Showing Posts For Lucky Shot.7650:

Problem with personal story

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Lucky Shot.7650

Lucky Shot.7650

I got back to an old character I haven’t used in a while. I wanted to clear the core game personal story, and I started doing chapter 8 missions as the map waypoint and the story tooltip was suggesting. Then I realized those chapters are not unlocked in my personal journal and according to that I should be at the end of chapter 7. What’s going on?

Merciless skins <3

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lucky Shot.7650

Lucky Shot.7650

Batman did, because they’re the weapon skins we deserve, but not the ones we need right now.

Hm, which ones do “we” need right now then? ^^

Oh I dunno, it was just a quote, and I never understood that really, like in the movie the guy could have said the opposite and it would make sense… or not.

Is it just me? (Merciless Weapon Skins)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lucky Shot.7650

Lucky Shot.7650

They are more on the “lethal assassin” side imho…

… that focus though…

… hugh.

Merciless skins <3

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lucky Shot.7650

Lucky Shot.7650

Batman did, because they’re the weapon skins we deserve, but not the ones we need right now.

Theif worth playing?

in Thief

Posted by: Lucky Shot.7650

Lucky Shot.7650

The thief delivers superior to other DPS classes in the game do not understand what the hatred expressed in previous comments in this forum .

The thief is in a tough situation right now that people are still trying to complete the raid , and a meta are totally damaging the sense of play.

I have seen the thief doing 80 k damage seems like a very good way to contribute to a raid do not understand if there are 9 people providing useful and damage not exceeding the thief and the thief made ??every 48 seconds, a 80 k dps then there I do understand.


Silverwates chest farming is no longer ??

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lucky Shot.7650

Lucky Shot.7650

There are less people playing GW


How to make thief viable in raids

in Thief

Posted by: Lucky Shot.7650

Lucky Shot.7650

… best single target damage, nuff said. A very “rogueish” way to do so would be through ignore armor, maybe with dagger main hand. Have CS make ignore armor proportionally to target armor, instead of that dumb +10% damage on foes above 90% health, so that glass cannons in pvp won’t suffer that much from this kind of buff, and we’ll have a significant pve damage increase.

I don’t really care for party-wide buffs, that’s not what thief is about. I just want to murder bosses. Relentlessly. And I don’t even want more survivability as long as the damage is worth it: that’s why ages ago thieves and elementalists were above everything else by a long gap, be squishy and see a lot of hudge numbers.

Thief should be the assassin class, and yet engi gets more dps on single target than us, or at least that’s what I feel since things literally just melt stuff on my condi engi! O_o

(edited by Lucky Shot.7650)

Farming and farming and farming...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lucky Shot.7650

Lucky Shot.7650

Yes, why bother? Wouldn’t you rather have fun in the game?

I have fun by doing raids and instanced content. Dungeons are dead, fractals are too, for raids I need to gear up more characters since different builds are needed. To do so I need to farm. But farming doesn’t net you anything, no items you need, no gold, no nothing. And I would enjoy it if I got any reward for the time I’m spending, or if I could reliably find working maps.

Have you tried the gemstore? It’s available for all your GW2 needs. Why be a poor farmer in game when you can be a rich gem owner. P2W FTW!

I bought gems and I buy gems, but I refuse to use them to buy gold. It’s fine for me to use them for gemstore items, the point is I should be able to get the things I need in the game. The point is, if I spend the whole afternoon farming I should get somewhere and gain something. I I complete a one hour and something event I shouldnt’ get a kitten loot bag with a green, some ascended material that isn’t used in ascended armor/weapon crafting and some crowbars that are used to get more greens, more unsellable useless stuff and a couple of milling stones. The point is I shouldn’t be locked out from a map event because I can’t taxi and because the map I’m in is not doing the events. If I decide to farm I should be able to do so consistently. Few days ago I couldn’t log a decent map and I just disconnected. There’s nothing to do in the game besides unless you can get a working map, and even if you do you’ll probably gain a ton of godkitten greens and nothing else. Where are the rewards?

(edited by Lucky Shot.7650)

Farming and farming and farming...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lucky Shot.7650

Lucky Shot.7650

Yes, why bother? Wouldn’t you rather have fun in the game?

I have fun by doing raids and instanced content. Dungeons are dead, fractals are too, for raids I need to gear up more characters since different builds are needed. To do so I need to farm. But farming doesn’t net you anything, no items you need, no gold, no nothing. And I would enjoy it if I got any reward for the time I’m spending, or if I could reliably find working maps.

(edited by Lucky Shot.7650)

Farming and farming and farming...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lucky Shot.7650

Lucky Shot.7650

… but not getting anywhere. I did the whole night and day cicle three times today. I’m trying to gear up for raids, I’m looking for Black Diamonds for my engi, or Freshwater Pearls for my guardian, or anything valuable to sell and buy them but I didn’t drop anything to sell or the items I’m looking for. I’m trying to get ascended for two more characters but I feel like I’m not advancing a single bit. Since the expansion came out I dropped 5 Black Diamonds and not a signel Freshwater Pearl. I sell old t6 but they are worth nothing. I open every single airship cargo just to find those milling stones and some crap useless green and some stuff I can’t even sell. Sometimes I farm Auric Basin, never got lucky with chests. After doing those events I find myself with a couple of yellows, maybe an exotic that sells for 1g, a ton of bags and a ton of greens. Sometimes is hard to even find a map that is doing events, sometimes I get locked in my lfg because I taxi’ed too many times. I feel there in the same spot I was when the new stats came out and I feel I’m wasting my time.

I won’t even bother doing fractals because I read the droprate is abysmal.

And why even bother? Raids are like once a week, and what else am I farming for? Doing some more meta events that I could do with greens since you get one shot even in full ascended?

Spirits BUG?

in Ranger

Posted by: Lucky Shot.7650

Lucky Shot.7650

I heard from a guildie that currently spirts are bugged and they prioritize clones, phantasms and other npc pets when they apply their buffs, can anyone confirm this?

Where is the replayable content at?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lucky Shot.7650

Lucky Shot.7650

I played a lot after the release of HoT. First I unlocked all my elite specs on all my characters, then I started gearing up in ascended a couple of them prepearing for Raids. I had most of the mats I needed and I farmed SW a bit to get what I was missing. I also played a bit of the new maps metas.

Today I log in planning to play just an hour or so. I did my daily, then I thought to go play some AB meta, which seems to be the most played of all four. When I teleport to the map I realize there’s no people going for the meta, just HP and I guess map completion. Then I consider doing some SW again but just the thought gives me the creeps. Then I open the lfg to do some quick dungeon path, which I did every time I wanted to play some time but not too much. Just a bunch of people doing story modes. Then my guild calls out to do some level 90 fractals, still have too few AR for them, and I hear the rewards aren’t anything special. So I decide to play some random events in any map. I got bored pretty easily.

What does everybody do nowdays?

I mean Raids yes, but you can’t just hop in and expect to find 10 people willing to play them, let alone the right group composition.

(edited by Lucky Shot.7650)

Opening bags on low level characters

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lucky Shot.7650

Lucky Shot.7650

I’ve always known you can open bags on lower level characters to get level specific armor to recycle and get t2, t3 and t4 crefting materials, but I’ve never been too interested about it. Now I have to gear up in ascended another character for raids to have more options and be able to fill more roles when my guild is creating a squad. Since I literally swim in ectoplasm refined t5s and I have plenty of ectos, I decided to level up two alts and open bags with them to get Thin Leather, Rugged Leather, Wool and Linen scraps but I have a couple of questions.

Is this considered exploiting?

What level or level range should my character be to get armor that will result in Thin Leather and Wool Scraps?

What level or level range should my character be to get armor that will result in Rugged Leather and Linen Scraps?

What bags should I get and open? Any champ bag will do? And what about Bags of Gear, like the ones you get from completing events in the Silverwastes?

Supply Line Management

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lucky Shot.7650

Lucky Shot.7650

Yeah but crafting 2 ascended insignas/inscriptions for just one piece of gear is costly. It’s ok if you craft one stat combination and then after a while you realize you prefer a different one, but starting with the idea to craft 2 to have 1 feels quite different. Still one extra incription/insigna costs about as much as directly buying the recipe I need.

My point is, these merchants are connected to a mastery line, they should straight out offer the insignas we need instead of having a daily chance of offering them, especially considering we’re talking about stat combination nobody used back then since the only pve activity were dungeons besides occasional living stories. That if the particular ascended stat combination I need is even a possibility. I don’t mind having to gather the materials, however having to go through hell to get just the recipes makes me nuts.

You want to promote build variety? Fine, let the players be able to craft what they wish assuming they can gather the stuff they need instead of time gating stuff like celestial and hiding stat combinations behind a daily rng. No wonder everybody gears up in zerker, fast to craft and effective. Want to get zealot’s? Hope the recipes show up, then buy the mining pick, then go mine an infinite amount of random ores. Want celestial? Sorry pal, just one charged a day and you can’t even buy them… assuming you can get the recipes.

Supply Line Management

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lucky Shot.7650

Lucky Shot.7650

That’s the only ascended recipe reandomly avaiable, as the random recipes are picked from a list and keeper’s are not on it, as the wiki explains.

Supply Line Management

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lucky Shot.7650

Lucky Shot.7650

Why aren’t old ascended recipes avaiable from the merchants related to this mastery line? I really want to craft some keeper’s ascended gear, but the problem is that the merchants will only sell the exotic recipes. Way back I think sold the ascended ones I got, or maybe I even discarded them, because at the time the only gear used was berserker. Now things are changing a bit and I wanted to craft those ascended items for my ranger to add some beef through healing power and to be able to heal better as a druid while still dealing some damage. It turns out that the only way to aquire those recipes is through the TP and they sell for about 100 gold each. I think is quite dumb that the merchants who supposedly should give you a way to get the stat combinations you missed from old living story don’t actually give you a way to get the stat combinations you missed from old living story.

Raid Rewards! New article

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Lucky Shot.7650

Lucky Shot.7650

3 raid wings, so at least 9 bosses per week.
the most recent 3 will have that unique buff for doubles rewards…

makes 24g minimum per week, once all 3 initial wings are released…

I used to make 40g per day from dungeons.
So hopefully not everything in there is acc-bound…
Or future wings have more bosses…

I’m pretty sure that’s per final boss, so 12 gold/week from the first three wings.

Edit: Also 4 gold is only for the most current boss. Otherwise it’s only 2 gold. So we’re looking at 8 gold a week from the weekly chests.

That is, if you actually can clear the bosses weekly and, since not many people managed to do so in the betas, as far as I know, that may not be the case.

Maybe it will take a while to get the first kill, and then another while to make kills consistent aka farmable.

How do I make gold now?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lucky Shot.7650

Lucky Shot.7650

I’d like to ask the same question as the OP.

Pre-Hot I used to run dungeons to earn gold from the completion reward and mats from the loot. I also used to run Silverwastes event chain to get mats, since you could gain a nice amount of silk from it. I enjoyed those activities and I never stockpiled large amounts of gold, because there was always something interesting to spend the gold on.

Now I am at a bit of a loss here. Dungeons are out of question and people suggest to run SW for gold. What do they mean, run event chains or just chestfarm? Because I hate chestfarm so much that I rather be poor or I’d rather work one more hour and buy the gold since I enjoy my work much more than running in circles and opening chests. And even then, you don’t earn raw gold, you earn loot. What do I have to do with the loot? Sell all greens and blues to a vendor and yellows and t6s and t5s to the TP? Recycle everything and sell the mats on the TP? I tried the latter and I ended up with little more than 3 gold, which is disheartening considering how long the event is.

Or should I farm the new maps? Same, I don’t get gold I get loot, what’s the best way to convert this loot into gold?

Seriously Anet, Do You Hate Us That Much?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Lucky Shot.7650

Lucky Shot.7650

I run full berserker i think the mobs in hot are perfectly fine , there should be some sense of danger in the world
If i see an elite Hylek or a couple of vet Hyleks(the ones with deadly dagger or range evasion) i just avoid them or rush through, couple of arrow shots and half my hp goes
Feels very engaging , no change plz

This post basically says: “I don’t think enemies are too strong. When I see a couple of them I avoid engaging because they are too strong”. XD

Viper's (new DPS) Insignia/Inscription Mats

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Lucky Shot.7650

Lucky Shot.7650

Being opening hundred of airship cargo, still hadn’t got anywhere with Black Diamonds.

Request Mob Nerf: Mordrem Sniper

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Lucky Shot.7650

Lucky Shot.7650

I vote for toning down mushroom’s aoe damage.

Also, the kittening frogs.

Those kittening frogs. You basically can’t melee them at all unless you have 100% aegis uptime or unless you one shot them.

(edited by Lucky Shot.7650)

Aren't your tired of looting bags ?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lucky Shot.7650

Lucky Shot.7650

Not really, no. Everytime I open one I’m excited to see if I can find something good.

However, I’m tired of opening tens of exotic bags and find myself with tons of greens and blues, tons of bloodstone dust, some cheap crafting materials and maybe a t6 or a lodestone that aren’t worth anything these days anyway.

So yeah, I guess I’m tired to open bags.

Viper's gear

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Lucky Shot.7650

Lucky Shot.7650

I’m having a tough time trying to figure out how to craft gear with viper’s stat combination. I bought both the insigna and the inscription at auric basin. I found myself with a viper’s weapon recipe book in the inventory but I don’t know how I got it. I don’t have any book for viper’s armor, where do you drop/buy those?

Also, Black Diamonds. I’ve been farming verdant brink for quite some time, but I ended up with only one diamond from opening airship cargo. I’m still working my way truough nuhoch lore mastery to get nuhoch language and buy vials of chak acid to open crystalized supply crates, I hope the drop rate of diamonds for those aren’t as low as airship cargos.

Map Bonus Reward

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lucky Shot.7650

Lucky Shot.7650

I don’t get it. I assumed when you play events and JPs on a map, you get one of the listed reward in a specific order.

I tried that today but I recieved the same reward multiple times and another item but I didn’t get the stuff I was interested in. Basically the map menu was telling me my next reward was going to be the same item, even though other items where displayed below it.

Also, sometimes I got the reward after doing an event sometimes I didn’t. How does it work, is there a hidden “map participation” bar that secretly fills up and gives you the reward at the end?

Staff Daredevil PvE

in Thief

Posted by: Lucky Shot.7650

Lucky Shot.7650

I’m no good to calculate dps and complicated stuff, but I think somebody that is not me should do the maths for and compare it to something like this and their rotations. Then present me the results so I can enjoy somebody else’s work.

From what I can see by just playing the game, staff is higher dps but I might be very wrong. Weakening charge hits like a truck and costs 3 frigging ini. It works best against bigger hitboxes, i.e. bosses, where D/D normally shines so I think it’s fair to make comparisons between the two sets. I would be very sad if staff is indeed higher dps, it would throw D/D forever out of the window and a very iconic roguesque set would find no further use. Also, staff hits multiple targets so…

Also, does it make sense to still talk about max dps and stuff atm? I mean, dungeon speedrunning might actually die, and who knows what kind of content will people run to get gold. Baybe the new meta will simply be PVT shortbow mob tagging in some random train. For instance, I’ve been running S/D in pve for boon stripping and breakbar draining and the daredevil’s elite skill.

(edited by Lucky Shot.7650)

[Daredevil] Dash in Central Tyria bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Lucky Shot.7650

Lucky Shot.7650

The same bug occours with all Daredevil’s grandmaster dodges, but with Dash you don’t get the wxtra distance travelled. If you respec them they work again, but then they stop working randomly and you have to respec them again.

Guild Hall ate my main!

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Lucky Shot.7650

Lucky Shot.7650

Never mind, I can’t log in any character now. They got sucked in Silent Hill too.

Guild Hall ate my main!

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Lucky Shot.7650

Lucky Shot.7650

Sooo tonight we got our guild hall in auric basin.

After completing the instance, we got the “Instance owner left” message and we were kicked. After that, I teleported back into the hall through the guild panel. After a while, a message popped out saying a new version of the instance was ready and I was going to get kicked after 5 minutes. After 5 minutes I didn’t get kicked, instead I got a connection error “unable to access to login server” without actually being disconnected. Then I logged out and tried to log back the same character. It couldn’t log in, the connection error displayed and the game crashed. I tried that a couple of times experiencing the same result every time. I tried to log in other characters and it worked flawlessly. Then, after a while, I managed to log in the character but I couldn’t exit aurin basin either through waypoint or zone portal to verdant brink, the same connection error displayed without actually disconnecting me. Now the character can’t exit that zone. Other characters still work just fine.

It’s like the hall ate my character and then decided it wasn’t edible and spat it out in a parallel dimension set in auric basin that he can’t escape! Solutions? O_o

250 HP For Elites [Feedback][Merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Lucky Shot.7650

Lucky Shot.7650

I used to hate this expansion and its maps before unlocking my Elite Specialization. I was very curious to try it out that I was rushing the content, getting angry at every death or when I couldn’t find my way to hard to find areas. I wass getting very frustrated and was about to give up. Now that I unlocked my Elite, I’m enjoying the expansion a lot more because I don’t feel hard pressed to do stuff, and I can have fun at my leisure. Also, I get to experience the expansion with a new spec and trying out new things and I’m actually having fun instead of “working to have fun later”. I’m exploring the map, playing the story, the events and unlocking the remaining HPs. I think lowering the total amount of points needed was the right move.

I just have one gripe. New maps are meant to be played like Silverwastes, where you have one big meta event all across the map that requires multiple players to actively participate. The new HPs also require multiple people to beat them. In the future, you’ll find a lot of player doing the events, having unlocked their HPs already, so there won’t be anyone willing to clear the Hps since their presence is required elsewhere.

Dash Animation Bug?

in Thief

Posted by: Lucky Shot.7650

Lucky Shot.7650

Same here, worth noting that it never happened in a HoT map, only in central tyria.

How would you rate the HoT Fun Factor?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Lucky Shot.7650

Lucky Shot.7650

Somehow I managed to get to a HP today. It spawns a Champion Mordrem Vinetooth. Of course nobody is around and I know for sure I won’t be able to find my way there again so I won’t try to solo it. I called for help in map chat, but there aren’t any PoIs or other stuff to ping to show where I am so people can’t get there. I’ve been waiting for 30 minutes now. Sounds pretty fun right?

Earlier today I was hunting waypoints in some cave system. They were up above me or down below all the time. Still have to actually find one.

How would you rate the HoT Fun Factor?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Lucky Shot.7650

Lucky Shot.7650

You navigate a map trying to understand how the kitten to get where you want to, then you get ambushed and one shot. Then you get there 30 mins later of walking from a waypoint halfway across the map. Then you miss the mastery. Then you get the mastery and come back there 3 hours later. You activate the event and you discover is a group event and nobody is around.

That is, if you discover how to get there in the first place.

Sounds like a 0/10 here.

All maps so empty? Megaserver broken?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Lucky Shot.7650

Lucky Shot.7650

Glad to see I’m not the only one feeling lonely in HoM maps, so many group events with no people to clear them.

What drives you from HoT?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Lucky Shot.7650

Lucky Shot.7650

Specializations are locked behind too many Hero Points.

Hero Points are locked behind masteries.

Hero Points achieved by defeating champions that can one-shot you and you can’t kill solo.

Maps are frustrating to navigate, it’s hard to tell exactly were you’re going from your map (M). Sometimes you end up in a dead end, sometimes what you’re looking for is above you, sometimes below you, but you can’t tell exactly how to get there, sometimes what you’re looking for is locked behind a mastery thus wasting your trip.

It’s hard to tell what is where, where is what you need, how to get there, what you need, what you need to do to get exp.

Trash mobs that can one shot you.

Too many hard hitting veterans wandering together.

Too few waypoints. Too many contested waypoints.

The above 3 points make maps even harder and more tedious to navigate. Due to dying often and the scarcity of waypoints you find yourself running in the same area over and over.

Too many group events make leveling masteries slow and unconsistent. Too few exp gained even for basic or story mandatory masteries. No hearts to help you level up.

Due to the chaotic nature of maps, it’s hard to tell where you can find events or how to get to an event that is marked on your map.

Soloable events can fail because a nearby group event failed, but you discover it only at the end of the event, thus wasting your time for the whole duration of it.

Maps feel empty, thus getting your events done is hard. Maybe they aren’t actually empty and people are just elsewhere in the map.

I’m sure more will come to my mind, I’m finding hard to keep playing for more than 30 minutes session. I love Metroid, and it’s progression system. This expansion feels like Metroid, only with a map that doesn’t help you understand where to go, with enemies that can destroy you, with bosses that you can’t beat unless you happen to come by another couple of player which seems to be rare.

You unlocked morph ball! Now go kill 1000 more enemies to be able to use it to get where you need to without being able to know how to get there.

Most optimal way to gain HP?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Lucky Shot.7650

Lucky Shot.7650

I’m kind of lost here. 100% vanilla map completion and trying to get enough HP to complete the Elite Specialization traitline.

I went into new PvE maps to get HP through challenges. Turns out I need masteries to reach many of them.

So I start grinding Mastery EXP. But there are few events, many events fail due to the lack of people since many are group events. Single escort events fail because the destination is contested. I’m having an hard time gaining EXP. Then I tried to do map completion, turns out maps are very frustrating to navigate since you often reach the POI/Vista/Wathever you’re trying to discover only to find out you need a certain mastery to reach it, thus making your trip futile. I find myself running the same path over and over since new areas require masteries or I just can’t find my way there.

Then I tried with story missions, but you need masteries to access them. Back to previous point.

So yeah, how the hell do I gain EXP to increase my masteries if I need masteries to do so? What’s the best way to get EXP in HoT maps?

Question about pve guardian meta

in Guardian

Posted by: Lucky Shot.7650

Lucky Shot.7650


/15 charrs

Question about pve guardian meta

in Guardian

Posted by: Lucky Shot.7650

Lucky Shot.7650

Hi there everyone! I don’t play guardian, but I noticed more and more guardians in dungeon are running mace, then I checked and I saw it was considered meta in metabattle. Why so?

Murderer Granny on the loose

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lucky Shot.7650

Lucky Shot.7650

Is noteworthy that if you actually are brave enough to “Greet [F]” her, she won’t answer to your greetings, or talk at all.

She just stands there, silent…

staring at you…

and waiting.

Murderer Granny on the loose

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lucky Shot.7650

Lucky Shot.7650

Gendarran fields, north of Happlenhook Hamplet Waypoint, but for Christ sake don’t go there, she’ll slay you all! She creeps at night, you’ll die without putting up fight!

Murderer Granny on the loose

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lucky Shot.7650

Lucky Shot.7650

Normal? She is a serial murderer, I tell ya!

“Oh, dear, I will bake you a cake… with your own blood!”


Murderer Granny on the loose

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lucky Shot.7650

Lucky Shot.7650



Man I'm missing opportunist!

in Thief

Posted by: Lucky Shot.7650

Lucky Shot.7650

Don’t get me wrong, I love the new traits, using super steal in pve is great and all but… I’m missing opportunist so much! Having to perform 2 whole dagger chains between backstabs is… meh!

People complaining about HoT pricetag...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lucky Shot.7650

Lucky Shot.7650

I really really hate to white knight but…

This game gave me almost 3 years of fun, albeit with some highs and lows, for 50 buks. Sure I bought some gems every now and then, but that was out of my own free will and to buy eye candy stuff. For me it’s perfectly fine to pay 50 more to get the expansion considering how much worth my money got from the purchase of the base game in the first place. Think about it, it’s a b2p game, it’s not like you’ve been spending 15$ a month for the last 36 months.

Besides, they can price their stuff as high as they want, it’s people choice to buy it or not.

Still, we don’t really know exactly how much content we will get for the pricetag, so maybe it’s a bit early to complain now.

That being said, yeah it sucks that new players get free stuff while veteran players are getting nothing to compensate. Maybe a new character slot should be given to owners of the base game.

(edited by Lucky Shot.7650)

Last refuge - the battle ends

in Thief

Posted by: Lucky Shot.7650

Lucky Shot.7650

I don't like the new Ferocious Strikes

in Thief

Posted by: Lucky Shot.7650

Lucky Shot.7650

What bout the new Gm that adds 250 ferocity trait? do you think superior runes of rage will see some play in pve?

No, because 5% damage and fury duration are inferior to +10% and power, fury duration is redundant since the party is supposed to provide you fury and also because we’re going to run either Thrill of the Crime or Flanking Strikes, both provide fury. Also pve builds are going to run No Quarter, making fury duration on that runeset even more useless for thieves.

I agree the +250 ferocity on No Quarter is good, and so is the new Practiced Tolerance, which should give you roughly +190 ferocity, that will be worth taking instead of Sundering Strikes if your group can mantain 25 vuln stacks without your contribution. Basically, we’re talking about 256% crit damage.

I’m wondering about Dagger Training and Mug, maybe Mug will be worth taking instead since you’ll be using steal a lot now and since DT doesn’t look that powerful now and that heal may help me keeping scholar bonus up.

I think I’ll try out

I’m opting for Thrill of the Crime ATM since we still don’t know anything about Flanking Strikes ICD.

(edited by Lucky Shot.7650)

I don't like the new Ferocious Strikes

in Thief

Posted by: Lucky Shot.7650

Lucky Shot.7650

You can also see it from the positive side: You can get an enemy quicker below 50% HP to deal extra damage with executioner! I think 10% is a nice number, and shouldn’t be a big issue. But that is my opinion of course, I can understand yours might differ.

No, it’s not quicker since we already have that +10% damage with First Strikes.

I don't like the new Ferocious Strikes

in Thief

Posted by: Lucky Shot.7650

Lucky Shot.7650

From a pve perspective, I don’t really like it, First Strikes was much more fun to play with since you had to manage your initiative carefully and by doing so you had the option to deal more damage. Now when Executioners kicks in you lose the +10% bonus from Ferocious Strikes. Do you think that, along with the C&D nerf, thief dungeon role as dps boss-slaying beast will be undermined?

Dont Nerf Mobility

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lucky Shot.7650

Lucky Shot.7650

… what changes?

Weird fps drop problem

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Lucky Shot.7650

Lucky Shot.7650

Dell Inspiron 5548
Intel® Core™ i7-5500U CPU @ 2.40GHz
8107 MB ram
Intel® HD Graphics 5500/AMD Radeon R7 M265
Windows 8.1

It’s weird because never in my gaming career I had a similar problem!

Problem with outfits

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Lucky Shot.7650

Lucky Shot.7650

When my character is wearing an outfit and has the head slot armor unchecked, so the outfit head piece won’t appear, and it goes underwater the outfit headpiece appears and then stays there even if you go back to land.