Showing Posts For Mutaatti.2789:
- I realized I should have used my gf’s alt account just to prevent myself from playing more games once reaching my desired rank. I realize that now.
:) Hopefully everyone would realize this.
Got confused with all the buffs/debuffs… Just make it simple 5 point from kill, 150 points from flag and 10 min/match time. And yes flagcarrier couldnt be stealthed/invul/teleport, but could use other skills and has -50% speed and swift doesnt work when carrying.
Flag dropped instantly when downed, but couldnt be returned in 5 secs so someone else can grab it.
As for your other points. ESL doesn’t matter to the queuing population.
Sorry, but you are SO WRONG. I dont know much about MMO gaming but I do know about marketing and social trends.
I’ll give you an example. Our little northern country and it’s people didnt even know what snooker was. Then one player from our country did get to Masters, and Eurosport started to show snooker for free in TV. I havent ever seen so many players buying cues and wanting to learn that game. In my town there was 2 new snooker halls opened just for that. Ofc hype wore out after a year, but still… Dont underestimate the power of pros.
ESL was what did bring me to GW2 PvP. Watching those players compete in worldchampionsip was getting me excited, that maybe I could be there one day. Now thats gone and this game is just another MMO. Just casual fun with friends… Oh wait.. PvP isnt.
I regret I didnt login with every account I have and voted no. Gave only 1 vote for the teamQ. It wad stupid idea and never worked in a teamgame, so soloQ should be removed soon.
Dont queue at nights. I dropped from plat to gold because I got paired with silver and bronze players. I got +3 for win and lost -22 for loss!! Hilarious.
Send the thief far or mid, never home.
Go Mid, blast someone into the downstate (or impact strike) Target and disengage, take the long way to far, IF it’s foefire there home defender is cresting the slope close to mid, (he won’t turn around if he’s smart), you get a decap while your team is fighting 4vs4 on mid. If your team is tanky you get a 3 cap. that’s about 150 point lead by the time there off re spawn.
Now it’s possible to send the thief home on maps like SKyhammer, Temple and Khlyo. but that is entirely do to map size / layout. and it’s still a horrible idea.
Just ask thief to reroll. Ggwp ez match and 90% guaranteed win if enemy has thief. Dont tell to Sind.
While trying to click “sort by category” in PvP build panel, game client insta crashes. Some other crashes too.
in my guild we have created some pvp teams, mostly to have some fun and introduce new commers to pvp. monday is dedicated to pvp, so I don’t play ranked on Monday cos we are only allowed in unranked… but… rest of the days we meet anyway on discord and do some matches, since we are allways more than 2.. guess what? We play unranked
And to be honest I find unranked matches more fun to play (but that’s maybe because I’m playing a casual game with my mates)
solo/duo queue was the worst decision taken by anet for long time. worst than this broken leaderboard/point/placement system.
yeah,Unranked is fine and all. But I want to progress,as well as some friends of mine and it’s annoying that we can’t play together in ranked Q. We are playing pvp to get better,climb up and have fun.
Unranked Q is just fun.
I know mate, I also prefer ranked over unranked. But I gave up asking to bring back 5 man Q.
GW2 is not my full time job, I play to spend time with my friends, if I can’t do it in ranked I will do it in unranked.
I will not go ranked alone if I can have a good time in unranked with 4 or 5 friends. Thats it.
I have my achievs, my wings, my title… there is not enough reasons to make me think other way.
This. Anet needs to read this! It’s exactly the reason for players to leave PvP! Okay there’s also hardcore PvP players who were after the money. But that gone, why not focus on giving players what they want? Good time with friends! No one of my friends want to play PvP anymore because of duoQ. We were playing every day on S1 to S4. Then… Boom! You know what happened. They all still play PvE and WvW couple times of week. But not as often as they used to.
pvp isnt fun anymore. And thats what this game should be. Social fun game!
:’D That shouldnt happen EVER! Minimum should be +1/-1 but nevet 0!!!! Who wants to play PvP (even if legendary vs bronze) if you cant progress? What if they lost that match? Atleast -30 points.
Gg Anet. Keep your kitten game. ^^
:’D These posts make smile every time. Yes. Condi thief is one of most annoying builds to fight against. But like warrior, they need to be in close range in order to their attacks to work.
And when I fight against them as druid, I dont attack them at all. Just use condi cleanse and dodge, and when they run out of endurance, burst them down or make them run.
Ofc if your internet is laggy, it’s hard to see when to burst them.
There’s only one “op” condi class, and thats mesmer due to their Moa elite.
Remove elites from pvp then balance from there -_-’
Or rather give ALL elite specs atleast 90 secs CD…
no thanks…. don’t want to see shooutbow war, cleric/cele ele, Mercenary Necro/Mes back again.
yeah no thanks.
As i suggested, add all amulets and class restriction to ranked! I want to see those wacky builds and some bunker others than ele, and seeing how ppl would learn to play other than just “whackwhack, Im power warrior/necro/DH/scrapper!”
Only amulet that wouldnt be added back would be celestial because one class shouldnt be able to do everything.
No. That would be bad idea because then you would have to see what amulets are most used, so if one amulet (except celestial, which would be banned) is most used, those ppl wouldnt get in the match ever. And there isnt one amulet which would be OP in every class.
So rather than that, just bring back amulets and restrict only one of each class that could be in team. So if you queue as DH or warrior (my opinion most used classes) you would see your average Qtime would be 10 mins, because so many queues as that class. The second you switch to mesmer or necro you would see average Qtime to drop to 3 minutes.
And if you queue as marauder DH with LB, you could still switch to tankier amulet and mace/shield etc. if thats what your team needs.
Only thing that devs would need to do is some kind of timer or queue indicator to show how long Qtimes would be with every class.
Yes! +1. Enough of your “competitive” PvP bs. It’s time to go crazy and bring amulets and runes/sigils you have deleted from PvP back to the game!
Atleast it would be fun! Then just add class stacking restriction to teams so if warrior is little OP, there wouldnt be atleast more than 1 in each team! That would be fun! I have had enough of this 8 piece meta where you cant really carry your team without HoT specs.
Or add them to unranked and see if any class is OP, and if not, add them to ranked too!
Fun fun fun! I didnt have any problems from S1-S5 metas, but from S4 to S6 its been pretty same boring gameplay. Except for necro and warrior.
People don’t care about “competition” anymore. Those guys will leave this game anyways. Rest just wants to have some fun while playing.
top #4 in EU plays warrior. Have been in a match against him and he’s unkillable. No matter how good you are with your class 1v1 he can outrotate you. So please Anet, care to take care of current meta warrior? It’s little too powerful for any other class to take 1v1
Be thankful you placed that high, a lot of people with 7-3 or 6-4 like you but placed bottom bronze or silver, seen threads/scores like yours and left the game.
Thats because their rating last season was garbage. Either way, shouldn’t take too long progressing up to atleast plat 1 (which is where you’re starting to face decent players in the first place).
The elo-hell isn’t real. If you can’t carry your weight of of bronze, that’s where you belong.
I want to say one thing only. In bronze, you dont carry your weight. You carry atleast two players weight. Because even if u won all 1v1s and hold cap whole time while fighting, it isnt enough for your team to win.
So you have to be in teamfights and win those, in order to carry your team.
Allow teamqueue. End of discussion. Then there will form teams, PvP guilds and competitive gameplay on itself.
Or lege/platinum div players play with alt accounts now, waiting for the end of season before switching back to main account.
1 million charrs! People should understand that matchmaking isnt something that can be done well in 1 second. Try to play chess against computer, where computer has only 1 sec per move time to think versus you thinking 1 minute. (If you lose that, then dont play chess.)
I’m so tired of people wanting soloQ and doesnt care about class stacking. So they dont care about decent PvP. I really dont know what they care about. But PvP (conquest as it is now) should be about teamplaying.
I lose more matches than I win, because each time I get on a team that has better chances to win class-wise, someone (or several players) on the other team re-log into the match with a different class, hence making it unbalanced and bound to lose.
- Remove the option to re-log, it’s making matches even more unbalanced than they already are (see #2).
- Find better balanced matches in regard of classes being put in one team. Often, it’s insanely unbalanced.
And no, I do not want to re-log into a match with a diffrent class myself, because I don’t want to be forced to practice each class to perfection in order to be able to play sPvP with any class currently required, only because the system is broken.
Been stating this like all the time.
I am in the top 200 and the vast majority of my games that involve swapping classes we lose. I can only hope they prevent swapping in the future, but people voted against it so I doubt it.
I’ve also been told that swapping is more often in the higher tiers of PvP, but I don’t see the same results.
Do you know why ppl voted no? Because they want to do legendary backpack! It has nothing to do with actual PvP to vote no.
“But that wont solve balance issues.” Ofc not. But thats a one step towards it. Once class MMR would been added, devs could have focused to balance and implying a list of most played classes so players could see whats most played classes and whats not. Matchmaker would firstly try to make non-stacked teams, and if failed could wider the range so that team could have 2 of same class. If player pool was very low (night time) there could be team with 3 of same class, but thats only rare moments.
“Queuetimes would be 1 hour long.” see above. I highly doubt they would. Only if you are playing on times when there isnt players and even then only if 50% of players played the same class. I have seen top 20 players on enemy team last season on nighttime while I was gold div. So… MM could seek players out of your division anyways.
And getting that legendary backpack would be easier! Think about it. class MMR. You havent ever played revenant? Dont worry! Matchmaking would put you in match with people who are not familiar with their classes either! PvE players should be happy about this. And you wouldnt need to go unranked to practice for hours because of this.
Sindrenerr (and every other legendary player) has already left this game. They might come back to check whats going on once in a while but they all moved to more rewarding games.
Same goes to me. Today was in a match, winning, random server disconnection, got back to match, we won, lost rating and got 1 hour dishonor. This season have had a lot of disconnections/server crashes. So I dont want to waste time anymore on this game that has no rewards whatsoever.
Should I chase for #1 leaderboard place? For what? A title? please… Who even reads those or cares about them? The moment you deleted teamQ, there hasn’t been any competitive playing in PvP. Why? Because it’s teambased game mode where teams are banned!
Same as you would play hockey with teams randomly picked from 5 different countries? First the idea seemed like fun, but then you realize that there’s no teamplay or strategic learning, because all you have to care about is yourself!
Human nature is selfish, but when put in to team or community, we need to get other peoples approval, so we tend to think about other people too.
Every legendary player knows, that if you want to climb up leaderboard, you have to have a good and reliable team. But what to do when you cant form a team? You pick whats allowed. DuoQ. So they duoQ with their friends, and nothing else.
So Anet you want to kill PvP? Make it pure soloQ and let the community to turn against each other.
Have fun all you still playing this game! Im out! o/
(edited by Mutaatti.2789)
Nice job Anet! I was in a PvP match, waiting for players to get ready (so that 1.5 mins were ticking) when I got dced, got message that lost connection to servers, try again. Clicked SAME CHARACTER and got back to Heart of the Mists in 10 seconds, but not to match. Tried to log out and back in, still got thrown to Mists and here’s a photo!
SoloQ is trash. I dont want to be thrown in a match with some 12 year old german boy and 35 year old french guy who doesnt speak a word of english.
DuoQ is trash. Because you still have 3 ppl who are selected randomly. Ofc good players can carry those players. But not everyone. And you say “well you belong to that div then” okay what if Im legendary? You say I belong to legendary but cant carry my teammates because of duoQ? so whats next? There isnt anything to do when u reach legendary! Theres no point for casual legendary players to try to take #1 spot! Because u wont keep up with those 2 who shall not be named and always duoQs.
This! Please make it so you can get those dailies only from unranked (if you need to keep them…) or switch them to something else! No more ranger daily where my team has 4 rangers and 1 DH and cant do a kitten because of it’s DAILIES!!! (in ranked)
Agreed. And if Anet wont fix matchmaking system, duoQs can manipulate matches because of average mmr of 2 players.
Getting those legendary duos to be matched against gold players isnt educational, fun or rewarding.
I have duoQed too with my friends a lot, but I don’t think it’s a good idea for accurate ratings. Highly skilled friend could easily carry me and I could carry lower rating friends, so their or mine rating wouldnt be accurate.
So, please Anet, let’s try next season PURE SOLOQ, and if it doesn’t work, you can come back to duoQ or even teamQ.
When u hear stories of gold tier 3 players bieng matched up with legendary duo queus some even bieng esl players. then this is a problem that deserves to be adressed and critisiced. U OP shouldn’t condone such imbalanced matches. Just because players do not want to get farmed by duo queu legendaries, doesn’t mean that they are wusses that do not wish to be challenged? What is wrong with having an league in which u progress and then progressively the stakes get higher. U do realise that bieng challenged is dependent on who u fight and what your relative skill level is OP? A high tier bronze player might feel as if he’s challenging an awsome Silver tier 1 god etc.
This is a gross generalisation on your part OP.
edit: ofcourse one shouldn’t afk ever.
Me facing legendary players at ~1500 rating, really isn’t inspiring. Did I afk? No. Did I try like 100% to beat them? Ofc no, because teams were so unbalanced.
So to OP, yes I want challenge, once my skill level is even half of theirs, and teams are balanced. Until then, IT’S MATCHMAKING PROBLEM!
The number of Legendary players is little … so when people have to wait until 10 players of >2000 rating are online or queuing -> the que-time explode … or you have every time the same player matchups.
The system tries to create (viable) games for everyone. You get matched with ‘famous’ legendary or against ‘famous’ legendary players. Of course it is not balanced when facing premades, but the problem of the system is not the matchmaking it’s more the Placementmachtes.
I started in mid gold around 1450 … played about 220 games in the gap between 1360 and ~1530. After that i managed to improve my rotation decisions and mesmer mechanics and i started a ~80% winratio till my current rating of 1725.
I recognized that matches get pretty easy after ~1650. Probably there are still a lot average players in platin left that somehow get there and stay caused by legendary duo’s in their team. Almost all my games from 1360 to 1650 were pretty close … 4xx : 500. After entering platin i get more unbalanced games and still wondering how bad some people play their class or rotate.
To make it fair, Anet just has to improve matchmaker so that it tries to find balanced teams first, even if that means 15-20 min queue times. That should be fine to anyone who wants matches to be fair.
And stop that duoQ average rating BS. We all saw in season 1 how that ended up…. Now it’s time to improve matchmaking so people dont end up in matches where you have plat, gold, 2 silvers and bronze in same team.
If free to play player is in platinum, then he has the skills to be in platinum. Dont blame others for your loss or lack of skills.
Quoted for truth.
Dude stop complaining about legendary players, i would be happy if i could get to play against a legendary player, not only bronz, silver, gold….The only way to improve is to play better players as offten as you can. Sure it might not be fair in some way since they are using lower ranking players or alt acc to get up the leaderboard faster but i would kill if i could play with or against a legendary players.
Dude, if you want to play against them, doesn’t mean everyone wants to play against them. I’m talking about common flaw of matchmaking! Ofc it would be nice to play against those legendary players, in UNRANKED. And you can go to 1v1 arena to learn from better players.
All that has nothing to do with ranked and how rating system should work.
And vice versa… most Legendary players dont want gold div players to mess in their matches.
Legendary players (even if duoQing) should not EVER get matched against gold or lower level players. period.
So how do you know in your team noone had 1800+ rating? And I suppose you know the enemy team’s MMR too and you are basing your assumptions on that.
Higher tier players also have to be matched with players, you can’t always make teams with 10 players of equal rating.
My guess is that either your team had higher rating players, or the enemy team had multiple lower rating ones. Teams are evened out.
Also people seem to go crazy when they have to play against 1 or 2 higher tier players, you can imprive with that, not by bashing scrubs.
Also, MMR does not equal rating still.
Teams should always be made ~300 rating points of players.
So you are saying matching legendary players against gold players improves those lege players, instead of smashing other lege players? seems legit…
I want to be matched against lege players. Once Im T2 platinum or higher! just like previous seasons rubies would been matched against leges. It isnt fun for anyone!
Okay! So today had another match! Against legendary player who is on my friendlist. His rating was before match 1990, mine was 1595. All players were soloQ. Our team didnt have anyone +1800 rating. Matchmaking is broken! Anet please answer, and I can post pictures or details of match and you’ll see that match shouldnt ever happen with your system!
Hello! I was just wondering if you, Anet are going to do something about duoteams?
I had match today against legendary player rating 2000+ (Denial) which duoQed with platinum player. I myself was just dropped to 1640 rating, so T3 Gold. Our team had 1 legendary player (rating ~1950) which duoQed too with lower rating friend.
So why is this possible? And it happened at 21 GMT, so “primetime”.
I know now that duoQ mmr is average of those 2 players, but still… That’s just stupid! Why on earth do you want to legendary players take advantage of this and duoQ with other legendary player with alternative account that has low rating?
Maybe make it so that if there’s more than 300 difference in rating you can’t duoQ? Or something. Suggestions?
Have a photo as evidence from match, but its on my pc and cant post names so pretty useless here…
I find DHs Test of Faith problematic, because it is instant, gives protection, deals dmg when triggered AND when u cross (are pushed/pulled) the edge. It shouldnt be all of that. Either nerf dmg or make it have cast time. Problem solved.
1 and 2 is true, but 3 shouldnt happen. Even if you lose 500-499 you should lose same amount of points than losing 500-0.
They should make it so that if you lose 450-500 etc losing team would lose less rating. so if score is 480-420 and theres still time losing team would push for last points for not losing as much rating. 50 points should be max score difference between teams for losing only half of meant rating.
Yannir, point was that it shouldn’t be possible to climb to ranking #1-50 with only first 10 placement matches with alt/new accounts.
Yep. All they really had to do was giving 1400 rating to new players, and then 10 first games gives you +30 on winning or -30 on loss. After that grind begins… And rating wouldnt “soft” reset at start of every season!
If only 20-30 ppl should belong to legendary, that means that even all ESL players shouldn’t be there. And I would love to practice with those legendary players, letting them teach rotations, knowing could I 1v1 them, could I sustain long enough… But all is vain. You can watch hours and hours of videos how they play. That won’t make you better player.
So just sit back, relax and let those TOP 50 players fight each other their meaningless matches. They are already in lehendary. They don’t have any goals to achieve anymore.
I heard MMR was reset for this season.
For reference, see this.
Reddit – My Friend Who Is New To PVP Got Placed In Top 100It was soft reset not a full reset so everyone was put within a range of +/- 1200
No they wasn’t. Or do you mean with +- you mean 1000? Because after 10 first matches (7 wins on me) I got rating 1347 while couple players got +1900 rating with 9 wins, so thats not “soft reset” or reset at all. Im thinking if any of ESL players lost all 10 matches they still got over 1900 rating at start. So Anet did this system all wrong. They should gave all players new rating ~1500 and then those 10 matches should have implement how your rating would have gone from there.
If you had 5W 5L, you would had 1500 rating, if you won all 10, you had ~2000 rating and if you lost all you had ~ 1000 rating. And then your rating would go up or down after you play. To set where you belong. Not everyone deserves to be legendary, but what if one player has what it takes to be legendary, but his teammates has to be carried in order to that one player to get to legendary? That’s not fair either. Even ESL players cant carry 100% of the time.
Your MMR a.k.a. Skill Rating has been set already from last seasons. If you are new player, You don’t have rating set to your account yet.
Us others, too bad you are stuck! Because I get 10 points from win, meaning I need to win 50 games in a row to get to legendary, while some players played 10 games, won 9 of them and got to lege….
My MMR is around 1500, so I can climb from there only by grinding hours and hours (WAIT! Didn’t players want to get rid of it?)
Only option is to do new account, grind to lvl 20, going to ranked, win those 10 games and vòila! You are legendary. Good job! Now you just play dailies and leave PvP for good. Try it. I guarantee you don’t have to play for hours just to catch your friends rating.
Everyone got a rating reset, at least wait until you place.
WAIT! So 7 wins 3 losses making 1350 rating, while 9 wins 1 loss makes 2050 rating??? makes sense Evan… and no, it’s not rating reset if your previous MMR affects your rating with this new system. Good job. You got another player moving to WvW from PvP.
I thought too I would not play WvW this week because of first day was hell after new matchmaking… and even that our server is at last place atm, and we try to avoid Gandara (EU) blobs that run everywhere, we had good time today teasing them and our other opponent at BLs and even in EB.
Gandara blobs everywhere, and we are outnumbered everywhere most of the day but we sneaked and got our tick running. And thanks for bad matchmaking they were just trying to find big fights, (bored to trying to take keeps) so we splitted and took towers and keeps many times because they were still running as one blob whole time.
- Battle for Champion’s Dusk (Stronghold) will be removed from Ranked Arena.
Took you long enough, but it’s a really good change.
I don’t understand how the stronghold affected your life? Jealous to people who got to legendary only playing stronghold?
We should encourage Anet to make more game modes to PvP, not removing them. If we had 3 game modes and upcoming solo/duo queue, we could get a vote system for gamemode and then game picked randomly the map. That should be the goal to get PvP better again. Enough with this “e-sports conquest” already. Those gamers should have a little changing on their gameplaying too if they would need to practice 3 game modes and new strategies/team compositions.
Now most of the population leaves, some come back for HoT with expectations of seasons which is funny since you can get legendary from twiddling your thumbs. But we’re now left with solo players who either can’t form a team, don’t want to join one, or would prefer to play solo anyways.
Know what’s the best game type for solo players? kittening balanced 1v1s.
1 MILLION charrs singing hallelujah!
bug at renown heart event Disrupt nightmare court at briarthorn den. Cannot get the disguise or enter the area for heart event. after short video displayed when finished talking Alaris, I’m getting back next to Alaris and dont have disguise on me.
The different base HPs are a part of the balance.
But why does ranger and engineer has same HP? Has this been changed in the past or what? (I’m new to GW)
I don’t think it’s good idea to give either one 19K HP, but what if buffing ranger dmg and dropping their HP to 11K and raising thieves HP to 15K? or drop engi sustain a bit (yes, little more once again) and giving them 19K health pool?
I’m just playing around with ideas now.
Time to get the popcorn ready for this drama
Michael Jackson wants them back, you sneaky thief!
Why isn’t poll working for me? it directs me to page…