Showing Posts For Neverathome.8349:

Charr and the juggernaut

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Neverathome.8349


People state that they can’t see the legendary effect of the hammer,i can see the effect by myself but others can’t,if this is true its realy gamebreaking imo!

pls take a look into this issue

Kind Regard’s
thx in advance

Increase of grind. Lack of new content.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Neverathome.8349


I agree with you op,I am also burned out, bored, been there done that…

But give a-net some time,let em finish the scarlet stuff(lw)

Then i hope an expansian will hit containing new stuff

-new zones
-new dungeon’s
-new skill’s
-new weapen’s
-new race
-new jumping puzzles
-new lore
-new worldboss
-new fractals

all off that can be done in a lvl 80 to 90 experience in new zones so that the ascended folk’s stop whining about how hard it is (time consuming) to get that gear,In the expansian it will drop from mob’s,reward from dungeon’s token’s ,fractals,worldboss,ect…

the thing is if ya release all this now they will be kitten ed off because of how much time they invested now atm to get that gear and in the expansian it will drop from mobs ect…

I am in the same boat as you i have done everything, i have a legendary(the juggernaut)done all the dungeon’s jumpingpuzzles ect..

the only thing i sometimes log in for now is wvw but hitting door’s all the time, after a while it get’s boring too.

I am checking out RSI atm :-)

Kind regard’s and a happy newyear ya all

Gems are expensive (EU)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Neverathome.8349


What i know.
US warranty 1 year
EU warranty 2 year (law)

I am from EU (Belgium) the vat here is 21 procent on wares.
The taxes on paycheck’s in BE are the highest of the world arround 50 up to 60 procent goes off, no joking

The 50 a 60 procent they take goes to,
-Healthcare(includes hospitalcare, doctervisit’s,dentalcare, ect)
-unemployement(when ya lose your job ya get paid by the gouverment )

For an example,in the US you can choose if ya pay for healtcare or not here ya have it by law so you pay for it no choice,a good thing tho if you are sick a lot ect. but if ya sometimes get sick or never get sick ye its expensive wel these a day’s its all freaking expensive eh

back to op’s post,yes its cheaper in the US no doubt about it,I travelled to the US many times for my job,When i was in Ellensburg (Washington) working at the Wild horse site i went to a motordealer and for example the Yamaha R1 new was arround 14000 Dollar’s, here in EU BE its arround 17000 Euro’s do the math.

Kind regard’s ya all

(edited by Neverathome.8349)

hammer is NOT op

in Warrior

Posted by: Neverathome.8349



6 The irony is, in that first screen shot, the guy who said they nerfed hammer was using a hammer. :P js

Yes he is He nerfed that hammer he was wielding wanted to trade it with mine lolz.
But i refused,….He was a thief disguised as a warrior.

hammer is NOT op

in Warrior

Posted by: Neverathome.8349


My precious charr warrior,


119 gold for 25 keys "on sale"

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Neverathome.8349


The sollution imo is to remove the rng part from the cashshop,its a big ripoff,Also i am pretty sure if a-net change the fact to get weapens true rng (ticket’s) they even whould have more cashshop sales because people whould rather buy a guaranteed item.

For example:
People, if, let’s say all of the weapens now ya can get with ticket’s ya can buy now for 800 gem’s par piece,are you gonna buy them or not for that price?

Imo if i could get guaranteed weapen’s for that price i whould probably invest more into the cashshop than now atm, i don’t do it much cause of the rng.

kind regard’s

sry for the bad english not my main lang.

When does magic find effect chests?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Neverathome.8349


Indeed it doesnt,Sometimes i wondering why i am upping my mf,normal drops are alway’s blue’s or greens ya get,even when the mob drop a chest(i heard a while ago that the loot in chest’s from mob’s was going to be a guaranteed rare or exotic)wel it isn’t they containing also blue and green salvage junk.

We need better reward’s from actualy playing the game(outside gemstufffluf)

Kind regard’s

(edited by Neverathome.8349)

Time For New Armor

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Neverathome.8349


I think the only way they can introduce new armor is with an expansion,this is an mmo after all,ya must have some ladder system otherwise ya get bored pretty fast,
let’s say they open crystal dessert and other zone’s make em level 90 (yes levelcapincrease ya need it)
In that new zone’s ya gonna have,new armor, from junk armor to ascended,new craftingmats,new dungeon’s,new de’s,new dragon,new race,new proffession’s,new skill’s……

I hope what they are working on,aka the bigger project,its gonna be an expansion i realy do and willing too pay for that.

Atm, been there done that and i am pretty bored.

Time For New Armor

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Neverathome.8349


I truly hope A-net wil read this thread!

+1 too the original poster

kind regard’s


in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Neverathome.8349


Asus sabertooth Z77
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 770
Intel® Core™ i5-3570 CPU @ 3.40GHz (4 CPUs), ~3.4GHz
Memory: 8192MB RAM

wvw 15/fps, constant ability lag,ect..

kind regard’s

Time to roll a Warrior

in WvW

Posted by: Neverathome.8349



Warrior has best HP pool,armor,def and off abilities,mobility and his DPS ? Warrior DPS is joke.Warrior makes about 50% more damage than Guardian and 100% higher than the Thief (Warrior glass cannon 18.5k HP,Guardian/Thief 10.5k HP)


warriors were the running jokes in pvp for almost 12 month since headstart. guess what? nothing has changed about there hp, armor, mobility and damage since then.
people see a warrior running away extremely fast with GS + Sword + Bullrush, then see another warrior who stunlocks with Hammer + Mace, then see another warrior who seems to be unkillable due to clerics gear + banner + block + double endure pain, then see another warrior who killshots for 10k+ from range, then see another warrior who perma clean conditions with longbow. people then go to forums and qq the wheck out of it how op warriors are because of all that stuff.
guess what? warriors are awesome just because they have so many viable builds.
but they cannot have it all at once.
people have to realize there’s no 30/30/30/30/30 build with 5 weapon sets to swap


Time to roll a Warrior

in WvW

Posted by: Neverathome.8349


I got two shot from something i couldnt see,i try to hit it but it vanish’d lolz,i wonder what it was…

[Merged] Think "Mounts" outside the box!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Neverathome.8349


No need for mounts imo,
For wvw, well a siegetank should be verry cool,
1:ya need 5 man to drive it to let it work
2:it is slower than the ingame runningspeed

ah well just some new siege

kind regards

Some ANET interfered with our GvG

in WvW

Posted by: Neverathome.8349


All that rage for that dev,nice community we have.Wel its a kiddies game pegi 12+ explaines al the whining….

kind regard’s

We Charr Demand For More Attention !

in Suggestions

Posted by: Neverathome.8349


+1 for the op

many issues:-Floating shields,-T3 gloves clipping with most of the shield’s,-axe’s, left axe smaller than right axe,..and so on.

for charr people with the legendary juggernaut,radiant gloves disappearing when T3 chest is equiped,only work’s with the cof chest so far i think?

a verry good post,

kind regard’s

Bleeding needs dripping trail of blood

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Neverathome.8349


Wel these a day’s kid’s grow up verry fast,The thing is, when i was a kid i alway’s wanted to have games with a age rating 16+ 18+. Why because i thought back then, the games with a 16+ or 18+ rating where more difficult had more longevity,I am pretty sure if Arenanet had labeled there game 16+ or 18+ they even would have more sales.

Back to op,A trail of blood for bleeding nice idea

US: not many games with blood,too much gore

Japan:many games with blood,all about gore

Europe:not many games published in overall compared with the above two,about gore in europe well an endless discussion lolz

kind regard’s

Why Nobody is Playing in 4 Words

in Super Adventure Box: Back to School

Posted by: Neverathome.8349


Because for a lot of people its too much effort to do it,they want levels that take one minute,the reward’s ect on a silver platter,

for me i like it,i love it….they should make it permanent content, but a lot more difficult

Disheartening if true

in PvP

Posted by: Neverathome.8349


I want spvp to have a new game mode like deathmatch,you get killed you stay down till the match is finished,there ya have it, then we can start useing spectatormode also automaticly while waiting dead on the floor till the match is finished.

sry for the crap english.

kind regard’s

Living Story is Killing the rest of the game

in Living World

Posted by: Neverathome.8349


For me it doesnt feel like livingworld,for me a living world in gw2 looks more like this for example,

A dragon hit the sea creating a massive tsunami,submerging an existing map by half with water or a vulcano that starts erupting somewhere in tyria for example,also it should stay that way after 2 weeks its gone.

What i mean is,It should be nice if they could redisign existing map’s into lw permanent,Now its like a small extra map with lw content after 2 weeks gone because of server limmitations probably.

Imagin in your rl living world they build a new school in your town,then you take a visit, gone lol, it was only for two weeks.

The Juggernaut?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Neverathome.8349


What do ya people think of it after the update?

Time Gating Is -> NOT FUN

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Neverathome.8349


If you want to change a companies philosophy, use number’s not word’s

kind regard’s

Legendary's and there rework

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Neverathome.8349


It looks promising imo , the one’s i see atm in the video.
Good job a-net,I should love too see all of them now, i am so curious ,i am wielding the juggernaut could need some love too imo.

kind regard’s

Re-install... unsuccessful.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Neverathome.8349


I had the same after upgrading my pc,i could download the client but when i clicked gw.setup.exe i bugged at 10850kb it freezes my screen and prompted me back to desktop.the sollution for me was updating my graphicscard drivers,

Some say its because of window’s firewall,windows security essentials or windefender blocking it or avg ect.

but imo i think it will be a driver issue.
Good luck tho

Why there isnt any Warrior in tourment?

in Warrior

Posted by: Neverathome.8349


Wel imo its a hard class to play pvp wise,If ya make mistakes you are dead,with my thief for example i can make mistakes and i don’t get punnished too hard for it,the biggest problem for me are the animation’s warrior is all about speed but the animation’s are so slow,let us work faster much faster(but with mayby a little less dps then to compensate).
Sometimes i think the animationspeed of frenzy is what a warrior need:)

To go back on the subject ye not so many warrior’s these day’s not in tournaments not in spvp.

Argghhh It is Just Not Fair!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Neverathome.8349


Use crafted exotics

kind regard’s

Is there a loot bug?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Neverathome.8349


I was at my friends place,told him ya can do a verry small jp on southsun,he did it,
loot 2 blue daggers and a weapenenchant.
I log in on my account on his computer, i got exactly the same loot from the jp in southsun,2 blue daggers and a weapenenchant.

mayby its ip related.

kind regards

ps:sry for the crappy englisch not my main langaugsisizez

(edited by Neverathome.8349)

What does Guild Wars 2 make you think about?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Neverathome.8349


hehe i was just thinking on the op again,

When i walk or run pass beautiful lakes, rippling creek’s in gw2 i am sometimes thinking ahh let’s pull out my fishingpole sit down drink a potion relax grab a fish

What does Guild Wars 2 make you think about?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Neverathome.8349


I am sometimes thinking at the day’s when i played the good old final fantasy series,in my case from ff7 till ff10,also a free world to roam arround
heres something i posted a while ago,not that it matters to this op,but its good in some way’s i think.

End game,well….before i started playing mmo’s i was playing rpg’s, my most favorite game back then was squaresoft’s ff10 before square enix started to kitten up the others that followed.For casuals there was the storyline and some minigames to do ingame and that was it,for the hardcore gamers there was much more, as it almost was disigned only for them.:)There endgame began at getting the calestical weapen’s(that was imo easy)But then it all just begon for me"the endgame"Farming dark matters,Getting break hp limit,Getting break damage limit,Fighting the dark aeons,Finding hidden bosses completing the monsterarena and so on…For all this ya needed a kittenload of time,some effort to read things,to use your brains.
In Gw2 i treuly hope i will experience the same like i did in the game that i talked about.But at the end its all what you make of it,If you like it stay, if ya don’t like it move on.

The sad thing is i tryed to play ff10-2 but i was shocked of what enix had done completely kitten up the serries,The same now happend with the maxis simcity serries brilliant in the past but ea haves them now and look at sc5 not more than a facebook game now.

Wel thats said,i realy enjoy gw2 atm:)i hope ncsoft/arenanet doesnt kitten this one up cause of $$$

"More Than An Expansion's Worth of Content"

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Neverathome.8349


They never said there won’t be an expansion, remind that also:),We only like 9 months live now like Vayne said.About the overhyping, wel so what, everbody does it, even you!

friend:Hey fella how are ya today?me:good good and you, still working on your house?
friend:Ye ye:) its gonna look like a awesome dude:),when will it be ready?
friend:aah i think in about a year or two from here:)me:Good man keep it up:)blablablablablalabla

2year’s later:The house is finished:)………But ….it “It didnt look like a castel at all!!!”

An other friend:Hey man ya interested in buying my car:)i gonna give ya a good price friend a goooood price:).me:realy blablablabla.

That’s what i mean,everybody does it,

I call it “excitement”

kind regard’s

(edited by Neverathome.8349)

More Chest RNG Weapons

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Neverathome.8349


What i hate is,is that some people think if they see someone with a fused weapen they bought it with real money and that is not alway’s true,

i got lucky while lvling an alt, a key dropped while doing my storyline.I putt it on my bank,I go to my main and open a blc with it.There it was totally unexpected a ticket for fused weapens,i chose the rifle;) because… well i don’t see many of them,

Here’s a screenie:)


Fight Fire With Fire..Say No to Warriors

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Neverathome.8349


I was just thinking about this, and you know, I hardly ever run a dungeon WITH a warrior. Almost never. Oh, ocassionally here and there, but they’re the real exception to the rule. And then I thought about it….
Why not make dungeon groups and exclude warriors from them. Just post something on that looks like this.
Want to run SE Path 1…warriors need not apply!
First it would be funny to see how they like it, particularly if lots of people start doing it, but more, it would give everyone else a chance to get in their dungeon runs, without kowtowing to the efficiency slaves.
I think it’s a good move.

I think it’s a great idea. It might actually send a message where it’s needed to the Devs to show them we’re tired of the wide spread elitist nonsense, we want groups without issues, and we want our classes properly balanced so this kind of virtual bigotry doesn’t continue.
and engineer

The next op or fotm class will be engineer,then we can exclude them from dungeon’s
wtf are you saying man.pls just think for a moment!

there are other way’s to succesfully solve this problem.

Kind regard’s again;)

(edited by Neverathome.8349)

Fight Fire With Fire..Say No to Warriors

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Neverathome.8349


Vayne.8563:Sorry i rolled a warrior at day one dude,Anywayz don’t flame people running arround with a warrior,As it already happend with me in la,Some jerk’s at the mystikforge yelling laughing look another warrior.I just ignored them.What anet can do is mayby buff all other classes for pve lol.Anywayz this is an neverending story there will alway’s be classes stronger or faster or better than other’s.I don’t want to compare this game to wow(played it for 6 years)but it was the same for like 6 years pls buff rogues nerf tank’s buff mages nerf priest’s buff hunters nerf warriors PLEASE just stop.

Kind regard’s

Are you a name rebel?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Neverathome.8349


I saw a warrior the other day,his name was Waaaaaaaaaaaaaargh.xxxx lol,So funny but mayby boring overtime.:)

My char. names atm,-warrior,Pristinewhite -elementalist,Elektricia

Kind regards

World events.......

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Neverathome.8349


How they can solve this problem:
(tho,a kittenload of work for a-net rewriting stuff and all:))

-Design dragon’s so there “not environmental dependet”

-Let them spawn in random places in the world.
(can be tough they need some movement space but not impossible)

-Let them spawn at different times.
(make from 1 hour is equal to 60 min,1hour is 61min or 66min if ya understand what i mean and play with it weekly, something for the dev’s one buttonpush task weekly)

-ban websites with dragontimers.
(impossible imo there’s just to many of them and offcourse ya cannot control people:))

Wel eventualy its all up to them(a-net) they have the power to control there game:)

Kind regard’s

Guild Missions [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Neverathome.8349


What if we let the cost to unlock guildmission’s stack with the amount of players in a guild so every member need to contribute?New guildmembers gonna have to pay there share of influence before they can join already unlocked mission’s. Also they can make it unexploiteble,members leaving guild and reinvite’s can be a problem with my example.

What do you think of it people?

kind regard’s:)

Guild Missions [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Neverathome.8349


What if we let the cost to unlock tiers stack with the amount of players in a guild so every member need to contribute?

Also they can make it unexploiteble,members leaving guild and reinvite’s can be a problem with my example.

kind regard’s:)

Final Rest - Current Theories

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Neverathome.8349


In the south part of orr deepest point of the game(ocean) imo. ya dive, there’s a champion rare swimming in and out the game border,i don’t know if theres an event linked to it.

I personally feel that there is a lack of competition

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Neverathome.8349


I agree with the op.:) People this is an MMO they should serve both casual and hardcore. Here something i posted a while ago.

End game,well….before i started playing mmo’s i was playing rpg’s, my most favorite game back then was squaresoft’s ff10 before square enix started to kitten up the others that followed.For casuals there was the storyline and some minigames to do ingame and that was it,for the hardcore gamers there was much more, as it almost was disigned only for them.:)There endgame began at getting the calestical weapen’s(that was imo easy)But then it all just begon for me"the endgame"Farming dark matters,Getting break hp limit,Getting break damage limit,Fighting the dark aeons,Finding hidden bosses completing the monsterarena and so on…For all this ya needed a kittenload of time,some effort to read things,to use your brains.
In Gw2 i treuly hope i will experience the same like i did in the game that i talked about.But at the end its all what you make of it,If you like it stay, if ya don’t like it move on.

Anothers players reply on this one.
Somewhere along the development of GW2, “no gear treadmill” turned into “no player left behind”. Lets give everyone the same gear! Let’s design the game so every player, good or bad, can complete all content in PvE! Let’s give everyone a choice of 3 cookie-cutter builds for their class, so that casual players don’t feel left behind! Let’s make legendaries easy, but big time sinks so that anyone could get them! As a result, the skill ceiling in PvE was made very low. There are no megabosses, there are no challenges that actually require SKILL to beat. There is nothing that only the best of the best can achieve. “Rewarding skilled players for being good” became “Rewarding all players just for showing up”, and the only measure of a player seems to be “Well did you get 100% world completion?” and “Did you get all the armor skins?”

Issues with character art, weapons, or armor?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Neverathome.8349


Severe clipping: The arm’s of my char are clipping true my shoulder’s.
Pls fix,THX in advance.
Kind Regard’s Pristinewhite


Issues with character art, weapons, or armor?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Neverathome.8349


Arenanet i want to thank you for fixing the issues i had when equiping shield’s,It took some time but the result is there:)


end game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Neverathome.8349


End game,well….before i started playing mmo’s i was playing rpg’s, my most favorite game back then was squaresoft’s ff10 before square enix started to kitten up the others that followed.For casuals there was the storyline and some minigames to do ingame and that was it,for the hardcore gamers there was much more, as it almost was disigned only for them.:)There endgame began at getting the calestical weapen’s(that was imo easy)But then it all just begon for me"the endgame"Farming dark matters,Getting break hp limit,Getting break damage limit,Fighting the dark aeons,Finding hidden bosses completing the monsterarena and so on…For all this ya needed a kittenload of time,some effort to read things,to use your brains.

In Gw2 i treuly hope i will experience the same like i did in the game that i talked about.But at the end its all what you make of it,If you like it stay, if ya don’t like it move on.

"Progression" in MMOs

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Neverathome.8349


End game,well….before i started playing mmo’s i was playing rpg’s, my most favorite game back then was squaresoft’s ff10 before square enix started to kitten up the others that followed.For casuals there was the storyline and some minigames to do ingame and that was it,for the hardcore gamers there was much more, as it almost was disigned only for them.:)There endgame begon at getting the calestical weapen’s(that was imo easy)But then it all just begon for me"the endgame"Farming dark matters,Getting break hp limit,Getting break damage limit,Fighting the dark aeons,Finding hidden bosses completing the mosterarena and so on…For all this ya needed a kittenload of time,some effort to read things,to use your brains.
In Gw2 i treuly hope i will experience the same like i did in the game that i talked about.But at the end its all what you make of it,If you like it stay, if ya don’t like it move on.

Reply on my post from another player.

Somewhere along the development of GW2, “no gear treadmill” turned into “no player left behind”. Lets give everyone the same gear! Let’s design the game so every player, good or bad, can complete all content in PvE! Let’s give everyone a choice of 3 cookie-cutter builds for their class, so that casual players don’t feel left behind! Let’s make legendaries easy, but big time sinks so that anyone could get them! As a result, the skill ceiling in PvE was made very low. There are no megabosses, there are no challenges that actually require SKILL to beat. There is nothing that only the best of the best can achieve. “Rewarding skilled players for being good” became “Rewarding all players just for showing up”, and the only measure of a player seems to be “Well did you get 100% world completion?” and “Did you get all the armor skins?”

What is there for non-casual players?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Neverathome.8349


End game,well….before i started playing mmo’s i was playing rpg’s, my most favorite game back then was squaresoft’s ff10 before square enix started to kitten up the others that followed.For casuals there was the storyline and some minigames to do ingame and that was it,for the hardcore gamers there was much more, as it almost was disigned only for them.:)There endgame begon at getting the calestical weapen’s(that was imo easy)But then it all just begon for me"the endgame"Farming dark matters,Getting break hp limit,Getting break damage limit,Fighting the dark aeons,Finding hidden bosses completing the mosterarena and so on…For all this ya needed a kittenload of time,some effort to read things,to use your brains.

In Gw2 i treuly hope i will experience the same like i did in the game that i talked about.But at the end its all what you make of it,If you like it stay, if ya don’t like it move on.

Can We Expect Armor Clipping Fixes On Nov. 15?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Neverathome.8349


I hope,see this example,it realy look like….



in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Neverathome.8349


Hey A-net where are you,my shield still severely clips true my gloves.for month’s now, still no answer when they gonna fix this.this is mayby a small issieu but other people have severe issieus and also they don’t get answered by A-net.Realy dissapointing.

pls A-net communicate with your community

kind regards, sry for the crappy english

Full health and insta death

in Warrior

Posted by: Neverathome.8349


hehe i need too look better right before posting,wel i found my little problem,it’s the vengeance that’s causing it,the ability make’s you rally for 15sec after ya get downed meaning that, if ya can’t kill the mob in 15sec you die anywayz;)

Full health and insta death

in Warrior

Posted by: Neverathome.8349


Ok thx for the reply,I also noticed this for example.About a few minutes ago i was fighting a lvl 76veteran solo,i am lvl 75atm,and to be honest i think its something to do with the time given to kill a mob.If it takes too long it automaticly puts you on fire with death as a result.just thinking…

Full health and insta death

in Warrior

Posted by: Neverathome.8349


Heya all,Is it normal when i am attacking mobs sometimes even with full health my charr warrior is put on fire then instantly i get killed?Anyone having this isseus also?Thx in advance.

Kind Regards

Seeing map/armors/stuck/weapons or other art issues?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Neverathome.8349


A-net i realy think you should repley more post’s because people are left in the dark?

thx in advance
Kind regard’s

Seeing map/armors/stuck/weapons or other art issues?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Neverathome.8349


Same issues with my charr. Floating shield’s all of them,floating shoulderpiece,severe clipping shield’s in combat,minor clipping onehanded weapon’s,see attachment’s below.
PLS A-net get this fixed asap."I know ya have bussy times atm and need to prioritize but like other people stated,you looking at it and it’s annoying like…

Anywayz, pls put this issue closer to the top thing’s that need’s to get fixed.

Kind regard’s Pristinewhite
