Except for those that want to chase items with better stats.
But it’s all about you amirite?
“you dont need anything” gets thrown around frequently. Yea I can survive without skillbooks…fun times. Realistically players want at least COMPLETE characters.
My mind was set on just exploration, no needs. Thats new to me and I was willing to try it. I logged in and explored, careful not to die much, no wp, saving crafting mats for future crafting: because I dont need money amirite??The I saw someone give advice in mapchat: by level x u need x amount of gold for skillbook…
What the kitten?? I made some research and yes I will need TONS (for me it was tons) of money to complete my character. So the moneymaking was on, and my playstyle changed. I was probably supposed to stop the moneymaking after the skillbooks but it doesnt work like that: you cant give an exjunkie a party goodiebag and think its gonna be a one time trip.
Another thing: I quickly realised thar a chunk of early players have made insane amounts of money due to bugs and exploits and whatever that is not available anymore. You know those countries where people are told that they dont need wealth and luxury and yet theres a chunk of rich citizens: doesnt work too well does it…
What are you talking about…..seriously.
The trait books are like 2 gold or something for the highest tier trait book. You get that just from doing hearts as you’re leveling and collecting the money in your mail from completing the hearts.
All the bugs/glitches in Arah that make it bearable.
Honestly something I think would be awesome would be the ability to change our spell effects. Like having mesmer spells be blue or red instead of purple. I’d pay for that in a heartbeat.
Yeah so far the gem store is pretty meh.
I actually WANT to spend money on the game, I just haven’t found anything in the gem store worth buying outside of BLK’s on occasion.
The increase of the amount of accounts is not synonym to this game being destined to succeed.
The choices Anet is going to make for the coming months will weigh heavy in determining the game’s ultimate conclusion.Currently the game faces some detrimental gameplay. The classes are not properly balanced for sPvP and the amount of options for effective way of play for certain class es are severely limited. This leaves out an incredible amount of gameplay out of the game and this is AFTER 6 months from release. This is unacceptable for a popular and highly-populated game like GW2.
It will have negative consequences seeing how Anet has been way too slow fixing some game-breaking problems. People already have lost trust in the company.The only place you really see this kind of talk is the forum. After roughly 300 hours in game I can honestly say I’ve maybe seen people talk like this maybe once or twice, which leads me to believe that most people who are playing the game are enjoying it. And I like how you say 6 months after release as if that’s a long time for an MMO. This game has far more content and updates than most MMOs do six months after release.
How important were those content and general updates compared to sPvP balance, which still is not done properly and class balancing in both PvE and PvP. Six months is simply a little too long for these game-defining aspects.
It’s really not. Perhaps you don’t realize how hard it is balance content like that. It took YEARS for WoW to get class balance even remotely right, and even now there’s still issues with it. There are very FEW games where true “balance” exists, it’s just not something that is a quick process…..ever.
I mean do you think they don’t want to balance the classes or something? Anet wants the Spvp to become an Esport, and for that to happen balance has to exist. I would assume they are working on it so that this can happen, I just doubt it’s a quick process.
(edited by Mercucial.6759)
Of course this community is known for shutting its ears and eyes to criticism so their pursuit of continuous praise for this game can be justified. Ignorance is bliss.
This is the great contrast between the GW1 and GW2 community. The GW1 community talked and debated about issues on practically every GW1 forum. But I assume that because of the increase of children in GW2, the attitude of the GW2 community in general has regressed compared to that of GW1.
There’s a difference between complaining about valid issues and what the majority of this forum does. Any time a change is introduced the forum cries about how it’s unfair or not fun or what have you, instead of discussing ways to fix it or make things better. I know the game has issues, I never said it didn’t, but it’s by no means doomed.
The increase of the amount of accounts is not synonym to this game being destined to succeed.
The choices Anet is going to make for the coming months will weigh heavy in determining the game’s ultimate conclusion.Currently the game faces some detrimental gameplay. The classes are not properly balanced for sPvP and the amount of options for effective way of play for certain class es are severely limited. This leaves out an incredible amount of gameplay out of the game and this is AFTER 6 months from release. This is unacceptable for a popular and highly-populated game like GW2.
It will have negative consequences seeing how Anet has been way too slow fixing some game-breaking problems. People already have lost trust in the company.
The only place you really see this kind of talk is the forum. After roughly 300 hours in game I can honestly say I’ve maybe seen people talk like this maybe once or twice, which leads me to believe that most people who are playing the game are enjoying it. And I like how you say 6 months after release as if that’s a long time for an MMO. This game has far more content and updates than most MMOs do six months after release.
And there you have it.
Very active. There’s a small community on the forums that swears the game is doomed, but the number of accounts has actually gone up since the holiday season and a lot of servers still hit overflow during peak hours.
“Aside from managing to shift over 3 million copies in the six months since it launched, Johanson also informs me that Guild Wars 2 has bucked one of the main MMO trends by seeing player numbers continue to rise during what would usually be a post-launch slump. The six weeks following Christmas saw increasing numbers of people eager to explore the world of Tyria, making Guild Wars 2 one of very few MMOs to launch, settle into its core playerbase and then actually start to grow again (EVE Online would be perhaps the only other prominent example of this unusual trend).”
will they make us pay for expansions?
Some people are just so addicted to rare Internet pixels, that they’ll spend all their time, in a game they payed for, avoiding having fun to get them.
Annnnnddd that’s where your wrong.
To those people, chasing those pixels is fun. Who are you to judge?
Do you see a problem with it?
Do I see a problem with people playing the game how they want to play?
Not at all. The way they play the game has no bearing on how I play, so why would I?
Some people are just so addicted to rare Internet pixels, that they’ll spend all their time, in a game they payed for, avoiding having fun to get them.
Annnnnddd that’s where your wrong.
To those people, chasing those pixels is fun. Who are you to judge?
Instantly, your concept is flawed. You’re comparing a single player experience to an online MMO experience. Two completely different things with completely different mechanics. You can’t put a single player experience in an MMO, as it would never work.
In a single player game, they can do all that and make everything revolve around you and immerse you in everything perfectly. There is no competition, no balance needed, nothing. It is all about you and no one else.
But in an MMO, you have to set rules and requirements. There is millions of players at one time and they have to all be considered in everything. It doesn’t just revolve around you and balance is needed to keep everything in check for everyone.
You just can’t compare the two, sorry. They will never work together.
You are completely wrong. His comparison is entirely valid.
Early MMOs were endogenous in the way he describes, including GW1 (EQ1 was a perfect example of such). So your counter-argument ends there. His comparison is valid. That he chose Skyrim instead of EQ1 just helps more people to understand it.
You don’t have to agree with him on his preferences, but EQ1 and others show you have no point to make.
Neither of those games were even remotely as immersive as any good single player RPG. Not even close. And to say GW1 was an MMO is stretching it. By that logic Diablo 3 is also an MMO.
It’s funny because OP admits he’s fine with most of the HoM rewards…..just not the ones HE wants.
And that’s the problem with the large majority of this forum community.
Interesting article over at IGN. http://www.ign.com/articles/2013/03/07/how-guild-wars-2-plans-to-survive
Wanted to quote this part:
“The fact that such a gamble appears to have paid off not once but twice for ArenaNet is not something to be sniffed at. Aside from managing to shift over 3 million copies in the nine months since it launched, Johanson also informs me that Guild Wars 2 has bucked one of the main MMO trends by seeing player numbers continue to rise during what would usually be a post-launch slump. The six weeks following Christmas saw increasing numbers of people eager to explore the world of Tyria, making Guild Wars 2 one of very few MMOs to launch, settle into its core playerbase and then actually start to grow again (EVE Online would be perhaps the only other prominent example of this unusual trend).”
+1 OP, especially the dungeons. Dungeons require no skill, just memorization, like the highest level of Guitar Hero. I know games have been trying to pass memorization off as skill/fun for a long time now, but it’s really starting to grind my gears.
The OP said his group can’t even complete the easiest of dungeons in this game. Your post seems like you’re praising him for calling it easy.
Skill and Memorization are two different things. Just like PvP takes memorization of your own skills and other class abilities. To say that all dungeons take no skill is so silly. Even if you yourself find it extremely easy to do something in a hard dungeon, it’s still a skill.
AC Path 2 final boss for instance, you literally can’t kill him if you don’t have skills in coordination.
Dunno, I’ve done two dungeon runs and both of them seemed to be completely dependent on “Ok run past this guy into this corner until he loses aggro, run into this corner and dodge at the exact right time into this corner to avoid his aoe…oh you can’t go forward there you have to stop and do this from here and oh here’s this new mechanic that doesn’t exist anywhere else in the game oh and now you’re dead have fun laying there for 10 minutes”
That’s memorizing exactly where everything is and how to beat it. Not fun, not skill, memorization. Not to mention the rewards are completely cosmetic so there’s really no good reason to do it at all…though I do have to say I came out like 50s ahead the last time I did a dungeon run plus a lodestone of some kind that I’ll probably never use so I have that to sell. Still, making that 2g or whatever is more fun in the overworld.
You’ve done TWO dungeon runs, (I’m going to assume story mode aka easy mode), and somehow you know every dungeon in the game doesn’t take skill?
Lol k.
Horrible idea, say you are there first then mention in guild chat the maw is up but by the time the rest of your guild shows up they get put in overflow and you cant even do the event together?
That would kitten off alot of people if they couldnt even do world events with their freinds since you know the whole point of a MMO and group events is to you know…. do them as a group.
Which is something I mentioned in the original post. There could be a way to remedy this. Say if the guild group that wants to do it is large enough they could create their own instance of the boss. Not whenever they want of course, but it would spawn exactly the same as the boss does now.
I’m just throwing out ideas, there has to be something to fix the system as it is now. Or are you guys actually enjoying the larger world events?
I agree…to an extent.
The rewards are awesome for sure, more for everyone is always good in my opinion. I’m not one of those guys that feels only a few people should have access to awesome gear. BUT….
The events are just huge zerg fests now. I wish they could figure out a way to make them feel epic, instead of just auto attack and collect loot.
Right now world bosses are waaaaayyy too easy, simply because of the amount of people there are doing the events. The bosses simply can’t scale high enough to the number of people. You pretty much show up, autoattack, and collect your loot. There’s no challenge, and it’s really taking away from that epic feeling you should get after downing a huge awesome dragon.
Anyway I had an idea on how to help with this issue. Anet could figure out a number of people to max the boss out at, to where it’s challenging and actually requires some sort of effort to complete. Once that boss hits that number of people, whoever else shows up is put into a different instance of the same boss until that number is hit again and so on.
It’s kind of like the overflow except you’ll still be on YOUR server, just a different instance of it. The one major issue I could think of is people getting separated from friends, and I’m not sure how you would work around this, but currently the world events are just one boring zerg fest. Any other ideas?
Yes we should make changes in the game based around farming rather than fun, meaningful content.
It really has nothing to do with needing instant gratification, it’s the genre of game. MMOs, hell RPGS in general have always been about getting awesome stuff for your characters and beefing them up until they are absolute beasts. Also not to be an kitten but you would think someone of your age wouldn’t care so much about how OTHER people play the game. Why does it bother you so much?
This is not what RPGs used to be about. RPGs used to be about stories and solving puzzles. Go back to games like Baldur’s Gate. You tried to figure stuff out. Even later games like Dragon Age, I didn’t sit there trying to get the best loot. Or games like Skyrim.
All these RPGs have something in common. They’re more about exploring and experiencing than loot gathering. And they were all massively popular.
It’s MMOs that have made RPGs more about loot. I’ve been playing games for a long, long time, and I never remember gearing up being what any game was about until MMOs started becoming mainstream.
That is absolutely what RPGs were about.
If you never found better gear or leveled up your character you would never progress in an RPG. And Baldur’s Gate is a pretty poor example for you argument considering everything everywhere dropped loot lol.
(edited by Mercucial.6759)
It really has nothing to do with needing instant gratification, it’s the genre of game. MMOs, hell RPGS in general have always been about getting awesome stuff for your characters and beefing them up until they are absolute beasts. Also not to be an kitten but you would think someone of your age wouldn’t care so much about how OTHER people play the game. Why does it bother you so much?
And also Vayne, asking why someone wouldn’t work hard for anything in real life because getting stuff in a video game is easy is kind of silly. If a person can’t make that distinction they were probably not going to succeed in life anyway, whether or not they were used to video games giving them “instant gratification.”
(edited by Mercucial.6759)
Has Anet announced any plans for the ability to do a race change in the future?
Yep. I actually quit the game a while ago and was looking to come back with this patch. Then I saw how poorly the guild missions were implemented, and just laughed and shook my head.
It’s awesome that you’re adding so much content Anet, but perhaps you should slow down and really look at how you’re implementing it. I mean first the horrible horrible horrible system that was FoTM….and now this? I just don’t understand Anet’s logic.
Game is improving.
Population still falling, will stabilize somewhat below EVE Online’s.
Nice troll attempt 0/10
Population is still growing , servers are packed most people are upset they cannot join their servers in NA during prime time due to them being full. Big game patch tomorrow everyone is very excited as usual.
Huh? Not a troll at all…
See, EVE hit 450k subscribers whereas SWTOR, WH, and AoC fell to 100k-200k after initial sales in the 1-2m range. I rate GW2 as good enough game to do better than those three, so it will be keeping at least 200k active players. On the other hand it’s very clear it wont be able to keep 500k, in fact the number of active players is already below 500k most likely despite the most recent influx of new players caused by GW2 getting Time game of the year and Xmas.
What I said is a very safe bet and a commendation.
You should let me know the winning lottery numbers, considering you can accurately judge the number of people who will be playing a game that is barely 4 months into it’s life cycle.
I would ignore these forums for the most part, it’s filled with trolls and doomsayers. I have no problem getting a group for dungeons, even without using gw2lfg.com. I’ve also been leveling an alt, around lvl 20 right now and I run into plenty of people in lower level zones.
Also everyone saying “the population has dropped since release”….no kitten. Show me one MMO where the population didn’t drop a couple months after release. The population in Vanilla WoW even dropped for a bit until they started rolling out new content.
Yeah that’s the thing.
GW2 population dropped even further once they started rolling out new content lol.
Based on the numbers you got from…………?
Oh right, nowhere.
Yes the game has issues, but you’re def getting your 60 bucks worth. Lets see, most 60 dollar games you get anywhere from 6-10 hours not counting MP, and lets face it, unless it’s Halo, Call of Duty, Starcraft or something along those lines the MP doesn’t last long anyway. I’ve played about 300 hours of GW2, and many people are close to hitting the 1000 hour mark, and are still having fun.
(edited by Mercucial.6759)
Game is improving.
Population still falling, will stabilize somewhat below EVE Online’s.
Nice troll attempt 0/10
Population is still growing , servers are packed most people are upset they cannot join their servers in NA during prime time due to them being full. Big game patch tomorrow everyone is very excited as usual.
Huh? Not a troll at all…
See, EVE hit 450k subscribers whereas SWTOR, WH, and AoC fell to 100k-200k after initial sales in the 1-2m range. I rate GW2 as good enough game to do better than those three, so it will be keeping at least 200k active players. On the other hand it’s very clear it wont be able to keep 500k, in fact the number of active players is already below 500k most likely despite the most recent influx of new players caused by GW2 getting Time game of the year and Xmas.
What I said is a very safe bet and a commendation.
You should let me know the winning lottery numbers, considering you can accurately judge the number of people who will be playing a game that is barely 4 months into it’s life cycle.
I would ignore these forums for the most part, it’s filled with trolls and doomsayers. I have no problem getting a group for dungeons, even without using gw2lfg.com. I’ve also been leveling an alt, around lvl 20 right now and I run into plenty of people in lower level zones.
Also everyone saying “the population has dropped since release”….no kitten. Show me one MMO where the population didn’t drop a couple months after release. The population in Vanilla WoW even dropped for a bit until they started rolling out new content.
(edited by Mercucial.6759)
But everyone on the forums will tell you the game is dying.
Great example of why the community on these forums is downright horrid.
OP offers solid advice as to making money, instead of taking said advice and trying it community cries about everything and attacks OP.
Well played.
It’s still a MMO so nope.
Just buy Torchlight 2 instead. Endless entertainment for less than half the price.
Lol what?
Talk about repetitive.
Honestly making all of the dungeon exotics obtainable by using either Karma or Tokens is a pretty good idea…….
One of the funniest things I’ve read in a while.
Although as you can tell the community has gotten pretty bad, mostly on the forums though. The in game community is still pretty nice and helpful, at least on my server.
Ascended gear?
Well, are dungeons still broken hard? Last I checked, monsters 2 shot you and there is no tank or healer class. Did they rebalance dungeons yet?
They didn’t really rebalance dungeons but people are more familiar with the mechanics and for the most part explorable modes are pretty easy with people who know the fights. There are still some paths people don’t run because it’s just not worth the time and effort compared to the reward you get.
Just play the game and if you still don’t like it oh well. They plan on adding content on a monthly basis so just come back and check sometime later.
Also this link has a quick explanation of ascended gear. http://www.curse.com/news/guild-wars-2/46999-guild-wars-2s-the-lost-shores-ascended-gear
For me the fotm dungeons are some of the most fun dungeons I’ve played in an MMO yet. There’s still some issues but for the most part they are pretty enjoyable.
(edited by Mercucial.6759)
Ummm they added ascended gear which has higher stats than exotics.
Sooooooo yeah they did.
You mean ascended rings and back pieces which are really only beneficial if your gonna grind fractals dungeon over and over which is mind numbing and dumb as hell. Also non rewarding, you get gold for doing fotm but whats there to do with the gold then? Nothing
Lol ok so don’t play? What’s the issue.
Ummm they added ascended gear which has higher stats than exotics.
Sooooooo yeah they did.
The game is far from dead most servers are full and I regularly get put in overflow, and I’ve been leveling an alt and I run into a kittenload of people in lower level zones. If you’re into the whole gear treadmill you can run fractals which are basically mini dungeons that get harder each level you go up and they also eventually give ascended gear which is currently the highest stat gear in the game.
But if you’re bored with the game go play something else. You can always come back and check a couple months from now if they’ve added something you like.
(edited by Mercucial.6759)
Lol why mention HKO?
Like that gives you any kind of credibility. Just wondering tbh.
Being “afk” is always cheating, then?
What level 5 zone are you going to that has anything even remotely worth it for a level 80?
All of them, it’s called playing with a friend. The way this game was designed (unless they are going back on that to) was for true down-scaling, one big reason was to sidekick with others, but we are too strong and it takes away from the friends enjoyment. It’s so simple. This was something that was different vs other mmo’s. It’s not supposed to be a face-roll, it’s not supposed to make you feel like you are getting stronger. It was to allow you to play all content in the game at any point and you have a leveled challenge. It’s so very simple, wanting it where you are mighty is lazy on our behalf, it wasn’t supposed to be like that.
You totally missed the point.
I get your point, but looked at is a narrow. The reason I would go back would be to play with a friend. Nothing to do about farming for better stuff for my 80, yes people like me do exist.
So then play an alt……
What level 5 zone are you going to that has anything even remotely worth it for a level 80?
All of them, it’s called playing with a friend. The way this game was designed (unless they are going back on that to) was for true down-scaling, one big reason was to sidekick with others, but we are too strong and it takes away from the friends enjoyment. It’s so simple. This was something that was different vs other mmo’s. It’s not supposed to be a face-roll, it’s not supposed to make you feel like you are getting stronger. It was to allow you to play all content in the game at any point and you have a leveled challenge. It’s so very simple, wanting it where you are mighty is lazy on our behalf, it wasn’t supposed to be like that.
You totally missed the point.
IMO the game is not dying at all.
Most people are 80 by now and are either running fractals or explorables for their exotic gear. This happens in every MMO, and the lower level zones end up a lot emptier. I’ve been going back and helping friends level, and IMO it’s much more fun now that the events aren’t cluttered up by 1000 people. Usually events have 5-10 people, and they actually feel like you have to try to complete them now.
What level 5 zone are you going to that has anything even remotely worth it for a level 80?
Queensdale. Plains of Ashford. Metrica Province. Caledon Forest. Wayfarer Foothills. Pick one.
I’ve been going back through the zones I’ve missed for 100% completion, and the best thing I’ve gotten from a newbie zone so far is a Large Skull.
So yeah…..
Downscale more? Then whats the point of getting better gear?
In this game, the point of getting better gear is to survive tougher challenges as your level increases and thus gain access to more areas of the game to play in. It is not so you can more easily lay waste to the opponents that are lower level than you. Games like World of Warcraft may be more in line with your expectations if you were hoping for the latter.
I thought we were all aware that GW2 was supposed to depend more on skill than gear, but I guess that memo didn’t get out everywhere.
A level 5 character fighting level 5 content has to work hard to earn rewards appropriate for his true level. That’s the concept of risk versus reward at work. And the whole reason you, as a level 80, can go back to a level 5 encounter and earn rewards appropriate for your true level is because (in theory) down-scaling maintains the precious balance of risk versus reward. In reality, that balance looks very much out of whack when you’re both earning rewards appropriate for your level, but the level 5 characters fights for his life to do so and his scaled down level 80 companion is two-shotting those same opponents.
To suggest that’s fine is ridiculous.
What level 5 zone are you going to that has anything even remotely worth it for a level 80?
If you’re on Sorrow’s Furnace you can join our guild Emotional Lollercoaster.
We do lots of guild stuff and we regularly help out low level players by either leveling alts with them or just going back and helping them. Plus you’ll learn a lot about the game just from being in guild chat since we have quite a few experienced players.
But what I would do is find a couple people that you see around often, that may be leveling at the same pace as you and add them to your friends. That’s what I did, whenever I did events or dungeons I sent out mass friend requests. Easy way to have lots of people to play with.
IMO adding more stat combinations rather than higher stats in general would make builds more interesting.
I do like Ascended gear though.
Lol @ title. Seriously.
Like every video game forum this place is filled with doom and gloom.
Form your own opinion and ignore most of these guys. It’s a great MMO that’s a blast to play with friends.
Because you have no patience.