Showing Posts For Maddeth.5893:

Craftable Halloween Weapons...

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Maddeth.5893


I have to say I share everyones disappointment, BUT, I hope that as long as you gather the recipe components and the temporary skins I would imagine it is quite possible to craft these weapons AFTER the event is finished. It would be nice if a dev could confirm this though.

This already has been confirmed So long as you buy the recipe from the vendor within the holiday, you can craft these items whenever you like.

Agree loadstones wasn’t the best choice, but wouldn’t make any difference, whatever it was people would have jumped on it and made them expensive anyway, just happened these were already pricey.

Craftable Halloween Weapons...

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Maddeth.5893


If you want to have fun over the holiday,and don’t want these LONG TERM GOAL weapons… just use the cheap 4hour skins? some with easily not-even-that-farmable hand-ins? Why is there so much whine?

If there is no long term achievement there is no game, if everything is handed out easily, people will just not bother playing.

Why don’t YOU whining bunch of entitled kittens just enjoy playing the fun parts of the game.

They are not FORCING you to get these weapons, they are not game changing, they are aesthetic. If you want the halloween fun look for halloween.. theres those skins I just mentioned.. same effect for all those casuals with not a lot of time top play.

Video Capture

in Community Creations

Posted by: Maddeth.5893


Create a twitch/ account or the like. It can be used to save a local copy, as well as saving the stream online for a while (can be saved and edited later too).

The Importance of Roaming small groups in WvWvW(AKA Gank Teams)

in WvW

Posted by: Maddeth.5893


I approve of these tactics, I just have never been able to get enough people to follow me to actually pull it off.

Ruins of Surmia and Fissure of Woe

in WvW

Posted by: Maddeth.5893


Only hope for Fow and RoS is to climb up ranking, Drakkar is just the weekly recipient now for those people who just join lower rank server in order to be able to massive zerg and farm the 2 servers at the bottom of the list.
What Drakkar is this week was Miller’s Sound the previous and Dzagonur and so on

There are even players from Fow and i assume from RoS who even joined Drakkar server…

Until Server transfer will be so easy and cheap, no balancing system can stand a chance.

I need one vista from EB, it’s in SM.. can’t see me being able to get that until we either own it (lol), or to transfer over, get the point then wait 24hrs to transfer back.

Ruins of Surmia and Fissure of Woe

in WvW

Posted by: Maddeth.5893


Err.. side tracked, back to RoS/FoW. One of the major problems for these 2 servers is that they only seem to fight in their own borderlands, meaning they are never splitting the enemy. So RoS borderlands = 50 v 100 v 0, FoW BL = 0 v 100 v 50, the 2 servers need to hit the same zone so it becomes 50 v 100 v 50 and by splitting the opponent fights are more manageable.

The issue is, even with that strategy, you are talking a maximum of 25% total map held by 2 servers vs 1.

And as soon as people try too move to anywhere else to continue (which they will, as for some reason we have something against defending or upgrading anything), we lose the map again. The population is a major issue that will not be fixed until free transfers stop and the balance actually starts working as intended.

Are free server transfers ruining wvw?

in WvW

Posted by: Maddeth.5893


Doesnt people enjoy WvW anymore?

in WvW

Posted by: Maddeth.5893


I’m not playing until the server transfer issues are fixed and servers balance as they are supposed to.

Free transfers has permanently ruined WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Maddeth.5893


ANet is dropping the ball on this hard. Most players just want to have fun and the current system almost seems to be working against that.

Thanks spif, this is my stance on the current situation too.

Whomever said there is no loyalty to a server… I know a few community members that I like and talk to, while I can still do this when moving, I can’t WvW with them.

I also have a guild that while small has plenty of good upgrades (rank 2 in everything bar one which is rank 3, guild armour/weapons etc). Moving servers I will lose all the guild perks I have gained and have to start over, made harder by the fact that a lot of our influence came from tombs, then from influence boosters.

Free transfers has permanently ruined WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Maddeth.5893


People have transfered from our (losing underpopulated) server (with no queues) to join (Higher population) servers with longer queues. I doubt this was the “balance” ANet had in mind.

Not seen many (any) people from high population servers coming to our low popped losing server… yet.

Post a pic of your EU servers current WvWvW

in WvW

Posted by: Maddeth.5893


Only 5 more days of this kitten.

5 more days? Are you assuming they will stick with the same server again and NOT just server transfer again?

Yes. I am bitter and annoyed. This needs fixing. This has ruined one of the biggest parts of the game for me.

Coordinated WWW play, how you do it?

in WvW

Posted by: Maddeth.5893


I have set up a Mumble server for our server JUST for WvW public… afaik no-one is using it. Some people just don’t want to voip with people they don’t know.

The more I WvW as a thief, the less I like it.

in WvW

Posted by: Maddeth.5893


I’m not trying to say that thief is BAD at WvW. All I’m saying is that I just feel really limited in my options.

It depends how you want to play. That is the point. Melee isn’t useless, you need to work out when is best to use it. I like using Sword/Piistol to stun those heading for the keep door, to them watch ally’s join me in taking them down before entering. When you are on a keep wall, what do you expect? you can only range anyway, SB / P/P is pretyy much the only way you could go anyway.

You seem to want too much.

(edited by Maddeth.5893)

Outnumbered in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Maddeth.5893


I have also seen posts about swapping outmanned buffs and the orbs buff.

I think this is also a good idea. Still motivates people to get the orbs, does not cause imbalance to those servers that own all 3 orbs due to being more populated.

Coordinated WWW play, how you do it?

in WvW

Posted by: Maddeth.5893


One word…


Not much more I can add.

The more I WvW as a thief, the less I like it.

in WvW

Posted by: Maddeth.5893


Cluster bomb mediocre? I have plenty of kills from it, sieging and being sieged. Detonating it before it hits the ground gives a better spread, more creets and the bleeds on multiple targets, when triated for longer/more damaging bleeds is really good at keeping the numbers flowing.

If I am not forcing people off the walls I turn to the gate (until the giant steamroll zerg comes and crushes us)

Free transfers has permanently ruined WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Maddeth.5893


Just bumping as this is still a major issue. The last match-up has us against the same guilds that steam-rolled us last week have transferred to the server that we are now playing this week…

GF NSP, Too bad someone had to orb hack

in WvW

Posted by: Maddeth.5893


Im saying I want the hacker caught and I want the match reviewed, the hacker or hackers to be permanently banned, and fixes to be implemented to prevent this from happening in the future. You are taking things out of context, calm down their little fella

Without screenshots to show anything, there really isn’t anything you could get done through these threads except simple bad mouthing (and before you act like I’m assuming something, making negative threads about a server will give them negative respect).

I also can’t believe you think there’s a way for them to review an entire WvW at all times. They have nothing to lead them on to find the hacker, so you’re asking Arenanet to go on a wild goose chase.

I am not on any of these servers. I was reading through and wanted to post. Why are you getting so defensive over this. They are not pointing fingers, they are simply asking for things to be reviewed as there was a very obvious hack. You are making yourself look suspicious at how defensive you are getting over this. They complimented your server!? What more could you want?

Free transfers has permanently ruined WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Maddeth.5893


They need to open up free transfers, but only to specific low population servers.

That way people can’t abuse the system to “join the winning team”.

I don’t know why they just don’t bar people from transferring to servers that they are currently facing in WvW?

Both great idea’s.

Free transfers has permanently ruined WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Maddeth.5893


People always see the bad in things. Sure, there are some parts wich can be improved. But the most important part is to create a strong and fun community. There will always be people trying to mess with that in any way they can. But if you have fun with your mates playing the game isn’t that wat counts?

Free transfers is fine to keep the community flexible and the 24h cap is good enough to stop some of the abuse. Don’t let the actions of a few be reason to change this.

I completely hear where you are coming from with regards to the community, and agree.

What I don’t agree with is the free transfers, they were not intended to work this way, or be abused in the manner that they have. A 24 hour cap would have been better… in the 24 hour match ups.

With 1 week match ups, it is not have any effect on this particular issue. There are supposed to be WvW repercussions on changing servers, making you unable to play for 2 weeks after transfer (or at least the rest of the match up) to prevent this.

This is not working as intended, and already ruined (see my previous post) our server.

Free transfers has permanently ruined WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Maddeth.5893


People on the forums keep using the word “Ruined” but I don’t think they know what it means.

1. Total destruction or disintegration, either physical, moral, social, or economic.
2. A cause of total destruction.
a. The act of destroying totally.
b. A destroyed person, object, or building.
4. The remains of something destroyed, disintegrated, or decayed. Often used in the plural: studied the ruins of ancient Greece.
v. ru·ined, ru·in·ing, ru·ins
1. To destroy completely; demolish.
2. To harm irreparably.
3. To reduce to poverty or bankruptcy.
4. To deprive of chastity.

Badges instead of Gold for Commander Title

in Suggestions

Posted by: Maddeth.5893


Badges or gold is the same to me… it’s just a farming question.

This should definively be a guild upgrade with high influence cost in the “art of war” section.

Anyone can farm gold.

Only people that actually WvW can farm Badges, that is the point.

Free transfers ruins Far Shiverpeaks WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Maddeth.5893


Or they can transfer to low population servers like Ruins of Surmia or Fissure of Woe.


Free transfers has permanently ruined WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Maddeth.5893


I’m guessing you are either in Ruins of Surmia or Fissure of Woe (is there another server like that ? Ring of fire maybe ?)

We had our biggest guilds leave, most of the WvW oriented then left because the others left, we were left with 2-3 small WvW oriented guilds. (RoS)
Having bought a commander, we now have 3 commanders in total trying to be on all the time and not let them steamroll us.

On top of that, Millers Sound and Dzagonur people are abusing the Free transfers. They went together in previous matchup and all went to Millers sound, when Millers sound went up a rank they all went to Dzagonur to steamroll the servers with already very low population.
I find that very frustrating that they are allowed to do so. Let free transfers be allowed but stop them from playing WvW for atleast 4 days, not just 24 or the remainder of the current matchup, because they could just transfer the day before the matchup changes.

Yes, I am on RoS, you probably see me often enough in chat raging

My other problem with our server is we don’t defend, we are trying to get on the offensive when we don’t have the man-power.

I spend over a gold on upgrading keeps and camps, the moment I shout out one is under attack, no-one bothers to try defend, they are more interested in taking that one keep that has been fully fortified, and die at the walls.

My ign is Reema.

Free transfers has permanently ruined WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Maddeth.5893


My point is, even when server transfers are working as expected, this aspect of the game has been pretty much ruined for some servers for the future, not just now. Those guilds would not have server transferred if they had to pay, or were locked out, we would have a better wvw population and would not be losing so bad.

I don’t mind losing to a better opponent. I mind losing to a server who’s population has suddenly increased with a change of brackets, coupled with a decline in my own population of server for the same reason.

If people did not have the option to transfer, they would be fighting for their server.

Badges instead of Gold for Commander Title

in Suggestions

Posted by: Maddeth.5893



100g does not reflect prowess on the battlefield, or any knowledge of it.

Free transfers has permanently ruined WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Maddeth.5893


Not only are free server transfers still open to abuse, but there has been a large amount of irreversible damage done to the servers because of this.

My server has had 3 wvw guilds leave the server because of population issues. While I can understand why they left, this has left our server so under-populated we are getting steamrolled by everything. If server transfers were not free, this wouldn’t have happened in the first place and people would actually be trying to put effort in.

The problem is, the damage has already been done. It will take months for our server to get the population it needs, also, we are doing so badly that no-one actually wants to try to WvW anyway.

For servers like mine, this is too far gone to fix.

This has pretty much ruined a large part of the game for me. I COULD transfer, but this is only going to make things worse for those left. Also, a big staying point for me is the fact we have an upgraded guild that we have put a lot of time and influence into. If we were to transfer servers as a guild we would have to start from scratch.

Bring back the need for specific Roles and Team play

in Suggestions

Posted by: Maddeth.5893


There is a need for team play and roles already. Damage, support and control. If you are not working with your team just because they are not in an original format you are doing it wrong. Game is working as intended, people just seem to be too stupid or stuck in thier ways to change.

Jumping Damage (A.K.A Falling Damage)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Maddeth.5893


however i am sad that we cannot knock people over cliffs.

i suppose this is a bug. i better go over to the bug forum and report this.

I was under the impression that that was possible… hmmm…

You can with certain classes abilities (ranger and elementalist come to mind.

Also, don’t be stupid, just because 1 game does not have fall damage does not make it a universal need. It is there for a reason and working as intended. If you don’t want to die from falling, pick a trait that lowers fall damage.

Guild Transfer

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Maddeth.5893


That is a deal breaker when coming to server transfers for me, especially after me and my guild-mates used our tomb of influence at the start. Not to mention all the upgrades. Surely if we moved as a guild the time and effort we put in should cross over?

Buyable Character Animation

in Suggestions

Posted by: Maddeth.5893


Instead of gold, make it gems and available on the store. Also, alternative dances (gangnam style on my asura plz).

i think it would better to have both gold (in game currency) an gem shop dances / emotes etc.

have both.

dances / emotes purchase with in game gold (currency)
dances / emotes purchase with gems in gem shop (gems)

Gems are bought with gold.

err no.
gems are originally bought using real dollars (USD) from the gem shop.
gems can only be bought using in game gold via currency exchange (gem shop) if there are players who bought gems using real dollars (USD) and these players (with gems bought using real dollars) decided to convert their gems into in game gold

Doesn’t change the fact that they can still be bought with gold though, does it.

Buyable Character Animation

in Suggestions

Posted by: Maddeth.5893


Instead of gold, make it gems and available on the store. Also, alternative dances (gangnam style on my asura plz).

i think it would better to have both gold (in game currency) an gem shop dances / emotes etc.

have both.

dances / emotes purchase with in game gold (currency)
dances / emotes purchase with gems in gem shop (gems)

Gems are bought with gold.

Improve dungeons (LFP Finder, Rewards, Incentives)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Maddeth.5893


There is a group finder, it is the last tab in “y” No need to spam map, but people will continue to anyway.

Character Appearance

in Suggestions

Posted by: Maddeth.5893


They have already stated tat they will implement this via the gem store

Kodan and Tengu should be a playable race. :D

in Suggestions

Posted by: Maddeth.5893


I think it is already in the works, Tungu especially. They will be in the first expansion I reckon.

Open letter to Many people included me find this game boring ... That's are my points.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Maddeth.5893


  1. IN MY AND OTHERS OPINIONS … #############################

There are some points to re-work:

improve loots in dungeons – agree
more variety of mobs – There is plenty of variety…
less farming – farming is choice- also, define farming
remove the annoying spell when someone is down what annoying spell? please elaborate
upgrade the story script, give at the game a bit of introspection good idea
upgrade the AI of mobs have you been to the higher areas?!?
Add some wp around the www Waypoints are added when you upgrade keeps
Reduce the number of the bugs around the game I believe that is the intention, the game has been out for 3 weeks and is more polished than most
Fix Orr please be more constructive here, how?
Introduce other spvp maps and remove the underwater fights till are not balanced they have already stated they will be adding more maps, please see previous point, game has been out for 3 weeks – agreed on underwater combat
Add more story behind the events and hearts around the maps try actually talking to the NPC’s…
Add more parallel stories in the game please elaborate
More events and more Huge and more difficult and with more consequences for the word. please explore more maps
Make the melee classes able to fight in www without implode under the aoe this is doable, just harder, as it should be
Fix if it’s possible that the starting areas are already very low populated and in the last zones 70-80 is exactly the same situation.(Orr in primis). previous statement game has been out 3 weeks…
Less money farm not had to farm any money myself so cant comment
More clear, readable, understandable crafting station It is easy enough for me, can’t comment
Give more reasons why someone should max professions, farm dungeons(70 TIMES). Dungeon gear is for people that want the looks, if you don’t don’t do it. Maxing professions allows you to craft top tier gear, what more do you want?
Reduce the dungeons farming tokens system. you already made this point
Re-work the farming fest of www. I don’t understand how it is a farm, you need to elaborate on what you mean by farming
Possibility to zoom the camera in first person. agreed, much needed feature
Reduce the travel expenditures agreed
Introduce the possibility to inspect other players Do NOT want this in game.
Introduce duels agreed
Option to see normal player lvl in scaled location. agreed
In-game PING meter. agreed
Cash on Delivery Mail /Trade. agreed – much needed
More and more fun minigames. previous statement about how long the game has been out
Now during the loading screen of an area, a text will appear describing the history and situation of that area. again, try just talking to NPC’s
Added a “Sit on chair” animation. Press the action button in frond of a chair to sit on it. Agreed – I would like this added
join as group for SPvP. this is for tournaments otherwise it becomes imbalanced. there is a reason you cant
Balance some professions. ongoing and always will be – moot point
Previewing items in the auction house needed – agreed
Reduce the combat area please explain, this makes no sense
more filters in the auction house much needed
Upgrade the skills audio and animation please elaborate, this game has some of the best animations and sounds I have ever had in game
More weapons for every class and more kind of weapons in general they have already stated they will be doing this
Barber shop already said this will be implemented in future
Dungeon finder there is already a LFG tool
More visible consequences of your actions repeated from above
Add the possibility to use addon No this would ruin the game for many
Dyes Account Bound agreed
Set another key to talk with npg in order to avoid some annoying dialogue windows during events when you try to loot or during some hearts where you have to interact with some objects. this is a good idea
Implement the possibility to form raids in www or just add an auto-join for one big single raid. there are options for squads, you need a commander though
Add to the Day and Night Cycle more differences between each other such as less light, less visibility, different mobs, different sounds, different npg, different heart, and synchronize all maps in a unique single cycle. this would be good but not necasary

(edited by Maddeth.5893)

[Detailed Suggestion] WvWvW - Spread out through incentive.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Maddeth.5893


This already kind of happens. Killing a Doleyak can yield supply when looted.

Even if you do not loot, killing them loses them that supply anyway.

Can Mob Ai be tweeked to stop Mob Droppers

in Suggestions

Posted by: Maddeth.5893


Not just this, I have seen players kiting mobs to players that are fighting other mobs so they can mine a node/get a skill point/just carry on running.

This is frustrating and is a kittenmove.

Buyable Character Animation

in Suggestions

Posted by: Maddeth.5893


Instead of gold, make it gems and available on the store. Also, alternative dances (gangnam style on my asura plz).

Add a hide footwear option for Charr and Asura

in Suggestions

Posted by: Maddeth.5893


In BETA I actually reported this as a bug, I was unaware they saw this as finished. I too would prefer either a redesign of boots for charr and Asura, or for them t at least stop my toes poking out.

Please make the character select screen have space for 8 characters

in Suggestions

Posted by: Maddeth.5893


While a good idea, remember not everyone has larger monitors. if they made the character slot icons smaller they wouldn’t be as effective. I don’t think there is much more they can do with this other than giving the player the option of how many they can see before scrolling.

Change the 25 bleed stack limit

in Suggestions

Posted by: Maddeth.5893


Change the 25 bleed stack limit

  • Introduce 25 bleed stack limit PER PLAYER on a single mob, eg. every player has his own stack of bleeds on a mob

This. Completely agree. I have found that I do hardly any bleed damage in big groups because of this.

I am not currently playing a condition thief as it is not worth it because of this.

Guild Halls

in Suggestions

Posted by: Maddeth.5893


They have stated they are looking to implement this is future.

Allow us to wear previously equipped styles

in Suggestions

Posted by: Maddeth.5893


Just made a similar suggestion, only just seen this one.

PvE Wardrobe

in Suggestions

Posted by: Maddeth.5893


I did a quick forum search and found nothing.

I think it would be great if ANet implemented a Wardrobe in the same vein as the sPvP wardrobe.

This would have a 2-fold benefit.

1)Min-Maxers would want to fill their wardrobe with every style, it would add an element of game-play that would make more people want to do dungeons and explore crafting.

2) Those that want to swap styles often. When you transmute it destroys your previous item, I have used multiple transmute stones just to keep styles I might want in future, this fills the bank and gets frustrating as I need new gear every time I want to change style.

As the sPvP wardrobe requires you to add the stats you want, this could work like the Hall of Monuments gear, when you take it out of the wardrobe (while leaving it available) you can transmute for free. Or have a cost, but have it act the same way. I would rather pay silver for the style that I already have and not destroy another.

Repair cost being (technically) charged twice.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Maddeth.5893


This is a good point. Maybe implementing a free waypoint close to you when you die would be a better solution. This should only effect the current map.

Diablo 3 loot system fix

in Suggestions

Posted by: Maddeth.5893


Upping your magic find solves this issue. If you gear up correctly you can get far better drops. Using Magic find boosters from chests can help too

Huge List of Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Maddeth.5893


I’m just going to rattle these off:

Normal Things:

1 – Inspecting…seriously…


2 – Dueling
3 – Guild vs Guild PvP on server side World PvP (Outside of WvW/Mists) ( This is “GUILD” Wars isn’t it?)

Good idea’s, guild wars refers to lore, not the game play.

4 – Show own Character Name / Titles / Guild Name…(I Like seeing my own name)

5 – Titles …where the hell are all the Titles?

Check your hero tab, it’s in there.

6 – Pets haven’t seen one in the entire game yet.

Gem store or trading post

Real Money Items (ANet does want real $ right?):
7 – Gems to Buy new Hair Styles / Colors (Resets if you want)
8 – Gems to purchase in-game name changes
9 – Gems to purchase pets

7 – 9 have been stated to be implemented
9 is in already.

In-game Mechanical Suggestions:

10 – THREAT I understand no one wants to see “Trinity” become the play-style but at minimum it’d be nice to have an idea on who has the agro in dungeons. I ran with a group where we had 4 DPS and a Tank and it was the smoothest run I’ve been in yet…just knowing that a guy with Sword/Board is actually taking the damage and not the little elementalist who has to be revived every other second.

No. You are doing it wrong. Pretty easy to see who a mob is targeting. If someone is getting downed a lot, they need to rethink their strategy. Also, please stop with the “tank” rubbish. There are no tanks in game. You can kite, kiting =/=tank.

11 – More complex mechanics (use the above to allow this) right now everything can be easily done at ranged…you don’t even want to be melee in this game at the moment because with no threat a low armored thief/warrior just gets demolished. This means that the entire game can be done just kiting. Not very complex mechanically at all. Threat would resolve this issue as having a tank would allow for more cool mechanics than just Tank and Spank kiting.

Your opinion. Melee actually have higher damage at a higher risk. It’s your choice.

(edited by Maddeth.5893)

Either allow add ons or give us some way to measure our dps

in Suggestions

Posted by: Maddeth.5893


Another NO vote here. Thank you.