Showing Posts For Nick.7621:

Guild Challenger Mayhem

in PvP

Posted by: Nick.7621



2/5 people should not dictate a team’s direction, it should be at least 3/5. kittenty position and ANet should do something to take these things into considerations. For example: giving the 3 members who were kicked the opportunity to take over that seed or seed into the Challenger Cup; not allowing any of them to play; or if the the team that kicked the 3 other members do make it and get that automatic cash prize for making it then it should be split among those who got to the challenger cup and those who made it into Pro Leagues.

Do People Still Play This Game?

in PvP

Posted by: Nick.7621


Game is dead. Pro League players are only sticking around because they’re getting paid. Streamers such as Helseth, Tdm, and others who play GW2 enjoy BnS more. Almost everyone that I know have quit this game.

The warrior thread to spell it out plainly

in PvP

Posted by: Nick.7621


Honestly man just give up. This game is dead. All the big GW2 PvP streamers are starting to play BnS and have said on stream that they enjoy it more. Just move onto the next game because this game is pretty much done.

[NA] Competitive Team LF Revenant or Druid

in Looking for...

Posted by: Nick.7621


If you’re so good then why didn’t you win the last two AG 1v1 tourney? Lololililililol

Because I didn’t attend them, perhaps. I’ve been preparing to make ESL for more than a year now. And it was mostly wasted, since I have been purchased by a guild to play Black Desert. If you think I’m bad, wager 1k USD. If you don’t want to wager, shut up.

1k USD? How about you suck my balls dude. I never heard of you and you didn’t participate in the latest 1v1 tournaments therefore you are not, nor are you anywhere near being “the best 1v1er in game”. Why is it that no Pro League team picked you up? Go and participate in tonight’s AG as a free agent and we’ll watch you get merked on stream.

[NA] Competitive Team LF Revenant or Druid

in Looking for...

Posted by: Nick.7621


I’ll get the pictures in a second. But I’ll be your druid and I’m known as one of the best 1v1 players in the world. I’m proficient as kitten in ranger and condi thief. And by proficient I mean that if I gave someone my exact build and tactics, I’d still win.

I’ve done some 2v2 weeklies before, but back when PVP had it’s own currency, I was the undefeated champion in the 1v1 world tournament (self organized by the top players, most left the game). I’ve also attempted to duel Chaith a few times but he blocked me because he thought I was kidding.

I’ll record my games tonight, all should be wins per usual. In the mean time, if you’d like to ask around about me, I’m sure a good amount here have heard of me. I am Shadow, full name: SHADOWJEDI

If you’re so good then why didn’t you win the last two AG 1v1 tourney? Lololililililol

Anet it's time to let conquest go.

in PvP

Posted by: Nick.7621


This is why I hate forums, a bunch of idiots like the guy who posted this. Conquest is the best game type for sPvP because of the following reasons:

1. Rotations. Knowing how to rotate is what wins you games.
2. Player vs player interactions for a node. Unlike Stronghold where you can bum rush the Lord.
3. Far more entertaining. Better than watching pve such as Stronghold.
4. They already tried other game modes such as team death match (Courtyard) and nobody liked it.
5. High tier pvpers don’t enjoy Stronghold. AG tried to get a Stronghold tourney but no one wanted to play Stronghold.
6. Conquest is the only game mode where player skill is required.

Idea to Decentivize the Bunker Meta

in PvP

Posted by: Nick.7621


The pvp forums community kittenes me off. THEY HAVE ADDRESSED THE BUNKER ISSUE ALREADY. Bunch of kittening handiturds you guys are.

Idea to Decentivize the Bunker Meta

in PvP

Posted by: Nick.7621


Look kittens. ANet already announced a patch where they are going to take out Celestial, Soldier, Sentinel and Settler. Go read the forum post or pay attention to the community you plebs.

Better Luck Next Time Warriors

in PvP

Posted by: Nick.7621


Just wait until they reveal evrything. The things I didn’t agree with were the heal changes. Buffing Healing Signet and Adrenal Health forces us to use the two, therefore forces us into a specific traitline already. The To The Limit heal buff was OK, but I would rather a reduced CD on it with the current base heal.

I would like to see a buff on Headbutt by increasing the range or making it unblockable. GS skills being revamped since they are gimmicky. Some sort of boon strip as well since everything has perma protection.

Upcoming Changes to PvP Runes/Sigils/Amulets

in PvP

Posted by: Nick.7621


S/D + Staff thieves, Reapers, Revs and Scrappers are all we’re gonna see now. Goodbye GW2.

Let's all just move

in PvP

Posted by: Nick.7621


Seriously, let’s all move to a different game. So many complaints, never getting addressed, a terrible track record of addressing these or balancing. Blade and Soul is only like, just over a week away. Leave the dark side and join the booby side.

Team formation for AG tourneys

in PvP

Posted by: Nick.7621


You’re a good warrior dude but I would honestly move on from this game. I highly doubt warrior will be anywhere near meta next meta unless they completely rework it, and I honestly think the next meta is gonna be just as bad since most elite traits are sustain oriented. I wish you luck though and would join you, but RIP GW2.

-Mortal Wombat X

[Build] So I made a Decap/Bunker Berserker

in Warrior

Posted by: Nick.7621


No point of running this since off the bat of my head there are three superior builds/classes that do the job that people actually run.

1. Scrapper rifle with Slick Shoes, Blast Gyro, and Sneak Gyro.
2. Druid longbow/staff with Ancient Seeds, and Glyph of the Tides.
3. Thief/Daredevil

Overall, this build serves no purpose. You only have one CC that knocks them back, you can’t stealth, and you’re not going to 1v1 anything.

I rate this -10/10.

Engineer Marauder Scrapper Game Play

in PvP

Posted by: Nick.7621


I guess alot here on the forums will laugh at me but I find this build absolutely perfect and I can beat all meta builds in 1vs1 including Scrappers.

I am very tanky even with Marauder and I dish out enough damage to kill Tempests and Mesmers. I can handle myself in a 1vs2 fight aswell and even some 1vs3 fights, it does get way to though if I end up in a fight with too much conditions.

I have no vid to show the build but I can try to discribe how I play it.

1. Thunderclap to stun and dish out nice damage also superspeed gives you good amount of healing.
2. If you are close on killing your oponent and oponent thinks he will survive (Some players save up their healing skill untill the end) use spacecapacitor to daze and while dazed you should be able to kill them off with Auto attacks.
3. Shock shield is good to inflict a great deal of weakness and supply yourself with some stacks of might, with superspeed active they can’t get away from you without evasive skills.
4. Also do not forget to deploy your Shredder Gyro and put down a Chemical field to spread out some poison to reduce enemy healing and some small extra damage, also try to keep a field on the shredder Gyro to always give some extra punch.
5. Medic gyro is best used when you are below about 80% or 70% health and then destroy it to daze your target and also to assure you that it will be renewed if you get too low health.
6. Bulwark Gyro should always be active during a fight as it gives you alot of defence.
7. Only use purge gyro when you have to many and strong Conditions on you and then let it stay active as long as it can or until the battle is over. If you are up against a condition build 20s CD is not enough time to survive anyway.
8. Everyone know what good use you can do with sneak gyro so I will not explain that, but remember that deploying gyros can be done while stealthed without revealing you.
9. HEY I HAVE NO COUNTER TO CC! Well, if you do things right you will survive and remeber that Medic Gyro can be used while CC’d.
10. Most important, if you are in deep trouble you can also use Recunstruction field to lower enemies damage and also use Rocket charge to make 3 consecutive heals that heals you pretty good.
11. Remember to always pick up your mekittenits that drops now and then.

I think traits are pretty close to the meta Scrapper but anyway this is not the usuall Generic Scrapper meta build. … I think. I have come up with this one myself atleast.

Edit: Hehe forgot to link it.

You kittening serious? All gyros lmfao. I love seeing plebs thinking that their builds are better than meta ones. You probably think it’s better simply because the person/people you fight suck.

I'm warrior Cuz i BELIEVE....

in PvP

Posted by: Nick.7621


I’ve played warrior on my main account which has pretty high MMR and it’s extremely difficult to play warrior, even to the point where they do nothing. However, on my smurf account I’ve been able to 1v3 people people on ye ol’ Marauder Rampager Gs/Axe Shield build fairly easily. The conclusion is: your MMR is probably not that great even though you Q against ruby and saphire ranks don’t mean anything in Spvp, it just means a that a player can grind. So stop acting like you are a God tier warrior because you are not. Try playing this in higher tier sPvP and you’ll soon find out that warrior is trash, no matter how good the player is…

Heartfelt Thank You

in PvP

Posted by: Nick.7621


I just wanna say thank you ANet for making this game unplayable for many of us especially for me. I am thanking you because the lack of balance in your game, and the incompetent development team who seems to use a 3rd party forums website more often than the official forums to address things. I want to thank you because this past holiday season I have looked at something which I have been blind to for a while, and that is the amazing Steam sale that is going on right now. I wanna thank you because instead of spending my money on this pile of garbage I’ve been able to spend it on better games which have been on sale for up to 80% off on Steam! I wanna thank you for opening my eyes to Blade & Soul and that you have opened to door for me to buy one of the founders packs. I wanna thank you for allowing me to further my gaming experience. God I feel like I just quit smoking.


This Is What Warriors Need In PvP

in Warrior

Posted by: Nick.7621


Based on what I’ve read I reckon ya’ll never really played warrior in higher tier pvp. HEADBUTT IS ABSOLUTELY NOT OK. It needs a buff, there’s no reason to run it over something like Rampage. Warrior trait line and utilities need some tweaking, it is not a numbers game since ANet have already nerf things such as the regen on Adrenal Health. Warrior lacks boons (such as protection) therefore they need a counter to it (such as a boon rip).

This Is What Warriors Need In PvP

in Warrior

Posted by: Nick.7621


Alright, I’ve read other posts about this topic, and I’ve mained warrior since launch but like many others I swapped since warriors are garbage in higher tier sPvP. After dueling revs, and other classes I strongly believe that these simple changes are what’s gonna make warrior viable, nothing over the top.

1. There’s so much sustain in this meta, I’ve noticed a high up-time in protection and stability is pretty much a given to every class. So my suggestion to deal with this would be to add a trait that allows warriors to boon rip. This would make them more viable in 1v1 situations especially against specs such as revs since they can get perma protection. I would suggest 2 boon rips on a trait on a 20 sec CD, maybe less.

2. The trait Savage Instinct needs more condition removal. If you compare it to Druidic Clarity, it’s essentially the same trait, both are in the Adept line, and Druidic Clarity is far superior. You can argue that you can activate Berserker more often but if you roll a heal such as Troll Unguent on ranger it fills you Celestial Avatar Form insanely quickly, besides Celestial Avatar Form has far more utility use than Berserker mode. I would recommend at least 5 conditions should be removed, or you can even swap Smash Brawler with Heat The Soul putting Smash Brawler on the second trait line allowing it to synergize with Savage Instinct.

3. Head Butt is arguably the worst elite in PvP and of the specializations. I think this skill needs a range of at least 300, or make it unblockable.

4. Warriors need a better heal. Healing Signet essentially forces you to run Adrenal Health, Mending is too low of a burst heal, To The Limit has a huge CD, Defiant Stance is a kittentier version of Glint Heal, and Blood Reckoning is useless since people can just kite around you, block, invuln, evade, etc. My suggestion is this: warriors need a decent burst heal, I think Mending needs to be a pulse heal that heals for ~8k overall such as Troll Unguent, To The Limit having a 25sec standard CD, or giving warriors a Glint-esque type heal. Having a decent heal would allow warriors to free up a trait-line and not be as reliable on the Defense trait-line for Adrenal Health and Defy Pain.

5. Finally, if the option of boon ripping is not available, I think Rousing Resilience needs to be moved to another trait-line, I would recommend moving it to the Discipline trait-line and it can replace any of the Grandmaster traits in Discipline. Why? So it can compete with perma protection up-time and provide more sustain for warriors.

Post some suggestions down below. I think these changes are not over the top but can make warriors viable if played skillfully in higher tier sPvP.

-Mortal Wombat X

This Game Is A 10/10

in PvP

Posted by: Nick.7621


For being absolute kitten. Pvp sucks and boring, WvW is dead, Pve is for the braindead. Ima go play PornHub. PS y’all should straight quit this game and find something else…

This game takes no skill

in PvP

Posted by: Nick.7621


If this was true then people wouldnt complain about facing premades and certain players wouldnt be so dominate even solo queing.

Premades often doesn’t win because they are better skill wise, but because often they have:
a) better team composition (moar meta)
b) experience of playing together
c) voice communcation
…those things doesn’t make premades better skill wise, yet they let them win more than they deserve.

say what you want but this game does have a skill level and there is a understanding of which you need to have to be successful. Also if i say grab the best players you know and you and ask you can you beat the 8 esl teams from your server? If you can say yeah we can ill say your right sir this game takes no skill. If you say you cant then this game takes skill.

You can say this game takes less skill then it did before HOT, you can say it takes less skill and compare it to something else but saying it doesnt take skill/understanding/ the things you suggest since they are excuses some times and legitimate reasons the other to play the game is asinine.

Not to be an kitten but in higher tier MMR you’ll be facing much more competent players and warriors are non-existent simply because they lack the utilities to exist in high tier sPvP. For example: when I was Qing with my team in ranked we faced former ESL team Radioactive back to back and they swapped their warrior out (who is probably one of the best in NA even before HoT). High tier sPvP is simply bout maintaining two points or to just completely out-rotate your opponents, mechanical skill is pretty much non-existent due to the amount of bunker there and low skill cap these meta builds have.

This game takes no skill

in PvP

Posted by: Nick.7621


Previous metas require some mechanical skill, this meta is just spam AOE, everything is bunker (even if you run Marauders), 1v1s take forever, nothing dies, many passives and invulns.

Thus the reason why GW2 PvP is utter kittene in its current state, boring to play and boring to watch. Would much rather power meta we had post HoT 100/10.

What classes y'all gonna play in B&S?

in PvP

Posted by: Nick.7621


Ima be playing summoner.

Easy Fix To GW2 PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Nick.7621


Go to Blade and Soul. More balance, requires more skill in pvp, no aoe clutter bullkitten, and already has a bigger following than this game. Oh yeah, NA version is released January 16th, before the devs are gonna try and balance this game.



in Engineer

Posted by: Nick.7621


Umm, isn’t this just the cele meta scrapper build, but with a rifle instead? =P

Not saying it’s a bad thing, but it just seems like it’s not really crossing the line from “Hey, try out the meta build with a rifle!” into “Hey, here’s a brand new build!”, hehe.

Nope, there are few trait differences and utility difference.


in Engineer

Posted by: Nick.7621


Hey y’all, I got a rifle engineer build that is extremely fun, and it’s viable! Yaaaayyyy!

As you noticed, the last utility slot is open, there are TWO options that you could use.
1. Flamethrower kit: has cc, a blast, an aoe blind, and a fire field which can be combo’d with cc such as Slick Shoes or Net Shot to get the max amount of burn stacks, the fire field is also good for cleave.
2. Blast Gyro: aoe cc, great for down state management since you can knock the downed body back, it also adds a stun break and another Super Speed!

But how do you play this? Well, there are multiple ways to do so!
1. Play decap engi: combo your cc’s to get a decap, or stealth with Stealth Gyro and rotate to decap.
2. Team utility: combo your cc chains with your teams burst combo and cc chains! You can downstate manage pretty good with Overcharged Shot and Blast Gyro knocking the downed bodies back. Stealth Gyro is a great utility to stop your team mates from getting stomped and to get the rez.
3. Fight 1v1s: you can fight a 1v1 with this build and sustain for a long time!

Let’s look at the highlights of this build! Because of Rapid Regen, Bunker Down, Adaptive Armor and Stimulant Supplier you have amazing regen and sustain! You can troll 1v2’s with this set up.

Counters? So far the only two counters I have experienced are:
1. Condi revs, you can sustain this fight for a long time, but he’ll probably get the best of with all the condi spam… ResidentSleeper
2. Bunker mesmers, do not fight these on a node you do not own… ResidentSleeperResidentSleeperResidentSleeperResidentSleeper

Anyways, I’ve been using this against high tier players and have done great with it, Enjoy!

-Mortal Wombat X

Pro League: A preventable disaster approaches

in PvP

Posted by: Nick.7621


At this point I don’t care about pips or my wins losses… At least my team and myself have dignity not to run this crap, and shout out to the teams who do not run bunker mesmers.

What A Joooooooke

in PvP

Posted by: Nick.7621


You’re crying on deaf ears. So far ArenaNet has done NOTHING to acknowledge bugs and the balance issues.

The whole pvp community is fed up. Have you not seen the ESL games today? Literally the worst kitten to watch because of this bunker aids.

What A Joooooooke

in PvP

Posted by: Nick.7621


After watching EU and NA ESL Pro Leagues, we can all conclude that bunker mesmer is possibly the most aids and boring build. Majority of games went to timer and were not fun to watch at all. But hey, we gotta wait until February…. Really? We gotta wait 2 months? ANet should absolutely get their priorities straight and balance this game before February, because as we have seen in NA Twitch chat people were spamming at the devs watching the game to nerf this bullkitten and then they put it to sub only mode. Forget all of the PvE and WvW or the minor bug fixes and stuff, FOCUS ON BALANCE. How can you invest so much money into eSports but not balance? Please Mike O’Brian, the community pleads for your developers to get their act together. I don’t know how you haven’t fired these people that are in charge of PvP already, I know I would have.

Abjured and PZ flooding top 25

in PvP

Posted by: Nick.7621


I would wait longer than 3 days and at least until after we enable decay before making a judgement on how the team leaderboard will settle out. It is not our intention that a single team of players has the time to possibly keep that many entries at the top of the leaderboard.

Clearly you don’t play your game and that the devs are oblivious as usual… Teams such as PZ and Abj are the only ones that can play this game full time compared to others who actually have a life, therefore being able to farm leagues which they will continue to do will be possible. I think it’s time for a reset button for developers at Arena Net since there is precedent that time and time again you can’t set up a proper MMR system, and you can’t balance this game and won’t commit to balance. I’m not gonna be surprised if GW2 is going to die within the next two years since (from what I’ve heard) WvW is screwed up and PvP is getting worse and worse and none of these issues you guys properly address. People are already leaving this game to go play something else.

Cele Ami Needs To Go...

in PvP

Posted by: Nick.7621


Remove Cele and Condi will reign as god.

Nah, coordinated bursts in high tier pvp gameplay will outplay condis.

Cele Ami Needs To Go...

in PvP

Posted by: Nick.7621


Since cele amulet the entire meta has been around this amulet, especially in this meta where you have: cele rev, cele scrapper, cele tempest, cele druid, and perhaps a cele reaper. This meta is either condi heavy or bruiser heavy and cele amulet caters to both of these. Removing this amulet would promote: different comps, different builds, skillful gameplay, and it will make the game more enjoyable to watch which is what you’re going for trying to push this game esports.

Every Major Patch Worsens PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Nick.7621


  • Cleanses – this is the main reason you get “burst” conditions. because anything else is easily countered. cleanses are a pretty heavy-handed counter to conditions, so anything that’s not bursty probably isn’t worth using. resistance is a much better option, as it’s a good defense without punishing longer conditions (in fact, long-duration conditions are less affected by resistance than burst conditions. however, resistance is far to rare, while cleanses are all too common.)

There are not enough cleanses for the amount of condi pressure. Baer brought up a really good point one day in TS, zerker/marauder builds have to take 3 stats in order to be optimal for burst damage. However, condi damage is only associated with 1 stat, everything else can be defensive. Condis do not promote skillful gameplay. Not all classes have resistance and there are like 2/3 runes that have it and these ruens are not optimal for certain builds.

Smokescale knockdown=unblockable

in PvP

Posted by: Nick.7621


It is not OP whatsoever. Rangers/druids do not have an unblockable attack besides Entangle (I’m pretty sure). Besides it procs its CC once you swap to Smokescale so just play around it.

Where's the logic?

in PvP

Posted by: Nick.7621


Gets rid of Minstrel amulet since it promotes bunker gameplay that is unkillable, won’t nerf something like bunker mesmer on Dec 1 which are pretty much unkillable. What a kittening joke.


ANet is a Joke

in PvP

Posted by: Nick.7621


Nerfed thief today. Lmfao. Doesn’t touch anything else. What a joke. Everything is straight up bunker or condi and boring to fight. Won’t see GW2 sPvP last another year with these developers, ya’ll need a balance team.

Why the ESL viewer base is so low.

in PvP

Posted by: Nick.7621


This game will never go huge in esports for the following reasons:
2. Everything is straight up bruiser in this current meta, plagued by celestial amulet which needs to go to provide different comps instead of straight bruiser comps all the time thus providing more enjoyable game play;
3. Regular break intervals between matches. Seriously, after every match there’s a 5 minute break. Have the games set up in the different arenas with the teams so you can start it up right after the previous. If it’s to give the casters a break then find some others people who can go straight through.

SPvP Druid Build

in Ranger

Posted by: Nick.7621


Variation from ROM’s sPvP build. Good damage, good cc, good mobility, good sustain. Countered by condition pressure when leaving celestial form.

Pack runes, Two Handed Training, and Clarion Bond synergize extremely well with Remorseless since every time you get a fury boon proc you get: Opening Strike, Alpha Training, and Precise Strike. Because you have constant fury application you will stack an easy 20-25 vulnerability. If properly combined with CC you can do an upward to 80% (or 100-105% more depending on the vulnerability stacks) more damage which is massive with Maul. I would recommend you Hilt Bash pet swap to proc Clarion Bond (for the fury to get opening strike) and then using Maul. Because of the constant fury application there is no need to run Intelligence runes on your great sword.

Advanced tips:

Staff 5 is a water field, you can blast it with staff 3, leap through it with great sword 3, or you can blast on pet swap due to Clarion Bond trait.

Try using Glyph of the Tides and using staff 4 to CC people off point and immobilizing them (I would recommend doing this after they use a stun break).

Glyph of Equality has no cast time, therefore you are able to proc it mid any animation.

The third great sword auto attack is an evade and you can cancel it mid attack by sheaving it, once unsheaving the auto attack 3 will commence, you can do this up to 3 times if timed correctly giving you 3 evades.

Use Strength of the Pack when using Celestial Avatar Form for the stability so you can proc your heals.

I could go on and on about the use of this build, but you will learn when playing it.

-Mortal Wombat X

(edited by Nick.7621)

[NA TEAM] Hotline Ping Looking For 5th

in Looking for...

Posted by: Nick.7621


Hotline Ping is still looking for a 5th. Msg Surrge.3214 (Pixel Surrge), Nick.7621 (Wombat Is Dank Mlg), or Princeton.2086. We’re looking for experienced players, experience in teams, rotations, mechanical skill, etc. We will try you out, be ready to reroll.

Scrapper Soldier Rifle Variant

in PvP

Posted by: Nick.7621


I love rifle, thought I’d make a variation of Soldier rifle.

Things you can swap; Energy sigil for anything (recommend leech); Stabilization Core for Recovery Matrix; or Adrenal implant for Kinetic Battery.

Counters: probably Necros thing that thing is pretty God kitten OP in on point 1v1s right now. Subtle nerf on chill needed.

Any questions message me in game or post on this thread.

-Mortal Wombat X

[NA TEAM] Hotline Ping Looking For 2 More

in Looking for...

Posted by: Nick.7621


Current roster: Nick.7261 (Mortal Wombat X), Princeton.2086 (Duxberrie), and Surrge.3214 (Pixel Surrge). We have tremendous experience in tournaments (such as ESL and AG) and teams. We are pretty confident we can win AG, Leagues, and are only looking for serious players who can hold their own. Tryouts will be vigorous, hard, but for good reason.

Everyone DCing after recent patch

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Nick.7621


Hey everyone is dcing after the recent patch. Thanks!

Cele Scrapper PvP Build

in Engineer

Posted by: Nick.7621


Amazing sustain, tons of blast healing, decent condi cleanse, good cleave/damage, easy 25 stacks of might, good mobility, pretty much has it all. You can also swap Strength Runes for Hoelbrak.

Point fighting, push far or watch back cap.

Counters: Soldier Reaper, and tbd

Any questions you can message me

-Mortal Wombat X

PvP Solo Q Turning Into Condi Meta

in PvP

Posted by: Nick.7621


Condi mesmers, necros, p/p engies, burn guards. This kitten is aids as kitten. Can we have some way to play around condi damage besides cleanse? ie. not having confusion or torment passive damage? or maybe prioritization of condi cleanse by cleansing the highest stacks first? All condi players have to do is play defensively and land a few condis and watch you wither away. How can you be rewarding this kittening crap? While I have to completely outplay a person based on lining my bursts up. Give me a kittening break. This game is turning into garbage. You should never listen to PvErs. And please make balancing a PRIORITY since you’re doing pro leagues.

Bring back solo queue [merged]

in PvP

Posted by: Nick.7621


I solo Q ranked because of the potential kitten map selection on unranked, but I only face 4-5 man premades. kitten is only gonna get worse when Leagues drop unless there’s a leagues only Q. I guess you won’t be able to solo Q at all unless you wanna lose. RIP.


So burn stacking...

in PvP

Posted by: Nick.7621


Won’t be much of an issue when HoT drops because Druid, Scrapper and maybe a Shoutbow on a team will just RIP condi specs…. Hopefully

What is stunting PvP's growth

in PvP

Posted by: Nick.7621


There are many factors. No more solo Q, so you’re Q’d against 3-5 man premade. Lack of continuous balancing like other PvP based games have. MMR system doesn’t really work. No real leader boards until HoT, etc etc.

Berserker Sucks In PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Nick.7621


Edit Distracted Strikes applies confusion to yourself when you Headbutt lmfao.

Berserker Sucks In PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Nick.7621


Longbow, Cleansing Ire and the combos you can pull off with it pretty much counters 80% of the trait line on Berserker. The traits you give up for the Berserker trait line are way too good. Rampage is God compared to Headbutt. The only good thing is Outrage because of the 10 sec cool down stun break. I feel like this was lazy design. This is Berserker’s first beta weekend though.

(edited by Nick.7621)

[Feedback - Berserker]

in Warrior

Posted by: Nick.7621


As a PvP player Berserker will not be optimal. What you give up for the Berserker trait line is far too important for sustain in PvP, and the Berserker trait line is pretty garbage considering it’s all burn based. Warrior condi builds still suck, infact the longbow is far superior than the entire Berserker trait line because you apply burn, apply might and can leap/combo the field (no need for torch) and with Cleansing Ire you have a great condi removal it’s just too good. Why would anyone pick Head Butt over Rampage? Rampage is far superior in every way, sure you can get max adrenaline when using Head Butt but there’s no need considering you build it up so fast in combat anyways. Another flawed design by ANet, not surprised though.

so how do you kill ele ?

in PvP

Posted by: Nick.7621


So, I can’t go into much detail on things quite yet, but I just wanted to reassure you folks that we’re actively discussing a number of issues that are affecting balance in PvP – including, but not limited to elementalist sustain/damage. Per the usual, we’ll be talking to you folks about the changes once we’ve finalized them.

Sorry I haven’t been that active on the forums lately – we’ve been pretty busy around the office.

“Thanks, Grouch. You’re the worst!”

Edit: Also, just because this is an elementalist thread doesn’t mean we’re only looking at elementalist, and it also doesn’t mean we’re only looking at doing nerfs.

Yeah bout kitten time. You guys should really test things out extensively cough HoT cough before releasing anything. It’s obvious that people at ANet have limited knowledge of sPvP balancing after the last big patch with the burn stacks and DD eles. Seriously though, stop listening to PvErs because they ruin the game (ie burn stacks). Test out the specializations extensively before HoT release because your game will die in PvP if you don’t…