(edited by Paxus.6543)
Showing Posts For Paxus.6543:
yeah never mind I am blind and now see the setting..
So I am having the issue with my settings being reset every time I log on which lead to me having the issue that I can no longer find the setting so that a ground target is cast after I release the button instead of having to hit the button twice.
Am I just blind and not seeing the setting or was this setting intentionally removed or is it a known bug?
So it was not exactly clear to me. Will there be 3 copies of this map like the border lands are now or is there only going to be one?
It would cause cowardice, nobody would take any risks, or engage and the whole wvw idea would simply fall apart only to be replaced by PvDoor.
Thats funny because that is what I feel the game is like now..
With their introduction of finishers and the ability for them to sell them on the trading post eliminates any chance of downed state being removed in my opinion. I do think that it is possible and they should make it so that if a person is completely dead they can not be rezzed by folks in combat. Another thing that I think they should think about is making a debuff for teleporting such as waiting 1-2minutes after combat to be able to port. Being able to port instantly once you are out of combat is just silly.
Unless all servers realize that the only way the super blob is ever going to stop is if every single server actively makes it stop. And unfortunately I do not see that happening. The zones are too small, it is too easy to get from point A to point B and commander tags make it way too easy for folks to stay in one giant blob. If they could get rid of commander tags or make them only viewable by guildies and expand the zone it might help a little bit but I dont see that happening. I for one would rather have good fights between groups of 15-20 all day long rather than running around and pvdoor or zerg groups of 15-20 with 40-50 in 5 seconds.
Without a doubt ArenaNet has made the blob meta very possible but what really drives it is the player base that continues to embrace this type of game play and it does not seem that folks mind it all that much.
This preview left me with many reservations about this map. Most glaring to me is the fact that the focus seems to be on pve battles as opposed to making a map that encourages and funnels players into fights against each other. Also from what i could see people can be knocked off all over this map which will cause nothing but aggravation. I could see getting knocked off like 5 times in a row, having to run all the way back each time and saying screw this.
Also in regards to these maps being limited to the respected server matchups would definitely be the wrong way to go with this. It will just be another map with a lopsided match up just like the main WvW maps with the low population server getting dumped on like always. Populating each instance of the map with folks from every server seems like the way to go. The sides in this new map could be determined by the colors for the weeks match up. All the servers that are red, green, and blue will be grouped together to populate each side of the map. By going this way the server balance issues will have no impact on this new map. Why take something that is broken already and translate it to this map, that makes no sense to me.
Is that the real problem? or is the problem this boring matchup that forced us to head towards the karma train that gets the only fights because you guys don’t run from them, only us.
If you wouldn’t run away every time you saw us we wouldn’t be forced jumping you while you’re fighting someone else.
See these are the comments consistently from you guys but every time I see you there are tons of other maguuma all around you. Then you say we hide behind doors and you have no choice but to join the karma train. This is week 3 in a row and this is the same bs I have seen from you guys the entire time. I am not saying you guys are bad just saying your talk on the boards seems pretty petty.
Ark out and about looking for even number fights? I mean thats what I hear you guys say on here all the time but i always see you in maguuma zergs
Why do people keep saying that +150 to stats is “broken.”
Look at banners. Banner of Strength gives you +170 to Power and condition damage. Banner of defense gives you +170 Vitality and Toughness. Banner of Discipline dishes out more DPS than banner of strength does.
Are banners broken? Are people “too hard” to kill when they’re within banner range? I mean really now this is just getting silly.
The orb buff is not broken. Stop complaining about it.
because banners effect an entire server across 4 maps right? lawl
Point stands. People are talking about the buff like it makes enemies into some kind of unstoppable killing machine. It doesn’t. If you’ve ever killed anyone who had banners down—or better yet, banners + divinity runes—then congratulations, you killed someone with a bigger stat buff than the orbs give.
the problem is, it makes the stronger server even stronger, which has nothing to do with your strange banner argument
Yeah, I can see how comparing stat buffs to stat buffs could be confusing. It’s not like they’re anywhere near the same thing. “Strange” indeed. I don’t know what came over me.
yep, you are comparing a slot skill on a single class that effects people in a small radius to a server wide buff. yup, pretty strange
Think harder, Homer.
What I said was “are people too hard to kill when they’re in banner range?”
Yes, it’s a slot skill. I actually have a banner warrior, I know how it works. My point is that having +150 added to your stats is not broken, in fact it is something that many players have experienced many times without even knowing it.
Good point.
Why do people keep saying that +150 to stats is “broken.”
Look at banners. Banner of Strength gives you +170 to Power and condition damage. Banner of defense gives you +170 Vitality and Toughness. Banner of Discipline dishes out more DPS than banner of strength does.
Are banners broken? Are people “too hard” to kill when they’re within banner range? I mean really now this is just getting silly.
The orb buff is not broken. Stop complaining about it.
Yeah so now people can stack the banner buffs with the bloodlust buffs!! Pretty soon all people will have to do is hit one button and people will insta die
First off I am really liking the new areas of the BL’s and the increase of people actually fighting each other. For me Anet you have a real success here. Now of course my issue comes with the buff and I just want to question your motives for the buff and your explained reason why it was important to have a stat increase buff because honestly I think you contradict yourself in your reason for implementing this content and the reason for the buff.
You said that this content was for small groups to have somewhere to fight and add meaning to the overall wvw and again I think that was a great idea. The new area gives players that enjoy pvp an area to fight without doors to run into and walls to hide behind. The PLAYERS that like to play that way will clearly be drawn to this area looking for fights. Adding the stomp buff also gives these players a way of contributing to the glicko system and added incentive to fight in these areas in addition to the fact that they are already looking for other players to fight. In my mind this is more than enough incentive for the players that you say this area was made for to be interested in it. So if this area is for people that want smaller scale open field fighting why oh why do you think the stat buff is needed? To me it is clear that players drawn to this area already have sufficient incentive already. Yet you add this stat buff for what? So that zergs will spend time there? But wait, isn’t that exactly not what you designed this area for?
Now some say that the buff doesn’t have that much affect on things and that might be true but it creates a situation for me that I am disliking, much more than I originally thought it would. I hate losing a fight and always looking afterwards to see who has what buff and attributing my loss to the fact that they had 2 stacks of the buff. Maybe they would have beaten me regardless and I would have known they just played it better than I but with the stupid buff I cant really tell. To me that is frustrating. For me I am more talking about small scale fights but I feel this has a negative impact even on zerg fighting. If you lost a fight or zerg battle before this you could do nothing but attribute it to your numbers, tactics or skill. But with this stupid buff it gives everyone that has no or less of the buff a automatic ahh we lost because they had the buff clearly. To me this feeling will lead people to get frustrated and feel that they have no way to overcome and stop playing wvw altogether. Dont get me wrong this dynamic was already happening with population imbalances and the buff will just compound the problem.
Ok these are my long 2 cents about the issues i see with your implementation of bloodlust. If you made these areas for small scale fights why do you think that the stat buff is needed to encourage these small scale fights that the PLAYERS that you portray that this area is for already wanted.
New area is great imo and stomp adds a different dynamic which I am liking but the stat buff can go.
I gotta say people that are complaining about these new areas because it is just pvp crack me up. So you are saying you are disappointed because there are no doors or npcs to kill and you cant farm wxp without having to fight real players without a keep door to run into? Funny stuff.
I’ve just quit after this last patch, the one thing i loved in this game was the roaming. Now everyone seems to want to roam with 10-15 people in the ruins so I either spend an hour running around looking for a fight or get zerged trying to fight in the ruins.
well you really must have some bad luck because I have been having tons of great 1v1 fights so far. And to quit for these reasons on the day it was released is just silly. Seems you just wanted a reason to quit
Thank you for letting us know! We have a fix for this and will be putting it out as soon as possible.
I know a super easy fix for this!!! Take out the stat buff! it will be a win win!
Berserker’s Pearl Sabre stats =
+90 Power
+64 Precision
+5% Critical Damage
Zojja’s Razor
94 Power
67 Precision
5% Crit Damage
Plus the 5 to a stat for an infusion.
IS THIS REALLY going to make someone untouchable in WvW because of these super small incremental increases??
no no no no no no no no no no no no no and no
Everything sounds great about these changes except well of course as any person that plays wvw knows is the stat increase bonuses. Why? Why? Why do you think this is needed? Do you want to further create disadvantages for the lower pop servers and give advantages to those with higher pop? How did you justify that implementing these stat bonuses were in anyway good for wvw? Please name one reason you could have fathomed to think the stat increase would be a good thing. Do you not learn from your mistakes? Is that not why the orbs were taken out in the first place?
Again everything about this sounds really nice and a welcome change but i implore you to rethink the stat increase bonuses and replace them with bonuses such as increased wxp, xp, gold, karma, and magicfind. That along with the stomp bonus should be more than enough incentive to fight for these points. Giving a server with a huge population bonus the chance to have +150 to stats is just plain dumb, game breaking and will destroy balance that you supposedly have tried hard to create. It is hard enough to fight against a higher population server as it stands right now. If you do not see how this will have such a negative effect on wvw I am at a lost for words.
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE reconsider this small part of what seems to be a wonderful change to the borderlands map.
Most truly yours,
(edited by Paxus.6543)
You actually get a lot of WvW points now killing players since the WvW point changes. High rank players are worth 50+ WvW points. If you kill an entire zerg you easily can get 500+ WvW points.
I think it will take a while for people to realize this though.
Umm I dont think that has changed it has always been 60 without outmanned buff for killing someone that has not been killed recently and it goes down as low as nothing if they were killed recently.
I really could care less about wxp but rewards seems to be the carrot on the stick that leads people to play wvw a certain way and would like to see wvw be more of a pvp game but I guess that might never happen.
Maybe the introduction of leagues will give people a reason to try and fight and hold on to things but I am a bit skeptical that will change things and will just lead to bigger zergs.
(edited by Paxus.6543)
Got bad news for you then.
They`ve said that you`re more likely to get the new mats from lords then you are anything else.
ZvD is now an almost certainty for months/years to come.
Yeah just another change that they are making that makes wvw more about pve content then pvp which has been the trend that I feel is really taking away from the fun that wvw can be.
towers are easy to capture imo and more rewarding to take and that is why most people would rather go take a keep then to defend. If there was more incentive to hold on to keeps i think we would see more stand offs and better fighting all around. Say that a guild that claims a keep and for every hour that they hold the keep everyone in that guild that is out in wvw gets 2500 wxp and a few champ chests or something. And the rewards would scale depending on the placement of the keep if it is on the front lines or in enemy territory. They wouldnt have to sit in the keep but it would keep most of that guild in that zone and ready to defend their keep if need be. I think this would help spread people out across all zones and actually give people a reason to defend. As it stands right now very few people run to defend because they find taking a keep as being much more rewarding so why bother defending when they can just let it be taken and take it back.
(edited by Paxus.6543)
no the point is to somehow give incentives that actually encourage folks to actually fight against other players rather than doors and guards and keep lords….
I see less and less actual player vs player battles in wvw these days and it really makes me sad. Zergs avoid each other because it is more rewarding to just take empty keeps and farm karma, wxp and such. The fun of wvw has been sucked dry in my opinion. ANET can you please do something to bring back real player battles. Even when a zerg goes head to head the fight usually lasts about 2 minutes with one side steam rolling the other. Maybe its just the matchups I have been in but long drawn out battles seem to be non existent. I constantly see zergs avoid each other to run to an empty keep instead.
I would be all about giving incentives for open field battles but that seems to not be wanted by ANET soo how about giving some sort of incentive to actually holding on to keeps and defending them. Some ideas are champ bags for successful defense of a keep, guilds that hold on to a keep that they claim for a certain amount of time earn wxp, guild influence, and guild merits? I mean everything about wvw has made it all about running around in a zerg and clearing a map not upgrading anything, go to another map and clear the map and then go back to the other map after it has been taken back. The incentives as they are currently completely pushes this boring sad state of wvw and I feel the players are going to go with what rewards them the most. So please ANET do something about how boring wvw has become. These are just some ideas that have come to my mind I am sure there are some changes that you can make that will bring life back to wvw because as i see it now it is just another boring pve grind 95% of the time.
I made a wordpress website, with the celestial stat analysis + revised guide
I had to teach myself how to use wordpress, so it might look slightly shabby :P
Any input is welcomed
New guide is great. Thanks again for putting all that together!
Just wanted to ask again about how not having speed for getting around with your 30 air spec. In fight I get that going in and out of air builds it up but I cant stand running around with no speed buffs. Do you just deal with no speed buff or have some sort of workaround for getting speed?
I was looking at your S/D setup you posted and wonder how you deal with a lack of swiftness?
well i have been getting no wxp for killing a bunch of tc and db this week in open field. They are definitely not outnumbered and definitely not spawn camping … So killing a guard is a big achievement??? please.
I enjoy a fight just the same I was just stating that it makes no sense to get 10 wxp for killing npcs and getting less for killing a real player. I guess you guys seem to think Anet got it right……
Am I the only one tired of being in a 5 minute fight with someone to end up getting no wxp for the fight because they happen to die alot? Is it somehow my fault that they had recently died a bunch?
It makes no sense that you can kill guards and always get a guaranteed 10 wxp but can be in a much more drawn out player verse player fight and get 2 or zero wxp.
My ask is that Arenanet set the minimum wxp for any player kill to the same as what you get for killing a guard. I see no reason why this is an unreasonable request and I hope others will support this request and Arenanet will make this sensible change.
Ohh wow your logic is so amazing. I never realized how inferior all servers below t4 are. As a matter of fact I am going to transfer to Kaineng right now so I can be leet like you are. Not.
Question for you. Were you there for Kaineng’s rise up to the leet tiers or did you just bandwagon after they got up there? Im guessing the latter. What if everyone on Kaineng back in the day had your failed logic and just transferred servers because that was the “smart” thing to do instead of working your way up? Guess you would be playing on some other server.
I am not sure if you are putting this out there as some sort of recruitment tool or you just think you are all that but you are way off base.
Snip cause my post is too long with yours.
P.S. I extend an offer to any developer working on wvw willing to do so, to come run with our guild one night on EU, to see the game and how we play it from our perspective. I genuinely believe that devon’s approach of wvw is so disconnected from how WvW is played because at best all I see is developer’s running in pug zergs than I remember steam rolling back when I played against SoR on NA. When the developers balance Spvp, they ask the good players and play with the good players. When I played GW1 the devs there did the same and I have played with Isiah before and discussed the game based on what he saw playing with us. But the current dev approach to wvw is so casual and there is no hands on experience of how wvw should be played aside from some ideology that they have in their heads which is flawed.
Much better explanation and much better way to get your point across. This last part I sadly tend to agree with. Test servers and player feedback is very important granted it does not become just catering to those that QQ the most. Not referring to this particular topic but I have seen that happen in other games.
(edited by Paxus.6543)
I have read almost all of this thread and I really can not believe some of the egos here. Countless posts have stated how uber leet guilds oppose it so therefore they are right because they are soo leet in their eyes. Then they go on and talk about all those that are not in these uber leet guilds as being scrubs that do not know anything. So are you saying these “scrubs” can use this to their advantage more then a uber leet guild? If said guild was so great they should adapt much easier then a “scrub” to such changes.. Or is it that the “scrubs” opinion just doesn’t matter because they are not qualified to talk about such things.
That logic is flawed. Very flawed. This has nothing to do with adapting, this has everything to do with diminishing a potential for skill gap. Have you ever heard of power creep? In terms of balance it is when overall things are buffed and even though everybody has access to the same tools the game is still imbalanced for it.
To give you the extreme case scenario, you can have a game like GW2 for dueling which incoroporates skill. Or you can have a game where both enemy players have a single button that can 1 shot the enemy. Both players have the same tools, but somehow I doubt in the latter situation the better player will always win, and if they win it wont be by a substantial manner because there is not enough room to demonstrate skill. That is what power creep does.
The egos in this thread are justified, the guilds in reference already have proved they can play the game better, its not really something to debate. The organized guilds understand the game far better than any of the pugs in every single facet and aspect.
ACs were a power creep for siege. It is clear to anybody who is capable of theorycrafting or contemplating the impacts of certain changes. The clueless pugs are the people who bring in anecdotal evidence like dumb videos, or say “I capped something”. The better players understand that it is a silly argument to make to defend a case.
Ok so what you are saying is that these guilds figured out how to dominate other players and because of this nothing should be implemented in the game so that there domination and tactics should ever be challenged. Its kinda like we were smart enough to play this game with the current set of rules and nothing should ever be changed so that we might have to change our strategy or gameplay in the slightest.
You say that these egos are justified because these folks learned to play the game better or for many of them probably joined a guild that taught them how to win with the tools available to them. And a majority of those tools are the use of stacking which is only as powerful as it is because of the ae nerf. Since your logic is about players using players skills how bout instead of the ac buff they remove the ae cap? In all honesty I think the end result would be much worse but we will probably never find that one out.
To imply that because someone is not part of a large guild that runs organized wvw they have no clue about the dynamics of wvw and how it works is just ignorant. Essentially in your reply here you are saying anyone that presents any kind of support of the changes has no clue what they are talking about and what your side of the argument is saying is completely valid in every way. I personally belong to a small guild and run around solo a lot. I guess I could be considered one of these “scrubs” then? I actually hate using siege and almost never use it, I just help build it.
I in no way find it to be game breaking as people here keep saying but as I stated previously some adjustments are needed. One additional possibility that I have not seen mentioned would be to extend the cool down on the skills of the AC a little bit. That along with what Devon has already mentioned should give this change some balance. Just to point out, I do not belong to one of these elite guilds so please remember that when considering my suggestions.
(edited by Paxus.6543)
Just accept it dude. Stop spending time categorising and counting posts on an internet forum and go think about how to adapt your strategies to the new build. Its here to stay regardless of what you say, so there is no point wasting your time on this kind of stuff.
Why would I adapt to something that is clearly broken? You make no sense.
You don’t even need to make a poll, almost all organized guilds dislike this AC change and will also dislike the fix they will do.
Real problems are scrubyscrubs posting feedbacks when most of them don’t actually use the mastery, use superior arrow carts and/or post feedbacks when they only face one arrow cart.
Beside the damage, the range is the worst thing happening. Aneu was kind posting only 12 AC on hills, with some little zoomhack etc you can have more than 15 hitting the gate.Would be nice if some organized guild could make a video of a full arrow cart defense, but I guess everyone is too lazy to stand in a siege weapon for hours
I have read almost all of this thread and I really can not believe some of the egos here. Countless posts have stated how uber leet guilds oppose it so therefore they are right because they are soo leet in their eyes. Then they go on and talk about all those that are not in these uber leet guilds as being scrubs that do not know anything. So are you saying these “scrubs” can use this to their advantage more then a uber leet guild? If said guild was so great they should adapt much easier then a “scrub” to such changes.. Or is it that the “scrubs” opinion just doesn’t matter because they are not qualified to talk about such things.
Anyway I think, as Devon has addressed, the issue with the effect this has on other siege and the range needs some fixing. And from what he said they will be fixing this asap. Personally I have still enjoyed every minute I have spent in wvw since the patch and maybe I am lucky on my server but I have not seen any stagnation of keep taking. Sometimes it takes a bit longer and not always a success but in my mind that is a good thing.
Didnt change a kitten thing and still love my Ele. I am not one to run away often so the RTL change has not had a big impact on me I am just being more concentrated on when I use it. Mist form got me out of certain death several times last night just as it did previously just need to be more timely with it and be ready to pop stuff when it drops. I read these boards before logging on after the patch and was concerned with all the QQing about the Ele being destroyed and unplayable. Maybe its my spec but I definitely do not find this to be the case and still love playing mine.
Are we leading because of better coverage? probably. Are we terrible and never win when we have less? No.
You make it sound like we have never been in another tier. We bounced around tier 3 and 4 for a bit. Had ups and downs, we know what it is like to have less coverage. So enjoy laughing for whatever joy it brings you but we will still be having fun.
Will BP be better with us gone? Doubtful seeing that another server with better coverage will be there in our place. So enjoy your laugh. I will be busy having fun in game regardless of the score and standings.
(edited by Paxus.6543)
I think people try way to hard to find a fault with everything possible and enjoy being unhappy about everything. The rank system is trivial. It will lose its luster soon enough. For me the removal of culling has been tremendous. I thought it would cause massive lag but for me at least that has not been the case. I think anet did a great job of getting rid of culling. Maybe I am lucky here in tier 5 but there is action everywhere and you can see everyone and we are definitely fighting each other. Are there zergs? Yes. Were there zergs before? Yes. Stop grasping at straws trying to find a reason to complain and go have some fun with it.
And I played warhammer and it was fun but I have no idea how someone could think it was superior to this but I transgress everyone is entitled to their opinion.
(edited by Paxus.6543)
The orange swords change has the potential to be a zerg breaker. Now 10-20 man teams can successfully “ninja” without drawing swords as opposed to 5 man teams trying to set up siege or an entire zerg having to wait for 5 man teams to clear guards and fortifications. Hopefully smaller groups will be more prevalent and coordination between those groups will be the new standard instead of just running around in a ball.
My understanding is you will still see the white swords at keeps and whatnot so it should not lead to huge amounts of ninja keep takes. It will stop zergs from running over open field battles every time they see one pop up