Showing Posts For Lothair.8942:

Complete Ranger class suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lothair.8942


There are many changes here that are fantastic and some that are downright overpowered!

One of the major gripes with me is Pet AI and pathing – after almost a year they still can’t get it right it’s completely annoying. They need to fix this major piece of the class prior to anything else. If we’re forced to use a pet, then make that pet at least work properly!

On my wishlist of things I would love to have:

Bloodhound: Your pet gains the ability to track it’s targeted enemy through stealth and continue to follow and attack.

After 5 months

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lothair.8942


I recently came to a similar conclusion as the OP – I found myself playing with no really enjoyment anymore so I simply uninstalled the game. I’m not saying I’m done with it, but for now I’m enjoying playing some other games. I’ll continue to visit the boards and look forward to seeing what ANET has in store for future updates as ultimately that will determine whether I return or not.

Longbow Ability: Snipe

in Ranger

Posted by: Lothair.8942


In my opinion, auto attack on the Longbow is the biggest turnoff of the weapon. The rest of the skills are useful (although I have a love/hate relationship with Rapid Fire) – however, #1 is boring and it feels like you’re disengaging from the fight when your other skills are on cooldown.

On the flip side, you have Short Bow, who’s best skill is the auto attack! Go figure.

Holy crap wintersday scout!

in Ranger

Posted by: Lothair.8942


Don’t get me wrong, in certain situations I would have my pet out and use it for the most part. However, I would love the option for a permanent stow + slight damage buff – hell it could even be tied to pet on passive if they want.

Holy crap wintersday scout!

in Ranger

Posted by: Lothair.8942


Pet micro-managing is the biggest downfall of the Ranger class. In dungeons my pet is constantly dead and/or unable to switch because of cooldown. I would love to have the ability to stow it and gain a slight damage buff.

Back to the topic at hand though, yes, the scout is awesome and makes me never want to play a longbow ranger again! So much fun.

Jormag drop rate [Merged thread]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lothair.8942


Yeah, the level 82-84 mobs drop rate has been nerfed to the ground. You know, why make it too easy to get some good items out of an event that happens every 3 hours.

Pets you'd like in the future...

in Ranger

Posted by: Lothair.8942


Moose would be pretty cool. His f2 attack could be called the Knuckle!

HAHAHA nice one

Myself, I would love to tame an Eagle Griffon

Fractal Check point foe

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Lothair.8942


Simple solution, kill him before running through the rest of the mobs. Better yet, kill them all because they have a pretty good drop rate.

Im done with Fractals

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Lothair.8942


Done here as well. Really dissapointed because faptals were reasonably fun and a good way to grab loot. Now its just… horror. Did lv 17 four times before completed on the fifth try. Now at 19 I can’t seem to do it with a pug. Did a 10 daily last night… complete abortion. Swamp, cliffside (um yea…) our gaurdi DC’d and we ACTUALLY passed as a bunch of squishies with brocken armor only to enter grawl… I quit then. For a long long time.

I think I was the Guardian in your group that DC’d when we were transferring… I was so f’in frustrated that I didn’t log back into the game.

6 servers Very High, 18 servers Full

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lothair.8942


I’m more impressed that they haven’t had a need to even shutdown servers yet. SWTOR was already shutting down servers before this point, and they didn’t add any servers when they went Free to Play.

Not really a fair comparison, SW:TOR had far more servers open at launch than GW2 does currently.

Cliffside Fractal final boss Broken

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Lothair.8942


There is a strategy that works very well on the last boss of Cliffside (dragging him into the alcove to avoid mobs). However, phase 2 of the boss with the PBAoE + the AOE ground is extremely difficult in FoTM 20+ – probably the most challenging & longest fractal now.

My first time in an instance (Dungeon) CM

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Lothair.8942


The one thing I’ll agree with here is that the learning curve for new players in this game is extremely steep. What needed to happen LONG ago was to make the story mode dungeons a lot easier and more of a transition dungeon for new people into the game.

Change in loot parameters or a bug? [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lothair.8942


2 weeks since the AMA – no further communication on several key issues and promises made about following up on certain items. Just more PR BS to get you playing to the next event.

Exploits and bugs in fractals

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Lothair.8942


Speaking of the Asura fractal, I don’t get why Harpies have a knockback – it does make the ascent challenging in that it’s annoying as hell. Add more harpies, make the harpies hit harder? I don’t understand design concepts like this where it seems the developers goal is to piss off the people fighting in the dungeon.

It is NOT fun to get knocked down – it is NOT fun to lose all control of your character constantly via knock backs, drags, knockdowns.

Dwarven Fractal?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Lothair.8942


Another awesome one would be traveling with Almorra Soulkeeper’s band when Elder Dragon Kralkatorrik awoke and created the Dragonbrand. There is a skill point dedicated to this already in the game – her whole band was transformed into branded while her alone was the soul survivor.

Cliffside Fractal final boss Broken

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Lothair.8942


I have to say this is what annoys me the most about these fixes. There are other game & fun-breaking issues out there that need addressing and should have the focus of the ANET team. Fixing a bug that allowed us to AOE the seal, while yes saved us a few minutes, is in no way game-breaking.

Now it’s completely fubar – let’s see how long they take to fix it – I’ve had groups quitting on 3rd Fractal because they don’t want to do it, they’d rather just quit!

Dwarven Fractal?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Lothair.8942


I would like to see another underground Fractal against the Destroyer agents of Primordus – could have something to do with Dwarves as well!

Cliffside Fractal final boss Broken

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Lothair.8942


I noticed that after 75% no mobs spawn but I have seen some cultists on the level below that usually are not there. Got this done1 out of 4 times today only by resetting the boss/adds after each hit on the seal. It’s just frustrating to no end…

Cliffside Fractal

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Lothair.8942


I think its like Quantum Leap. You don’t really know where or why. You just have to figure out the thing that needs to be done to make the next jump.

We may never know how important a role in history it was for us to kill a naked barbarian in a swamp.

Oh my, perfect comparison. Didn’t think of it that way!

Cliffside Fractal

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Lothair.8942


That’s the one thing missing from Fractals – learning more about the backstory – where we are, why are we doing this?

Cliffside Fractal

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Lothair.8942


I want to know more about this Colossus! Where did he come from, where is he going!?!? Very well done.

Dredge Powersuit (Very unbalanced)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Lothair.8942


The ground and pound is far worse than the bombs.

Magic find effectivity

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lothair.8942


There is already a thread for this – but yeah, it’s been noticed and being talked about.

15k Achievement Points

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lothair.8942


Geez, just give him congrats and move on…. what is with you people?

Player Poll: Gen. overview after 3 months?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lothair.8942


1. BW1
2. 800+
3. 42g (currently my highest ever)
4. 3 80’s (Guardian, Ranger, Mesmer)
5. Frostgorge, Cursed Shore, Dungeons
6. Yes – Over 100%
7. Yes – 1 (in FoTM)
8. No, unfortunately never have out of a chest.
9. 5-6
10. 1/hour is what I expect now, which is sad.
11. Between 10-15
12. 6 crafting skills @ 400
13. I do sometimes, depends on cashflow.
14. I did prior to Lost Shores, now I feel crafting is worthless and the only way to upgrade gear is through FoTM (which I know they say they are correcting).
15. Not possible in one word. What needs to be fixed is class bugs/loot % drops/diminishing returns/easing up on the GRIND.

Change in loot parameters or a bug? [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lothair.8942


The only T6 mat that is stable seems to be Ancient Bones – obviously with all the farming that occurred on Orr maps. Anything else, is just an enormous jump.

One thing that always puzzled me was why there was not a chance at receiving fine materials back when salvaging armor/weapons! Hell, you can get globs back from Rares, even though you don’t use globs when creating them!

Change in loot parameters or a bug? [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lothair.8942


That’s taking into account that Vicious Fangs were up in value 180%+ yesterday. But yeah, I agree – it’s absolutely nuts for ONE item.

Change in loot parameters or a bug? [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lothair.8942


I farmed for 3 hours yesterday in Frostgorge, in the vain attempt to shore up some Vicious Fangs. I ended up with 2 Vicious Fangs, 11 T5 Fangs and a few blue and white items. Not one Masterwork or Rare.

I have full MF gear, MF rune on my weapon, Guild Boosts and food items – it makes absolutely no difference at all. Is this working as intended?

Tier 3 Cultural Armor - Lets reign it in

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lothair.8942


I’m fine with the price as it is… the point is it’s supposed to be an epic looking armor for your character – not everyone should be running around with it – ala commander title. I do think it should be increased in rarity/stats though.

Only Flaw With FOTM IMO (Levels)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lothair.8942


I agree completely, they need to find a workaround to this (I think Chris mentioned they were working on it). It’s extremely frustrating!

Makeover kits are here :D

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lothair.8942


I just want a name change so I can switch two of my character names

Makeover kits are here :D

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lothair.8942


Name change should have been in the total makeover – especially since gender change is included! People should be allowed to choose new names for themselves if they change sex!

why is smite not a symbol?

in Guardian

Posted by: Lothair.8942


This is something I’ve wondered about as well, I think it should be changed to be a symbol as well.

I cannot find a Fractal group to run with :(

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lothair.8942


Try using until ANET decides to put a fix in. Seriously a huge issue, but the tool does help in the interim.

AMA on Reddit [merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lothair.8942


I don’t think they have helped themselves at all here. The blokes who are most pissed want an honest roadmap for the next year not a bunch of pr speak.

50 ectos (with the current drop rate) and 250 t6 ingredients…. how is that minimal grind? The deception and lying is galling.

Get fractals and buy the fractal version of the ascended back piece.

1800 fractal tokens is not an easy fix Sir.

It isn’t that bad you should already have a decent amount by the time you reach the point in FotM that you actually need the resistance.

I’m sorry, no. For example, let’s say you start really needing agony resistance around 15 (I know it kicks in at 10) – by completing 15, you would have approx. 415 relics (assuming you didn’t repeat content). You’d have to repeat 10-15 another (approx.) 6 times just to buy the exotic version of the back piece and then farm another 500 relics to ascend it.

You forgot about the ascended rings, however what I take from your post is “I have barely progressed in FotM, but am making a lot of assumptions just to prove my point.”. Almost all agony mechanics other than from Jade Maw phase changes are avoidable by dodges, which is based on player skills if you’re even somewhat skilled and are aware of your surroundings you should be able to dodge most if not all agony procs from general fractal bosses.

Now who is making assumptions.

Your post made a point of “you should already have a decent amount by the time you reach the point in FotM that you actually need the resistance.” – this is different for everybody. People with less skill are going to need this sooner, or people who have horrible luck with RNG obtaining rings. The fact is, level 10 is when “agony” kicks in and that is what I was responding to.

Anyways, I don’t want to get into a big thing about this – I was just trying to educate for people who haven’t progressed. The fact that Chris confirmed they were taking a look at progression through mats & tokens is a good enough answer for me right now.

AMA on Reddit [merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lothair.8942


We had a lot of community members dedicate their free time to put a list of questions from many of us it would be prudent to have those addressed.

They should just take an hour after the AMA is done and respond to all of those great questions that were not addressed.

AMA on Reddit [merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lothair.8942


I don’t think they have helped themselves at all here. The blokes who are most pissed want an honest roadmap for the next year not a bunch of pr speak.

50 ectos (with the current drop rate) and 250 t6 ingredients…. how is that minimal grind? The deception and lying is galling.

Get fractals and buy the fractal version of the ascended back piece.

1800 fractal tokens is not an easy fix Sir.

It isn’t that bad you should already have a decent amount by the time you reach the point in FotM that you actually need the resistance.

I’m sorry, no. For example, let’s say you start really needing agony resistance around 15 (I know it kicks in at 10) – by completing 15, you would have approx. 415 relics (assuming you didn’t repeat content). You’d have to repeat 10-15 another (approx.) 6 times just to buy the exotic version of the back piece and then farm another 500 relics to ascend it.

AMA on Reddit [merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lothair.8942


I don’t think they have helped themselves at all here. The blokes who are most pissed want an honest roadmap for the next year not a bunch of pr speak.

50 ectos (with the current drop rate) and 250 t6 ingredients…. how is that minimal grind? The deception and lying is galling.

Get fractals and buy the fractal version of the ascended back piece.

1800 fractal tokens is not an easy fix Sir.

AMA on Reddit [merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lothair.8942


Hi Landeyda,

Thanks for taking the time to post your questions. Mike O will respond to the top question and I will respond to the bottom section.

Ascended Gear is designed to fill the ‘Time’ gap in regard to the distance between exotic and Legendary in terms of progression and in retrospect would have been better to have been rolled out pre launch.

I would also like add that we have never said there would be no vertical progression. We do intent to focus on horizontal but we will have vertical progression moving forward with the focus on zero grind and a very low power curve.

Please understand that we see the community as a ‘whole’ and therefore are not intending to design again for one specific type of player over another. This is a misconception and one that is not promoted by the team. We will continue to develop the game for the community as a whole offering game play that caters to lots of different types of players in a unified approach that will evolve over time based on feedback and the direction the team as a whole wants to take.


Well, there it is. Vertical progression is here to stay.

Welcome to power creep, folks.

yeah…he also said they would add other progression and make it easier to obtain said items outside of spvp..and would focus on adding items of the same tier over all of next year. I just dont see this as an issue. You guys wanted transparency, he’s giving it to you and you are still complaining.

He also said “zero grind”. Current acquisition metod cannot be called zero grind even by someone completely deluded.

He did say this about the grind:

Good point Nacho. We are currently discussing these particular items and it is fair to say that we don’t want have such big hikes in requirements moving forward.


AMA on Reddit [merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lothair.8942


Hi Joiry,

Really interesting question. Our intention is to deploy ascended components and gear across the whole of the game rather than focus it in one particular location. This was a a mistake and one that we will not be making moving forward. We do hope to find a balance and ensure that the world of Guild Wars 2 is as accessible and populated as possible and moving forward you will be able to see how we intend to execute on this goal.

I think with the support of the community we can continue building a world that does satisfy lots of different types of players in a fashion where everyone feels part of the same community and whose activities impact and interplay with those of differing player types.

(edited by Lothair.8942)

AMA on Reddit [merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lothair.8942


Hi Landeyda,

Thanks for taking the time to post your questions. Mike O will respond to the top question and I will respond to the bottom section.

Ascended Gear is designed to fill the ‘Time’ gap in regard to the distance between exotic and Legendary in terms of progression and in retrospect would have been better to have been rolled out pre launch.

I would also like add that we have never said there would be no vertical progression. We do intent to focus on horizontal but we will have vertical progression moving forward with the focus on zero grind and a very low power curve.

Please understand that we see the community as a ‘whole’ and therefore are not intending to design again for one specific type of player over another. This is a misconception and one that is not promoted by the team. We will continue to develop the game for the community as a whole offering game play that caters to lots of different types of players in a unified approach that will evolve over time based on feedback and the direction the team as a whole wants to take.


Understanding Logic

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lothair.8942


You want free things.
I want free things too.
We all can’t have free things though.

You coulda just said hey guys loots pretty bad can we get more.

Get a magic find set and stop finding things to complain about

I’m with you OP, the drop rates of T6 materials is a very valid concern. The drop rates in general, are a concern. I use MF sets as well, and I’m not seeing a difference at all. Not to mention the sneaky diminishing returns that kick in after God knows when. It is definitely something worth discussing and I hope it gets reviewed.

Is exploiting really that fun?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lothair.8942


This, I have to agree with – not for everyone of course. I’m sure after doing FoTM to Level 30 in one week (which some people have) you get bored with the content and look for ways around it.

So my question would be, why are you at FoTM level 30 to begin with? If you are actually having fun and enjoying the same content over and over, more power to you!!! However, if you are just doing it to be the best, to be the fastest and to have the best gear before everyone else. IMO, you have to take a long hard look at your life.

Is exploiting really that fun?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lothair.8942


I had a similar experience with the Colossus – people AOE’n the final seal instead of hitting the seal with the hammer after charging it.

Oh, and the Charr courtyard battle, people running along the map border to avoid fighting any of the mobs prior to Dulfy.

Oh, and the Dredge fractal, people running through the lava to avoid opening the cages and jumping through a glitch in the map to get to the “step on two platform” cage.

It’s become a case of farm as fast as you can – I don’t see the fun in it?? I somehow am at 8 or 9, and I did enjoy a few runs early on. Why not just remove all the trash mobs and let us fight a boss for 15-20 minutes and give us our treat.

Formal statement from ANet?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lothair.8942


First of all 10k people are enough to determine the election results for a country of over 80 million, so they are more than enough to determine whether something goes south or not.

It’s also very important that players who hate and love vertical progression showed the same playstyle before the Lost Shore patch. The goal for both was to get to exotics, the only difference was the those who hate vertical progression did this so they could start doing what they wanted to to while those who love vertical progression did it cause their goal simply is to get gear.

If Arena Net is not stupid as hell they know by now that they made a huge mistake and pissed of enough of the community to hurt them badly. This was obvious after they announced the patch content and it’s even more obvious now since we now know that things are even worse than we expected them to be.

I like your election analogy – if the forums were considered “going to the polls to vote”, Arena Net lost this election by a landslide!

I’m more taken aback by the lack of PR on this – avoiding the concerns and not addressing them head-on leads me to believe they don’t care about their fan base (which is probably far from the truth). The people posting (for or against) are passionate about this game and obviously want it to succeed. I’d be more scared if I saw apathy coming from the masses.

I’m expecting a lot from the AMA this afternoon as it will probably determine whether or not I’ll be a customer of ANET moving forward.

It's pretty sad when...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lothair.8942


… people have to create an out of game LFG “tool” in order to find groups for anything in the game. works, but I mean, should we really need to visit 3rd party sites in order to find people to play with online?
Even still, I waited close to 45 minutes in LA to find a group for FoTM – everyone is either too high or too low – it’s hard to find people on the same fractal level as you.

How many here are playing less? And why?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lothair.8942


I have been very vocal about how much I did not agree with the changes pre-patch, to the point of being infracted 10+ times on posts (some very warranted). I decided to give the new content a chance, I didn’t want to be one of those detractors who quit without even playing the new content.

After trying it, I’m even more annoyed. The FoTM level segregation, the empty world, the grind for ascended gear, the welfare precursors, the mess that was the one-time event.

It’s just ridiculous that the people who brought us this amazing game could miss the mark so much on this patch. Hell, maybe I’m wrong and one of the people in the vocal minority – I dunno, I still see a lot of people in Lion’s Arch on my server running happily content in their hamster wheel. Only Arena Net truly knows the positive or negative impact this patch created – the rest of us can just speculate.

All I know is that through 15 years of playing MMOs, I’ve never felt this much anger towards a developer. Hell, I hardly ever even post in forums – but in this case I feel betrayed and angry enough to vent in the hopes someone is listening.

Reopen our Ascended Gear Discussion Thread!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lothair.8942


Oh Greg, you’re too funny. Maybe you should actually learn more about the game before posting here. Legendary was just a skin, it HAD the exact same stats as Exotic.

Reopen our Ascended Gear Discussion Thread!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lothair.8942


If you’re going to keep closing all new threads, might as well just re-open the one where people were having a conversation.

The real reason for Ascended?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lothair.8942


Ecto’s aren’t the problem here people – the problem is the T6 fine crafting materials. Ever ask yourself why, when salvaging gear, there is absolutely no chance to retrieve fine crafting materials? Look beyond what is spoon fed to you.