Showing Posts For RAWR.4273:
Soloing content (intentionally not designed for soloing) requires understanding of the class, also what is possible and what not. Any class can be used to solo content as long as the player knows what she/he’s doing.
I read that necro and ranger are the better PVE classes due to their pets and Necro’s self heals, like an AFF Lock in Wow. I know all classes can have solo capabilities but those 2 classes shine when it comes to more elite content.
To be fair, “elite content” and “solo content” are completely different things. As far as solo content goes, any class can completely face roll solo content with only 1 ability.
For “elite content”, you will require other players. Necro is generally kicked in public groups, and really only chosen for PVP. So if you want to play Necro or Ranger in group content, best to play with a guild or friends to avoid getting kicked from the group.
(edited by RAWR.4273)
Thank you. The new PoF pass will work the same way when it’s active?
Yes, the new POF Pass will work the same way, unless it acts more like the Mistlock Sanctuary Passkey.
Is there another type of pass that sends you back to where you were (other than WvW, which they removed the guild bank from a few years back)?
Yes, it’s called the Mistlock Sanctuary Passkey. There is a portal in the middle of the area that will allow you to teleport back to your original location. However, this passkey was only temporary available, and has left the gem store to return another day.
Without the ability to use services and go back to where you were, I’m not seeing the appeal of these things.
The main appeal is that it will teleport you to an area of great convenience, and is also a free teleport if you’re heading in that direction already. For example, let’s say you always go to Divinity’s Reach after finishing your things for the day, to unload loot and stop by your home instance. The Royal Pass will bring you there for free, anytime you want.
It really is just a convenience though, the game does not force you to have it in order to play the game. Each area has their own unique aesthetics, and services, and that is just one of the few reasons players may want it.
With all the things you listed, I really think you should only go for 10 points. I find the green staff and green bow a great addition to a sylvari druid. But the pets aren’t really worth it. I can understand having skins for weapons you know you’ll be using, but I doing you’ll ever touch the pets because you’ll find something better in-game. Go for 10 points. I can help you with whatever I can in GW1 for HOM, such as quests or extra minis if I loot any. If you need help and in NA servers, let me know.
The HOM things will take you a lot of time to complete. It’s funny because I think the skins are worth it, but I don’t use it much. Mainly only on my new characters.
With that being said, is there something in HOM that you must have that an item in GW2 couldn’t give you?
With the specs you provided, you’ll most likely running WvWvW at 20 fps – 30 fps range. What is your budget?
Hello, I think you are playing on EU, but just wanted to make sure (I’m NA). If you’re on NA, I’d be glad to play with you. =D
EDIT – a kind soul has gifted me my request! Thank you so much! <3 Time to pay it forward.
Hello everyone! Thank you to all the players that are going around helping others out! It really is satisfying to see that there are other players out there that are more than about themselves!
The only thing I’ve really wanted is the Miniature Raven. It’s so cute and amazing, I missed my chance to buy the Mini Avian 3 Pack when it was available, so now I’m hoping to get Black Lion Keys in order to get the 2 Black Lion Miniature Claim Tickets needed to exchange for the Miniature Raven.
If anyone out there can help me with some Black Lion Keys, I’d really appreciate it and would be forever be indebted to you!
(edited by RAWR.4273)
Is this NA or EU!
I can definitely help guide/mentor you. Are you NA or EU?
Hello Archy,
My specs are similar to yours, except you have a slightly better CPU. With that being said, I average about 4 – 8 second load times depending on zone. It’s a huge performance increase (in terms of loading screens) from when I was running on a standard 7200 RPM HDD. You’ll most likely see slightly better performance than me as your CPU is better.
Just make sure you get a reliable SSD, I HIGHLY recommend the Samsung EVO 850 Pro. With Black Friday coming up, you’ll definitely be able to nab one at a great price. You’ll want to make sure you install a fresh copy of your operating system on this SSD, and that the SATA cable for the SSD is connected to your SATA 6Gb/s slot on your motherboard instead of the slower, SATA 3Gb/s.
If you do buy the SSD I suggest, make sure to install the Samsung Magician software (disable the startup for it though, not needed). You can use RAPID mode (8GB RAM is okay,16GB RAM recommended for best performance) to increase the performance further. RAPID mode uses your RAM to hot-load your programs, with this enabled, performance benchmarks literally exceed the factory performance standards by 4 to 6 times! I can post performance benchmarks if you’re curious.
Good luck!
(edited by RAWR.4273)
GW2 has the same pay model as GW1, and GW1 is still up and running.
Gaile doesn’t know, and if she did she probably wouldn’t tell you. You can expect to see it in the gem store in 1 to 51315 weeks.
I suspect the order of events to go something along the lines of:
Zhaitan >
Mordremoth > Sylvari Story > opens up Maguuma Jungle > rediscovery of a Blood Stone?
Jormag > Norn Story > opens up Northern Shiverpeaks > Blood Stone in Shiverpeaks?
Primordus > Asura Story > opens up Central Transfer Chamber > missing Blood Stone?
Kralkatorrik > Charr Story > opens up Crystal Desert > missing Blood Stone? > Elona
Steve > Largos Story > opens up Unending Ocean > Cantha (one can always hope)
Just fun/hopeful speculation on my part though.
How many SATA slots do you have and which one did you plug it in to? What kind of motherboard do you have?
I noticed you’re going to be uninstalling and moving on towards another game. I wanted to ask if I could have all your stuff.
Xfer… fantasy magic reference ?
“Xfer” is an abbreviation of transfer (to move from one place to another). The “X” represents a cross or crossing over / to cross over =/= transfer over.
So.. you saw RNG, decided to buy RNG and successfully got RNG. If you really wanted a specific dye – why didn’t you buy the color you want off the TP instead of RNGing?
Fast and easy way to get it is to use a credit card. =O
Also, as a side note. If you submit more than 1 ticket it will increase your wait time by 12 to 16 days.
Is it ‘OK’ or ‘brilliant’?
Hate to say it.. but it’s neither “okay” and definitely not “briliant”. I would rate it 2.5/10 for GW2.
Not sure where you got the idea that there was some sort of hype. The patch introduced things that many players asked for.
I made it into the game with zero errors, zero bugs, and 12 minutes of downloading. My other 4-6 friends had similar experiences to mine, except that their download took a bit longer.. though they admittedly stated that they were probably downloading at the same time as everyone else trying to get into the game.
I love the new changes they introduced, great patch and friends agree. Thank you for strengthening our confidence in future patches and the expansion Anet! Can’t wait!
I had to give extra lap dances to fund the expansion cost but I’m sure it will be worth it!
Are you building the computer yourself?
In my opinion:
-requires fast reflexes (may require the use of many skills in short period of time)
This would be Thief – they are more movement/action oriented than other professions.
-may have many skills
Elementalist or Engineer – They do not have a weapon swap (uses only one weapon) but have more abilities than other professions. Do note that if you do not like micromanagement/ability rotations, the playstyle of Elementalist/Engineer may turn you off.
-little or no micromanagement of pets, etc (I have pretty bad situational awareness)
Thief – No pets. You “can” summon help, but they are automated and disappear after short duration.
-little or no “boon/condition skills” that you have to keep using every minute or so (because i always forget to use them)
-not support oriented (more-so strong dps, I plan on soloing more than anything, maybe a little dungeons and stuff later)
It sounds like you may enjoy a bit of Thief or Elementalist. Give them both a try and see which one feels more natural to you. If you like mage-type gameplay with aoe, go Staff Elementalist. Even though most of my answers point towards Thief, I think you’ll transition into GW2 easier with Elementalist. Play what you enjoy, even if you think you may suck with it, continued playtime with that profession will generally yield improvements.
I also like the new change and unfortunately do not agree with the OP. I’m not sure why OP feels more information looks “horrible” – I don’t think many players agree with that.
Please DO NOT turn it back! It seems many players like this new change and welcome it!
I expect that player with +5k AP (maybe less) know everything about game.
I do all dailies, with almost 7k AP I have 4731 permanent.
So, are you saying that you know EVERYTHING about the game? If your answer is “no”, then you’re setting expectations on other players that you don’t even meet. I think this is called hypocrisy, but I could be wrong.
So what is the reason for rushing to 80? Hate to say it – but you’re most likely ruining the experience for yourself by doing so since this game (unlike some others) starts at level 1 and not level cap.
To answer your question about the video card:
As for your primary drive, it should be SSD for your operating system and the main games you play. The rest of your data (music, videos, pron, other games) should be dumped into your secondary, HDD.
8GB is fine. In the future if you want to take advantage of the SSD’s super ram thing, you would need around 16GB (with all matching sticks).
To answer OP’s question: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 750 TI
I don’t think you’re going to find a better card than that for your current set up, power availability, and price restrictions.
Also, something that might help:
I know for a fact, the musical instrument macros are not allowed.
Source please? Not sure where you are getting these facts from.
Sorry I haven’t been able to reply sooner – I thought about your situation a lot, and everything you seem to indicate seems to point the problem to a dying power supply or video card.
The issues you’re experiencing do not seem to be software related, but hardware. If possible, restore your registry edits if you had made a backup. I would change out the power supply first to see if that works, as it is most likely the more economic option.
If you’re still experiencing the same problems after that, I would suspect the culprit to be the video card. Hopefully it’s just the power supply though.
Just as a side note, simply having a power supply that meets the power demand of your system doesn’t free it from any complications. A power supply is like the heart of your system, and sometimes a specific game might tax your video card in some aspects than other games, which demands more from your power supply.
That being said, it doesn’t really matter if your system set up will currently run Dying Light and not GW2 – Just that GW2 is showing you that one of your hardware is starting to fail. Eventually it won’t be able to run anything.
I’m not trying to say “either fix this and that or just don’t play GW2”, just that if you ignore it for too long, eventually it will effect more than just GW2. Narrowing down a problem by power supply first, then video card is the best way to go.
Or… you can keep googling for answers to fix your TDR problem, but you’re going to be reading the same stuff over and over and over until you finally convince yourself that the system isn’t the problem and GW2 is – but again, it’s not GW2. Hope this helps!
When I built my system I got the smallest power supply I could find and still had far more than enough power. I forget what the name is though.
So what kind of power supply do you have? How much power does it give out?
You can disable other player’s ability effects in your options.
Options > Graphic Options > Effect LOD = CHECKED
Have you ever given this a try?
Are any of these similar to what you’re looking for? I think they look nice for heavy armor.
Please keep making more threads so people can buy all my lemongrass soup. I have like thousands more but they are selling steady.
You should make a Norn and name him Roals Roays.
Toast is always full. That’s because people love us.
SandyRose, players are separated by Regions, but not by servers! (Except in the case of WvW). We can still play together despite being on different servers, the only limitation is WvW and regions.
My suggestion is to bring a friend along, or ask someone in Lion’s Arch to help you. I always see people asking and receiving help for this story quest.
If you can’t find one, add me to friends and I can help you after bleeding the clutch fluid in my car (about an hour or two).
A notice was posted last week:
Sidar, you may want to edit your post to remove the link, which may cause many other players to lose their accounts from clicking.
Anakysha – 8/10
Definitely has a witty look, but at the same time cautious.
Attached is a picture of Sinthesa, my Mesmerzor.
Lux Omnio Vincit: 10/10 – Not too much of a headache to read each time. Goes together smoothly.
Glacies Signifer: 5/10 – I’m not sure how I feel about this one, I don’t enjoy it buy I don’t hate it.
Here’s mine:
Female Mesmer – Sinthesa
Alt + Enter
“An Error Prevented Saving: Message Body length must at least be 15.”
Thank you OP for creating this thread! And a special thank you to everyone that is contributing to the cause!
I’m in need of five more HOM points to hit my 30/50, and I’m willing to be your lackey for whatever needs!
-Want a bodyguard to keep an eye on your body while you farm?
-How about a exceptional addition to your dungeon run?
-Roleplaying is an option as well, want a Mesmer to escort you around calling you “sir!” and making comments on your in-game actions as “like a sir!”?
-Have particular taste in wealth instead? I can walk around Divinity’s Reach and beg for coins on your behalf! I will need to take 2% of the profit in order to sustain myself.
Decepticon Hero-ro-ro-ro
(edited by RAWR.4273)
A future release in the gem shop of course! Arenanet, please include that outfit too. You have your stupid Mesmer Trainers parading around in that, making my poor Mesmer feeling that she lacks taste in style.
I highly recommend using this awesome $11 mouse until you find the “perfect match”. Has lasted me several years, still going strong! and has all the basic functions with a DPI control.
Unit measures 5 × 2.5 × 1.5 inches ; 4.8 ounces.
(edited by RAWR.4273)
This is already a feature in the game. You move your mouse cursor over the skill and (ctrl+right-click) to enable/disable auto-attack.
Though I didn’t exactly answer your question, think of it as an alternative to using the macro at all. That should settle some of your concerns.
Obviously a matter of opinion, since you don’t speak for “most players”. I feel the current cost to waypoint is fine the way it is. It’s a noticeable sink, but definitely not game-breaking.
I think the current costs of WP’s are too high. I don’t have a lot of coin, and I didn’t get in on any of the exploits or whatever they were that made the early players rich in game.
I find having to spend 10s + to WP around a zone to look for herbs to be too high.
It discourages me from going places and doing stuff I want to do because it’s too expensive.
What if there was an option? Maybe to spend karma or coin. Or a combo of both, lower WP cost but add a little karma to the price. Instead of something being 3s to WP to, it could be 1s and 1k karma or something.
I don’t know. Some players can afford to WP all over the place. Some can’t.
I also don’t have a lot of karma built up, I spend all mine.
Maybe I’m just playing the game wrong because I have no extra coin and no extra karma like so many other players do.
Fortunately, waypoints are a convenience for players that wish to get to a location quickly, rather than a requirement to get to that location at all.
Though, I wouldn’t mind if they put up a 7/day or 30/day waypoint ticket up on the gem shop.
None of my characters have Karma…because I spend it all. No thank you.
I’d expect you to be in the minority. Most players seem to have an overabundance.
Obviously a matter of opinion, since you don’t speak for “most players”. I feel the current cost to waypoint is fine the way it is. It’s a noticeable sink, but definitely not game-breaking.