Showing Posts For Ra Ra.9423:

Hold the Line.

in Living World

Posted by: Ra Ra.9423

Ra Ra.9423

This strategy is apparently the way we were supposed to figure out how to do it. (providing you’re not on a thief and able to stealth it) After seeing this damage from the 5th group. there were just a few left, so thought i’d help kill after ressing a few npc’s at the end. Seems these groups can basically one-shot you. Can’t dodge everything!


Ra ~ Asuran Gaters[ZPM]- Darkhaven
You only live once. But once is enough, if you do it right! …. Mae West

(edited by Ra Ra.9423)

Disappointed in April Fools

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ra Ra.9423

Ra Ra.9423

Believe it or not, I look forward to these April Fool’s posts, and they always make me laugh at imagining it in-game. I do miss the tricks we used to get in the game, and remember some fun days in the past.

I think my favorite was when we logged in GW one day to find we were mini’s and our mini’s were character size. Thought I’d fall off my chair laughing when I figured out what was happening
In GW2 a few years ago, the bobble head one appeared when we were at the end of CoF (story-mode, I think), just after the final cutscene, and all of a sudden our characters were bobble heads. We had a good laugh after checking our graphics settings. rofl. Screenshot time! I had a blast with the aviator day, and never gave a thought to any connection, nor any disrespect from anet, with the airplane crash tragedy – as I suspect most people didn’t.

Sad that some players complain about a bit of fun, as I saw on forums at times. Sheesh, get a sense of humor already! A bit of silly fun is great! Can’t say as I blame anet for discontinuing this, and dedicating time to something that some players will just use as an opportunity to bash them.

Just wanted to say, thanks for the update and the laugh!

Ra ~ Asuran Gaters[ZPM]- Darkhaven
You only live once. But once is enough, if you do it right! …. Mae West

Time range on Sylvari Cycles

in Lore

Posted by: Ra Ra.9423

Ra Ra.9423

For some reason, I really felt like the cycles were more related to the seasons, rather than a one day cycle. Dawn = Spring, Day = Summer, Dusk = Fall, Night = Winter.

Just a thought on a different perspective.

Ra ~ Asuran Gaters[ZPM]- Darkhaven
You only live once. But once is enough, if you do it right! …. Mae West

Keiran Thackeray's grave

in Lore

Posted by: Ra Ra.9423

Ra Ra.9423

Agreed. However, it would be nice if they actually gave the character the recognition he deserves by providing something you could discover. GW2 basically treats this character like he never existed, though it was a complete story line in GW Beyond, and Gwen remains an important lore figure. Not to mention he is an ancestor of the current queen of Kryta.
I always hoped it was somewhere, and a player found it. sadface

Ra ~ Asuran Gaters[ZPM]- Darkhaven
You only live once. But once is enough, if you do it right! …. Mae West

Keiran Thackeray's grave

in Lore

Posted by: Ra Ra.9423

Ra Ra.9423

I am confounded by the fact that Keiran’s grave has never been found. Gwen’s grave, and nearby memorial site is quickly found in Ebonhawke, but not Keiran. He was an officer of the Ebon Vanguard, and most likely was with his wife, Gwen (who is attributed as the founder of Ebonhawke). I’d always assumed it was just tucked away somewhere surprising, but after four years that seems implausible.

Given we had GW1 content specifically around Keiran and Gwen, culminating in their marriage, it’s just hard to believe he gets no mention in GW2 at all.

Even Anton, an EotN hero gets a cameo appearance in Gendarren. You can find Capt. Greywind’s resting place, and even Professor Yakkington! But No Keiran!

Where, oh where, is Keiran’s final resting place, and will his story be revealed.

Ra ~ Asuran Gaters[ZPM]- Darkhaven
You only live once. But once is enough, if you do it right! …. Mae West

Traveler's Tale Lore Series

in Lore

Posted by: Ra Ra.9423

Ra Ra.9423

Thanks for the new episode. Though I’ve played a long time, I didn’t remember that event. Now I’m going to have to go adventuring there to see it! Nice job, and thanks for sharing these little gems scattered throughout the game.

Ra ~ Asuran Gaters[ZPM]- Darkhaven
You only live once. But once is enough, if you do it right! …. Mae West

Mad King's Clock Tower - No Achievement

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ra Ra.9423

Ra Ra.9423

After 4 years, I finally completed the MK Clock Tower Jumping puzzle. I tried it for hours the first year, but was unable to do it at that time. (I’d not had much experience with platforming up to that time, and my internet was more laggy then) In the past couple of years I tried it sporadically with no success. So, this was the year. I was completing it … do or die; I wanted that achievement, and I couldn’t leave one JP undone. I love Jumping Puzzles in general.

So, after 4 hours I finally figured it out and made that ‘perfect’ run and finished it. To my surprise no achievement for it. I knew it wasn’t in the current year Mad King achievement list, but I figured it would trigger the achievement from the past. (I’m pretty sure this has happened before) So, was there NEVER an achievement for this JP? I seem to recall one, but now I’m wondering if it was so.

Regardless, my point is that there should still be an achievement for it if there was one originally. During the time I was in there, quite a few people were working on it for periods of time; just to get it done, not to farm it. What about new players? If that achievement was in the past, they will never have that opportunity. I had 4 years, and one could say you snooze-you lose, and I should’ve done it before. But new players didn’t have that opportunity. I realize there are many achievements new players will never have opportunity to get because that content is in the past. But this is different, as it’s an annual event, and the Clock Tower is still present.

Long story short – this JP should have a one-time achievement for completion that stays in the ‘historical’ list somehow until completed. I’m supposing the only way would be to put it as an achievement every year, at least as an extra but not required for the overall Mad King achievement.

My 2 cents….

Ra ~ Asuran Gaters[ZPM]- Darkhaven
You only live once. But once is enough, if you do it right! …. Mae West

Who do YOU want to be paired with?

in WvW

Posted by: Ra Ra.9423

Ra Ra.9423

I’ve enjoyed the pairing with our EBay partners, and hope it will continue. They’ve been a pleasure to game with and I’ve had a lot of fun. From my perspective our servers are a good match, and I’d like to keep this pairing.
Agreed, due to our decimated populations over the past few months, a third server would help a population balance, and I couldn’t say what other server I’d like to see join us.

Ra ~ Asuran Gaters[ZPM]- Darkhaven
You only live once. But once is enough, if you do it right! …. Mae West

Join the Celebration: Share your Shots!

in Community Creations

Posted by: Ra Ra.9423

Ra Ra.9423

Wow, doesn’t seem like 4 years has gone by. So many hours of great fun with friends. I dredged out a couple of shots with my norn ranger – my first character which I still have and play much of the time.
The first is on Aug.25, 2012 – first day of roaming (inventory full, of course, lol) and finding fantastic scenery in the Shiverpeaks. I think I spent most of the first play through ogling the sights… and of course the daily death from falling off cliffs… :P (could never resist a good cliff to jump from)
2nd screen is Aug.31, 2012 (was lvl 35 by then) – Exploring Ascalon area…. who knew we’d get to carry chickens around. I remember laughing so much about this.


Ra ~ Asuran Gaters[ZPM]- Darkhaven
You only live once. But once is enough, if you do it right! …. Mae West

Dye backpacks ? (Shining Blade back issue)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ra Ra.9423

Ra Ra.9423

Just want to chime in, and support what Anet staff said about the major issues involved in making it possible to dye a backpack. Although I’d also love to dye my Shining Blade backpack (so my cute Asuran necro in green bladed armor could wear it :P), I’d MUCH rather the devs spend their valuable time on more pressing game issues and content. My 2 cents on the matter.

Ra ~ Asuran Gaters[ZPM]- Darkhaven
You only live once. But once is enough, if you do it right! …. Mae West

Thanks to GW2 Wiki

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ra Ra.9423

Ra Ra.9423

I just want to give a shout out to all those who develop and maintain I don’t know if people realize what a gem we have in this website, and what a benefit it is to those of us who play. ( note: the GW wiki was the same great quality)

It’s well organized, easy to navigate, and is kept well updated, including guides for the content. There are few times when I can’t find information on just about anything in the game right down to where is that pesky npc that i just have to find and talk to.

I realize there are other resources as well, and I also use Dulfy, Metabattle, GW2Guru, and others (thanks to those as well!). But I consider the gw2 wiki as my mainstay for overall game information.

In my wanderings through other games (what? there are other games out there? shhhh), I try to find game information and discovered issues like many ‘wikis’ for a game, outdated and forgotten sites, or inadequate content — just a mess, really. I found myself saying, wow – GW2 has a great wiki and I miss it!

Anyway, I just wanted those who participate to know that I appreciate all your efforts, and to thank all of you for making our game a better experience.

Ra ~ Asuran Gaters[ZPM]- Darkhaven
You only live once. But once is enough, if you do it right! …. Mae West

Suggestion- Please announce Ending dates

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ra Ra.9423

Ra Ra.9423

Ah! Thanks for the information. I apparently didn’t read far enough in the posts.

I think my point still stands. Much easier if they just state the time period at the time they announce, so we know right up front and don’t miss it (as I obviously did) when its posted at another time or place.

Ra ~ Asuran Gaters[ZPM]- Darkhaven
You only live once. But once is enough, if you do it right! …. Mae West

Reward system is tiring me...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ra Ra.9423

Ra Ra.9423

Part of the reason for all the loot is that GW2 allows every player who hits a target to have a chance to get loot from that target. In other games, the person who engages is often the only one to get loot. Sooo, what happens? Players run by other players without helping because they know they won’t get loot. I’ve had it happen many times in other games.

GW2 encourages players to jump in to help other players because they know they won’t be denied their loot from the encounter. The flip side of that coin, is that because of the increase of loot drops, there’s more ‘junk’ drops.

Me? I’d rather feel encouraged to play with my fellow GW2 players, and there’s a noticeable difference in players helping each other in general on the maps, in comparison to other games of this type that I’ve played. So I’m just fine with the current system.

Ra ~ Asuran Gaters[ZPM]- Darkhaven
You only live once. But once is enough, if you do it right! …. Mae West

Suggestion- Please announce Ending dates

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ra Ra.9423

Ra Ra.9423

This really isn’t a big deal, but I request that when you announce a special event that you state when it will end, as well. In the recent Wintersday post, it states that it starts on December 15th; however, nowhere can I find the ending date.

This happens nearly all the time, though sometimes by delving more into the release notes or elsewhere, I’m able to find that information. Please just make it easy by stating it right in the main line. ie. "Wintersday starts December 15th, and runs through xxxxx. Simple, eh?

It’s helpful in planning how much time you have for farming one needs to do to obtain the shiny, achievement, or whatever, that’s available during the event.

I see people asking in map chat: “When does the event end?”, and no one really knows.


Ra ~ Asuran Gaters[ZPM]- Darkhaven
You only live once. But once is enough, if you do it right! …. Mae West

Border Maps South Waypoints fix?

in WvW

Posted by: Ra Ra.9423

Ra Ra.9423

The problem is that when our server owns a south tower on our own BL, the wp is not available, and it should be.

Ra ~ Asuran Gaters[ZPM]- Darkhaven
You only live once. But once is enough, if you do it right! …. Mae West

Border Maps South Waypoints fix?

in WvW

Posted by: Ra Ra.9423

Ra Ra.9423

I do not. However, the point is that we had waypoints in the old maps, at least some of the time, which made movement around the map more efficient. Currently, I’ve never observed the South waypoints open, and I believe they are bugged.

The first week, an enemy player was able to waypoint into a S tower owned by our server. I think that’s been fixed, but the wp remain contested to us at all times.

Ra ~ Asuran Gaters[ZPM]- Darkhaven
You only live once. But once is enough, if you do it right! …. Mae West

(edited by Ra Ra.9423)

Border Maps South Waypoints fix?

in WvW

Posted by: Ra Ra.9423

Ra Ra.9423

The new border maps are beautiful…. and huge. I remember in the information that came out prior to HoT launch, it was said that the waypoints were being moved from the side keeps to the South towers. This has happened, but the tower waypoints are always contested.
Due to the size of the maps, those South waypoints are absolutely necessary. Without those, it’s not possible to accurately kitten the playability of the maps. Right now, the many pages of comments about the size of the maps attest to the need for better mobility.

While I like the maps, if those waypoints aren’t going to be fixed, I can’t see the value of trying to play there. I’ve been a border defender for a long time, but the distances just make it very ‘unfun’. (spending much time running between locations, and lost half the time :P) By the time you reach the destination it’s much too late to do anything — so why bother.

I realize there are many HoT issues currently being addressed by the Anet team, however, I feel the waypoint issue is a high priority if Anet really wants players to give the new border maps an honest chance.

Sorry if this is a duplicate post — it’s a bit hard to wade through hundreds of them.

Ra ~ Asuran Gaters[ZPM]- Darkhaven
You only live once. But once is enough, if you do it right! …. Mae West

Economy vs dungeoneers

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ra Ra.9423

Ra Ra.9423

The dungeons have certainly been a mainstay for making gold in game. My first concern is that Anet stated their future focus would be fractals and Raids. They have also said Raids in particular have already been identified as ‘challenging, elite’ activities that they expect only a small percentage of players will have the ability complete. Yet they plan to move toward better rewards in raids and lesser rewards from dungeons (which about any player is able to participate in). Don’t get me wrong, I agree with the idea of greater rewards for more effort.

I’m sure they will release more information, however, I’m concerned for the general population who may not be able to do raids, and players who don’t have the expansion. Their opportunity to make gold is lessened with dungeons devalued, and they may not have access or they can’t participate in Raids because they may not have that ability.

Early in the game I remember earning my first set of dungeon armor, and having a bit of gold. I was so happy, it was cool! I just don’t want newer players to miss that experience. Enhancing high end content is great, just don’t forget the newer or less skilled players who enjoy the game as well.

Ra ~ Asuran Gaters[ZPM]- Darkhaven
You only live once. But once is enough, if you do it right! …. Mae West

Play for Free Confirmed [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ra Ra.9423

Ra Ra.9423

It’s so fun…currently standing in front of the Black Citadel and so many new players popping up. Nice to welcome them to Tyria. For Iron Legion :-)

Same at Soren Draa. Asurans are at the ready with banners and goodies to greet the new people. lol

Question that came up in map chat: Can F2P players SEE map chat (even if they can’t use it).
And…. Can F2P players see and or use ‘Say’ chat?

Ra ~ Asuran Gaters[ZPM]- Darkhaven
You only live once. But once is enough, if you do it right! …. Mae West

[Beta] Adventures - Feedback/Bugs Thread

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Ra Ra.9423

Ra Ra.9423

Champ vine event in Shrouded Ruins.
Don’t know if this was a bug or not. Just an observation on my part. On the east side of the vine, there is a capture area. Though I suspect there weren’t enough players to complete the event in any case, we were finally able to clear out the Grunts and other creatures from the capture circle. The circle for the capture area extends part-way onto the bridge. Beyond the circle, if you continue onto the bridge, the environmental effect downs you very quickly.

The issue I see, is that the waves of creatures start across the bridge, but because of the environment effect you can’t actually fight them until they enter the circle. Therefore, you can’t seem to ever capture that area.

It doesn’t seem correct that the environmental effect comes right up to the circle. With the Grunts using the insect swarms on the bridge and the effect, there didn’t appear to be a way to actually keep them out of the circle.

I may be misunderstanding what needed to happen there. So maybe there does need to be a little more direction by an npc as to what’s supposed to happen. Additionally, earlier we approached that vine from the west side, where the mortars are. No one knew what needed done there either.
And, yes, I threw myself off the cliff once using a skill. Long run back. lol

Hope this is helpful.

Ra ~ Asuran Gaters[ZPM]- Darkhaven
You only live once. But once is enough, if you do it right! …. Mae West

Golem Rush will be AWESOME! Chill, naysayers

in WvW

Posted by: Ra Ra.9423

Ra Ra.9423

Just chiming in to say I’m enjoying this event for the most part. No doubt I had to rethink my usual wvw role, which is usually defending, camps, and havoc groups; to knowing that things will likely remain paper all week and flipping like crazy. But guess what! I hopped in golems with my fellow players, both offensively and defensively and we’re having a blast. I’m taking a break from all the wvw seriousness and enjoying the silliness and relaxation this event is providing. As to how the rest of the week will feel? Who knows? People may get tired of golems? We’ll see.

Hmmm. Maybe this is an opportunity to try out defense against golems. They’re the bane of my existence, and I dread seeing them approach my precious keeps. Ballista city here I come! (as I lie dead, having been trampled by 20 golems. lol)

I’ve been playing wvw regularly for a couple of years, and I’d like to see more people from PvE-land come and discover the fun of wvw – in regular weeks and in special event weeks like this. Golems sounds kind of exciting to new people (remembering back to when I first started), so maybe this can be an opportunity if we choose to make it so. It’s ok.. call me a Pollyanna :P (or clueless, if you prefer) I’ll be making the most of something different!

Ra ~ Asuran Gaters[ZPM]- Darkhaven
You only live once. But once is enough, if you do it right! …. Mae West

Everyone on my map disappeared and I died?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Ra Ra.9423

Ra Ra.9423

Very similar thing happened to me. Was standing at Hills in our border, when my character suddenly died. It happened three times. My combat log was on, and nothing registered damage. I’ve been on line for about three hours, and this happened between 8pm& 9 pm pacific time.

Ra ~ Asuran Gaters[ZPM]- Darkhaven
You only live once. But once is enough, if you do it right! …. Mae West

Feedback on HoT Stress Test [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Ra Ra.9423

Ra Ra.9423

Everyone’s covered whatever I had to add.
I enjoyed every minute, and the rev was fun to play. The map is beautiful, as are all the areas of GW2.
1) Had no real lag issues, and fps remained a steady 60
2) Deployment of glider needs to be faster. It took a second or so to deploy after I hit space.
3) Never did figure out the mushroom.
4) agree that the masteries display needs to be smaller, easier to use.
All in all, it went well, and I’m looking forward to playing the whole expansion.

Ra ~ Asuran Gaters[ZPM]- Darkhaven
You only live once. But once is enough, if you do it right! …. Mae West

LFGuild WvW Brand new player Darkhaven

in Looking for...

Posted by: Ra Ra.9423

Ra Ra.9423

Welcome to DH. If you haven’t found a guild yet, you might check out There’s some great WvW guilds on DH to join, and the contacts are on the website. My guild, ZPM, is recruiting as well and is listed there as well.
Good luck in your hunt. /w me in game if you need help.

Ra ~ Asuran Gaters[ZPM]- Darkhaven
You only live once. But once is enough, if you do it right! …. Mae West

LF Guild on Darkhaven

in Looking for...

Posted by: Ra Ra.9423

Ra Ra.9423

I meant to post the guild website we have for Dh server, if that’s of help to check out.

Ra ~ Asuran Gaters[ZPM]- Darkhaven
You only live once. But once is enough, if you do it right! …. Mae West

Asuran Gaters[ZPM], Dh guild recruiting. PvX

in Looking for...

Posted by: Ra Ra.9423

Ra Ra.9423

ZPM has been here since pre-release, with many of our players who came from GW1. We enjoy dungeons, fractals, PvP, and have a small WvW contingent (which is growing). There are no rep requirements after the first two weeks, and we encourage teamspeak 3 to help coordinate runs and just enjoy chatting. Guild Missions weekly, and other activities, including playing the new content when it comes out.

We believe in having fun and helping each other out!

Email or /w Sir Booman.7903, or Ra Ra.9423

Hope to see you in game!

Ra ~ Asuran Gaters[ZPM]- Darkhaven
You only live once. But once is enough, if you do it right! …. Mae West

Darkhaven - Ascension (Server Recruitment)

in Looking for...

Posted by: Ra Ra.9423

Ra Ra.9423

Welcome [Envy]. More great folks for our Dh community!

Ra ~ Asuran Gaters[ZPM]- Darkhaven
You only live once. But once is enough, if you do it right! …. Mae West

LF Guild on Darkhaven

in Looking for...

Posted by: Ra Ra.9423

Ra Ra.9423

Hi Polish,
Asuran Gaters [ZPM] is a Darkhaven pvx guild, and we’ve been around since pre-release, with some of us coming from GW1. We’re fairly casual with no rep requirements. We have players who do dungeons, PvP, WvW, with about 20-35 members logging in daily at different times. Much of our activities are between 9-midnite eastern time, so that may work for you. We have teamspeak, and enjoy the social aspect of this game. We’re starting up guild missions again, and recruiting to build more active members to do more activities.
Email to Sir Booman.7903, or Ra Ra.9423 if you’re interested.

(PS – Acium and his guild are awesome as well)

Ra ~ Asuran Gaters[ZPM]- Darkhaven
You only live once. But once is enough, if you do it right! …. Mae West

point of no return taking forever to update?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Ra Ra.9423

Ra Ra.9423

Mine finally finished dl. i followed the suggestion from

Ra ~ Asuran Gaters[ZPM]- Darkhaven
You only live once. But once is enough, if you do it right! …. Mae West

point of no return taking forever to update?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Ra Ra.9423

Ra Ra.9423

Having the same issue. tried a fix posted in tech issues forum -assetsvr

It’s dl at 60-80KB/sec, slower than my normal dl speed. I’m at 95 MB and still going on these last 2 files. Been searching to see if Anet has answers, but not seeing any posts from devs at this point

Ra ~ Asuran Gaters[ZPM]- Darkhaven
You only live once. But once is enough, if you do it right! …. Mae West

Darkhaven - Ascension (Server Recruitment)

in Looking for...

Posted by: Ra Ra.9423

Ra Ra.9423

Been on DH since the beginning, but really only discovered WvW several months ago. What a great group of new friends I’ve encountered as I play more in WvW, in addition to PvE. DH players help each other to look good and play better.
There’s opportunity to zerg with the best, and to run small havoc groups. Play how you want is what it’s all about.
We have Zephy!

Ra ~ Asuran Gaters[ZPM]- Darkhaven
You only live once. But once is enough, if you do it right! …. Mae West

Stuck on black screen character selection

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Ra Ra.9423

Ra Ra.9423

I’ve been having black screen come up while playing after about 15 min. I have to shut game down and restart each time.

Ra ~ Asuran Gaters[ZPM]- Darkhaven
You only live once. But once is enough, if you do it right! …. Mae West

Did you enjoy the latest WvW season?

in WvW

Posted by: Ra Ra.9423

Ra Ra.9423

Yes, I enjoyed the tournament. I like the length – four weeks was plenty, and many people on DH played long hours to accomplish what we did. We had some great fights with each of the other servers. Sure there are some population imbalances, even in our bronze tier, so sometimes we had the higher population and sometimes it was the other server; so there were frustrating times. And there were hacks — watching a mesmer hop from the ground to outer SM wall and up to the 3rd floor pedestals where he tried to take out a treb. I don’t see what achievement they would feel by accomplishing something by cheating, but the game has every type of person playing – just like real life. But overall, our WvW community tightened up and worked together as a team more than ever before, helping to make a great gaming experience for the whole server.
In terms of the achievements? They were just an added bonus for me. I’ve played this game from beta on, mostly in PvE. I got a bit burned out on it, so began looking for other areas of the game to interest me. I’d played minimally in WvW and enjoyed it, so I started getting on Darkhaven’s teamspeak server and regularly playing in WvW. It’s not about loot, achievements, or karma for me. I love the feeling of playing for a reason – building up structures and defending them, or taking an objective for our world. Hopefully helping our server win the week’s battle because, in some tiny measure, to my efforts as part of the team. I love seeing our DH WvW community pull together, because we have a great group of dedicated people who enjoy WvW and have fun! (aka quaggens with balloons playing outside tower whilst waiting for a wall to be trebbed down) I love the team spirit, and working together to win the day. WvW is every day, not just tournaments – but i’ll be enjoying the tournament rewards!

Ra ~ Asuran Gaters[ZPM]- Darkhaven
You only live once. But once is enough, if you do it right! …. Mae West

Free transfers ruined wvw seasons

in WvW

Posted by: Ra Ra.9423

Ra Ra.9423

I’m not going so far as to say free transfers ‘ruined WvW’. Our server, DH, certainly lost some experienced players and commanders, and we’re working with those changes. Lord knows, I got a bit teary on hearing we’d lost some of our team, but that’s the way it works. People need to be in the type of gaming community they prefer.

My request/suggestion, if anet has good reason for these transfers, is to have these types of transfers available for a short time AFTER a tournament. Really! Do you think it would be acceptable if two weeks before the big tournament the NCAA or any sport association said ‘ok kids, go to any team you want to now?’ WvW is a gaming community, and as such the players do develop a sense of knowing how their server plays, communicates, and their strengths.

A transfer time right before the tournament allows no time for recovery by servers. Either to fill the gaps left by those who transferred, or absorb and learn team work with the new players/guilds received. So the tournament is not really a true test of servers abilities because of this.

I’m fiercely loyal to DH and will stick with them, sink or swim. There’s some great folks and good players, and I’ll continue to enjoy being a part of the DH world.

Ra ~ Asuran Gaters[ZPM]- Darkhaven
You only live once. But once is enough, if you do it right! …. Mae West

Epic Emotion in Lions Arc

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Ra Ra.9423

Ra Ra.9423

I also wandered shattered LA. First going to my favorite spot, the underwater ruins of Old LA, where many times I’d swim around – looking at those remnants of a city that was ‘home’ in GW1 for so many years. Each time feeling nostalgic, and remembering all the fun times there…. 250 years ago. Now it is no more, so little of it left. I’ll never feel the same wonder, and mourn the loss of that visible tie to GW history and lore.

Ra ~ Asuran Gaters[ZPM]- Darkhaven
You only live once. But once is enough, if you do it right! …. Mae West