Casual gamers used to have a haven in GW2. No grinding, no elitism and few boundaries. Sure there was some content that was for the more hardcore such as fractals, but it was released along with fun things such as the LW1 patches. Once HoT was released after FAR FAR to long to keep the interest of many, we got grindy, difficult to traverse maps, and elitism coming out of our kitten. This included almost nothing for the casual adventurer/explorer to do in the new areas (save die a lot). I left for 4 months since there was little left for me to do that I had not done before and I already had 5 characters with full map completion in normal Tyria.
I guess what I am trying to say is that it is alright to release content like raids, but for kitten sake at least give the casuals something to do too! I am not surprised in the loss of revenue in the slightest and as many of my guildies have left months ago and was indeed expecting as much. I came back for a while, but with many other alternatives coming out I cannot say for how long I will stay.
Don’t worry, I’m sure the raiders and all the people screaming for ‘harder challenging content’ will bankroll the game. Right?
Maybe Woodenpotatoes, or Brazil or MMOinks can pass a hat around.
If the collections are complete and the reward items claimed (i.e. ascended backs, trinkets, etc) then yes, you don’t need to keep all that junk.
Some might be worth keeping. Things like the Legendary Weapon collection unique items – the wolf morph, the ooze, the various lore tomes, etc.
Basically, once a collection is complete, I keep all the items that “do something” and dump the normal stuff.
Non Raiders blocked from XP bar spirit shards
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: MashMash.1645
So, I was in Bloodstone Fen farming the meta (as you do) and someone in map chat mentioned that their XP was going to waste, and they couldn’t get Spirit Shards because they don’t raid.
I asked them some more questions and they said they were not getting any XP gain on the bar and getting the spirit shard rewards when it filled up. The reason being because their Masteries weren’t completed – i.e they don’t raid so it hasn’t unlocked.
Is this true? It seems like an oversite. Why do raiders get this perk? You have to raid to get free Spirit Shards.
Since we’re only getting one new fractal, we’d be up to 15 — I’m sure they’ll just reshuffle. Some, like Mai Trin, will only appear in the higher levels. Some, like Aquatic, will appear more in the lower tiers.
if they reshuffled like that then you wouldent be able to do t4 and get all the loot boxes with only 3 fractals anymore.
So I dubt that will be a think mate.I apologize, I explained it poorly. I wasn’t making a specific suggestion; I was describing why it would be easy enough for ANet to reshuffle. And of course, any reshuffling will still allow a single T4 to count for all four tiers.
Let me try this again.
In the current setup, Mai Trin is only available four times: at the top level of each tier. In contrast, right now, Aquatic is available six times, twice in tier 1 and twice in tier 2.To make room for a 15th fractal, they would, for example remove the duplicate aquatics. Thus, aquatic would always be a lower-level version for each tier (3, 26, 61, 76) — or they could change it to be consistently the first level for each tier (1, 26, 51, 76).
By just removing duplicate levels for various fractals, there’s room for 25 unique instances without changing the current structure, including the ability to get four chests for completing a single T4 instance.
Oh ok, that’s pretty much how I view it. We could easily have 25 unique fractals that fit in the current tier system.
Some are different versions though, and various duplicates are easier than others, because of instabilities at certain levels. They need to be careful they don’t muck it up.
Also, somewhat selfishly, i just need a few more to finish off adept and expert, so hope they don’t alter that lol.
I was wondering about this to.
They also have to be careful though, as thier are lots of collections now that are tied to fractals and tiers, as well as achievements.
Really looking forward to the new fractal though.
If you have ~21 minutes to spare every day, you’ll benefit more in the long run by buying extra accounts until you have 30. You’ll get over 2K gold every 28 days which comes to about 6.4K gems every 28 days. That’s roughly an $80 value.
30 accounts at say $30 each would be $900. It would take a full 11 months to break even at that rate. For a lot of people $900 is a fair amount of money to spend on a video game where it doesn’t start paying off until you have logged on every day on 30 accounts for 11 months in a row without fail.
Not if you bought them all when they were $10.
Well, raids are the only thing they’ve actually produced. All the rest is promises and assurances. Oh, and cancelled content because they realized they’d overreached.
They claim that they’ll put out content less frequently buy it’ll be of a higher quality with more depth (although that wouldnt be hard given how poor it currently is).
Basically, the other 90% of the population are hoping all those other teams (Fractals, PvP, WvW, etc) can produce some actual playable content, and of a reasonable standard quality.
And we continue to wait.
The TM in Auric Basin is pretty easy – a big open area to run about in. Also, after a successful Dragon Stand meta, the TM’s will be farmed by a decemt zerg, and thier are 3 in DS.
Why can’t we have crafting stations in our Guild Hall?
But then its not a birthday. Well, not really. Plus, as mentioned, we’d get less free stuff. Some of it is really handy. I’d vote keep as it is.
This is happening every day now:
I suppose because the expansion was so rushed, stuff like that was overlooked.
Can we please have the player or account name attached to spawned items? So that we can report and block them?
This for example:
Things like Aviator Box, Box o Fun, Merchants – basically any spawnable thing that can be interacted with. People are constantly spawning these kitten things on nodes and at the banks, etc. And yes, I know you can manually mouse click them, but some are smaller and people do this on purpose.
If people drop these things on popular area’s they would suddenly find themselves shut out and reported – if we had a name.
Well, obviously Anet isn’t going to do anything about it. The threads have been merged and buried. Thx Anet.
I love how they shifted it to the WvW section……..where all the people it affects will never find it now.
One has to wonder whether this was a deliberate move to bury the issue, or the mods really are that out of touch with who cares about this and what forum it belongs in.
Well, it effects more than just WvW.
Well, obviously Anet isn’t going to do anything about it. The threads have been merged and buried. Thx Anet.
I love how they shifted it to the WvW section……..where all the people it affects will never find it now.
Yes, it appears it has been pulled, but here is a cached version.
- Living Story 3 chapters 2-3 months apart.
- Lower release frequency intentional, but quality intended to be higher.
- 1 new Fractal – somewhere between a dungeon and raid like layout and difficulty.
- Further fractals to be released later.
- New PvP maps
So, how do the 90% or so of players who don’t raid, get legendary armor?
they dont. legendary does not give a statistical advantage, so its a non issue if they cant
If it is able to change stats it will of course be an advantage. If not, then ignore 9/10 gripes.
You dont need Legendary armour for raiding either. In fact you dont need Legendary armour for ANY content in the game.
Its purely for looks (the unique skin) and mechanical convenience.
Again, i say, why should only raiding get this mecahnical convenience? The skin? No issue – it indicates how you got it. But other game modes should also get this convenience – and have its own seperate skin.
But, sigh, not enough resources, etc. Here, have a Gemstore sale though -_-
If legendary armor can only be acquired via raids it should only be usable in raids.
You have to make items (or an equivalent) available somehow in all game modes, not just one.
ANet will say, " Not enough resources" – I bet ya.
I find it interesting though, that they can mangage to scrounge up resources for content that a tiny fraction of the playerbase will do, and yet things like Legendary weapons, more NEW fractals & more regularly, new Dungeons, etc that immensely more people will engage in, gets cut.
Very curious.
Sounds good, but is there any word on how players who don’t raid will be able to unlock the Experimental and Envoy armors? I mean,. you have millions of people who enjoy this game, most of which do not enjoy raiding, so it seems a bit off-putting that only those who enjoy raiding will be able to progress this armor (and before anyone starts complaining about how they have to move out of their own comfort zone to earn existing Legendaries, the various requirements to earn legendary weapons are significantly lower time and skill bars than raiding).
What about the PvP legendary back piece or the triumphant armour in WvW? There are many people such as myself who don’t enjoy those game modes either and so will likely never get those items.
You just have to accept that some things in games like this are going to be content specific and to get them you have to play that content.
In an ideal scenario, given adequate resources you would have:
- Legendary PvP earned armour.
- Legendary WvW earned armour.
- Legendary Fractal earned armour.
- Some sort of Legendary armour via general open world PvE, more casual content, etc.
Look at the back situation. You have a Fractal and PvP back. Thier should also be a WvW, Raid and perhaps a ‘casual’ PvE Legendary backpieces. (Disclaimer: I’m not after a cheese easy Legendary – I did the Fractal back and was fine with doing all the steps). The skins of course would all be different.
Specific content types should not dictate what class of gear you get. The skins, yes, because that indicates how you earned it. But it shouldnt cut out players of its mechanical benefits – the stats and more importantly the ability to change them.
Basically, the only way to get armour that can be stat changed is through raids. Why? What makes that particular game mode more important or “worthy” of Legendary armour than any other?
But, given that we lost more Legendary weapons, i cant EVER see them adding other Legendary armours. I get the distinct impression they are struggling right now to get the current Legendary armours out. I also wonder, once they are done, if we’ll ever see any more in the future.
So they removed the WvW from world completion so as not to force people doing game modes they don’t enjoy and now they added this to FORCE people to play WvW if they want their Leg weaps completed. Hmm, brilliant, i wonder how many people are gonna quit over this one!
This is exactly what I thought of first as well :-D
Lack of content, and raids only = Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
Such long gaps, people just drift away and they don’t come back.
When there are so many things that players want from GW2 why do ANet waste development time on things that serve NO purpose. There was nothing wrong with the old system – nobody complained, no-one was up in arms.
This. Why are they wasting time on stuff like this?
One other thing. If this apparently amazing raid team they have can make all this raid content, why can’t a small fractal team pump out more fractals?
I mean, they are supposed to be much smaller in scope and complexity, but still 5 man challenging content right? Heck, can we even just have the raid team moved over to make a few new fractals every now and then if they are so good at content creation? Or have them obersee the fractal team or something anyway.
I actually like the new system better. I started doing them to make the backpiece after they changed it and enjoyed doing so.
We just need new fractals is all. Forget the old / current ones – JUST MAKE NEW ONES!
With all due respect, ANet, this is not going to get me play WvW, let alone like it. It just made me drop all legendary aspirations alltogether.
This pretty much sums up my thoughts on the matter.
Why couldnt they just have both – the track and the vendor? That way WvWr’s could get them and everyone else could too without having to slog through stuff they aren’t interested in.
It just seems….. unnecessary.
They should also probably change the wallet tooltip description as well. It still states you can use the tokens to buy the Gift.
I guess the main issue is that unless you WvW, you don’t tend to read the patch notes in that section. It probably should have been repeated in other sections, as it is REQUIRED for Legendaries and is not purely a WvW item for use in that mode only.
The story makes perfect sense to me, and the bosses make sense too. I actually think the raid story thus far is more compelling than the base HoT story itself!
That just makes things worse really lol.
The main issue, and this was alluded too in a woodenpotatoes video, is that gw1 had fantastic story and lore. GW2 is, and lets be honest, a steaming pile in those areas. Its horrendous – we all know this. And HoT did nothing to improve this – it arguably got worse.
So, on one hand you have the GW2 story which the bulk of population despise/hate/dont care about, and on the other hand you have content related to GW1, which is what people really wanted & had been hoping for, locked away behind the raid – where that bulk of the population will never be able to go (for various reasons). Its a double whammy.
Does that mean all future content related to GW1 will be shut away in instanced raids? And everyone else gets the terrible GW2 story? That would be a shame.
Edit: Just saw the new raid wing trailer – more GW1 stuff. Le Sigh.
(edited by MashMash.1645)
Tarir Commendations - How do you get them?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: MashMash.1645
I don’t have auric weapon collection even started, I’m on zero weapons. I have all four commendations from a successful retake of tarir. Nothing to do with assault / defend, just need all four lanes to take out the octovine and you will get your reward.
Whether this is recent due to patches or not I don’t know. I just know that this weekend I got all four and have zero auric weapons unlocked. I should probably make a start on that..
Yeah, i think they fixed this now. I have collected them all over the last week or two just from the octovine bit.
One month in the life span of this game doesn’t seem like a big time investment.
This issue needs more visibility. This achievement pits players directly against each other.
It’s not a bad event in design. We just need 50 times more ley energies spawning to make it less cutthroat.
They also need to make it scale better for the collecting part. Even with massive zergs it still doesn’t last very long.
IMO : Anet tried to destroy the solo (casual) player but it backfired on them and everyone walked away. You can’t please everyone all the time but you can’t design your game for only one playstyle and expect everyone to like it.
Vertical maps seem like they have a lot of depth, but create unneeded confusion and frustration. To push this game further Anet needs to put the Fun back into the game.That is not the problem, again this was discussed to the death at HoT launch. Any experienced player can solo HoT area just fine and you can constantly find people around that this is not a big problem at all. The game has many problems plague it but this is not one.
Vast majority of players are casual though – they just love running around the MANY big maps in the old world, exploring and discovering and doing random stuff. HoT doesnt offer that, with the old worlds level of ease. It just doesn’t. Making harder content is fine, but it doesn’t cater to the majority.
I was watching teapot time (or whatever its called, with Brazil & Inks, etc) and something Inks said stuck in my brain. He mentioned that his wife plays, and she plays casually, and that HoT was a huge turnoff to her – she just went back to playing core Tyria. My suspicion is, that the bulk of the people playing the game are like her – casual. They just want to log in, roam about adventuring and exploring, with little to no stress. Its not that they are stupid, or idiots or can’t play – they dont want to. HoT offers that demograph little to nothing – maps are harder and confusing, no interest in raids, what maps thier are are gated behind heavy grind and heavy repetition. It really just doesn’t offer that vast, open exploring dynamic like the old world.
HoT is almost everything the old game isn’t in many ways. This is the main problem. They made the original game one way, then did a 90 degree turn. If that’s what ANet wants, and it seems to be as they listened to the crowd that was demanding this, they now have to live with the result – its a massive turnoff to many who liked the old game world. If Living Story 3 bombs I’d be very concerned. Gemstore sales and raids can only paper over the cracks for so long.
I just looked on the wiki. Why do you have to hope it fails? It just mentions that item is in the box when the chain is successful.
I thought they fixed all the collections so that you wouldn’t require failure just to continue them? I remember they commented on that a while ago.
So, being the lazy casual that I am (lol) I decided to hit up a daily room, and tons of them keep saying ‘this world is full’ and when I actually did manage to get in peeps were saying they were maxing out at 10 people and even hosts weren’t able to get in.
Might want on check on that ANet – something seems amiss.
Sylvari. I love everything about them.
When we get hit, or put in combat, we slow down.
Do monsters also get this effect?
So, when expansion 2 comes out, will all of HoT go free? Or will thier be two xpacs on sale?
(I tried using the forums search, but its terrible)
Wow. That’s all they could come up with for a Legendary? No wonder LW’s got scrapped. Just awful. I am definitely making that one last. I’ll even do the underwater weapons first.
That is the price for most MMO’s that are doing expansions. Most MMO’s now are also including the previous core game and/or other expansions into the price of the current expansion. Why is this a problem for people in this game to understand that is how most are doing it now?
Most expansions are $40 and contain much more content then HoT.
“raids” in general in the MMO world have a long-standing bad reputation (a lot of it deserved), and so bringing raids to GW2 carries a lot of baggage.
Also, a lot of people specifically liked this game because it avoided the “raid or get out” mentality of many big-name MMOs.
That’s why i liked GW2 – specifically “because” it didn’t have raids. I know plenty others did too. I raided a heap in other other games, thousands of hours, for years and years, wiping, learning, clearing and killing. The neverending gear treadmill, etc, etc. It’s not that I can’t raid or am lacking skill.
I got sick of it. And now its arrived in Guild Wars 2. Like some plague. As i had long feared.
I’m just ignoring it. I really hope it just dies and goes away tbh. I don’t have an issue with raids in gerneral, but rather with them in GW2. Just kitten off. Hopefully the constrained resources ANet seems to have will just see the raid team moved elsewhere and raids quietly die. If we had to lose Legendaries, we can lose raids – even less do raids.
For what it’s worth department.
Reddit thread: Sab just showed up in Gw2efficiencys achievements
What does that mean? Is it some sort of website that anyone could have manipulated for April Fools or is it some sort of API data fetched that only Arena Net can manipulate?
I really do not know the relevance of this.
From the little I understand of such things, it’s a website that picks up codes from ANet that belong to accounts, such as achievements or your accounts inventory.
Edit: you go to that site and generate an API key and that key can be used to give you all sorts of information about your account or aggregate information across all accounts that got these keys.
I would imagine they could add stuff to show up in the api, but that wouldn’t actually appear in game.
Also, April 1st is upcoming. They could totally be trolling.
What makes me laugh is everyone is surprised by the silence from ANet. Remember the whole HoT price and no character slot for people who already had HoT? ANet said nothing for a week before they made things “right”. Give it a week and maybe they’ll have something for us.
My other advice, is never buy anything on the strength of something that is not, finished/ready to go/started work on. We knew when we got HoT that legendary weapons where not ready or all finished.
It’s been 5 months and they still aren’t finished. They’re still hardly more than what was promised on the box. How long do you recommend that people wait before buying the expansion? A year? Not until all the Legendaries are done?
If you are buying is for a feature that is not added/finished you wait till its there.
That’s easy to suggest. However that is also suggesting that all people who might one day want one of the new Legendaries not buy this expansion for however months, or years, until it’s in game. That means they will be left in vanilla until that time and missing all the new content and living story that comes with it. That also assumes that people would have a reason to believe back then that something advertised for that expansion would be put on hold.
While some people might be expecting that advertised content will be withheld or be willing to sit in Vanilla for however many years it takes, most people did not have that expectation. Therefore a suggestion that this expansion should not have been bought is not a reasonable one.
As I said if you are buying something on the strength of something that is not there you wait. If there are many things you want then get it now. But when people say “I got the expansion only for the legendary weapons” I have no sympathy. I don’t think what ANet has done is right. But people have no one to blame but them self’s why the paid for something that wasn’t there to start with.
Maybe it’s different where you live, but where I’m from I can buy a package of items in which some are not quite available and expect them to be delivered when done. If there is a reason that the company can’t deliver the items, I get a refund of the money that paid for it. It’s not a usual practice in most companies that they’ll take your money, not deliver the goods and then also not give a refund of money paid.
I’m sorry you live in a society with such weak consumer protections and therefore this is common place to you, but it’s not the type of treatment by a company that I’m used to and therefore I didn’t anticipate needing to not buy ahead of time.
You are talking about a whole product, not a digital one. As I said I don’t agree with what ANet did,
Actually, no. A product can be a package of goods sold that are of different parts and not all of those parts may be immediately available for various reasons. As long as you’ve paid for it, you should have the expectation that all parts of your purchase get to you, or you are refunded for the parts that don’t.
“not a digital one”
Are you saying here that digital purchases are outside all consumer protection laws? I know some are by the way they’re phrased and set up. However if a company sells a digital product, such as an expansion, with items in it that are advertised parts of that expansion then they should be regulated by consumer protection laws and required either to provide all parts of the advertised expansion or if they can’t they should offer a reasonable, partial refund to all purchasers.There’s no reason for a company that takes your money and doesn’t provide what was advertised and purchased to be above consumer protection laws, digital or not.
And when ANet turns around as says they are not going to provide legendary weapons everything you are saying will be correct. Yes they will be in violation of consumer law. As it stands they are not.
People can say it’s cancelled till they are blue in the face. ANet have not stated that they are cancelled. As I’ve said I do not agree with what they have done. But they have not broken any laws, there could be a case for false advertising. As they are going against the groups of, and regular intervals.
But I do feel.ANet need to make it right.
It’s a shame that doesn’t work in other area’s of life huh?
“Hey IRD and local council. I’m indefinitely suspending paying my taxes and council rates. I’m not “not paying” them, just suspending paying them for an indeterminate period of time, but I will pay at some point. "
Based on this premise ANet couyld have shipped absolutely nothing and claimed, “well it’s coming at some stage – we never specified an exact time.”
anet are not capable of finishing anything they start,so no ones getting it.
I wouldn’t be surprised.
“If you hate MMO’s you’ll really want to check out Guild Wars 2”
- Mike O’BrienAn outdated quote. As a business evolves so does its ideology. To survive you must satisfy as wide of a range of players as you can. One way to do this is implementing raids. It doesn’t effect the casual community because they can… oh I don’t know… not raid… While the hardcore community is happy.
Thiers a lot of ideas this games was sold on, and failed to deliver. Now look at the mess its in.
This could be really great. Grinding for legendaries is a small minority of players. The majority of us want new game play content. Good on you for explaining this even though there was bound to be some people upset over this.
The truth is, the health of the game is better served with game play additions rather than content that only the most dedicated of grinders will ever obtain.
Good idea! Lets also disband the raid team and move them over to LS as well. Even less people do raids than Legendaries. Plus, the raid team has been quite productive, so imagine what they could do in LS?
Huh? 1234567891011
I’ve been steadily playing HoT maps since the whole point of them seems to be to collect items for the legendary journey. But since that’s no longer a thing, what is the point of HoT maps? If I want gold or items it is much more efficient to farm SW or Orr. I guess I can finish up the armor set collections, but the long term reason to continue playing HoT maps seems to be gone now…
Are they doomed to go the way of the other barren maps? (southsun cove anyone?)
I’ve been thinking about this too recently. And, I don’t really think so. My main has maxed out everything, and I would only do DS to get the free 70 points for alts. But other than that, I have zero reason to go there now. I have been exploring the old world on my alts, and logging into GW1 lol. I thought maybe nostalgia had made me think GW1 was better than I remembered – but nope, it’s still really fun (although it looks horrendous of course – but that doesn’t seem to matter).
I had been doing them to farm the mats for future legendaries (wanted to make a HoT sword) but as that’s dead, I stopped.
I’m also assuming that when / if Legendaries ever come back they’ll be tied to future expansions and map currencies, so all HoT mats will be useless anyway.
(edited by MashMash.1645)