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Foot in the grave - Most underrated Trait

in Necromancer

Posted by: MasterElements.5023


See here is the thing, Necromancers need a weakness. It isn’t condi damage like mesmer or thieves and it isn’t power damage. We got the most effective hit points on top of having an entire line dedicated to life leech. Hard CC is the necro weakness, so if we wanted to cover that weakness it needs to be a choice. A hard choice(get it cause hard CC, hard choice); if Necromancers had as much Stability as a guardian/warrior then Necromancers would literally be the most powerful class.

Critique this Power Reaper Build, please.

in Necromancer

Posted by: MasterElements.5023


My only suggestion would be to switch out the vitality for toughness, because of Shroud + high HP pool you get more out of toughness then vitality. Also there is a death magic trait that allows you to convert toughness into power so it just works better.

Unholy Sanctuary cause of half of my deaths

in Necromancer

Posted by: MasterElements.5023


Put a small cooldown on exit from shroud of 1 second /fixed

A Competitive Death Shroud

in Necromancer

Posted by: MasterElements.5023


Eazy peazy lemon sqeazy, Death Shroud 2 is ground targeted(No other changes like casting time) and number 5 stacks on less then 5 targets /fixed

Improving Death Shroud

in Necromancer

Posted by: MasterElements.5023


Novaan, #3 is an instant cast fear, how many hard CC’s are instant cast that are not simply an interrupt? It’s awesome, I layer it with a life blast to prevent people from dodging it, I use it shake people who try to CC lock me and forget their stab. Not to mention it has an attack attached to it which means you can proc sigils on it too. It is the BEST skill in DS and completely fine.

With some good timing you can get the whole #4 off.

My only 2 gripes with DS are #2 and #5. #2 should be ground targeted, keep the casting time so it can be interrupted. #5 always weirded me out, torment with an immobilize at the end? You fix #5 by letting it stack on less then 5 targets and replacing the immo with chill or cripple.

As for the auto, make the full damage the full range and it’s fine.

passive signet lost in shroud

in Necromancer

Posted by: MasterElements.5023


Offhands got buffed, wells got a CD reduction, 90%-ish of the stuff that got nerfed in the 19th patch was Elite specialization stuff. They were outmatching everything, there were Spvp matches that were ALL reapers. Reaper needed a nerf, the other elites needed a nerf.

Arguably the only “nerfs” were Soul Spiral, Infusing Terror and chill duration. Bitter Chill needed a mechanic change, it had the same problems that burning had before it stacked. If you have multiple sources of burning the first person to apply got their damage and everyone had to wait. Now you A: Don’t have to have ANY chill duration for it to work and B: Don’t get screwed over by OTHER condi Reapers because they got their chill off first.

The locked utility bar is the tradeoff for the second HP pool and extra set of weapon skills. Core Shroud has it’s problems but Necro it balanced with the mechanic in mind. It’s not broken, besides, sometimes you want to turn signets off cough plague signet*cough*

(edited by MasterElements.5023)

Blood Fiend's heal amount

in Necromancer

Posted by: MasterElements.5023


Are you in blood magic? That gives a base 150 Healing power in the grandmaster-minor trait.

Please critique my power shout build for pvp

in Necromancer

Posted by: MasterElements.5023


Take Close to Death at the top of Spite instead of Spiteful Spirit.

On Greatsword: Sigil of Strength and Sigil of Hydromancy. Strength works with Blighters Boon and Hydromancy is just awesome on a reaper.

On Staff: Sigil of fire and Sigil of Energy, Vigor helps for extra dodges and the sigil of fire for some extra ranged AoE

The only Utility I’d change would be You are all Weaklings to Nothing can save you simply because you are in spite and have Chilling Victory, you are gonna be swimming in might. Without changing some significant stuff in the build that is my 2 cents.

Also Flumek.9043, put some effort into your post and at least look like you know how to spell properly, on some level.

what traits and skills on a power build?

in Necromancer

Posted by: MasterElements.5023


Depends on what you want.

I really miss Shrouded removal(T1 Death magic) when I am not in death magic. It can be like a stun break for immobilize because it clears a condi when you enter Shroud on top of every 3 seconds you are in it.

What tier of wvw are you on? What numbers do you usually run with? What role in the group are you fulfilling? There is no best build, just best at. Spite/Blood/Soul Reaping in full Berzerker is the meta for full zerg well bomb, but it sin’t the best thing to run solo in wvw.

Ascended Confusion

in Necromancer

Posted by: MasterElements.5023


Decimate Defenses works outside of shroud, so it would be 4-54% outside of shroud and 54-100% inside, depending on vuln stacks.

This is also what I run for WvW roaming and general PvE

It has toughness without sacrificing, in my opinion, too much firepower. You still hit fairly hard.

Balance problems of necromancers

in Necromancer

Posted by: MasterElements.5023


@Infusion Yeah I know, a friend made a build surrounding Blighter’s Boon, had like 1000 heals per Shroud auto attack because of the might. If you go all into it, and really work it it can work, much like Unholy Marytr. My suggestion was more to make it easier to use and more reliable. Biggest weakness for Blighter’s Boon is that if you are not in Spite and stacking Might, the Life Force and Healing you get out of it becomes super minimal. By simply having a single boon to get the effect you divorce it from the Spite tree.

@Drarnor Kunoram Do you got something official to back up Unholy Fervor not working on shroud? I’d like to confirm that if I can. Also the AoE ticks for Well of Blood have a 0.4 healing scale. With 2200 HP they were ticking for 1150, so 5500-ish over 5 seconds, which is a lot better then I had in my head. The problem that it is attached to a heal skill, using it to heal allies means the 7k self healing could very well be wasted.

Balance problems of necromancers

in Necromancer

Posted by: MasterElements.5023


Slightly OP:
Reaper’s Shroud 5 / Executioner’s Scythe – it’s a an ice field, giving frost aura w/ leap & blast finishers when normally necro doesn’t have it

Unholy martyr – no way to condi clear in shroud

Necromancers has 4 blast finishers, Staff 4, Bone minions, and Wurm. They are not easily accessible so removing the ice field is a straight out nerf and not a shave. The only 2 easy finishers that can feasibly be used while the Ice field is active are also in Reaper Shroud. The ice field is active long enough to use both.

You also seem to be forgetting Shrouded Removal, which clears a condi every 3 seconds while in shroud(It even clears one when entering it). The real problem with Unholy Marytr is that it is not an easy trait to use, if you use it then you need the condition management to handle it, most people don’t so they call it useless. It’s a niche trait.

Also Axe/focus are actually 2 very powerful weapons, only complaint being a long cast time on Focus 5. Did you guys know the damage modifiers from the traits carry over into Shroud? That is a 15% damage bonus if no boons and at least 1 stack of vulnerability. With the cooldown reduction the skills become kinda stupid as you get to use them over and over. Focus 4 + Axe 2 will do like 10k damage. Focus 4 crits for 2200 in Spvp and on average I am hitting 7000-ish damage on axe 2 and you can layer both of them. As you are walking up to someone cast focus 4 and lead into it with Axe 2, so 10k damage-ish over 3 seconds…. That kinda sounds like burst damage to me.

I want Terrormancer back, it was my favorite condi spec. Easiest way to do that would be to make the Fear duration on Fear of Death to 100% instead of 50%

Dhummfire needs to function better with Death Shroud or it needs to affect more then just the auto attack. 3 stacks of burning for 5 seconds on a 5 second CD works, it is sustainy and it works with regular life blasts.

The range on Transfusion needs to be increased, I’ve pulled people only to have them still stomped because it wasn’t far enough. Or stomp range reduced, probably a better choice.

The blast finisher on Flesh wurm needs to be removed, it’s a useless finisher for a GTFO skill that ONLY works with Death Nova. Unsure what I’d move it too, Axe 3, the end blast from Death Shroud 5?

Rending Shroud doesn’t compete well(get it cause necro wells) enough with the 2 other traits, I’d either lower the time between pulses or increase the stacks, or add bonus vuln duration on it.

Barbed precision sucks, 33% on crit isn’t anything, statisically you need 3 crits to get one bleed and with 50%-ish crit you need 6 hits for one 5 second bleed, and the duration doesn’t do enough to balance it out when necro’s can’t easily get above 20 stacks anyways. I’d add 100% chance to bleed on crit while in shroud at LEAST.

Remove the boon corruption on dagger 5 and give dagger offhand Life force generation. Most necros(myself included) are switching to other off hands for life force generation specifically.

Make Parasitic contagion heal while in shroud, it is a “siphon” after all.

Spiteful Spirit needs more to be a grandmaster trait, Lingering Curse is a similar trait as it casts a weapon skill on entering Shroud and it also has Weakness on crit. Either Cripple on hit or Retaliation on hit would be pretty good. The Cripple on hit might be a bit OP though with Reaper and the amount of Chill that can be put on the table.

Blighters Boon needs a rework, it worked before because it wasn’t just your own boons, but that made it OP. Now it isn’t being taken because the boon generation on necromancers is very limited. Make it a passive? So long as you have a boon ON you you gain 1% life force per second or heal for regeneration level healing while in Shroud?

Signet of Undeath needs a shorter cast time, or the Life force generation needs to be buffed. Or the passive changed, other classes have way easier to use(sometimes more powerful) rez skills.

The boon range on Blood is power is too small.

Death Shroud 2 needs to be a ground targeted teleport. All the movement utilities on the necromancer are backwards in direction(Spectral walk and Flesh wurm). Making Death Shroud 2 ground targeted makes it way easier to use aggressively or defensively.

Allow Death Shroud 5 to stack on targets less then 5, that would mean on one target you’d get a 5 second immobilize and 15 stacks of torment. Or some mix based on who is closer when cast. (With the barbed precision change I mentioned earlier Death Shroud becomes actually useful for condition builds)

Make the blood magic siphons scale with Healing power a bit better. Necromancers can get north of 2200 healing power in open world and Vampiric Aura heals for 43 damage. Citation:

Remove the health threshold on Quickening Thirst and make the cooldown reduction a flat 20% like other traits.

Unyielding Blast needs a buff, you removed the main reason why anyone takes it. wasn’t the Vuln but the piercing/no target limit on Shroud 1 that make that trait worthwhile.

Well of Blood needs a buff, 280 per tick for 5 ticks over 5 seconds is ineffective. For a heal skill I’d buff it to 700 base at least. It is the only way for a Necromancer to project healing while not being there themselves. It doesn’t even scale very well with Healing Power

Well of Darkness is underwhelming, there are longer blind “fields” on shorter cooldowns, whilst having an unblockable blind field is nice, there are better choices. Shorter cooldown please.

Well of power is a weird skill, it is one of the few group support skills a Necromancer has but is also a stun break. The time to use well of power as a stun break vs when to use it for group support don’t mesh at all.


Core Necro

in Necromancer

Posted by: MasterElements.5023


I’ve played all of sapphire as a full zerker F-you life blast build. As a solo que though taking well of suffering was out of the question. Had to take poison cloud for the ranged defense. My other utilities were Spectral walk and Flesh Wurm, very mobile and hard to pin. In the bad bad matches I was the only one downing people, couldn’t stomp for all the cleave though.

Silly Menders build.

in Necromancer

Posted by: MasterElements.5023


Why Axe/dagger and not staff?

Why not Chill to the bone? I get the minion trait you took but Rise pretty much takes care of that fairly well.

Have you tried corrupters fervor instead?

Also why not runes of the monk? The extra heal on heal skill is pretty fantastic when you got a short CD heal like Your Soul is Mine, especially with the shout trait.

Spvp: wanderers vs mercenary amulet.

in Necromancer

Posted by: MasterElements.5023


I run curses and merc. The condi defense is fantastic and the crit chance you get from the minors in the curses tree is enough to reliably proc Weakening shroud and plague sending. I find that you don’t need the extreme amount of might from Spite, which is the only real reason to take Spite in a condi build. I do pretty well against other meta reapers because of that switch to curses.

I don’t pick wanderers because of stuff like Diamond Skin. If you don’t have the power damage to help take them below the health threshold on it then your condi application is seriously mitigated. Wanderer is also kinda glassy and if I wanted to go in that direction I’d pick Viper or Sinister.

Dagger offhand needs Life force generation

in Necromancer

Posted by: MasterElements.5023


It’s the only weapon without it. All the other offhands/mainhands/twohanders have some life force generation on it.
Couple of ideas would be that Dagger 4 could generate life force based on how many conditions it transfers. 2% per condi wouldn’t be all that OP. Dagger 5 could get a strait up 2% per target hit, or dagger 4.

Even with the fantastic scepter change, I still feel starved for life force when I go scepter/dagger.

Best Greatsword for Reaper?

in Necromancer

Posted by: MasterElements.5023


Lovestruck Greatsword is best for a necro

The corruption shotgun

in Necromancer

Posted by: MasterElements.5023


You can stack them, Well of corruption + spiteful spirit + unholy feast + enfeebling blood + Weakening Shroud means you can AoE corrupts 9 boons on a point. So people will be dealing with all those conditions.

Why is necro healing so underrated?

in Necromancer

Posted by: MasterElements.5023


I’ve posted this before, this is the most healing you can get out of a necro:

sigil of renewal 345 + 0.4 HP

Life from death 522 + 1.5 HP

Transfusion 360 + 0.2 HP

Well of blood AoE 280 + .4 HP

Regeneration 130 + .125 HP

42.5% outgoing healing, 1881 HP
Sigil of transference 10%, Delicious Rice Ball 10%, Sigil of benevelence 12.5%

Sigil of renewal
(1097 base + 466 OHE = 1563)

Life from death
(3344 base + 1422 OHE = 4765)

(736 base + 313 OHE = 1049)

Well of blood
(1032 base + 439 OHE = 1471)

(365 base + 155 OHE = 520)

Totals for Heals per second(40seconds, well of blood):

Regeneration 520 X 40 = 20800

Well of blood: 1471 X 5 = 7355 (I am only counting the ticks for people standing in it and not myself)

Sigil of renewal: (9 second CD = 4 uses) 1563 X 4 = 6252

Life from death: (Lining this up with sigil of renewal, better when used together) 4765 X 4 = 19060

Transfusion: (I am only going to count it once as it is a situation heal) (1049 X 9 = 9441)

Heals per second: 62 908 / 40 = 1573

With Transfusion and Life from Death and the Sigil of renewal, you can AoE spike heal for about 15 000, but the sustained healing is very lacking. It is mostly regeneration if you can keep it permanently up.

Tainted Shackles QoL change

in Necromancer

Posted by: MasterElements.5023


Can we get it to stack on targets if there are not 5 available? It would make Death Shroud more condition leaning with 15 stacks of torment on a single target and it provides power builds a 5 second immobilize. It also makes Death Shroud better 1v1 so necromancers are a more viable duellist.

Rate That: Necromancer Name!

in Necromancer

Posted by: MasterElements.5023


The Chill Pill, because someone needs to eat me once in a while.

Healing necro build/HPS math

in Necromancer

Posted by: MasterElements.5023


That is a good point by Blaine and if that is the direction that Anet takes then content should require debuffs. having a mesmer/ele to spam boons shouldn’t be enough. Having ads with regen from pulsing small sourses so that poison and weakness are needed to handle them and not just a ton of AoE and protection. I think the biggest problem for necro’s is that there are so few situations where necro’s bring the tools needed. People would rather boon through content then debuff it and necro’s bring lots of debuffs. It also doesn’t help that soft CC ticks the break bar. At first I thought it was cool but then I realized that since, say, weakness ticks the breakbar. You don’t get the actual soft CC on it. Same for blinds, a boss can be perma/blinded and not miss a single strike. It kinda screws necro’s over because while a guardian mitigates damage with boons, necro’s mitigate with conditions and raid bosses are basically immune to them.

Healing necro build/HPS math

in Necromancer

Posted by: MasterElements.5023


Necro isn’t supposed to be healing support. It’s a self-sustaining, one man army class (to what extent is up to debate).

One of the biggest things about guild wars 2 was that any class can fill any role effectively. Necromancers should be able to fill being a healer. A necro heals very similar to a druid in the sense that it’s raw healing. No boons, if that is the case then I would mind seeing a buff to our ability to stack healing power or a trait that improves regeneration as permanent regeneration is fairly easy.

Azzumy, I made this to see how far necromancers could go. So basically out of curiosity and to start a conversation. If I were to try to sell this to a raid group my only selling point is the Transfusion pull. Which is one point. So I ask again, shouldn’t Anet be looking at this? From what I’ve gathered from talking to raid leaders is that sustained HPS is better because if you get hit you screwed up. I’ve also heard lots of people say that a single downed player is equal to a wipe because of the DPS loss. You lose the DPS race in the end and wipe anyways.

Healing necro build/HPS math

in Necromancer

Posted by: MasterElements.5023


I main necromancer, few alts and I wanted to see how far you could push necro healing. Not very many people know the kind of kitten we can do. So I made a build/breakdown, you can do this in any of the high healing power sets. So Apothecary, Cleric, or Magi.
Staff and whatever floats your boat for offhand weapons. Well of blood is also mandatory because the AoE heals on it is pretty fantastic, and you don’t need to be on point to do it. Necromancers can also maintain AoE regen permanently from 1200 as well with the staff. With the trait Life from Death, a sigil of renewal and Tranfusion you can actually burst heal for 15k in 3 seconds. Then in the mean time pulse 6k every 9 seconds by flashing Shroud. My theory crafting put up 1573 HPS with 1881 HP and 42.5% outgoing healing effectiveness. While it is not the best HPS in the game it is very bursty and Transfusion is a very powerful ability to get downed people out of boss cleave and to pick them up rather fast. You can actually keep permanent regen on a group at 1200, but be near the tank and dodge to get a second mark of blood for whomever you are nearby. So you can keep regen on 2 separate groups fairly decently. The only mandatory tree’s are Soul reaping(For Shroud cooldowns) and Blood magic.
Here’s my math: sigil of renewal 345 + 0.4 HP
Life from death 522 + 1.5 HP
Transfusion 360 + 0.2 HP
Well of blood AoE 280 + .4 HP
Regeneration 130 + .125 HP
42.5% outgoing healing, 1881 HP Sigil of transference 10%, Monk runes 10%, Delicious Rice Ball 10%, Sigil of benevelence 12.5%
Sigil of renewal (1097 base + 466 OHE = 1563)
Life from death (3344 base + 1422 OHE = 4765)
Transfusion (736 base + 313 OHE = 1049)
Well of blood (1032 base + 439 OHE = 1471)
Regeneration (365 base + 155 OHE = 520)
Totals for Heals per second(40seconds, well of blood cooldown):
Regeneration 520 X 40 = 20800(assuming permanent regen uptime)
Well of blood: 1471 X 5 = 7355 (I am only counting the ticks for people standing in it and not myself)
Sigil of renewal: (9 second CD = 4 uses) 1563 X 4 = 6252
Life from death: (Lining this up with sigil of renewal, better when used together) 4765 X 4 = 19060
Transfusion: (I am only going to count it once as it is a situation heal) (1049 X 9 = 9441)
Heals per second: 62 908 / 40 = 1573
Note: while ALL of this is AoE, I am only calculating one target, so this is a “per target” number. Also if this is the best a necro can do for a healing role, which is very sub optimal for raids, wvw, and general pve. Should Anet be looking at this?

Salvage whole bags at a time

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MasterElements.5023


I want to be able to click a salvage kit, click on a bag slot with a bag in it and for the kit to salvage all salvageable items in that bag.

Can this be a thing Anet?

Suggestions for random stuff

in Necromancer

Posted by: MasterElements.5023


Barbed Precision – Make the bleed proc 100% on crit while in Shroud.
This allows your shroud to maintain bleeding stacks, turns S4 into a bleed bomb.

Tainted shackles(S5) – remove immobilize and replace with fear
This skill has rubbed me wrong since they added torment to it, a condition that does more damage while the target is moving yet it has an immobilize attached to it. The skill should promote movement rather then restrict it.

Parasitic Contagion – Make it heal while in shroud
If it needs a nerf back down to 5% that is fine but it can be considered a siphon. Which should heal you while in Shroud.

Well of power – Make the 1 stack of stability last 3-4 seconds instead of just 1
It’s a ground targeted stun break, the time it takes to place it could very well mean that the stun is over. It was easier to use when you had to trait to make it ground targeted.

Reaper’s Touch (Focus 4) – Make it a 100% projectile finisher on enemy target
We need more finishers, Necromancers have the least wanted fields so we need the finishers to use them because no one else will. The fact that it can bounce to allies should mitigate the fact that it is 100% projectile finisher.

Spectral wall – Make it reflect projectiles
This adds more to the tool chest for Necromancers, it also means that more people are going to use it than just Terrormancers. (The Corrosive Poison Cloud change was excellent and this suggestion by no means should diminish that)

Dhummfire – 1. Make it 2 stacks of burning instead of one.
2. Add it to make S1 a finisher, a projectile finisher for DS and a whirl or blast for RS.
3. 5 stacks of burning for 3 seconds on a 10s ICD
This trait sucks, as a condi necro I don’t stay in DS, for offensive purposes, long enough to make this trait worthwhile. With full burning duration, in spvp, I got to 4 stacks of burning, alone 4 stacks of burning is not enough to kill all but the most inexperienced opponents.

PvP condi build help

in Necromancer

Posted by: MasterElements.5023


Don’t make a condi necro, even with the recent scepter rework, Anet still hasn’t addressed the biggest roadblock. Condi Necro’s are actively punished for entering DS, the condi application inside of DS sucks and all the condi’s you did outside DS stop after a few seconds. My advice, play a power necro or the cele signet build.

lifeblast 100% projectile finisher?

in Necromancer

Posted by: MasterElements.5023


Make it a trait that replaces Dhummfire, DS1 becomes a 100% projectile finisher and RS1 gets a blast finisher at the end of the AA chain.

Min Crit chance for Reaper

in Necromancer

Posted by: MasterElements.5023


This is my stat spread for my power life blast build, I hit about 20% less then a full zerker but with might and protection in spades it doesn’t matter.

I am not going to take the 50% crit in DS/RS trait and instead take foot in the grave, because you can never have too many stun breaks/stability.

Build with rabid stat

in Necromancer

Posted by: MasterElements.5023


If you are doing wvw roaming Dire is a better stat set. Go spite curses and blood magic and get all the siphony sustainy goodness and stack all the might.

How to hit like a Zerker in Knights/Cavalier

in Necromancer

Posted by: MasterElements.5023


Dagger requires you get up close and personal and unless you can slow/immo them being beside your enemy is IMO a bad idea. The build doesn’t have the heally sustain of a Siphon build so in as much as you are tough, it is still a good idea to not take damage when you can.

Soldier vs Knights

in Necromancer

Posted by: MasterElements.5023


I’d like to point you to a thread I started, it’s on the third page now but relevant to this one too.

How to hit like a Zerker in Knights/Cavalier

in Necromancer

Posted by: MasterElements.5023


Finally, I suggest you try a toughness primary staff with sustain sigils because the staff isn’t great at damage dealing, and with this much toughness you can dagger most of the time. So I use the staff as more of a defensive/utility swap.

When weapon damage is added it takes an average of the weapons you are wielding, 2 handed weapons have a higher average as it is only 1 weapon. Duel wielding lowers your DPS by a bit, which is why I go into Shroud primarily when I am wielding the staff and why my offensive sigils are there. Not to mention the range, soft/hard CC on the staff is awesome.
Also to your point about blood magic, blood doesn’t fit well in a life blast build because life siphons are all about as many small hits as you can to proc the siphons. A life blast build is all sustained big hits, so for me Blood magic doesn’t work as a mechanic for the role of the build.
I like unholy sanctuary better because it covers my stupid more, I get FocusFired a lot and having a small safety net that makes me go into Shroud when stuff hits the fan is comforting. It covers my stupid, and I can be stupid.

Dromina I like your stat spread up until I found out that you rely on infusions to get your crit chance to 49.6%, I also noticed that you have only offensive infusions, I only have one set of ascended and it doesn’t allow me to have all offensive infusions. I doubt other sets will, which is why I don’t include infusions in my calculations. I don’t know exactly what I can place and how many offensive/defensive slots I’ll have. I treat them as icing more then an integral part of the stat spread.

Tommyknocker I’d be interested to see how it shook down ingame, from my experience a life blast build relies heavily on crit damage for the bigger numbers which is why I tried to get at least 200%.

How to hit like a Zerker in Knights/Cavalier

in Necromancer

Posted by: MasterElements.5023


I’ve been thinking of adding a sigil of energy and a sigil of cruelty to the dagger/warhorn weapon set, to use it has a defensive, run away, CC kinda set, and full stacks of cruelty puts me at 220% crit damage which is icing and not wholly meant to be relied upon.

How to hit like a Zerker in Knights/Cavalier

in Necromancer

Posted by: MasterElements.5023


This is definitely some good tweeks, I still like the might on crit food better as it is less expensive then the seaweed salad and helps with the might stacking of the build. I had completely forgotten about Captain’s trinkets and they really fit well in the build thanks, I was never a fan of the stacking sigils either but they were the only thing that came to mind at the time.
With some additional tweeks I got it to where I like it, and I personally believe really hard in the might stacking and the Runes of Strength are a huge part of that. The might really pushes it from decent DPS to gross standards.

Here is a link to my edits

How to hit like a Zerker in Knights/Cavalier

in Necromancer

Posted by: MasterElements.5023


In the end, what inspired this build was that a zerker life blast build is too squishy to run in a havoc squad. Which is what my guild runs, this allows me to not-insta die but still maintaining the role of blowing people up. I have literally 2 shot glass thieves after they pop me because I go into DS and just blast them. I don’t run this solo, but it is awesome with friends and in PvE because you get zerker level stats but are not zerker. So if you miss a dodge or screw up or get overwhelmed you don’t just insta die.

Honestly, in light of this build I don’t think I will ever run Berzerker again. The high defense vs DD is just awesome. You are also still a necro with a second HP pool on top of having a high natural health pool. Unless I get stupid wtf spiked, by either conditions or DD, I usually have enough time to kill most people. I bounce Thieves and Mesmers, good Mesmers still get me but everything has it’s limitations.

How to hit like a Zerker in Knights/Cavalier

in Necromancer

Posted by: MasterElements.5023


It is not over 100%, with the Sigil of Accuracy on the staff and 25 stacks of Perception you get 49.86 chance to crit, which the game rounds up to exactly 50%. Then with Death perception you get to 100% exactly.

Unless I have missed something you saw?

How to hit like a Zerker in Knights/Cavalier

in Necromancer

Posted by: MasterElements.5023


Death magic is the basis of the build, the trait Deadly Strength is what makes this stat build work. I went with the classic life blast build to make it easy to illustrate but this setup would work with any power based build. The big weakness of the build are crit chance and crit damage but the base stats of the knights/cavalier covers those weaknesses enough to fake it with sigils and food.

Things to pay attention too:
1: 215% crit damage, achieved with Furious Sharpening stones, and ferocity food.
2: A not in Death Shroud 50% crit chance is achieved with full stacks of Perception, so in Death Shroud you still get the 100% crit chance while wielding the staff.
3: 3200 armor
4: With the food and Spite tree you stack 25 stacks of might in about 10 seconds of hitting people with Life Blasts
5: If you hover over the stat summary, it turns out that I have 5 more points of power then toughness because of the Deadly Strength trait. It’ll only go up when in Death Shroud.

Thoughts while playing this build in PvE: Since I wasn’t running the food/sharpening stones(they’re kinda expensive, wvw only :P) my crit damage was only around 180%. While I can still get to 25 stacks of might it is not as fast without the might on crit food. I was still able to achieve 6500 damage life blasts on average. Still only in mostly exotic but planning on making an ascended set for this build. 2400 power in exotic and 2800 armor. The condi clear while in Death Shroud and the healing in Death Shroud up the sustain, and the mini consume conditions is used quite a lot and helps with conditions as well. This build would not be as deadly in Spvp as you cannot hybrid into Cavalier or assassins for extra precision/ferocity.

Dev explanation for ascended armor change.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MasterElements.5023


Why not have ascended gear have a 4th stat? Let’s have all the zerker ascended have 300ish vitality attached to a full set, similar to the zerker amulet in Spvp. There are other ways to buff gear then the overall stats. Add another infusion slot to some gear pieces, the infusions are very small stat bonus and add too the the variety of stats you can have on gear.
I get them wanting to buff stats because of the trait stats removal but I don’t like the idea of increasing the gear gap. 5% is ignorable, more then 9 means you get into double digits and that draws people more then anything else. When you hit double digits there is a psychological tick in most people that says that the difference is significant, even when on the major stats on gear could go up by like only 5 or more points.
You could also look at it from a fraction point of view, what are you more likely to complain about a 1/20 difference or a 1/10? That can seem huge to some people.
I have an ascended sinister set, I tried out sinister at exotic and loved it and the reason I went to ascended was because I wanted my sinister set to be final. Not for numbers not for looks, but for the satisfaction that I have a final set of sinister. There wasn’t anywhere else to go, and it’s going to be the only ascended set I ever get but I have it. That is satisfying, that being said on a related note THERE IS NOT A SINISTER BACKPIECE WTF MAN.

EDITED - 2k SUBS! Q and A answers

in Necromancer

Posted by: MasterElements.5023


Do you find Terrormancer as underwhelming as people on this forum mention?

Dhummfire Terrormancer

in Necromancer

Posted by: MasterElements.5023


Biggest different I find with this build from the meta is the lack of proc’s. I didn’t like them, I want all of my tools at my finger tips, the only 2 skill proc’s are Last Grasp and Chill of Death. One is a minor trait and I have no choice and the other is just an awesome skill and no other traits made sense instead.

I change my build to this because I was dueling with a friend who had a d/d ele boon build, not the meta one, in zerker. He hits hard and had large amounts of sustain, I had not the pressure to really make him feel it and I couldn’t corrupted enough of his boons for long enough to kill him. Mind you this was before the stability change. So I went for dhummfire for more pressure and dropped the proc’s.

The build is super glassy, you do have high protection with the Last Grasp proc, spectral armor utility and Spectral Wall.

With the stability change I feel Terrormancers are going to be even more effective as people cannot be immune to it as much as they used to be.

Sinister Necro for WvW?

in Necromancer

Posted by: MasterElements.5023


If you are going to go sinister I suggest going Terrormancer, you back up your condi damage with your attacks actually doing damage. That being said, you are super glassy, I run my ascended sinister set with perplexity runes for the easy access to confusion. You life blasts will do around 2-2.5k on glassy people, which is enough to push people when you are also rolling 10+ bleeds on them and 1200 fear ticks.

AFK'ers in the Silverwastes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MasterElements.5023


If you are on a map that is a chest farm, jump into Spvp and jump out, hopefully you’ll jump maps. I personally don’t like the chest trains either but people do it and it ruins that instance so I simply leave. Or look on the lfg tool for a better instance.

AFK'ers in the Silverwastes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MasterElements.5023


Also what happens when THAT person dies, even with scaling 3 tergriffs and charge and perma-stun people dead, it’s happened to me lots. That being said I am a necro with low access to stability.

With less people comes more pressure to not kitten up and we play this game to get away from that kind of pressure from real life, or some of us do.

I’d recommend being a Zerker Necro with Staff and Axe/Wahorn or Dagger/Dagger. With our cripples, blinds, weakness, chills, and fears the Teragriff’s shouldn’t be an issue. Then of course we have Lich form which is full uptime of stability and the DPS output is very high. Also, get people to clear the Hidden Depths way point and use some scorps. They are very powerful with knock backs, stuns, and blinds.

Event scaling is supposed to take into account the actions of players. If a player takes no action toward an event, even if they are present, the event is supposed to remove them from scaling function. Perhaps the Dev’s should look at this to make certain it’s properly working in a timely manner.

I play as a Terrormancer, so I can handle tergriffs but it’s when one charges me and before I get up, another charges me. I am also in full sinister, and I totally get it I am glass as all H E double hockeystick. That being said I still get got, no one is perfect.

AFK'ers in the Silverwastes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MasterElements.5023


There’s a difference between being AFK at the pact base by the WP and being AFK at an event while scaling it up. I’m against the latter but not the former. From what I saw in this thread, people were primarily talking about the former.

Both, the people whom are at events and doing nothing but total donkey-holes, the people who are at the camp simply take up a spot I’d rather go to someone who would actively play the map. Does the latter group hurt us directly? No, but with the amount of them that there are it does make an impact on the map, if small.

AFK'ers in the Silverwastes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MasterElements.5023


I do silverwastes events and VW a lot. Probably more than I do anything else in game these days.

I do not understand the OP’s gripe at all. I really just don’t. Maybe I’m too typically concerned with making sure there are enough people doing the right things and then doing my own thing properly.

Maybe its not actually half the problem the OP seems to think it is.

I dunno. The worst I ever encounter is straggling guildmates not being able to get on a map when VW’s almost up becauses its full already.

I rarely see VW fail, and when I do, its because there weren’t enough people at all.

How exactly does one ‘go afk and leech’ anyway? If you don’t at least hit a few things or get hit by something, i.e – be present and participating to at least some minimal degree – you don’t get much by way of rewards.

I just dunno about this. I have the sneaking suspicion its bullpucky and the OP has woefully mistaken the cause of a problem that I, for one, just don’t see at all.

It very well be that I am blowing this out of proportion, that being said I seem to encounter this a lot. SO I made a post and opened a discussion. Am I alone in this? Am I being a little birch about it?

From what I’ve gathered so far it isn’t just me, but I’d need some hard numbers that I don’t know how to get to really answer whether or not it’s rampant. If possible I’d like something done, people standing at the event, smack the boss and then do nothing are annoying, and frustrating.

AFK'ers in the Silverwastes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MasterElements.5023


There’s this thing the Dev’s have called “event scaling”. If you couldn’t defend with 20, you were most likely going to fail with 30, 40, or even 50 too.

You are not being harmed in any way by those afk, those using the merchant, those going for a bio, those doing the living story, those doing the zone achievements, or those doing the JP. Don’t even begin to think the map is just for you and the events you want done.

20 people per fort would be awesome.
Scaling only does so much, if 2 people are at a fort it will scale to them. If one of them makes a mistake and dies that entire side is defenseless. Even if the other person notices and tries to come rez them they are still leaving a side defenseless. Also what happens when THAT person dies, even with scaling 3 tergriffs and charge and perma-stun people dead, it’s happened to me lots. That being said I am a necro with low access to stability.
With less people comes more pressure to not kitten up and we play this game to get away from that kind of pressure from real life, or some of us do.

A “real life emergency” is not a fake excuse, but it is very broad and should be, your kid needing something to drink because he is too small to do it himself counts as much as a knife wielding ex.
Those doing the living story will only be in the map for a few minutes and zone in and out often and will jump maps. Highly unlikely that they will stay on an active map instance for long.
Those going for a bio break are coming back.
Those doing map achievements or the Jumping Puzzle are still playing the map and I have no problem with them. While they are not helping defend a fort or anything they are still playing the map as was intended.

I also really like the idea of reducing the size of the map buffs to encourage more active participation. It is a way better idea then any of mine.

AFK'ers in the Silverwastes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MasterElements.5023


All of the SW events, including breach bosses, can be completed with a group of five players. I’ve actually defended a fort with two other people before. Those who AFK are not hurting you.

Not all players can defend a fort with 3 people, I am also finding that a majority of players are also ignorant of the breach/vinewrath boss mechanics. Also in order to do these events, with 5 people, you need to be organized. You are implying with your argument that all GW2 players are hardcore players. I can see hardcore, organized and intelligent players doing any boss, alone because they scale. I have not encountered a single premade Silverwaste group. Your argument doesn’t stand up to average circumstances, which is where I am arguing from.

AFK'ers in the Silverwastes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MasterElements.5023


I’ve had huge problems recently with the map being “full” but less then 20 people per fort. I am unsure of the max number of people per map but when you port back to Camp Resolve there are a lot of people there sitting and doing nothing.
Since Silverwastes is a more active map, in both events and population, can we get a shorter afk timer? Or maybe a way to report AFK people whom are simply sitting there and tapping the mouse once in a while until the major boss events? It is frustrating being one of maybe 10 people defending a fort. It’s hard and I wouldn’t mind letting people in who want to help but can’t because the map is “full”.
I will say that I am targeting the inactive people on the map and not the people whom get pulled away from their PC because of life reasons.

Sliverwastes assault vine spawn bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: MasterElements.5023


This happens when trying to do the rubble collection event after an assault to rebuild the walls. If there are not enough people doing the event, it fails and often, those giant vine things that pulse poison will spawn. Though, if you are standing directly on their spawn this happens:
I got stuck inside of the vine, and died, you can’t waypoint out, and as a necromancer I have no teleports.