Showing Posts For Nespinha.3165:

[VIDEO] my Power Melting Guard

in Guardian

Posted by: Nespinha.3165


Never actually looked at those runes of the flame legion seriously until I saw your build. Very good alternative to runes of strenght, since these have boosted on TP, and these ones are little pennies.

Tried these runes out and they really work wonders!! Very nice job and thanks for the “eye opener”

Nespinha – Level 80 Guardian [DDE]

PvP Bunker build?

in Guardian

Posted by: Nespinha.3165


Can’t call this a bunker build, but it’s quite fun. This is what I run in PVP.

Give it a try

Nespinha – Level 80 Guardian [DDE]

Post Your Build Thread

in Guardian

Posted by: Nespinha.3165


My PVP build:

Might seem a bit strange at first, but it’s quite straighforward a hybrid build. Major weakness is definitely the low HP, usually have a hard time with engis. The rest is all ver positive

Have fun!

Nespinha – Level 80 Guardian [DDE]

Optimal Crit chance/damage

in Guardian

Posted by: Nespinha.3165


I use a standard 0/0/30/30/10 AH and shout build both for PvE and WvW (for WvW I put on a few soldier trinkets, I don´t like having gear for one game content only).

I used to run a DPS build, but since I mainly play high level fractals with random groups (that vary in quality) I´d rather use a more balanced build. That´s why I want to maximize/optimize DPS, keeping the survivability that I want. Since I never actually looked at effective power, I have no clue what I can call good or bad value. From what I´ve read today, 3000-3200 is not significantly different, and an increase in 30% boon duration could definitely make a big difference

Nespinha – Level 80 Guardian [DDE]

Optimal Crit chance/damage

in Guardian

Posted by: Nespinha.3165


3000-3200 isn’t going to make a whole lot of difference. For comparison though, a full DPS build is gonna be on the order of 5000-6000.

Yes I know, this is not a full dps build and that´s why im concerned in optimizing the dps while maintaining the survivability and want.

The 3000-3200 difference was to ask wether this difference justifies using boon duration runes or not, since I never used them before..

Nespinha – Level 80 Guardian [DDE]

LF guilds from Portugal

in Looking for...

Posted by: Nespinha.3165


Been wondering about this for a while…Any portuguese active guilds at the moment?

Nespinha – Level 80 Guardian [DDE]

Optimal Crit chance/damage

in Guardian

Posted by: Nespinha.3165


I´m not asking for a build, it´s a simple question.

In your opinion, if I have 35% crit chance how much crit damage should I have and why?

Or if I want to use 65-68% critical damage, at how many crit chance should I play?

Just want to understand if i´m wasting too many points in precision or crit chance or if these stats are ok

You’re asking the wrong question.

linuxotaku hit the nail on the head: The issue is that some gear gives more critical damage per point of other stats than other slots. So when you’re trying to avoid wasting stats, the way you do that is by making sure that the gear you wear that IS specific to damage is in the correct slot. You can figure out all of the ratios very simply; Look at Berserker stat gear for any given slot, divide the total non-crit damage stat points by the crit damage. e.g. 60 power 40 precision 6% crit damage – 100/6, gives you 16 stat points per crit damage point. The lower the number, the better. Trinket wise, accessories give you the best ratio of crit damage, and Exquisite Rubies are the best upgrades for that purpose as well. For armor, Shoulders, Gloves, and Boots give the best ratios.

So here’s how you would address your scenario: You look at your build, and you say “Okay, I have roughly the stats that I want, but I want to make it as efficient as possible.” Let’s say you’re wearing all Knights armor and all Berserker trinkets. What you’ll find is actually more efficient is if you swap out your Knights Shoulders, Gloves, and Boots for Berserker (because of better ratios of crit damage to normal stats) and then replace your rings and possibly amulet with Knights. Your stats will be roughly equal to before, but you will be getting more efficient conversions of other stats to critical damage.

Basically you can think of it like this: Start off designing your build without damage in mind, and then salt to taste with Berserker gear until you hit the damage point you want in that build. When you do that, start replacing slots with berserker gear that have the best ratios first, which is Accessories (like Ruby Orichalcum Earrings). Then move on down the list until you finally hit whatever your target stats are for damage.

The reason you have to do it like this is that you can’t really say “for x crit damage y crit chance is optimal” because you’re locked in to specific stat distributions. You don’t get to allocate stats point by point in this game. The only thing that really matters is that Berserker gear is the best direct damage gear in the game, and so any time you’re building direct damage into your loadout you should always do so by giving yourself Berserker gear. Adding Berserker gear will always give you more DPS, more efficiently, than any other stat distribution.

The reason I asked this is to equilibrate the build and stats as much as I can (seems stupid but I´m really a perfectionist..). The build is meant to be used in PvE and WvW, without the need to change armor, just a few trinkets.

Following purgatoryz´s advice, I´m now looking more into effective power rather thar x crit chance/damage (using buildcraft do to this). I´ve never actually looked at this value. Now I´m ranging effective power between 3000-3200. Do these values really differ that much in terms of output damage?
(In my case this would mean 3200 with 10% boon duration or 3000 with 40% boon duration)

Also thanks for helping out

Nespinha – Level 80 Guardian [DDE]

Optimal Crit chance/damage

in Guardian

Posted by: Nespinha.3165


I´m not asking for a build, it´s a simple question.

In your opinion, if I have 35% crit chance how much crit damage should I have and why?

Or if I want to use 65-68% critical damage, at how many crit chance should I play?

Just want to understand if i´m wasting too many points in precision or crit chance or if these stats are ok

Nespinha – Level 80 Guardian [DDE]

Stella Alamarr "False King" video

in Guardian

Posted by: Nespinha.3165


Would be interesting if you´d post your build and stats

Nespinha – Level 80 Guardian [DDE]

Optimal Crit chance/damage

in Guardian

Posted by: Nespinha.3165


I´ve seen that chart and it doesn´t clarify the answer I need. I´ve already seen it somewhere on this forum but not finding it atm.
I don´t run full Zerk that´s why i´m asking this question. My build puts me with 35-37% crit chance. I don´t want to be wasting stat points (e.g. crit chance 20% damage 100% or chance 50% and damage 30%), just want to make the best use of my build in terms of damage output.

For example, if I run with 35% critical chance, how much damage should I have in order to make the most out of these stats?

Nespinha – Level 80 Guardian [DDE]

Optimal Crit chance/damage

in Guardian

Posted by: Nespinha.3165


Want to maximize usage of critical chance vs critical damage. I currently run with 37% crit chance and 68% crit damage. How much crit damage do you recommend for this crit chance? So that I´m not wasting stat points in too much crit chance or damage.

Nespinha – Level 80 Guardian [DDE]

Fractals of the Mist difficulty

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nespinha.3165


Is it just me or did ANET step up a notch Fractals difficulty?

I restarted doing fractals this week after a month or so absence and I definitely felt the difference (at least in level 38)

Nespinha – Level 80 Guardian [DDE]

Guard Spirit Wep DPS build?

in Guardian

Posted by: Nespinha.3165


New Spirit Weapon PVP builds are quite impressive. I don´t run one but I faced 1/2 guardians with one and they’re very tough and hit hard

Nespinha – Level 80 Guardian [DDE]

Flame God

in Guardian

Posted by: Nespinha.3165


Condition build is not viable for a Guardian. Also, although you have good amount of toughness, vitality is a joke. I really don´t like the build, sorru

Nespinha – Level 80 Guardian [DDE]

Help me find a good tanky pve guardian build

in Guardian

Posted by: Nespinha.3165


Brace yourself for the " bunker builds are for noobs", “no such thing as taking aggro”, “AH sucks”, “full zerker rules” etc…

tanky, good at taking mob aggro in dungeons and deals a normal amount of damage? Go with Strifes build for sure|1.1n.h1|2.1n.h1|1n.7x.1n.7x.1n.7x.1n.7x.1n.7x.1n.7x|4s.d1f.2s.d1e.3s.d1e.1n.67.1n.67.2s.d1e|0.0.u56b.u298.a6|54.k|d.|e

Nespinha – Level 80 Guardian [DDE]

Are tanks viable, or does DPS reign supreme?

in Guardian

Posted by: Nespinha.3165


Of course there is! Just because of all the stuff you read about zerker guardian being great and all doesn´t mean that bunker guardians can´t be effective. In speed runs you won´t be as effective as the mainstream zerkers, but if you just wanna enjoy the dungeon I don´t see why bunkers won´t be a good choice. You´ll probably read a lot of comments sayin AH is the past, anchor or bunker guardians are sh**, full zerker is the best, etc etc……I say F*** them all, play how you like best and enjoy the game

As for the build, are you going for a PVE only build? or WvW too?
Looking at the stats I think you have too much Toughness for PVE. You could drop it to about 1700-1850 and still be able to sustain damage and be survivable tank. Use those points for offensive stats to higher your output damage. (more power, more crit damage…your choice). If you’re going for a hammer build with symbol traits, lower that crit chance to around 40% (it´s enough for good damage). If you wanna have high crit chance, think about Empowering Might (good dps boost and good healing with AH).

PS: I play an AH tanky/dps guardian and I don´t think i´m weaker than all the full zerkers outthere…It´s how I like playin the game

Nespinha – Level 80 Guardian [DDE]

Best armor upgrades

in Guardian

Posted by: Nespinha.3165


Some thoughts would be nice

Nespinha – Level 80 Guardian [DDE]

strength in numbers trait

in Guardian

Posted by: Nespinha.3165


Bonus info, the trait “Retributive Armor” does not take the extra toughness from Strength in Numbers into account.

Very tiny increase in precision if it did, but still worth noting it is not working…intended or not.

It does take the extra toughness into acc

nope, precision does not change.

I was almost sure it did, does the buildcraft calc have a bug then?

Nespinha – Level 80 Guardian [DDE]

Need a PvE tanky build

in Guardian

Posted by: Nespinha.3165


Yet again…i´d vote for Strifes Anchor Build, no doubt!

Nespinha – Level 80 Guardian [DDE]

Guardian - New to WvW / sPvP

in Guardian

Posted by: Nespinha.3165


“For WvW I want to make it real bunker or heal(if worth… I hear even Warrior is better healer? or Ele) and support. sPvP maybe the same.”

Healway Guardian Build…I don´t think there is a better bunker/heal build than this one

Nespinha – Level 80 Guardian [DDE]

Guardian Utils for WvW

in Guardian

Posted by: Nespinha.3165


The ones I use most are: Judge´s Intervention, Save Yourselves and Smite Condition or Stand your ground (if your traits are matched with this choice…it works wonders!). Signet of judgment is also interesting imo. (I don´t do much zergs thats why I don´t use wall of reflection)

Nespinha – Level 80 Guardian [DDE]

Seeking serious fashion advice!

in Guardian

Posted by: Nespinha.3165


The skin looks amazing! (gotta say i like this one more than your previous lol).

I’d say the wind catcher looks the best

Nespinha – Level 80 Guardian [DDE]

strength in numbers trait

in Guardian

Posted by: Nespinha.3165


Bonus info, the trait “Retributive Armor” does not take the extra toughness from Strength in Numbers into account.

Very tiny increase in precision if it did, but still worth noting it is not working…intended or not.

It does take the extra toughness into acc

Nespinha – Level 80 Guardian [DDE]

High DPS guardian tank build for PvE?

in Guardian

Posted by: Nespinha.3165


High DPS guardian tank build for PvE?

For me arguebly the best one is Strifes Anchor build

Nespinha – Level 80 Guardian [DDE]

Guardian Video Guide for Fractals Shown at 48

in Guardian

Posted by: Nespinha.3165


Love the videos. Music works fabulously!

Just a bit curious, ever tested this build in wvw? Is the HP enough?

Nespinha – Level 80 Guardian [DDE]

Best armor upgrades

in Guardian

Posted by: Nespinha.3165


Having reached the stats you want, you can virtually reach those same numbers with other armor upgrades (Runes, Orbs, Crests), just playing with build calculators. Some people prefer runes for the skills they give, others prefer orbs or crests to reach higher stat numbers.

With that in mind, which do you think are the Best armor upgrades and why? Which runes give skills or abilities to good to ignore?

Nespinha – Level 80 Guardian [DDE]

Importance of Crit chance/damage in WvW

in Guardian

Posted by: Nespinha.3165


I basically roam alone or in a small group. But when I get the chance to run into a zerg..I won´t back down. My biggest issue is when I run into 2v2 or 1v2 fights. Although I have a good burst, sometimes it´s hard to survive if the opponent has high defense and regeneration.

Nespinha – Level 80 Guardian [DDE]

Importance of Crit chance/damage in WvW

in Guardian

Posted by: Nespinha.3165


I have a few questions when going through my WvW builds. I currently run a Tanky DPS (3K attack and armor, 42% crit chance and 70/75% crit damage) in PvE and WvW but….is that the most viable way to play as a Guardian in WvW? Sometimes I have doubts.

1) How much crit chance and damage do your WvW builds usually have?
2) In your opinion, how much crit damage should you have for X value of crit chance?
3) Is it better to drop precision and crit damage (in WvW) and bet more on other stats (ex: more toughness and healing power)?

Nespinha – Level 80 Guardian [DDE]

[Guide] WvW/PvE new AH Guardian build

in Guardian

Posted by: Nespinha.3165


You realise that your build isnt optimzed at all.

Within 5 minutes i can post a build that has:

Higher effective power (dps over time)
Higher burst capability in individual hits
Higher effective healthpool (withstand direct damage)
Higher absolute healthpool (withstand conditions.)
Benefits more relatively from protection
Benefits more in absolute numbers from from fury.

If i were you i wouldnt be so smug versus a guy (Foofad) that actually has an understanding of the numbers in this game, when you post kitten like that.

Post that build so everyone can see what you´re talking about

Nespinha – Level 80 Guardian [DDE]

Full berserker was only a pve thing? nahhh!

in Guardian

Posted by: Nespinha.3165


Fabulous video! Damage output is absolutely amazing! On the other hand, like other users, i question the survivability in wvw. If you can’t kill the foe with a starting surprise burst of damage, you´re in for a lot of trouble (specially with high healing classes/players).

Nevertheless congratz on the video, certainly a surprise for me since i’m against full zerk guardians

Nespinha – Level 80 Guardian [DDE]

One handed dps, No sword

in Guardian

Posted by: Nespinha.3165


I also use a scepter/torch as one of my sets (can´t say its main or alt since i’m constantly switching between them and GS). Scepters damage might not seem that high, but if you add up all the hits you can generate…you’ll be in for a huge surprise (doesn´t hit to hard but certainly hits lots and lots of times!). As for torch, it’s clearly an underrated weapon, very few Guardians use it, don’t really get it since it is clearly a better dps weapon when compared to focus or shield (if were ONLY discussing the damage output of the weapon), since the cooldowns are low and are a great compliment to scepter cooldowns.

Seeing your traits, you clearly use a lot of meditations. I don´t run meditations, and so my suggestions would be sing honorable shield, strenght in numbers (very usefull when running in groups) or rertrebutive armor (another compliment to damage output).

Another good idea you be going 20 points in honor for empowering might (with RHS you can easily reach a constante 5 might stacks with scepter/torch) and inspired virtues (with the 15 points in radiance you already have, just keep the might comin!)

Nespinha – Level 80 Guardian [DDE]

Post Your Stats!

in Guardian

Posted by: Nespinha.3165


here is my stats atm. still missing 3 ascended trinkets but im nearly there. will post an update once i am fully geared

Very interesting stats in either this and the more updated version

Could you please reveal the stats of equipment, trikets and rune you’re using? (If not you could just PM me)

Nespinha – Level 80 Guardian [DDE]


in Guardian

Posted by: Nespinha.3165


Just from personal experience here (take some salt grains here), but I’ve seen some Guardians that main a scepter that could embarrass anyone using any other weapon.

True story

And like many other said, it’s obvious Guardian also needs a ranged weapon. There are some bosses you just can’t melee and not be squished often, so you have to have a viable option for those situations

Nespinha – Level 80 Guardian [DDE]

When do you activate Virtue of Justice?

in Guardian

Posted by: Nespinha.3165


Since mine is traited for 3 stacks of might, I’m continuously spamming it! With 15 points in Radiance…even better

Nespinha – Level 80 Guardian [DDE]

Guild Missions

in Guilds

Posted by: Nespinha.3165


I know this is a silly question but I haven’t found an answer on the web. To do guild missions and get commendations, do you have to represent that guild?

Nespinha – Level 80 Guardian [DDE]

Super Adventure Box reward

in Guardian

Posted by: Nespinha.3165


Now that this event is over (will it really end in 2 days?)…most of you have your SAB skin. Shield, GS, Staff etc…but maybe some of you (like me) still have the 250 bauble bubbles. I really can’t tell/don’t think any of the skins are to die for, specially because they really don’t combine with most armor of the game.

For those that have legendary weapons, are the baubles well spent in 250 obsidian shards? Or are they easy to get and I’m better suited with a SAB skin (shield would be my pick).

Nespinha – Level 80 Guardian [DDE]

Best Tanky DPS

in Guardian

Posted by: Nespinha.3165


Dungeons, high level events, WvW, PvP………………… PVT works for all of them. for those who said PVT is useless in PvE, are you insane? YES you do need the health when you are in a dungeon, because you’re the one tanking the most. zerker guards are a joke.

Gotta partially agree with him. Full zerker guards can’t hold aggro and survive while anchoring enemies, and that’s the main role of a Guardian. A Guardian can have high dps but muss always be able to protect allies and hold off enemies from fragile companions. If not, then why choose Guardian?

Obviously you can get a good PvE build around PVT stats, but I think you can get the best performance mixing things up (soldier and knight stats are my favorite)

Nespinha – Level 80 Guardian [DDE]

Best Tanky DPS

in Guardian

Posted by: Nespinha.3165


In general, knight is mostly used for PvE and soldier’s stats are more for WvW (doesn’t mean you shouldn’t use them the other way around but that’s what most people go for). In my opinion you should mix them to get a versatile set.

Nespinha – Level 80 Guardian [DDE]

All Rounded Guardian Build - PVE/WVW

in Guardian

Posted by: Nespinha.3165


After studying and researching for quite a bit, i’ve came up of what I think is an all rounded build for a Guardian. This build is intended to work in PvE and WvW.

This Guardian is not supose to be a DPS cannon nor a Tank. It’s rather a good damage/good survivability Guardian capable of being a good tank, good supporter, good close and long range attacker. Doesn’t have to be the best DPS or Tank out there, just a solo independent Guardian capable of a bit from every corner (This is how I like to run).|b.1g.h1.f.1g.h2|1.1n.h1|1n.7x.1c.7x.1n.7x.1n.7x.1n.71h.1c.71h|31k.0.3s.0.2s.0.1p.61.1p.64.2s.0|5.0.u64b.u28b.5|0.0|w.16.19.1b.1i|e

Like the description said, there is a long range and close range weapon:

Long Range: Scepter+Torch
- Scepter was an easy call, but why torch and not shield or focus? The torch is a weapon purelly intended for damage. The ouput damage is great and the cooldowns (15s) are excellent (the burn and cond removals also help out a lot). Focus has one close/medium range skill, and another purelly for close range that are usefull, but the cooldowns are massive (25 and 45s!). Shield is good for survivability and control (if you want more survivability go for this one) but not for pure damage. As a long range option, you’ll basically be standing out bombing the enemies from a “safe” distance, so all you’ll need is pure damage intended weapons and stats/sigil on them.
If that’s not enough damage, you can go for +10 in Virtues and choose Unscathed Contender. At a long range you can easilly maintain Aegis up, and hence raise your damage 20%!

Close Range: Greatsword
- You could also choose Hammer and go with Glacial Heart in Valor, but I prefer the Greatsword for quicker damage, and also because of the amazing and usefull pull skill (awesome to attract foes from weaker companions). In closer range, you want to have more survivability, that’s why I chose knights stats. I end up loosing 10% crit damage and 52 power, but I gain 179 toughness to be able to handle even more damage from foes. The 5% crit chance allows me to maintain a 1% bigger crit chance than the long range set. In exchange for this sigil, you could wear the superior sigil of battle (amazingly interesting!). The +3 stacks of might (105 power) for 20s is awesome for some surprise finish attack (and a good start for might stacking with empowering migth and the autoattack).
You could go for Sword+Shield, Mace+Focus, etc…but Greatsword is what I prefer.

Traits: 5/0/30/30/5
- Easy/Obvious picks for what I need. Pure of voice for cond removal (I used to run soldier runes, but the +15% boon duration was too appealing..) with shouts (20% shout recharge). And Strenght in numbers to raise survivability. Inspired virtue is too awesome and usefull to dispense. As for the 5 points in Zeal, you could put them in Radiance or Virtues, depends if you want more crit chance, more power or more vitue recharge/boon duration and a bonus (like Unscathed Contender, Vengefull or Master of Consecrations). Empowering Might: Obvious (With this crit chance you’ll maintain 3-6 might stacks constantly = +105 – +210 additional power).

- Choice purelly based on the final stats. You could replace the Valkyrie accessories for Ruby (More DPS), or Soldier/Knights stats (More survivability). I chose Valks basically to reach the ~16k Hp value and not loose much crit damage.

Armor Stats and Runes:
- Like I previously said, I used to run with soldier runes for cond removal. Using pure of voice I can replace the +90 vitality and condition removal skill for a +25 healing and +15% boon duration (better use of all the boons you can generate, and easier to stack up might from empowering might). Knights and Soldier gear purelly to reach the stats I want.

Slots Skills:
- Healing: Shelter (take advantage of might of the protector);
- Utility: Depends on what/where you’re playing. Bane and Judgment Signet if you want to power or raise damage reduction. SOA and Wall of refletion for area/ally protection. Shouts for boons and pure of voice cond removal (= even more boons!). Judge’s Intervention for WvW pursuits. Your pick! (I usually run 2 shouts and signet of judgment in PvE;
- Elite: Easy pick between Renewed Focus or Tome of Courage. I prefer the Focus (more boons and invulnerability!).

To check out the unbuffed stats (I don´t use food or utility consumables..) follow the link at the beggining of the post!

This is not the best nor the worst build out there. It’s the way I like to run, and the most efficient one i’ve found to run in PvE and WvW. Like most users, I don’t like to switch gear and trinkets from PvE to WvW, so that’s why I came up with a build capable of roaming in both worlds as a solo/independent Guardian or as a part of a group of guildies or other mates.

Of course, feedback and suggestions are always welcome

Nespinha – Level 80 Guardian [DDE]

Post Your Stats!

in Guardian

Posted by: Nespinha.3165


0/5/30/30/5 with soldier runes, buffed stats, unbuffed it’s 30% crit chance 73% crit dmg

Nice stats! Wouldnt mind seeing what gear you use, I see a good amount of Ascended.

I’m using soldier greatsword, 5x knight and 1x soldier armor, ascended berserker/valkyrie amulet and 2x rings, ascended cavalier accessory and 1 normal beryl accessory with beryl jewel

Same question as I did to Zach!
Do you have AH? (I bet you do). I run a dps hybrid with scepter/torch (high range dps) and GS (for some tank action and quick finishing moves). I want to have at least 50% (S+T) and 45% (GS) crit chance and I come across with defensive stats around 1812 Toughness and 1388 Vitality (15525hp).

Based on your and Zachs experience, do you think these survivability stats are enough to be anchor/tank/melee guardian when necessary? I won’t go melee as many times as you and Zach but I will need them sometimes…If not, should I raise Toughness or Vitality?


Nespinha – Level 80 Guardian [DDE]

Post Your Stats!

in Guardian

Posted by: Nespinha.3165


This is a Soldier Rune build.

Armor is a mix of zerk/soldiers/knight, same for trinkets.

Build is 0/5/30/30/5

Stats without food are;
Crit Chance% -27
Crit Damage% -70
Crit chance % with food and sigil of perception is 54%.

Food is, Master Maintenance Oil and Bowl of Curry Butternut Squash Soup.

Any Questions, feel free to pm in game.

Do you run AH on your build? Is that Toughness enough in pve and wvw? (I´m working on a build that has 1812 Toughness and 1388 Vitality – 15525hp with AH and i want to now if thw survivability is enough in wvw and high level pve dungeons)

Nespinha – Level 80 Guardian [DDE]

Need Advice/Help - Scepter+Torch/GS Build

in Guardian

Posted by: Nespinha.3165


Hello everyone,

I need some advice on my build.
I run a sylvari guardian since the game launch and wanted to make a character different from what you normally see (thats why i chose sylvari guardian, an uncommon choice). So i use a scepter + torch as my main weapons and greatsword as my alt. I wanted to build a ranged dps guardian thats also capable of being a tank when necessary. A high crit dps+tank character, thats not a superb glass cannon nor a super tank but with a bit of the best from both (like a hybrid guardian).

1) I used this build while running through dungeons getting certain sets and exotic gear (0/30/10/20/10):

2) But now i’m only doing fractals (20+ atm) with this build (0/30/20/20/0):

As for equipment, im using complete Soldier gear (power, toughness, vitality) with 5 Runes of the Soldier (165 vitality and +50 toughness) and 1 Svanir (25 toughness). My weapons have Berserker stats (power, precision, crit damage) with Superior Sigil of Accuracy (5% crit chance, scepter and torch) and Superior Sigil of Battle (3 stacks might for 20sec at swap, greatsword). My rings, amulet and accessories are exotic or ascended (because of fractals, haven’t got full ascended gear yet) and my back piece is rare (until i get my fractal capacitator ascended).

My utility skills change a lot depending on what the situation asks for (stand your ground, wall of reflection, purging flames, hold the line, save yourselves, shield of the avenger, grasping vines, but i always keep the signet of judgment to deal with received damage). I use the signet of resolve as the healing skill and tome of courage as the elite one.

This build was intended to be able to sustain lots of damage and also do decent damage from ranged distance, not to be a full tank (like 90% of guardians are, to be different from most ppl like i said) nor to be a glass cannon. I switch to my GS when i can sustain close range damage or when a quick finisher is needed. Because of the high crit chance i’m constantly dishing 8/9 stacks of might to allies and myself. I mostly used build 1), and i was dishing a lot of buffs with the virtues (constantly being used) and with shouts when the situation asked for them. But because of a few unpleasant critiques, i switched to build 2) (the one that these stats represent, releasing the virtues line for more toughness).

With build 2 my current stats are:

Power: 1818
Precision: 1612
Toughness: 1653
Vitality: 1700
Cond Damage: 300
Crit Chance: 37% (+ runes + traits = 57% on each weapon with my main set)
Crit Damage: 47%
Armor: 2864

Attack: 2786

Health: 18645
Healing Power: 200

My need for help or advice is the input from some users that party with me (random party, not guildies that fully understand my playstyle) when i’m doing 20+ fractals.
A few times i’ve been called loser, noob, useless, weak, ridiculous and even been challenged for pvp duels for ppl to prove that my build sucks. I’ve been “accused” of being a non efficient character that doesn’t support enough the party (not enough buffs), that doesn’t have high damage (like a high crit dps character) and that can’t take good amounts of it like a proper tank. I’m sick and tired of being criticized for having my own playstyle, specially when i feel these critiques are mostly unfair.

So I need to know what am i doing wrong? Is my build that bad? What are the good and bad points of it? What can i change to make it better? Is this playstyle really not usefull in anyway when running a guardian? Do i have to totally change my playstyle and adopt a full tank build as a guardian?

Any advice is welcome of course


Nespinha – Level 80 Guardian [DDE]