Edit: Also I’ve always liked the thought of 5 being a combo field, but that seems a bit hamstring/OP.
It actually is a combo field light, even if it doesn’t say so in the tooltip.
meh, I went with staff for the swiftness
Actually on the contrary, sword is on of the strongest single target damage available to guardian, look at the DPS tests in altruistic healing thread:
also there is another thread dedicated just to DPS tests by Guanglai Kangy
Honestly I am surprised when anything in melee actually does hit on objects. You can try moving, it sometimes helps.
skill 5 of guardian hammer is useless , ppl just dodge to get out of it.
Well that settles it…
Well you have probably the most expensive gear apart from legendary.
oh no, I can play with my friends, even when they are lower level than me! The horror!
on my norn, when I don’t have a target the orb will fail too.
From I read I understand this change only took place in sPvP ?
I was so close to buying the pieces I want (torso and legs) and then I dumped money in the gem store in a fit of insanity
oh well, at least I have some goal
Hey, will you be able to get the skins after event? They drop off the special chests which will be gone after event (?) and I heard they drop off of mobs too? Will you be able to get them after event?
I don’t know if it’s meant at me Xyvius, but I never said thief is better in general PvE, I just said that if it takes you long to kill single mobs, you are doing something wrong. I even said that with more mobs/veterans guardian is stronger.
Sounds like your guardian isn’t built correctly then. Maybe you’re running hammer? Haha.
it’s not about my guardian, I can kill at decent speed, it’s about the thief. I didn’t use one-shot as a figure of speech, he literaly killed some of them within a second, before I (I was on my mesmer btw) or any other class could swing his weapon. You said thiefs need ages to kill single mob, that’s simply not what I saw. This is post assassin signet “nerf” (I think it’s actually a buff in PvE, 5 dancing daggers critting for 10k+ dmg on each bounce is not a rare sight.)
edit: I reread your original post, killing 10+ ELITES without taking a hit on guardian? I think I got trolled. >.<
(edited by Poplik.8697)
Guardian rips through 10+ elite mobs without even taking damage while thief takes days to kill one regular mob and dies in two hits.
umm I think you did something wrong, I had duo in Orr with my thief friend, and we had problem that I couldn’t get credit for some of the mobs, because he killed them before I could swing my weapon. He literally oneshot some of them.
Sure when there were more mobs, or veterans present I had the upper hand, but single mobs simply disappeared usually without hitting him once.
Also 2hand mastery will increase your retaliation uptime, since you can blast your light symbol every time it’s up, so that’s something to consider.
norn female, reason:
swiftness =/= quickness. Swiftness is MOVEMENT speed, quickness is ANIMATION speed.
edit: you could have gained quickness from mesmers elite time warp
at least you get to be master of earth when you splat down >.<
with my hammer, autoattack noncrit I am not sure, because the non-crit numbers are so tiny >.<, crits about 1.5-2k. Mighty blow crits up to 4k. Today I was surprised to notice that my symbol from hammer crits up to 1k, not too shabby.
edit: I am mostly runing cof, so that’s for level 75, in hotw I had 5k crits on mighty blow.
I like it most of the time, especially with 2handed weapons, but recently I picked up ebonhawke shield and aegis is ruining it :/
For me, the best helm is no helm. Don’t want to hide that pretty face under some ugly bucket :p
Nice, I would maybe swap singet of judgment for stand your ground or another stability for stomping.
edit: nvm you use it in other vids.
LOL at the empowering might animation for asura, now I wish I made my guardian asure xD
edit2: could you say what armor do you use? Cause I am full exotics, aiming for balanced stats and pretty much every stat is worse than you have oO
do you use orbs? cause I have runes for boon and might duration.
(edited by Poplik.8697)
are you testing it in lvl 80 zone, so you don’t get underleveled? Does regeneration tick every second? (you have formula for healing per second but maybe regen ticks a bit faster?)
any idea how to get this one?
Yesterday I spent about 50k karma on these, they look awesome. They fit my armor pretty nicely, especially when I dyed it black and gold.
#3 abilities are not designed to be used straight after #2, you get one stomp stopper but you can’t do second one straight away. Would you like to have your stomp stopped twice every time?
meaning that the projectiles go ALL to you?
I am really happy for you, and Imma let you finish, but Dark age of Camelot had the best PvP of all times. Of all times.
daoc is still alive, but at it’s current state on live, no thanks. Considering that game with similar pvp systems will never come (for example, when you are interrupted on casting in daoc, not only it’s full stop on your casting, you can’t cast anything for next 2-3 seconds, nobody will implement game like that but this allowed them to do very powerful casters and healers without them being unkillable).
animation skipping in dungeons is great, because it allows you to use evade for heal, without rolling all over the place
hey, are you working on guides for rest of the dungeons?
btw I am having a hard time watching your vids, for some reason they load incredibly slow on youtube, doesn’t matter if I watch them at home or in school with 100 mbs :/
This applies only to these three dungeons or ?
not to mention that seeing immune all the time is pretty annoying >.<
Brutaly, can you comment on the stats, I made a post close to the end of second page, I guess it got a bit lost in the hammer dps discussion
I hope you will take it off for the bath, you don’t want it to rust :p
on my mesmer, I just went wild. I tried down to earth armor, with just huge kitten wow-style shoulder and I love how it came out. I don’t currently have all pieces so only preview at the moment
Hey guys, I am currently runing dungeons for equip (I made a crafter and then found out I can’t craft the combination of stats I want >.<) and my first impression was: Jeez these sets are fugly. But if I took a piece here and piece there, I came up with something I am pretty fond of. Anyone has some other nice combinations? Doesn’t have to be just dungeon gear.
Guardian was pretty tough, because most of the heavy armor is just butt uggly, seriously? 6 sets of worn down generic chain? Huge skirts on everything? I tried to come with something which isn’t completely over the top. It can’t be seen well in the picture, but the koda shoulders provide pretty large collar, which looks simply kitten from side.
Hey Brutaly, awesome stuff here, this thread made me pick my guardian up again and play it. Currently farming dungeons for better equip for my guardian and twinks.
I have two questions, you say you don’t have mace on yourself, why? Do you feel that what mace brings is too similar to hammer? It seems like good defensive, single target option with the heal and block.
Second thing, I looked at your suggested stats and I can barely make the low point for each stat, I am wearing rare jewelry, exotic hammer, 3 pieces exotic, 3 pieces rare armor; armor imbued with orbs. I tried to mix and match so I can get your suggested stats and I am currently sitting at
43% crit before food
~2800 Attack
14k health
~2400 armor
300 heal power
61% critdamage
so basicaly the low point for each, is this normal? I don’t see much room for improvement, bit here and there from getting exotic jwlry and some inherent defense when I upgrade my armor to exotic. It feels to me, that in order to get the high end on one or few stats I can’t get the low end on some other ones.
Anyway, great approach to what I originally felt as slow and clumsy weapon, I am beginning to love it. I didn’t see much mention in the text but at least in dungeons when you can afford to stand in one place you have very high uptime on retaliation, not only for you but for all the melees on the boss. Coupled with some shouts I think you can get 100% uptime easily.
My character is a level 80 engineer and I get passed over for dungeon groups all the time (except by my guildmates; they are often very willing to help with dungeons). Yesterday, I whispered to 4 non-guild lfg requests in a span of 15 minutes and I was completely ignored.
Those people are clueless, if anything, the amount of damage power engi grenadier brings is ridiculous. Not only that, he will make everyone in the group hit harder (10 stacks of vulnerability on defiant mobs easy, 20+ on anything else just from grenades).
hmm just once I got turned down as a mesmer, they told me they want something with heavy armor. Oh boy if I had silver for every warrior and guardian I had to ress I would be rich
edit: out of curiosity, how do you get your warlock to crit for 15k? My biggest crit is 9k with power build, when the mob had decent amount of conditions and about 10 stacks of vulnerability, I had both +15% dmg to phantasms and pretty much all traits for phantasm damage. Around 85% crit damage.
(edited by Poplik.8697)
I have to say I have never seen jumping puzzle which was mandatory for map completion, usually they are added bonus and only provide achievement and loot chest.
If you get the other minor trait for protection proc on regen, you can get pretty much permanent protection if you have the right phantasms.
he’s not talking about the charr elite, this is an actual rifle model :p
if you are ever unsure of something there is an easy fix – heart of the mists and test away
I believe the elasticity doesn’t work on illusions
Hey, is it just me or is it… unwise to craft rare jewelery? Seeing as it needs ectoplasm anyway I might as well craft exotic?
Am I missing something? Sure it needs orbs but they are easily craftable from lower level tier gems.
I tried staff condition build and GS power build. I think that GS power build is a bit more gear dependant, I made 20 levels by making tailor and jeweler so I always had the best gear for my level, I usually killed mobs before iZerker did his second attack. However if I didn’t update my gear for about 10 levels I started having a bit hard time.
Staff is a bit slower on the killing speed (I think the damage is comparable it just needs some time to build up instead of frontloading) but you are very tanky and IMO not so dependant on good gear.
I leveled 20-70 with GS power and now respecced for conditions/toughness for orr.
There’s only one real option to consider.
came here to post this, my friend has it, it’s called Charzooka (same as the charr elite skill).
The vulnerability is not for you, it’s for your warlock.