Showing Posts For MashMash.1645:

Absolutely dislike the new fractal.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: MashMash.1645


Well I’ve done 100, but the incentive to do the torture that is 100cm till completion isn’t there. It simply isn’t fun. It’s hilarious that 100cm is actually harder and more frustrating than ANY of the raid bosses. What happened to the stepping stone? Apart from anything else, the entire fractal takes forever. If this is the way fractals will be going in the future, I’ll avoid them.

We aren’t happy with how the length of Shattered Observatory ended up either. It ended up being out of whack with the standard fractal experience for most players. We are taking a lot of things into consideration for the next fractal.

Including cm durr? because cm isn’t leinghtier than 99cm (at least not by alot). While normal 100 is abit too much of hp sponges. As for the cm you guys follow a rule that fractal cms cant be as hard or harder than raids? Because if thats the case then thats extremely dissapointing.

Then it should give better loot than raids thanks.

Pre-Ordered HoT | Recently started to get what I paid for – may spend $$$

Guild Missions?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MashMash.1645


Don’t know if this will help or not, it is more recent than that Youtube video tho:

Basically 10 months ago, he wasn’t sure if they were on the roadmap or not. If there is something newer or not, I am unaware of it.

Speculating, but if they did put them back on their road map after that, it most likely won’t be until the next expansion, that they are seen. While it could be an unpopular opinion, but having guild missions as expansion content, could give it the attention people want it to have.

I definitely remember that conversation.

I agree, the outlook isn’t good. It’s been close to 4.5 years since the last new guild mission. I just wish they would let us know if they are even considered part of the game any more. My guild still does them every Monday night, but part of that persistence is in hope that more are eventually coming. Knowing one way or the other would tell us we need to be looking for new things to do together.

I am pretty sure that they are still considered part of the game. Not a developed part of the game, but a part of it none the less. (A kitteneeky I know, but it’s also a bit of a stretch to wonder if they are considered part of the game, when they are still very much a part of it).

I think the first few years of the game were them trying different things, Guild missions, 2-week release cadence, truly living world that you had to be there for or miss out on forever. Now, they seem to have settled on the content that they can/want to deliver.

Based on the phrasing of that thread with Anthony, Guild Missions were something that they were looking at as a way to add difficult group content into the game. While it was effective, they ultimately settled on raids as their method of delivering that difficult group content. Personally, I think Guild Missions would have been the better route to go, but I am ok with the raids.

If there are ever anymore released, based on their current communications policy, we most likely won’t learn about it, until it is almost ready to ship. Even less likely are they to come straight out and say that they never will again.

I understand the plight that you and your guildmates are in, and hope that you guys find the resolution that you are looking for. Unfortunately, I don’t think it is going to come from Anet.

I find it weird they were trying to make guild missions ‘hard content’. Based on what exists, it seems more like ‘fun, goof around activities with a little bit of challenge’. Which is fine, and I’m down with that. I enjoy weekly missions – low stress time with my guildies.

They need to overhaul guild stuff completely anyway – it’s a complete shambles.

Pre-Ordered HoT | Recently started to get what I paid for – may spend $$$

Beast Abilities - Definition, List

in Ranger

Posted by: MashMash.1645


How are the traits and utilities going to work into this?

The reason I ask is that on a pet some are fine, but if they scale up to use players stats will be intersting.

Like Sic Em – 40% dmg, 40% movement speed. For 10 seconds, on a 40 second cd. 2000 range.

As I main Ranger / Druid this is all very interesting. I’m more excited for this than I was Druid tbh.

Pre-Ordered HoT | Recently started to get what I paid for – may spend $$$

(edited by MashMash.1645)

Can you play Rev if you only buy PoF?

in Revenant

Posted by: MashMash.1645


I was watching WP’s Q&A and he didn’t know. So is it only 8 classes if you just get PoF?

Pre-Ordered HoT | Recently started to get what I paid for – may spend $$$

Item dropping on wrong map

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: MashMash.1645


It’s dropping off the Wyvern boss, in Dwayna’s Reliquary. But yeah, you can’t use it on that map.

Pre-Ordered HoT | Recently started to get what I paid for – may spend $$$

Easy mode raids

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: MashMash.1645


So lets devalue raids

Well to be fair, you can literally buy the raids and get carried to Legendary armour.

I enjoy the challenging content, but if others wanted an easy mode, I wouldn’t care.

Pre-Ordered HoT | Recently started to get what I paid for – may spend $$$

New fractal feedback.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: MashMash.1645


Is their two bosses after the first one? Their is a portal on each side of the corridor, but we only did one side before moving on.

Wondered if maybe you got a random side / encounter.

Pre-Ordered HoT | Recently started to get what I paid for – may spend $$$

New fractal

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: MashMash.1645


Does anyone know what the Data Key Log does? I only did it on the first tier, but when I consumed it, nothing happened… Did I just miss something?

You go and talk to the NPC called Yokko (I think that’s his/her name), in the lobby by the level selector, and she will ask about the data log.

After going through the options you will be able to jump and float in the lobby.

Pre-Ordered HoT | Recently started to get what I paid for – may spend $$$

Primordial Orchid nodes in Orr bugged

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: MashMash.1645


Yes, also having this issue.

In addition, and I’m not sure if it’s a bug or intentional, some people can no longer harvest the orchid nodes on multiple characters.

Posted about it here:

Pre-Ordered HoT | Recently started to get what I paid for – may spend $$$

My Bifrost just turned ascended!?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: MashMash.1645


This was very funny :-D

But I am glad everything turned out OK.

Pre-Ordered HoT | Recently started to get what I paid for – may spend $$$

We will see a new fractal in ep 6! [edit]

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: MashMash.1645


Ok I am hoping that it’s gonna be soon, maybe with episode 6?

Hopefully. Love fractals.

Pre-Ordered HoT | Recently started to get what I paid for – may spend $$$

Fertile Soil Orchids no longer per character?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: MashMash.1645


Ah, I see. I am also having the issue with the Melandru temple ones as well.

They show as choppable, but you can’t harvest them – and if i go back on another toon they are gone.

Pre-Ordered HoT | Recently started to get what I paid for – may spend $$$

Fertile Soil Orchids no longer per character?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: MashMash.1645


You used to be able to go around the world on each character and farm some extra Orchids.

After the latest patch you can only do them on one character, and the orchids no longer spawn on extra characters that go to those spots.

Is this intended?

Pre-Ordered HoT | Recently started to get what I paid for – may spend $$$

Wing 4 is too broken for me

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: MashMash.1645


same with invisible greens at cairn. but also here: this bug is rather rare, if you had it once, its just bad luck.

Not that rare. We had it 3 times last night, and get it at least once every week.

Maybe I should go buy a lotto ticket.

Pre-Ordered HoT | Recently started to get what I paid for – may spend $$$

Legendary weapons sigils replacements...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MashMash.1645


There are three possibilities:

  • ANet already plans to add this feature Tuesday (or shortly afterward). They didn’t mention it yet, as to avoid distracting from the main announcement that legendary armor arrives with the next patch.
  • It turns out the feature is more complicated (for some reason) for weapons and it’s not yet ready. Since ANet doesn’t announce features without a shipping date, they haven’t said anything.
  • It never occurred to ANet that players would want this functionality for weapons, despite all the posts about it for over four years.

Which do you think is more likely?

It’ll be number 3.

Pre-Ordered HoT | Recently started to get what I paid for – may spend $$$

Legendary Armor and WvW [Merged]

in WvW

Posted by: MashMash.1645


And it was also (to me) what makes Gw2 special, but when you making the best gear in the game only obtainable by raiding, you are not giving me a choice, the only choice I have here is either do raids or quit game if I want to stand a chance to play against someone is fully geared.

In pvp you don’t need legendary gear because you already have all the stats and runes you need. In pvp it does not matter if you use exotic or ascended or even white items, you always have the same stats. Saying that someone with legendary items is more powerful in pvp is not true.

However, in wvw stats do matter but ascended is as powerful as legendary, so again you don’t need legendary items, only ascended.

I guess people can want things for reasons other than the purely mechanical though?

For the aesthetic? (ok, so maybe not in this case lol, but you get what I mean).

Just because he’s a PvP’r, and mechanically the armor serves him no purpose in PvP, that doesn’t mean he shouldn’t want it. Or desire it.

I guess the question is, why is raiding the only game mode “blessed” with legendary armour?

Yes, as an incentive for raiders, but I’m talking about in the over scope of the game and MMO’s in general. Why is raiding almost always the magical child?

Pre-Ordered HoT | Recently started to get what I paid for – may spend $$$

how do I get another machined exotic weapon?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MashMash.1645


I’d contact support and see if they’ll get it back for you.

Pre-Ordered HoT | Recently started to get what I paid for – may spend $$$

Legendary Armor and WvW [Merged]

in WvW

Posted by: MashMash.1645


In a perfect world, where ANet had enough devs and resources, we would have PvP, WvW, Fractal and Raid Legendary armour – all different designs (although with these latest designs I’d be very worried lol).

But if they ever added more WvW should get it first, cause they’ve been sorta ignored – and I don’t even like WvW. At least in Fractal and PvP we got Legendary back pieces.

I guess I’ll see you all in 6 years! :-D

Pre-Ordered HoT | Recently started to get what I paid for – may spend $$$

Back item bug

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: MashMash.1645


If you’re in Auric Basin, you’ll likely need to progress the story, even if it’s inactive, past that point.

Yeah, thats the egg from the story. Only goes once you complete it :-D

Pre-Ordered HoT | Recently started to get what I paid for – may spend $$$

Blocking dps meters

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MashMash.1645


Meters that check DPS of players that aren’t in squad/party are against TOS. Joining a squad or party implies giving consent:

I’m not sure I’m comfortable with this position actually. Like, from a philosophical standpoint.

Pre-Ordered HoT | Recently started to get what I paid for – may spend $$$

Heart of Thorns Dilemma

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: MashMash.1645


You could always just wait a little bit longer, and HoT will be bundled in with the next expansion. I mean, its gotta be out in the next year or so surely.

Pre-Ordered HoT | Recently started to get what I paid for – may spend $$$

SE light dungeon armor token prices wrong

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: MashMash.1645


Leg’s are only 180, while shoulders are 300.

Pre-Ordered HoT | Recently started to get what I paid for – may spend $$$

[Suggestions] Gemstore Items

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MashMash.1645


Magister Seiran Mini.

That’s all. My character misses her friend :-(

Pre-Ordered HoT | Recently started to get what I paid for – may spend $$$

Jade Maw Need to be reworked

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: MashMash.1645


Question for the fractal devs, are you still keeping the lv100 CM for the Nightmare fractal even with adding new fractals? or will it be removed and you will just give a few weks heads up to get it before it gets removed? I am not the best player but meh ok-ish average. I mainly pvp, fractals it took a bit of a time to get the gear for it mainly because of the AR gate (which I hate very much so) and my PFL (personal fractal level) is 95 atm (hopefully going for 100 in the next week) and I have done 100 non CM and it was fun, and only done the first boss of lv100 CM, still need to work on one mechanic, but for being a first timer and never even doing 100 before and heck I had only done the Nightmare fractal in tier 1 like 5 hours before hand the guy leading it said I did ok, still needed work, but good enough. So just wanted to make sure the lv100 CM was still there in a few weeks or maybe a few months it takes for me to find people willing to wipe for a few hours to teach me and then to learn them and then to get it down, when you add the new fractal, as you said that is your primary focus atm.

Also, Chaos isn’t hard, Nightmare wasn’t hard either. (Both t4 btw) Now I’m not a hardcore raider (want to be, just can’t find a group) but I have done about half of the bosses released atm and attempted Matt (failed at 32%) and I found Nightmare CM 100 ALOT harder then ANY of the raid bosses. So saying that lv100 is a stepping stone to raids (at least for me) is kinda backwards lol. Is it because of the AR mechanic which is not present in raids? Or less people? Or something else? (Or were people talking about lv100 by it self, and not the CM, as the CM is above raids? Just wanted to be clear.)

Keep up the good work Anet devs, all of you.

Why would they remove it? 100cm is great. I think they are going to add more challenge modes to other fractals, or new fractals. Plus, their are all those achievements and items that are associated with it. (Will more fractal cheevo’s be coming? I’ve finished everything. I needs mah ap lol :-P )

Please don’t remove it! :-O

Pre-Ordered HoT | Recently started to get what I paid for – may spend $$$

legendary armor in fractals

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: MashMash.1645


I do not believe it is a good choice to allow the same item (sans the general ascende boxes with default skins) to be acquired from two different kinds of content. You want that legendary armor? Go raid. You want Golden Fractal Weapons? Well, go for fractals. Same goes for legendary backpieces and basically every weapon. Having different exclusive skins to different content gives that content a particular value that stimulates the most of the playerbase to play the most of the content. One of the main handicaps WvW has is precisely this lack of updated, interesting rewards and attention to detail.

However, it is a very good criticism that we should never have a single set of legendary armor for every weight that is only available through raids. And in spite of Anet’s plea that armor is the largest development bottleneck (mainly due to testing out every mix and match possibility before release), I do not believe they should use this as a reason not to release more legendary armors at an acceptable pace. A random reddit thread for example shows art for what would be an interesting fractal armor set. Frankly I don’t think they should worry that much about clipping (if they did manage to avoid clipping, there would be no Charr anyway…), and release more sets at a steady pace. We are severely lacking on the Fashion department of Fashion Wars 2, and I’m not willing to compromise having the same skins be available on different content, instead of new skins.

In the ideal world, their would be a Legendary Back piece & Legendary Armour for all game modes – WvW, Fractals, Raids, PvP. All unique in appearance, and reflect what mode it represents.

But, time and resources, etc, etc.

Pre-Ordered HoT | Recently started to get what I paid for – may spend $$$

Where are the horsies?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MashMash.1645


I always assumed they are not present because it would make the Human’s too strong, if they had access to large numbers of cavalry.

I just think of all the battles and happenings in GW1 and picture the humans with a large cavalry force as well. Suspect things may have turned out quite differently.

Pre-Ordered HoT | Recently started to get what I paid for – may spend $$$

The Next Sale

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: MashMash.1645


Its 25% off at DLgamer (an official ANet reseller).

Pre-Ordered HoT | Recently started to get what I paid for – may spend $$$

Remove the black lion box from fractals

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: MashMash.1645


Do you mean the black lion salavge kits? They are literally free money. Why would you delete them? You can even buy certain exotics and make profit selling the results.

Pre-Ordered HoT | Recently started to get what I paid for – may spend $$$

State of F2P without HoT after the next xpac?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: MashMash.1645


If you are a F2P player right now, I would wait until the next xpac drops – probably within the next 12 months – so you don’t pay for HoT now and then again for the next expansion.

Pre-Ordered HoT | Recently started to get what I paid for – may spend $$$

Please add Guild Bank Deep Cave access check

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: MashMash.1645


Can we please have a separate permission checkbox for the “Deep Cave”?

As it currently stands, the check box for Treasure Trove also grants access to the Deep Cave tab.

We googled and apparently this was raised 2 years ago, but so far nothing I guess. Any chance of this ever happening?

(And to be frank several other permissions are long overdue).

Pre-Ordered HoT | Recently started to get what I paid for – may spend $$$

Do monsters also slow down when in combat?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MashMash.1645


I know we slow down, but do the things we fight also slow down?

It’s hard to tell when you are fighting them. I’ve always wondered.

Pre-Ordered HoT | Recently started to get what I paid for – may spend $$$

Are fractals easier now?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: MashMash.1645


Fractals do seem easier. But i no life them a lot. So maybe im improving :-D

Pre-Ordered HoT | Recently started to get what I paid for – may spend $$$

Why would you put important lore in a Raid?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: MashMash.1645


Remember that time when ANet promised that no important lore or plots would be put into raids out side of the main story?

Well first Raid laid the ground work for LW Season 3, that’s sort of like watching a new season while missing the season premier because you’re not cool enough despite the fact you paid the cable bill.

Then in the Second Raid they included some nobody named Sauly D, yeah nobody important at all just one of the most important lore figures in the whole Guild Wars franchise, you know that guy that started a small group of nobodies called The White Mantle.

Tell me again why ANet thinks it is important to screw a filthy casual like me out of important lore?

I think a Dev needs to give a good reason for it other than go to a cleared instance and play forensics files.

If you insist on putting really important storylines in Raids then I insist there better be a storymode that just rewards junk you’d normally get from doing a personal story chapter, no insites, hell no ascended drops unless you do achievements or something.

Ideally, all raid content would be:

1. Completely unrelated to anything in Guild Wars 1.
2. Completely unrelated to anything connected in any way to the Guild Wars 2 story.

Pre-Ordered HoT | Recently started to get what I paid for – may spend $$$

Is lying about LI worth it?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: MashMash.1645


then you’ll find yourself on a black list.

Shame things have become this bad.

Pre-Ordered HoT | Recently started to get what I paid for – may spend $$$

Please fix Aetherblade fractal consoles

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: MashMash.1645


These are constantly bugged. As in the consoles don’t even exist a lot of times, making the fractal unable to be finished. (Unless their is a trick to cheese past it when it does this?).

I really don’t enjoy resetting 5 times, every fricking time this fractal comes around.

This has been going on for years now.

Pre-Ordered HoT | Recently started to get what I paid for – may spend $$$

Infinite Mist Omnipotion

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: MashMash.1645


Gotta play the class. Having too much endurance means you have to dodge if you want the buff. That’s gameplay if you want conditional buffs.

What? When I play thief or warrior I simply choose what infinite potions I want to put on me. I also want one shared slot to be used instead of three.

Thief also has a trait that gives them 10% extra damage for 4 seconds after dodging, and makes that dodge deal damage. With a Mist Mobility Potion you can make use of that trait much more often.

You can already make use to that trait to the max without the buff. That’s the idea of making a party of highly experienced players with perfect DPS rotations. The mobility potions get in the way.

The focus in fractals(and pretty much any other content except training golems) shouldn’t be on getting perfect dps buffs. 99% of the time having more dodges is better.

you won’t fail a fractal because you didn’t have that buff 100% of the time.

The focus in fractals in MY group is what I decide to be. If I want perfect DPS buffs in a perfect scenario then that’s my focus. I’m already part of a hardcore PVE guild in which we are able to pull this off.

Peeps, I’m not talking about pugging, lfg, random group compositions, 4 necro 1 druid.
The options I asked in my first post are for the players that want to achieve some perfect scores. If you don’t like it, you can simply ignore it, as it doesn’t affect you in any way.

They don’t have the spare resources to waste on something trivial like this.

Pre-Ordered HoT | Recently started to get what I paid for – may spend $$$

Auric Basin too popular?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: MashMash.1645


And in comparison Verdant Brink is dead as a dodo.

I remember when it came out the map was heaving, and even 6-9 months ago it was regularly organized. Now? I’ve been farming map currency for collection stuff, and it’s just super dead.

I get that everyone is doing mm or the new maps, but the OG HoT maps are just going to die completely. DS is fine because it’s an easy meta, if time consuming. And AB has multimap loot – for now.

But VB and Tangled Depths? They gotta do something. Either nerf the difficulty heavily to make them way easier to do, OR re-incentivise them.

Pre-Ordered HoT | Recently started to get what I paid for – may spend $$$

(edited by MashMash.1645)

Trouble Farming Hero Points

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MashMash.1645


Easiest way:

9 solo in Verdant Brink.
9 solo in Auric Basin.
7 in Dragon Stand during and after meta.

= 250 points.

Can ignore TD, and be done in 1 day if you push it. Although over a few days is more comfortable. DS is dependent on a successful meta, but those are going all the time.

Also, yes, hero tains are very handy. Check lfg for them. They are regularly listed.

Pre-Ordered HoT | Recently started to get what I paid for – may spend $$$

(edited by MashMash.1645)

Discussion about next legendary

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: MashMash.1645


Hopefully scepter.

I refuse to inflict the current one on my Necro lol.

Pre-Ordered HoT | Recently started to get what I paid for – may spend $$$

Rune of Mischief/Snowfall--HOARDED/UNFARMABLE

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MashMash.1645


Dear Anet,

Why are the runes I need for Winters Presence currently undroppable in the game ? its been over a week and you have not acted. Instead, you allow the hoarders get free gold becuase you anet yes you have messed up.

I do not want to purchase these runes from the TP and feed hoarders my earned gold, while they kick back/relax and watch the thousands of gold roll into their account wallet.

Please make these sigils drop from the events, reward tracks, or jormag or anything. — if not well I have no reason to play this game anymore because its just BS continually feeding my gold to hoarders. Same goes for mystic coins.

I highly doubt, I am the only one that feels this way. the replies to this thread are likely from hoarders of such sigils and other such hoarders.

@ hoarders please leave your api key in the post so I can view your hoarded items and join in ruining the game for everyone.

So what?

Pre-Ordered HoT | Recently started to get what I paid for – may spend $$$

Are Infinite Mist Potions worth getting?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: MashMash.1645


What else can I waste tokens on?

Pre-Ordered HoT | Recently started to get what I paid for – may spend $$$

Strange Rock is a bad joke

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MashMash.1645


Here’s the thing – it’s not meant to be farmed hard core.

It’s supposed to be a random drop for people who are playing in the map – and they can up convert it to a HoT stats ring or sell the precursors.

That’s all. People just went mad with greed.

Pre-Ordered HoT | Recently started to get what I paid for – may spend $$$

u find gw2 story any good?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MashMash.1645


The story is hilariously terrible. It’s a complete confusing mess as well.

Now, ignoring the story, their are tons of interesting lore things in the game world – I much more enjoy all that stuff.

Pre-Ordered HoT | Recently started to get what I paid for – may spend $$$

Guild Missions and Commendations

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MashMash.1645


Honestly the big problem is how like so so many systems, it was dumped into the game them promptly forgotten and never supported again.

Exactly. They always add new things then forget that they exist.

If at least each new zone would – as you would expect it to – bring new targets for Bounties, new spots for Treks, and every so often a challenge or puzzle, there’d be a real sense of evolution to this.

The new zones require HoT and for some reason they don’t want HoT zones to have guild missions.

Would that matter though?

Quite a few of the guild missions are instanced, so they could make some new guild missions set in HoT instanced zones, containg HoT mobs and assets, that could only be accessed via the guild hall portal.

It would even be a way to advertise the expansion. Players without HoT could join guilds, and experience some HoT stuff in a controlled area. Then when they leave the instance it ports you back to the guild hall or the LA guild place.

Pre-Ordered HoT | Recently started to get what I paid for – may spend $$$

Guild Missions and Commendations

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MashMash.1645


You think they could at least overhaul the loot, even if they can’t add new content / missions.

If you could get desirable materials and items people would bother coming along each week. You could even tilt the pricing towards the guild versions ever so slightly, so it would encourage people to show up.

At the moment the rewards are sorta crap in the current game.

Pre-Ordered HoT | Recently started to get what I paid for – may spend $$$

The Juggernaut III, Phytotoxia Ooze

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MashMash.1645


TTS does the wurm literally every day. use the lfg feature.

Aye. Good people too. Can recommend :-D

Pre-Ordered HoT | Recently started to get what I paid for – may spend $$$

Elixir Recipe Requires Story...

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: MashMash.1645


Can’t you make the elixer on alternate characters by completing the Heart for the ingredients?

No. I tried doing that. When you get to the heat source area, you get an onscreen message saying you don’t know the recipe.

Pre-Ordered HoT | Recently started to get what I paid for – may spend $$$

Aetherblade Fractal bugged (again)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: MashMash.1645


Did it yesterday np just have to hit all of em

Tried that. On several tiers. With several different pugs.

Or i’m the unluckiest person in the universe.

Pre-Ordered HoT | Recently started to get what I paid for – may spend $$$

Aetherblade Fractal bugged (again)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: MashMash.1645


The room with the spinning electricity, is bugged. Again. On all tiers.

Hitting the terminals does diddly squat. Can ya’ll look into that? :-D

Pre-Ordered HoT | Recently started to get what I paid for – may spend $$$

Unbound Magic lost forever for Vanilla acc?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: MashMash.1645


The API still shows me having Unbound Magic and Lump of Aurillium and it increased after today’s home gather so its just hidden from UI

Interesting. So still worth harvesting them for when I maybe upgrade an alt account.

Thanks for the updates everyone :-D

Pre-Ordered HoT | Recently started to get what I paid for – may spend $$$