I thought it was said the world is to be living, so changes such as this should come. It’s been 3 years since launch, don’t think Anet should be holding back for new possible players. After 3 years if the core game hasn’t appealed to you, you might not ever play with exceptions of new expansions.
Thanks Jaxom, shortly after making the latest post I thought perhaps it’s too soon. As for the lifting can’t help it I’m a steal worker lol.
Wow, really? 407 views one reply. Thanks for all the help community. I don’t mean to sound sore but I guess I expected more being Gw2 community is said to be resourceful and friendly.
Ty to the one person who tried to help I’ll look into it. ????
Hey all, I have to be honest here.. I have no clue as to how to make builds. I play one character my Guard in PVE. I was using the meta cookie cutter build for GS- scepter/focus. Wich took me awhile to learn. Now I have no clue what to do. I feel like I have to relearn everything and as a casual gamer with little time to play(single father). I don’t like the slow speed of hammer nor do I like any other weapon. I finally got the GS I like and don’t wanna farm/buy something else. Can I please get a little help in a viable GS build? Without one I’ll quickly lose interest in the game and stop playing wich will suck for me a great deal as I have pre purchased HoT. Ty for any help in advance!
I would take a stab at how many hours logged and Gems purchased!
It kind of seems you Have to,if you want to continue where LS left off. Otherwise it seems you will be left in the dust.
A better question is..Will you need to purchase HoT to continue the LS? This alone can ruin peoples experience of the Game if they can not afford such an expansion.
Is it just me or does anyone else,log in and think what to do? Then shortly there after not find anything of real interest and log right back off, or do you already have a plan before logging in?
I can’t seem to find anything anymore aside from when the game was new to draw my attention(excitement of playing GW1 is to blame). I remember back with Guild Wars 1 every expansion, every special event grabbed me and made me want to play. So much so I would call off work just to play!
Im currently 14 AP’s from 9k although i never cared to seek out AP’s. I’m like why bother…
I should add here other then the LS patches,which happen to be the only thing i log in for cause I honestly do want to like and play the game! So for that reason I bare it and try and follow the story,but their are so many arc’s to it i forget one from the next because they are so far and inbetween each other.
(edited by NYG.2568)
I dont know about anyone else, but for me when a cutscene begins..you hear a character talking and you think the next person talks but doesnt making you read the text but by the time you realise you only read half the text before its removed and then somone starts speaking so you listen then the same character that didnt speak just before starts speaking so you listen. It cuts in and out so much it makes it hard to follow the conversation. Its like you hear every other line spoken..is this really quality checked before release? I mean if your gonna have scenes voice acted it should flow like a natural conversation. Its kinda of like trying to follow a conversation while someones driving through a bad cell area and you only can follow parts of what theyve said.
I currently have just over 700g . I have the armor and weapons I want thus far, so what I do with it is let it sit in my bank collecting dust.
I think by now the majority of vet players have learned, to not get over hyped about anything Anet says/does. At least I know after 2 years to take everything with a grain of salt. I know in my posts I always come off negative, but believe me it’s of total frustration not trolling. I do love the game. It’s beautiful and full of potential , but that’s the best I can say about it after 2 years in.
We all know about its problems since launch. How they have added other “fixes” before fixing what was already broke. With each new fix something else that worked gets broke.
The not listening to the player base and complete silence. All the new gem store items for cash. The bite size done in 30 minutes Living Story episodes(never has lived up to every 2 weeks btw), and so much more.
Where they had so much right in GW1 and equal amount wrong in Gw2. Yes they wanted to make a new game but did they have to go so far left? I guess being a GW1 player Gw1 Anet fan I’m disappointed and quite confused with the direction. So much so I don’t even have any urge to log in. For what I have done everything the games has to offer. With the exception of getting a legendary as I find them not so legendary. I would rather have my Voltaic Spear back ,I know it’s legend. That’s what I thought the HoM was going to be about. I believe it is said somewhere that you’d could use things from your past . Need to look that one up. I dunno just my 2 cents…Simply put I just want to be a fan again. ..
As far as popularity measuring goes. I wonder if it has anything to do with it being lighter on the wallet rather then being popular for the actual games play/content. For example: brand name product $5.00 similar off brand $2.50. Does it make the off brand more popular or cost effective?
(edited by NYG.2568)
I got new for all of you, unless something drastic changes, you’ll probably see the other 4 dragons before you see either Cantha or Elona, if you ever see them again(unless maybe GW3 and GW4). As for the Deep Sea Dragon, it’s location is already in the existing Tyrian world, just look at the bottom left corner(aka SouthWestern portion) of the main map below the ring of fire…that sea is where the deep sea dragon resides.
Are you saying none of the elder dragons can be in either Elona or Cantha?
I just can’t play this game until something interesting happens. Every time I check for new content it’s “Buy this new ….. in the gem store!”
I mean god just release an expansion and let people choose what and when they want to explore. Heck, how long ago did Blizzard release the Burning Crusade? Do you seriously think every player has visited every corner of out land yet? No.
this + infinity
If Anet don’t start releasing new content soon, there’s going to many people abandoning this sinking ship. It’s shame, GW1 had such a long run and people still play it, whereas GW2 is already dying after 2 years.
Guild Wars 1
Guild Wars: Prophecies – April 26, 2005 (6 classes, Tyria, 4 Elite Missions)
Guild Wars: Factions – April 28, 2006 (added 2 new classes, Cantha, skills, 2 Elite Missions)
Guild Wars: Nightfall – October 26, 2006 (added 2 new classes, Elona, skills, heroes, 1 Elite Mission)
Guild Wars: Eye of the North – August 28, 2007 (introduced Norns and Asurans, added new areas to Tyria, skills, new heroes, 18 dungeons)
A lot for its first 2 year and 4 months.
Guild Wars 2
I’m not sure what point you’re trying to make here.
You’ve chosen a game that, by your reckoning, hasn’t been updated in 7 years yet is still being played. That means if Anet did nothing more with GW2 then it has at least another 5 years of life in it.
Unless you think that GW1 is dead. Then nothing can save GW2, if GW1 had all those updates in the first two years and died anyways.
Personally, I think there’s a lot of life left in GW2. But then I also think that on Nov. 4, we’ll find out that the new pact forward camp is located in a new zone.
The Point he/she makes is..GW1 with all that content, lore and story was by far the superior game, GW2 just looks better! That is what gives it its longevity!
I was just wondering why ArenaNet offers no transparency in the development process. I know it’s your policy, but my question is: Why is it your policy? So many people I talk to in game feel so very jaded by anet’s lack of communication with regard to their plans, and I have to admit I’m more than a bit disappointed after having trawled through the forums and not seen any mention of what’s in the works for the game’s future.
Most developers I’m aware of for MMORPG’s go out of their way to show off upcoming content for their games, yet everything for GW2 seems to be totally under wraps. It seems horribly counter-productive to me to just stonewall your customers.
From what I see going on in the forums. In game if and when I EVER log in including the past few Points of Interests episodes. It all boils down to new players and gem store purchases. It is ALL about the almighty dollar. I cant say whether or not its Anets greed or Ncsoft’s but thats the bottom line..
No! Because that would entitle fun and new.
You know that the only way they could get enough revenue for an expansion is from buying gems. And that’s only if NC soft allows them too. The money from gems does not go to a-net unless something has changed recently. It goes to NC soft who decides what they want to do with it.
Umm there were No gems in GW1 and by this time 2yrs had sveral expansions. Just saying….
Anet has yet to live up to the every 2 weeks time frame. if you do the math since July1 2014. The beginning of season 2. It has been 15 weeks with 4 episodes averaging 3.75 weeks, almost 1 per month.
(edited by NYG.2568)
Yes GW2 Has a future. Is it going to be a future you want? Only you can answer. The game is amazing as is, but after 2 years of the same Ole same Ole. It becomes monotonous. The little sprinkles of LS content isn’t enough.
How is Brain Fart even offensive? I find it comical, this is absurd! More proof Anet is doing everything they can to ruin the fun in this game.
This! This is something very interesting. We should build ideas around this. This could very well be the challenging content people are asking for.
This thread definitely needs some Dev. Love.
(edited by NYG.2568)
Arena net has some of the worst communication out of any game company I can think of. When they’re not giving crappy non-answers and ignoring problems, they’re outright lying to the playerbase.
you really wont see a change in communication. Josh foreman got yelled at for communicating TOO MUCH. Even if anyone at anet WANTED to communicate, they wont be able to because the higher ups deemed it bad for business.
I’ve only been around for a few months, but in that time, I’ve seen them not only make an effort to communicate more, but Gaile now has the title “ArenaNet Forum Communications Team Lead” and has been posting in several threads.
If that’s non-answers and outright lying, then consider me fully duped.
Duping!!?! ~gasp!~ Oh, sorry, different type, gotcha.
Things aren’t going to change overnight, but we are making a concerted effort to improve communications. Not every thread gets — or realistically can get — a reply. That is driven not so much by a particular topic but more critically by sheer volume. And yes, not every question can be answered, but maybe it just can’t be answered in the short term, or maybe it’s taken under consideration for a more focused means of communication, such as a CDI, or maybe you’ll see an answer in the Update Notes. And sure, I guess some questions will go unanswered, too, but not for lack of effort or interest.
The truth is, you’re noticing, or I hope you’re noticing: We’re actively taking steps to be more communicative and involved, and we’ll continue to do so as time passes.
Honestly I think some find responses from Devs vague. It leaves you scratching your head wondering what you just read, or why. Could it be just to show a presence? I totally agree and understand not all can be answered, but more definitive answers would lessen the negative blows.
Press other buttons besides 1 and learn to dodge.
The traits thread, SAB threads, megaserver threads and hobosacks thread (off the top of my head) are in need of attention.
That said, Gaile is trying to keep us informed as well as Chris.
SAB threads are what exactly? Anet said right now it’s not coming back, during this season of the living story. That’s all they’re going to say. There’s no need for more communication on this. If people don’t want to accept it, there’s nothing anyone can do. That’s the decision.
Megaservers are being worked on, we’ve even seen some changes recently to guild missions and they said they’re working on stuff for larger guilds. The mega server isn’t being repealed. It’s not happening. What is there to say?
Traits and hobosacks are legitimate ongoing issues. I can almost guarantee they’re working on traits. I guess they could come in every few days and say we’re still working on it, but programming takes time.
Hobosacks, no idea if they’re working on it or not. I suspect it’s low priority, though.
I don’t know why people think that we need someone to constantly come into threads saying we know about this and we’re looking into it. Things in big companies don’t get changed over night and programming takes time.
Anet should just hire this ^^^^ guy. He seems to think he has all the answers.
I don’t suspect I have all the answers or even most of them. But I’ll certainly call people out who claim to have them and probably don’t.
Yet your on every thread attacking in my opinion. Other peoples comments,thoughts,critiques,concerns,or what have you. You are not an Anet Dev stop trying to do there job and let others have there say. Let Anet do there job and answer or reply.
I’ve seen you post its a small percentage of people on these forums about what they like or complain about, and others simply play and enjoy the game. So I ask how much time are you playing and enjoying the game. From what I see very little as you take it upon yourself to read and “answer” most everything.I have never seen Vayne attack ANYONE ever. In fact not but a week ago did he call me out for falling people haters. He level-headedly explained to m about how he thought that they were valid for being upset and expressing themselves.
Vayne a great dude with a nice head on his shoulders. We don’t always see eye to eye even in out collective love of the game and many of its practices. But, there is one thing for certain he is one of the last people to ever attack you.
Though, if you consider someone who offers a different opinion and explains with examples reasons for his thoughts on a subject as attacking, then I don’t know what to tell you. Keep on thinking he’s attacking people I guess?
You are absolutely right. Attack was a poor choice of word on my part. For that I apologize.
Chris Whiteside has stated, numerous times, that they’re in the process of hiring more personnel to work on the forums. So, hopefully, things will look up soon and he (and a couple others) won’t be the only ones speaking on the forums.
Raise your hand if you think they should hire me
ducks and runs lol
I’m really sure I read the other week (or thereabouts), someone kinda had you pegged as being in Anet’s employ already.
I personally reckon, with a small bit of training (if that, even), you’d be quite good at handling the forum – whether or not someone agrees with your position on any given thing, you seem quite dedicated, and I respect that.
We just want him be become an A-Net employee because then they’ll force him to not post, lol
Aww, don’t be mean, now!
The chap stands well for what he believes in. I don’t always agree with what he says, but he has, seemingly, the courage of his convictions. Gotta have some respect for that.
I consider it trolling, and a blatant disrespect of others opinions…
The traits thread, SAB threads, megaserver threads and hobosacks thread (off the top of my head) are in need of attention.
That said, Gaile is trying to keep us informed as well as Chris.
SAB threads are what exactly? Anet said right now it’s not coming back, during this season of the living story. That’s all they’re going to say. There’s no need for more communication on this. If people don’t want to accept it, there’s nothing anyone can do. That’s the decision.
Megaservers are being worked on, we’ve even seen some changes recently to guild missions and they said they’re working on stuff for larger guilds. The mega server isn’t being repealed. It’s not happening. What is there to say?
Traits and hobosacks are legitimate ongoing issues. I can almost guarantee they’re working on traits. I guess they could come in every few days and say we’re still working on it, but programming takes time.
Hobosacks, no idea if they’re working on it or not. I suspect it’s low priority, though.
I don’t know why people think that we need someone to constantly come into threads saying we know about this and we’re looking into it. Things in big companies don’t get changed over night and programming takes time.
Anet should just hire this ^^^^ guy. He seems to think he has all the answers.
I don’t suspect I have all the answers or even most of them. But I’ll certainly call people out who claim to have them and probably don’t.
Yet your on every thread attacking in my opinion. Other peoples comments,thoughts,critiques,concerns,or what have you. You are not an Anet Dev stop trying to do there job and let others have there say. Let Anet do there job and answer or reply.
I’ve seen you post its a small percentage of people on these forums about what they like or complain about, and others simply play and enjoy the game. So I ask how much time are you playing and enjoying the game. From what I see very little as you take it upon yourself to read and “answer” most everything.
The traits thread, SAB threads, megaserver threads and hobosacks thread (off the top of my head) are in need of attention.
That said, Gaile is trying to keep us informed as well as Chris.
SAB threads are what exactly? Anet said right now it’s not coming back, during this season of the living story. That’s all they’re going to say. There’s no need for more communication on this. If people don’t want to accept it, there’s nothing anyone can do. That’s the decision.
Megaservers are being worked on, we’ve even seen some changes recently to guild missions and they said they’re working on stuff for larger guilds. The mega server isn’t being repealed. It’s not happening. What is there to say?
Traits and hobosacks are legitimate ongoing issues. I can almost guarantee they’re working on traits. I guess they could come in every few days and say we’re still working on it, but programming takes time.
Hobosacks, no idea if they’re working on it or not. I suspect it’s low priority, though.
I don’t know why people think that we need someone to constantly come into threads saying we know about this and we’re looking into it. Things in big companies don’t get changed over night and programming takes time.
Anet should just hire this ^^^^ guy. He seems to think he has all the answers.
With the mega servers there’s really no reason for server pride. Especially if your not evolved in WvW. They can totally do away with servers at this point. All that’s needed is maybe 3 named server’s. NA/EU/OTHER as far as PVE goes anyhow.
that is a terrible idea. if we had WvW split between servers, then we will have a huge number disadvantage at different times of the day.
I’m not suggesting anything really. What I’m saying is theres no need as far as pve goes to have all the different servers. If you wvw that’s the only need for the many different servers. That option can be on the login screen. That wouldn’t work either as your forced into wvw for map completion and other various things.
With the mega servers there’s really no reason for server pride. Especially if your not evolved in WvW. They can totally do away with servers at this point. All that’s needed is maybe 3 named server’s. NA/EU/OTHER as far as PVE goes anyhow.
Not to mention that forum community is smaller than actual player base…
ANet doesn’t release the actual numbers and we in the forums have no way to determine it…
OK so if Anet doesn’t release the numbers. How can you honestly say it’s a small percentage? Some people simply just don’t say anything and take what’s fed to them. Not everyone is going to say what’s on there minds.
I come from a guild in GW1 one of the top 5 largest in it. Most all of them transitioned over to GW2. Currently about 5 are active in GW2. Most of the guild moved on to Archeage. They didn’t even bother with the forums as they know what’s said and has been said falls on def ears. Other people just keep playing cause they can’t afford other games. Leaving GW2 as there only outlet for Mmo gaming, since it is BTP.
So stop saying the “complainers” are the minority until you see factual numbers!
Just like any government it only takes a few to represent what thousands want!
(edited by NYG.2568)
Because bus schedules, trivializing alot of the content, The whole “living and breathing world” isn’t in the game anymore, but it comes from the players. More zerg is living and breathing apparently. I haven’t done a world boss in ages, most events have become alot easier. Scaling is never working, either makes you to powerful, or people exploit it in such a way that it’s not even funny anymore.
The story instances are still good though, because that’s the only location where you can still get that feeling of the world not being in a giant blob of grinding players.
I don’t even want to get started on the zerg fest stuff. There is so much particle and weapon effects. I’ve lost myself in battles not to mention you can barely see any tells or the enemy rings on the ground.
And remember like my signature says. Language and text have evolved! No more drawing on cave walls.
Since Guild Wars 2 was first announced. It has lived up to very little if any of the hype projected by it’s players.
Fixed for you.
To be honest, the developers don’t hype as much as people proclaim them to. They do make desires for what they want of the game, but they don’t hype it up. And some desires come, some don’t. They merely promise to look into it. Exception being the Manifesto trailer, which… yeah, that didn’t really come about.
I love the idea of a legendary scavenger hunt so to speak. Implement it in a way the tells the story of said legend not just collecting the items to make it. The legend behind legendaries shouldn’t be about the amount of time, cost, or resources to make it!
I suspect that the scavenger and crafting hunt for Mawdrey was the prototype for precursor crafting – a test to see how well it was received.
I think the ‘hype’ has died down due to three things:
- Temporariness of Season 1. Hard to become motivated for stuff if you’ve got a pre-established feeling that it won’t last, even if you’re told it will.
- The continuous release nature of the Living World. It just isn’t easy to get hyped up for small update after small update, even with breaks inbetween them now. If they want to get the hype train going again, they’ll need something different than ‘same old same old with a new look’.
- A build off of the direct above: far too many situations where what players get didn’t hit what players expected. One of the downsides of the continuous releases is that it increases the disappointment of the inevitable inability to match a player’s imagination – you have to be true masters of the craft to make people who have expectations ooh and ahh in awe. And true masters of the craft, ArenaNet are not – few, oh so very few, are. This is the main reason why ME3’s ending got ridiculed – though it wasn’t the best it could have been, ME1 and ME2 created such high expectations that it just couldn’t be met; but those who played through after hearing all the bashing had low expectations… which were surpassed. Anyways – too many disappointments caused by the player’s own overhyping, leading to a disillusionment resulting in a lack of desire to have expectations.
I know nothing of this mawdrey. Other then it’s yet another back piece. I haven’t played really since season 1 ended. That long break took me to other things. I logged in only to get season 2 updates. Just in case I decided to come back and play. I’m not a grinder or a rinse and repeat person.
I keep up with the game through friends and these forums. I so want to be a fan again. From what I can tell nothing exciting is in the works. Probably because Anet won’t say anything.
They hyped this game before release and lived up to none of it IMO. That is the kind of hype I refer to.
No it is near a kin to false advertising. However it isn’t really working. Of course they are able to dupe a few people. To be honest it’s okay the first or maybe the 2nd time through so it’s worth the box price. There are games on steam that you can spend the same on and get a lot less entertainment out of.
That being said once you’ve done everything once or twice the game becomes completely unrewarding. Like the OP mentioned the precursor. The game advertises play as you want. There is no way to obtain a legendary in game without extreme luck or using gems (pay to win) to buy it. To save up to that with the unrewarding loot droops in game is just not worth the boring in game content vs doing things in RL. This effectively makes the game free to play but pay to win.
If this is what most free to play games are like then pay to play is the way better option. I know it is not. LoL from talking to the people i know who do play that game it’s pretty much all cosmetic for cash shop. Again don’t necessarily know 100% for that game because I don’t play it. However I do play WoW and gladly give them 15 a month. If I want a legendary I can go do it. It’s a long list of things to do but it can be done in a reasonable amount of time. The old adage definitely applies, you get what you pay for.
Give me a break. The precusor “advertisement” only affects people who already own the game. People who have yet to buy the game aren’t affected by a precusor scavenger hunt. Odds are most of those people don’t even know what a precusor is.
You already own the game, so it’s not false advertisement.
There have been hundreds, perhaps thousands of statements made about this game by Anet. A tiny percentage of them have not actually eventuated.
Umm.. It was advertised to the existing player base. We the people whom already purchased the hype aren’t concerned about people whom have yet to purchase the game. Our pockets aren’t going to be filled by them. We are simply asking for and about things we have believed to already purchased. “as advertised”. Hop off any time.
Something that is “advertised to the existing player base” isn’t being advertised at all.
They informed us of the intention to do this thing. They revealed a plan to us. Advertising is trying to get you to buy something. We’d already bought the game.
They made a plan, the plan fell through. It happens in businesses all the time.
In reality, no person could possibly live up to the expectations that fans have for Anet. It’s not reasonable to expect plans won’t change…particularly in an MMO. Particularly in an article that said nothing is set in stone.
Advertising to the existing player base is a thing because you want to keep them interested in playing. Fail to do that and you won’t have a player base for long.
Plans change – priorities shift but not keeping the players in the loop is always a bad idea. They basically shut us down and didn’t bother to tell us anything about anything in a number of situations.
This.. And ty for mentioning.
No it is near a kin to false advertising. However it isn’t really working. Of course they are able to dupe a few people. To be honest it’s okay the first or maybe the 2nd time through so it’s worth the box price. There are games on steam that you can spend the same on and get a lot less entertainment out of.
That being said once you’ve done everything once or twice the game becomes completely unrewarding. Like the OP mentioned the precursor. The game advertises play as you want. There is no way to obtain a legendary in game without extreme luck or using gems (pay to win) to buy it. To save up to that with the unrewarding loot droops in game is just not worth the boring in game content vs doing things in RL. This effectively makes the game free to play but pay to win.
If this is what most free to play games are like then pay to play is the way better option. I know it is not. LoL from talking to the people i know who do play that game it’s pretty much all cosmetic for cash shop. Again don’t necessarily know 100% for that game because I don’t play it. However I do play WoW and gladly give them 15 a month. If I want a legendary I can go do it. It’s a long list of things to do but it can be done in a reasonable amount of time. The old adage definitely applies, you get what you pay for.
Give me a break. The precusor “advertisement” only affects people who already own the game. People who have yet to buy the game aren’t affected by a precusor scavenger hunt. Odds are most of those people don’t even know what a precusor is.
You already own the game, so it’s not false advertisement.
There have been hundreds, perhaps thousands of statements made about this game by Anet. A tiny percentage of them have not actually eventuated.
Umm.. It was advertised to the existing player base. We the people whom already purchased the hype aren’t concerned about people whom have yet to purchase the game. Our pockets aren’t going to be filled by them. We are simply asking for and about things we have believed to already purchased. “as advertised”. Hop off any time.
Just as the title reads. Explain why you believe it to be.
My thoughts on the matter are:
Since Guild Wars 2 was first announced. It has lived up to very little if any of the hype projected by it’s developers. Other then it being a visually stunning game. Anything mentioned or hyped that does not come to pass brings very negative feedback!
There are many examples to choose from. I will use one. New ways to get legendaries. It was said it’s being looked at or worked on. Correct me if I am wrong. It’s been a long while since that was mentioned, still nothing yet precursors are rising in price! So many more to mention would love to read others thoughts.
I love the idea of a legendary scavenger hunt so to speak. Implement it in a way the tells the story of said legend not just collecting the items to make it. The legend behind legendaries shouldn’t be about the amount of time, cost, or resources to make it!
If you’re considering how the GW2 Team can best hear your input about the game — such as what you’d like to see in the future, how things are working now, etc. — I personally don’t think a survey is necessary. Honestly and truly: These forums are a huge and very effective medium for communication. They are read daily by members of the team — probably more people than you think! — and the forums, as a whole, give us a much better view of what’s important to Guild Wars 2 players than most surveys would do.
Too we have interaction here that’s incredibly effective. Yep, I’m thinking CDIs and I’m glad they’re back! (Even if I marvel how Chris is able to keep up the pace!
Surveys are difficult to devise in a way that makes them unbiased and statistically accurate. That’s not to say it cannot be done, and the idea of surveys linked to an active game account certainly sounds better to me than those random Internet surveys, like “Who’s your favorite singer,” which get gamed through fan groups, artist management companies, publicists, agents, and the use of “ballot-box stuffing” methods, like vote, clear cache, vote again; vote, change computers, vote again; vote, set up 100 fake e-mail accounts, vote again.
Anyway, just wanted to add a couple of pennies about the subject, fwiw.
Look man, You can listen to Jimi but you can’t hear him. There’s a difference man. Just because your listening to him doesn’t mean you’re hearing him.
Sidney Deane
There are threads upon threads upon threads of what we’d like to see in game. Yet I believe very little if any has come to fruition. We did however get NPE. Which I can’t find threads of people requesting it.
I respect you Gaile you’ve done so much for GW1! This is not an attack!
Bi-weekly updates were promised yet we had 4 now a 3 month hiatus! How as a fan/player are we to keep the faith when you’s break your own words?
We are a distraught community because we get vague/condescending replies or no real information.
I see a variety of comments on feeling more attachment to a specific guild and a lot of talk of the # of guilds people are a part of and the fear that is causing a lack of attachment. This lack of attachment keeps players players from being compelled to belong to any of their guilds instead of being compelled to belong to all of them .
With all due respect Mr. Peters,
I believe the ability to join multiple guilds on this game is should not have existed at all. Very simply, it discourages guild loyalty and defeats the entire purpose of joining a guild in the first place.
Guilds are supposed to be a dedicated, close knit group of people. An ideal scenario would be a flourishing, active community in-game AND outside of the game, supported by communication programs such as IRC/forums/voice. The system now? Guilds having half the people not representing. Highly inactive/non-existent offsite interaction. Guilds are typically a hi-bye affair in the game.
People who say “I represent this guild today for WvW, then that guild tomorrow for PvE” – this isn’t how guilds are supposed to work. In my opinion anyway. Guilds are groups where people do different things together – not a “I come as I like” place. People who represent different guilds on different days as and when they like are akin to clan-hoppers.
But obviously, this isn’t just the fault of guild hoppers alone. The guild system design in this game is absolutely sub par – you want people to know as many different groups of people as possible, but do not allow players to participate in the chat of guilds they are not representing. This, to me is the biggest problem about the guild system, because it renders useless the participation of a player, simply because he/she does not know what is happening in other guilds.
I respect your decision to give people the ability to join multiple guilds, but I still believe it was a wrong one.
I agree here, perthaps it should be a 1 guild system. as far as bring other groups of people together. Maybe something could have/can be put in place such as guild alliances. Im not sure how it would function but, one way is to have an alliance chat that all the guilds see.
It is so much easier to point fingers and make excuses. Rather then put on your big boy pants and except fault.
There has yet to be a release Not riddled with bugs. What is it that the QA team fails to catch such issues. From our point of view it isn’t much!
Being an Original GW1 player I can’t remember this much “bugged” content ever…
Also of note I am not going to be able to get involved in the CDI past 6pm pst tonight. Is that still ok? I will catch up in the morning?
Sounds like Chris has a hot date! I hope her name isn’t Scarlet. Lol.
We like a Dev who can multi-task!
Repeating that you listen to the community doesn’t make it true.
Wait you mean you don’t have any “special” friends?
This game needs an enema!
This thread is brilliant!
I vote No aswell! As I said in another thread. Even an expansion at this point can save it for me! Why pay for more content that will certainly be broke? The games is over 2 years old and continues to have issues it’s had from launch. Yea you may have those always positive type sa: “well atleast it will be NEW broken content”
(edited by NYG.2568)
It is still F2P after purchase so maybe things pick up soon. Who knows maybe we get an expansion some day. GW2 still has potential but I don’t blame people for stepping away at this point.
Check back on the 4th though. The new map could be cool later in the season.
To be quite honest I wish I could treat this as a normal purchase and return it. AT this point even an expansion couldn’t change things for me! There are things that have been in game from day 1 that need fixing still. Don’t release more broken content! Everything they have released is bugged! I just can’t pay for anymore alleged hype content! Till what already is righted!
Well as the title says I would personally like to thank Anet for the exciting times and memories! I like many others have to bow out! It saddens me to have to! I just can’t keep the hope alive. The hype is played out! You have taken this game from an Epic fantasy world to B grade horror! Down goes Frazier!
Refer to this post on a time line as to what could have been in 2 years. https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/gw2/Guild-Wars-2-Years/first#post4360159
Instead we got things that should have already been implemented at launch in the same time frame. Yep all that good stuff plus a nicely polished game, but hey a few of you are liking the same old content day in and day out for 2 years…
Follow up question: What use is it to make a blog post that only really affects people who don’t yet play the game?
Hi Puddles,
First of all, we at ArenaNet very much appreciate the support that all players that have played the game for so long have given us. Without you guys, your love of the game and how you spread the word around you, things would clearly not be the same.
Today’s blogpost about the New Player Experience will not have as many visible effects to you specifically as it would have for a brand new player, that knows very little about the game. The new direction system should help you get a clearer and more useful top-tight UI, but also give your new characters better rewards.
As you noted, it is mainly targeted at new players, those that need it the most. We want their learning experience to be better so that they, too, can become veteran players of Guild Wars 2 one day! Learning to play a brand new game, and MMOs tend to be more on the more complex side of videogames, can be a daunting and hard task.
We want more people to be able to walk this path you walked and this is why we implemented the New Player Experience system, to create a route that new players can walk and feel rewarded along the way.
Again, thanks for your support!
On your last paragraph you say you want new players to walk the path we walked. I’m confused how could they you just simplified it for them. There’s no way they can walk that path. Besides where was this learning experience for us vets?? I can tell you! It was by us playing the game, trial and error, experimenting, and last but certainly most important we learned together as a community! Players helping players.