Showing Posts For MLGKorno.5419:

Chaos storm on heal trait is bugged

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: MLGKorno.5419


The adept trait in Chaos which creates a Lesser chaos storm when you heal / take falling damage is bugged right now. The cooldown of the lesser chaos storm trait doesn’t go down when you trait for staff skills -20% CD. It just stays at 35s. It’s not a visual bug either, i tested the actual cooldown.
This is inconsistent with the way the ranger’s Lesser muddy terrain on heal / take falling damage trait IS affected by “Survival skills recharge faster” and pretty much all the other classes traited Lesser skills that are like this.

Chaos storm on heal trait is bugged

in Mesmer

Posted by: MLGKorno.5419


The adept trait in Chaos which creates a Lesser chaos storm when you heal / take falling damage is bugged right now. The cooldown of the lesser chaos storm trait doesn’t go down when you trait for staff skills -20% CD. It just stays at 35s. It’s not a visual bug either, i tested the actual cooldown.

This is inconsistent with the way the ranger’s Lesser muddy terrain on heal / take falling damage trait IS affected by “Survival skills recharge faster” and pretty much all the other classes traited Lesser skills that are like this.

14 hours later, still stuck in bugged AT

in PvP

Posted by: MLGKorno.5419


screenshot from 10 minutes ago:


(edited by MLGKorno.5419)

14 hours later, still stuck in bugged AT

in PvP

Posted by: MLGKorno.5419


Yesterday I did the balthazar’s brawl AT which never finished. Our team won one of the games but couldn’t leave the map and it didn’t advance us in the brackets.
we all ended up going to obsidian sanctum then going to heart of the mists just so we could play normally after.

It’s been 14 hours and it still says waiting for opponent right now, and it shows me as enrolled in yesterday’s balthazar’s brawl AT still.

I can’t enroll for the monthly AT which is starting in an hour. Please look into it right now…

(edited by MLGKorno.5419)

Chrono outshines

in PvP

Posted by: MLGKorno.5419


Chronomancer right now has an insane defense rotation and condition clear.

I almost didn’t buy the expansion because the new elite spec was not strong enough defensively or offensively compared to chrono.

(I think the issue was the protection and regeneration in the new elite spec which mesmer already has plenty of)

It may take a while for mesmer to break from chrono at this rate. But props the Elite specs look awesome and have awesome original mechanics.

2 years ago we had people instantly QQ like crazy because HoT specs were uniformly stronger than pre HoT counterparts which meant everyone was playing HoT specs.

Now POF comes out… you QQ about POF specs not being OP enough to warrant a switch?
Why does it have to make you switch?
If POF specs were overall stronger than HoT specs and forced everyone to go on POF specs, I bet another wave of people will begin to QQ that POF is imbalanced and that HoT should be up to par.

so which is it that you forum warriors want?

[ranked] stuck in HOTM & lost rating

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: MLGKorno.5419


PVE threads are being replied to on the hour but no mods or staff bother to look into this potentially enormous issue?

[ranked] stuck in HOTM & lost rating

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: MLGKorno.5419


my game crashed during the ready up phase in ranked queue
when i relaunched game, my queue partner was in the match but I was stuck in heart of the mists and couldnt back in the game.
I got dishonor for 15 minutes and lost almost 40 rating.

I want my rating back.

In the screenshot you can see that it doesnt teleport me to the match. meanwhile my duo is already in game and it just says Match in progress:


(edited by MLGKorno.5419)

Playing meta mes effectively: 1v1 matchups

in PvP

Posted by: MLGKorno.5419


A video demonstrating how to effectively play the meta mesmer in 1v1 encounters in PvP, especially after sigils/trait nerfs in the last patch.
You will see a lot of moas and portal/LOS, but frankly there are not enough videos or guides that show how to properly execute a Moa cont burst.
There are clips with post-nerf meta variants such as running disenchanter/sc torch over staff to make up for lost condi burst since Geo-doom swap combo was removed, and using other healing skills, but the general traits stay the same.

All the fights are against meta mesmer’s counters / other matchups where you actually have to play correctly (DH, other mes, thief).

(edited by MLGKorno.5419)

Sigil of revelation: Bad Design & How To Fix

in PvP

Posted by: MLGKorno.5419


This won’t even effect Thief gameplay at all. All it does is counter Engi’s Stealth Gyro + Res and Druid’s stealth.

Thieves (and Mesmers) will still have no issue going anywhere because they are still way more mobile than any other class while still being very sustainable because of it.

Plus the reveal isn’t even as long as you think it is:

For Sigil of Revelation, the purpose would be to pull people out of stealth, but not prevent it. Something like a 1/4 second reveal would accomplish that.

You don’t read my post. It doesn’t matter if the reveal right now is only 0.00001 seconds, because having revealed applied to you currently removes all your stealth.

If i have 50 seconds of stealth stacked (You cant actually stack that much but I’m giving an example) and I get hit by a 0.01 second reveal, I don’t pop back into my stealth with 49 seconds left when that reveal is over.

So this sigil being able to do that in a 240 radius ON SWAP is ridiculous. Do you think it’s fair that 5 people can blast a smoke field and stack 15 seconds of stealth, and some random guy does a swap and everyone loses all the stealth?
Note that this guy doesn’t sacrifice much to take this sigil because so many sigil choices have been deleted anyway. He’s not dropping any traits in order to run this, he’s not dropping a utility.
And yet this reveal has a lower CD (9 seconds) than all the utilities in the game that reveal.

Make it reveal for 2 seconds, but make it so that people will go back into stealth once the reveal time is over.

(edited by MLGKorno.5419)

Sigil of revelation: Bad Design & How To Fix

in PvP

Posted by: MLGKorno.5419


Sigil of Revelation
Reveal nearby foes when swapping to this weapon while in combat (240 Radius).
(Cooldown: 9 Seconds)

You realize this is going to totally counter utilities like shadow refuge that are already never used, and the ability to do this is being given any build, any class that takes this sigil?

This kind of sigil promotes counterbuilding / Build wars, people will start switching to this sigil to counter anyone with stealth, while it would be like fighting without a sigil if the people youre fighting have no stealth.

If Arenanet is going to release this sigil, I suggest making it reveal enemies for X seconds, and then once the X seconds of reveal is off, the person who was revealed (assuming his original stealth application was longer than X) will regain stealth until it runs out normally.

This would make it so that a group can’t stealth stack 15s of stealth with a coordinated chain of combos, only to be revealed instantly by one guy doing a swap and lose all the stealth for good. He’s not dropping any traits in order to run this, he’s not dropping a utility. And yet this reveal has a lower CD (9 seconds) than all the utilities in the game that reveal.

Make it reveal for something like 2 seconds, but make it so that people will go back into stealth once the reveal time is over.

P.S. Inb4 the forum warriors come in and say “Ghost thieves”, please realize that that’s far from a relevant spec higher than maybe gold tier. In PvP at least, this sigil in its current form is just ridiculous.

(edited by MLGKorno.5419)

Sigil Update

in PvP

Posted by: MLGKorno.5419


On swap sigils like geo, doom, hydro, leech are not RNG whereas the chance on crit or hit ones are, and can be dodged. Things like air cannot because it’ll just proc on the next hit. Why would you want geo doom combo to be removed when it adds an extra condition attack that is fully instant (like a second Steal or shatter) which raises the skill cap for Condi builds like Condi mesmer that use it? I think the fixes should mainly focus on reworking the on crit sigils and other sigil categories that currently are too RNG/cheap or just useless. Swap sigils are controlled and don’t need to change.

how does an attack that is funnly instand and adds extra comdis raises the skill cap? i mean if its automatically on swap it just makes your swap deal dmg on a timer nothing really skillful here.

Did you even read anything I wrote?

…because it happens only when you swap, so it’s another skill that’s in your control, whereas the other sigil types are more RNG. If you look at things in a rotation youre probably from PVE.

Instants are important, for example the reason why meta rev gets countered by thief so hard is because thief can hit it in between its defensive skills since steal is instant and can instantly interrupt things like the wind up of Rev sword3. And rev has nothing that does instant damage so if the thief doesn’t want to get hit, the rev can’t hit it.
So due to thief having more instants, it’s possible to completely outplay everything the rev has and shut the build down.

Right now if I was on any class I could see a rev channeling sword3 and then quickly swap him with Geo Doom during that small window where he’s winding it up before he does the evade hits.

These are just examples, there’s so much more you can do to outplay someone and sneak in the extra damage when you have hydro or geo sigils

Sigil Update

in PvP

Posted by: MLGKorno.5419


Why would you want geo doom combo to be removed when it adds an extra condition attack that is fully instant (like a second Steal or shatter) which raises the skill cap for Condi builds like Condi mesmer and Condi rev (will be pushed further out of viability) that use it? And even if Condi rev got better Condi applications as compensation, Condi rev has no abilities that are instant so all of them can get outplayed. Currently you can use Geo Doom Hydro Leech combo and be able to time Condi bursts between peoples evade/block frames.

On swap sigils like geo, doom, hydro, leech are not RNG whereas the chance on crit or hit ones are, and can be dodged. Things like air cannot because it’ll just proc on the next hit.

I think the fixes should mainly focus on reworking the on crit sigils and other sigil categories that currently are too RNG/cheap or just useless. Swap sigils are controlled and don’t need to change.

(edited by MLGKorno.5419)

Issues with two Thief changes

in PvP

Posted by: MLGKorno.5419


The nerfs to endurance/dodges was needed because some people would just spam dodges (Bounds) over and over, the same goes for the passive traits like Hard to catch.

The Upper hand nerf was super uncalled for. I would rather see the emergency evade at 50% trait get nerfed instead of Upper hand, because those are passives and Upper hand is active.
Upper hand requires the opponent’s cooperation to proc. It’s similar logic to confusion. If they keep trying to attack you and you end up evading it every time, then they should be careful not to attack into your evade frames. There’s plenty of evade downtime on even the most spammy staff master acro that there’s no excuse for missing every attack, unless you don’t play from NA. But if you don’t play from NA, you face issues across the board with all classes/builds, not just with thief, due to high ping.
A trait that rewards successful evades and not proccing after you simply using an evade skill should have more impact. Upper Hand used to be 3s and acrobatics line was never used, because DA’s damage made it a better pick even in staff builds. Why are we going back to that?

(edited by MLGKorno.5419)

[Video] How to outplay WvWers with staff

in Thief

Posted by: MLGKorno.5419


[Video] How to wreck plebs in WvW by yourself

in WvW

Posted by: MLGKorno.5419


[Video] Clutchest PVP S5 moments (Staff)

in Thief

Posted by: MLGKorno.5419


[Video] Clutchest/funniest s5 moments so far

in PvP

Posted by: MLGKorno.5419


(edited by MLGKorno.5419)

[Video] 2x Staff thief DuoQ (Splitscreen) #1

in PvP

Posted by: MLGKorno.5419


(edited by MLGKorno.5419)

[Video] Top tier rev duels for your enjoyment

in PvP

Posted by: MLGKorno.5419


I’ve just come from a 6 month break and have uploaded a session of rev fights back in May just before I left. This is not to call anyone out, I respect Faov for his skill and as a player in general.
I wasn’t going to upload it but since faov dropped off from [NL] and gw2, I thought it’d be of great help to people who want to get better at rev, for them to see what can be done at higher levels of rev gameplay.
You will see fast clutch plays with occasionally some mistakes as in the heat of the duels it’s difficult to play perfectly when 100-0 pressure can come in an instant.
One small thing to note is that a few skills like shiro teleport have since been nerfed, but the overall mechanics remain.
The build used for both players was the meta (invo/dev/herald)

[Video] Rev mirrors played at top tier

in Revenant

Posted by: MLGKorno.5419


I’ve just come from a 6 month break and have uploaded a session of rev fights back in May just before I left. This is not to call anyone out, I respect Faov for his skill and as a player in general.
I wasn’t going to upload it but since faov dropped off from [NL] and gw2, I thought it’d be of great help to people who want to get better at rev, for them to see what can be done at higher levels of rev gameplay.
You will see fast clutch plays with occasionally some mistakes as in the heat of the duels it’s difficult to play perfectly when 100-0 pressure can come in an instant.
One small thing to note is that a few skills like shiro teleport have since been nerfed, but the overall mechanics remain.
The build used for both players was the meta (invo/dev/herald)

(edited by MLGKorno.5419)

Sigil of leeching doesn't work as of 4/19

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: MLGKorno.5419


So after the hotfix that fixed Assassin’s Annihilation, why isn’t sigil of leeching fixed? Still does no damage and no heal.

Sigil of leeching doesn't work as of 4/19

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: MLGKorno.5419


sigil of leeching is not working at all right now. It does not do the 900 damage nor does it heal for 900. It’s completely broken after the last balance patch.

Assassin's Annihilation 2000 leech bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: MLGKorno.5419


Just what the title says. Rev’s Assassin’s annihilation trait (Grandmaster in devastation trait line) is leeching for 2000 (from the front too) when you trigger it with a projectile.

To repeat, this bug only happens when you use a projectile skill while having assassin’s annihilation traited. This applies to revenant’s hammer auto, sword 2 (precision strike) etc.

broken Assassin's annihilation and life leech

in PvP

Posted by: MLGKorno.5419


Yeah, a trait that’s supposed to leech 300 when attacking from the side or back now leeching 2000 from all directions, this is worse than the undodgeable eviscerate. This better be fixed soon.

Revenant Assassin's Annihilation bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: MLGKorno.5419


This is a game breaking bug, more ridiculous than the undodgeable eviscerate bug.

A trait that’s supposed to leech 300 from the side or back now leeches 2000 (almost x10) from any direction.

Hotfix it now.

[Video] Rev duels

in Revenant

Posted by: MLGKorno.5419


A small new vid of my rev duels against various professions showing how to deal with them (Although most of the guys in the dueling server were pretty weak mechanically)

I’ll probably be posting a video of playing rev in ranked soon.

Passive procs need to go.

in PvP

Posted by: MLGKorno.5419


Agree, Passives that require you to do something to proc them are good. They add depth as you can center your build or playstyle around them and be actively trying to proc them.

It kind of separates good and inexperienced players, good players try to optimize their play to utilize those procs at their full potential. Players that don’t know what they are doing just play and proc them accidentally without thinking about them.

Of course there are some passives that you can just trait and forget, those are quite boring.

Passive traits that require you to do something are good and separate good players from bad players?? Huh?

1. The traits that really require you to do something aren’t passive
2. passive traits require you to do nothing. That’s the definition of passive. -You- don’t need to do anything to proc the auto jalis stance at 50% health. You just have to get hit by someone else until that. If you had not been outplayed then why would you ever drop low enough to proc it? It’s bad players that benefit the most from passive traits.

Do NOT nerf Enegy sigil

in PvP

Posted by: MLGKorno.5419


Active skill… When you’re an ele switching attunements or an engi equipping a kit regularly just to take full advantage of it so they can random dodge one more time – not to gain a dodge when needed – is not active skill.

The only three classes that it was “good for,” in terms of both those classes and the game, were thief, and shatter mesmer – which didn’t even use it on both weapon sets – and necro. Unfortunately, tanks using that sigil hurt those classes more than it does were no class to have it. Good change. I don’t know if they were already considering it before I suggested it, but I’d love to take credit for it. I suggested it last year too.

Oh, and before anyone points and says “Tank! You bias because you can just eat the damage:” thief, shatter mesmer, and necro also happen to be the only classes/builds I play.

This isn’t about what YOU play. Stating that YOU play/don’t play them is completely irrelevant when it comes to whether or not energy sigil nerf is needed. I have no doubts that people will be able to kill each other a lot easier after the patch, when tanky amulets are removed, but energy sigil gives dodges which is part of Active gameplay as opposed to facetanking something. What happens when you can neither dodge it or facetank it ? Fights will be less about reaction, avoidance and baits and more about just two people throwing skills at the other to see who dies first because neither side really has any active defense at all. The classes like necro will just have no dodges whatsoever so will be forced to just keep pressing buttons to dish out DPS since he can’t avoid the damage anyway. This will effectively dumb down the game. High skilled players and average players who know their class will be hard to distinguish.

Passive procs need to go.

in PvP

Posted by: MLGKorno.5419


Relax. A certain amount of those is good. Complaining about Earth’s Embrace is ridiculous for instance.

Your comment shows that you never read / understood OP’s post. It’s not about whether or not Earth’s Embrace is “cheese”. Many of GW2’s passive procs aren’t very powerful but that’s not the problem at hand. The problem is Anet being so obsessed with all these “when your hp falls below X, active Y skill automatically” traits. They carry bad players and they’re the reason people aren’t dying in the current metagame. NOT the amulets. Back in 2012/2013 when there weren’t so many passive traits, cele, bird runes etc. existed in PVP and the game was way healthier than it is now. taking out the tanky amulets isn’t going to do anything to make the meta more skillful. It’ll just be a bunch of glassy people with matchups that have a random result instead of the better player always winning because so much of the game is not able to be influenced by the player.

Healing turret's regeneration is bugged

in Engineer

Posted by: MLGKorno.5419


When you deploy a healing turret, overcharge it then (regardless of whether you pick it up or blow it), you should get (assuming 0 boon duration):
-3.5 seconds regen from deploying it
-6 seconds regen from overcharging it
For a total of 9.5 seconds of regeneration

However, for quite some time now after the HoT patch I’ve tested and confirmed that the first 3.5s is completely bugged and not triggering immediately and so during normal use where you deploy then overcharge, you only receive 6 seconds of regen instead of the 9.5s you should get.

This bug currently only happens if you do not run the inventions trait line.
Because what is even more bizarre is that if you trait for inventions (Which has the minor trait “Heal resonator” that gives 7.25 seconds of regen when you use a heal skill), you actually will also successfully get the 3.5 seconds of regen from deploying healing turret meaning that if you are inventions:

3.5s regen from deployment (not bugged and will apply it)
6s regen from overcharge
7.25s regen from Heal Resonator inventions minor

For a total of 16.75s regen.

This tells me that it’s a bug and not a silent nerf to the regen on deployment, since it is still there whenever you’re using the inventions trait line.

endurance regen/vigor nerf

in PvP

Posted by: MLGKorno.5419


I thought every (non-guardian) single zerker was favourable matchup for Thief and for that reason those often weren’t played, due being hard countered…

Talking mainly about builds used in PVP. Acro was once the thief’s go to build in the same way that the Engi on the team would be 6/0/0/4/4 and so on. Nobody is going to play D/D zerk in TPvP. Actually while we’re on that, yes – SF fresh air was a PvP build that used the zerker amulet and it actually countered pre patch acro because all the Ele had to do was swap to air between the thief’s evade frames, given he knew them, and the instant burst became unavoidable.

endurance regen/vigor nerf

in PvP

Posted by: MLGKorno.5419


because the thief was ultra imblanced prepatched with the evades…now as intended you need to time them…. ps. many builds required an energy sigil…I don’t see why the thief should get it’s evade spam again. the whole game has changed I suggest you start adepting….

LOOOOOL acro thief was “ultra imbalanced”? When having more evades than other classes’ builds were the only thing the SD thief had going? If you played Pvp at all you would know that even pre patch, acro thief had few favourable matchups (Mesmer being the only one). As for you turning this into an kitten contest by asking the thread started to a duel, I’ll accept the challenge too – if you’ve "adept"ed so well, please duel D/P on your super balanced and viable post patch SD. I’d really like to see.

Thief Bugs (Post-Patch)

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: MLGKorno.5419


Hope a dev notices this ASAP because there has been several hotfixes and none have addressed these problems.

Thief Bugs (Post-Patch)

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: MLGKorno.5419


1. Shadow’s Rejuvenation only granting initiative after the 3rd second of stealth, not upon entering stealth.

2. Withdraw’s cooldown was increased but the promised 10% base heal increase is missing: It only heals for 4344 right now.

3. In trickery, the Master slot Trickster trait is applying twice to Flanking Strikes (ICD going from 60s to 36s, 40% reduction instead of 20%)

There are more bugs being discussed in the thief forums, some involving trapper traits and traps, but these are by far the biggest ones and the ones most affecting the PVP Meta build right now.

(edited by MLGKorno.5419)

[BUG] Shadow's Embrace & Rejuvenation

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: MLGKorno.5419


yeah. Withdraw is still only giving 4344 HP right now as well (with the PVP berserker’s amulet). They need to fix a lot of things with thief

Withdraw and backstab broken after patch

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: MLGKorno.5419


Dont think this is a bug but its a worth it… just get better backstabbing and not relying on luck

It is, they already fixed it. Withdraw still bugged right now

Withdraw and backstab broken after patch

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: MLGKorno.5419


-Withdraw still heals for the same amount and not 10% more as stated in the patch notes, but gained the CD increase.
-Using backstab in stealth reveals the user even if you just backstabbed the air.

Kronos vs Magic Toker duels [Uncut]

in Thief

Posted by: MLGKorno.5419


I wasn’t going to post it but there’s probably some things people can learn from watching this video. Magic Toker (“Florida Boy Dustin”) was looking for duels in my dueling server and after a heated conversation, He invited to his private arena for some mirror duels.
Video is uncut from start to finish and runs for slightly over 30 minutes.

Basically like the video description says:

Some late night sleep deprivation mirror SD 20066 duels against Toker.

Personal observations from the fights:

Toker’s Strengths:
-Map knowledge (LOS)
-Experience and knowledge of class
-Stealing between evade frames

-Evasion mechanics
-Usually uses steal right after acquired

My own Strengths:
-Stealing between evade frames
-Dodging steal attempts
-Prediction (Intuition)
-Experience and knowledge of class

-Map LOS
-Overconfident at times

Points in the video:

At around 4:30, toker notices he had been running 2/6/0/0/6 and switches to 2/0/0/6/6. From approximately 4:39 onwards, duels in the same build occur.

It was fun and good practise and I would do more if he asks. Don’t be shy about commenting and constructive discussion. Hope I don’t offend him by uploading it ^^


(edited by MLGKorno.5419)

Caed v. Kronos duels [Derailed]

in Thief

Posted by: MLGKorno.5419


If you want to duel just message me, no need to write long paragraphs explaining why you can’t.

P.S. Amon, are you sure you didn’t play two years ago?

That looks like 4 different pictures. Good job? You took the time to photoshop?

Yeah they’re four screenshots from 2013 that tell the story of a certain [BSL] salty DD thief who ragequit.

(edited by MLGKorno.5419)

Caed v. Kronos duels [Derailed]

in Thief

Posted by: MLGKorno.5419


If you want to duel just message me, no need to write long paragraphs explaining why you can’t.

P.S. Amon, are you sure you didn’t play two years ago?


Black powder .....

in Thief

Posted by: MLGKorno.5419


not that even kittening matters but i ran zerker 90% of the time and soldier 10% only cause my build allowed for it vs heavey burst teams and i made rank 1 in solo and team q and not to mention making my reputation along the way.

sry u have a bias agasint me cause i told u straight but sometimes reality hurts kitten

btw what is proper thief build lol id love to see how uve copied something offline and used it as if u tried all the other possiblities

sry i thought up something that worked for me and sry you too terrible to maake something work for you as well as i have but bringing ur bais bullkitten here like ur kittening davinci or some kitten doesnt help the game at all so plz kitten

im only here to try and bring thief back up to par with some of the other nonsense in the game right now and these are a few ways of doing that

Black powder nerf should be reverted and revealed too

on the other thing, you WERE a bad cheesy thief carried super hard by permastealth DP, I remember how you would leave combat in duels back in spring 2013.

[Suggestion] Torment, Thieves and Last Refuge

in Thief

Posted by: MLGKorno.5419


Allow for the Hide in Shadows and Withdraw heal skills to also cure torment, while removing the condition cleansing on the second half of Shadowstep, and reducing the condition cleansing on Shadow’s Embrace to apply once every 4 seconds instead of 3.

And for Shadowstep? Remove the condition cleanse on return. Shadowstep is just too good and fills all of the holes of the class’s defense.

Not sure if trolling.
If you aren’t:
So, you’re suggesting to add one extra removal of a specific condition (torment) to heal skills at the cost of nerfing shadowstep and shadows embrace which are able to clear ANY condition?

How many classes are able to land huge stacks of torment and cover it with enough conditions that you would need a skill that targets torment directly to ensure it is removed every time?

How many even have access to the torment condition?

Reduce the dependency on shadowstep. It’s too good because it blinks once for gap-close, twice as an avoidance mechanic, enables resets, breaks stuns twice, and cures six conditions on a 50 second cooldown. T

Six conditions? Don’t ask for changes to a class you don’t know.
Shadowstep removes 3.

Being able to maintain condition removal via stealth should be more than a 2pt investment, especially when removal by heals is being increased.

There are plenty of other good 2pt traits in SA anyways, further increasing diversity.

This is the same logic as anet’s “reducing dependency on sword”. Contrary to what they/you think, nerfing something that everybody takes doesn’t balance things. It just completely cuts off a UP class hanging onto the meta via a string of a good trait or skill.
If everybody is using slotting X skill because they would be very weak without it, the correct way to reduce dependency would be to buff the other skills so that they can get what they need without using this skill.

Last summer, you could play X/6/X/6/X because sword dagger could take boons efficiently if you landed larcenous strike a lot. But by doing nerfs aimed at “reducing dependency on sword” they’ve made almost all spvp thieves have a new dependency on 4-6 Trickery for bountiful theft (and sleight of hand.)

Just run 2 in shadow arts if you think torment is a huge problem. If you’ve duelled using thief for a long time you’d know that to fight a skilled condition spammer you don’t need to declare that you’re being hard countered, but you do need 2 SA. It’s only two points and doesn’t disrupt most builds, be happy for that.

(edited by MLGKorno.5419)

Backstab Needs a Cooldown

in Thief

Posted by: MLGKorno.5419


This ability needs a cooldown on it. I’m sick of being hit repeatedly with 7-9k backstabs and being downed before you can even react. It’s rediculous!

I’m running full PTV (Soldier) gear on my Ranger, and am still falling victim to backstab spam. This ability simply needs a 20sec cooldown or so.

This should also be applied to other Thief “stealth burst” skills. Surprise Shot, Tactical Strike, Backstab, Sneak Attack.

This ability needs a longer cooldown: Rapid Fire. It’s ridiculous and downright broken how a ranger presses 1 button and does 7-9K rapid fires even after I immediately stealth when I see him start it.

I’m running full PTV (Soldier) gear on my Thief, and am still falling victim to rapid fire spam. This ability simply needs a 20X longer cooldown or so.

This should also be applied to all pet F2s like the carrion spider and the juvenile wolf, as well as Greatsword #2. Also, I think pets should have their damage nerfed to 1/20th of its current state. It’s too overpowered.

(edited by MLGKorno.5419)

[PvX] Some problems with Mesmer changes

in Profession Balance

Posted by: MLGKorno.5419


let’s be real here, you don’t need 6/6/6/6/6 to spam conditions on mes. Actually respond with something contructive. Oh wait, you’re probably one of those guys who whined until mesmer received the scepter torment.

The torment is pretty weak/unnoticeable on regular builds.

However, on 4/4/6/0/0 with condition duration runes where the mesmer’s bonus condi duration can get close to 50 in spvp and 100 in wvw, the torment spam from scepter 1/clones is quite noticeable.
This is not the same as simply dealing extra condition damage through the addition of a “regular condition” like bleed/burn to a skill that previously didnt have it, because torment is a unique condition that is rarely otherwise found, so it’s actually VERY unique condition.

Due to this, the ability for all the other conditions to stick just increased exponentially, increasing the effective battle power of a build where the torment can last sufficiently long by much more than what may have been expected.

Also, this is made worse by a discover i just made of a new Torch4 bug – Another skill commonly utilized on the Scepter-Torch staff condition build.
Since today’s patch, if the stealth is interrupted (I.e. the blind from Torch4 initial stealth hits an ele in Lightning Aura), the Torch4 skill goes on a short 3s cooldown because it thinks it did not go off and was interrupted, however, the stealth actually does happen. So after stealthing from torch4, the mesmer can use torch4 immediately again in this scenario.
This doesn’t seem easy to abuse, but just putting it out there.

-Review the scepter torment change
-Fix torch potential permastealth exploit immediately

Does the change to scepter torment change how the standard mesmer shatter STILL gets countered by half the builds out there? No. Please start buffing the mesmer in the correct areas. The Condition build did not need to be buffed.

(edited by MLGKorno.5419)

[VIDEO] Steal Bug after 9/9/2014 patch

in Thief

Posted by: MLGKorno.5419


This is totally ridiculous, the small amount of people not rerolling despite the flanking strike change will probably reroll because of this.


in Thief

Posted by: MLGKorno.5419


As of the new patch if you use flanking strike, Heartseeker or any skill that moves you while using steal, the steal goes on full cooldown and says out of range, counting as a failed steal.

This makes the SD change even harder to cope with – If you’re going to make it so that we can’t flanking strike from afar then larcenous and steal at the same time to the target, at least let us use flanking strike with steal at the same time to guarantee that it toggles to larcenous strike.

If you didn’t quit because of S/D change, you’ll quit after you go and find out for yourself what steal is like now.

(edited by MLGKorno.5419)

Congrats to the top 3 in the Dubhe's cup!!

in PvP

Posted by: MLGKorno.5419


I adminned a thief duel between Lux and Chronos. Lux won. Lux is not best dueler NA. Confirmed.

Mmmmm 40gold and yes, I am definitely not the best duelist.

First “Kronos” loses on a warrior and now he loses 40g to Lux. kitten. So, I thought the first guy was just making it up but since three people are talking about this I can’t help but wonder if someone is actually out there right now impersonating me (?? Why so mad)
All of the salt aside, I’d appreciate if someone can check “Kronos/Chronos”’s account name so I can get an idea of which fan of mine must be dedicating his time to all that.

Congrats to the top 3 in the Dubhe's cup!!

in PvP

Posted by: MLGKorno.5419


I just beat kronos in the dueling server, he was on warrior, and i was on engi, i dont even main engi. so best dueler? no, didnt dodge 1 thing.

Hahaha I haven’t logged in yet and now I’m suddenly dueling in spvp games?

Actually hold on, Just saw in your sig that you’re from Sharks with Lazers. No wonder LOLOL. So I see you’re still mad because you got rolled in the TOL.

And for everyone in this thread – The topic poster made the thread to congratulate me and the other two winners and certain people had to come right in and turn it into a flame war where they directly attacked him.
I joined to pick up the money and I played it slow until it was absolutely safe to go all in. I won. I never promised clutch footage showing super skilled and adrenaline filled gameplay for viewers of the stream, so please stop arguing.

(edited by MLGKorno.5419)

[Spvp][Elementalist] D/D celestial needs nerf

in Profession Balance

Posted by: MLGKorno.5419


Can anyone explain why this needs a nerf to somebody who doesn’t play much pvp?
The only eles I see are full zerker pve ones

Celestial ele, celestial war, celestial engie all benefit from using most of the stats of the armor and make up for the lower power by might stacking.

The OP suggested whack-a-mole balance, but people like lettuce and neko are suggesting alter either might stacking or celestial amulet instead.

I only need to point out, just like grim reaper, that if before the patch they were “useless” then suddenly are OP, it’s because of the celestial armor everybody is putting on.

Simple as that. Nobody used it before, everybody uses it now. Eles received two effective buffs to the D/D build as well in that patch, but those were necessary to a UP weapon set. People are quick to forget how few elementalists played the game for several months.

Your last paragraph is basically saying that it is ok for d/d elem to be OP because it was Up… Should I remind you that they were beyond Op for a longer time (1 year ) before they get nerfed ? meh I don’t expect someone with barely over 150 games played to know much about pvp.

Just read this topic:

Mbelch’s original point was that the nerfs to elementalist abilities that the topic starter asked for are highly flawed. Basically, celestial and might stacks are the main problems. Not drakes breath or lightning whip. How many eles even know about the lightning whip exploit? You can’t say all of them do it. But nearly every D/D celestial ele gets called OP in sPvP dueling servers. Also, eles who use zerker amulet still aren’t influential outside of team fights and PvE. They deal slightly higher damage than a might stacking celestial ele but have about a third of the sustain.
Nerfing the class’s skills doesn’t solve the problem. If the class is only OP with celestial amulet then it is obviously celestial that needs to be looked at. yet even this is hardly the case because almost every class except thief has a might stacking celestial build that’s extremely overpowered.

I don’t know what you graduated from but if all you got out of reading this thread was "Your last paragraph is basically saying that it is ok for d/d elem to be OP because it was Up… " you should stop posting here because you lack the ability to maintain an objective discussion without making personal attacks.

Additionally, what makes you think the number of tpvp games played by somebody reflects how well they know the class? Mbelch is a well known and skilled dueler who has played ele through the dark ages of it and petitioned restlessly for changes for over a year before the call was answered in the april balance patch. While everyone here knows it’s slightly over-the-top right now, the nerfs some of you people are calling for are completely moronic.

(edited by MLGKorno.5419)

S/D Destroyed

in Thief

Posted by: MLGKorno.5419


Any idiot can cheeze up 1 v 1’s, thief duels are more about lucky procs with fire + air and crits than they are personal skill. How well the thief preforms his role on a team is what makes him exceptional. But it’s cool cupcake, keep thinking your WvW experience makes you good.

Going by your own definition, you are still far from a top thief whose suggestions should be taken seriously if your team has to dedicate attention to carrying you.
You should keep up the confident attitude though, it’ll help you learn how to play the game in a shorter amount of time.