I really hope after PoF drops that they improve certain power-based builds to be competitive with their condi-based brethren. No one should feel like they’re being forced to play something else, just so they aren’t an anchor around their teams throats in whatever content it may be.
Yeah I get it, the build has fallen on tough times, and yeah it’s not as strong as Condi, but you know what, I don’t care, I prefer to have fun over knuckling under to the, “Muh META”, mindset.
Condition builds are the lazy-persons approach and I would rather hit things rather then wiff conditions all day.
So I was wondering what is the proper build, I got the one off of Metabattle right now, but I also see people using mace/shield and axe/axe ect. and the Qtfy website while it has thrown out anything beside condi PS, seems to have mace/shield purely for breakbar mechanics.
Ascended Khaos [AK]
About Us:
Ascended Khaos is a newly formed guild looking for like-minded individuals that want to help us grow and have a good time. We’re an International guild, so we’re active around the clock. We have members with varying backgrounds and interests, so there is always someone to do something or chill with. We’re helpful, and welcome new, old, and returning players who just want a chill environment and cool people to game and be social with.
Guild Goals:
Our goals differ from the traditional guild, meaning we don’t have any! We all believe in having a good time, and being relaxed. Having goals just adds stress to what is seen as a hobby, beyond keeping the guild progressing in levels, and working on individual strengths. We believe community and having fun with one another, is bottom line.
What We Offer:
We offer a chill atmosphere to game and socialize in, no unrealistic expectations, no pressure to be, “Uber Leet”, and prefer using builds we have fun using, opposed to the “Muh META”, mindset. We also have a Discord Server, and a Website/Forum where we discuss guild events, future upgrades, and side hobbies.
What We Expect and are Looking for:
Mature individuals that are interested in helping us grow, willingness to help each other out, respect one another, and of course have a sense of humor.
Contact Us and Join Our Online-Family:
GM: Odokuro.5049 Nickname: Phelix
Officer: Sancrow.5402 Nickname: Sancrow
Officer: BelovedSoul.4150 Nickname: Loveless
Hey guys, I’m returning after some time.
I have just a little bit of time to play each day, and I’d like to spend this time just exploring new content and completing some new zones. I had already explored Cursed Shore, Dry Top, Silverwastes, and all HoT maps, but the Season 3 zones are new to me.
However, I must say I hate storylines, conversation, walking around.. and I simply don’t have time to do any kind of personal story non-fighting affairs. I just want to explore on my own.
So, my question is: can I explore the new Season 3 maps without having to go through all that kind of story-driven conversation and cutscenes? How?
Far as I know you need to follow the story line to gain entrance to the new maps for S3, and in response to your, “I must say I hate storylines, conversation, walking around.. and I simply don’t have time to do any kind of personal story non-fighting affairs.” Why do you play MMO’s if you don’t like/hate doing those things?
Pro: Simple and straight forward, a class that suits new and old players alike, a great class to learn the game with, and has great build diversity and is pretty strong.
Con: Due to simple rotations, it can at times, feel, “Boring” to some, not me, but some.
Pro: A mix of support and damage, has good heals and reliable DPS, can fill multiple roles, and blue fire animation on most skills is pretty eye-catching.
Con: In comparison to the other two classes you listed, they don’t produce the same DPS, so you may see yourself being pigeon-holed into one role (Support) and finding it hard to get into PuG groups for high-tier fractals and raids.
Pro: Animations and attacks are very flashy and nice to look at. Does great DPS both in Condi and Power setups, channeling different legends and listening to the dialogue is interesting.
Con: Struggles with dealing with being effected by condition damage, is very, “Glassy” as far as heavy-armor classes go, and out of the three, takes the highest level of skill/ability to get the best out of.
Hope this helps, best of luck!
It’s one of our only non-selfish Elite skills, besides banner, that we get that doesn’t only effect us, or give us a 1-up over our enemies.
Besides, there are plenty of classes with Elites that crap on people harder then just removing some boons.
And it’s on an interval, if you see a large golden dome around you, get out of it?
The vulnerability debuff is your friend.
Power builds/classes vs. those with high armor (2800+) switch from winning from bursting down their opponent to a war of attrition, where you bait people into using up their dodges/stun breaks ect. and widdle their hp down.
Hey webninjarob!
I’m a older gamer (Will be 33 the 18th of this month.) and run a newly formed smaller guild, our interests are all things GW2 and we are casual-friendly and just wanting to have a good time with one another is bottom line. I’m/We’re still working out the kinks of the guild, so if you and yours want to check us out, and be part of a guild that is just getting it’s footing, be sure to message/mail me in-game or reply back to your thread.
If you don’t end up joining, I wish you both the best luck finding a guild that meets both of your needs, and happy travels!
“Roaming” is not needed or wanted in WvW, and “Roamers” won’t accept that.
Scouting is needed, Camp flipping and Yak guarding is needed.
Having a cheese gank build to crap on people running back to a fight and doing a video with bad dubstep is not needed.
Since when?
I roam, I flip camps, and if I am passing a yak caravan that’s close to it’s destination, I make sure it gets there. Just because everyone in WvW isn’t in a zerg spamming #1 on their keyboard, doesn’t mean they’re not doing anything.
Plenty roamers will spot numbers and do a map call-out, plenty roamers will clip off a few people at the end of a zerg, or people running back, lessening the numbers of the enemy.
Just sounds like your salty about being one of those people who get dumped on by a roamer, because all you know about WvW is pressing #1 on your keyboard and blasting fire fields…
Its not out yet.
The people who are in the beta are playing the new elite specs, just not many of them are going into any detail really besides showing gameplay.
I play as a Druid right now, wondering how Soulbeast is performing in areas such as, Fractals, roaming in WvW, and general PvE stuff?
I’ve seen a few videos but nothing really educational or answers any real questions.
Well the WvW Community wanted a bigger carrot to play and compete in WvW, so they can I guess, afford Food and Utility buffs.
So ANet came up with a system to reward participation, but with anything in Guild Wars 2, if people can abuse it or find a loop-hole/exploit they do it, so yeah…
All ANet should have done, is decreased the RNG, and increased the frequency of valuable loot.
Playing a toon of the opposite sex?
Fixed the title for you
But I’m a guy commenting on playing characters of the opposite gender (girl).
It’s not that I am uncomfortable with my own gender/sexuality. It’s just since I first started playing online games where, character creation was a thing. I would always try to identify with some part of the toon itself, or model it after some facet of myself, as a way of immersing myself into the game, even if it’s only, "Pixels".
Now I could see myself making a female toon, only, maybe see it was my feminine side coming to life. I know I am going too much into it, and this is just a game, but, it’s sometimes hard for me to get behind something such as progressing in a game like this, if I don’t feel like I can relate to my toon.
I’m an odd one, sorry, but thanks for all of the responses.
Wanting to start off PoF as a Warrior, and want to make sure that my time invested in getting nice looking gear doesn’t go wasted by either a clipping issue (Norn/Charr), or it being too small (Asura) I was thinking Human, because my other three level 80s are, 2x Sylvari and a Asura.
That and I want to see if there is added dialogue with the whole, Balthazar being one of the human’s gods.
Does anyone else feel uneasy playing a toon of the opposite gender, I do.
I’m a guy, and even though most female toons are more pleasing on the eye to look at, playing one just makes me feel, “Strange”, not to mention the countless guys hitting on my toon, only to find out I’m a guy, and calling me well, some unpleasant names to say the least.
Like I want to make a female norn warrior, because I don’t like how the male norn’s torso seems to be shorter on one side than the other, lol.
With a new expansion coming out I am thinking of, “Maining”, something else, something different than my current, class (Druid). So once again I am wanting to ask the community to help me center in on something.
The class I want should be good at the following:
1. Mobility. (I hate, absolutely loathe slow moving, classes that feel like your walking through a swamp with them.)
2. Fractal worthy. (By, “worthy”, I mean something that I won’t have too much of a problem getting into PuG groups, and even “Farm” groups with, this include top-tier fractals.)
3. Solo/Small-group WvW Roamer. (When I am not “PvE’ing it up”, I like to roam by myself or small group in WvW, I find it a nice change from just beating up AI, lol.)
4. Raids. (I’ve never raided, but I would like to, and well, it would be nice to be able to be a desired class.)
Beyond that, things like flexible builds, aesthetics, and alike are also important. I know for the most part, I want to run power-based builds and as far as looks go, I feel heavy/light are more attractive to the eyes, then the “Trenchcoat” class(s), lol.
Thank you for your time, and help!
Happy adventures!
Ascended Khaos [AK]
About Us:
Ascended Khaos is a newly formed guild looking for like-minded individuals that want to help us grow and have a good time. We’re an International guild, so we’re active around the clock. We have members with varying backgrounds and interests, so there is always someone to do something or chill with. We’re helpful, and welcome new, old, and returning players who just want a chill environment and cool people to game and be social with.
Guild Goals:
Our goals differ from the traditional guild, meaning we don’t have any! We all believe in having a good time, and being relaxed. Having goals just adds stress to what is seen as a hobby, beyond keeping the guild progressing in levels, and working on individual strengths. We believe community and having fun with one another, is bottom line.
What We Offer:
We offer a chill atmosphere to game and socialize in, no unrealistic expectations, no pressure to be, “Uber Leet”, and prefer using builds we have fun using, opposed to the “Muh META”, mindset. We also have a Discord Server, and a Website/Forum where we discuss guild events, future upgrades, and side hobbies.
What We Expect and are Looking for:
Mature individuals that are interested in helping us grow, willingness to help each other out, respect one another, and of course have a sense of humor.
Contact Us and Join Our Online-Family:
GM: Odokuro.5049 Nickname: Phelix
Officer: Sancrow.5402 Nickname: Sancrow
Officer: BelovedSoul.4150 Nickname: Loveless
I’ll never quiet understand the people who give me the impression that they never have bought an expansion before, a company needs to have strong selling points in order to have sales go well, it really is a no-brainer.
I also heard that the sky is falling…
Many many Guardians would use a staff just to AA spam in WvW to get as many bags as possible. They would build super tanky, so they can stand in the front line and spam their staff’s AA. ANet seen this and cut the range down. It’s no ones fault except for those who abused this for profit.
Guardian is still a great class, you just need to put effort into getting bags now.
Ohh? And how would you change things, in your, professional developer’s opinion?
Swap then press F1 on your target, seems to work for me…
I feel that Thief is one of the harder classes to level, you don’t have many choices when it comes to, “AoE” attacks, except for SB and D/D “Death blossom spam”, so your mostly stuck to single target kills.
Atleast with classes like Mesmer you have clones/phantasms that can help you kill, and access to some AoE attacks so I feel Mesmer is a touch above Thief on the “Easy-to-level” meter.
Or you could play on your home BL and ensure that none of it gets taken by enemy players. It amuses me to see people want to play on EBG when their home BL is 1/3 or more owned by enemies.
Ascended Khaos [AK]
About Us:
Ascended Khaos is a newly formed guild looking for like-minded individuals that want to help us grow and have a good time. We’re an International guild, so we’re active around the clock. We have members with varying backgrounds and interests, so there is always someone to do something or chill with. We’re helpful, and welcome new, old, and returning players who just want a chill environment and cool people to game and be social with.
Guild Goals:
Our goals differ from the traditional guild, meaning we don’t have any! We all believe in having a good time, and being relaxed. Having goals just adds stress to what is seen as a hobby, beyond keeping the guild progressing in levels, and working on individual strengths. We believe community and having fun with one another, is bottom line.
What We Offer:
We offer a chill atmosphere to game and socialize in, no unrealistic expectations, no pressure to be, “Uber Leet”, and prefer using builds we have fun using, opposed to the “Muh META”, mindset. We also have a Discord Server, and a Website/Forum where we discuss guild events, future upgrades, and side hobbies.
What We Expect and are Looking for:
Mature individuals that are interested in helping us grow, willingness to help each other out, respect one another, and of course have a sense of humor.
Contact Us and Join Our Online-Family:
GM: Odokuro.5049 Nickname: Phelix
Officer: Sancrow.5402 Nickname: Sancrow
Officer: BelovedSoul.4150 Nickname: Loveless
Dagger is not a condi weapon. It’s an hybrid weapon that can work on both pure condi build, pure power build and Ideally, the combination of the two. We see that among several POF, specialization that is really pushing the hybrid role and even got a new stat combo for it. Poison and vulnerability are good for any build, you will put pressure with bleed stacking and the fast dagger attacks(4 attacks chain in 1.5 sec which you can bombo with quickness). The big burst and CC, you can get from F1-F3 skills with the right pet option. Some the soulbeast skills got better tooltips compared to full zerk maul.
Auto-attack chain: Vuln/Poison/Bleeding, plus “Multiple conditions”.
Weapon ability #2: Heavy bleeding (several stacks I am guessing.) and causes your pet’s next two strikes to inflict Poison.
Weapon ability #3: A leap that grants us Quickness, to undoubtedly ensure a follow up of the Auto-attacks chain of conditions, or transitioning into Beastmode faster.
So please, tell me, how those weapon skills even hint at them being, “Hybrid”, when they all inflict conditions.
I’m kinda excited and kinda not.
I’m excited, because fusing with our pets is interesting, and the stances also seem very cool.
I’m not excited, because our dagger is purely conditions, meaning any mainhand dagger using Soulbeast is going to be part of the ebola cancer that is condition builds, and thus, complained about the most and nerfed.
I much would have preferred the dagger just to give us evades/leaps sort of like combining a D/D thief and Sword mainhand warrior, but I guess I will need to see the build in action myself, and see how it is.
As I illustrated with the example of thief, there more then enough POWER damage available to kill someone in Dire. After all with the thief it is not the armor saving you in any case. it is the dodges and stealth and ports. Added to that, If I take a few cleanses I can mitigate as much damage and more coming from a condition build as someone can mitigate wearing dire to mitigate damage from a power build.
You didn’t illustrate, you claimed.
You told us a story with no evidence.
Avoid the bigwerdsYou are just another person who can not kill a build wearing dire. I get it. If the words I use are too big for you maybe the game is too hard for you.
Son who I am is in a link right there for anyone to see.
See I really do not care about garnering your approval. You are just not all that important to me. I know what a power build can do and that enough for me. I do not have to make youtube videos to demonstrate what I already know. if you do not believe it the case, that your choice and no skin off my nose. Really.
Firmly in the Cool Story Bro zone then.
Yeah I 1v80 on a staff guard while chugging a Mt. Dew, slamming a whole bag of Doritos and planning an amorous rendevous with your mother by semaphoreGood for you. Oh I am not your bro and “your mother” jokes are frat boy stuff. I can see I deal with another kid still in school. Even less reason to care about your opinions.
Now if opinions too much a “bigwerd” for you , it not my problem.
Have a nice day!
For someone who doesn’t care, you sure do care enough to reply to every single thing people say, especially anything that is about, dire/tb or saying condition builds are op.
With the cherry picking two of the strongest classes for power builds.
And picking the two stronger power builds is different then using Necro and mesmer as examples of OP condition builds is different how?
I happen to play both Warrior and Thief so am most familiar with them. I have encountered some pretty deadly power classes from other professions as well.
Dire and TB are not the issue. Specific skills are. Dire and TB do not provide for that burst nor do they add a lot in the way of damge. The damage comes from traits and specs. I used my Carrion thief example to demonstrate this. He does MORE damage then a thief in Dire or in TB.
Come tuesday there bound to be some shifting as to how well a given build performs. I expect we will see less of that Necro Condition burst which addresses one of those builds deemed OP.
Sorry for jumping on you about that.
But Dire/TB are an issue, it’s not the damage or condition damage they provide to the wearer, it’s the fact that most if not all, Power builds require more than one stat, opposed to Condition builds that just need Condition damage, so gear like Dire/TB take full advantage of that, have have two defensive stats added on, making them very effective (Not saying power builds can’t achieve or wont achieve what they do, but they again, need additional stats to achieve it.)
And I’m not saying you don’t have effective builds that can break a Dire/TB build, but when Dire/TB are the placeholders for, “Can we beat it”, then something is wrong with the gear, or atleast the damage modifiers for Condition damage.
Now, I am willing to bet, that, if a Power build using Soldiers, and a Condition build using Dire, where on equal footing, both achieving damage that is within a few hundred of each other, there would be no one complaining.
But as it stands, Condition builds wanting to be effective need 1 stat, Power builds need 3, in order to achieve the same damage. Taking bursting out of the equation, and talking about sustain, because if you can 100 to 0 a Dire condition user, then something is very very wrong, if you have something like Soldiers. (Using Soldier as an example because both Dire and Soldiers have the same stat pool.)
As I illustrated with the example of thief, there more then enough POWER damage available to kill someone in Dire. After all with the thief it is not the armor saving you in any case. it is the dodges and stealth and ports. Added to that, If I take a few cleanses I can mitigate as much damage and more coming from a condition build as someone can mitigate wearing dire to mitigate damage from a power build.
You didn’t illustrate, you claimed.
You told us a story with no evidence.
Avoid the bigwerdsYou are just another person who can not kill a build wearing dire. I get it. If the words I use are too big for you maybe the game is too hard for you.
Son who I am is in a link right there for anyone to see.
See I really do not care about garnering your approval. You are just not all that important to me. I know what a power build can do and that enough for me. I do not have to make youtube videos to demonstrate what I already know. if you do not believe it the case, that your choice and no skin off my nose. Really.
Firmly in the Cool Story Bro zone then.
Yeah I 1v80 on a staff guard while chugging a Mt. Dew, slamming a whole bag of Doritos and planning an amorous rendevous with your mother by semaphoreGood for you. Oh I am not your bro and “your mother” jokes are frat boy stuff. I can see I deal with another kid still in school. Even less reason to care about your opinions.
Now if opinions too much a “bigwerd” for you , it not my problem.
Have a nice day!
For someone who doesn’t care, you sure do care enough to reply to every single thing people say, especially anything that is about, dire/tb or saying condition builds are op.
With the cherry picking two of the strongest classes for power builds.
I always feel people should read Junkpile’s signature before responding to any thread made by him/her.
You know, we had this Pip thing added to the gamemode, was/is a pretty good idea. Always see threads like this one, or people complaining in-game about low-population, ect. Well, we started to get new people in for the backpack, and other shinies, and what did people do?! “Get the BEEPING BEEP out of WvW you PvE PoS”, and “Lel you PvE Heroes don’t know how to play WvW”, and “All you PvE players wanting the Backpack please LEAVE so actual WvW players can get in”. So after weeks of this going on, even the most avid of collectors left WvW because of the constant badgering coming from, “Veteran” WvW players.
So, you did it to yourself, the next time ANet gives you a golden opportunity to get fresh people into a, “Dying” gamemode, perhaps, don’t be jerks and help them out, a little compassion goes a long way.
It’s a waiting game, some servers are locked, some like TC are full, and you need to wait for them to open, so I would just wait at the Worlds page and hope it opens up.
Let’s all face something here.
The Expansion isn’t out yet, and we all know or should know that, there will be umpteen patches/new builds that will change several things, and what we know now, won’t exist the way it was presented a few days ago.
I would second the Power Druid, using either Greatsword + Staff or Longbow + Staff, depending on what you want.
Mounts are being added because the new maps are going to have way way less waypoints on them, so the mounts will help travels from point a to point b.
WvW maps are small, and have waypoints at every point that has meaning.
So mounts in WvW, I think not.
There are several versatile classes, but it really depends on what you want to do. I understand you want a class that goes well in any game mode, but depending on what you want, the classes “Strength” may influence your decision to play it or not.
Such as a class maybe be versatile, but it excels in being built for Condition/Power Damage, or one may be better as providing Support/Heals and a few may be best suited for times where you need a “Tankier” or class that has good Damage Mitigation.
I can say, out of all the classes I have played, my Ranger and Guardian are my favorite classes, because they achieve what I need them to, while offering flexibility/versatility when and if I want to swap into a different role.
How about this:
For Condition damage to be effective it will need, both Condition Damage and Precision.
Condition Damage will offer a flat-damage tick. (Lower than it is now, per tick.)
Precision will behave just as it does for Power, allowing those Conditions to crit, dealing extra damage (Equal to what they tick for now.)
That way atleast Condition builds require two stats, one for damage and the other so that ticks like 5k+ are possible.
Well, I too suffer from CTS, and I can vouch for GS/LB Power build, the rotation for these weapons is very situational, but in general for your LB you will be using Rapid Fire > Knock back and your GS Maul > Hilt smash > Maul. Also, if your CTS is like mine, it effects your reaction time, so, you may want a bit of toughness, to back up that power, so you have more of a chance to react vs. going full glass and being shattered.
There is a very helpful Forum thread, “Ranger Questions, Ask Here!!!” on the Ranger forums, be sure to check it out. You can go with full Berserkers gear, then swap out some for Cavaliers to get a bit of toughness to give you more time to react.
Best of luck!
The only problem I see from deleting servers, is when it comes to WvW.
So basically you wish Rej Tides was like the Berserker’s torch 5 skill.
Yeah so that I/We could use Solar Impact while it’s active, to get a larger heal(s). Seems silly for a Blast finisher and a Water field not able to be combined, because one skill is channeled and vanishes the moment the channel stops, the other seems to have a pause or lag when you press the button, and when it comes down and, “Impacts”.
I just want to personally thank all the people who have gotten in contact with me for questions, and who have joined us.
Plenty more room, for players wishing to start off in a smaller guild, and grow with our guild family.
You would have better luck, posting this in the, Players Helping Players section of the forum.
Best of luck!
Been using LB/Staff for a while now and I enjoy it, but I have always been thinking of GS for the melee option as well as the, added, “Get away”, with the swoop attack. Since I will be using this Druid in WvW – Roaming, I was just wondering what Rangers/Druid with experience use, and peoples opinions on either weapon when paired with the Staff.
Because given scaling amounts for someone who is condition geared, a single condition application, not stack, but single application, does far more damage than a single hit from 90% of a power based build’s attack. And even the small amount of power based attacks (warrior burst abilities, backstabs, true shot, you name it) cannot match some single application condition abilites.
For example: my condi Warrior’s LB5 does over 21,000 bleeding. Unlike your 20k gunflame, my example is not under extreme circumstances. 1 ability. Granted it takes 17 seconds, sure, but that is what this whole thread is about – professions that have insane defenses can apply conditions and quickly use up their opponents cleanses, then kite/evade/stealth or just generally sustain.
It takes seventeen seconds to ramp up to that damage. in 1.5 seconds I get over 10k off a single unload.
I can switch from p/p to my off hand set and do 6k damage off a single shadowshot and followup with an AA chain that takes around a second that will do more damage yet.
Your ramp up to that 17 seconds assumes the enemy does NOTHING in response. They are perfectly capable of attacking and reacting before that amounf of bleed applied. Indded only one skill on LB applies that bleed and it on a ICD of 25 seconds. It has an activation time of 3/4s yet somehow gunflame can be avoided and Lb5 can not? They can not cleanse it before its duration runs out if it IS applied? Just who the heck are you fighting that can not cleanse 6 stacks of bleeds withing 17 seconds.
Added to that once you are in a zerg, those conditions can be cleansed on an ongoing basis much more readily then the power damage can.
Were Condition damage as easy to apply and get to the numbers you suggest in real game terms, every build in PvP and every build in WvW would be condition.
You are failing to realize that is only one Condi able to ramp up damage yet it is hardly ever the case of only one damaging condi and no cover Condis are on a target. Sorry but the bias is showing.
And again why does Power have to invest in full offensive stats to do comparable damage? Why is Power the only one with passive mitigation stats applied from the get go, why does Power have more mitigation sources that can effectively reduce damage to negligible amounts if not 0? Why is ok for Builds to be able to make Power builds useless through heals and passive Defensive stats and affect but not have the same situation for Condi?
Power does MORE damage and people do not HAVE to invest in more stats. They do because it allows them to do MORE damage.
if Ferocity and crits allowed Conditions to do more damage people would invest in those as they already to with Sinsiter type necroes.
Again I have given my link to a power warrior with ~3k armor and 26k health. He does plenty of damage and has plenty of sustain.
As to your claim it only ONE condition that ramps up that damage what has that to do with anything? That condition can easily be cleansed before it does that much damage meaning covers are needed. On the other hand I need no “cover conditions” to get 10k plus damage of an unload in 1.5 seconds. The damage is DONE. There no chance to prevent its full damage once it done This also only ONE attack.
A clense IS a mitigation measure so do not pretend it not. We have always had cleanses. TIME is also a mitigation measure. You have more time to deal with the damage applied.
As to heals, heals work just as well to recover from condition damage. I do not know where you get the idea they only work for power damage.
Power and Condi do comparable Burst damage now a pure glass cannon designed for 1 large attack every 30 secs can exceed that for power but that is absolutely no defenses.
The disparity is to get comparable damage power builds need 3 stats vs Condis 1.
Go ahead compare damage from a Full Soldiers Warrior or Necro or Thief or Mesmer to a Full Dire Warrior or Necro or Thief or Mesmer. Go ahead the Condi will Surpass the Power build in Burst Damage and sustained damage.
Inb4 that’s not a fair comparison/that doesn’t count/((insert lame excuse here))
Why not? Hey provide the exact same stats just swap Power for Condi. It’s the exact same everything except Condi is a lot more powerful stat then Power since Power has to rely on 2 additional Stats to do comparable damage so they have to give up all the defensive stats.
And again There is more damage mitigation in game one every single class than there is for Condi so.
And Cover Condies stop effective Cleansing from happening and with the amount of Condi spam and cover Condi spam the main damaging Condies are cleansed as easily as you try make it seem due to the cleansing mechanic, and even if you do get the damaging Condies off they will be reapplied again and no more cleanse lulz.
And why is it allowed for classes/builds to be able to Completely make power damage useless through heals? You make perfectly clear that it’s fine that Condies can’t be completely cleanses and should be able to Burst through cleanses and kill the defender, but whenever I ask this question to fail to address it.
Once again the bias is showing.
Once again you pretend cleanses do not exist.
Are you reading the same posts I am. I am pretty darn sure that there is a paragraph on Condition cleansing in his post.
Because given scaling amounts for someone who is condition geared, a single condition application, not stack, but single application, does far more damage than a single hit from 90% of a power based build’s attack. And even the small amount of power based attacks (warrior burst abilities, backstabs, true shot, you name it) cannot match some single application condition abilites.
For example: my condi Warrior’s LB5 does over 21,000 bleeding. Unlike your 20k gunflame, my example is not under extreme circumstances. 1 ability. Granted it takes 17 seconds, sure, but that is what this whole thread is about – professions that have insane defenses can apply conditions and quickly use up their opponents cleanses, then kite/evade/stealth or just generally sustain.
It takes seventeen seconds to ramp up to that damage. in 1.5 seconds I get over 10k off a single unload.
I can switch from p/p to my off hand set and do 6k damage off a single shadowshot and followup with an AA chain that takes around a second that will do more damage yet.
Your ramp up to that 17 seconds assumes the enemy does NOTHING in response. They are perfectly capable of attacking and reacting before that amounf of bleed applied. Indded only one skill on LB applies that bleed and it on a ICD of 25 seconds. It has an activation time of 3/4s yet somehow gunflame can be avoided and Lb5 can not? They can not cleanse it before its duration runs out if it IS applied? Just who the heck are you fighting that can not cleanse 6 stacks of bleeds withing 17 seconds.
Added to that once you are in a zerg, those conditions can be cleansed on an ongoing basis much more readily then the power damage can.
Were Condition damage as easy to apply and get to the numbers you suggest in real game terms, every build in PvP and every build in WvW would be condition.
You are failing to realize that is only one Condi able to ramp up damage yet it is hardly ever the case of only one damaging condi and no cover Condis are on a target. Sorry but the bias is showing.
And again why does Power have to invest in full offensive stats to do comparable damage? Why is Power the only one with passive mitigation stats applied from the get go, why does Power have more mitigation sources that can effectively reduce damage to negligible amounts if not 0? Why is ok for Builds to be able to make Power builds useless through heals and passive Defensive stats and affect but not have the same situation for Condi?
Power does MORE damage and people do not HAVE to invest in more stats. They do because it allows them to do MORE damage.
if Ferocity and crits allowed Conditions to do more damage people would invest in those as they already to with Sinsiter type necroes.
Again I have given my link to a power warrior with ~3k armor and 26k health. He does plenty of damage and has plenty of sustain.
As to your claim it only ONE condition that ramps up that damage what has that to do with anything? That condition can easily be cleansed before it does that much damage meaning covers are needed. On the other hand I need no “cover conditions” to get 10k plus damage of an unload in 1.5 seconds. The damage is DONE. There no chance to prevent its full damage once it done This also only ONE attack.
A clense IS a mitigation measure so do not pretend it not. We have always had cleanses. TIME is also a mitigation measure. You have more time to deal with the damage applied.
As to heals, heals work just as well to recover from condition damage. I do not know where you get the idea they only work for power damage.
Hey can you post your Warrior build in a video, in WvW, doing that 10k crit, thanks, it would really be appreciate, buddy…
Ascended Khaos [AK]
About Us:
Ascended Khaos is a newly formed guild looking for likeminded individuals that want to help us grow and have a good time. We’re an International guild, so we’re active around the clock. We have members with varying backgrounds and interests, so there is always someone to do something or chill with. We’re helpful, and welcome new, old, and returning players who just want a chill environment and cool people to game and be social with.
Guild Goals:
Our goals differ from the traditional guild, meaning we don’t have any! We all believe in having a good time, and being relaxed. Having goals just adds stress to what is seen as a hobby, beyond keeping the guild progressing, and working on individuals strengths. We believe community and having fun with one another, is bottom line.
What We Offer:
We offer a chill atmosphere to game and socialize in, no unrealistic expectations, no pressure to be, “Uber Leet”, and prefer using builds we have fun using, opposed to the “Muh META”, mindset. We also have a Discord Server, and a Website/Forum where we discuss guild events, future upgrades, and side hobbies.
What We Expect and are Looking for:
Mature individuals that are interested in helping us grow, willingness to help each other out, respect one another, and of course have a sense of humor.
Contact Us:
GM: Odokuro.5049 Nickname: Phelix
Officer: Sancrow.5402 Nickname: Sancrow
Officer: BelovedSoul.4150 Nickname: Loveless
Power builds are at a Lower efficacy let’s take a look at everything that reduces effectiveness of both and what both need to maximize damage in a Pvp environment.
To utilize max damageReduced by:
Frost Aura
Invulnerability Condis will tick through but any preapplied Power damage won’t)
Pseudo Invulns i.e. Signet of Stone, and Endure pain
Class Specific Effects i.e. Bulwark Gyro/Great Dwarf
Damage Reduction foods
Damage Reduction Traits
Damage Reduction RunesNow
Condi Damage
Lesser extent duration/expertise (less needed in Pvp environments due to Condi Spam ability and cleanses exist)What it’s reduced by
Runes/Sigils that Cleanse
Traits that cleanse
Food that reduces Condi duration
Runes that reduce Condi durationThe main issues with Condis in a Pvp environment are the amount of applicability even if cleansed while not havin enough other ways to mitigate the damage since they will be reapplied almost instantly.
But it’s ok in people’s minds that power damage can all but be completely negated by a lot of passive effects/healing but Woe is everyone of Condi is given the same treatment.
And there is no Single stat combo that provides all the defensive and offensive stats to maximize damage output as well as defensive yet Condi is afforded this opportunity.
You neglect to mention that DOT conditions tend to do less damage in the first place and only start ticking hard after multiple attacks so your comparison incomplete. As example if I take my p/p thief i can invest 5 ini and get two of it back and easily hit a squishie for 10 k and more in spite of those mitigation measures off unload. This will all happen in just around a second.
If I went onto a condition thief (the maligned DB spammer as example) and used ITS primary means of applying damage, that same #3 I would have to spam through at least 3 cycles of DB at 12 ini to get damage that will approach the Unload damage only if it not ever cleansed.
The IMMEDIATE nature of the damage of power over condition has to be factored in as does what any single given attack can do when comparing them on a one for one basis. The reason why it much more important that a condition build have higher armor is that they need more time to ramp up their conditions . They generally need to use more iterations of a given attack to get to that point. It becomes very hard to have that time if up against a build that can put out 10k damage in one single attack.
If there more individual ways to mitigate power damage it just as likely because raw power damage is that much more deadly. Again this not to suggest there indvidual skills in condition builds that need looking at, it merly pointing out this does not reflect an issue with conditions overall anymore then a given skill in a power build needing to be tweaked downwards relfected an issue with POWER overall.
And I bet to hit that squishy for 10k+ you need more than one stat, yes? Like, Power to scale the attack’s damage, Precision to activate your crit damage modifier, and Ferocity to scale up the damage you do when you crit, right?
Needed things to be successful:
Condition Build: Condition Damage Stat (Attack then kite target till dead.)
Power Build: Power/Precision/Ferocity (Consistently land attacks while fighting through the two to three times the amount of mitigation.)We get it, people want the Ebola Meta to never-ever die, because the easier it is to do something, the longer people want to do that and have it around.
Typical response by a person not able to rebut the facts. They alwys fall into the “well the only reason you defend conditions is because you play one and want to faceroll” It rather lame. It reminds me of all of those people claiming Saddam did not have WMDS with those short on the facts claiming "you must have drank his koolaid or are on his payroll’.
It an old tired tactic.
The vast majority of my toons are power. I have none in Dire. Try again.
Never did I accuse you of playing a Condition build, I merely implied that you must have forgotten for your Thief to do that amount of damage, you need more than just one stat, opposed to Condition builds that do truly need just one stat to crank out high tick damage.
So with your words, “Try Again”.
Power builds are at a Lower efficacy let’s take a look at everything that reduces effectiveness of both and what both need to maximize damage in a Pvp environment.
To utilize max damageReduced by:
Frost Aura
Invulnerability Condis will tick through but any preapplied Power damage won’t)
Pseudo Invulns i.e. Signet of Stone, and Endure pain
Class Specific Effects i.e. Bulwark Gyro/Great Dwarf
Damage Reduction foods
Damage Reduction Traits
Damage Reduction RunesNow
Condi Damage
Lesser extent duration/expertise (less needed in Pvp environments due to Condi Spam ability and cleanses exist)What it’s reduced by
Runes/Sigils that Cleanse
Traits that cleanse
Food that reduces Condi duration
Runes that reduce Condi durationThe main issues with Condis in a Pvp environment are the amount of applicability even if cleansed while not havin enough other ways to mitigate the damage since they will be reapplied almost instantly.
But it’s ok in people’s minds that power damage can all but be completely negated by a lot of passive effects/healing but Woe is everyone of Condi is given the same treatment.
And there is no Single stat combo that provides all the defensive and offensive stats to maximize damage output as well as defensive yet Condi is afforded this opportunity.
You neglect to mention that DOT conditions tend to do less damage in the first place and only start ticking hard after multiple attacks so your comparison incomplete. As example if I take my p/p thief i can invest 5 ini and get two of it back and easily hit a squishie for 10 k and more in spite of those mitigation measures off unload. This will all happen in just around a second.
If I went onto a condition thief (the maligned DB spammer as example) and used ITS primary means of applying damage, that same #3 I would have to spam through at least 3 cycles of DB at 12 ini to get damage that will approach the Unload damage only if it not ever cleansed.
The IMMEDIATE nature of the damage of power over condition has to be factored in as does what any single given attack can do when comparing them on a one for one basis. The reason why it much more important that a condition build have higher armor is that they need more time to ramp up their conditions . They generally need to use more iterations of a given attack to get to that point. It becomes very hard to have that time if up against a build that can put out 10k damage in one single attack.
If there more individual ways to mitigate power damage it just as likely because raw power damage is that much more deadly. Again this not to suggest there indvidual skills in condition builds that need looking at, it merly pointing out this does not reflect an issue with conditions overall anymore then a given skill in a power build needing to be tweaked downwards relfected an issue with POWER overall.
And I bet to hit that squishy for 10k+ you need more than one stat, yes? Like, Power to scale the attack’s damage, Precision to activate your crit damage modifier, and Ferocity to scale up the damage you do when you crit, right?
Needed things to be successful:
Condition Build: Condition Damage Stat (Attack then kite target till dead.)
Power Build: Power/Precision/Ferocity (Consistently land attacks while fighting through the two to three times the amount of mitigation.)
We get it, people want the Ebola Meta to never-ever die, because the easier it is to do something, the longer people want to do that and have it around.
See I don’t have much of a problem with the damage a Conditions build can pump out, it’s the application that bothers me, and the amount of stacks that can w/o fail be stacked vs. a persons ability to cleanse those stacks/conditions, you may be able to cleanse a few, but those are usually the cover-conditions that are before the big stacks of Burn/Bleed/Confusion ect.
Secondly it’s the laughing out loud simplicity it takes to achieve good condition damage/stacks, aka condition damage purely, because most builds have trait options that increase the duration’s of X weapon, along with food/util and gear like Trailblazers. While power builds to achieve these numbers, need three stats, Power/Prec/Ferocity.
Now sure a Power build can burst, but so can a Condition build, and with the Condition build, the damage/burst they apply persists, while a Power build needs to consistently land hits/interrupts/cc if they hope to take down their opponent.
So, in conclusion, a few things need to be addressed:
Application Vs. Cleansing.
Stats required to deal substantial Condition Damage.
Gear sets such as Dire/Trailblazer (If Condition builds are going to require only ONE stat.)
The possibility of Vitality giving us a passive defense vs. Condition damage, like Toughness gives defense vs. Power damage.
But who knows, what the meta will be in a few weeks/months ect. it may shift back to Power or whatever. All I know, is how it is right now, needs attention and serious thought from the dev team.