Showing Posts For Old Timez.5194:

URGENT: Auto attacking through structures.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Old Timez.5194

Old Timez.5194

This bug is being heavily abused in WvW right now. Revenant with ranged hammer and Necros (I think staff? Attack animation is a hand) auto attacks can go straight through walls. This may apply to other classes but these two are the ones I’ve spotted most used so far.

By angling the camera and selecting Siege located behind line of sight on walls or for example clicking on Trebuchets and Arrow Carts through the gap between the Gates and the arch above, you can then autoattack them through the Walls or Gates destroying them. Other use cases are applying damage on a ranged enemy on the wall even if they back away line of sight.

Destroying siege through terrain is a big problem with Towers being particularly vulnerable in WvW right now. There is almost no spot inside that siege can be placed that is able to effectively defend, without invaders being able to select and destroy them through walls.

Your QA team should have no problem replicating this bug. I was hoping the 17th Nov patch would have fixed it but I guess not so I hope this will bring it’s attention to someone at Anet. Please fix this exploit abuse is running rampant in WvW right now.

(edited by Old Timez.5194)

Issue Reports: Heart of Thorns [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Old Timez.5194

Old Timez.5194

Reverant Hammer targetted attacks can range through walls they should not be able to hit. Extremely easy to replicate in WvW. Please fix this it’s game breaking they are able to kill siege defence inside objectives.

Shout Builds (PvP)

in Warrior

Posted by: Old Timez.5194

Old Timez.5194

New to PVP even though I’ve been playing GW2 since day one. Also using a Defence, Tactics, Discipline Shout build with GS/Rifle, in conjunction with either a Knights / Celestial. (Latter not making use of the condi damage though) Good success so far I feel like. Double shake it off with RR for 3k- heal, + Geno Sigil 3 cleanses / can also take brawlers recovery.

3rd utility is up to what you want. However I usually run signet of might for the increased overall damage + unblockable when I need it.

When Berserker comes out I will try replacing it with tactics and using outrage/RR with cleanse on going Zerk as the replacements.

Severe lag during peak times with EE

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Old Timez.5194

Old Timez.5194

Unfortunately I am not the owner of the internet connection I am using, so hotspot it is. :x

Severe lag during peak times with EE

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Old Timez.5194

Old Timez.5194

Started using the hotspot thing too, can confirm it works, but the default location is USA, which results with around 400 ping. To switch close to say UK we gonna have to pay but I think I’m ok with the price for it.

Severe lag during peak times with EE

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Old Timez.5194

Old Timez.5194

I also phoned EE customer support and all they told me to do was open my firewall. :/ Obviously didn’t work, hoping that someone on the forums can help us.

Ping Issues [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Old Timez.5194

Old Timez.5194

I’ve posted to EE about it and they can’t seem to find a problem so far, follow to keep updated

Severe lag during peak times with EE

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Old Timez.5194

Old Timez.5194

Oh so it’s not just me. Was talking to GW2 support and I got this response:

- Thank you for getting back to us and providing the requested report.

I noticed the previous agent asked you to contact your ISP. But I will give you more details regarding that and I will also give you the exact information you need to give them regarding Packet Loss from Hubs. After reviewing the WinMTR report you just sent, I noted that the package loss causing the disconnections is starting on your local network Hub: “” and I also found some Jitter (Ping Spikes) that went from 183 to 584 (you can find this in t he column under the title “Wrst”) in the following IP: “”. I do strongly recommend to contact your ISP in order to troubleshoot this issue. You can send them the reports you just sent to us, in order to make it easy for them to locate the root of the issue. Remember to highlight that the package loss start on your local network Hub.

Please contact them at your earliest convenience and let me know if you have any additional questions about this issue.

Unfortunately I am not the owner of this connection and he is away on holiday for 2 weeks. I am not sure what I’m gonna do though, I’ll try to call EE tomorrow but I doubt I’ll get anything because as mentioned.

I am based in London. The related ping issues thread also showing alot of concerns that are related.

(edited by Old Timez.5194)

Ping Issues [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Old Timez.5194

Old Timez.5194

Also getting insane ping issues now, not having any ping issues in other online multiplayer games, only GW2. Any advice?

Berserker BWE3 Feedback

in Warrior

Posted by: Old Timez.5194

Old Timez.5194

So ways they could change for zerk mode itself is for:
1) Berserker mode to last longer – maybe 20s?
2) Berserker mode to have a decay but can generate uptime by hitting stuff?

I wonder what it would be like if for example it lasted alot longer, say 25-30 seconds with more buffs to the mode itself such as increased damage / damage reduction, slight buff to burst skills. However each time you’d use the primal burst skills it would reduce the time of berserker mode?

This way you had some sort of mechanical choice between zerk mode lasting longer or using primal skills for the effects/burst.

Berserker BWE3 Feedback

in Warrior

Posted by: Old Timez.5194

Old Timez.5194

I haven’t preordered so I don’t have a chance to test it but does Dead or Alive scale at all with healing power? I’m running a Cele build in WvW and I can see it replacing Strength/Arms (D/D) for us hybrids builds.

Stat help vs power builds / General - WvW

in Warrior

Posted by: Old Timez.5194

Old Timez.5194

Ive been currently running knights with a bit of vit mixed in and have like 3+k armor, taking advantage of the “Armored Attack” trait in defence for the extra power.

However I still feel like I die to enemy power builds very quickly in this patch. Sometimes I feel if it is even worth getting any defence stats, or should I just switch to full zerker, rely on auto endure pain, maybe double endure and zerker stance and hope to kill the guy faster, rather than going for a semi tanky build.

How is people finding roaming solo and in groups in this patch?

(edited by Old Timez.5194)

June 23rd Rifle Movement in WvW question.

in Warrior

Posted by: Old Timez.5194

Old Timez.5194

I love how the first response is there are better builds out there. XD I laffed.

If I go warhorn I’ma have to throw away my shiny flameseeker proh. I QQ. TBH Ive never used warhorn in my life so i’ll have to try it out I guess. Still the trait for it will be in tactics which I’m not thinking of using and if I did it’s in competition with Leg specialist.

If I didn’t use Traveller Runes it would of been Hoelbrak or Strength. Am I really losing alot by not getting either of the latter against the former?

(edited by Old Timez.5194)

June 23rd Rifle Movement in WvW question.

in Warrior

Posted by: Old Timez.5194

Old Timez.5194

As we know Crack shot is competing against Warrior sprint in the new trait lines. Exactly how valued is the 25% movement speed in WvW?

For example say with signet of mastery you will get 30s swiftness uptime with a 48s CD. Is this feasible to work with in small roaming groups and in general? Or is always having increased movement speed that important that I should compensate by running Traveler Runes?

Thanks in advance for replies. Ye fellow rifle warriors.

Disappointed, can we get another designer

in Warrior

Posted by: Old Timez.5194

Old Timez.5194

Still no rifle love, I am very sad. On the other hand they made longbow stronger. GG Anet

Warrior HoT balance feedback

in Warrior

Posted by: Old Timez.5194

Old Timez.5194

I would wonder what would happen if the overall attack speed for rifle was up’d by 5-10% and given a range increase that was greater than 1200 but less than 1500.

Right now I feel like rifle 3 and the AA feels a tad slow firing even though its in line with other ranged weapons.

Questions about the warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Old Timez.5194

Old Timez.5194

Welcome! When you get to level 80 skill points will get thrown at you. Until then I would suggest prioritizing picking signets and banner skills as you level up. If your planning on going for direct damage go for axe shield, otherwise sword shield for condition damage.

WvW Underwater Gates.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Old Timez.5194

Old Timez.5194

These cannot be repaired in any way what so ever, so once breached attackers can completely skip the outside wall forever until the keep is taken.

Any chance this can be fixed?

30g+ of money and time lost unfairly (Underworld Server)

in WvW

Posted by: Old Timez.5194

Old Timez.5194

Yeah i’m from Gandara and that was pretty kitten that you lost all that. What’s funny is considering how poor A-net are when it comes to these things I heavily doubt your gonna get your money back as well.

I dunno what to say dudes i’m cringing inside and disgusted about this.

Can spears be a land weapon too please? / Poleaxe.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Old Timez.5194

Old Timez.5194

Makes me very sad I can’t be a man.
