Showing Posts For Parvati.5780:

When will we be fixed?

in Ranger

Posted by: Parvati.5780


I stopped playing my ranger and the game entirely in december. It looks like things have only gotten worse since then lol. Well I’ll guess I will be playing my engineer or rolling a warrior once the client finishes downloading.

Bot Banned?!

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Parvati.5780


Jingirl, I had the exact thing happen to my account while I was out PVEing too. It really is frustrating. Anyway, after much fretting during the wait for a reply, I finally got answer back from support. In my case it turned out that someone had gotten hold of the name of my email address linked to my game account and had been password guessing on it in the game client. So they had apparently locked my account down with a random ban message to keep it secure. Support reset my password and unblocked the account.

I hope that you get your issue resolved soon too.

Online mode - Invisible

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Parvati.5780


Setting the online mode to invisble isnt really that invisible.

People are still pm’ing me like they can see that i’m online. What the use of this feature as it has no use?

No use at all.

You cannot choose your online mode during the login process, so everyone sees your come online briefly before you switch to “invisible” mode. Also, if you’re a member of a guild, the guild member location list will track your changing locations.

account blocked for 71 hours? need help

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Parvati.5780


they said i am blocked because i used a bad char name =S

why not just give me a warning plz? ive done nothing wrong i cant wait for 3 days plz tell me how to fix this and thx alot =[

When the ban is up you will be able to login again. Once you’re in, it will prompt you to rename one of your characters when trying to load it (character.)

Complaints about Suspensions for Unacceptable Names/Chat [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Parvati.5780



Login into your support account (create one if you have not already.) From the menu, choose login issues. Make sure to use blocked/suspended category when making your ticket. You will need your serial number etc for the game when making the ticket.

I wouldn’t read too much into a ban message. Accounts are locked down quickly with random ban messages sometimes when a hacker is trying to get into it.

Complaints about Suspensions for Unacceptable Names/Chat [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Parvati.5780


good question im not to entirly shure. he bacally tld us he submitted a ticket but what im wondering is they say they have evedence but however they didnt give them to him. im really hoping that net see this post and actully has a plan of action. i know they are banning bots but hes not a bot hes a actully real player. and he would never try to manupluate the game. and im not shure how you could scan your system for that type of issue.

When submitting under the banned/suspended account category, it asks you for your serial number, etc. Filing it under that category gets you the correct line of support that you need in a timely manned.

If it went under a wrong category someone could have just looked at it and thought: “Account status? Permanently banned account. I’m not event part of the team dealing with that stuff, I only manage general queries. Reply courteously but don’t assist the person.”

That said, there should be a right of appeal if he did file it under the correct category. I wish that I could say more than that. Only support can sort it. Make your messages to them simple and to the point. Leave little room for misinterpretation(s.)

Tree at Morgan's spiral dead and no event

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Parvati.5780


Apparently there should start an event whenever the tree at Morgan’s Spiral dies but in this case there isn’t. I think it’s a bug but I’m not fully sure. Please check it, Arena Net.

There is an event (escort event), I forget the exact start point of it, but it is not far from the tree. Unfortunately, that event has been known to bug out recently.

Complaints about Suspensions for Unacceptable Names/Chat [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Parvati.5780


To summarize, your friend’s account was compromised, restored and then most likely re-compromised?

His system still could have been infected when he had the account restored to him, or the means the hacker used to get the info in the first place was left intact.

Anet does abruptly ban accounts often. The moment when the sudden disconnect occurs and the harsh message (permanent ban for botting/tampering/gold selling/etc)that you know you don’t do is not a nice surprise. However, they have to do this to secure the account when they see a hacker trying to / successfully gaining access to it.

If you’re not happy with the current decision on the matter, which you aren’t, appeal it, or have it escalated for some sort of review. Also, did your friend properly file his support ticket under the ban/suspended account category or something general (wrong)?

Cant Login to Guild Wars2

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Parvati.5780


Thanks for suggestion Parvati… Been using my display name when trying to log in, but to no avail… This maybe one of those issues where I have do a reinstall and start process over, but I want to hear back from Support befor I take that step.

The game would be very insecure if all a hacker had to do was browse a forum and look at a couple of threads to get account IDs. That’s why it does not function for the login (at least not anymore.)

It’s not much of a step, because by design you were supposed to be logging in with your game account name, not the forum name. Well, do what you feel you have to.

Cant Login to Guild Wars2

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Parvati.5780


i cant log into guild wars, i have an account and everything, played for a bit, level 40 on an character

but i downloaded it on my new laptop, installed it and everything, then i go to log in, but it says this

“The account name or password you entered is invalid. Please check your information and try again.”

Then it gives me the option to recover my account, i logged into my account on my other computer, and i logged in, same details and everything. im just so confused over why i cant get in..

Trying to log in with your display name [Ex: BLAH.9689]+ password? Don’t. Use your game account name+password.

[Bugged Skill point][Sparkfly FEN] SHARK [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Parvati.5780


That SP always bugs out after one or two uses. The sooner they turn it into a commune point, the better.

Authorized Network List on the website

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Parvati.5780


Maybe you don’t have email authentication enabled.

I wasnt aware of any actual option to turn that off? I was under the assumption it was email authentication or the google authentication but you had to have one or the other.

Regardless I have the google one turned on now, but it wont ask me for a code since I am on an “Authorized Network” at home here, so I dont know who else is authorized because I cant see the list.

Yes it does seem to be the case that it is one or the other. There are outstanding issues with the Google one.

But given what I read in another thread, you said that your account was hacked recently? Perhaps support’s (possible) purging of hacker’s authorized networks on your account caused a display glitch (if they did do that)? After all, they have only recently started working on deauthorizing networks for people. So there are bound to be some kinks in the system until they get it finalized.

Being that you can’t see your authorized network list on your end, contacting support may be the only way to go to get that list+notifying them of the glitch/issue.

(edited by Parvati.5780)

Anyone even playing Toypocalypse?

in Wintersday

Posted by: Parvati.5780


I stopped doing it the moment they turned it into easy mode.

Same. It’s not worth repeating anymore. Snowball Mayhem is the event I play now.

Authorized Network List on the website

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Parvati.5780


My list is empty. Nothing is listed not even my OWN home IP.

The fact I didn’t get the emails to add an IP to the list is beside the point to the fact my list is EMPTY.

Maybe you don’t have email authentication enabled.

Collosus Rumblus Aoe

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Parvati.5780


It’s been like that for a while I think. You can be good distance away while he is facing another direction. Yet, you still get clobbered with it. One of the groups I was in had a member who said that the area of effect at the moment has a 280 degree radius. It definitely seems like that when it takes you down and you aren’t in line of sight of it or near him.

female norn YARR is lame!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Parvati.5780


Does she really yell YARR? Because my female human shouts “For Great Justice!” at times even though she is an Elementalist (doesn’t have shouts) so I assumed that “FGJ” plays when the YARR effect is triggered. I never heard YARR before from my character

Same thing. It says FGJ on my Sylvari+Asura too. I have never heard a Yarr, though it states that it would shout Yarr.

Tixx' present is no present at all?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Parvati.5780


Edit: so it is not the fix? or is it? (I got a present by mail.)

Also, I just went to LA this morning to try to open the chest, see if it working. I don’t see the chest anymore and Tixx no longer chats.

(edited by Parvati.5780)

Jumping Puzzle Video

in Wintersday

Posted by: Parvati.5780


Tixx' present is no present at all?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Parvati.5780


Can you only get either the PvP gift or the PvE gift?

Yes, one or the other, not both.

Tixx' present is no present at all?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Parvati.5780


I don’t think you’ll see a fix. You chose the PVP present and received it. So you have no issue of loss like I and many of the other people who have yet to be able to get a present.

It is unfortunate that you chose the wrong present type but at least you got a present!!! Unlike I and many other people who had Tixx+the chest complete bug out on them, we have nothing, zip, zilch.

I don’t agree with you and I WILL be disappointed if there is not a fix. It’s not a choice if you don’t know you’re making one and the PVP presents are worthless.

I edited my original post. Anyway. Read back in this thread, page 2 post 1— the developer states that it is one present per account. The quote for convenience:

Oops, I was mistaken. It’s once, period, per account. Sorry for the confusion!

You got yours and therefore have no issue of loss like anyone else here. So you are basically asking to get the second present as well in a thread where people have not got any present. Yes, anet didn’t make it clear that present from the mist would be different from the one in LA. But that’s how it is.

(edited by Parvati.5780)

Tixx' present is no present at all?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Parvati.5780


I have this problem also. Talked first with Tixx in Heart of the Mists. Received the gift and when I went to open it no items appeared in my inventory and it disappeared (had plenty of room). Went to Lion’s Arch and talked with Tixx again. Said I had already received my present. Could not interact with chest or loot it. Went BACK to Heart of the Mists and saw Tixx chest there. I could loot it but it was 4 Wintersday themed finishers and a PvP Toymakers Bag that has NO STATS. What the hell?

I just want my cogs and my PvE back piece. I hope there is a fix to this soon.

I don’t think you’ll see a fix. It’s one present PER account and you used your one turn up. You chose the PVP present and received it. So you have no issue of loss, more of regret for a bad selection.

It is unfortunate that you chose the wrong present type but at least you got a present!!! Unlike I and many other people who had Tixx+the chest completely bug out on them, we have nothing, zip, zilch.

(edited by Parvati.5780)

Can't open the chest next to Tixx :(

in Wintersday

Posted by: Parvati.5780


I had this problem, it fixed itself when I joined the non-Overflow Lion’s Arch.

That didn’t work for me when I tried it earlier.

Meh. Seems like you need luck to able to get what should be a straight forward present obtain process.

Favourite Toys

in Wintersday

Posted by: Parvati.5780


No 1. Princess Doll
No 2. Plush Griffon
No 3. Toy Soldier
No 4. Toy Ventari
No 5. Toy Golem

Toypocalypse Achievement in a PuG is difficult

in Wintersday

Posted by: Parvati.5780


I’m sick of being stuck with PUGs who place the walls sideways instead in a useful pattern. Who don’t help upgrade/build throughout the round. Forcing me to PUG instead of play with my friends was a stupid decision.

The alternative is: it ends up like the tixx dungeon (having to LFG) and far less people would be able to get it completed.

It’s not hard to do anyway and it’s fun after the 3rd/4th round.

Thank you for the Wintersday event!

in Wintersday

Posted by: Parvati.5780


Two minis from doing the dungeon and the rest you can buy of the trading post for 350 gems each (which I did, by the gold to gems exchange.)

The xmas events have been a lot more fun than Halloween ones in my opinion. And the jump puzzle is doable by almost everyone— GOOD.

(edited by Parvati.5780)

Why I personally dislike Toypocalypse

in Wintersday

Posted by: Parvati.5780


I actually enjoyed playing it, more so than the dungeon events or the music thing (uh.)

No rewards from Tixx in LA

in Wintersday

Posted by: Parvati.5780


Same for me. No present and it was the first time I had talked to him, period.

Toypocalypse Achievement in a PuG is difficult

in Wintersday

Posted by: Parvati.5780


I did it with a pug 4th go, with only 4 players, 1 dropped for some reason. What we did was:

1. Build snow walls multiple times around ALL the dolyaks. Monsters had no way into the dolyaks and could only try aoe them.
2. Put lots of snowmen, catapults, ballists down. In front of the snow walls. Upgraded them too.

When we had that up, we randomly started putting ballistas and snowmen up around the map.

And feeding the dolyaks hay to heal them when they needed it. Which was not often.

Really easy.

(edited by Parvati.5780)

Tixx' present is no present at all?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Parvati.5780


Oops, I was mistaken. It’s once, period, per account. Sorry for the confusion!

That being the case, will players who couldn’t get the present because the NPC never gave it+chest already seemed to be open? be given the present via mail like the karka chest was?

(edited by Parvati.5780)

Wintersday Jumping Puzzle

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Parvati.5780


I saw someone’s post here saying that the chest room was disabled because of botters using teleport hacks to get in there endlessly. You can get the achievement but looting the chest for now seems to be disabled.

Tixx' present is no present at all?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Parvati.5780


He’s not giving out the gift in LA either. Myself any many, many others only talked to him in LA and was given no gift.

Yeap but there are some people getting the present. I wish that I was one of those who got it. This feels a little like the karka chest fiasco all over again :p

Tixx' present is no present at all?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Parvati.5780


I had not collected any presents from Tixx on any character. It was my first time asking for the present. I was in LA overflow.

I don’t know anything about the mists? The PVP zone right? I don’t got there.

Tixx' present is no present at all?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Parvati.5780


I received no present either. Nothing in the mail or bags and no my bags were not full, nor is my mail box full.

Patch broke Jormags Claw event

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Parvati.5780


I can understand the need to nerf the loot drops from adds. It ensures that people going to the event are there to do said event and not just farm adds.

And as stated by the topic starter, the ice shield during the first phase isn’t spawning properly. I won’t be going back to do the event until it is fixed because my characters primarily do ranged damage, which doesn’t work while this bug exists.

Jumping Puzzle Feedback [Merged]

in Wintersday

Posted by: Parvati.5780


I’m sure I’m not the only one who gets teleported back to the start for no obvious reason? That added with the wait is what is putting me off this puzzle.

That happened to me once. I had reached the first present jump bit and was making my way up when … bam! back to the start for no obvious reason.

All i can think is what that it was down to latency and the server having me placed in its mind where I was not (on my screen.)

Jumping Puzzle Feedback [Merged]

in Wintersday

Posted by: Parvati.5780


I really wish that it didn’t remove traited health, I went from 25k Hp to 17k HP. So when I first got to the final box I had 600 hp left and died inches from completing it. But I did manage to complete it 10 tries later.

That being said, it is a god send that the pack gets split up into 3? possible jump routes. It would have been HORRID if everyone followed one path!

Non Grenadiers

in Engineer

Posted by: Parvati.5780


The only time I use grenades is underwater. I play with the toolkit when on land. Well, I can say that I never complained about grenades, they simply seemed to require more effort to gain consistent sustained damage than I was willing to put in.

I only have one other level 80, a Ranger. It’s more defensive than anything (25k HP, 3K Attack, 3K armor, primarily BM specced.)

Grenade damage reduced 30%

in Engineer

Posted by: Parvati.5780


I made a Engineer to get away from the Ranger bugs/etc. I enjoy playing it in PVE (P/P crit build) and using the toolkit skills. But when dungeoning with it (Engineer) I was (and am still) finding it hard to find a specific role to play with it, healing was a role I had been trying get into recently but I won’t bother doing that anymore now since the patch reduced healing amount.

The other kits compared to the grenade kit aren’t all that amazing. 30% reduction on the main grenade skill that requires a lot of effort+focus and if used often causes pain— not right.

So now everyone is holding out for kits to scale with weapon damage? When that does happen there will probably be further overall damage reduction going along with it. Nullifying any potential damage gain from this scale.

With the Engineer not being able to support a group like it used to be able to, now I have no idea what to do with my Engineer in dungeons. Well, at least it doesn’t have a aggro magnet pet that can’t be stowed easily because of the 60 cool down delay. That also pops out when the slightest damage amount is taken.

(edited by Parvati.5780)

December 14 Patch Notes

in Ranger

Posted by: Parvati.5780


I see patch notes but I don’t see any changes in game. What’s going on? I know we wanted patch notes before the patch, but it gives no indication that the patch hasn’t gone out yet or when the patch will go out.

Same. No patch but the patch notes are there. I think the Halloween event went live at 6AM UK time, so this patch might go live around that same time?

Busting the Myth of Useless Pets

in Ranger

Posted by: Parvati.5780


As stated, pets are not useless, but they require a lot more effort than they should to keep them alive+effective.

They need to be able to hit moving targets by default (without the ranger having to dedicate away additional valuable skill slots to CC just to ensure that the pet will hit the target, for a brief duration.)

Dungeons annoy me the most as a ranger. If the pet just jumped down with you when you jumped down (to somewhere) that would help a lot in dungeons. As it is, they find the shortest path to you and pull everything along with it. Also, if you take a tiny bit of damage while jumping, they pop straight back out and cause more aggro. Other classes can jump about confidently in a dungeon knowing that they won’t pull half of the map, but the ranger can’t.

Switching or stowing the pet to avert the above is not always an option. If you’ve just come out of combat and during that combat you pet switched (say, to help it avoid dying to an AOE effect) then your pet stow+switch will be on a cool down. Leaving only two options to mitigate this somewhat:
A) Wait for the cool down to clear by which point your group will be wondering why you haven’t moved. They’ll probably be at the next boss telling you to hurry it up.
B) Trait for faster pet switching, sacrificing valuable trait points but nonetheless still waiting for the pet stow+switch to come out of cool down.

Pets in their current state in world PVE maps are (mostly) fine, but in dungeons I just don’t enjoy being a ranger, personally I’d like to be to perma-stow pets when in a dungeon but that won’t happen.

(edited by Parvati.5780)

Missing Glow after Makeover Kit

in Sylvari

Posted by: Parvati.5780


Aside from that, another reason why l haven’t yet purchased the kit was that l wanted to know, if l can’t get the preview the way l want it, is it possible to cancel it.rit? [SNIP]

Yes, you can cancel the make over process and the kit does not vanish on activation/if you cancel the process. So you can activate the kit, change some settings and check the preview of the changed settings. If you don’t like it, click cancel to stop the makeover process and try again later (whenever that would be.) Because you will still have the kit, unless that is you chose to accept the changes.

Anet does not undo the style change if you happen to not like the end results after accepting it (style change.)

(edited by Parvati.5780)

Authorized Network Question:

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Parvati.5780


Also, will there ever be an option to just delete an authorized network from our list on our own?

That would be a really helpful control to have. Redundant authorized networks could become a liability. Esp. if you are one of those people who were hacked and still have the hacker’s network authorized on your account.

You should just be able to go into the security tab and find a delete button against each authorized network.

Unfortunately it could also work the other way. The hackers could gain access to your account, then log in here and delete YOUR network from the authorized list. It’d be too risky to have that functionality available without some additional checks.

The other way to go about it is that only support could only be able to remove a authorized network entry/multiple entries at once. Either way, in the current state, both the end user AND support being UNABLE to revoke a hacker’s authorization to play on the [end user’s] account is not right.

In that situation, the email authentication system no longer offers protection (since it would not trigger) and undermines the smartphone authenticator app.

(edited by Parvati.5780)

Q: Deauthorize networks.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Parvati.5780


According to Security, we will be able to extend this functionality in the future, but do not have a timeframe for when that option will roll out.

As always, take care with any authorizations, and we’ll expand features as we are able to do so.

That’s good to know. Thanks for looking into it.

Q: Deauthorize networks.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Parvati.5780


When this anet IP appeared in my authorized network list I contacted support, asking them to remove it and a IP I no longer use. As of yet I have no helpful reply on it or promised action to remove (said authorized networks.) So far though, the general feel I have been getting from the support messages so far is that Anet has NO quick/simple way to manage authorized networks on a person’s account. If this is the reply I’ll get when they do come back, that’s seriously disturbing.

What is the point of them changing your email when they’re not going to revoke the hacker’s permission to log into your account? None at all. A changed email won’t protect you if the hacker’s authorized network is still on your account, neither will their authenticator.

You still got a more meaningful answer than me then.
You can read the answer I got in my thread.

That’s impressive in a bad way. Looks like the person managing your ticket isn’t a department best suited for their current skill set. < Yes that’s the most polite way I could put it.

If you look at their account recovery tool. It shows that they put a lot of effort into making it. But also that they put a lot of foresight and planning into it as well to ensure that it is not abused.

Yet if you look at their email authentication system it lacks the planning and foresight evident in their account recovery tool. So you can deny/accept new incoming networks but you cannot manage existing networks.

Scenario A: You want to play at work briefly. You authorize the network, but unknowingly someone was running a packet capture tool on the network and got all your info. They then can log into your account at any time from that location. Nothing you can do about it to revoke that network’s access permission. Scenario A is one of many possible scenarios, as player(s) won’t always be at home and will want to play even if at a different location (other than home.)

What makes the email authentication system look even weaker is that not everyone can get it enabled. I’ve seen people here say that they asked support to enable it but support told them to go to account > security and enable it there. But the option to enable email authentication is not there. Much like they told some people to go there to de-authorize a network.

So, A) the system only protects you from new locations randomly gaining access to your account. That is IF you can get it enabled in the first place. It also leaves you wide open with regards to a compromised computer/network. Completely undermining the security gain listed in point A)

The authenticator app for cell phones isn’t much better off in its current state either, but it is not finalized yet so there is still hope for it.

(edited by Parvati.5780)

Q: Deauthorize networks.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Parvati.5780


Omg !!! I got an answer from the support telling me that they can’t remove the un-authorized IP neither me …. Moreover first they gave me a wrong answer which underline that I can remove it my self from my profil …. It’s false !!

So they only advise me to change the password frenquently….

It’s like a joke so I have to bear with the HACKER’s IP and being compromised for the future ?
Moreover the roll back will be only available for once per account ! Great to know …

Seriously there’s no way to remove an IP ????

When this anet IP appeared in my authorized network list I contacted support, asking them to remove it and a IP I no longer use. As of yet I have no helpful reply on it or promised action to remove (said authorized networks.) So far though, the general feel I have been getting from the support messages so far is that Anet has NO quick/simple way to manage authorized networks on a person’s account. If this is the reply I’ll get when they do come back, that’s seriously disturbing.

What is the point of them changing your email when they’re not going to revoke the hacker’s permission to log into your account? None at all. A changed email won’t protect you if the hacker’s authorized network is still on your account, neither will their authenticator.

(edited by Parvati.5780)

Authorized Network Question:

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Parvati.5780


Also, will there ever be an option to just delete an authorized network from our list on our own?

That would be a really helpful control to have. Redundant authorized networks could become a liability. Esp. if you are one of those people who were hacked and still have the hacker’s network authorized on your account.

You should just be able to go into the security tab and find a delete button against each authorized network.

I feel like a turtle...

in Asura

Posted by: Parvati.5780


This always happens to me after I use a way point.

I want wings!

in Sylvari

Posted by: Parvati.5780


Medium T3 is really good, it was the armor I aimed to get when first seeing it at level one. So I did get it. Medium Tier 1 is not so bad (I use it for my magic find set), I found medium tier two to be somewhat “meh” though.

Having a winged medium set would be a good addition. When I saw a Sylvari female Mesmer with it, running about with a sword. She looked really fantasy story style awesome. It almost made me want to roll a Sylvari female Mesmer :p

Caladbolg - The Pale Tree's Sword

in Sylvari

Posted by: Parvati.5780


When I first heard about the sword through the story line it sounded really good. I was thinking: super sword, nice.

But when I went through this step on my Sylvari ranger the game made me use the sword. When I had the sword, I had no pet. The novelty of having a named sword super quickly wore off, it just made the battle harder than it should have been. Esp. since I was and still am specced into beast mastery.

Necromancer minions broken

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Parvati.5780


The AI, not just for necromancer’s minions but ranger’s pets is in need of a major update. But an AI is not a quick program fix, it will take time and much testing. Also it is not known how far reaching an update in this area would go game wise. Potentially monsters in the game use the same AI as necromancers or rangers etc, or do they all share the same AI? So rushing into a change there could create a potential backlash from other players.