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Warrior Ultimate - Head butt please rework

in Warrior

Posted by: Onlysaneman.9612


Yes it is a berserker skill and sort of fits the berserker, point is I hate berserkers.

I should preface what I’m about to say by mentioning that I understand being frustrated by the theme of a class or specialization (or their only viable options). I’m a roleplayer with a ranger I really don’t like to use in any pvp because he’s a dodgey pirate-sort with a reef drake and shoulder parrot eagle, and the meta druid builds simply just don’t work at all for the character. Is it frustrating? Sometimes, though my warrior is my go-to for pvp anyway. Do I wish they’d fix up the lesser used pets a bit? Of course! But it’s not something I’m holding my breath on.

But at the same time, this is the sort of thing you’re just going to have to deal with. Headbutt fits the berserker, and Bull’s Charge has been the same skill for the whole of the game’s lifespan minus the odd cooldown tweak or the like. It’s incredibly unlikely they’ll change them just because you have a personal dislike of the skills’ aesthetics.

If you don’t like berserker, don’t run it. It’s that simple. I don’t know the current status on raids (I imagine berserker is meta for boosted damage output or somesuch but don’t know how essential it is), but in pvp or wvw you should find base warrior builds to be perfectly functional. We’re actually one of the more fortunate classes in that regard as far as I’m aware. Either accept some build/character-concept dissonance or just work with the base class until the next expac. Odds are alright that you’ll get something a bit more knightly then.

Warrior elite spec idea: Corsair

in Warrior

Posted by: Onlysaneman.9612


One hundred percent on board with pistol and tricks (my other top weapon pick being a polearm themed melee staff). The pet does raise a red flag for me though- don’t want to hand our potential new elite spec the same handicaps rangers have been dealing with since launch about their fluffballs. The tricks themselves should also be pretty direct and simple in theme: hidden shot, kick in the privates, rum bottle to the face, etc. No thiefy shadowstepping or tripple backflips and the like.

Can we be able to hide mastery levels?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Onlysaneman.9612


… and then it would just look like you don’t have HoT and they would just yell about that

and if it just hides everything then they would just yell about the fact that it is hidden

You are just wasting your time with that type of people. The simplest solution has always been “don’t play with those type of people”

I don’t think “don’t play with those type of people” works when you’re just hangin’ in LA and someone starts giving you crap for not playing 24/7 and getting everything as soon as it’s available. Like, it’s not who you hang out with, and some things can’t be solved by avoiding certain people.

And I’m not saying to make it look like you don’t have HoT, I mean just hide the number. Again, it could just have the mastery symbol and —- after it or something.

I’d rather be yelled at for hiding my mastery level than get yelled at for only being at mastery level 50 almost a year after HoT came out. And maybe some people with the highest possible mastery level would want to hide it so people don’t think they’re jerks that do that sort of thing.

The key here is the option. Don’t make us stuck with one option.

Block. Or report if they go far enough.

Why can zerg commanders kick for lack of TS?

in WvW

Posted by: Onlysaneman.9612


While the commander absolutely has the freedom to build a squad as they like, I’d like to point out that if you still want to run with a large group of people there’s nothing they can do to stop you from following and fighting with the tag. If they’re communicating through TS you probably aren’t missing any instructions you wouldn’t have missed anyway.

Raid rewards overhaul!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Onlysaneman.9612


The most challenging content in the game should be the most rewarding content in the game.

End of story.

Agreed. Multiply all pvp rewards by 10, cut everything else in half. (Joking, mostly.)

More seriously, I certainly wouldn’t mind seeing raids get a slight increase in rewards, in particular allowing people who enjoy them can get reasonable reward in gold or items from repeated runs. It can’t be enough to cause notable inflation that would hurt non-raiders, but given the portion of the population that raids I don’t think a small amount of extra gold/high tier crafting mats/etc. per run would have a tremendous impact on the game economy as a whole.

Remove the timer on match ending pls!

in PvP

Posted by: Onlysaneman.9612


I don’t mind the timer at the end – but I do wish combat came to a stop.

Nothing more annoying than trying to look at the end-of-game screen with some kitten still trying to kill you.

Every other PvP game out there has a proper end-of-game display, victory screens, team poses, etc., where fighting isn’t still going on.

I actually disagree with this. There’ve been a fair few times where, when the match ended, I was busy in a good (if slow) 1v1 and enjoyed having the chance to finish it. If you want to look at the stats, don’t worry about being attacked- it doesn’t matter at this point.


in PvP

Posted by: Onlysaneman.9612


why did you block out your skills?

Presumably to avoid grief from anyone who might give them trouble over their build.

Reasonable builds without HoT expansion

in PvP

Posted by: Onlysaneman.9612


Most warrior power builds should work just fine without berserker, including the axe/shield and GS one you mentioned. Just be sure you take the defense line and try to consistently land your bursts for Adrenal Health- which might take some practice given all the defenses HoT added. Stances are good as always.

Core warrior should actually be in a pretty good spot right now. Berserker, while a strong line with a lot to bring to the table, left us well behind other classes until the relatively recent buff to AH in the defense line.

Non Raiders blocked from XP bar spirit shards

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Onlysaneman.9612


The reward for doing raids is legendary armor and access to certain stat sets for pieces of gear otherwise either unobtainable or difficult to obtain. There is no reason raiders should get increased access to rewards related to doing things OUTSIDE of raids.

For comparison, would it be reasonable for only legendary rank pvp players to get spirit shards from experience gained in PvE? If A-net wanted to do so it would certainly be their right as a company, but at the same time I think most people would find the idea patently ridiculous. The situation is the same here. Raiders are not given just the rewards for doing a particular raid wing itself, they’re also given a pedestal over other players in terms of the rewards for any activity that awards experience.

Don’t get me wrong, I really couldn’t care less about the spirit shards themselves. I’ll likely never even use those I already have. What I do care about is A-net setting a precedent of allowing raids to affect the rest of the game beyond basic balance tweaks. You must understand how, for those of us who don’t raid, that might be a bit concerning.

[SPOILER] Justiciar Adrienne's bloodstone shield

in Living World

Posted by: Onlysaneman.9612


Chiming in here. While it didn’t take me too long to figure out the fight with Adrienne, I did have a few moments of confusion. As others have said, the elementals spawn in such a way as they get caught by the beam just by standing adjacent to the crystals. Many players won’t even see the beam (I thought it was a small circular aoe at first myself).

It took me a few presses of the counter button before I noticed the beam. From THAT point it wasn’t hard to make the leap to “Oh, I’ve got a laser tether, I should try hitting her with that.” Still, the elemental fight is, as far as teaching the mechanics goes, less than an ideal lead-up. Move them both a bit further from the crystals, make players move far enough away that they’ll actually see the beam clearly.

GW2 Needs Profession LORE!

in Lore

Posted by: Onlysaneman.9612


Hello everyone and Arena Net,

Gw2 is in major need of profession lore. The game jus feels so empty without it. Especially how the Revenant was implemented into the game.

Whatever happened to the Mesmer Collective? Why do we have elite specs now? Who was the first of each elite specilization. Come on Anet this is sad. We need LORE for
Or each profession, and not material from Guild Wars 1.

Agree with everything until you mentioned the last line….

Druids were around in Guild Wars 1 as an identity… so you’re saying that ANET should ignore that and come up with some fluff?

What if the lore ended up being along the lines of:
While exploring the surrounding wreckage of the airships, a Sylvari Ranger came across a Druid spirit who taught him how to harness the celestial powers to heal his injured allies?

It’s a plausible situation…
A) Druid Spirit were in the magumma jungle
B) No one has really been in the jungle in a while, minus some rogue figures
C) as a desperate scout looking for hostile creatures and things to aid his companions… It wouldn’t be out of the realm of possibility that a Druid spirit would appear before him or her and teach them their ways.

But…. it can’t happen because you don’t want anything tied back to GW1..

soo… i guess the only plausible lore ((with out using GW1)) is that Rytlock came back from somewhere that isn’t the mists((cause you know gw1)) and taught everyone how to expand upon their classes.
((in case you’re a wow kid who wants to pretend GW1 never existed))

I may be wrong, but I think what they may have meant was that, connection to GW1 or no, there should be an actual lore explanation given in GW2 itself rather than making players fish around for lore from the first game. By that logic your suggestion would work perfectly fine as long as there’s some spot in the game where people can find that information. For instance, I -believe- there’s an event in Auric Basin dealing with messages the druids left behind or somesuch. Expand a bit on that, leave an object or two for players to interact with to better make it clear that “Hey, there’s enough of their records here to maybe trial-and-error your way into figuring out druid magic from this.”

Blocked players the main problem of pvp

in PvP

Posted by: Onlysaneman.9612


The solution to the problem of blocking good players for easy matches is just to avoid putting blocked people on YOUR team, but still allow the matchmaking to put them on the enemy team.

As far as I can tell, the only people this would really hurt in terms of queue times are those who block nearly everyone and those who are toxic enough to BE blocked by nearly everyone. The first group can avoid or fix this themselves, the second probably deserves it.

Suggestion: Preset builds

in PvP

Posted by: Onlysaneman.9612


Absolutely not. The current system allows players to make tweaks to fit their individual playstyle, even if most builds end up looking very similar. I’d not want to be forced into a situation where the game tells me: “Sorry, if you want to use this weapon you have to use ONLY these utilities. What? You find them boring? You’d rather have a bit more stability or personal condi clear? Too bad for you.”

True, in theory there are a tremendous number of potential combinations for A-net to worry about, but only a very small fraction of those are even viable- to say nothing of meta. A-net doesn’t have to worry about 99% of builds, just those handful at the very top and one or two from classes without any meta builds. They can do this without resorting to taking all options away from their players.

Feedback Thread: Summer Update (26 July 2016)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Onlysaneman.9612


Yeah, the verticality and design of the map are interesting, but there is a lot of negative space. There are a lot of empty areas where there are just mobs pasted here and there aren’t that many events. The ones that are there aren’t extremely interesting. They kind of seem like a culmination of current events copy and pasted into the map. That’s a bit harsh, I know, but once you play through it there doesn’t seem to be much drawing you back in. At least not for me anyway.

When I’m in the map, I’m just seeing a few events here and there, a lot of places to glide from, and a bunch of random easy to beat down mobs that drop 1 or 2 of a currency I’m going to need THOUSANDS of. So in short it really just seems like a farm map for mats and currency for new stat ascended pieces. Which is good, but in comparison to something like the Silverwastes that is still one of the most populated to this day it doesn’t hold much to it.

It’s definitely a story device map, and probably meant to include non-raiders or get a taste of the raid’s atmosphere, but is it enough to hold us over for 3 months until we may or may not get another map?

Are they all going to be this size?

I’ve been posting a lot of negative things about the content, and I’m trying not to be too negative because I still enjoy the game and the detail they put into it… but I am a little underwhelmed.

Perhaps the new fractal and pvp map will make up for some of my disappointment.

These were more or less my thoughts as well. The new map isn’t that -bad- per say. I like the aesthetic, the mobs work well enough if a bit overstocked on hitpoints in some cases, and I would have loved to see a full sized map made of it. But as it is, the new map is small and exceedingly short on content and new ground to explore after a long shortage for the open-world pve crowd.

I’ve been suffering some from burnout on GW2, and I know a fair few others who’ve felt the same in recent months. If this is all we’re going to get per patch, with months long waits in between as some people have been saying, I’m afraid the feeling is only going to get worse. And I enjoy both PvP and WvW as well; it must be far worse for non-raiding pve-only crowd.

is anyone else tired of using the Greatsword?

in Warrior

Posted by: Onlysaneman.9612


I would think, though, that the greatsword isn’t a good weapon if you play berserker. Berserker is a condition build.

HAHAHA! you need to look over the berserker trait line again my friend. Berserker definitely had condition damage build into it. but it also has direct damage comparable to strength. Also, have you just not seen Arc Divider?

Well, it won’t hurt me to give it a try to see for myself. So far, I have been using Sword/Torch. Although I can’t help wondering what the point is to being berserker but not have the torch. Perhaps use Sword/Torch as a secondary weapon set?

Using an elite spec absolutely does not require using that spec’s unique weapon. As far as traits go, both the top and bottom rows of the zerker traitline can be useful for power builds. Have a look!

I do have to disagree with the gs/sword torch idea though. GS is purely a power weapon, while sword is hybrid and torch is heavily invested in conditions. They likely won’t mesh that well together, but if you want to try anyway feel free to have at it.

Suggestion: Retreat? Never!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Onlysaneman.9612


I’m sure the main reason they haven’t renamed it is that they’d have to either disable the PC’s voice for that shout or re-record it 40 times (4 supported languages, 5 races, 2 genders).

I prefer to think of it as the player faking out in enemy — a reverse feint. (I know, it’s a stretch, but it’s better than waiting for ANet to come up with the wherewithal to change it).

True, the voice work for it does complicate things, but at the same time it shouldn’t be overly hard to deal with. Just get the VAs to do that one extra line each the next time they get pulled in for something else and do the switch once A-net has all the new lines recorded.

Suggestion: Retreat? Never!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Onlysaneman.9612


I like the idea of renaming the skill to something a bit more… heroic. That said, retreat is a shout, so whatever you rename it to has to fit being yelled aloud. To that end none of the suggested names would really work- except maybe some variant of the third. “Onward!” might, as could “Steady On!” or some similar motivational yell.

Love triangles make for great drama/story

in Lore

Posted by: Onlysaneman.9612


Please, no. This is a trope I’ve seen a number of times before, and have almost universally disliked it. This is the kind of thing that takes someone clever to do it right, so as to avoid it coming off as cliched and soap-opera-ish.

Furthermore, there really isn’t a whole lot of room for it to work in the scope of the current story. We play the Pact commander, a character with few personal connections themselves. Given how they’ve treated the commander over the past stories, I can’t imagine they’d be the focus in this subplot. That means that they’d likely hand over the plot to some members of the supporting cast, be they members of DE 2.0 or otherwise. Let me tell you, if a significant portion of the story were spent on other characters having a love triangle, my immediate thought would not be: “Ooh, look at this dramatic tension. I’d better get some popcorn.” More likely would be: “Can you all just stop and focus on the dragon and/or White Mantle stabbing for five minutes so we don’t all die?”

Sorry mate, but I just don’t think the GW2 story is the place to look for this kind of plot. It would be far too sudden a shift in tone and style.

Weapon designs

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Onlysaneman.9612


Indeed, there are plenty of big ridiculous hammers, as there are a fair few big and ridiculous skins for just about any weapon type. Personally I’d prefer the exact opposite of what you’re suggesting, more trimmed down weapons that could pass for something semi-realistic. Don’t underestimate, as you put it, “a tiny little rock on the end of a stick” when that rock has the proper balance behind it.

As far as the longbow suggestion goes, I’m all for more options. The crossbow idea, however, would have complications in the form of the animations. Maybe make it a rifle skin with a unique sound instead?

Ranger or Warrior for WvWvW

in Warrior

Posted by: Onlysaneman.9612


Only reason I’m going to bother posting in here is because the only person that has added anything valuable to the thread is Prevas.9305 and its really sad that so many people are clueless.

Rangers are not wanted in organized groups in wvw, anything a ranger can do a Rev, ele, warrior can do better. As a matter of fact warriors are also not wanted that being said. Rangers can bring some useful things to the table but if u have a choice between taking rev, ele, warrior over ranger you don’t pick ranger its that simple.

warriors have better AOE cleave and AOE CC than rangers and can actually push with the front line, and REV, and ele have better range and range AOE and support than ranger.

So ranger is literally a terrible pick.

I take issue at being called clueless. I specifically mentioned that I tend towards roaming rather than fighting in either blobs or large guild groups, and so my advice was based on my limited WvW experience of roaming on either class. Nor did the OP specify that the question was about fighting in an organized groups. “WvW” is a broad game mode, covering a wide variety of circumstances: solo roaming, small groups of skirmishers, large blob rushes, organized guilds, and so on. Prevas’ comments contributed to the thread by including information about an area that hadn’t yet been touched on, which I personally appreciate. You did the same by comparing the classes’ strengths, albeit with a contempt and arrogance that your point would have been better made without.

Devs, GW2 finally helping Roleplayers...? :C

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Onlysaneman.9612


It doesn’t help the thread to start badmouthing each other, so both of you knock it off. While many of these suggestions would be nice, I expect they would involve too significant a time investment for relatively little return on A-net’s part. In order:

- Possibility of creating a description of your character by clicking the name (a lot of MMO’s have this!)

While this would be nice- and I loved that Dungeons and Dragons Online allowed this- I can’t imagine it being something many non-RPers would get much use of, and thus probably very low priority.

- Option of turning armor-glow and/or weapon-glow off.

As someone said above, if this happened it would more likely be for FPS reasons than anything else. My suggestion would just to stick with some of the more down-to-earth skins, of which there are a fair few good ones. Now, you might have more luck just petitioning for more simple, straightforward armor and weapon skins, as I imagine there are a fair few players of all stripes who wouldn’t mind more pragmatic looks.

- Dyeing of tonics.

This would require completely reworking how tonics work at the moment. If you just want the old town clothes back, ask A-net to make them an outfit. As for the more unusual ones… I can’t think of a simple solution for making dyes work on them.

- Choice of animation (for example choosing between male and female sitting animation, walking animation, class animation.)

A tremendous amount of work that would, as people have mentioned, possibly complicate things in pvp modes.

- More possibilities for beards, horns and ears in some races. Maybe scars? Tattoos?

This I am 100% behind this- more options for character appearance are always good.

- Capes and/or cloaks.

Not against it, but I’ve seen a few posts mentioning that Charr complicate implementing this a bit. Might not be feasible.

- Possible pet-option. Meaning not a pet that is available in combat, but a mere model of something in-game to walk beside you.

Minis. You might convince them to make some that are, well, less mini in appearance, but I think that’s the closest you could possibly get out of them. Again, it would be making a whole new system for a relatively minor change.

I guess the short of it is that cosmetics are always good, and benefit the whole of the playerbase while also usually being much appreciated by RPers, but implementing anything more complex is going to use resources most likely better used elsewhere. As a roleplayer myself I would much rather have new zones to explore or more current events to work stories into than more options when standing around a tavern.

Dragon Stand Boss

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Onlysaneman.9612


The simple answer is that, in story, the Mouth of Modremoth is only fought once. Similar to how I’m sure by now the Pact wouldn’t be continually invading Orr despite the fact that you still see the invasion events going on. And how there are still infinite ghosts in Ascalon despite Rytlock’s ritual thingamajig prior to HoT.

Tangled Depths: What were they thinking?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Onlysaneman.9612


Can you clarify what you mean by “karka lane” given the lack of karka in the map? Also given that the four lanes are Ogre, Nuhoch, SCAR, and Rata Novus? I think you mean the chak area northwest of Nuhoch lane.

I ask mostly because people already confused by the map will be further confused by looking for anything that could be a karka lane.

Aaaand this is why I shouldn’t post when short on sleep. Sorry! I meant the lane leading right up to the chak stronghold. Don’t know why I kept calling them karka.

(edited by Onlysaneman.9612)

A Thought From a Non-Raider

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Onlysaneman.9612


Yeah, I’d thought about the “people getting tired of bashing their heads against the wall” bit, and I couldn’t really think of anything other than to hope for the best and let people go with a good luck and well wishes when they feel like moving on. Still, I may just have to give it a shot. Thanks for the feedback, all.

Tangled Depths: What were they thinking?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Onlysaneman.9612


This map was a nightmare to me at first as well, but then I discovered you could drop down even further from the underground camp- the one near the zone entry- into the karka lane. Once I knew that it was easy to get to the ley line hub, and from there you can access any part of the map you really want to. Granted I’ve still not done full map completion, as I hate map completion as a rule, but general navigation became dramatically easier.

Actually, in typical TD fashion there’s a better way!

The water tunnels will take you all over the map provided you (or someone with you) has exalted markings. But it’s the slowest path to take, generally.

From Order of Whispers WP, find the nearby tree with kitten in it. Take the updraft chain on the other side to the great tree. On the other side of the great tree you can glide down into Ogre WP.

From Ogre WP there’s a wallow that will take you into Ogre lane. Head west to reach Dragon’s Passage WP. Head east to reach Leyline confluence WP. Continue east from Leyline confluence and you’ll reach SCAR camp WP. Head north up Rata Novus lane, take the tunnel east into Rata Novus and the WP there. Use Nuhoch lane and the wallow there to reach Teku Nuhoch WP, which has wallows leading all over the place.

Honestly, as far as the meta event cycle goes, that’s about all you’d need to do navigation-wise to participate. Most of the “maze” portions of the map (like that mess of caverns in the southwest) actually don’t have any of the events. They all take place near the camps (WPs) and the boss meta happens in the leyline confluence area, which is every bit as straightforward as any core Tyria map.

Map exploration would require you to delve into the “maze”. The events don’t run there, but many POIs, HPs, and MPs are hidden there.

I wasn’t talking about the water tunnels- if you follow the waterfall into the caverns right below near the start- further down from the camp where the mushroom emperor often attacks- it’ll drop you right into one of the lanes, a straight line from the hub.

(edited by Onlysaneman.9612)

Tangled Depths: What were they thinking?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Onlysaneman.9612


This map was a nightmare to me at first as well, but then I discovered you could drop down even further from the underground camp- the one near the zone entry- into the lane right by the chak stronghold. Once I knew that it was easy to get to the ley line hub, and from there you can access any part of the map you really want to. Granted I’ve still not done full map completion, as I hate map completion as a rule, but general navigation became dramatically easier.

(edited by Onlysaneman.9612)

Different Raid Difficulty Would Satisfy Most

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Onlysaneman.9612


From the developer’s perspective, rewards are incentives, not just to play the game, but to play specific aspects of the game.

I’ve covered that.

ANet would get ZERO benefit in any player continuing to play a mode that he knows he does not enjoy. To deliberately offer players incentive to repeatedly do content that this player knows he does not enjoy, they would have to be sadists, and I don’t believe that’s the case at all, I believe that they just made some mistakes because “everyone else was doing it,” and haven’t yet realized their error. It works entirely against their business interests as well.

So no, it is reasonable to set rewards up as long term goals, such that whichever path you take, it’ll be a while before you get there and they’ll have plenty of time to add new things to chase. This keeps people invested in the game, keeps them playing the content, assisting other players in a mutually beneficial way, and keeps them away from the filthy competition because they just won’t have the time.

It’s also reasonable for them to add items to the game designed to entice you to attempt specific content, to increase the odds that every player will give every game mode a decent shot, and minimize the chance that any player will miss out on content he might actually enjoy. But putting these items dozens, if not hundreds of hours deep, this is at best troublingly misguided, because it stands to reason that at least some of the players seeking this item will not enjoy the associated content, so why would anyone want them to be playing it?

Therefore, it only stands to reason that you position these items at a location designed to “catch and release.” Lure players in, make sure they try the content and experience it, and then say “hey, if you enjoyed that, you can keep doing it as much as you like! And if you continue to do it, you’ll be able to earn ‘The Widget’ much faster than doing anything else! But hey, you weren’t having fun? Continuing to do this for the next six to eight weeks would be sheer torture? That’s cool, we get that not all content is for all players, so here are a few other ways you can shoot for that item that might take a bit longer, but hopefully you’ll enjoy one of those more.”

That’s best for player good will, that’s best for the developers consciences, and it’s best for their company’s bottom line. Win-win-win.

One of the best written posts I can remember seeing on these forums, and the rare time I’m sad I can only hit the +1 button once.

How do I counter a perma-evade thief?

in PvP

Posted by: Onlysaneman.9612


Those dang timed dodges, must be hax they must be nerfed thieves must not have acces to any dodges. XD

New thief elite spec: Pirate. Ties an anchor to the thief, setting your max endurance to zero. Give them shouts like “YAARRRRR.”

More weapons and armor be earned in game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Onlysaneman.9612


…so instead of wasting my time playing the game…

I typed out a whole response and decided against posting it. If you really mean what you said, you and I (and probably many many others) are fundamentally different creatures and no amount of dialogue will change anything.

Good day.

In their defense, there is a point to be made here. “Waste your time” playing the game may not be the best way to describe it, but I’m sure there are plenty of people with busy schedules who would love the ability to not worry overmuch about grinding to get that one skin they really really want, and instead just jump to whichever content they like playing best. So it’s more like “Waste your time playing parts of the game you don’t enjoy.”

Am I at a disadvantage if I don't buy HoT

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Onlysaneman.9612


As far a PvP and WvW go, I’d like to offer one piece of advice- apologies if it’s been brought up before. While most of the elite specs are a tremendous boost to most classes, vanilla power warrior is, while often seen as not -quite- as good as berserker, pretty close on the whole. If you want a non-HoT spec, that’s probably up there as one of your best bets.

A Thought From a Non-Raider

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Onlysaneman.9612


Hello there everyone. I don’t raid, and I don’t have a tremendous desire to, so take my suggestions with a grain of salt. That said, when raids first came out I was looking forward to them. I wanted to take a crack at this new kind of content with my friends and guildies- not with the expectation that we’d succeed, but just to experience it as I did with dungeons back when I was a wee new warrior years ago. To see how far we could get without adhering to a strict meta, letting people bring the same characters we’d used to overcome all other sorts of nonsense and learning as we went.

But alas my guild soon fell apart somewhat, my friends list dried up, and many of those I’d have called on just to have a go for the heck of it disappeared from the game before we could ever really get together to do it. It didn’t help that much of the leadership was a little more tryhard about raids than I was… and in an RP guild tryharding is a mite hard to get support behind. So I put raids on the backburner and largely out of my mind- sure, I could run the meta build and study up to get into a raid group, but without my friends around me it hardly seemed worth it.

Now before everyone listening has to shave and go check on their grandkids, I should probably get to the point. I was thinking, and I had an idea: what about a guild of people with my mindset? A guild full of people who just want to take a crack at the raids, who’re willing to group with people not running the meta builds or without any real experience. Mind you, I’m not suggesting we’d BEAT anything in raids, but success or fail I find there’s a certain wonder in taking on content blind without watching a full youtube guide or copy-pasting builds for it. Thoughts?

past PVE rewards plx?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Onlysaneman.9612


Not trying to deny anyone anything.

Yes, you objectively are trying to deny people something. Whether or not it’s justified can be debated- and is being debated here quite civilly- but the position you are arguing is literally “don’t let new people try to get these old rewards.”

When are the changes for balance?

in Warrior

Posted by: Onlysaneman.9612




Lol, the whole concept of a rifle is to fire projectiles. :p

i dont want it to reflect :d

brb guardian staff auto does 2ks with ease and spammable

So you want to defeat the entire purpose of people running reflect skills, just because? Don’t get me wrong, reflect uptime for some classes might be a wee bit much, but that’s entirely the wrong way to go about fixing it.

what the hell

I was joking

but I do want piercing back, lets make rifle good again ..dem blobs

Can sometimes be a bit hard to tell on these forums. You never know.

Feeders in Ranked PvP huge problem!

in PvP

Posted by: Onlysaneman.9612


The solution is quite simple:
-5 score for each death

Btw, there also should be no score granted for double capping empty points.

You already get 5 points per player kill. Same thing as taking away 5 from the team that had a player die. If thy did both I guess it would mean the difference between the two scores would be increased or decreased depending on whether the team that got the kill was winning or losing at the time by 10 instead of 5.

Double capping empty points, well I’m not interested in Conquest anyway but wouldn’t taking away the score for double capping be pointless? That could really be used against a team. Say if you see two players on the enemy team going to their close, inform your team, they avoid far for the match. Your close is easier to defend or retake than it is for them. If far is their colour but not scoring because it was double capped might as well just leave it, they are at a disadvantage as the point nearest to their spawn point will never score unless you cap it and they take it back.

Personal score. You know, that what isnt worth kitten atm because it doesnt reflect anything really… but its something every new player thinks is the goal.

Alternatively, just remove personal score entirely, so people don’t build any other bad habits by trying to get a high personal score.

Again please stay on topic or use another thread, to talk about other topics then what this thread was made to discuss.

Please do not derail this thread
Thank You!

Okay then, on the actual topic: no. Being bad is not a bannable offence. Less capable players have every right to enjoy the game as much as you do. The solution here is to work on fixing the matchmaking rather than punishing people who may not have had time to learn yet. Once again, if you disagree with the people you get paired with, form your own team until the matchmaking is improved.

Feeders in Ranked PvP huge problem!

in PvP

Posted by: Onlysaneman.9612


The solution is quite simple:
-5 score for each death

Btw, there also should be no score granted for double capping empty points.

You already get 5 points per player kill. Same thing as taking away 5 from the team that had a player die. If thy did both I guess it would mean the difference between the two scores would be increased or decreased depending on whether the team that got the kill was winning or losing at the time by 10 instead of 5.

Double capping empty points, well I’m not interested in Conquest anyway but wouldn’t taking away the score for double capping be pointless? That could really be used against a team. Say if you see two players on the enemy team going to their close, inform your team, they avoid far for the match. Your close is easier to defend or retake than it is for them. If far is their colour but not scoring because it was double capped might as well just leave it, they are at a disadvantage as the point nearest to their spawn point will never score unless you cap it and they take it back.

Personal score. You know, that what isnt worth kitten atm because it doesnt reflect anything really… but its something every new player thinks is the goal.

Alternatively, just remove personal score entirely, so people don’t build any other bad habits by trying to get a high personal score.

Ranger or Warrior for WvWvW

in Warrior

Posted by: Onlysaneman.9612


I’m biased, because I’ve far more PvP time clocked on my warrior than on my ranger, but for roaming at least warrior seems more dangerous and harder to take down. When on my warrior there isn’t a single individual class I’m afraid to engage, while my ranger has more mixed luck- funnily enough, warriors being probably the hardest thing to fight on him. That said, Ranger is no slouch either.

Can’t speak for blob fighting, because I tend to avoid it for the most part.

When are the changes for balance?

in Warrior

Posted by: Onlysaneman.9612




Lol, the whole concept of a rifle is to fire projectiles. :p

i dont want it to reflect :d

brb guardian staff auto does 2ks with ease and spammable

So you want to defeat the entire purpose of people running reflect skills, just because? Don’t get me wrong, reflect uptime for some classes might be a wee bit much, but that’s entirely the wrong way to go about fixing it.

More weapons and armor be earned in game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Onlysaneman.9612


Before they can introduce more mode-specific armors they need to deal with the drought of new non-account bound armor found through open world PvE or available on the TP. I suspect a big part of the reason there’s been such a backlash about the raid armor and the pvp wings is because those harder-to-attain pieces have been about the only new stuff we’ve seen, with the exception of outfits, for a long while. Continuing that trend would run the risk of further alienating a lot of A-net’s more casual playerbase.

Skins locked behind particular content -can- be okay, but not when they’re the only new skins we get.

Warrior New Player Need Help

in Warrior

Posted by: Onlysaneman.9612


Berserker works fine for power builds and power weapons. You can absolutely stick with your GS and axe, though I would personally suggest running a shield instead of an axe in your off hand. Alternatively, you could swap out one of those for a rifle if you want a ranged option.

As far as stats go, for a build with those weapons you’re going to want berserker’s stats- power, precision, and ferocity- and as little vitality and toughness as you feel comfortable running with. So, as others have been saying, a mix of Berserker’s and Soldier’s- or similar- gear.

I don’t know what your budget is for runes, but there’s a full list, sorted by stats here: Without getting into the super expensive ones, Pack and Hoelbrak should both be suitable, but really you should be able to get by with any of the cheap ones so long as they stick to stats and bonuses you can make use of. Rune of the Scrapper is also a personal favorite of mine for pvp and WvW, but I think those might be a bit more pricey.

Banner thoughts+rework

in Warrior

Posted by: Onlysaneman.9612


Personally, I used to quite like banners before the trait change, but then they took away the CD reduction and ability to increase the radius- and that 600 radius feels incredibly restricting when tied to a stationary object. I’d be happy just getting those options back.

That said, a banner rework would be fantastic, and would need to do one of three things, as it seems the multiple posts here can be divided into.
1) Reduce banner CD and duration, give them some notable on-summon effect.
2) Make banners easier to carry, such as just putting them on our backs and/or giving them a signet or facet style passive/active buff.
3) Make wielding a banner worthwhile, like the better engineer kits, so that you get some proper benefit out of carrying the things around.

Banners are excellent for instanced PvE, and a part of the reason- so far as I’m aware- many groups bring a warrior along, but they’re still tremendously dull and clunky for any other mode. It’s a real shame, because the skill type has such potential. Just look at some of those WvW loading screens!

How do I counter a perma-evade thief?

in PvP

Posted by: Onlysaneman.9612


Ross you seem to be just bitter towards thieves since they filled Mesmers role better, really they are not perma evade and any good player can kill them easily if they aren’t a bunker class.

I don’t think he’s complaining about thief. He’s just pointing out that most of this thread isn’t that helpful to someone who can’t actually land any hits in the first place. I’ve only seen one or two posts here discussing the timing needed to interrupt their dodge chain, and if you can’t manage to hit them the question of what to hit them -with- becomes a bit moot.

Legendary League sPVP reward progression

in PvP

Posted by: Onlysaneman.9612


I’m with Yasi on this one. Many of the people complaining about the current system are those who only ever got into pvp for a shot at the wings. Stop dangling that carrot over their head and you can safely work on improving the leagues without fear of making it harder- and thus inciting a forum riot- for those who are only there for rewards.

Now, I agree that there should be some reward for those at the top tier of pvp, but I think it should be something non-exclusive so that players don’t feel forced to jump into pvp for that rare skin they want- and in a drought of new skins as there’s been of late this problem would be all the worse. Maybe a large amount of gold, allowing legendary players to go out and buy the legendaries and other expensive skins they ordinarily might not have the time or money to get through PvE.

Then for prestige you can make it harder to get into legend, make the little badge over your head a real mark of pride and effort. Titles, too, and as Yasi described a more prominent leaderboard sort of thing.

can anything be done about afk?

in PvP

Posted by: Onlysaneman.9612


I have nothing against putting in a resign button if the majority of a team wants to give up on a lost cause. However, when you go afk you do more than just decrease the odds of winning, you make any efforts by your teammates to enjoy the match, win or lose, much more difficult because a 4v5 will invariably snowball and lead to every person on your team getting swarmed 2 or more v 1 within the first minute of them being out of respawn. So now your team cannot even seek out 1v1s or get any entertaining fights in because they get zerged down for the remaining 5 minutes of the match. This denies newer players needed mechanical practice and denies anyone else the chance to get ANY feeling of satisfaction from the match, even the minor personal victory of winning a good 1v1.

Is getting paired with people worse than you frustrating? Of course, but it does not excuse throwing a tantrum.

Novice Warrior Seeking Build (PvE)

in Warrior

Posted by: Onlysaneman.9612


Personally, I always encourage newer players to experiment with builds themselves, especially for open world as it tends not to be overly restrictive in terms of what works. That said, I’d like to offer you a few general bits of advice for condi warriors.

1) Longbow is a respectable weapon with a combination of burning, minor power damage, and combo fields. It can generate its own fire fields and capitalize on them with #3.

2) Sword is a safe pick for a condition weapon, with good hybrid damage and some mobility.

3) Mace can be very good if you take both the berserker traitline for better condi bursts and the Strength line for conditions on interrupt, which mace has plenty of. Note that you may have some difficulty with doing real damage to bosses or enemies with breakbars as you can’t really interrupt them and thus miss out on a big part of your condi application. Not what I would suggest, but it’s an option to keep in mind.

4) The Berserker line will be your friend as a condi build in general.

5) For open world PvE you shouldn’t really need the Defense traitline, but it may be worth taking if you want a little extra breathing room to get used to things.

6) Try everything. Fiddle with all of the class utilities and weapons, see which ones you like the feel of most.

Looking for a Role-playing guild ^_^

in Looking for...

Posted by: Onlysaneman.9612


Hey there, mate. There are plenty of RP guilds still kicking around, and for a full list I suggest having a look at It’s an enjin site that serves as the main hub of the game’s RP community. Ought to be plenty of listings on there for currently recruiting RP guilds.

can anything be done about afk?

in PvP

Posted by: Onlysaneman.9612


There is nothing Anet can do about afk players except punishing those that are reported and even that will never eliminate the problem completely. I just accept it as part of the game to be honest and I never care if someone goes afk, even if we were going to win the game, sometimes when someone is afk, my team just talks about the game and random stuff to pass the time until the game is over which is nice.

Although, afk players should not exist, there really isn’t much that anyone can do about it- players will afk if they are angry or (I find this one funny) to ‘punish’ players who they thought played bad in previous games. Best thing to do is to not get bothered by it- afk works in your favour as much as it works against you.

about your comment about players afking to punish others, i feel its more about , u get the same bad player 6 games ina row and u just give up on the 7th because u cant take it anymore. but wtv blame the afk players

Yes, blame the afk players. While the matchmaking may be terrible and throw some players under the bus- which needs fixing- you still signed up to be placed in a random team. You accept, when you click that button, that you have no control over the team you get. Don’t try to punish other players for something that is entirely the fault of the matchmaking. If you do not have the emotional maturity to accept that your teammates may make mistakes then either don’t play or make a team. That is, if you can find anyone able to stomach an afker in their party.

Discussion about Berserker build

in Warrior

Posted by: Onlysaneman.9612


I used to run strength instead of discipline in all game modes. I can confirm it works suitably well, though I should note I run GS/rifle rather than GS/Axe shield so I wasn’t missing out on the easier shield bash combos or quick access to blocks.

It might not be optimal, but it’s worth fiddling with to see which you prefer.

The plague that is AFK

in PvP

Posted by: Onlysaneman.9612


1) Give incentives to play a match all the way through, such as a significant increase in reward track progress for kills, caps, defenses, etc.

2) Add an automatic penalty of some description to players who are neither in combat nor on a point for an extended period of time. People might still afk, but it’ll at least make them put more effort into it.

The plague that is AFK

in PvP

Posted by: Onlysaneman.9612


Another problem with option 3 is that it could very easily be used by a team blaming a loss on one person, not because they were afk, but just because they were bad. You may be annoyed by bad players all you like, but in no way do they deserve to get nailed with afk penalties.

Make World Bosses Great Again 2016

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Onlysaneman.9612


In terms of not doing pre-events, many players may simply not know exactly where they are, and are as such somewhat reluctant to go chasing after something that may well be finished before they find it. Or, if they’re new, they may not realize they exist. If you’re a newer player, and you see a giant crowd of players waiting for something, you’re probably going to think: “Hey, I wonder what this is for. I should wait and see.” And then for many it likely becomes habit.

As far as the mid-fight SB portals go, I have -never- seen them take a long time to go down. About two minutes at the longest, and even then I think it’s a high estimate. I’m pretty sure this is a “mountain out of a molehill” situation.

For the people who don’t help escort golems at Jormag’s Claw, I also have to offer a defense for. From the center of the field where most players cluster at, you -can- hit the dragon with a ranged weapon. It gives you perfectly normal damage numbers last I was aware of, so for someone who doesn’t already know the details of the event there’s nothing to indicate they’re doing anything wrong.

Of course people should pay more attention and try to read tooltips. But this thread is maybe a bit too harsh. Sure, if everybody knows what they’re doing and puts in full effort the event will get done faster. It would also be faster if every single player ran full damage, zerk or condi equivalent, gear. Do you want to rage at the people in Soldier’s for slowing you down, too?