Showing Posts For Name.9128:
I’m up for learning both wings. I’ve attempted Slothasor on an unoptimized reaper and it doesn’t seem too hard, just need the right team. Currently working on the gear for my toon and I’d like to run with you guys. If you guys have a guild I’d like to join as well.
@ Anomaly: I understand that, but I personally haven’t experienced this kind of hate in this game yet.
I’ve gotten maybe 2 angry PMs in like 2k hours and both of them were in WvW!That being said, when something this seemingly rare happens, you can’t just quit because you think the community is toxic; it’s just one angry idiot that shouldn’t destroy your fun. You can block, report, and move on.
Finally, someone not overly sensitive.
Before blocking them, I like to link my Vial of Salt to them
D’awwwwwww, right in the feels! Peeveepee is a place for player conflict, and conflict resolution. As wiser men than me once said, If you can’t take the heat, get the kitten out of ranked you filthy casual! If you QQ over getting called names, uninstall and log onto your safeplace. Oh! I hope anyone bringing their warrior into ranked, that doesn’t know what they are doing, gets Lou Gherig’s disease. Goes double for thieves, eles, engi’s, necro, mes, guardian, and ranger. Lel, those troll posts tho
And apparently a great place to miss the point others are putting forth but I guess at least you are good at pvp…
Plox tell me moar about this elusive point that I, and not you poor sir, have missed. Then tell me moar about how I’m good at pvp, I think you were really onto something with that train of thought.
For reals tho ladydude, this isn’t preschool in a blue state. If you don’t like ‘fighting’ other people whom will inevitably get a leettle salty, the fantasy world where teamwork and camraderie prevail is right through the portal to Lion’s Arch.
It’s not a matter of getting a thicker skin but a matter of just no minimizing the behavior anymore you would for someone racist or sexist. Of course nobody is going to die and ppl can just walk away but that is beside the point you just don’t do it and you don’t encourage or minimize it.
I feel like you’re a Tumblr user.
Love this so much!
This is way too cute!
I know I’m a little early, but I’m really excited to share this here. It’s my Valentine’s Day art for February which I did in a totally different style than I’m used to. It’s been quite the learning process for me. I had lots of help with it and am very proud of it. I still have a lot to learn and need to keep practicing.
This here is my Human Necro wishing you a happy Valentine’s Day!
(edited by Name.9128)
Creative juices are on maximum overdrive!
Not a writer myself, but sharing with guildies because I think we may have a few.
Great way to get the writers some time in the spotlight.
So far I’ve managed 1 PayPal commission and about 10 gold commissions. That leads to sometimes doing work for free, or extremely cheap.
Hopefully that paypal one was for another game or something else. It’s been officially stated we can’t do that for GW :/
Oh that’s news to me. Luckily it was something completely different.
the time you spend, the energy, and the very culmination of your entire LIFE that leads to how YOU create; it is worth SO MUCH
While I do agree with this, I have to say it is quite difficult to find people willing to pay for commissions. I’ve been drawing for many years and only about 6 months ago did I start trying to get commissions. So far I’ve managed 1 PayPal commission and about 10 gold commissions. That leads to sometimes doing work for free, or extremely cheap.
I´ve got 620 points. Who can do this better?
I managed a little over 700 but that was after so many tries lol.
Btw the difficulty keeps increasing until around 1500 points
Well! That didn’t take me long to lose… Definitely good for people with great coordination (which I lack!).
It’s a fun little mini game. Great job with it! The art and music is a nice touch as well!
Thanks so much for trying it out! I’m glad it amused you haha.
Also to point out, the music isn’t mine, I edited the page to give credit for it.
These are adorable o.o
Made a game called Data Disaster in Construct 2. This is my second game I’ve made so it’s not perfect but I’m learning a lot. The objective of the game is to click on as many data crystals as you can before they get sucked into the asura gate. As you progress the difficulty increases. Tell me what you think of it!
What about music?
Music is always welcome. I actually came across a piece of music that I just love. It was created by… well… you!
The CSL show is mostly about visual art of all kinds, but I do want to find a way to incorporate music, as well. I was thinking a piece of user-created music would make a beautiful end piece or might be nicely dovetailed with a montage of images. If you have ideas, I’d like to hear them, but music is close to my soul, and yes, it’s definitely a desired part of the show.
(And thank you for your beautiful creations!)
Having a portion play as an intro to the video and outro could work too, also leaving a link to the full version in the video description would be nice for the artist.
The omnomberry cake looks so good o.o
To anyone wondering what the Asura of Rata Novus did to celebrate Wintersday. They dressed up their Golems!
This is totally canon, trust me.
That looks great! I’ve got a question, what did you use to make it?
Thanks! I used a screenshot for reference and made it in Photoshop.
Here’s a drawing I did of my necro from a screenshot. If you want one too, let me know and we can work something out!
Experiencing exact same issue. However, why not just in the meantime do this story step on 32bit client and then go back to 64bit?
I’ll throw my hat in for this. I tried 4 times 4 crashes. I switched to 32-bit and did the quest no problem then next time I launched went back to 64-bit
Is it easy to switch back and forth?
Copied from my post above.
Put the .exe for the 64 and 32 bit in the same folder so you don’t have to keep downloading the updates. They share the same .dat file. Hope this helps.
In addition, make a shortcut for each .exe on your desktop so you can use either one whenever you like.
As someone who has run out of XP boosters im desparately hoping raid XP is good.
Buy exp boosters from laurel merch, use food and utility, use guild buff and possibly buy the fireworks booster too.
Same issue here as of late. I was just in an organized ds map and I was constantly dsing so I had to leave.
I hope they get around to this soonish. There’s no way to progress besides downloading another 20GB of game.
Put the .exe for the 64 and 32 bit in the same folder so you don’t have to keep downloading the updates. They share the same .dat file. Hope this helps.
I feel like they haven’t implemented this so people would buy the infinite gathering tools like I did.
Well I was seeing some increase in FPS and load times for sure.. but at the expense of having massive screen colour blooms randomly shooting out at me.. making it pretty much unplayable.
My take is that its to do with camera and lighting cos it hits from certain angles when moving and then fills with surrounding colours and particle effects.Never had any issues except occasional crashing sometimes (had a really bad couple of weeks after the September patch but that seems to off been patched out)
System – Desktop
i7 – 3770k
Win 7 Ultimate 64bit. SP1
16GB Ripjaw DDR3 RAM
Nvidia GTX550Ti GPU
GW2 runs off dedicated Mushkin 256GB SSDGetting a solid 60FPS pretty much everywhere now with VSYNC ON (drops to 40 ish in mass warfare situations, that’s a nice 15-20FPS gain from previous).
Most settings set to medium or High.. I don’t use refection’s or shadows/shaders anyways but pretty much all other options are on so no issues with FPS and no stuttering except when the screen bloom erupts. – Note I have tried turning everything right down and right up .. but same thing happens… had it a lot in Fractals and especially Verdant Brink.Guess it’s back to downloading the 32bit client again – - 3 more hours of zzzzzz
Just want to point out you dont have to wait 3 hours for the full download. You can use the same dat file with both clients
My warrior has 100% Tyria completion, but got nothing in VB. My reaper does not have 100% Tyria completion and got rewarded for VB.
For the collection item, Inky Blackness, it says to go to the tar lake north of Sloven Pitch in Frostgorge Sound. Sloven Pitch is actually in Fireheart Rise.
It’s actually cheaper to buy it directly. I spent 1100g on precursor crafting for dusk when it’s 1000g in the tp. So if I farmed the mats, it would be better to sell them and buy dusk. It’s a huge disappointment at this point.
Same problem here, bumping for attention
Recipes are account wide, just make sure your crafting level is high enough. I’d assume it would be 400+ for something like this.
Here’s a pic of my toon dressed up in his Halloween costume. OoooOoOooO spooky :O
Definitely not… The gem store doesn’t sell you items that let you bypass content and I hope it stays that way.
That’s actually pretty awesome!
That was awesome!
Hi everyone, I’m here to share some work I did recently with you. I took a screenshot and decided to draw it. This is what I came up with.
I can draw your screenshots too for just 10 gold. If you want just the line art with no color, I can do it for 5 gold. You can pm me here or send me mail in game if you’re interested.
lol at people complaining how hard it’ll be to make a legendary. I mean it is legendary.
Elite Specializations & Hero Point Feedback [Merged]
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Name.9128
Ugh, I’m sorry but the concept of being forced into nearly fulfilling (or half fulfilling) map completion for every character just to unlock Elite specs ruins the entire thing for me. The absolute max I think would be reasonable is 100, otherwise it’s just an artificially inflated way to waste our time.
Or you can use points for 2 trait lines and the elite spec, and the skills you need?
Yeah, they intentionally buffed the heck out of it so it had a challenge to it. In BWE2, it was easy to bust the bar and down him, then have no real fire damage on the cliffside. So, it was easy.
They buffed it so you cannot do that as easily and it actually has fire all over the place and you have to carefully move around or you drop dead. I felt this was part of that whole “You cannot dodge all content” examples.
It’s definitely a good way to avoid people “dodging content”, but after a while the fight got so stale. :/
It was very repetitive and realizing where to stand every time made it easy.
HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Name.9128
Yo go ahead and wait for a sale while everyone else enjoys the new content
This is golden, definitely would love to see this implemented.
Just want to point out that you can also change crafting profession on your main, for a small price, so you can craft it there if you want.
there are also enough cheater outside still
only cause you are lucky and wasnt restricted to open e.g 20 bags with one click ( = auto clicker) out now doesnt mean its legal.
btw press one button = one action isnt really a macro or auto clicker! Its just to bind mouse click to another button and thats of course totally fine. But programming an macro that open 20 bags with one click / click 20 times in 2 sec e.g. isnt allowed
take care
As I said, auto clickers, are a program you can program to click things while you are AFK. A one button macro still requires you to press the button. As long as that button is only doing one action. It is fine. If its opening your inventory, opening the bags and closing it, for instance.
I don’t see how this would flag anything as an exploit. Its not like you are gaining an advantage over anyone, or being able to play the game better.
It’s not an auto clicker for me to go afk and definitely not a macro to set up skill rotation. It’s really hold down a button while my mouse is over a stack of luck and watch it all get consumed. Same with champ bags.
You can totally do that for stacks. One click one action is their policy. It’s very useful for luck and bags and buying things you need large numbers of that don’t have a confirmation message.
Oh sweet, that definitely helps. All that clicking killed my hands and seemed like a waste of mouse life.
Thanks for the help
I was wondering if a multi click macro on my keyboard is a bannable offense? I don’t feel like using it to click stacks of essence of luck and opening multiple bags would be something that gives me an advantage over others.
Not sure if you’ve already picked the above poster for the commission, but here are link to my work. I have 2 different styles.
The first one is more expensive than the second one. Let me know if you’re interested. Thanks!
That looks incredible! Very well done!
I have 2000 hours in around the same amount of days. I’ve managed a legendary weapon and 2 sets of ascended armor. Nothing to complain about.