Showing Posts For LowfatEnvelope.5934:

Guilds: Activate Recruit Mode!

in Looking for...

Posted by: LowfatEnvelope.5934


TLDRSacred Brewers [BREW] is recruiting! We’re a very small (sub-10 player) PvE based guild that’s looking for some more people to play with. Ultimately we’re interested in getting into casual Raid progression and fractals. We’re not planning on being a large guild. We’re just looking for some like minded players who are interested in learning/doing Raids and fractals. Clarification: You do NOT have to do fractals/raids if you join us, but that’s where our focus will be. If you want to just hang out with us, that’s fine too. New and old players are welcome.

The Details:
About us:
All of the leaders have been playing since launch. Three of us have been playing games together for years, and we recently added a new member. Aside from us four, we have a couple of other members who play off and on. The guild itself has existed for 2 years.

Current Guild Upgrades:
We are currently in possession of the Lost Precipice guild hall and have completed Tavern Restoration I. In the old guild system we had researched 3/4ths of the different tiers (including the guild vault), so we have the unlocks that come along with that.

Raid Progression Philosophy:
We aren’t so much as concerned with what’s META as we are with what’s fun (and functional). Our goal is to work our way through the raid together and learn as we go; we don’t plan on relying on guides as they come out for clearing raid content. That being said, we DO plan on actually progressing through the raid, so if we absolutely need to we’re not opposed to using pre-existing information. To be clear: We’re not interested in being the first to clear anything; We just want to have fun. If you think that going into a Raid blind and figuring out mechanics with a group of players sounds like something you’d enjoy, by all means contact us!

Rep. Policy:
We honestly don’t care if you rep us or not. We don’t see a reason to require members to represent us with the addition of cross-guild chat and removal of influence. We think that if you enjoy playing with us and hanging out with us you’ll talk to us regardless of what guild you’re representing, and that’s all we’re interested in. We won’t force you into anything.

We don’t have any rules other than don’t be a jerk. Negativity/drama is not something we’re interested in. If you step out of line we will let you know. We’re also not a democracy; if you continue to not listen, we will kick you. What the guild leaders say is final. If you have an objection to a decision you are free to debate it with us in a level headed and well thought out manner, but we are not obligated to change anything due to majority rules. This may sound a bit harsh, but please keep in mind that we’re rationally thinking people. We do want to hear your opinions and will take serious feedback into serious consideration. We’re just putting this out here now so that our policy is clear.
Additional Information:
Server and Active Hours:
• Region: North America

• Server: Dragonbrand (This isn’t really important since we don’t do much WvW. We don’t care what server you’re on).

• Hours: 11AM CST – 12:00AM CST (These are approximate times, we’re often on earlier or later than this).

Communication Methods:
We are currently using Discord for voice chat and out of game communication. The Discord information is in the guild MOTD and available to all members. We do not have a website, but we may end up setting one up if we get enough members.

Contact Information:
If you’d like to know more or join us then feel free to whisper, mail, post here or PM the following people:
• LowfatEnvelope.5934
• MrJK.2985
• NewCalamity.3561


Got 100% map completion on VB, no reward [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: LowfatEnvelope.5934


Same here. Also had 100% Tyria completion.


Raid Mechanics

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: LowfatEnvelope.5934


The circles on blue do massive Raid-wide damage, so you all need to stack in them when they’re up (or at least some of the group, might as well do everyone). To damage him you just need boon strips to get rid of his invulnerability buff. Green does seem to be normal damage, red is definitely condis, but I think maybe the red orbs can hurt him too? The group I was in didn’t really test that.


"New" Triple Trouble Wurm Texture

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LowfatEnvelope.5934


Oh, I thought they had just made Cobalt actually cobalt.



GW2 Sale and its downfall

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LowfatEnvelope.5934


I’m assuming to friend cross world, you have to have their full name it IE AhmiraSoulrage1387 ?

You just need one of their character’s names if I remember correctly, but either should work. You do it the same way as adding a friend on your world.


Unknown Chest

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LowfatEnvelope.5934


I’ve been seeing that as well, and also on some interactable trees. Assuming it’s just a glitch.


Post a pic of your character only if your armor is mix-n-match

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LowfatEnvelope.5934


Here’s my Sylvari Guardian:

Helmet: Barbaric
Shoulders: Carapace
Chest: Dark Templar
Gloves: Heritage
Leggings: Nightmare Court
Boots: Draconic

Last picture is with the Draconic helmet instead of Barbaric.



(edited by LowfatEnvelope.5934)

Hello I'm New And

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LowfatEnvelope.5934


thanks guyz,
I got the deluxe edition at the end of the recent sale, are the bonuses valuable in game, or just convinience and tiny boost vs monsters?

Just convenience and small boost/cosmetic. The mistfire wolf is a cool looking skill and is nice to have once you unlock elite skills as you get it for free, but as you unlock your class specific elite skills you’ll probably never touch it again. The rest of the items are mainly just convenience.


HoM question

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LowfatEnvelope.5934


Correct, you need one campaign and Eye of the North. Though you could still do stuff in prophecies that will count as points for whenever you get Eye of the North.


Do you find the Tomes of Knowledge useful?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LowfatEnvelope.5934


There’s a few stretches in the leveling process that I don’t particularly enjoy doing on alts, so I’m quite glad they’re there.


Daily laurel?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LowfatEnvelope.5934


I made my daily but i missed how to earn my daily laurel…

In addition to the log-in rewards, you can also get one from doing the Wintersday Daily.


so.. we've got sandstorms how about:

in Living World

Posted by: LowfatEnvelope.5934


Snowstorms/darker nights would be amazing.


Disconnects Feedback thread

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: LowfatEnvelope.5934


I disconnected as well, the fight was almost over. On reconnect I was in an overflow, really stunk.


Jade Weapon Claim Tickets Not Claimable?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LowfatEnvelope.5934


Ooooh alright, thanks a ton.


Jade Weapon Claim Tickets Not Claimable?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LowfatEnvelope.5934


Hey so I have a Jade Weapon claim ticket that I never used, and I was looking through the BLTC Weapon Specialists list of weapons and can’t find a tab for these. They’re listed on the wiki though as being available. Is this a bug?


anyone care to guess the drop rate...

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: LowfatEnvelope.5934


I got it after about 6 games of Southsun Survival, my friends haven’t gotten it yet though.


Sea of Sorrows

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LowfatEnvelope.5934


I’ve been waiting for awhile as well. Really enjoyed the other two books.


Returning player Doing F&F

in Flame and Frost

Posted by: LowfatEnvelope.5934


Well I am a returning player I left after F&F Prelude (obtained volunteer title) I am so confused as to where to start now for this living story. Am I able to go back and do all the stuff thats come out or am I to late? Where Do I begin?

Yes you can still do everything.


Fused Gauntlets, only one per account?

in Flame and Frost

Posted by: LowfatEnvelope.5934


It’s account bound btw…so if you have more than one heavy and want to share the look amongst them, you can.

Unless you’re like me and don’t like the stats on them. That’s more of a personal issue though. Wish they were a re-usable skin.


Flame & Frost: BROKEN!

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: LowfatEnvelope.5934


Until it’s fixed you can guest to a server where it’s not broken, but ya it’s annoying.


What is the Molten Jetpack droprate?

in Flame and Frost

Posted by: LowfatEnvelope.5934


That’s what i liked about the SAB. You could get the stuff from chests, but in case RNG didn’t work out for you there was the option of using bauble bubbles. It took a lot, but at least you were guaranteed something if you spent the time.


No luck with Lost and Found/Secret Contact

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: LowfatEnvelope.5934


The ones in the Diessa Plateau seem to all be there, but I can’t find squat in Wayfarer Foothills, assuming it’s bugged.


Obtaining your precursor

in Suggestions

Posted by: LowfatEnvelope.5934


I’d like it if you got a random precursor from World Completion. That would fit into the whole ‘scouring the lands in an attempt to form a legendary item’ thing, and would make sense because of the stuff you get anyway. Problem I could see with it is that that’d make them substantially more common. It could help lower the prices on them though as people would likely sell it if they don’t get one they want and use that money to buy another that they do want. That also helps take some of the RNG out of the process.


Pirate Ship Battles and Housing

in Suggestions

Posted by: LowfatEnvelope.5934


That’d be awesome, but wouldn’t the instanced areas kind of hinder it? Unless it was off somewhere brand new in a massive area.


What makes you feel like a hero in games?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LowfatEnvelope.5934


I like it when your character isn’t presented as this super special someone, but rather an equal to other NPCs or maybe slightly higher up. That way it’s not as obvious that you are meant to be this amazing person, but you can still easily feel special without it being pointed out to you as much.


Whip Bug?

in Super Adventure Box

Posted by: LowfatEnvelope.5934


This is a bug that will be fixed.

The whip is the first tier for that skill slot. You’ll get longer ranged upgrades in the next couple of Worlds.

Alrighty thanks for the reply. Longer range upgrades sound interesting, can’t wait. =D


Whip Bug?

in Super Adventure Box

Posted by: LowfatEnvelope.5934


First off let me say that I’m loving the Super Adventure Box! It’s a lot of fun. I think I might have found a bug though. If you use the whip on a chest, you can get whatever’s inside of it without having to open it with a key first. Is this a bug or working as intended?


Some be trollin', I be pollin'!

in Super Adventure Box

Posted by: LowfatEnvelope.5934


Amazing! Will be sad to see it go.


Skins from Chests?

in Super Adventure Box

Posted by: LowfatEnvelope.5934


I know the chest at the end of zone 1 can drop them, as my friend and I both got skins the first time we opened it. (I got the longbow and he got the greatsword). Guessing we got insanely lucky though.


DC in fractals. no way to get back in

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: LowfatEnvelope.5934


Happened to me as well. Very disheartening. Aside from that though, I’m absolutely loving this dungeon! Hopefully this is just a bug that can be easily remedied however, as I’d like to make some sort of progress. :P


Sidekicking (but not really !)

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: LowfatEnvelope.5934


The sidekicking is solely for the dungeon and the new area while the event is running, not anywhere else.


Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LowfatEnvelope.5934


It isn’t mis information: "With great challenges come great rewards. The patch will introduce ascended items. Ascended armors are “slightly more powerful than exotics” and can, in some cases, hold slots for infusions."


Hold your horses. You don’t have confirmation that ascended armor infusion works outside of the one new dungeon at all. It logically follows that it doesn’t since the system is designed for a specific dungeon and not to make you a god.

I actually pointed that out in a previous reply to someone about a page back I think. What you quoted was a defense post. :P I agree with you though.


Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LowfatEnvelope.5934


They say the stats will be SLIGHTLY better and everyone is freaking out? What? We haven’t even seen what the stats on this stuff is yet. Also no old content is being made obsolete by this. It sounds like the gear is just a reward so people who enjoy the dungeon can do it more efficiently as it progresses in difficulty, which I think is a good idea. We shall have to wait and see though I suppose.

If SLIGHTLY is not a problem why don’t they make these new items SLIGHTLY WORSE than exotics?

Because why on earth would you go backwards? The game doesn’t need to be easier lol


Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LowfatEnvelope.5934


They say the stats will be SLIGHTLY better and everyone is freaking out? What? We haven’t even seen what the stats on this stuff is yet. Also no old content is being made obsolete by this. It sounds like the gear is just a reward so people who enjoy the dungeon can do it more efficiently as it progresses in difficulty, which I think is a good idea. We shall have to wait and see though I suppose.

“Introducing Ascended items, artifacts of great power that can be improved by a special new type of upgrade called Infusions, which can be found in dungeons. Look for more information about Ascended gear soon”! i see nothing here hat says Ascended>Exotic stop spreading mis information, all of this is pitifull.

It isn’t mis information: "With great challenges come great rewards. The patch will introduce ascended items. Ascended armors are “slightly more powerful than exotics” and can, in some cases, hold slots for infusions."



Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LowfatEnvelope.5934


They say the stats will be SLIGHTLY better and everyone is freaking out? What? We haven’t even seen what the stats on this stuff is yet. Also no old content is being made obsolete by this. It sounds like the gear is just a reward so people who enjoy the dungeon can do it more efficiently as it progresses in difficulty, which I think is a good idea. We shall have to wait and see though I suppose.

Once you’ve crossed the line, there’s no going back. It doesn’t matter if a fraction of a toe is across, once they’ve added gear with better stats than exotics, they have a)broken the promise that this game was created around, and b)they will keep going with more and better statted gear after that. We’ve all been around the block and we know how this goes. That line is a very distinct line and you’re either on one side of it or the other.

That’s why I’m also saying I could be completely wrong and we’ll have to see. I’m just saying let’s not freak out quite yet and see exactly what happens first as we really don’t know much about this. For all we know the gear’s extra stats don’t even work outside of the dungeon and it lowers to normal exotic level stats.


Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LowfatEnvelope.5934


They say the stats will be SLIGHTLY better and everyone is freaking out? What? We haven’t even seen what the stats on this stuff is yet. Also no old content is being made obsolete by this. It sounds like the gear is just a reward so people who enjoy the dungeon can do it more efficiently as it progresses in difficulty, which I think is a good idea. We shall have to wait and see though I suppose.


So what happens now to the Lion's Arch statue?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: LowfatEnvelope.5934


I’d imagine it gets re-built or something as they said that the dungeon is only open until Act 4 starts.


Act 3 Scavenger Hunt?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: LowfatEnvelope.5934


Guess it’s possible, but I doubt it as the book was completed in Act 2.


Post here if you have BEAT the Tower!

in Halloween Event

Posted by: LowfatEnvelope.5934






Some of the best dungeons I have ever run..

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: LowfatEnvelope.5934


From the ones I’ve done I as well find them great. I think they’re lacking in a few areas and need some tweaking here and there, but not much. I love difficult things.


AC Explore Mode Path 3

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: LowfatEnvelope.5934


Thanks for all the advice guys, I’ll make sure to keep it all in mind next time we try it.


AC Explore Mode Path 3

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: LowfatEnvelope.5934


Hmmm ya the hitboxes might have been it. I noticed that I was missing just about every single shot as a ranger. The only thing that seemed really effective against the burrows was our elementalists firestorms.


AC Explore Mode Path 3

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: LowfatEnvelope.5934


do 3 eles, 1 guardian, 1 warrior… no other group comp will work.

Hmm well that’s not very encouraging. xD Makes sense though. Either way I think they should nerf that a bit. =/


AC Explore Mode Path 3

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: LowfatEnvelope.5934


Ok so I was doing AC explore with a group earlier, and we picked path three. We were able to get to the part where you have to protect the things that siphon energy, but we couldn’t get past it. We spent over an hour, highest we got was 94%. Is there some way that you’re supposed to do it that we didn’t see, or is it just ridiculously difficult?
