there was, well if you count Vayne, then you’re right technically that it wasn’t unanimous…
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: LostBalloon.6423
What LostBalloon said and said well. +1
thank you
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: LostBalloon.6423
you all seem to forget yes with each new complete game from guild wars 1 we got 2 new professions. But the original only had 6 professions at the start of prophecies. no specializations nothing special. no special armor other then style, no crafting, etc. Also the day the offered the ability to pre purchase gw2 there was 2 million copies sold. This was before alpha before info etc. this was just people knowing it was coming. No real info. at 60 for the game times 2 million copies in one day thats a crap ton of money with zero information.
Now the people who played gw1 from beta (like me) don’t care about info we know it is coming. Anet has never given much information with factions nightfall or EoTN. we knew basically what we are being told now. anet has never had to release all the minute details to their games to please everyone.
This marketing has worked for them for over 12 years. They still have many people buying the pre-purchase to HoT.This person gets it, ArenaNet has worked like this since the beginning of the company. They’ve NEVER released all of the information on every one of their products before release, there’s no legal requirement to release all of the information before release or putting it out for sale/ordering, it being unethical is a matter of opinion(regardless of what the laws in Canada say, this is a U.S. based company, and I can guarantee you there have been plenty of products released in Canada that didn’t have all of the information about them given out before that release date, regardless of the product).
You can’t price compare things from today against things from 5 – 10 – 15 years ago, because of inflation, unless you want to factor in the inflation to the price of the object from way back when, only then can you do price comparison.
As for pre-purchasing or pre-ordering, that is really your decision to make, the company can provide you information that will help you make it, or you can use that mass of gray matter in your skull and think for yourself whether it’s worth it or not based on the use/enjoyment you’ve gotten out of the original product.
Also, for the person saying we need to stop this pre-ordering/pre-purchasing because it’s ruining the industry, that’s your opinion and your entitled to it, I however will continue to pre-order/pre-purchase products that interest me based on past performance.
(tl;dr at the end)
Yes, you’re right about a lot of things, and same with Destiny on console, people bought it just because it was Bungie, the makers of the Halo series. But Bungie kittened up big time, so this time around, with the expansion they had to prove they learned from it which is up to everyone to determine if they did. (and they are delivering more than what was mentioned on their leaked roadmap)
Now like I said, you’re right about ANET’s approach until now about not communicating much. But! The GW1 staff team was amazing and delivered quality and quantity that quenched every fan’s thirst. They were doing an amazing job, and the same was true for the launch of GW2. The thing is though, the last 2 years have been really rocky and full of blunders on their part, resulting in a major loss of confidence (Try the WvW forums to see what they think). Even sPvP, their eSports baby, was left out a lot and ask the players how long queue times are, simply because the’ve played the same mode for 3 years now. (Finally strongholds will be added, time to see how it will be appreciated)
tl;dr Anet kittened up a lot over the past 2 years and people are reluctant to follow them blindly and Anet is having a hard time understanding that and properly reacting to it (if they even can with their resources).
NB: Actually there are TONS of products available in the US that do not make it to Canada due to stricter regulations.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: LostBalloon.6423
The information will come. This thread isn’t going to rush the information. If you don’t care about the betas then there’s zero reason to prepurchase and worry about it. But getting information sooner than Anet is ready to release it isn’t going to happen.
There are people who feel even what we know about the expansion makes the expansion worth it. All the regulars in my guild have prepurchased it already. And if you’re not sure, don’t. Wait until you know more.
I’m not sure why this discussion has gone on for as long as it has.
Hello Mr. ANET White Knight,
Unfortunately, it is completely unethical to put something up for sale without a full description of the item being sold (yes, that applies to digital content too) Yes, when you sell something, even under the pre-order model, people need to know what is being sold (and to the people who compare them to EA, they are wrong, EA looks like an angel next to them, because you at least know what they will deliver in the DLC)
On one end you are right, it is really up to us, the consumers to not buy into this, which is why I’m also of the opinion the OP, as myself, should wait and see until launch or until more information is given. I don’t get why people are so compelled to pre-order something that does not seem interesting enough to them at the point in time.
That said, on a more legal term, I can’t speak for your country, but in Canada, ANET could face their product (HoT) forced out if enough people complain to consumer protection, because there is not one consumer out there that knows what they are paying the 50$ for HoT, since the product was never fully defined. (until they provide the minimal information that defines their product)
I personally won’t waste my time to do so because I don’t care enough and just won’t purchase HoT until it’s either on sale or that they show me it’s worth the 50$ (and before anyone argues the value of 50$, let’s stick to comparing apples with apples, in such to other MMOs and not restaurant outings or other things)
I did give anet the benefit of the doubt during the first year and had high hopes for them. Bungie traveled a very similar road as ANET with the launch of Destiny, but they reacted much better to user comments and improving the game, they managed to impress me enough to purchase their expansion in a 1h live-stream packed with information. And I’m not saying this to tick off devs or convince people to try another game, but simply in the hope ANET looks at how they handled things differently and learn from it. (but last time I said something like that i got censored… guess that was kind of an answer..)
A long time fan of ANET that is currently kittened of at the state of things.
NB: When everyone was crying for an expansion, I really doubt they meant for ANET to completely stop doing everything else, but instead hoped that the mediocre stuff being delivered was due to other cool content being developed behind the scenes, and this is what hyped everyone when we heard the news, unfortunately, we’ve seen nothing new for almost a year with the world of Tyria standing still. (Not even something as simple as the next world of super adventure box that would’ve kept so many players happy during this drought of content)
PS: “The information will come. This thread isn’t going to rush the information.” – In that sense, you are completely right, this thread will absolutely not change a single thing. And there are clearly not enough ticked off people complaining on the forums (or is it being moderated?) to make anet change how they give us info about the expansion.
(edited by LostBalloon.6423)
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: LostBalloon.6423
Seeing the little progress made from first closed beta to this beta is very bad. It just seems nothing is done and things that got finished worked several times, with developers needed at other places.
What I see and played didn’t changed anything inside my mind to still say it’s still not worth money at all and things people wanted to come back still ignored. Sure BETA development, but the core game shouldn’t be dead by this years they take.
Compare with a car factory. Developing a new models of cars, all production of old cars is stopped because we need all for the new. Selling none of the old as long as the new ready will force the factory to close. Because people want to buy even if older instead of waiting for a ghost inside a long dark future, nobody knows if it ever happens.
People really need to read this and think hard about this. They’ve had nearly THREE YEARS and the beta seems anemic and rushed! They can keep the paltry extra character slot, the only way I’ll even consider HoT is at a severe discount.
Without knowing the details of manpower and the code the amount of time a developer spends developing something is irrelevant. There are no hard rules over how long software takes to develop.
Software, technology, is NOT an excuse for the lack of content. Sure the artists have no new cool tools to try new cool stuff, but nothing and absolutely NOTHING stops them from furthering the lore and creating more content.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: LostBalloon.6423
Everyone complaining about the fact that vanilla version of GW2 makes the realization that common sense is a myth all the more real. The instant they announced this i was like cool now people can join easier since its a BONUS to the game. If you are unhappy with the game you bought dont get the expansion. That simple but complaining they added something for free that isnt particularly helpful to you doesnt mean you lose anything.
You just dont gain as much. I dont understand all the fuss they have explained this and it seemed simple enough from the get go. People just want something to complain about is my understanding which there are legitimate complaints but this isn’t one of them. If they gave out a free key chain would you complain you already have that one? Same idea on a more basic level.
My dissatisfaction with them is anet stopped the living story stuff to work on an expansion that is dragging along. They seem to be stretching their resources thin and have trouble delivering.
A lot of the stuff, specifically features, will be added to the base game, wvw & spvp stuff will be added to the base game free because they can’t segment an already thin population without killing the modes (at least they way they are currently designed).
I still haven’t purchased and at this rate I probably won’t. For 50$, so many awesome AAA games are due this winter, I hope they get the expansion is competing with all that, 2015 is a huge year for entertainment in general (awesome AAA games, really good movies, etc)
I have 2 major games, GW2 (which I haven’t played in months because there really isn’t anything new to do, it’s gotten stale) and Destiny (which a bit of the same) – Kind of taking a break.
Now destiny announced TTK (expansion, start of their “year 2”) and same for GW2 with HoT. Now all the HoT announcements have lasted forever, they made so many posts, but the information is so diluted and lacking, they are stretching it (hope it changes when they announce the “challenging content”. (Currently on an MMO scale – to compare apples with apples -, I do not yet see the value ANET asks for the expansion) On the other hand, it took a simple 1h stream (and a few articles here and there) to get me hyped and see the value in buying TTK expansion. In my book Bungie is doing everything right where ANET fails to do so.
Don’t get me wrong, Bungie also had their fair share of missteps, just like ANET, but they both handled themselves in very different ways. And I also do hope ANET steps up because I love the world of GW.
Like I’ve said quite a few times, ANET doesn’t need to spend hours showing us all the tooltips and every single skill and trait, or walk us through a story. We, I, just want to have a good idea of what I’d actually be getting for those 50$.. Same with the challenging group content, a small 3-5 min trailer showing what we can expect from it. We don’t need a full walkthrough of the content before I even get to play it (doing that would just turn the expansion stale before we even get to play it!!)
Same for specialisations, we get it, we just want to know what the missing ones are themed to (specially the people that main those classes, but you don’t need to go in dept the way you have been doing with individual streams which is just dragging on…)
Lastly, ANET, please find a way to at least have one of your communication channels that contains all the important news about the game, right now we have to fish for it all over the place, and really, the forums is not the best place to spread important information as most of the playerbase does not even visit them.
(I have this ominous feeling like I’m going to get hit by the censorship squad…)
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: LostBalloon.6423
I agree with the general consensus. I personally loved GW1 and invested quite a lot of time in GW2 and don’t regret the purchase.
Yet I will probably not buy the expansion until it’s offered with a rebate. I’ve not seen 50$ worth of announcements.
Like many have stated, I don’t get what’s so hard to say “the expansion will contain x maps of similar size to queensdale, y number of dungeons/raids/fractals, x skills/traits per class that will be delivered through the specialisations, a new story arc containing z number of missions, etc”
Yet what we are given is in dept info about the same feature over and over. Yes, we get the expansion will have masteries and elite specs, you don’t need to enumerate them to us or baby us through everything leaving nothing to discover when it launches.
Is it so hard to understand that when we say “better communication” or “more information” we mean that we want information that allows us to make the judgment to see if there is enough meat on the bone to justify the 50$ (which they have done a horrible job to date)
“We don’t divulge information about the story because we don’t want to ruin it” Well great, I sure hope so! But it doesn’t mean you can’t be informative about these things. Any story arc that is created is outlined then worked and detailed, you know how long you intend to make an arc last (at least I hope you do). <- see, interesting information that gives us all we need to make a judgment.
Another example: Game of Thrones, yes, the TV series. Nobody has a clue of what will happen next season (season 6), but I guarantee you anyone that has any kind of interest in the series will be able to tell you that there will be 10h worth of content spread over 10 weekly episodes of 1h each.
tl;dr: It’s been a while (so long) since the expansion has been announced and even available for purchase, yet we still have no clue what we are paying for by forking out the 50$ (If you say you know what the contents of the expansion is, please, enlighten us on the “challenging group content” whatever that means.)
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: LostBalloon.6423
You do know they changed that to include a Character slot for Veterans of Guild Wars 2 right?
So now even the basic gives one you just have to wait a week or so since they do it in batches.
And the more costly choices actually offer 2 now.I was alright with the price, it was expected not happy but expected the only thing I hate was the no character slot.
Now i’m just debating on if I want the gems for the that price and really need to make my choice soon for beta weekend.
Actually I didn’t knew since last time I ’ve checked (today) I ’ve seen (core GW2 game included) and nothing regarding you say.
Now if this is correct I am a bit more happy (still I don’t know why not clearly state such news). Now my only concern is the quality of the expansion and the quality of the game in the near future..!
Actually, unless you intend to pre-PURCHASE prior to the release date, you will not be getting that character slot. So anyone that pre-ORDERS is also NOT getting it. At least that is what ANET’s official response was last time they said anything about it. They tried to be as clear as possible about this.
I commend Anet for going through all the effort to making what looks like a gorgeous map with some interesting mechanics. Unfortunately for me it doesn’t solve the problem of being blobbed to death. Maybe they didn’t want to ruin the mood of the debut by announcing more than they needed to, but this isn’t enough to get me to come back. It’s just going to be more of the same with different scenery.
I agree, I also watched the 2 videos at this link:
and It feels like such a misrepresentation of wvw, you will never see 2 20 man groups spamming random skills and that spread out within a “huge” keep…(or area)
In the end, you asked for a way NOT to get luck when reaching the 300% cap. Forging greens and selling blues is something you CAN do. I’m NOT forcing you to do it. I’m NOT saying that it is more practical or better than just salvaging you loot either.
I’m just saying that you won’t get any essence of luck using this method, which is what was asked for in the OP.
My main point being… can you imagine every time your inventory fills up you have to say “Hold up! Gotta go to the forge”. Then click 4 items at a time until its all cleared that’s just as many clicks as it would be to salvage and destroy the luck.
Unfortunately, for WvW players the salvage-O-matic is something that allow’s us to keep getting loot while remaining in the fight (I remember stopping for a merchant every 2-3 zerg fights in the early days… it was a pain)
Edit: For instance, they could simply make it that we can vendor luck for a slightly lesser but similar value to the greens and blues. They will definitely introduce crafting that uses luck further down the road too, we have already seen it with “Maudrey II” (Obtaining it and how it consumes account bound stuff)
Also, daily rewards has 4 nodes that awards luck, trashing it for no reason would suck.
(edited by LostBalloon.6423)
I doubt anet will do nothing about luck that stacks in your vault.
For instance, the maudry II crafting required luck in the recepies. Also since the maudry II they have introduced with it the concept of an object consuming any excess of account bound materials you may have (I could totally envision the “pot of gold” as an item that eats luck in a similar fashion)
None the less, with the xpac and the mastery system, expect to have some use for luck
Whatever reason they decided to change stability — likely they need some new gimmicks for the revenant and the resistance boon — they will not balance it with WvW in mind. Their intention is always to balance first for PvP.
If you see in the video that it’s badly balanced for PvP, it simply means they are terrible at balance — which is not far-fetched because they’ve shown themselves to be very poor at it.
Yes, the balance in GW2 is usually around spvp, because you want to balance primarily for a game mode in which the teams are the same size and the gear does not matter. But in my opinion your views on this matter are delusional. GW2’s balance is better than most MMO’s, especially now, so I don’t know where this “they don’t know how to balance” comes from. Sure, you wouldn’t know still you obviously have never played pvp in your life. I just explained how having five stacks on stab on you in pvp was a guaranteed full duration stab, did you read or just quoted it for the lulz? So yeah, for once, this is a WvW balance change! Next time, instead of complaining on the forums on issues you have no idea about, play the game!
You’re the one who’s delusional if you think they ever balance for WvW. In WvW, the number of people on each side can change drastically from fight to fight, there is no way to balance stability properly with stacks. Perhaps if you played WvW, you’d know that population differences between servers are becoming more and more pronounced. If you give even more advantages to the bigger server is just insane.
As a mainly WvW player, I’ll tell you, the spvp guy you are arguing with is right. GWEN meta you have to wait for the stability to wear off then cc & burst, or attack the backline with smart mouvements. Now you will finally have a hard counter to idiotic melee trains that count on the numbers game to win a fight.
Also, the stability change is the only major change we know of, and a portion of revenants. All the specialisations will impact WvW as well, the new boons and condis as well… WvW meta will change as it has changed many times already. Strategies and counter strategies will always appear. (some built anti-meta others from balance changes like the coming one)
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: LostBalloon.6423
It doesn’t affect the hype in any way (at least for me) wether it will be released in a few weeks or in a year the content will be the same. All not revealing the release date does is kitten me off. They could at least give us a rough estimate. Are we talking weeks or months, or next year?
100% agreed. And again, their basic communication failures…
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: LostBalloon.6423
This whole conversation makes me laugh. A month ago, people were saying we just want to know if you’re working on an expansion or not. We don’t need a date. We don’t need anything, just let us know.
Of course, once you do that, people complain that they’re losing hype because they don’t have a date.
This whole post makes me laugh, thinking “People” are one coherent mind. What experience could possibly make you think that “People” wouldn’t have inconsistencies in their collective behavior?
I don’t think people have coherent mind and I can’t imagine what part of my post makes you think that I’m trying to imply it. It’s a fact that there were people who asked for this and complained that Anet could at least give us this.
What you’re saying is sort of my point.
I didn’t say they were the same people.
Like I said earlier, there will always be someone who complains. Heck, even I wanna know the release date and much more. But you come out as an kitten . Many of us prefer ANET actually saying what is going on in dev for feedback purposes and all this speculation actually helps them gage what people would like to see and what could really kitten people off.
The forums are a much better place then they were when they were quiet. Heck, ANET had stickies threatening bans to peoples actions, the forums were like a warzone between the mods and the playerbase… don’t need to go back to the dark age, thx.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: LostBalloon.6423
I assume it’ll come out for the 3rd anniversary, but that’s not what I’m overly concerned with. If it comes out earlier, yay, if later worry has even more wait.
What are we going to do until it launches? I really loved the 2 week release cycle (I never wanted an xpac if things continued as planned), it gave me and my friends something to look forward to doing. But what are we going to do for the next 4 (min) to 8 (most likely) to 10 (I hope not) months while they’re finishing HoT. There’s only so many WvW tourneys/festivals/nothing that can keep people’s interest.
WvW is about tactical ability sometimes and not who has the slightly bigger blob. Not that servers have any incentives to win recently.
As someone that has given up on WvW and has been on TC since launch, I disagree.
I quit because the commanders refuse to use tactics and simply push their blobs into the other. I even called this out earlier this week in map chat and people told me(I’m not making this up) “tactics are boring. this is much more fun”We then proceeded to lose Stonemist Castle.
Like he said, there is no incentive to win, but it is always satisfying to win large scale fights specially when you’re outnumbered. A lot more happens in those fights than what most people come to say on the forums…
Tanks reduce damage and control mobs. That’s all a tank does. Support keeps tank and DPS alive
If a tank reduces damage and support keeps the tank alive, what about a character that reduces the damage the tank takes and thus keeps it alive? That doesn’t fit your definitions.
Like I said Tanking is a role. Anybody can tank. Not everybody is efficient at it.
Everybody can support not everybody will efficient at it.
Everybody can deal damage, not everybody will be efficient at it.That’s how the trinity system works. People spec into a certain role to become efficient at it, more so than others that didn’t spec into it.
Up until World of Warcraft’s first expansion, most MMOs stuck with the tradition “1 main trinity role per class”. But the genre has moved on from that now. Now all classes are hybrids in some way of the trinity roles. In gW2, all classes are meant to be able to play all roles. Same as in Rift, all classes can perform all trinity roles.
Are you from the church of Trinity? …
I would guess slow but who knows…
I am more interested where it is in the priority list. If it is to hard to remove, resistance will probably far to strong.
Not too sure, it will make stuff like stacking 25 bleeds, more torment, etc. a lot easier since you can still apply new condies and nothing ticks until boon runs out and when it does, they will be in a world of hurt…
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: LostBalloon.6423
I would hope the expansion includes one char slot, but idk if anyone should expect it considering they would make some decent money off everyone buying a new slot.
Well if they follow gw1 pattern where 2 new professions = 2 slots, this xpac will most probably give us 1 slot.
Stability is OP considering how easy it is to come by (for some classes) and how useful it is. I think its it will be a change for the better.
It will make things more strategic in WvW, since right now its just mostly guardians and a some warrior stacking and pain-training everything. This change may change the meta, and allow more classes to be useful.
I think its their way of bringing anti-blob meta to wvw, or at least part of their solution
Well I am done giving my opinion about balances. ANET created this support unbalanced years ago. Like the symbol of swift nerf which made us the group swiftness (bleep) and just slower when running solo.They have utterly failed at balancing the offensive lack that guardians experience but hey we never have been the killers and I accept that…seriously someone in here wrote that ANET has been trying to resolve our offense…with what spirit weapons OMG lol lol lol yeah I would be better with a level 1 grey greatsword/butterknife skill or better yet increase burning of 1 second cause that will make a difference in WvW with all the extra fire and/or condition removal. I could waste a lot more time on this but I already wasted enough. I will continue to be the (bleep) and say THANK YOU ANET!!!
The main problem with guardians is also the main issue with necros. The basic fact is, the condition system blows chunks and needs to over overhauled completely.
Having one burn per target is what kills guardians damage. There is no stacking of burns just stacking duration, which hur dur doesn’t help when they die in like 15 secs. They appear to be changing how conditions work but if you have a reliable way to generate condi immunity (whatever its name was) then that pretty much negates the entirety of the guardian class as the bulk of their damage revolves around a not so well thought out burn mechanic.
I’m still hoping the guardian specialization is something that focuses on pure offense and actually can kick some kitten .
Man you got me hoping burn stacks in intensity now instead of cover condis I was already hoping condi for LB with hexes like an improved version of GS #5. Need more info tough.
Have you guys not seen medi-guards in spvp? …
I like it – counterplay and boonstrip buff. +1 anet
The newly added ‘counterplay’ just consists of CC spam.
And how exactly was it a buff to boonstrip?
It actually removes a lot of strategy around boon strips (at least in wvw)
I think they’re trying to avoid the hassle of balancing PvE and PvP separately, a la GW1, as much as possible anyway. I’d applaud them on that effort, if it wasn’t so futile.
It’s a pretty good change for sPvP, since it introduces more strategy to the boon, but it’s probably going to be pretty rough in PvE, where I’m sure we will quickly find the points in the game that were never designed to work with stability like that.
I think PvE will be the least affected since you can just stand still in a spot and stack stable while you dps stuff and running usually involves stealth to avoid detection (at least this is true of the vanilla content)
Taunt is just reverse fear, stop thinking of it as a tanking tool.
Fear allows you to stay ranged taunt allows close combat with agro focused on the player which is called tanking
Denial is big on this forum.
Now I see why Anet keeps stuff secret now….
The enemy player or mob will be running towards you auto attacking while you dish out melee dps on them. It’s not tanking its control. Just as how fear pushes everything away from the point it was cast at, taunt is great for grouping up mobs for a burst. Taunt to pull the enemy in a whole on skyhammer (yup, that map will be even more annoying in regards to player positionning) You can pull someone off a stop right into your burst to down them, etc.
Why do so many people want to think of gw2 and make it fit in a trinity mould…
Yeah cause it’s not like Tanks do those things or anything….
Who was I fooling…
Silly me, let me boot up WoW or Wildstar, log on my tank and fill a DPS spot, after all, Tanks can do all that stuff according to you…
There isn’t really much point in trying to explain it to these people, they will just cover their ears and refuse to admit they are over-thinking things.
Pulling mobs to you already exists in this game, taunt is just another way to pull… thieves for instance can pull you in and by no means are they tanks….
Yeah, pretty much. I can definitely see where the new CC can be useful for specific encounters, but that’s really the way it is for all CC.
Well let’s call it a Controller, instead of Tank, since y’all so hurt by the word Tank, even though the Tank is a Controller.
So now we can play dedicated Controller.
Do you, or do you not, have a problem with that?
In what way are dazes, stuns, blinds, knockdowns, pulls, petrify, float, fear, launch, or ice block related to tanks at all?
It reduces damage to the Controller, same thing a Tank does. Tank has many tools to reduce damage. Otherwise they would be lumber for a fire somewhere.
Is thief now a tank because it uses scorpion wire to pull a foe? You’re trying too hard to link things together now.
Controlling a Mob AI and controlling its Damage-output makes a tank.
In Rift, a Mage, and Rogue can all tank. All classes can tank. Because they prevent damage to themselves and group, while controlling mobs AI.
Taunt in GW2 does just that!
And Guild Wars 2 isn’t Rift now, is it? ArenaNet has done many things non-traditionally, I don’t get why you think their versions of definitions is so shocking to you.
-_- he calls GW2 thieves tanks, I think it says enough about his understanding of the trinity system… And he seems to exclude the fact that tanks are not gods even in trinity, they are heavily dependent on healers to keep their health up because they actually eat a lot of damage and not necessarily mitigate it…
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: LostBalloon.6423
Another ANet can’t win request.
“Don’t wait to the last minute to tell us stuff is coming! Let us give you feedback!”
“Don’t tell us so far in advance that we lose interest!”
“When you tell us something it had better be available Right Now!”
“What you’ve told us would be horrible if implemented as is Right Now!”
The issue is they have locked out any potential LS actually happening until the xpac and that we will be getting nothing or just fillers such as the current event or another wvw tournament with nothing going on in pve. On the bright side we will probably get another SAB event (world 3) if they happen to have those few resources freed up.
Precursor crafting was a known issue since launch and they kept saying “soon” until they went totally silent on the issue and now are bringing it behind a paywall. That is a slap in the face.
The rest I think just comes from people’s excitement and eagerness to play the new stuff. And again, as we’ve all said when complaining they don’t talk to us enough, there will always be those who whine, but at least we won’t be hit with huge surprises. The commander tag crisis that was avoided only happened because they communicated their intention and the forums ignited on the topic leading to ANET making the proper adjustments.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: LostBalloon.6423
I hope you’re right, 2016 would be a marketing suicide & anything late-October is Time-To-Market suicide.
And releasing it unfinished in 2015 would be even worse.
ArenaNet actually do real betas. And as such it is quite likely that they don’t actually have a release date yet, and for all they (and we) know it could end up being released in 2016 if there are much stuff that needs to be fixed/changed.
And to be fair, as far as I am aware they have never actually said that it would be released this year.
Yup, I agree, but the xpac is the continuation of the current LS. So they kinda locked themselves in somewhat of a deadline. It will be an interesting thing to see how they handle this whole thing, but I would not hold my breath. My guess is it will get released in 2015 with very little beta testing and adjustments will occur with subsequent patches.
Taunt is just reverse fear, stop thinking of it as a tanking tool.
Fear allows you to stay ranged taunt allows close combat with agro focused on the player which is called tanking
Denial is big on this forum.
Now I see why Anet keeps stuff secret now….
The enemy player or mob will be running towards you auto attacking while you dish out melee dps on them. It’s not tanking its control. Just as how fear pushes everything away from the point it was cast at, taunt is great for grouping up mobs for a burst. Taunt to pull the enemy in a whole on skyhammer (yup, that map will be even more annoying in regards to player positionning) You can pull someone off a stop right into your burst to down them, etc.
Why do so many people want to think of gw2 and make it fit in a trinity mould…
Yeah cause it’s not like Tanks do those things or anything….
Who was I fooling…
Silly me, let me boot up WoW or Wildstar, log on my tank and fill a DPS spot, after all, Tanks can do all that stuff according to you…
There isn’t really much point in trying to explain it to these people, they will just cover their ears and refuse to admit they are over-thinking things.
Pulling mobs to you already exists in this game, taunt is just another way to pull… thieves for instance can pull you in and by no means are they tanks….
I have a little information on this: Footprints are determined by the geometry of leg joints. That is, the direction of a footprint is determined by the joints of a particular creature’s legs and ankles. For all the races except Charr, those bones bend in the same direction of that of a human, they each have the same “ankle roll.” But if you look at images of the Charr, the ankle roll is different. And it’s the way the leg is configured that results in the footprints being backwards for the Charr. Or, as an artist said, “Once the Ankle goes over the ball of the foot, as it does with the Charr, the footprints get reversed because the (game) engine thinks the foot is pointing the opposite direction.”
Making an adjustment requires the involvement of the Gameplay Programming Team. From what I understand, making this change could require a significant amount of time but I’ll see what we can find out about this.
If only all the posts were addressed as professionally as this one… (as I tend to complain a lot on how anet responds unclearly to so many posts, thought it was good to mention this was an excellent response that makes sense and gives us an understanding of the issue and why it would be a major change for a small graphical glitch)
Can you give us an idea of the features you’re considering for the forums? Not necessarily what WILL happen, but more of what you think would be nice to have?
Like a working search function? Pretty please?
I agree, it would be interesting to see some sort of “we find these valid features we would like to implement” or are aware of xyz concern / unpracticality with the forums. Another obvious one is when a red tag (anet) comments on a post and is not on the first page, it gets really annoying to find that first (and sometimes only) comment.
Taunt is just reverse fear, stop thinking of it as a tanking tool.
Fear allows you to stay ranged taunt allows close combat with agro focused on the player which is called tanking
Denial is big on this forum.
Now I see why Anet keeps stuff secret now….
The enemy player or mob will be running towards you auto attacking while you dish out melee dps on them. It’s not tanking its control. Just as how fear pushes everything away from the point it was cast at, taunt is great for grouping up mobs for a burst. Taunt to pull the enemy in a whole on skyhammer (yup, that map will be even more annoying in regards to player positionning) You can pull someone off a stop right into your burst to down them, etc.
Why do so many people want to think of gw2 and make it fit in a trinity mould…
Yeah cause it’s not like Tanks do those things or anything….
Who was I fooling…
Silly me, let me boot up WoW or Wildstar, log on my tank and fill a DPS spot, after all, Tanks can do all that stuff according to you…
Taunt is just reverse fear, stop thinking of it as a tanking tool.
Fear allows you to stay ranged taunt allows close combat with agro focused on the player which is called tanking
Denial is big on this forum.
Now I see why Anet keeps stuff secret now….
The enemy player or mob will be running towards you auto attacking while you dish out melee dps on them. It’s not tanking its control. Just as how fear pushes everything away from the point it was cast at, taunt is great for grouping up mobs for a burst. Taunt to pull the enemy in a whole on skyhammer (yup, that map will be even more annoying in regards to player positionning) You can pull someone off a stop right into your burst to down them, etc.
Why do so many people want to think of gw2 and make it fit in a trinity mould…
How does Taunt bring back the trinity system when it’s a CC to make you attack your allies (it’s the opposite of fear)
So because you start hitting your teammates you suddenly need a tank / trinity? :/
IMO it’s much more interesting to see how it will be used against bosses with big attacks. Instead of dodging Kohler’s attack, someone Taunt’s him and then we go back DPSing him down.
A great example for taunt use is the ritual right before the last boss of arah path 3 where you kite all those _ (forget what they are called). Taunt could be used to pull them in and grab aggro more easily.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: LostBalloon.6423
I reckon HoT will be released end of August to early October.
Now you know the approx. date, happy now?
That’s when they expect GW2 to jump massively in earnings anyway.
I hope you’re right, 2016 would be a marketing suicide & anything late-October is Time-To-Market suicide.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: LostBalloon.6423
Personally I’d get more invested. at this point I feel like I still have nothing to look forward to.
I feel they created a lot of hype that is dying pretty quickly due to the lack of the date and their usual lame pattern of revealing things at an extremely slow pace bit by bit like the feature packs creating a “that’s it?” reaction instead of “we got so much cool stuff!”
Even something like Q2 or Q3 2015 or August 2015 would do. I doubt most people want something in the format of “March 23rd, 2015 at 9:31:50 am PST” …
They did the same with the launch of GW2, they announced the project so far ahead of time that so many of us even forgot they were still working on it…
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: LostBalloon.6423
Gaile, I see you merged the threads? but is there an answer to this question?
You know, you lose all kind of credibility when you say Guild Wars 2 is ugly. And then you compare it to the video you posted as being better looking?
Come on now.
Whoa whoa now. That is not my view on it. You want to see it done right that is the video. And trust me its even better when you play it.
Still looks like a kittenized version of The Sims. Again, no thank you.
One. You’re implying the sims is a bad game, and as like the 5th best selling franchise that ever existed that isn’t the case. And if you really think its just a version of that game you didn’t listen to that video at all. From stations, to JP, to dungeon portals, to eveverythi g in between done right it would take ever aspect about gw2 put your own person spin on it and allow it to be in your own personal space
Two your point doesn’t make any sense that’s like saying playing engi is just a kittening version of halo no thank you. Super adventure box is just a kittening version of Mario no thank you, personal stories are just a kittening version of final fantasy. While all those are true the comparison doesn’t make any sense. Especially when you don’t list positives and negitives of both systems.
And lastly. We got it. You don’t like the sims and you don’t like this idea. Not giving reasons and points isn’t adding anything to the topic. So there isn’t much of a need to reply.
Again, if he or (we) wanted to play the sims, I’d play the sims, anet doesnt need to introduce everything every other game has. GW2 is it’s own unique snowflake. Also, some of the said advantages such as crafting materials already exist in gw2’s version of home instances.
Also core parts of Wildstar are lackluster which is why it failed. The mmo’s gameplay felt primitive, specially when you have to fight for resources to complete quests, no smart quest log helping you to optimize your movements for quest completions. Horrible base UI and heavily reliant on plugins.
I keep reading OP using the same “it’s perfect for GW2”. Why would it be any better for GW2 than any other mmo that has done it? Why would it be any better then playing any other simulation game that bank on just such features and develop them greatly.
And no, I don’t agree with your argument. GW2 has a unique dynamic combat system and team based tactics that still has room for improvement (which they are doing with the xpac). That is their #1 asset and advantage and what they should bank on. Actual content that keeps players playing and not a gimmick.
It’s just a waste of resources to build such a complex system and so much thought before even doing something regarding how they would add it without creating a mess. And as others have stated, they are creating a similar thing slowly in the home instances (which seems to be their answer to this).
PS: you cant blame people for not wanting to read all your walls of text, learn to condense your thoughts in a few sentences and separate your points.
It is currently really hard to keep track of topics we are interested in or wrote in and are getting replies from people.
Also, when a topic is really hot, it is even harder to find the reply to our post.
Is a notification system & bringing us directly to the reply from the notification a planned improvement for the site?
more buffs to engis…. what a surprise~
It’s not, they are really good in PvP but suck everywhere else…
Ignore all the lame stuff and skip to section 5.
“Stability changes
It will no longer stack in duration and prevent all CC. It will now have stacks with each CC taking off 1 stack."
Is this for all classes or just Revenant? Because if it is the former that is a huge chance for PvP.
Everyone from Guardians, to Stance warriors, to Cantrip eles, and Stone Rangers even Lich Necros all of them and everyone else is highly effected.
Now i’m not saying that is a bad thing. Without everyone having access to boon rip stability is a very strong strong buff. But that is a huge change that I don’t see many post about yet.
What do you guys think? Is there something i’m missing or is the entire meta changing?
Well, we can only hope they know what they are doing because people are already saying “RIP WvW”, and if in PvP it conquest becomes a ping-pong match it’s going to be RIP PvP…
RESISTANCE might seem a countermeasure, but as long conditions are put on hold so not ticking and additional stacks can be applied it could turn out to be a serious double edged sword…
Devs already explained, that the conditions are ticking and expiring normally, they just don’t have any effect.
Wrong. They actually said that ticks would be “frozen in time” while resistance is on and continue ticking from where they left off once resistance boon expires. Meaning the boon will not clear condies or reduce their duration/effect time, but will give you a window in which you can clear them.
Don’t ask me, you could have zerker gear on and be super tanky because of your traits and skill selection. (ex: shout-heal warrior) Of course, PVT will enhance the build’s tankyness but will lose some dps.
Your trait selection is your main build, then you fine tune it with (or make it viable) with gear stats and rune selection.
Zerker builds are mainly traited for dps optimisations and the gear used only enhances the dps output.
Really, I just think people use gear to talk because it makes the discussion easier. Someone wearing zerker gear usually aims for a high dps and glassier build.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: LostBalloon.6423
is this a better version of berserker stance?
berserker stance is outright immunity.
resistance can be corrupted/stripped, and you can still apply condis to the target, they just won’t work until the boon wears off.
but condition on you still have effect when you have berserker stance on. and such long CD for such short period of effect.
Berserker stance is kinda the opposite to the resistance boon.
B.S. → immune to any new conditions being applied while effect is on. Conditions applied prior to stance continue affecting the player.
Re → conditions can still be applied to the player and currently applied conditions remain. All conditions do not affect the player while the boon is active. (also conditions tick times stop while boon is applied)
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: LostBalloon.6423
Hi everyone,
What do you guys think about the new boon: Resistance? I have some mixed fealings about it.
It sounds interesting, but i feel there already are a lot of condition cleanses in pvp. How will this new boon effect condition based builds?
The blog post has a example of Resistance temporarely stopping a fear but how does it work exactly? For example:
A necro lands a 3 second fear on me. After 2 seconds I get Resistance. What happens when the boon ends? Will I be feared for the remaining 1 second if it didnt get cleansed?
It’s not the same as a cleanse, its just a temporary freeze of the condition effects on your character. Also, if you get hit by a 3s fear, cast the boon on 2s, when boon ends, you will continue being feared for 2s. (unless your condi’s get cleansed b4 the boon runs out)
I think this boon will play interestingly with the concept of the revenant that can dish out all the conditions he has on him.
For pvp, if you manage to survive while the opponent has the boon on him, I think you will be able to stack a lot of conditions on him if he has no cleansing which can be devastating to the player once his boon ends. It will generally be used to stop condis from ticking and getting a clear from teammates, etc. It will be very interesting and there will be some clutch moments around it.
There is build diversity in guild wars 2, even for dungeons. People have solo’d arah naked, it can’t get any more diverse than that.
Well, I think they technically still had their traits which is the major part of the build.
There will always be the best way at doing things. It doesn’t only affect Gw, MMO or video games. In real life too there’s always a best way at doing something.
I agree, and the reason why zerker is king of PvE right now is because after almost 3 years of the same dungeons and really easy open world content (since anet doesn’t want to make something too hard in open world for the sake of accessibility) most people know the content by heart, know all the enemy mechanics that are used, etc. It is normal that people become more and more efficient at the encounters.
My PvE character is zerker and i’ve run with non-zerker groups for fun (ps: i’m not the only one, just that we won’t go telling the group “hey! zerker here!”) When you get to know the mechanics so well after so much time, you get to know when to use a dodge, when to use blocks, reflects, safest times to burst damage, etc.
Zerker wont be king of the new content at first in HoT, but it will come back (as much as possible) when people learn the encounters and come up with meta strategies.
Ather path is a prime example. When they first brought it, many would not dare go in as zerkers and now that people know the path better, you see a lot more people wearing zerker gear doing it.
I th8nk OP are talking about OPTIMAL options, and i m talking about that too, ofc you can also go inside a dungeon and kill every mob, but alot of ppl find this pointless… why shoudld i stay 30 min in a path if i can do it in 10 min? If someone, like you, have fun and dont care of that, i m really happy, cause u can enjoy the content, but me, and not only me, cant kitten my brain doing something i feel pointless
No, what you’re talking about is FASTEST option. If you are doing a speed run for a challenge then fine, you have the option to spec for damage and mob skipping. If you want to fight every mob and do a complete dungeon clear you have the option to spec for more support and survivability. You and the OP are talking like speed running is the only option, and it simply is not the case. Many people play for many different reasons, and GW2 gives you the options to play the way you want. The old trinity did not. You NEEDED to have a healer and tank in order to finish a raid/dungeon. It wasn’t an option, it was compulsory if you wanted a chance of success, let alone if you wanted to speed run it.
Like I said, if you choose to ignore the other options and only focus on speed run builds, then that is your problem not a problem with the game.
Rin, you have a misconception and I don’t agree with your argument. There is a difference skipping mobs that don’t need to be cleared in order to not spend all day in the dungeon for nothing versus actual speed runs.
Many none-zerker groups still skip trash because they are, well…, trash (no challenge, no fun & time consuming). Then there are slow and fast runs based on player skills & builds. That’s it.
Speed runs are actually planned to the finest detail in order to optimize for every second you get off your clear time. Builds, engagement location, mob pulls, stealth, etc. The people that actually attempt speed runs spend hours doing the same path over and over tweaking their builds and group composition as well as tactics. Speed runners actually spend more time doing the path than a very slow group doing it once for fun.
Speed running =/= fast runs
And again, no matter what content anet dishes out, you will always have to kill mobs, it is only logical to build around dishing out as much damage as you can while still having a viable build that can give just enough support to the team.
Tanking in this game does 2 things, makes encounters longer and you eventually die or your party dies leaving only you up and you get wrecked again.
For some reason people stick to the thought of how trinity works and try to emulate the feeling with their builds. It just doesn’t work. GW2 is a system based on balance. When they say support, control, it really does not mean no damage in your build. You, as the player, have to find a playstyle that suits you while working on your build to synergize with the/a group.
WvW needs content updates, not band-aids.
You mean like Edge of the Mists that people have been raging and whining about since it was released?
Isn’t it better to actually test out things first? Maybe this time people will actually be truthful when it comes to the feedback (seeing as clearly the ones doing EotM feedback lied according to most people on these forums).
I participated in the closed beta and I can tell you clearly why it failed and was not representative of the WvW population.
1- Server population was practically empty and all there was is unbalanced fighting like (10 v 2 – yes population was this low)
2- No known (reputable) wvw guild participated (i did out of pure curiosity)
3- Most guilds that were invited were PvE centric
4- People were testing stuff like using the bucket (i tried putting a treb up there and it worked, ha! unkillable treb ftw!)
5- Very few fights occured as people were too busy exploring, the provided teamspeak was always empty, you would have everyone running around with a tag up, etc…
EotM closed testing was a horrible experience. (With only PvE players testing it, it’s no surprise they are the ones that mainly use that map)
I am pretty sure (and for the first time that I will be defending anet in a long time) they want to avoid what I just said and get a proper test for the changes. They will be able to truly see how it impacts WvW for WvW players.
Edit: To all those that openly refuse to be part of this mass test without giving it a try is why WvW has remained stale for 2 years+ and why all the competitive guilds stopped playing this game out of pure boredom. Now that they finally give WvW some attention and show intent of change and balance, you guys shrug it off… then you will complain they dont ever try anything for wvw…
(edited by LostBalloon.6423)
For a better community, you’d need GSCH to stop being peppy and get their act together in wvw, they couldn’t fight if their life depended on it. They come into wvw with random group composition, pve builds, etc. Can’t be blamed as they get whoever can show up.
Unfortunately for SoR, GSCH is their only chance at wvw. Like the other poster said, everyone literally jumped ship.
Why? Some of the native PvE guils on SoR are total kittens. SIN, sinister swarm had players grief us and their leaders ignored the situation forever. It took great effort from their very few WvW players to do something about it. There was another guild that was huge yet extremely insignificant to the point i forget their tag & name. Their leaders would litterally sit in lion’s arch showing off their legendaries in front of the bank. And when someone dropped banners, they would always cover them with their own. Grief in wvw and encouraged by their leader. Are those people still playing and on SoR, I wouldn’t know.
WvW guild being told to sit out to let those PvE guilds run their WvW event only to be begged to take over the map after, but still being talked kitten about.
Like other posters have said, SoR will get no sympathy. I wont talk for GSCH, but they have one big reason to stick with SoR that nobody else has and it is that the server was named in the honour of one of their late members.
Each WvW guild had their personal reasons for leaving the server, that may or not be related to the issue, but if that toxicity is still existent on that server, I doubt any wvw guild will even consider SoR as a potential destination.
And even back in the T1 days, SoR had a very small WvW population that kept the server there. Server complains about WvW players when there, now they complain about not having any…
or you can do it the good old way, fight the enemy off instead of hiding behind the walls and take out their siege.
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