Showing Posts For Major Domo.9250:

We should be able to name our raptors

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Major Domo.9250

Major Domo.9250

+1 for Parappa the Raptor.


[Request] please bring back snek pet

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Major Domo.9250

Major Domo.9250

Picture of hoop snek

Not pictured – Offscreen ele in snek attunement spamming snek blade.


Pls Nerf Trebs Aimed at Bitterfrost Frontier

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Major Domo.9250

Major Domo.9250

On a serious note, I think they’ve been treating the symptoms and not the disease – that certain skills (engie turrets, necro minions etc.) not only allow but encourage idle play. How about making these skills more active? Beefed up, mannable turrets for point defense? Controllable minions and ranger pets that reward micromanagement?

Interactive Guardian spirit weapons might be too much to ask for, however.


[Suggestion] Racial skill slots

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Major Domo.9250

Major Domo.9250

Repeating what I’ve proposed before.. make it a Mastery!

Example – Engage in special quests and earn experience in the Shiverpeaks to unlock the ability to use Norn racial skills, regardless of the player’s race. Likewise for Asura in Maguuma, Humans in Kryta, etc. Your mastery rank may even influence the potency and duration of the skills, making them something more than a skillbar ornament.

Add an additional F-skill accessible ONLY in PvE to slot in a single racial skill of your choice, among those you have unlocked. Sort of a toned down version of the three PvE slot skills that were alloted in GW1.

As for the racial elites, that’s a trickier problem that someone with more insight can ponder over.

tl;dr: Racial equality for everybody, more content for players who like their Tyria vanilla.


Kessex Hills Floating Castle

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Major Domo.9250

Major Domo.9250

I still think ANet missed a golden April Fool’s opportunity – Temporarily add a series of updrafts leading toward the castle that were JUST out of reach…


Make more ranger pets useful

in Ranger

Posted by: Major Domo.9250

Major Domo.9250

A large variety of selectable, user-controlled skills that were mostly on short cooldowns made the GW1 pet feel less like a ball-and-chain and more like an actual animal companion. Above all else, I’d like an actual pet UI that gave more options than eat, stop eating, and use your SINGLE special skill.

It is discouraging that the pet system is the only profession-specific mechanic that a notable number of players want to have as an on-off toggle.

(But seriously, I loved me some beast master ranger in GW1 and the GW2 system just feels like squandered potential.)


Unbreakable Tool's

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Major Domo.9250

Major Domo.9250

Take another step there and allow the unbreakable tools to be skinned over with a particular effect. I’d like to try some new picks but I also like the steady inflow of watchwork sprockets.


Race-Change Item in Gem Store?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Major Domo.9250

Major Domo.9250

How about a set of combat tonics that replace your appearance with that of another race, down to the armor/outfit and dyes? Dunno how these things are coded but an appearance-only change seems reasonable.


is afk farming allowed?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Major Domo.9250

Major Domo.9250

Anet won’t straight-up endorse or condemn any particular combination of actions, possibly (and realistically?) assuming that if they say “A, B, C, and D” is bannable, then the community response will be “A, C, and D” is 100% bona-fide Anet approved!

Use common sense – with or without a third party tool, if you’re set up your character in a way to stay alive and logged in without player interaction -with the intent- of gathering items, then you’d have a very difficult argument against the imminent ban.

In other words.. if you have to ask, then you probably already know the answer.


Anet closure of HoT maps - problem

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Major Domo.9250

Major Domo.9250

Tossing this one in for the thousand and first time…



Players need to learn what "DPS" means

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Major Domo.9250

Major Domo.9250

It’s almost as if words evolve to gain new meanings or are used in different ways.

Emergent wordplay!

But seriously, this is an interesting quick read on the subject. English is like a quickly-mutating virus.


Remove noob builds

in PvP

Posted by: Major Domo.9250

Major Domo.9250

No items, Fox only, Final Destination..


Gold sink idea

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Major Domo.9250

Major Domo.9250

Not gliding so much as diving through the vault like a quaggan, and burrowing through it like a dredge.


MBTI personality for each class

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Major Domo.9250

Major Domo.9250

I would really like to see a Tyrian variant of Ultima’s IV’s personality test, tweaked slightly to work with our professions.


Getting bored really easily/quickly lately?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Major Domo.9250

Major Domo.9250

GW2 is much like Team Fortress 2 – if you leave for a few months and return, the only thing you’ll fall behind on is fashion.


Just for fun, ideas for new stat combos

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Major Domo.9250

Major Domo.9250

The programming would probably be horrific, but I’d like a way to craft custom gear that allows you to choose your own X/x/x or X/X/x/x stats.

Self-imposed game and character challenges?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Major Domo.9250

Major Domo.9250

If you could get to level 30-ish and had a receptive guild, a banner bot warrior would probably be decent for spamming dungeons to 80. Fill in the gaps with the world boss train and populated event chains as feasible for your level.

Call the build Conscientious Objector and give him/her/it appropriate armor skins, or even unarmored for the lols.

Now I’m thinking about this too much.


Quaggans out-diversifying humans -.-

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Major Domo.9250

Major Domo.9250

Nah. They’ll all be eaten by the krait the moment we stop holding their hands. (fins?)


Did Cool down Times on skills go up?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Major Domo.9250

Major Domo.9250

Cooldowns didn’t appear to be any different, but the game itself – movement, actions, harvesting etc. did feel more sluggish than normal. Perhaps general server lag from the mass downloading?


A letter of appreciation.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Major Domo.9250

Major Domo.9250


Guild Wars 2 however seems to be the game you play after you realize that you’re a grown up, and the community reflects that with their level of decency and maturity.

Seconded. This line should be framed and displayed in Mo’s office.


[Suggestion] Return of the Vanquisher Title

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Major Domo.9250

Major Domo.9250

+1, Vanquishing in GW1 was one of my favorite activities and I’ve wanted something similar in GW2 for a long time.


Can we stop with the tonics and minis please

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Major Domo.9250

Major Domo.9250

I think that a series of minis that assist in finishing your opponent would be Anet’s new license to print money. Double bonus if a Scrapper could skin over the function gyro with a floating mini of choice.


Suggestion to fix Multi Map Wrong Sub

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Major Domo.9250

Major Domo.9250

50 lines of pseudocode, perhaps. The first time I had to debug code written by multiple people over a span of time taught me to NEVER assume anything but to expect the worst.


New Halloween Decorations expensive

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Major Domo.9250

Major Domo.9250

Are you trying to first day buyout decorations for a one-man guild or something? Our guild has 6 core members and we figure it will be little trouble to gather enough pumpkins over the course of the event to deck out our hall.. the non-festival components can be gathered at our leisure.

Good, Fast, Cheap. Choose any two.


Elite skills seem underwhelming.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Major Domo.9250

Major Domo.9250

Agreed. In GW1, your build often revolved around your elite skill. It would be a pretty rare thing to use a build without an elite skill. In GW2, the elite skill is rarely or never the centerpiece of a build. I’ve often wished the elite skill slot could use another utility skill instead of an elite. I’ve suggested that before and people said that would be overpowered. If having a utility skill instead of an elite would be overpowered, that should tell us something about the quality of the elite skills…

Many elites in GW1 weren’t game-breaking, they were just ‘better’ than standard skills. Most importantly, their cooldowns were generally short enough to make them part of your regular rotation instead of a panic button.


List of Paid GW2 Influencers?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Major Domo.9250

Major Domo.9250

Anet knows full well that if folks like Woodenpotatoes or Dulfy talk, their customers listen – so I don’t personally take offense to them getting access to content a day or two in advance so we can get the tl;dr version more quickly. In comparison, would it be considered improper for a well known movie critic to receive an advance copy of a new film for review, even if the critic was not being directly paid by the studio?



in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Major Domo.9250

Major Domo.9250

You currently need to be in the same map as the dungeon to enter. Perhaps a compromise would be to allow joining party in the dungeon simply if you have the entry waypoint unlocked. This way you can continue any activity in your current map while waiting for the party to fill.

I don’t believe automating LFG would provide any net benefit, as it’s still up to the individual players to accept or reject any party members, regardless of their motivation. They can filter us filthy casuals from their “80s full asc exp zerk 100+ LI” Ascalonian Catacombs story run, and I can boot the tryhard munchkins from my “5 man minionmaster necro” funsies run.


The Wyld Hynt: 600 gold Scavenger Hunt

in Community Creations

Posted by: Major Domo.9250

Major Domo.9250

Yes, the second clue initially seemed easy, but now you’ve got me thinking.


Spirit Shards as a newer player

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Major Domo.9250

Major Domo.9250

I think an interesting option would be to train NO mastery line, and reward one spirit shard per equivalent level during this time. Call it “Tyrian Wanderlust” or something.


Edit: Didn’t we once get a full heal + AOE knockback at level up? It’s been a while.

MF : worst scam ever ?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Major Domo.9250

Major Domo.9250

Magic Find simplified:

{buys one lottery ticket, doesn’t hit jackpot}
{buys 8 lottery tickets, still doesn’t hit jackpot}


MF : worst scam ever ?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Major Domo.9250

Major Domo.9250

From the wiki:

A Q&A session with Isiah(sic) Cartwright revealed the way Magic Find works: “Everytime you kill a monster you roll on a number of tables, inside these tables are different rarity categories. Magic find increases the chances you will get higher categories. For example if there is a 1 in 10 category, and you have 200% magic find you will have 3/10 chances to get that category. This improves not just the rarity of the items you get but can also improve your chances at getting trophies and rare crafting materials like lodestones.”

We don’t know how these rerolls work or what the tables contain. The rare category table could just as well be 1-97 nothing, 98 rare gear, 99 rare crafting material. Anet certainly won’t tell us how it works mechanically, because someone out there WOULD find a way to exploit it.

Just look at Magic Find as a slightly better chance at slightly better loot based on something exponentially small to begin with. 800% larger than a hydrogen atom is still submicroscopic.

Legendary Suggestion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Major Domo.9250

Major Domo.9250

+1 if that’s taken a step further.. the collection unlocks at the time you Mystic Forge the gifts and precursor, essentially requiring one to craft the legendary to have the title, not simply buy it.


Druid and the future of healing

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Major Domo.9250

Major Domo.9250

I can imagine a spec that heals the group proportional to the amount of damage they deal out.

But, at least in pve, you’re right, there’s no competition. The druid buffs are just too valuable. That’s why ventari and healing ele have fallen out of favor, even though they can competently heal a group.

Give the Guardian “Litany of Wrath Usable On Others” with a sufficient radius, and there’s your sit and forget healing. The question is, would it be sufficient to outshine Druid without some additional DPS buff?

Disclaimer: I don’t raid, but would probably still use my Druid in PvE if her skills that provide GotL applied ZERO healing. The initial ‘elite healing support’ bar has been set pretty high.

Anxiety from Jumping puzzeles

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Major Domo.9250

Major Domo.9250

A stack of cheap Quaggan tonics helped my big fat Norn through plenty of annoying jumps.

We will have to roll back

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Major Domo.9250

Major Domo.9250

I can say this as a QA… One program is never bug-free… no matter how long you testing it there is always something…

One could write a simple cross platform Hello World program, and there would invariably be some oddball system out there that would choke on it.


An alternative to new races.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Major Domo.9250

Major Domo.9250

Eins – Tune racial skills to be competitive with class skills.
Zwei – Add a Racial Lore core mastery that eventually allows all races access to all racial skills. (e.g. reputation skills from GW:EotN)
Drei – Remove class skills as standard utilities, but add a single slot skill for your single racial skill of choice. (to give the Revenant some love)


Gold selling out of hand again?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Major Domo.9250

Major Domo.9250

Bring back the old school ban-xecutions – If Dhuum is not available then Evon Gnashblade can make them walk the plank. This way, we can at least gain some amusement from the cat and mouse game.


RMT / Gold Seller Spam

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Major Domo.9250

Major Domo.9250

The root cause of the gold seller spam is the number of gold BUYERS. Finding new ways to slither through the blockade is obviously worth their effort to reach this market.

So the best way to beat them is to starve them – tell your friends not to buy from them in the first place.


What is Anet's stance on P2P trading?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Major Domo.9250

Major Domo.9250

p2p trading wouldn’t have any risks attached to them (at least for people who pay attention) if there was a p2p trading system like a simply trade window in which both players have to confirm their transaction. yes, here and there people who don’t pay attention at all would be scammed but that’s their fault. however, as simple as it would be to implement such a system (i bet nowadays ever 12 year old kid knows how to program such a thing) it will never happen because anet needs to remove gold from the economy through tp taxes to counter inflation (not that i would work, but kudos for trying).

i’d actually love to see a black market flourish.

Load up Guild Wars 1, port to Kamadan (still the most active outpost?), head to the Zaishen NPCs, and try to buy or sell anything.

Try. To buy or sell. Anything.

Your first action upon returning to GW2 will be kissing the ground Evon Gnashblade walks on.


Watchwork Mining Pick Best in Slot

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Major Domo.9250

Major Domo.9250

Or you could buy the reduced-cost pick, convert the difference in gems into gold, and buy all the sprockets you’ll ever need.

Seriously though, I don’t have the watchwork variant. Does it really output that many sprockets?


Update Endless Gathering Tools

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Major Domo.9250

Major Domo.9250

Mastery Time!


(1) Alpha – 1% increased chance for rare yields from harvesting nodes.
(2) Beta – Mining nodes have a chance to generate Watchwork Sprockets. Increases rare yields to 2%.
(3) Gamma – Harvesting nodes have a chance to generate Pigments. Increases rare yields to 3%.
(4) Wakka-wakka – Harvesting nodes have a 5% chance to generate a random Container based on area. Increases rare yields to 4%.


Is afk-farming against the rules?

in Ranger

Posted by: Major Domo.9250

Major Domo.9250

Good rule to follow in general, not just in game: If you have to preface an action with “It’s technically legal because…” then just DON’T.


Measurement of Success in game.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Major Domo.9250

Major Domo.9250

If your idea of success is one day owning a Ferrari, would you be discouraged and give up upon seeing some celebrity with a dozen of them?

Probably the most entertainment I’ve had in game thus far: Tarting up my alt Warrior in Noble Count duds to look like a dancer, dual-wielding The Moot (one skinned over a ghetto mace), and starting a city-wide dance party in Rata Sum.

The game is a sandbox, there is no winning or losing except for goals you set for yourself.


Legendary Armor Information

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Major Domo.9250

Major Domo.9250

Disclaimer: I do not raid and do not plan to in the short term, so I am not the target audience for this content.

That being said, I do think all of these collections, achievements, and tests of skill and patience make legendary armor truly befitting of the title “Legendary”.

That being said, it seems reckless to engage in such an expensive and time-consuming series of quests without even knowing what the finished product looks like. Certainly there are players that raid for the entertainment value alone, but for those chasing the carrot on the end of the (rather long) stick, what if it turns out to be a lemon instead?

tl;dr: shiny pics plz


Legendary weapons

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Major Domo.9250

Major Domo.9250

They probably have a pool of dozens of gemstore skins created well in advance to be released in a steady stream. Wasn’t the Nevermore skin datamined years ago?

Confused about "sale" on Gem Store..

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Major Domo.9250

Major Domo.9250

“For Sale” would be more appropriate for normal-priced items that are soon going “Off Sale”.

Quaggan Crisps for sale, 800 gems! Sales ending soon!
Last call, Quaggan Crisps on sale, 600 gems! Sale ending soon!

The word loses some meaning each time one reads it.


Suspended for AFK farming

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Major Domo.9250

Major Domo.9250

Lets ask a philosophical question.
Anet comes up with a method to 100% detect AFK farmers and botters, BUT the fix also requires that legit players will suffer as well.
Should they implement the fix ?
In other words, should everyone take a hit to get rid of of AFK farmers / botters?

Set up a pillory in each home city, and for the duration of the suspension have the characters on public display as a friendly reminder to others.


Mystic Coins again

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Major Domo.9250

Major Domo.9250

The price is what it is because everyone has the same slow but reliable access, some players must have it all RIGHT THIS BLOODY INSTANT

As opposed to waiting 2 years to get enough through dailies for an HoT legendary. Yeah, that’s some delayed gratification issue right there.

A+ argument.


Scenario: If the HoT legendaries required 250 laurels to craft, that would be a serious problem. But with the coins being tradable, the majority (estimate?) of players that don’t want a legendary are free to sell them to those that do.

Considering the total cost of crafting materials for these things, the mystic coins are only a tiny fraction – Like dropping $200k for a Ferrari then complaining most loudly about the cost of gasoline.

Mystic Coins again

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Major Domo.9250

Major Domo.9250

A psychologist would be giddy over this instant- versus delayed-gratification scenario..

- A tradable item that every player basically has equal access to, regardless of skill level
- Said item gives no real mechanical advantage, only used in luxury/vanity crafting
- Only two acquisition methods – the slow faucet (free) or the trading post (market value)

The price is what it is because everyone has the same slow but reliable access, some players must have it all RIGHT THIS BLOODY INSTANT, and some others see this as an opportunity to profit off of group A’s indifference and group B’s impatience. A unloads an otherwise worthless item for gold, B gets the latest greatest shiny, and C reminds us of something about fools and their money.

Somewhere out there, John Smith is giggling and adding another chapter to his book.


People with 100k gold

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Major Domo.9250

Major Domo.9250

Don’t forget about one of the biggest trading post drivers..

“I want an Oompa-Loompa NOOOOWWW!”
